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CASHMAN 01-07-2003 10:47 PM

Best Or Worst Retail Exp??????
I was just wondering if any of you had a good or bad day at a retail store? or work at one and have some info into why some customers think they own the place they spend there money in? and why customer service has gone down hill??


Ebolapox 01-07-2003 10:50 PM

some customers are dumb b/c the average IQ of middle america (the types that shop at those places... not the overly rich) is only around 80.... if you isolate them, they're tolerable, but if you have to deal with moron after moron, they tend to have a crowd effect... one moron turns into the same one before that, until soon, you're grabbing an ak47 and shooting their asses...

-EBOLA-...the mail never stops either ;)

CASHMAN 01-07-2003 11:15 PM

Just like my SIG, says is how i treat people, you treat me good i will treat you the same way if you treat me like shi! then you get the idea.

Retail workers dont get paid squat and most of them do the best they can and i think they only treat you bad is when you treat them bad or as a 2nd class citizen.


Ebolapox 01-07-2003 11:20 PM


Originally posted by CASHMAN
Just like my SIG, says is how i treat people, you treat me good i will treat you the same way if you treat me like shi! then you get the idea.

Retail workers dont get paid squat and most of them do the best they can and i think they only treat you bad is when you treat them bad or as a 2nd class citizen.


totally agree... I worked in retail (wal mart) for about two years, and still know a lot of people in 'the industry'... it's like any other JOB (read: not career: careers are supposed to be enjoyed)... there are good days (read: days where people are nice to you), and bad days... I say that the average IQ is low b/c I'm an elitist asshole :D


stanleychief 01-07-2003 11:25 PM

Re: Q

Originally posted by EBOLA
some customers are dumb b/c the average IQ of middle america (the types that shop at those places... not the overly rich) is only around 80.... if you isolate them, they're tolerable, but if you have to deal with moron after moron, they tend to have a crowd effect... one moron turns into the same one before that, until soon, you're grabbing an ak47 and shooting their asses...

-EBOLA-...the mail never stops either ;)

How ironic that the same can be said for about 90% of the people that WORK at retail stores.. If you are wondering why customers are cranky, think of what they go through when they have to deal with cruddy salesmen time after time.

I've worked retail before, and I'm still a customer to this day :)

Apply your statement to salespeople and you'll start to understand the consumer's point of view. Those of you in retail sales, do you find all of your co-workers competent?

CASHMAN 01-07-2003 11:34 PM

Re: Re: Q

Originally posted by stanleychief

How ironic that the same can be said for about 90% of the people that WORK at retail stores.. If you are wondering why customers are cranky, think of they go through when they have to deal with cruddy salesmen time after time.

I've worked retail and I'm still a customer. Apply your statement to salespeople and you'll start to understand the consumer's point of view.

Its a 2 sided sword my friend, yes in every field you dont get the cream of the crop. and it does stink that retail companys dont pay there managers a decent amount and some of them dont train there people100% but such is life. customers come into a store thinking they own the place and they dont just go into a place and get what you want and get out, and yes if treated bad then go to the top but remember not everyone is as perfect as yourself? Thats why there is so many restraunts and other places if you dont like the one you were just in then go to another one, there is a WENDYS about 1 mile if that from me and they are very rude and my girlfriend went there tonight and got rude svc so i have a choice to make keep going there or drive say 5 miles to the other one or call there manager??
oh well allways remember that not any one is perfect and try not to excpect it and all will be ok maybe?????????:)


Mosbonian 01-07-2003 11:40 PM

The fact that you think any customer is stupid shows that you need to choose another field to work in..preferably one that let's you have little or no contact with others, since you think so little of them.


PastorMikH 01-07-2003 11:43 PM

I get irritated at sales clerks that look down at you. A few years back, the Wife and I go into a Mall. She's wanting some perfume for Christmas so we head into the Penny's store. Now, I must regress here, I'm stuck in slacks, shirts, ties, etc enough. I was feeling like being comfortable, so we both were wearing jeans and nice sweatchirts. The stuff-shirted lady at the counter wouldn't wait on us. When we asked for help, she pulled out one bottle, not the stuff the wife asked for either, and then left us while she stood at the other end of the counter.

