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Old 10-20-2005, 03:00 PM   #6
Originally Posted by Sully
To be honest there is only one main "SuperFan" who gets on my nerves. I won't say whom, because there's no point in starting that up. But I've seen him be a camera whore enough times that I know my comments aren't off base.
Dude - X-factor annoys the piss out of a lot of fans. He's a lanky toothpick with a frickin red cheesehead for a hat combined with tights, slippers, and bandaids to round out the costume. Worst. Costume. Ever.

I've told it to his face. He's not anybody's favorite as the poll results indicate. But I've gotten to know him some over the past couple years and he's not doing this to impress anyone. He's doing it for the right reasons. So I give him a pass. You should too.
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