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BigRichard 11-07-2019 07:00 PM

If you saw The Last Jedi in the theater do you plan on seeing The Rise of Skywalker?
I am just kind of curious to see how many people that saw the Last Jedi in theaters are going to see the new movie in theaters as well. Lets see if I can figure out how to do a poll or if this will be a failure on my part.

Bowser 11-07-2019 07:07 PM

Yes. I'm 42 years invested in this shit. I'm not even going to try to lie and say I'm not going to see it in the theater, no matter how badly TLJ made me want to stay home for IX. And it really did.

Frazod 11-07-2019 07:10 PM

As it stands now, no. It would take serious good reviews from actual people that I trust to persuade me otherwise.

That basically means it would have to be the complete, diametric opposite of the last steaming pile of SJW shit, and with that **** Kennedy still pulling the strings I don't see that happening.

It's really sad that it's come to this. :shake:

RN47 11-07-2019 07:21 PM


Originally Posted by Frazod (Post 14580379)
As it stands now, no. It would take serious good reviews from actual people that I trust to persuade me otherwise.

That basically means it would have to be the complete, diametric opposite of the last steaming pile of SJW shit, and with that **** Kennedy still pulling the strings I don't see that happening.

It's really sad that it's come to this. :shake:

I’m with this dude.

InChiefsHeaven 11-07-2019 08:22 PM

I will go to close the thing out. I've gone to the last 2 with my son in law and my son, it's a good night out for us. But, if not for that, I'd probably wait till streaming time. I'm really not that excited about it.

Sorry 11-07-2019 08:33 PM

Unfortunately I know I will but ima wait for fiesta Tuesday when it’s cheap

Frazod 11-07-2019 08:54 PM

Really wish Dane would come back. I'd love to get his take on this shit.

Great Expectations 11-07-2019 09:19 PM

I’ll go with my wife and kids. We’veenjoyed the two off shoots and they love the originals. Btw they are 9 and 7...

Buehler445 11-07-2019 09:43 PM

We’ll see. I have kids and don’t have a ton of time.

But I’d like to. I’m not has hard on TLJ. Where it was trying to go worked for me. It wasn’t perfect but I didn’t hate it.

So I’m in the minority on this one.

el borracho 11-07-2019 09:43 PM

Oh, man. I loved Star Wars as a kid and was super excited in the late 90s when they started working on new movies, but The Phantom Menace killed the whole thing for me and I never saw another one. Hard pass on this franchise unless they can somehow earn rave review from both fans and critics (not likely).

Frazod 11-07-2019 09:47 PM


Originally Posted by el borracho (Post 14580723)
Oh, man. I loved Star Wars as a kid and was super excited in the late 90s when they started working on new movies, but The Phantom Menace killed the whole thing for me and I never saw another one. Hard pass on this franchise unless they can somehow earn rave review from both fans and critics (not likely).

The ****ed up part is Phantom Menace, as bad as it was, is high art compared to Last Jedi.

BigRedChief 11-07-2019 10:02 PM

I like going to the movies so, yeah I’ll go.

el borracho 11-07-2019 10:06 PM


Originally Posted by Frazod (Post 14580731)
The ****ed up part is Phantom Menace, as bad as it was, is high art compared to Last Jedi.

Sad, but not unexpected. I think it's just one of those things that is better left in the past (for me). Even re-watching the original trilogy diminishes the memory as my adult self notices the flaws that went past my younger self. Effing ewoks defeat the forces of the empire with rocks and ropes? Terrible.

Frazod 11-07-2019 10:11 PM


Originally Posted by el borracho (Post 14580764)
Sad, but not unexpected. I think it's just one of those things that is better left in the past (for me). Even re-watching the original trilogy diminishes the memory as my adult self notices the flaws that went past my younger self. Effing ewoks defeat the forces of the empire with rocks and ropes? Terrible.

Dude, I hated that in 1983.

ROTJ has the best parts of the original trilogy (Luke/Vader/Emperor) and the worst parts (silly ass teddy bears).

DaneMcCloud 11-07-2019 10:17 PM


Originally Posted by Frazod (Post 14580625)
Really wish Dane would come back. I'd love to get his take on this shit.

Your wish is my command LMAO

I'll be happy to answer some questions in this thread topic only. I'm not returning to post on a daily (or hourly) basis. It's not that I dislike CP but life has become very, very busy and while this is a great place to hang and chat, right now, I just don't have time. Maybe sometime in the future but for now, this is it.

This will probably be a bit "all over the place" but here's what I know as of right now:

From my understanding, there are no plans for further Star Wars films. Benioff and Weiss were fired - make no mistake, they were fired. It's been spun that they took the $250 million dollar deal with Netflix (which is pennies to Disney & Lucasfilm) and their schedule became too busy but that's not the truth. Alan Horn, Bob Iger and KK fired B&W after the reaction to the final season of Game of Thrones. Star Wars just can't take that kind of heat after The Last Jedi and Disney didn't want to completely trash the brand. Trust me, they're completely aware of the reactions to TLJ which is why they're pulling everything back. For reference, The Mandalorian cost $15 million per episode and Season Two's already been greenlit, which will make it a $240 million dollar investment before it even hits the air (and from what I'm hearing, The Mandalorian will continue as long as Favreau wants it to continue).

Kevin Feige is producing a Star Wars film. When or what that will be is a mystery, even to Disney. After Iger and Horn gave him complete control over Marvel's TV division (and ousted Jeph Loeb), one of the terms was that he could step into Star Wars. No one is attached, no story has been defined and there is nothing on the schedule. The schedule that was released earlier, with SW films beginning in 2021 all the way through 2026 have been wiped from the slate.

As for Rian Johnson, he's started a new production company and one of the producers is a friend. They're concentrating on smaller movies (I haven't had time to watch Knives Out yet but word is that it's really "fun"). There's been no announcement but the general feeling is that he's out. I mean, we all could have figured that out but there's true panic at Lucasfilm. They're taking meetings with just about any writer that's had any success in the past few years and everyone, and I mean every single one of these writers that have done a "courtesy" meeting with KK, has outright and flat out told her "Not Interested". She brought the guys in from "A Quiet Place" and asked them to create a series of movies and stories set outside the Skywalker Saga, with new aliens, ships and characters, who told her right to her face "If we're going to do that, we'll do it as a start up, for our production company". KK has been trying to hire writers for Indiana Jones and has been met with the same resistance. There's been some talk of Feige eventually taking over Lucasfilm but I've been told that isn't happening but I'd imagine that IF his film is made and IF it's a huge success, he'll take the reins at some point. But that could be years away, so don't get your hopes up.

