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DaFace 02-13-2024 04:51 PM

Another unsung hero: Nick Allegretti played most of the game with a torn UCL
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr"><a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#Chiefs</a> guard Nick Allegretti, who started Super Bowl LVIII in place All-Pro Joe Thuney, played all 79 snaps despite suffering a torn UCL in his elbow in the second quarter, per source.<br><br>An MRI today revealed the full tear. Few are tougher than Allegretti, now a three-time champ. <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Tom Pelissero (@TomPelissero) <a href="">February 13, 2024</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

BlackHelicopters 02-13-2024 04:51 PM


Chief Northman 02-13-2024 04:52 PM


Iconic 02-13-2024 04:53 PM

dude could easily start somewhere. we are blessed

The Franchise 02-13-2024 04:55 PM

Holy shit. Bring that dude back.

smithandrew051 02-13-2024 04:57 PM

Legendary shit. Beast.

Hog Rider 02-13-2024 04:58 PM

I always thought he was sung, but if some think he is unsung, well I guess that's ok too.

Ming the Merciless 02-13-2024 04:59 PM

holy ****


Rain Man 02-13-2024 05:04 PM

There's a reason that no Chief in history has more Super Bowl rings with the team than Nick Allegretti.

That's impressive. We were a bit short-staffed on the offensive line coming in, and he manned up.

Bowser 02-13-2024 05:08 PM

That is incredible.

Re-sign him Viotch

Bump 02-13-2024 05:09 PM

what a badass!

Buehler445 02-13-2024 05:11 PM

**** me running.

That's incredible. Absolutely incredible.

old_geezer 02-13-2024 05:15 PM

Please re-sign this stud! :grovel:

notorious 02-13-2024 05:15 PM

My goodness.

SupDock 02-13-2024 05:19 PM

I can’t even imaging playing on the line with a UCL tear.

Gary Cooper 02-13-2024 05:21 PM

I remember him lying on the ground holding his arm like he was badly hurt.

Kman34 02-13-2024 05:21 PM

I noticed him hold his arm after one play but he didn’t come out so I forgot about it.. Tough SOB..

KCUnited 02-13-2024 05:24 PM

Rewind to an intimate CP meetup in PHX before the 2022 season

Great group of CPers present and one of them asks who everyones favorite Chiefs player is and my wife said Nick Allegretti

I guess she follows him on Instagram and he's a real salt of the Earth type of guy

Collects coins and shit, there for his family, etc

Anyway, she's validated

Buehler445 02-13-2024 05:26 PM

So I don't know what this shit is, but looking at the google machine, am I understanding it properly that his ulna was completely disconnected from the humorous?

DaFace 02-13-2024 05:28 PM


Originally Posted by Buehler445 (Post 17400503)
So I don't know what this shit is, but looking at the google machine, am I understanding it properly that his ulna was completely disconnected from the humorous?

I have no idea, but it's the same injury Purdy suffered last season in the NFCCG against the Eagles. He couldn't throw the ball more than like 8 yards. I can't even imagine how you'd attempt to block a 300+ pound pass rusher.

Raiderhater 02-13-2024 05:29 PM

Guys like this are we keep celebrating championships.

Dante84 02-13-2024 05:29 PM

Okay, so... looking ahead - he'll start the year on IR, potentially along with Thuney.

We have an open Guard spot for the greatest player of all time. Do we....
... target a mid-level FA guard as a half-season stop gap and hope he doesn't break PM2?
... draft and trust a mid-round Rookie G and hope he doesn't break PM2?
... sign All-Pro C Jason Kelce as a 1 year mercenary on a family-friendly deal, and shift Creed to Guard?

wazu 02-13-2024 05:30 PM

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Beast man! We told him we needed him out there and he didn’t miss a snap! �������� <a href="">@Gretti_53</a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Patrick Mahomes II (@PatrickMahomes) <a href="">February 13, 2024</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Bl00dyBizkitz 02-13-2024 05:44 PM


I can't even imagine the physical and mental fortitude needed to tough that out for basically 3 more quarters. That's some hero shit.

Rainbarrel 02-13-2024 05:48 PM

The SB rings might need to be blue this time. True & Steel

stevieray 02-13-2024 05:52 PM

Klingler reported that he put a brace on and went back in.