Finally, I said, loud enough for the lady to hear, "If they don't want to help us, we will go someplace else." Went down the mall to Dillards (quite a bit fancier than Pennys BTW) and the lady there was so courteous that we bought the bigger bottle of the perfume, some cologne for me, and a number of other things. Spent a good bit of money in there. The Penny's lady could have had that sale if her attitude had been different.

One more, Incedentily, another Pennys.

Wife bought me a dress shirt last fall while in Wichita, where they had a sale, buy one at full price get the second for a buck. So her and her mom slip the money and bought shirts for me and her dad. Problem was, mine didn't fit. So we went into the local Pennys store and looked around. Found a shirt that I liked, but I didn't have a tie or slacks to match, so we shoped around until we found both.

Went to the checkout and the cashier (told the wife just take the shirt up with the tags on it, and don't give them the reciept - she didn't listen), a younger lady in her teens gets obstinate with the wife. Says that she can only give my wife $1 for the shirt.

I walk up to the counter and ask what is going on. The cashier tells me that since my wife bought the shirt at a sale, she can only give us the sale price. I pointed out that the shirt was almost identical to the one we brought back, just a little bigger and a different color. She pointed out that the buttons were barely different. I pointed out that the shirt we picked up was the same price as the original shirt and they had the same sale going on - get second for $1. She wouldn't listen. So I spoke a little louder and said, "For a buck, I'll just take the shirt we brought in back home and use it for a rag. And since we aren't exchanging the shirt, I won't need this $50 pair of slacks or this $25 dollar tie."

Wasn't but a moment after I said this, the assistant manager dropped in, made an even swap on the shirts and helped us with the rest of the stuff.

Sales clerks can be so irritating!

KCChiefsMan 01-07-2003 11:51 PM

I'm a waitor at a restaraunt and to be quite honest with you, if you come in looking like trash, you get bad service, BUT I have my certain characteristics that I look for to determine if I'm going to give them bad service:
1) if you come in and I've served you before and I know you don't tip, then they'll just get the worst service in the world (and NO I wouldn't ever spit in the food or shit like that, just no refills and really really slow and rude service)
2) if the person is wearing ANYTHING with the confederate flag on it
3) if the person is wearing ANYTHING with Nascar on it
4) if the person has a mullet
5) if they are rude to me regardless of what you look like
6) if they are missing teeth (unless they are really polite)
7) if they look like they are in high school
8) if they are wearing dirty t-shirts
9) if they are wearing John Deer hats
10) if I just get the "I'm not getting a tip from this table vibe"

People really PISS me off when I give them good service and they leave crappy tips, I'd rather have fun with them and give them horrible service and not get a tip so they will be reluctant to come back.

PastorMikH 01-07-2003 11:52 PM

To those defending retail clerks, restaruant workers, etc.

I think those people need to remember WHY they have a job. They aren't there to hang clothes on a rack, they are there to sell them to a customer. The more pleasant, cheerful and helpful they are, the more clothes they will sell. They aren't there to take the fries out of the hot cooking oil, they are there to sell those fries. The more pleasant, cheerful and helpful they are, the more likely they will sell that person a soda and maybe even a hamburger to go with it. They have a job because of the customer.

I worked at a Wendy's franchise for 6 1/2 years (3 stores, same company). You treat customers decently, they will do likewise. I can't remember how many upset customers got over their anger in a hurry when they found out that someone cared and would help them solve their problem.

It pays to treat the customer well, even if they are jerks.

PastorMikH 01-07-2003 11:53 PM

I'll be honest with you KCCHiefsman, if I come in and get bad service, their won't be any tip left.:)

Furthermore, if the service is bad enough, the manager usually finds out.

Paying customers are just that. And they should be treated decently regardless of how much loot is being left on the table, how they look, what kind of car they drive up in, ETC.

CASHMAN 01-07-2003 11:53 PM

Re: Cashman...

Originally posted by mmaddog
The fact that you think any customer is stupid shows that you need to choose another field to work in..preferably one that let's you have little or no contact with others, since you think so little of them.


HUMMMMMMMMMM were did i say that customers were stupid?? NEVER SAID THAT. and i dont work the retail my friend so please read what i write and dont add things to me that you want to, thanks:).