Regarding The Mandalorian, I was in Pedro Pascal's presence (long story) and I asked him outright "Are you Boba Fett?". He replied that he has an NDA but then followed it up with a hard "No". Take it for what it's worth. I was convinced but Pedro's an actor. He went on and on about how Boba wasn't a "real" Mandalorian, unlike his character. For Rebels fans, there's been whispers of Sabine Wren making an appearance in this series but I can't see that happening unless Season 1 is about finding Ahsoka and/or Ezra Bridger. We all saw the Ghost in the ROS trailer and I was hoping to run into Vanessa Marshall at Lake Hollywood but I haven't seen her since Robert Forster became sick and passed. Before that, I'd see them several times a week but I never thought to ask if she would be in ROS because no one from Rebels had appeared in a Star Wars film (For those of you that aren't aware, Vanessa played Hera, mother to Kanan Jarrus' son and pilot of The Ghost).

I've known about the Obi Wan deal for years, I think as far back as 2015. Yes, the movie with Stephan Daldry was moving forward until the box office flop of Solo (which I really liked and like more and more with each viewing). Last September, Lucasfilm pivoted to a series. I have no idea why they waited so long to announce it and I had word that it would be revealed at Star Wars Celebration but it wasn't (I texted Bowser about it back in April - I was totally confused). It's set 8 years after Revenge of the Sith and for now, there will be six one hour episodes (that could change once it goes into production). From what I've been told, it's Open-Ended; it could go one season, it could go five seasons. It all depends on the stories. From my understanding, Obi Wan will travel off-world and it'll be somewhat set in the criminal underground that we saw in Solo. Hopefully, we see at least one more Darth Maul/Obi Wan confrontation. Everyone knows what's at stake so I expect it to be awesome but that's all I know at this point in time.

I ran into Gareth Edwards about 18 months ago at Lake Hollywood (again, Bowser knows the whole story). I asked him if he was involved in further Star Wars films and he said "I'm working on it" and gave me a smile and a wink. I'd run into him a few more times since then and I didn't really talk to him about Star Wars, although when I saw him a few weeks ago, I got the story: Tony Gilroy, who wrote and directed the 3rd Act of Rogue One was hired as screenwriter and director. Gareth didn't go into specifics but from what I heard elsewhere is that they he and Lucasfilm couldn't see "eye to eye" on the direction of the series. Maybe I'll get some further info down the road but at this point, I'm just glad it's Gilroy as opposed to anyone else. The 3rd Act of Rogue One, which I thought was an utterly amazing Star Wars film, was all him, including the Darth Vader scene, which didn't exist in the first cut (Ben Mendelsohn's role was reduced substantially once Gilroy took over, which really bummed him out at the time. He was looking at this as his "breakthrough" role and while he was great, it didn't make him a household name).

There's another TV series in the works that sounds a bit like the Star Wars Underworld series that Lucas oversaw (and there were more than 100 completed hour long scripts, too. GL was just waiting for the technology to catch up to his vision). I don't know if there's been much publicized about that series but it's in the works, although I don't know where they're at in terms of showrunner, script, characters, etc. It's been under wraps for a while, which could mean they're close to announcing or that it's not moving forward at all. As anyone that works in this business can attest, it's a miracle that anything is made, at all.

And finally, The Rise of Skywalker. Yeesh, what a mess. RJ dug a deep, deep hole in the fan base and Star Wars isn't likely to recover any time soon, unless ROS is a massive success - Like Avengers: Endgame succes. The movie has already seen extremely extensive reshoots and it won't surprise me if, like The Force Awakens, they're editing the movie a week out from release. They've gone through countless iterations of how to include Carrie Fisher's character and story. In terms of "leftover footage" from TFA they've all talked about, I've heard it's about 5 minutes of footage that's somewhat usable and they've already rescinded the notion of no "CGI Leia" with her daughter, Billy Lourd, as a stand in. This notion that "The Emperor was always going to appear in the final episode" is hogwash. Terrio and Abrams cranked out the script quickly because they knew there would be massive changes down the road. And like TFA, where Spielberg, Lucas, Zemeckis and Ava Duvernay all put in their two cents during editing, the same is happening with Rise of Skywalker. Lucasfilm is desperate for this film to work.

I bought Thursday night tickets because I want to see the movie before I hear or read any one else's reactions. But in all honesty, I'm expecting it to be a mess and unfulfilling. If they pull it off, it might end up as the highest grossing film of all time but considering where The Last Jedi left the characters, I just can't see that happening.

I hope I'm wrong.

WhiteWhale 11-07-2019 10:44 PM

Nah. Not a chance.

The trailers for TLJ were great and the movie was.. not.

These trailers aren't even good. I don't see anything to be excited about, especially given the messy diarrhea dump the last movie took on everything that came before it.

And I'm a guy who thought it was basically IMPOSSIBLE to make a bad SW movie. I didn't HATE any of the previous films no matter how flawed they were, but I hated TLJ. I almost walked out, but I hate wasting money.

lawrenceRaider 11-07-2019 10:58 PM

I'm with Frazod. Only way I'm seeing IX in the theater is if fan reviews are outstanding. Whichever streaming service gets it is where I'll see it. Disney, wherever.

Frazod 11-07-2019 11:04 PM

DANE! So glad to see you back, at least here. I assume you are privately enjoying the Mahomes era.

You certainly didn't disappoint with your take. It's so involved I can't even discuss it intelligently, so I won't try.

Sounds like the next one will be bad as I feared. I also loved both Rogue One and Solo, and thought both were the best entries since the original trilogy. Rogue One had a great, dark story (that ending-holy shit), and I thought Solo captured the swashbuckling feel of the original Star Wars far more than any of the other movies. It really sucks that it took the bullet for the Last Jedi, and sucks even more that the Disney brain trust didn't figure that out, because I'd love to see another Solo movie. Oh well.

I have high hopes for The Mandalorian, although I plan to hold out until the run is complete so I can watch it all at once. I don't need another full time subscription in my life, and Disney doesn't offer much else that I care about.

Anyway, thanks for the info. Great to hear to from you!