Heart of a Champion.

lcarus 02-13-2024 05:52 PM

Allegretti has always looked to me like the last guy you'd wanna **** with.

Buehler445 02-13-2024 05:58 PM


Originally Posted by lcarus (Post 17400543)
Allegretti has always looked to me like the last guy you'd wanna **** with.

OK, but I want to give that dude a hug. I can't imagine what that's like.

Pinchshot 02-13-2024 06:01 PM

Would love to buy this guy a slab of ribs.

T-post Tom 02-13-2024 06:05 PM


Originally Posted by lcarus (Post 17400543)
Allegretti has always looked to me like the last guy you'd wanna **** with.

As well as Trey & Creed. Those are some bad men on the gridiron. :thumb:

stumppy 02-13-2024 06:05 PM

Whoda thought? Nick Allegretti is actually our very own Haywire. LMAO

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cabletech94 02-13-2024 06:10 PM

What a friggin STUD.

That’s a man right there!!! Thanks for the hard work, SIR.

PunkinDrublic 02-13-2024 06:15 PM

He’s carved out quite a niche for himself on this team. How can you not love the guy. I’d like to believe he’d be willing to work a shift bouncing at an after hours club for shits and giggles after winning the Super Bowl.

smithandrew051 02-13-2024 06:18 PM

Man this team has so many of those “hey, remember when…” stories that become legend.

Stories that get exaggerated and you almost can’t tell what actually happened after awhile.

Love those. We’re all going to remember this team fondly.

DRM08 02-13-2024 06:18 PM

Tough dude. Appreciate his effort!

PHOG 02-13-2024 06:24 PM

Wow! I can't even imagine how painful that must've been. Great job Nick!

Why Not? 02-13-2024 06:27 PM

Basically played a Super Bowl with one arm. Jesus we really have taken everything from the Niners. Their guy only played with a missing finger tip.

el borracho 02-13-2024 06:28 PM

A yeti and a gretti? Niners really never had a chance!

DJay23 02-13-2024 06:33 PM


Originally Posted by SupDock (Post 17400491)
I can’t even imaging playing on the line with a UCL tear.

I can't imagine writing my name with a UCL tear.

Frazod 02-13-2024 06:38 PM

Talk about taking one for the team. Damn.

I just hope he didn't do any further damage to himself by staying in.

JohnnyHammersticks 02-13-2024 08:35 PM

My favorite backup offensive lineman in Chiefs history. Dude is a legend. Can't say enough about how stepped up for us. He deserves 3 rings for that alone.

BigRedChief 02-13-2024 08:42 PM

Veach…. Sign this tough son of a bitch. Salu and very much earned respect Mr. Allgretti.

Hoover 02-13-2024 08:43 PM

Three time Super Bowl Champion.

I think the Chiefs need to create something that immortalizes guys like this. The Jones/Mahomes/Kelces will have statues. But these guys need a place where they can bring their kids someday and show them what they were part of.

Wallcrawler 02-13-2024 08:45 PM

How the **** bro.

Chiefshrink 02-13-2024 08:50 PM


Originally Posted by DaFace (Post 17400507)
I have no idea, but it's the same injury Purdy suffered last season in the NFCCG against the Eagles. He couldn't throw the ball more than like 8 yards. I can't even imagine how you'd attempt to block a 300+ pound pass rusher.

No doubt very painful. Whipping your arm to throw is impossible with this injury BUT if your pain tolerance is very high(STUD) it is actually very doable as an o-lineman blocking and pass blocking because you are not whipping your arm in a throwing motion. But still you MUST HAVE the high pain tolerance to do this. Allegretti needs to open up an Italian restaurant and call it "GRETTI'S";)

ping2000 02-13-2024 08:59 PM

How in the **** could he block with that injury? Damn! Give the man some bonus cash. Thanks Nick!!

DJ's left nut 02-13-2024 08:59 PM

"Jack Youngblood played on a fractured fibula..."

Yeah - I'll see you and raise you Nick Allegretti.

That's pretty damn tough.

Bl00dyBizkitz 02-13-2024 09:06 PM


Originally Posted by ping2000 (Post 17400771)
How in the **** could he block with that injury? Damn! Give the man some bonus cash. Thanks Nick!!

Yeah please. Someone compensate this man. Free drinks in the state of Kansas and Missouri.

