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Chief Roundup 12-05-2021 10:59 AM

[Former Senator] Bob Dole has died.

loochy 12-05-2021 11:01 AM

I was thinking the ChiefsPlanet Bob Dole and I was kind of freaked out.

The original Bob Dole? I didn't know he was still alive.

Hammock Parties 12-05-2021 11:02 AM

****, thought it was Scott LMAO

Thank god it was only a dipshit!

Spott 12-05-2021 11:02 AM

Is it wrong that I was relieved that it wasn’t our Bob Dole?

KCFalcon59 12-05-2021 11:03 AM

R.I.P Bob "E.D." Dole.

Sorce 12-05-2021 11:03 AM

Yeah can we edit the title. I was confused and had nobody to message.

dlphg9 12-05-2021 11:11 AM

Change this thread title cuz I thought it was the crabby old **** that roams CP, but was relieved to see that it wasn't!

Chief Roundup 12-05-2021 11:13 AM

Wow, I thought you all would have a sense of humor about this considering all the crap, send Bob Dole a message, that goes on around here.

TEX 12-05-2021 11:22 AM

Man, some of you are clueless in thinking it was Scott. It clearly says (FORMER SENATOR) in the thread title. LMAO

LiveSteam 12-05-2021 11:24 AM

It's all so confusing.
RIP 2nd Lieutenant Dole
Old solders never die they simply fade away.

FlaChief58 12-05-2021 11:25 AM

Dammit, I was just about to pm him

Bearcat 12-05-2021 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by TEX (Post 15990665)
Man, some of you are clueless in thinking it was Scott. It clearly says (FORMER SENATOR) in the thread title. LMAO

I added that after all of those posts... usually if you see [brackets] in a title, it's a mod edit.

It would have been amusing had Bob Dole been online to tell everyone that rumors of his death have been greatly exaggerated, but given how many people have died here recently or have serious health issues, it's definitely understandable why people would be on edge reading the original title.

bevischief 12-05-2021 11:28 AM

He will still be around with the cockroaches after COVID....

kstater 12-05-2021 11:38 AM

Him and Norm will be having a beer by the end of the day.

Sent from my Pixel 4 using Tapatalk

Chief Roundup 12-05-2021 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by Bearcat (Post 15990674)
I added that after all of those posts... usually if you see [brackets] in a title, it's a mod edit.

It would have been amusing had Bob Dole been online to tell everyone that rumors of his death have been greatly exaggerated, but given how many people have died here recently or have serious health issues, it's definitely understandable why people would be on edge reading the original title.

That was the reason I picked the Zombie icon. Hoping that people would get it or give them a moment of wonder.

frozenchief 12-05-2021 11:51 AM

To this day, I have idea why Viagra made him their initial celebrity advertiser. But the fact that I still remember that means that the ads were effective. So maybe they do know what they’re doing.

Anyway, he used Viagra to get stiff. Now he is a stiff.

Bob Dole 12-05-2021 12:05 PM

Bob Dole is touched that some of you were concerned for Bob Dole's well-being.

But alas, Bob Dole is still here to annoy the hell out of people.

It almost feels like Bob Dole should abandon the username at this point.

smithandrew051 12-05-2021 12:17 PM

He’s passed away and Ubeja was never able to message him for access to the Trivia Forum. Sad.

WhawhaWhat 12-05-2021 12:29 PM


Rasputin 12-05-2021 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by Bob Dole (Post 15990716)
Bob Dole is touched that some of you were concerned for Bob Dole's well-being.

But alas, Bob Dole is still here to annoy the hell out of people.

It almost feels like Bob Dole should abandon the username at this point.

RIP you will be missed :(

Jewish Rabbi 12-05-2021 12:42 PM


Originally Posted by Bob Dole (Post 15990716)
Bob Dole is touched that some of you were concerned for Bob Dole's well-being.

But alas, Bob Dole is still here to annoy the hell out of people.

It almost feels like Bob Dole should abandon the username at this point.

Moss, please change name to Midnight_Ubeja.

bigjosh 12-05-2021 12:45 PM

Everyone PM bob dole to make sure he is okay.

MGRS13 12-05-2021 12:45 PM

He outlived norm McDonald so he won. I always thought of him as a piece of shit, but then you know we got the NEW Republican Party. I’d welcome him back any time.

scho63 12-05-2021 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by Bob Dole (Post 15990716)
Bob Dole is touched that some of you were concerned for Bob Dole's well-being.

