Originally Posted by In58men
Recovery time for torn Achilles
Rehab and Activity
At some point as you recover, your provider will ask you to begin moving your heel. This may be as soon as 2 to 3 weeks or as long 6 weeks after your injury. With the help of physical therapy, most people can return to normal activity in 4 to 6 months
Given that he’s an athlete with some of the best doctors, I can see him only missing 1-2 games, just my opinion though. He’ll be back.
Well it depends on what kind of tear too. Partial tear? Full rupture? If it was a full rupture, where did it tear off (closer to the muscle or in the middle of the tendon is bad news, tearing at the insertion is easier to fix).
Also, how is his hobospirit feeling? That dictates a lot in recovering from Achilles injuries.