ThyKingdomCome15 02-13-2024 09:07 PM

Amazing, someone is going to sign that guy.

srvy 02-13-2024 09:08 PM

Damn, what a badass.

I tore the ligament in my elbow playing B Ball as a teen. It swelled up like a softball and hurt like hell. Back in those days the stuck a needle in there and drained the blood and fluids off to relieve pressure and pain. The injury hurt like hell but the fluid draining was brutal. They actually back then gave you this rubber thing like a football mouthpiece to bite on so you didn't harm your teeth.

Pasta Little Brioni 02-13-2024 09:36 PM

Look how soft that Niner team was in comparison

Buehler445 02-14-2024 10:04 AM

Even a day later I still can't believe this story. I can't imagine playing with that injury.

It's hard to wrap my head around how much I love these guys.

Wisconsin_Chief 02-14-2024 11:14 AM

Still can't get over this one. This is why we win Super Bowls, because we draft players with this kind of dedication, all the way down to a backup guard. You don't find this shit on other teams. We expect guys to play through pain, which kind of makes us "meanie jerks" according to NFL players voting this past offseason, but I couldn't give two shits. You come to KC, you play to win, and nothing is more important.

Give this dude a deal.

Rausch 02-14-2024 11:20 AM


Originally Posted by DaFace (Post 17400507)
I have no idea, but it's the same injury Purdy suffered last season in the NFCCG against the Eagles. He couldn't throw the ball more than like 8 yards. I can't even imagine how you'd attempt to block a 300+ pound pass rusher.

There's your big dick player award winner right thar...

Hog's Gone Fishin 02-14-2024 12:27 PM

Just think, we drafted the whole starting interior line ourselves. Alegretti,Creed and Trey. Lets add a Tackle now

carcosa 02-14-2024 12:31 PM


Bwana 02-14-2024 12:33 PM

Wow! Talk about a set of big brass balls.

BeMyValentine 02-14-2024 12:34 PM

But Lebron could play in the NFL

Pitt Gorilla 02-14-2024 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by SupDock (Post 17400491)
I can’t even imaging playing on the line with a UCL tear.

That's where I'm at. How do you do it? Brace it up and throw it at people? Simply unreal.

Chiefshrink 02-14-2024 07:53 PM


Originally Posted by Pasta Little Brioni (Post 17400817)
Look how soft that Niner team was in comparison

I said all along the Bills and Baltimore were much tougher and Deebo is an actual "potato chip" when you look at his career. Andy and Spags were not afraid of this so called "physicality" of the Niners.

Chiefshrink 02-14-2024 07:56 PM


Originally Posted by Wisconsin_Chief (Post 17401480)
Still can't get over this one. This is why we win Super Bowls, because we draft players with this kind of dedication, all the way down to a backup guard. You don't find this shit on other teams. We expect guys to play through pain, which kind of makes us "meanie jerks" according to NFL players voting this past offseason, but I couldn't give two shits. You come to KC, you play to win, and nothing is more important.

Give this dude a deal.

Oh you can bet Andy will give him a great deal because there is nothing more what Andy likes is an IRON MAN who can play multiple positions within the IOL. Left, Right guard or snap. LOVE IT !!

TinyEvel 02-15-2024 12:13 AM

Horse Cocaine.

Dunerdr 02-15-2024 08:27 AM

I'm assuming this requires surgery. Resign him and let him marinade on IR. Thank you sir!

In58men 03-01-2024 08:52 AM

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

Danguardace 03-01-2024 09:14 AM

Was just on NFLN stating he wants to be a starter. Cant see him back in KC good luck to him.

jallmon 03-01-2024 09:31 AM

Impressive. Glad he's on our roster.

Wallcrawler 03-01-2024 09:32 AM


Originally Posted by Danguardace (Post 17423677)
Was just on NFLN stating he wants to be a starter. Cant see him back in KC good luck to him.

No better way to make your case than playing 3 quarters of a superbowl with one functioning arm, and it isn't even apparent that you have this limitation.

Hope he didn't cause more damage by toughing it out. That's incredible.

smithandrew051 03-01-2024 09:34 AM

This dude is a Chief legend even if he never plays another down.

Late round pick. Part of that disaster OL in the Buccaneers Super Bowl.