And with that said i beat that you think the customer is allways right? no matter what and you should be treated like royalty? and if you arent getting your butt kissed by all associates then that is so rude.
And i do know alot of people in retail and they say the people with the best attitudes are the CHIEFS PLAYERS!! they arent rude and dont excpect them to jump thur hoops for them.



stanleychief 01-07-2003 11:54 PM


customers come into a store thinking they own the place and they dont just go into a place and get what you want and get out, and yes if treated bad then go to the top but remember not everyone is as perfect as yourself?
Well umm, technically, us customers help pay the rent and salaries :) I know we can be a big inconvenience sometimes, but that's just the way it goes.

I understand the reasons behind poor service and can sympathize, but as a customer, I feel I deserve good service, not good excuses. Yes I do have a choice, and yes I do excercise my choice often and go somehwere else. I do feel that the management of a company under certain circumstances needs to know what is going on in their store. There are 'customers from hell' that will gripe over nothing, but that's life. I think that to take a stance that all customers are a pain in the *** is a very poor attitude and to not bring instances of exceptionally bad customer service to the management's attention will not only fail to resolve your issue, but damage the company in the long term as well.

PastorMikH 01-08-2003 12:00 AM


Originally posted by KCChiefsMan

....I'd rather have fun with them and give them horrible service and not get a tip so they will be reluctant to come back.

I wonder if the head manager read this if he would be retaining your services.

Mosbonian 01-08-2003 12:01 AM

Look at your post....maybe i should repost it for you...


I was just wondering if any of you had a good or bad day at a retail store? or work at one and have some info into why some customers are stupid and so on?????


And with that said i beat that you think the customer is allways right? no matter what and you should be treated like royalty? and if you arent getting your butt kissed by all associates then that is so rude.
Please tell me that you have yet to graduate with your atrocious spelling and puntuation....

Yes, I think the customer is always right...especially for the Associate...the only person who should try to reason with a customer and infer they might be incorrect is the Manager. Why?
Because in most cases he is the person best equipped to handle that type of situation. Most Associates are not prepared to handle situations that arise.

And FWIW, not all Professional athletes are courteous! Ask a few of the waitresses at your local tavern.


stanleychief 01-08-2003 12:02 AM


Originally posted by KCChiefsMan
I'm a waitor at a restaraunt and to be quite honest with you, if you come in looking like trash, you get bad service, BUT I have my certain characteristics that I look for to determine if I'm going to give them bad service:
1) if you come in and I've served you before and I know you don't tip, then they'll just get the worst service in the world (and NO I wouldn't ever spit in the food or **** like that, just no refills and really really slow and rude service)
2) if the person is wearing ANYTHING with the confederate flag on it
3) if the person is wearing ANYTHING with Nascar on it
4) if the person has a mullet
5) if they are rude to me regardless of what you look like
6) if they are missing teeth (unless they are really polite)
7) if they look like they are in high school
8) if they are wearing dirty t-shirts
9) if they are wearing John Deer hats
10) if I just get the "I'm not getting a tip from this table vibe"

People really PISS me off when I give them good service and they leave crappy tips, I'd rather have fun with them and give them horrible service and not get a tip so they will be reluctant to come back.

Heh heh.. that was pretty funny. But to turn this around a bit on you too....

If you prejudge these people and offer poor service to these types consistently, then you are participating in a self-fulfilling prophecy. Maybe those type of people are tipping you poorly because they consistently receive poor service all of the time. :)

PastorMikH 01-08-2003 12:04 AM

Ebola, I would venture to say that as the weath increases, so does the rudeness. And that, if a person has trouble with the rudeness displayed at a "middle-class" resturaunt, they would be quite disturbed at the way they were treated while waiting on tables in an expensive "upper-class" resturaunt.

In fact, the average working Joe looks at a waiter/waitress as someone just like himself trying to beat out a living for the family. The upper class type are much more likely to view the same waiter/waitress as nothing more than a servant that should cater to their every need.

Skip Towne 01-08-2003 12:05 AM

KCChiefsman - Once you have made enough customers "reluctant to come back", you can then amuse yourself by looking for another job.

Ebolapox 01-08-2003 12:07 AM


Originally posted by pastormikh
Ebola, I would venture to say that as the weath increases, so does the rudeness. And that, if a person has trouble with the rudeness displayed at a "middle-class" resturaunt, they would be quite disturbed at the way they were treated while waiting on tables in an expensive "upper-class" resturaunt.