WhiteWhale 11-07-2019 11:11 PM


Originally Posted by Frazod (Post 14580958)
DANE! So glad to see you back, at least here. I assume you are privately enjoying the Mahomes era.

You certainly didn't disappoint with your take. It's so involved I can't even discuss it intelligently, so I won't try.

Sounds like the next one will be bad as I feared. I also loved both Rogue One and Solo, and thought both were the best entries since the original trilogy. Rogue One had a great, dark story (that ending-holy shit), and I thought Solo captured the swashbuckling feel of the original Star Wars far more than any of the other movies. It really sucks that it took the bullet for the Last Jedi, and sucks even more that the Disney brain trust didn't figure that out, because I'd love to see another Solo movie. Oh well.

I have high hopes for The Mandalorian, although I plan to hold out until the run is complete so I can watch it all at once. I don't need another full time subscription in my life, and Disney doesn't offer much else that I care about.

Anyway, thanks for the info. Great to hear to from you!

Solo wasn't as bad as the bombing showed, but god... why does he act more like Star Lord than Han Solo?

Frazod 11-07-2019 11:19 PM


Originally Posted by WhiteWhale (Post 14580962)
Solo wasn't as bad as the bombing showed, but god... why does he act more like Star Lord than Han Solo?

I'd say a young Solo would be very much like Star Lord. The cynicism would build up over the years.

Sorry 11-07-2019 11:55 PM

Star Wars is on its death bed.

WhiteWhale 11-08-2019 12:01 AM


Originally Posted by Frazod (Post 14580976)
I'd say a young Solo would be very much like Star Lord. The cynicism would build up over the years.

I dunno. I never saw Han as the 'man child' type.

The movie was adequately entertaining. I just thought Han was goofy.

Rasputin 11-08-2019 02:23 AM

The problem with Disney Star Wars is they left little imagination on the table for people to dream about what goes on in space meaning they just over saturated the stars at war. Otoh though Star Trek has been able to capture the what's out there"?" aspect of the show.

Tribal Warfare 11-08-2019 05:01 AM

I'm not supporting Kathleen Kennedy's Star Wars franchise after TLJ bullshit

lawrenceRaider 11-08-2019 06:36 AM


Originally Posted by WhiteWhale (Post 14581020)
I dunno. I never saw Han as the 'man child' type.

The movie was adequately entertaining. I just thought Han was goofy.

Really? I always saw Han as a grown up Man Child. Always running away. Of course that may be because of the books released in the 90's more than the OT.

Solo is a great flick, truly. I am slightly ashamed that I didn't go see it in the theater, but because of the horrible pile of crap that was TLJ, and the horrible previews for Solo, I waited it out and watched on video.

Solo and Rogue One are the only ones of the modern movies I've actually purchased.

Rasputin 11-08-2019 06:49 AM

<img src="" alt="Image result for last jedi memes"/>

Deberg_1990 11-08-2019 06:51 AM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 14580782)
Your wish is my command LMAO

I'll be happy to answer some questions in this thread topic only. I'm not returning to post on a daily (or hourly) basis. It's not that I dislike CP but life has become very, very busy and while this is a great place to hang and chat, right now, I just don't have time. Maybe sometime in the future but for now, this is it.

This will probably be a bit "all over the place" but here's what I know as of right now:

From my understanding, there are no plans for further Star Wars films. Benioff and Weiss were fired - make no mistake, they were fired. It's been spun that they took the $250 million dollar deal with Netflix (which is pennies to Disney & Lucasfilm) and their schedule became too busy but that's not the truth. Alan Horn, Bob Iger and KK fired B&W after the reaction to the final season of Game of Thrones. Star Wars just can't take that kind of heat after The Last Jedi and Disney didn't want to completely trash the brand. Trust me, they're completely aware of the reactions to TLJ which is why they're pulling everything back. For reference, The Mandalorian cost $15 million per episode and Season Two's already been greenlit, which will make it a $240 million dollar investment before it even hits the air (and from what I'm hearing, The Mandalorian will continue as long as Favreau wants it to continue).

Kevin Feige is producing a Star Wars film. When or what that will be is a mystery, even to Disney. After Iger and Horn gave him complete control over Marvel's TV division (and ousted Jeph Loeb), one of the terms was that he could step into Star Wars. No one is attached, no story has been defined and there is nothing on the schedule. The schedule that was released earlier, with SW films beginning in 2021 all the way through 2026 have been wiped from the slate.

As for Rian Johnson, he's started a new production company and one of the producers is a friend. They're concentrating on smaller movies (I haven't had time to watch Knives Out yet but word is that it's really "fun"). There's been no announcement but the general feeling is that he's out. I mean, we all could have figured that out but there's true panic at Lucasfilm. They're taking meetings with just about any writer that's had any success in the past few years and everyone, and I mean every single one of these writers that have done a "courtesy" meeting with KK, has outright and flat out told her "Not Interested". She brought the guys in from "A Quiet Place" and asked them to create a series of movies and stories set outside the Skywalker Saga, with new aliens, ships and characters, who told her right to her face "If we're going to do that, we'll do it as a start up, for our production company". KK has been trying to hire writers for Indiana Jones and has been met with the same resistance. There's been some talk of Feige eventually taking over Lucasfilm but I've been told that isn't happening but I'd imagine that IF his film is made and IF it's a huge success, he'll take the reins at some point. But that could be years away, so don't get your hopes up.

Regarding The Mandalorian, I was in Pedro Pascal's presence (long story) and I asked him outright "Are you Boba Fett?". He replied that he has an NDA but then followed it up with a hard "No". Take it for what it's worth. I was convinced but Pedro's an actor. He went on and on about how Boba wasn't a "real" Mandalorian, unlike his character. For Rebels fans, there's been whispers of Sabine Wren making an appearance in this series but I can't see that happening unless Season 1 is about finding Ahsoka and/or Ezra Bridger. We all saw the Ghost in the ROS trailer and I was hoping to run into Vanessa Marshall at Lake Hollywood but I haven't seen her since Robert Forster became sick and passed. Before that, I'd see them several times a week but I never thought to ask if she would be in ROS because no one from Rebels had appeared in a Star Wars film (For those of you that aren't aware, Vanessa played Hera, mother to Kanan Jarrus' son and pilot of The Ghost).