But alas, Bob Dole is still here to annoy the hell out of people.

It almost feels like Bob Dole should abandon the username at this point.

You waited this long to own it outright, you need to keep it for a while.

If you're really wanting a new user name, how about Betty White? ;)

gblowfish 12-05-2021 12:59 PM

I never agreed with his politics but admired him as a war hero. He had a pretty good sense of humor too. Sad loss for the State of Kansas. Much respect.

backinblack 12-05-2021 12:59 PM

loochy 12-05-2021 12:59 PM


Originally Posted by MGRS13 (Post 15990796)
He outlived norm McDonald so he won. I always thought of him as a piece of shit, but then you know we got the NEW Republican Party. I’d welcome him back any time.

Take it elsewhere you hooker

MGRS13 12-05-2021 01:03 PM


Originally Posted by loochy (Post 15990823)
Take it elsewhere you hooker

Blow me

Bugeater 12-05-2021 01:04 PM


Originally Posted by Bob Dole (Post 15990716)
Bob Dole is touched that some of you were concerned for Bob Dole's well-being.

But alas, Bob Dole is still here to annoy the hell out of people.

It almost feels like Bob Dole should abandon the username at this point.

The username did kind of lose its burst when Bob Dole stopped posting in 3rd person. Although I have to imagine that became quite grueling for Bob Dole so I don't blame Bob Dole for abandoning it.

Bugeater 12-05-2021 01:05 PM


Originally Posted by loochy (Post 15990823)
Take it elsewhere you hooker

He doesn't have any choice now.

Bob Dole 12-05-2021 01:05 PM


Originally Posted by Bugeater (Post 15990833)
The username did kind of lose its burst when Bob Dole stopped posting in 3rd person. Although I have to imagine that became quite grueling for Bob Dole so I don't blame Bob Dole for abandoning it.

You have no idea.

Baby Lee 12-05-2021 01:10 PM


Originally Posted by MGRS13 (Post 15990796)
He outlived norm McDonald so he won. I always thought of him as a piece of shit, but then you know we got the NEW Republican Party. I’d welcome him back any time.

These sentiments reflect more on you than Bob or the NEW Republican party.

lewdog 12-05-2021 01:20 PM


Originally Posted by Bob Dole (Post 15990716)
Bob Dole is touched that some of you were concerned for Bob Dole's well-being.

But alas, Bob Dole is still here to annoy the hell out of people.

It almost feels like Bob Dole should abandon the username at this point.

New name.

Bob Dole’s dead taint.

Rain Man 12-05-2021 01:25 PM


Originally Posted by Bob Dole (Post 15990716)
Bob Dole is touched that some of you were concerned for Bob Dole's well-being.

But alas, Bob Dole is still here to annoy the hell out of people.

It almost feels like Bob Dole should abandon the username at this point.

Bob Condolence?
Bob Doled?

Bugeater 12-05-2021 01:29 PM

Bob Dull.

IowaHawkeyeChief 12-05-2021 01:47 PM


Originally Posted by MGRS13 (Post 15990796)
He outlived norm McDonald so he won. I always thought of him as a piece of shit, but then you know we got the NEW Republican Party. I’d welcome him back any time.

Stay classy douche bag.

Zebedee DuBois 12-05-2021 01:51 PM

He hasn't looked good for awhile. Every election cycle they would wheel him out for an endorsement photo-op and I'm not certain he knew what/who is was endorsing.
Rest in peace.

ROYC75 12-05-2021 02:02 PM


Originally Posted by scho63 (Post 15990810)
You waited this long to own it outright, you need to keep it for a while.

If you're really wanting a new user name, how about Betty White? ;)


Mods, a request has been submitted!

Hammock Parties 12-05-2021 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by Bob Dole (Post 15990716)
It almost feels like Bob Dole should abandon the username at this point.

New name: Moran

(only hardcore kansas conservatives will get this)

ROYC75 12-05-2021 02:13 PM


Originally Posted by Bugeater (Post 15990837)
He doesn't have any choice now.

I do, tried it with Foghorn for a week, gave it up!

BigRedChief 12-05-2021 02:38 PM


Originally Posted by gblowfish (Post 15990821)
I never agreed with his politics but admired him as a war hero. He had a pretty good sense of humor too. Sad loss for the State of Kansas. Much respect.