In fact, the average working Joe looks at a waiter/waitress as someone just like himself trying to beat out a living for the family. The upper class type are much more likely to view the same waiter/waitress as nothing more than a servant that should cater to their every need.

oh, I'd agree with you to a certain extent... but I personally believe that ALL classes have the potential to be a-holes... I've helped some richer people, and they've been as nice/down to earth as can be... I've helped people who were (seemed to be) dirt poor... and they were total jerks about everything... which is why I try to judge people not by their status, but by how they treat me... always have, but like I said, I'm an elitist a-hole ;)


CASHMAN 01-08-2003 12:08 AM

Re: Cashman...

Originally posted by mmaddog
Look at your post....maybe i should repost it for you...


Please tell me that you have yet to graduate with your atrocious spelling and puntuation....

Yes, I think the customer is always right...especially for the Associate...the only person who should try to reason with a customer and infer they might be incorrect is the Manager. Why?
Because in most cases he is the person best equipped to handle that type of situation. Most Associates are not prepared to handle situations that arise.

And FWIW, not all Professional athletes are courteous! Ask a few of the waitresses at your local tavern.


Never did say customers were stupid??? and i was just asking a question if anyone had a good or bad day or EXP in a retail store?? so if i ask if you ever had a bad day with a CHIEFS PLAYER ? that makes me one? ha ha. oh well life goes on so good night.

And yes i flunked english sorry.


stanleychief 01-08-2003 12:12 AM


Originally posted by pastormikh
Ebola, I would venture to say that as the weath increases, so does the rudeness. And that, if a person has trouble with the rudeness displayed at a "middle-class" resturaunt, they would be quite disturbed at the way they were treated while waiting on tables in an expensive "upper-class" resturaunt.

In fact, the average working Joe looks at a waiter/waitress as someone just like himself trying to beat out a living for the family. The upper class type are much more likely to view the same waiter/waitress as nothing more than a servant that should cater to their every need.

I'd have to say you hit it on the head there.. There are some exceptions of course, but there are more poor people that are down to earth than rich. Some rich people drive me nuts, and as a result, I turn down a lot of large contracts from time to time.

In general, I'd have to say that if anyone hates the people they work with on a daily basis, then they should find another job. As a contractor, I get to choose my customers, and I take on projects in which I feel I can offer the best service. When a project goes sour, you have to just grin and bear it though and work your way through it. Keeping every customer happy keeps the referrals coming your way!

Mosbonian 01-08-2003 12:17 AM

In reading your diatribe about who you do and don't give good service to, one thing came to mind.

Do you think that you don't get good tips because of your biases?

You evidently don't live in the Eastern part of the US because if you excluded all of the people you named, there wouldn't be a table left for you to service....

So you basically won't service:

2) if the person is wearing ANYTHING with the confederate flag on it - I wouldn't blame you there
3) if the person is wearing ANYTHING with Nascar on it- That could exclude some very influential people...including people like Joe Gibbs, former NFL Coach, and various other high profile people who are sponsors of NASCAR racing Teams
4) if the person has a mullet- I've seen just as many waiters and waitresses with mullets as customers
6) if they are missing teeth (unless they are really polite) This could include anyone from the NHL, IHL, or even some NFL players along with persons who have had recent dental surgery
8) if they are wearing dirty t-shirts- i assume you work in an upper-class restaurant
10) if I just get the "I'm not getting a tip from this table vibe"- The only time you should get this is when you have provided poor service. You give good service at my table, you get a good tip. If you become scarce at my table, your tip is too


Mosbonian 01-08-2003 12:20 AM

You edited your post......

In it's first incarnation you posted....


I was just wondering if any of you had a good or bad day at a retail store? or work at one and have some info into why some customers are stupid and so on?????
Why deny it?


CASHMAN 01-08-2003 12:22 AM

Re: Cashman...

Originally posted by mmaddog
You edited your post......

In it's first incarnation you posted....

Why deny it?


Yes i edited it because maybe what you said was right, but i never said customers were stupid i asked a question. oh well i am off to bed so take care.


Ebolapox 01-08-2003 12:25 AM

Re: Cashman...

Originally posted by mmaddog
You edited your post......

In it's first incarnation you posted....

Why deny it?




RJ 01-08-2003 12:26 AM


Originally posted by stanleychief

I'd have to say you hit it on the head there.. There are some exceptions of course, but there are more poor people that are down to earth than rich. Some rich people drive me nuts, and as a result, I turn down a lot of large contracts from time to time.