I've known about the Obi Wan deal for years, I think as far back as 2015. Yes, the movie with Stephan Daldry was moving forward until the box office flop of Solo (which I really liked and like more and more with each viewing). Last September, Lucasfilm pivoted to a series. I have no idea why they waited so long to announce it and I had word that it would be revealed at Star Wars Celebration but it wasn't (I texted Bowser about it back in April - I was totally confused). It's set 8 years after Revenge of the Sith and for now, there will be six one hour episodes (that could change once it goes into production). From what I've been told, it's Open-Ended; it could go one season, it could go five seasons. It all depends on the stories. From my understanding, Obi Wan will travel off-world and it'll be somewhat set in the criminal underground that we saw in Solo. Hopefully, we see at least one more Darth Maul/Obi Wan confrontation. Everyone knows what's at stake so I expect it to be awesome but that's all I know at this point in time.

I ran into Gareth Edwards about 18 months ago at Lake Hollywood (again, Bowser knows the whole story). I asked him if he was involved in further Star Wars films and he said "I'm working on it" and gave me a smile and a wink. I'd run into him a few more times since then and I didn't really talk to him about Star Wars, although when I saw him a few weeks ago, I got the story: Tony Gilroy, who wrote and directed the 3rd Act of Rogue One was hired as screenwriter and director. Gareth didn't go into specifics but from what I heard elsewhere is that they he and Lucasfilm couldn't see "eye to eye" on the direction of the series. Maybe I'll get some further info down the road but at this point, I'm just glad it's Gilroy as opposed to anyone else. The 3rd Act of Rogue One, which I thought was an utterly amazing Star Wars film, was all him, including the Darth Vader scene, which didn't exist in the first cut (Ben Mendelsohn's role was reduced substantially once Gilroy took over, which really bummed him out at the time. He was looking at this as his "breakthrough" role and while he was great, it didn't make him a household name).

There's another TV series in the works that sounds a bit like the Star Wars Underworld series that Lucas oversaw (and there were more than 100 completed hour long scripts, too. GL was just waiting for the technology to catch up to his vision). I don't know if there's been much publicized about that series but it's in the works, although I don't know where they're at in terms of showrunner, script, characters, etc. It's been under wraps for a while, which could mean they're close to announcing or that it's not moving forward at all. As anyone that works in this business can attest, it's a miracle that anything is made, at all.

And finally, The Rise of Skywalker. Yeesh, what a mess. RJ dug a deep, deep hole in the fan base and Star Wars isn't likely to recover any time soon, unless ROS is a massive success - Like Avengers: Endgame succes. The movie has already seen extremely extensive reshoots and it won't surprise me if, like The Force Awakens, they're editing the movie a week out from release. They've gone through countless iterations of how to include Carrie Fisher's character and story. In terms of "leftover footage" from TFA they've all talked about, I've heard it's about 5 minutes of footage that's somewhat usable and they've already rescinded the notion of no "CGI Leia" with her daughter, Billy Lourd, as a stand in. This notion that "The Emperor was always going to appear in the final episode" is hogwash. Terrio and Abrams cranked out the script quickly because they knew there would be massive changes down the road. And like TFA, where Spielberg, Lucas, Zemeckis and Ava Duvernay all put in their two cents during editing, the same is happening with Rise of Skywalker. Lucasfilm is desperate for this film to work.

I bought Thursday night tickets because I want to see the movie before I hear or read any one else's reactions. But in all honesty, I'm expecting it to be a mess and unfulfilling. If they pull it off, it might end up as the highest grossing film of all time but considering where The Last Jedi left the characters, I just can't see that happening.

I hope I'm wrong.

Dane! Thanks for stopping by. Miss ya man!
Yea, the Star Wars brand is definitely wounded.

Probably too much product in a short amount of time. I enjoyed the Han Solo movie a lot.

Isn’t Spielberg making another Indiana Jones once he’s done with West Side Story? I have my doubts.....Ford is just way too old for the role now.

Fish 11-08-2019 08:17 AM

The last one stung. I walked away from the theater with this stunned WTF feeling, while it seemed like everyone else around me liked it. I'm going to be more cautious with this one. Especially considering some of the pathetic potential spoilers already.

BigRedChief 11-08-2019 09:47 AM

Glad to see you back to at least let us know Star Wars stuff in this thread.:thumb:

I thought the 3rd act of Rogue One was the best act of the whole Star Wars universe. The Darth Vader scene wasn't originally even in there? I hope Gilroy gets his chance to take on a whole series or movie.

Glad to hear D&D were fired. I heard that the cast and HBO were on board with doing an additional episode or two to flush out the last season story of GOT but D&D wanted to move on to Star Wars. Any truth to that rumor Dane?

Sounds like Lucas films has got fat and happy in its old age. New blood is needed.

sedated 11-08-2019 10:44 AM

Lol, you people take stuff too seriously. I'll be there opening weekend.

Mennonite 11-08-2019 04:05 PM

Only way I'm watching a Star Wars movie at a theater is if they re-release Empire Strikes Back.

alpha_omega 11-08-2019 04:18 PM

Yes, but only because I know my son will ask me to take him.

cosmo20002 11-08-2019 04:25 PM

To the 'no' people...

You've watched 8 previous movies (and likely Rouge and Solo also), and maybe some of the various TV series, spent a few decades following this, and then the last of the movie series comes out and you're..."Nah."

Is it the "seeing it in the theater" part you're saying no to? You've invested all this time and interest in SW and now you don't want to part with $10-$15 to properly see how it ends? :shake: :rolleyes:

ScareCrowe 11-08-2019 04:35 PM


Originally Posted by Buehler445 (Post 14580722)
We’ll see. I have kids and don’t have a ton of time.

But I’d like to. I’m not has hard on TLJ. Where it was trying to go worked for me. It wasn’t perfect but I didn’t hate it.

So I’m in the minority on this one.

This is kinda where I'm at, I didn't hate TLJ, but I didn't really like it all that much either. Honestly I left the theater thinking it was OK but the more I thought about it the more it killed my enthusiasm to a certain extent.

Even after TFA I went & bought the Blu-Ray the day it came out & watched it several times. TLJ I did eventually re-watch because it was free on Netflix, but it's the only Star Wars movie I didn't buy as soon as it came out & is the only one I don't own to this day.

I'm definitely going to go see it, but at this point (just over a month from release) the difference in my excitement level between this movie & TFA/TLJ is night & day. I was counting down the days to the release of the other 2 movies.