THIS! He was a genuine war hero. Sacrificed himself for his country and his fellow soldiers.

neech 12-05-2021 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by Zebedee DuBois (Post 15990935)
He hasn't looked good for awhile. Every election cycle they would wheel him out for an endorsement photo-op and I'm not certain he knew what/who is was endorsing.

Well he was 98 years old after all.

Rasputin 12-05-2021 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by Bob Dole (Post 15990716)
Bob Dole is touched that some of you were concerned for Bob Dole's well-being.

But alas, Bob Dole is still here to annoy the hell out of people.

It almost feels like Bob Dole should abandon the username at this point.

<img src=" GxAQGi0lICUtLS0tLS0tLS0vLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLf/AABEIAO0A1QMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAbAAEAAgMBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAUCAwYBB//EADwQAAIBAwIEAgcHAwIHAQAAAAABAgMEESExBRJBUWFxBhMiMoGhsUJicpHB0fAjM1KSsiRTgqLC4fEU/8QAGgEBAAMBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMEBQIBBv/EADARAAIBAgQDBwQDAQEBAAAAAAABAgMRBBIhMUFRYRNxgaGx0fAiMsHhBZHxI2IU/9oADAMBAAIRAxEAPwD7iAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADXUqRisyaS8SqvfSCnTeFFyfg0iKpWhTV5ux1GDlsi5BGs7qNWEZw2kvin1 T8SSSJpq6OQAD0AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA0XVVwhKSWXGLlhat4WfibmQOJV1GEm+zX56HM2oxbfA9W5x9fjzrSfL LTpJ+98FsvIiOWHr11KX/8APO3n7GZweXhKTkor67o2S47Br2ct9NNMnzU06jzLVP5qaNNNrLb2Om4bxOdHWLzHOZRez/ZnZWV3CrFSg8rZ6rKfZ+J8UnxqpLpyrsi44BxifOoQqOEajUZ4ly66416PxLuEqVKP0y1j6EVahy3PrTkluzI4CmqlKpiedXu3nP x6nVWl7onnK6rqvI06VbO7NWKjVi1Bolc01vOK85RRlSrQl7slLyaf0Jrq9jk2gA9AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANdaooptnjaSu wY3NdQWWchxniTqPlWy6LuSeKXrm2kymrwPnMZj3Vk4Rdo+vf7FiFMq7i8cKlPxkk+3K9H9fkQOMWkYt1Ir7WZJbYawpPya+aIXF 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mipI9k8GiUj5BtyeZ7suJcjGrLCK3k9ZUUenvS/Cunx0XxJF7WwvIkcItsR5n709fJfZX6/Enj9Ec39Hr0RNUdCpvY5bLWvPCKuq9yKmtbnsEYcPh/Smu83/tRoq26wTbGP8ASb7yb/T9DGpDQnzWb7zxL6ynlSRA4tac0HjdFzVhqR5wymizCbTuTVKelx6J33rKKjL36fsPyW30x8C4nA5DgVT1Vy10m8P4rT5r5nccuh Fio5Kl1s9fniQx0ZUVYmyzqcskzZcRIyPIvQsuN1c66jX92XbcvqE8o5KwqZjg6HhtXMV5H0WDrZ188TJnGxZg8BeIz0AAAAAAAA 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+PiQeIXrqPwWyPL69lUeXt0IE5nEpufRcvf24HMYO+aW/oZzqGhsxcjE6iiVI9kyNcVlFNvRI2VZ4WXojkeI8SlcVPU0U5LONNm/HwLNGk5vpxOZyyoyr3E7iooxWcv2I9PxS8Pqd56P8LjQh3m9ZSe7ZB9HOAxoLml7VSWsn+hc1q2CHFYhT/wCdP7fUhfJGdevgrak8sVamTVkhhDKSRjY9bMWwbaNLLy9izQoSrTyx/wA6ic1Tjdmyzo51fX6HQ8OtiHYW2TpLKhg+mpUo0oKEdkY85ucszJNvTwiSYxRkSHAAABB4jCM4ThNZhOLhJPrFrDPkkLatRfq60 