In general, I'd have to say that if anyone hates the people they work with on a daily basis, then they should find another job. As a contractor, I get to choose my customers, and I take on projects in which I feel I can offer the best service. When a project goes sour, you have to just grin and bear it though and work your way through it. Keeping every customer happy keeps the referrals coming your way!

Stanleychief, you're exactly right. I'm in the flooring business and there is the occasional bad job. Most of the time I should have known better than to take it. But once I have it's best to just make it work. Some of the worst jobs turn out to be the best referrals. You'll eventually make up the $$ if you do it right.

Phobia 01-08-2003 12:29 AM

I can't believe Paul's attitude. I don't fit into any of those "criteria", but I find it shocking that you would be so petty. Methinks you should prolly find a different line of work. Some of the most wealthy people aren't materialistic and walk around in jeans and a t-shirt all day....

I think it's important to compliment great service at least 5x for every complaint and I go out of my way to do so (if earned).

PastorMikH 01-08-2003 12:37 AM


Originally posted by pHoBiA
Some of the most wealthy people aren't materialistic and walk around in jeans and a t-shirt all day....

Sam Walton is one example. And I'm not talking about John Boy's little borhter either. The guy went around in overalls or blue jeans about everywhere he went. Drove an old pickup too. All the while, he built the strongest retail chain of discount stores in the nation.

Actually, on the toothless bit, if a person were to try some of the "poorer" tactics of bad service to some of the redneck hillbillies that do tend to pass through, one might find himself short a few. You think bubba is just going to be content sending a burger back after he bit into a big ol' juicy haaaacker?

Mosbonian 01-08-2003 12:37 AM

Good night...

Why didn't you just accept you said customers are stupid and say that wasn't what you meant to say?

You can't erase's there in my posts....why act like you didn't say it?

Acceptance and admitting you are wrong are the first steps to recovery.


RJ 01-08-2003 12:42 AM

Of course, what kcchiefsman is talking about is pre-judging.

I spent much time in my earlier years waiting tables and tending bar. Pre-judging is a bad habit. You never know who is a tipper. And they all deserve the same service. The good tippers balance out the deadbeats. Treat everyone the same.

More importantly, have fun with your job. It's an occupation that allows you to be yourself. You'll enjoy the work more and find yourself putting more money in your pocket. I promise.

stanleychief 01-08-2003 01:08 AM


Stanleychief, you're exactly right. I'm in the flooring business and there is the occasional bad job. Most of the time I should have known better than to take it. But once I have it's best to just make it work. Some of the worst jobs turn out to be the best referrals. You'll eventually make up the $$ if you do it right.
How true! I have had several referrals come back and say, "Oh man, when I heard you worked with so-and-so, I knew you could work with me!" Most of the time, the people they refer think they're a pain in the *** too! :D

When I get a doosey of a client, I just think to myself, "They're not my friend, they're a client. Once my job is over, I won't have to deal with them again!" It's all business, never personal, although that is much easier said than done a lot of times!

Valiant 01-08-2003 01:24 AM

i feel some of your sorry... as long as the customers are not being rude and dickheads they should always get great service..i mean you are all tips for your money..

hell if you are a great get depending on price 30% and up...for a tip...

Average_Assclown 01-08-2003 01:41 AM


Originally posted by KCChiefsMan
I'm a waitor at a restaraunt and to be quite honest with you, if you come in looking like trash, you get bad service, BUT I have my certain characteristics that I look for to determine if I'm going to give them bad service:
1) if you come in and I've served you before and I know you don't tip, then they'll just get the worst service in the world (and NO I wouldn't ever spit in the food or shit like that, just no refills and really really slow and rude service)
2) if the person is wearing ANYTHING with the confederate flag on it
3) if the person is wearing ANYTHING with Nascar on it
4) if the person has a mullet
5) if they are rude to me regardless of what you look like
6) if they are missing teeth (unless they are really polite)
7) if they look like they are in high school
8) if they are wearing dirty t-shirts
9) if they are wearing John Deer hats
10) if I just get the "I'm not getting a tip from this table vibe"

People really PISS me off when I give them good service and they leave crappy tips, I'd rather have fun with them and give them horrible service and not get a tip so they will be reluctant to come back.