There has just always been a special brand of excitement whenever a new SW movie was coming out. It was different than any other movie I would want to watch, RoS feels like just any other movie I'm interested in. It lacks that special "Star Wars excitement" I've had with every other release. I can't exactly put my finger on why, I guess TLJ just really felt like it killed all the forward momentum/mysteries from TFA. It almost felt like it was an ending.

So in short I'll see it, but I can't help but notice I don't have near the anticipation for this one as I have for any other Star Wars movies.

banecat 11-08-2019 04:53 PM


Originally Posted by WhiteWhale (Post 14580962)
Solo wasn't as bad as the bombing showed, but god... why does he act more like Star Lord than Han Solo?

They thought that was what people wanted

Mennonite 11-08-2019 04:58 PM


Originally Posted by cosmo20002 (Post 14581802)
To the 'no' people...

You've watched 8 previous movies (and likely Rouge and Solo also), and maybe some of the various TV series, spent a few decades following this, and then the last of the movie series comes out and you're..."Nah."

Is it the "seeing it in the theater" part you're saying no to? You've invested all this time and interest in SW and now you don't want to part with $10-$15 to properly see how it ends? :shake: :rolleyes:

It's sucked for a long long time. It properly ended with a downbeat cliffhanger in 1980.

Nirvana58 11-08-2019 05:01 PM

Not going to see it. There is nobody left in the Star Wars universe left I care to see. I don't care that they killed Luke or Han. I understand it if they actually created characters that were interesting enough to replace them.

I don't understand why they just didn't follow the books. There is so much material there to make so many epic movies. Hell they could take the story from one of the Star Wars Video Games and made a better movie than the trash that is The Last Jedi

Deberg_1990 11-08-2019 05:43 PM


Originally Posted by Nirvana58 (Post 14581862)
Not going to see it. There is nobody left in the Star Wars universe left I care to see. I don't care that they killed Luke or Han. I understand it if they actually created characters that were interesting enough to replace them.

I don't understand why they just didn't follow the books. There is so much material there to make so many epic movies. Hell they could take the story from one of the Star Wars Video Games and made a better movie than the trash that is The Last Jedi

Agreed. Don’t really know why they needed to kill Han and Luke and I’m guessing now Leia.

Then they gave them very few scenes together or nothing at all. That’s criminal

Hammock Parties 11-08-2019 08:04 PM

Yes. The Last Jedi was awesome.

I'll see every Star Wars movie ever released until the end of time in a theater.

Mennonite 11-08-2019 08:47 PM

We need a Starcrash reboot with a CGI Joe Spinell and a de-aged (topless) Caroline Munro.

Marjoe Gortner Lives!

notorious 11-08-2019 10:00 PM

I tried to get my 11 and 7 year old into Star Wars.

They don’t give a shit. You couldn’t pull me away from watching ROTJ for the 189th time when I was a kid.

It doesn’t grab kids’ imaginations anymore. Sad.

alpha_omega 11-08-2019 10:10 PM


Originally Posted by notorious (Post 14582140)

They don’t give a shit. You couldn’t pull me away from watching ROTJ for the 189th time when I was a kid.....

For sure. Remember when it came to cable, it was like a holiday.

Hammock Parties 11-08-2019 10:21 PM


Originally Posted by notorious (Post 14582140)
I tried to get my 11 and 7 year old into Star Wars.

They don’t give a shit. You couldn’t pull me away from watching ROTJ for the 189th time when I was a kid.

It doesn’t grab kids’ imaginations anymore. Sad.

Um, Star Wars was one of a kind back then.

Now we have hundreds of movies using the exact same technology every year.

It's not a fair comparison.

To have the impact Star Wars had on audiences in the 80s, studios would have to come up with virtual reality presentations today.

Miles 11-08-2019 10:31 PM

I was also one that left the theater on Last Jedi very disappointed. Expectations are far lower this time and plan to see opening weekend in the best AV theater in the area. Even if I don’t like how it ends need to finish the ride and hope for some entertainment along the way.

Frazod 11-08-2019 11:22 PM


Originally Posted by Miles (Post 14582180)
I was also one that left the theater on Last Jedi very disappointed. Expectations are far lower this time and plan to see opening weekend in the best AV theater in the area. Even if I don’t like how it ends need to finish the ride and hope for some entertainment along the way.

None of us is under any obligation to pay these scumbags for the damaged goods they slapped a Star Wars logo on.

There's a pizza joint right down the street that was our go to delivery option for years. Then, unbeknownst to us, the owners sold it. Immediately the taste changed, and not for the better. Suddenly the sauce went from awesome to overpowering onion slop. Tried it once, wrote it off as maybe they were having a bad day. Then the next one tasted just as bad as the last, and that was the last the we ordered there. Didn't matter how good their pizza USED to be - all that matters is NOW it sucks. They no longer get my business.

I'm not paying to watch some wretched SJW Mary Sue horseshit based on movies done by other people decades ago when I was still a kid. **** 'em. I'm just pissed that I paid to watch the last one.

Just Passin' By 11-09-2019 12:34 PM

As I said after 7, I'm done with Star Wars. I just wanted to post here in reaction to Dane's post, by dropping this off.

I'm just passing it on, not verifying it.

BigCatDaddy 11-09-2019 12:54 PM

I am still amazed that 8 made it to theaters. There is just no way to fix the mess RJ created. He literally killed SWs.

notorious 11-09-2019 01:13 PM


Originally Posted by Just Passin' By (Post 14582574)
As I said after 7, I'm done with Star Wars. I just wanted to post here in reaction to Dane's post, by dropping this off.

I'm just passing it on, not verifying it.

What do TV shows do when they are failing fast and panic?

Introduce a new character near the 12th hour.


Tribal Warfare 11-09-2019 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by BigCatDaddy (Post 14582583)
I am still amazed that 8 made it to theaters. There is just no way to fix the mess RJ created. He literally killed SWs.

As said many times before Disney will have to have a clean reboot and start over to save face among the fans.

Easy 6 11-09-2019 01:52 PM

Was soooooo disappointed in the last one, this will likely be a rental

Mennonite 11-09-2019 01:58 PM

I don't even know who "R.J." is but I can't see how anybody but George Lucas could be blamed for killing Star Wars after Phantom Menace came out.

