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Old 01-08-2003, 02:07 AM   #11
Originally posted by stanleychief

Who says we haven't but handled it differently? I've had poor people stiff me and rich people stiff me. When it comes to poor people not tipping well, I usually thought to myself, "Gee, they probably could barely afford their dinner, my performance as a server was probably good, they were just broke!" Somehow I took more comfort in that than the rich people who came in and were friendly and stiffed me. Some people are of the belief that they don't have to tip you well, and that tipping is optional. Guess what? IT IS!

I'm not saying that it doesn't suck to get stiffed, but it's part of life, it's gonna happen, why let it affect your performance?
Waiters make about $2.00 an hour. The rest of their money comes from tips. Sure tipping is optional. But if you go into a restaurant on a regular basis and choose not to tip everytime....well....enjoy your service.
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