Wow, you hit the nail on the head man. I worked part time at Chili's as a server to have a little extra cash while attending college. So much trash comes in there. They think they can push you around and do or say anything they want. BS, I only put up with that for so long. I'll only do so much for a tip. If you have come in before and left shitty tips, you will WITHOUT A DOUBT get shitty service. Waiters start to recognize you eventually. And Chiefsman, when I say that certain "kinds" of people always tip shitty...I think you know what I'm talking about. It can be a very frustrating job.

RJ 01-08-2003 01:44 AM

Stanleychief, that is on the money. Friends of the most difficult customers know what their friends are like. We did a job recently for a real pain-in-the-butt where we barely broke even. But he referred 2 customers to us than more than made up for the heartache.

Rausch 01-08-2003 01:53 AM


Originally posted by KCChiefsMan
I'm a waitor at a restaraunt and to be quite honest with you, if you come in looking like trash, you get bad service, BUT I have my certain characteristics that I look for to determine if I'm going to give them bad service:
1) if you come in and I've served you before and I know you don't tip, then they'll just get the worst service in the world (and NO I wouldn't ever spit in the food or shit like that, just no refills and really really slow and rude service)
2) if the person is wearing ANYTHING with the confederate flag on it
3) if the person is wearing ANYTHING with Nascar on it
4) if the person has a mullet
5) if they are rude to me regardless of what you look like
6) if they are missing teeth (unless they are really polite)
7) if they look like they are in high school
8) if they are wearing dirty t-shirts
9) if they are wearing John Deer hats
10) if I just get the "I'm not getting a tip from this table vibe"

People really PISS me off when I give them good service and they leave crappy tips, I'd rather have fun with them and give them horrible service and not get a tip so they will be reluctant to come back.

I'm not going to bother with the stupidity of the entire post, but I'll pick one point and hope you can figure out the rest yourself.

First, my girlfriend is a big nascar freak, and while I deteste the "sport" she loves it. I don't like it, and don't pretend to, but I try and follow a tad of it to at least converse with her. I can see why some people like it, but I don't.

See, I really try and get along with people. It's hard sometimes, me and the girlfriend don't always agree. But we try, and we always find some middle ground.

Then there are bass ackwards people like yourself, too tied to who either turned you down for the prom or stole your luch money to ever really move on in life. You cling to the same assanine presumptions you had in high school before you left mommy's little nest and found out that in the real world people aren't cookie-cutter coppies of each other like the prejudices in your head. I sometimes refer to persons like yourself as "little people." Like the Umpa-loompas.

And when we get in our arguments, and see someone as narrowminded and pathetic as yourself, we laugh. We laugh and point and laugh and point and laugh more...ahhhhhh.....a good belly laugh....And we forget what it was we were really angry about anyway....:D

Average_Assclown 01-08-2003 01:55 AM

I figuged a lot of people were going to flame KCChiefman's post, but until you have been a waiter, you just don't know. You have no idea.

Rausch 01-08-2003 02:03 AM


Originally posted by Above_Average
I figuged a lot of people were going to flame KCChiefman's post, but until you have been a waiter, you just don't know. You have no idea.
Whatever. That's a fat line of BS.

I've been a waiter. I've managed a store. I've been cook. I've worked everything from a Golf Course pro shop to Pizza Hut to the Missouri Division of Highway safety.

A lot of people suck. A lot of jobs suck. But you'll find that the best waiters/waitresses make the most money. It's that simple. It's not the best looking, or the bosses favorite, it's the hardest working and most polite.

That simple. Odds are if you don't get the tips, it's because you're a $#itty server. Not because all people suck.

Average_Assclown 01-08-2003 02:03 AM


Originally posted by BRAD_CAUDLE

Whatever. That's a fat line of BS.

I've been a waiter. I've managed a store. I've been cook. I've worked everything from a Golf Course pro shop to Pizza Hut to the Missouri Division of Highway safety.

A lot of people suck. A lot of jobs suck. But you'll find that the best waiters/waitresses make the most money. It's that simple. It's not the best looking, or the bosses favorite, it's the hardest working and most polite.