If you're cool with Ewoks, Jar Jar, rehashed plots, mediocre acting, and lame dialog for 30 years I don't know why anyone would start to complain now.

When Star Wars jumped the shark: Leia turning out to be Luke's sister. That and the goddamn Ewoks.

Mennonite 11-09-2019 02:05 PM


Originally Posted by Tribal Warfare (Post 14582608)
As said many times before Disney will have to have a clean reboot and start over to save face among the fans.

Oooh maybe they can reboot the series with another movie about the death star. It will make a billion dollars and in 30 years people can complain about how reboot #XLII isn't nearly as good as reboot #XII.

We need more movies like Bladerunner 2049. Adults paying to see rehashed Disney crap aren't helping matters.

Buehler445 11-09-2019 04:22 PM


Originally Posted by notorious (Post 14582140)
I tried to get my 11 and 7 year old into Star Wars.

They don’t give a shit. You couldn’t pull me away from watching ROTJ for the 189th time when I was a kid.

It doesn’t grab kids’ imaginations anymore. Sad.

To be fair to all involved there are infinitely more things to be entertained by than there was in your day.

Tribal Warfare 11-09-2019 05:00 PM


Originally Posted by Mennonite (Post 14582632)
Oooh maybe they can reboot the series with another movie about the death star. It will make a billion dollars and in 30 years people can complain about how reboot #XLII isn't nearly as good as reboot #XII.

We need more movies like Bladerunner 2049. Adults paying to see rehashed Disney crap aren't helping matters.

Rehashing is how Disney made their money starting with Snow White

Frazod 11-09-2019 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by Mennonite (Post 14582627)
I don't even know who "R.J." is but I can't see how anybody but George Lucas could be blamed for killing Star Wars after Phantom Menace came out.

If you're cool with Ewoks, Jar Jar, rehashed plots, mediocre acting, and lame dialog for 30 years I don't know why anyone would start to complain now.

When Star Wars jumped the shark: Leia turning out to be Luke's sister. That and the goddamn Ewoks.

I didn't have a problem with the brother/sister thing. It was better than some Luke/Leia/Han love triangle. As for the ewoks, they were initially supposed to be wookies, which would have actually made sense. I could have bought into wookies killing stormtroopers. But not teddy bears. :grr:

I guess somebody decided they needed to save money on the fake fur budget. Or maybe midgets work for less than really tall people.

Sorry 11-09-2019 05:02 PM

im actually for a secret skywalker. I think what i loved about the OT was the rustic beat up way they presented the movie, the current movie is cool with the super clean quality but it needs some dirt thrown on it.

Mennonite 11-09-2019 05:10 PM


Originally Posted by Sorry (Post 14582793)
im actually for a secret skywalker. I think what i loved about the OT was the rustic beat up way they presented the movie, the current movie is cool with the super clean quality but it needs some dirt thrown on it.

They'll spend 30 million dollars CGI'ing some semi-realistic looking dirt in the next movie.

"Alien" was another movie that was better for having grimy looking future tech. Anybody remember the Sean Connery flick "Outland"? It had a similar look.

DaneMcCloud 11-09-2019 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by BigRedChief (Post 14581281)
Glad to see you back to at least let us know Star Wars stuff in this thread.:thumb:

I thought the 3rd act of Rogue One was the best act of the whole Star Wars universe. The Darth Vader scene wasn't originally even in there? I hope Gilroy gets his chance to take on a whole series or movie.

Thanks for the kind words. Tony Gilroy is signed on as screenwriter for the entire series along with directing several episodes. He's not the Showrunner but it's his vision driving the series.


Originally Posted by BigRedChief (Post 14581281)
Glad to hear D&D were fired. I heard that the cast and HBO were on board with doing an additional episode or two to flush out the last season story of GOT but D&D wanted to move on to Star Wars. Any truth to that rumor Dane?

From my understanding, there's no truth to that rumor. The final two seasons were shot simultaneously, while editing and music took more than a year after shooting. All of the actors, directors, et al had made further career plans and trying to do two more episodes well after shooting was over, sets broken down, etc. and so on, would have been ridiculously expensive. The new management at AT&T wouldn't have approved it, anyway. They're still figuring out their way, while Direct TV and HBO Max are already giving them fits.


Originally Posted by BigRedChief (Post 14581281)
Sounds like Lucas films has got fat and happy in its old age. New blood is needed.

It's really more of a "too many cooks in the kitchen" situation. KK and the "Story Group" have one vision. Dave Filoni, who's been spread thin while working on Seasons 1 & 2 of The Mandalorian and the second and final season of Star Wars Resistance, has another.

And Lawrence Kasdan (more on that in a bit).


Originally Posted by banecat (Post 14581851)
They thought that was what people wanted

Not "they", Lawrence Kasdan. Kasdan has had an enormous influence on Lucasfilm and the sequels. He finagled his way into co-writing The Force Awakens with Abram, wrote Solo, had input on TLJ and on Rise of Skywalker. He's seen as an arrogant ass and he's directly responsible for Lord & Miller's firings. I heard directly from people at Disney that he completely freaked out on set because Lord & Miller were straying from the script that he wrote and that led directly to their firing.

Kasdan believes that he, and only he, understands Han Solo, mostly because he wrote Empire and ROTJ. Without his son's influence on Solo, it would have been a completely different movie because Jon is ALL into Star Wars, the EU, the animated series, the games - all of it. It was his idea for Darth Maul, the Maw, the crime syndicate (which was suppose to be Black Sun but was changed to Crimson Dawn due to Maul) and so on. So basically anything "cool" is Jon and the rehashed parts are Kasdan, although George Lucas did have input on Solo, on set and off.


Originally Posted by Mennonite (Post 14582627)
I don't even know who "R.J." is but I can't see how anybody but George Lucas could be blamed for killing Star Wars after Phantom Menace came out.

RJ is Rian Johnson, writer and director of Episode VIII. And while you have a valid gripe and opinion of the prequels, it's certainly not shared by young people, whose introduction to Star Wars was Episodes I, II and III, not IV, V and VI.

For example, we have Disney annual passes so we're at Disneyland at least a few days each month. Late last month, we had family in town so we headed to Disney at 7am and while the kids were doing rides in California Adventure, I went directly to Star Wars Land and the Millennium Falcon ride. I went as a "Single Rider" and rode it four times in less than an hour (it was awesome, too!). While in line, I spoke to dozens of people, most of whom said flat out that they're into Star Wars because of I, II and III.