All Pro gets hurts (who never gets hurt). This dude steps in the AFCCG and Super Bowl. Plays most of the Super Bowl with one ****ing arm.

Old Chief Fans will reminisce about this story in their Camaros for decades to come.

kcgreene 03-01-2024 11:38 AM


Originally Posted by Danguardace (Post 17423677)
Was just on NFLN stating he wants to be a starter. Cant see him back in KC good luck to him.

Could tie him up on a 3-4 year deal pretty cheap (I would think) and give him his shot if we can't extend Trey next offseason? (Theoretically speaking of course)

The Franchise 03-01-2024 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by kcgreene (Post 17424016)
Could tie him up on a 3-4 year deal pretty cheap (I would think) and give him his shot if we can't extend Trey next offseason? (Theoretically speaking of course)

How does that handle his comment about wanting to be a starter? He isn't going to want to sit another year when he can get paid on the open market AND become a starter.

Mecca 03-01-2024 11:44 AM


Originally Posted by kcgreene (Post 17424016)
Could tie him up on a 3-4 year deal pretty cheap (I would think) and give him his shot if we can't extend Trey next offseason? (Theoretically speaking of course)

He's older than Trey, he was on the team during the 1st 49ers SB, if he wants to start it's not here.

kcgreene 03-01-2024 11:49 AM


Originally Posted by The Franchise (Post 17424023)
How does that handle his comment about wanting to be a starter? He isn't going to want to sit another year when he can get paid on the open market AND become a starter.

I'm saying if it's verbalized to him that if he waits a year when Trey is gone the job is his, he may stay.

I'm not saying he definitively will, I'm saying he obviously enjoys being here considering he already resigned off his rookie deal this last year for a 1 year deal.

And perhaps someone will give him starter money this year, in which case sure, but I don't think he's viewed anywhere as highly outside of KC as we view him, and I don't think the monetary gap will be as significant as one may think.

Mecca 03-01-2024 11:50 AM


Originally Posted by kcgreene (Post 17424050)
I'm saying if it's verbalized to him that if he waits a year when Trey is gone the job is his, he may stay.

I'm not saying he definitively will, I'm saying he obviously enjoys being here considering he already resigned off his rookie deal this last year for a 1 year deal.

And perhaps someone will give him starter money this year, in which case sure, but I don't think he's viewed anywhere as highly outside of KC as we view him, and I don't think the monetary gap will be as significant as one may think.

He re-signed last year knowing he was a backup...this is a dude knowing that he started and played well with an injury in the Sb and this is likely his one chance to get paid.

When you are the Chiefs and guys do that, you go alright man good luck and draft another G/C in the 6th round and start that process over.

kcgreene 03-01-2024 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by Mecca (Post 17424031)
He's older than Trey, he was on the team during the 1st 49ers SB, if he wants to start it's not here.

His age really snuck up on me there. For some reason I was thinking he was the draft after Trey. Point withdrawn.

kcgreene 03-01-2024 11:54 AM


Originally Posted by Mecca (Post 17424054)
He re-signed last year knowing he was a backup...this is a dude knowing that he started and played well with an injury in the Sb and this is likely his one chance to get paid.

When you are the Chiefs and guys do that, you go alright man good luck and draft another G/C in the 6th round and start that process over.

I understand this. I'm saying that I don't think he's going to get paid well on the open market. I think he'll end up with a similar deal to what he's making currently, maybe a little bit more. (He got paid roughly 2.6M this year, I don't think someone is going to give him more than 4M to 5M AAV personally)

Regardless, like I said elsewhere, his age snuck up on me.

Mecca 03-01-2024 12:00 PM


Originally Posted by kcgreene (Post 17424066)
I understand this. I'm saying that I don't think he's going to get paid well on the open market. I think he'll end up with a similar deal to what he's making currently, maybe a little bit more. (He got paid roughly 2.6M this year, I don't think someone is going to give him more than 4M to 5M AAV personally)

Regardless, like I said elsewhere, his age snuck up on me.

If he comes back it's because he got no interest on the market.

Warpaint69 03-01-2024 01:25 PM


Originally Posted by Mecca (Post 17424081)
If he comes back it's because he got no interest on the market.

Going to be interesting to see what he even could get in the open market with the injury coming during the super bowl. Most teams you figure looking for a starter are going to want them in running through plays starting with OTA's.

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