That simple. Odds are if you don't get the tips, it's because you're a $#itty server. Not because all people suck.


stanleychief 01-08-2003 02:04 AM


Originally posted by Above_Average
I figuged a lot of people were going to flame KCChiefman's post, but until you have been a waiter, you just don't know. You have no idea.
Who says we haven't but handled it differently? :) I've had poor people stiff me and rich people stiff me. When it comes to poor people not tipping well, I usually thought to myself, "Gee, they probably could barely afford their dinner, my performance as a server was probably good, they were just broke!" Somehow I took more comfort in that than the rich people who came in and were friendly and stiffed me. Some people are of the belief that they don't have to tip you well, and that tipping is optional. Guess what? IT IS!

I'm not saying that it doesn't suck to get stiffed, but it's part of life, it's gonna happen, why let it affect your performance?

FloridaChief 01-08-2003 02:06 AM


Originally posted by Above_Average


Still dreaming of Portis's fumbled balls, are ya?

Average_Assclown 01-08-2003 02:07 AM


Originally posted by stanleychief

Who says we haven't but handled it differently? :) I've had poor people stiff me and rich people stiff me. When it comes to poor people not tipping well, I usually thought to myself, "Gee, they probably could barely afford their dinner, my performance as a server was probably good, they were just broke!" Somehow I took more comfort in that than the rich people who came in and were friendly and stiffed me. Some people are of the belief that they don't have to tip you well, and that tipping is optional. Guess what? IT IS!

I'm not saying that it doesn't suck to get stiffed, but it's part of life, it's gonna happen, why let it affect your performance?

Waiters make about $2.00 an hour. The rest of their money comes from tips. Sure tipping is optional. But if you go into a restaurant on a regular basis and choose not to tip everytime....well....enjoy your service.

Average_Assclown 01-08-2003 02:08 AM


Originally posted by FloridaChief

Still dreaming of Portis's fumbled balls, are ya?

FloridaChief 01-08-2003 02:10 AM


Originally posted by Raiderfan

Ebolapox 01-08-2003 02:11 AM


Originally posted by Above_Average

wow, it IS taco... man, get an original thought once a month


Average_Assclown 01-08-2003 02:12 AM

I will if you and whatshernuts gets a room.

Ebolapox 01-08-2003 02:13 AM


Originally posted by Above_Average
I will if you and whatshernuts gets a room.
no comment

-EBOLA-...weak reverse smack

Average_Assclown 01-08-2003 02:14 AM


Originally posted by EBOLA

no comment

-EBOLA-...weak reverse smack

Sure thing. Good luck on your first cyber date.

Rausch 01-08-2003 02:14 AM


Originally posted by Above_Average

Waiters make about $2.00 an hour. The rest of their money comes from tips. Sure tipping is optional. But if you go into a restaurant on a regular basis and choose not to tip everytime....well....enjoy your service.

Yeah, nothing like living off the hard work OTHER people do because you can't get a job you're proud of....

stanleychief 01-08-2003 02:15 AM


Originally posted by Above_Average

Waiters make about $2.00 an hour. The rest of their money comes from tips. Sure tipping is optional. But if you go into a restaurant on a regular basis and choose not to tip everytime....well....enjoy your service.

Like I said, been there done that.. it sucks, but it's still your job. Sometimes people are broke for a stretch then get some money.. I've had crappy tippers come back and tip very well after getting some money. Heck, I've even had a customer APOLOGIZE for tipping badly for a stretch of time. Doesn't really matter, and shouldn't really matter. I heard other waiters complain about certain regulars a lot, and being a newbie, a lot of times I was stuck with em. You know what? Sometimes I got decent tips out of them, and once or twice was told that I was an excellent waiter compared to the others.

Hope things work out well for you when the complaints start rolling in, or the resturant starts losing business.

VonneMarie 01-08-2003 02:15 AM


Originally posted by Above_Average

Sure thing. Good luck on your first cyber date.

4321 :rolleyes:

Average_Assclown 01-08-2003 02:16 AM


Originally posted by BRAD_CAUDLE

Yeah, nothing like living off the hard work OTHER people do because you can't get a job you're proud of....

I happened to enjoy my job thoroughly when I didn't have to serve trash.

Average_Assclown 01-08-2003 02:17 AM


Originally posted by Chiefsgurl18

4321 :rolleyes:


Rausch 01-08-2003 02:19 AM


Originally posted by Above_Average

I happened to enjoy my job thoroughly when I didn't have to serve trash.

Which just so happens to BE YOUR JOB....It's your job to serve people. You don't have to like them, or even respect them. You do have to serve them food.