Also, the lines were 2 hours or more for the Falcon and even longer for the Cantina. Add to that, there were no Fast Passes available, so people waited. For hours. The Rise of the Resistance ride is opening in January and I probably won't wait in line until late February or March because it'll be insane for a while.

Different strokes and all.


Originally Posted by notorious (Post 14582140)
I tried to get my 11 and 7 year old into Star Wars.

They don’t give a shit. You couldn’t pull me away from watching ROTJ for the 189th time when I was a kid.

It doesn’t grab kids’ imaginations anymore. Sad.

My kids, who are the same age as yours, are fully into it, as are most of their friends (and some are WAY into it). Lightsabers, costumes, video games, board games - you name it. They even got me two Resistance Fighter X Wing helmets for my birthday and my youngest wants the $700 dollar lightsaber.

I may have mentioned this before but my kids didn't connect with the movies until after they'd watched The Clone Wars and the Star Wars Rebels animated series. At that point, they were official Star Wars fans. My oldest still sleeps with her BB-8 stuffy toy.

Also, I think this might be out there already but Colin Trevorrow was fired from Episode IX not because of the weak box office of his last film, The Book of Henry, but because he wanted RJ to change two things about TLJ:

1. He wanted Luke to survive so that Luke & Leia could defeat the First Order together, as Jedi's.
2. He wanted Snoke alive.

He fought tooth and nail and lost the battle. He refused to rewrite his script and forced Lucasfilm to fire him. After asking another half a dozen directors to helm IX (remember that initially, RJ was going to write VIII AND IX), they all turned her down so she went back to Abrams.

notorious 11-09-2019 06:56 PM


Originally Posted by Mennonite (Post 14582632)
Oooh maybe they can reboot the series with another movie about the death star. It will make a billion dollars and in 30 years people can complain about how reboot #XLII isn't nearly as good as reboot #XII.

We need more movies like Bladerunner 2049. Adults paying to see rehashed Disney crap aren't helping matters.

I thoroughly enjoyed BR 2049.

Icon 11-09-2019 07:23 PM

The Force Awakens was bad. Phantom Menace bad

The Last Jedi was God awful. Leia flying through space was laughable.

I thoroughly enjoyed Rogue One and I thought Solo was ok - nothing special.

I just don't feel any connection to the main characters. I don't like the way they killed off Luke and Han. Their death had no real or noble purpose. Now they're going to kill of 3CPO. It's like they're trying to erase any remnant of George Lucas Star Wars.

I'm done with this franchise for now.

banecat 11-09-2019 08:06 PM


Originally Posted by Icon (Post 14582947)
The Force Awakens was bad. Phantom Menace bad

The Last Jedi was God awful. Leia flying through space was laughable.

I thoroughly enjoyed Rogue One and I thought Solo was ok - nothing special.

I just don't feel any connection to the main characters. I don't like the way they killed off Luke and Han. Their death had no real or noble purpose. Now they're going to kill of 3CPO. It's like they're trying to erase any remnant of George Lucas Star Wars.

I'm done with this franchise for now.

They were okay. Better than the last trilogy was. I don't recall R1 having one light hearted moment in it. I recall it being depressing. I don't need it to try to have marvel level comedy in it, but I don't want to have to start drinking two thirds of the way through a movie that I didn't expect to be such a downer. I get that they want to bridge their older movies with the newer ones, but you're right that there's a way to dispense with the old for the new

NJChiefsFan 11-10-2019 07:08 PM


Originally Posted by banecat (Post 14582977)
They were okay. Better than the last trilogy was. I don't recall R1 having one light hearted moment in it. I recall it being depressing. I don't need it to try to have marvel level comedy in it, but I don't want to have to start drinking two thirds of the way through a movie that I didn't expect to be such a downer. I get that they want to bridge their older movies with the newer ones, but you're right that there's a way to dispense with the old for the new

There were plenty of light hearted moments in R1. K-2SO had like 8 gold laugh out loud 1 liners on his own.

<iframe width="853" height="480" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

WhiteWhale 11-10-2019 08:54 PM


Originally Posted by cosmo20002 (Post 14581802)
To the 'no' people...

You've watched 8 previous movies (and likely Rouge and Solo also), and maybe some of the various TV series, spent a few decades following this, and then the last of the movie series comes out and you're..."Nah."

Is it the "seeing it in the theater" part you're saying no to? You've invested all this time and interest in SW and now you don't want to part with $10-$15 to properly see how it ends? :shake: :rolleyes:

Yes, I'm not giving them my money directly. I'm sure I'll watch it on netflix or whatever someday.

They're not entitled to it. Disney star wars sucks ass.

If you have a girlfriend for 2 years and she starts cheating on you, you don't stay with her cos it would be a waste of time and money spent. You move on to better things.

SW was never a big deal to me. I liked it. It was fun, but I thought Empire was the only great movie. Just like I think TLJ is the first awful SW movie. I've ranted more than enough about why. Yes it's worse than any of the prequel trilogy. It fails, utterly, as a narrative. It's just stuff happening.

Fishpicker 11-10-2019 10:27 PM


Originally Posted by WhiteWhale (Post 14588237)

If you have a girlfriend for 2 years and she starts cheating on you, you don't stay with her cos it would be a waste of time and money spent. You move on to better things.

exactly. why not enjoy a Kurosawa film?

I haven't watched any of the of the Disney SW films. they aren't made for me. The new Disney SW movies are made for the racially masochistic nerds who don't know anything about cinema. Empire was tits. ROTJ was bush. the prequel trilogy was like an exhibitionist fat chick that acted immature. and the Disney movies are like finding a 4K Katie Hill sex tape in the woods but when you try to watch it, you get distracted by the narration provided by Liz Warren.

RINGLEADER 11-10-2019 10:38 PM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 14580375)
Yes. I'm 42 years invested in this shit. I'm not even going to try to lie and say I'm not going to see it in the theater, no matter how badly TLJ made me want to stay home for IX. And it really did.

I’ve decided to direct my venom where it belongs — at Rian Johnson’s next movie “Knives Out” which I hope bombs miserably at the box office.

WhiteWhale 11-10-2019 10:53 PM


Originally Posted by Fishpicker (Post 14588546)
exactly. why not enjoy a Kurosawa film?