cSzJRbkpOcIvHMvB5T+J9YvtjluJUVLdJ4eVlJ6kFegqsbcTuE8pztvQb8F8ywowivHu3+xn6khXlyl7MX5mfWwsKVO8tZcOCv3c bdXa9iaFR300XmWlK4SMK18VNO4eDJamM6Nty/Takb6ldsW9vOpJQgsyffZLq5PohSpttJLV6I6O29XbQxvOWsn3f7Hui7iac8q03N1tQp2sO8370nvJ/ouyKi9vHN5exru7qU3lshzmRybm+nBfOJxCFtXuz2czTOR5KZg2SKJKe5EppLL2RjOSiss1xs3V1q6Ulry7OXbm8PAnpUXUfRat8 kR1Kigtf8ATmuNXlav7FFNU28c3Wf4fDxOk9FuAQtoZetRrV9vAk0KUVLmaWdlpoktsEp1zyvXbj2dNWj5vvOFFt3e5Jq1sEKc2z 1vJhJlaMbEiikeSMchsypUubfb6lijRlVlljueTnGCzSMqUOby+paWdtkxtLbJf2NofR4fDxowyrxfMyKtV1JXZtsLXBb0oYMKNL BvJyIAAAAAAjXFPJT3Nlk6Bo1TpIA5avYaNbZTWVusrdHzyVeUa06EliVN4lnfGXyvHisP4o+vXdLCOJ9IuDQrThUy4ThpmP2o/wCMl1/9lfEUe0Wi1WxJTnbRlPTkuhNpRFOyjHu/kbnJRXb9zLqYGra7slxLFOvFaI3U6qprmfvdDVO7ctWVNzcNyfyNtu8lB0vp1LEan1XJsqho5smbieRpM4skWkzEfzBsVIkUaBew 2DnW1ekeft77FetiY09FqzRTttcy1fRdEaK95n2Y7Z37vuS+MydOk5bLmUZPtGWmfzwviVFNplzFKNOCpRVlv3lBTlJ52TYTNsDR QjksKVDTQx6rUdzQpTujTJ4NZLlRS3evZanlOkWMNgqlbXaPN/hbv06ipiYQ6s1U6Od/yLG1tsmVra5L2ysjfo0IUY5Y/wC95mVKsqjvI8sbMuqFLB5Qo4JCRKRhHoAAAAAAAAAABEuqeSgvrTJ1EokWrbpgHHysmRL6xcoSjlxcotJreLa0a8U9TtJWSK+8s wD5ZaQuITlTuI+1FJqcHzQnF9c4Wq66IuLenLt+hfXNuRlQZRngYye9lyS/OvoS9szTCKW/yNmc7G6FsyXQsme08BQg72u+uvlt5Hsq9R6XIdGg2WdtZE21sC1o2qSLpCc/f8OhOnKnUjzQksNZa65Wq1Tyk9DmZcKcJSSxyZ9nXMsdnpud9eUNChurZ5IqtGFRWkdKTRTU6eNjenJ9f0JcLNkujYHMMNSg7qKv z3f9u78w5y5lZSt2yxtbIsrfh5Z0LRInOSJaWWC0o0sGcKeDYAeJHoAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAB40RrijklHjQBQ3Fjk0R4cdE6SPFRQ BTU+H+BLpWaRYKmjJIA006KRtUTIAGirSyQalkmWp5gAq4WKJMLVEvB6AaoUkjYkegAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/9k=" alt="Dole NZ - Premium Bananas"/>

Kman34 12-05-2021 03:55 PM

Will they bury him with a pen in his hand??

Graystoke 12-05-2021 05:22 PM

Dude was a war hero. I will always be a fan of the greatest generation. These guys were hardcore

Rainbarrel 12-05-2021 10:20 PM

PM(post mortem) Bob Dole.

Dayze 12-05-2021 10:41 PM

eagerly awaiting all the LWNJ's to show their asses here and provide some sort of tone deaf response.

TLO 12-05-2021 10:44 PM

I honestly had no idea he was still alive.


Jenson71 12-06-2021 08:39 AM

This got sad when I found out it wasn't the scary bearded guy who posts here.

Rest in peace, imposter Bob Dole.

Simply Red 12-06-2021 09:10 AM

Scared the shit out of me OP. :banghead:

Baby Lee 12-06-2021 10:10 AM


Originally Posted by lewdog (Post 15990860)
New name.

Bob Dole’s dead taint.

Ross Perot's Desiccated Barking Spider.

Monty 12-08-2021 04:30 PM

Saw this yesterday. The Doles are great people.

Bugeater 12-08-2021 07:00 PM

Ah **** it....


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