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frozenchief 05-18-2022 11:12 PM

Peeing: What would you do?
So I recently read that the average adult takes about 15-20 seconds to pee each time they pee. This is just the time for peeing and does not include getting ready, such as getting in position, etc.

Figuring 80 years of life, 8 times to pee per day (about average), 20 seconds per pee (high end but accounts for getting ready, etc.), this translates to roughly 54 days of your life spent peeing.

This is a good 54 days of your life peeing as I calculate.

Here’s my question: would you rather go the rest of your life peeing like normal - middle of the night, sometimes urgent, sometimes inconveniently - or would you rather just spend 54 days straight peeing (assuming that your lifetime supply of urine was not deposited in your bladder all at once so as to burst your bladder and cause you numerous other health issues)?

This is probably the result of me having an edible in an attempt to sleep and my mind just wandering.

Rasputin 05-18-2022 11:24 PM

How old to start peeing 54 days? like a toddler or just before adulthood.

El Lobo Gordo 05-18-2022 11:29 PM

To pee, or not to pee; that is the question.
Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them? To die: to sleep;
No more; and, by a sleep to say we end
The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to, ’tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wish’d. To die, to sleep;
To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there’s the rub.”

frozenchief 05-18-2022 11:31 PM


Originally Posted by Rasputin (Post 16299602)
How old to start peeing 54 days? like a toddler or just before adulthood.

I’ll say before adulthood, although you could reduce it for your age. So if you’re 40, you would pee for 27 days.

Rasputin 05-18-2022 11:44 PM


Originally Posted by frozenchief (Post 16299606)
I’ll say before adulthood, although you could reduce it for your age. So if you’re 40, you would pee for 27 days.

That might be a more viable option because it's after you turn 40 and how much you did to yourself via drinking, smoking, drugs, unsafe sex. those are factors to consider but build up vacation and go on a a month trip to like ocean where you can just pee away from everyone but eating would be awkward and taking a shit while you have a steady stream going constantly things would be awkward.

Titty Meat 05-19-2022 01:25 AM

Takes me longer sometimes there's shit on my dick

Rainbarrel 05-19-2022 03:51 AM

Jets fan would break that 54 days up. Three hours on Sunday afternoons in the fall and winter.

Graystoke 05-19-2022 07:01 AM

Peeing gives me the chance to visit with my wiener and check things out. I am going to pace it out.

Rainbarrel 05-19-2022 07:12 AM

The beer rental union is not happy about this

threebag 05-19-2022 07:16 AM

You'd have to keep a reserve of piss, to clear everything out after blowing your load

IA_Chiefs_fan 05-19-2022 07:30 AM

Would I have to pee in your butt for all 54 days or could I sometimes use a urinal? Also if I'm at least 40 years of age, may I have a reduced sentence of 27 days?

Indian Chief 05-19-2022 07:42 AM

I can tell you what I wouldn't do -- pee in a bathtub with my best bud.

listopencil 05-19-2022 07:44 AM

Eight times a day?

IA_Chiefs_fan 05-19-2022 07:46 AM


Originally Posted by listopencil (Post 16299753)
Eight times a day?

Does that seem high or low? I'm guessing I go like 8-10 times a day.

Katipan 05-19-2022 07:50 AM

You've ****ed up your urine holding pattern.

If you empty your bladder whenever you feel anything in there then the internal alarms that tell you to pee get adjusted lower.

Thus the urge increases.

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