I haven't watched any of the of the Disney SW films. they aren't made for me. The new Disney SW movies are made for the racially masochistic nerds who don't know anything about cinema. Empire was tits. ROTJ was bush. the prequel trilogy was like an exhibitionist fat chick that acted immature. and the Disney movies are like finding a 4K Katie Hill sex tape in the woods but when you try to watch it, you get distracted by the narration provided by Liz Warren.

Random plug, but Good point. I'm a big Kurosawa fan. I think I'll plug in some Yojimbo tomorrow...

Bowser 11-11-2019 07:41 PM


Originally Posted by RINGLEADER (Post 14588580)
I’ve decided to direct my venom where it belongs — at Rian Johnson’s next movie “Knives Out” which I hope bombs miserably at the box office.

That's eerie, because I had the same thought. Potential shame, too - he assembled a hell of a cast for it. But, I'm definitely with you here.

sully1983 11-12-2019 09:29 AM

I flat out despised The Force Awakens (Jar Jar Abrams gave us new lame characters) but then gave The Last Jedi a chance in theaters because I wanted to see Mark Hamill tear it up but left severely disappointed and letdown by that one too (Rian Johnson's direction was horrible as were some of the subplots thru out). So Disney has fooled me twice and I have no confidence or any interest in Rise of the Skywalker. Don't care about the new cast or how Rey & Kylo Ren are going to carry the film. Those characters suck.

Sorry 11-19-2019 04:41 PM

To kill snoke the way that they did after all the hype is egregious, as is killing Luke before the last movie of the "skywalker saga". They made such a disjointed mess with characters that don't even hold close to the power the original cast exuded. I think this one will be the best of the latest trilogy but it'll take major rebranding and storywriting to go from here.

Is it even worth going past this era? Is it a never ending cycle of good vs bad? An empire will rise again? Sith? How much further will they go in time... a generation?

Tribal Warfare 11-19-2019 04:46 PM


Originally Posted by Sorry (Post 14609266)
To kill snoke the way that they did after all the hype is egregious, as is killing Luke before the last movie of the "skywalker saga". They made such a disjointed mess with characters that don't even hold close to the power the original cast exuded. I think this one will be the best of the latest trilogy but it'll take major rebranding and storywriting to go from here.

Is it even worth going past this era? Is it a never ending cycle of good vs bad? An empire will rise again? Sith? How much further will they go in time... a generation?

Before Kennedy and Abrams, the original treatment was suppose to be set 1000 years after ROTJ for a new trilogy separate from Skywalker

crayzkirk 11-19-2019 04:54 PM

I haven't seen a SW film in the theaters since Return of the Jedi however I have bought them all up until Solo. The Last Jedi just left me feeling cheated. I have Netflix and see that Solo is available and haven't bothered to watch it. I have the same feeling about the latest Star Trek and Marvel movies; they are just going through the motions. Nothing really new, lots of razzle, dazzle, action with little to like in the characters.

Guess I'm just getting old. Everything just seems like a rehash of old ideas. Yeah, I'm not the target market anymore however my money still spends and I'm not going to spend it on this.

Sorry 11-19-2019 05:00 PM


Originally Posted by Tribal Warfare (Post 14609274)
Before Kennedy and Abrams, the original treatment was suppose to be set 1000 years after ROTJ for a new trilogy separate from Skywalker

That would've been perfect and if Abrams had the balls and innovation i think he's somewhat capable of he could've boosted his legacy big time, now it may be to late.

Baby Lee 11-19-2019 05:10 PM

TLJ is officially now bad enough that the entertainment to be had is in snarking on it, as opposed to actually being invested in it. Kind of like Studio 60 turned out to be riveting viewing just to see Aaron Sorkin have a full-on therapy breakdown through his characters as opposed to being an actual interesting television show.

RedLetterMedia's takedown was definitive, but coincidently Mr. Reagan recently posted a lengthy diatribe. He's more overtly political in his criticism than I would be, but he makes a compelling case that KK and RJ purposefully and pointedly shat on what came before. Hatred for the movie is not accidental, and mere entertainment by the spectacle of it means you weren't paying much attention.

<iframe width="949" height="534" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Chiefspants 11-19-2019 05:26 PM


Originally Posted by el borracho (Post 14580723)
Oh, man. I loved Star Wars as a kid and was super excited in the late 90s when they started working on new movies, but The Phantom Menace killed the whole thing for me and I never saw another one. Hard pass on this franchise unless they can somehow earn rave review from both fans and critics (not likely).

Watch The Mandalorian.

banecat 11-19-2019 05:37 PM


Originally Posted by NJChiefsFan (Post 14587857)
There were plenty of light hearted moments in R1. K-2SO had like 8 gold laugh out loud 1 liners on his own.

<iframe width="853" height="480" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

The pacing was so bad that I was so bored that I must've missed them

Sorry 11-19-2019 05:58 PM

honestly, they should've made Luke and Kylo team up in the end to beat Mary Sue, while Luke and kylo never truly becoming friends again.

Beef Supreme 11-20-2019 03:01 PM

Lemme guess. An EVEN BIGGER Death Star!!!!! And a lesbian!!! And that's what passes as the plot.

Chiefspants 11-20-2019 03:25 PM

If the leaks are true, JJ will have successfully made TLJ look like Saving Private Ryan

DaneMcCloud 11-20-2019 04:56 PM


Originally Posted by Chiefspants (Post 14610765)
If the leaks are true, JJ will have successfully made TLJ look like Saving Private Ryan

They're still involved with re-shoots and editing so at this point in time, it's safe to say that no one knows how this movie will work or end.

The day that KK fired Trevorrow back in August 2017, the release date should have been moved from December 20, 2019 to May 22th, 2020, giving them 5 more months in which to complete the film.

Like so many others, I'll be surprised if the film isn't a complete and utter disaster.

Chiefspants 11-20-2019 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 14610950)
They're still involved with re-shoots and editing so at this point in time, it's safe to say that no one knows how this movie will work or end.

The day that KK fired Trevorrow back in August 2017, the release date should have been moved from December 20, 2019 to May 22th, 2020, giving them 5 more months in which to complete the film.

Like so many others, I'll be surprised if the film isn't a complete and utter disaster.

Holy ****. They’re still doing reshoots 6 weeks before release?

Maybe I’m an uncultured rube - but that does not inspire confidence.

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