You don't get to pick and choose who. And it shows just how shallow you are that you judge EVERYONE the second they walk in the door, and BASED ON THAT JUDGEMENT you determine HOW they should be served.

Sounds to me like you're a pathetic little man taking his frustrations out on everyone else....

Ebolapox 01-08-2003 02:19 AM


Originally posted by Above_Average



if I wasn't so busy laughing at the stupidity of the whole situation, I'd point out...errr.... ummm.... yeah, I'd just start laughing at you....


VonneMarie 01-08-2003 02:21 AM


Originally posted by Above_Average


:spank: :rolleyes:

Average_Assclown 01-08-2003 02:22 AM


Originally posted by BRAD_CAUDLE

Which just so happens to BE YOUR JOB....It's your job to serve people. You don't have to like them, or even respect them. You do have to serve them food.

You don't get to pick and choose who.

For the record I don't even work there anymore. And for your information, I would get to pick who I served for the most part. Just gotta tell the hostess' what you prefer. ;)

FloridaChief 01-08-2003 02:23 AM


Originally posted by Above_Average

I happened to enjoy my job thoroughly when I didn't have to serve trash.

I sympathize completely. Tell us, do you wipe the asphault specks off of Denver QBs foreheads when they come into your restaurant?

Just curious...

Average_Assclown 01-08-2003 02:23 AM


Originally posted by Chiefsgurl18

:spank: :rolleyes:

Kinky! :LOL: :p :LOL: :p

Ebolapox 01-08-2003 02:24 AM


Originally posted by Above_Average

Kinky! :LOL: :p :LOL: :p

4321.... I got a BB for ya...

that, or

you'd fit right in at either ;)


VonneMarie 01-08-2003 02:26 AM


Originally posted by EBOLA

4321.... I got a BB for ya...

that, or

you'd fit right in at either ;)


Amen, preach the word my brotha :D

Average_Assclown 01-08-2003 02:26 AM

Hey you said yourself that you're not a couple. Don't mind me. :dom:

Rausch 01-08-2003 02:28 AM


Originally posted by EBOLA

4321.... I got a BB for ya...

that, or

you'd fit right in at either ;)


Don't bother, he comes from Taco's Villa.....

Apparently he gets little notice there either. Were I taco I'd feel a bit ashamed at having such a no class clod as a regular. I mean, Taco talks his smack, but he's always here to eat the crow or back up his statements.....

Ebolapox 01-08-2003 02:29 AM


Originally posted by Above_Average
Hey you said yourself that you're not a couple. Don't mind me. :dom:
naw, I made *no comment*...didn't confirm or deny... that doesn't mean that you have full reign.... basically means that you approach her, I kick yo ass ;)... err... umm... by calling you a terrorist...

err... umm... YEAH... he's a TERRORIST


Average_Assclown 01-08-2003 02:29 AM


Originally posted by BRAD_CAUDLE

Don't bother, he comes from Taco's Villa.....

Apparently he gets little notice there either. Were I taco I'd feel a bit ashamed at having such a no class clod as a regular. I mean, Taco talks his smack, but he's always here to eat the crow or back up his statements.....

What statements have I made here that required eating crow?

stanleychief 01-08-2003 02:29 AM


Originally posted by Above_Average

For the record I don't even work there anymore. And for your information, I would get to pick who I served for the most part. Just gotta tell the hostess' what you prefer. ;)

Ahh so you were one of those waiters always hanging out away from your tables, talking and flirting with the hostesses instead of helping your customers! And you wondered why you got bad tips.

I hope you at least got to bag the hostess once or twice. ROFL

Rausch 01-08-2003 02:30 AM


Originally posted by Above_Average

What statements have I made here that required eating crow?


Average_Assclown 01-08-2003 02:31 AM


Originally posted by EBOLA

naw, I made *no comment*...didn't confirm or deny... that doesn't mean that you have full reign.... basically means that you approach her, I kick yo ass ;)... err... umm... by calling you a terrorist...

err... umm... YEAH... he's a TERRORIST


Confirm or deny = single.

And the handle I use isn't just a coincidence. :) :Pinky:

So whats up Chiefsgurl? :dom:


Average_Assclown 01-08-2003 02:32 AM


Originally posted by BRAD_CAUDLE


Great reply. There are none.

VonneMarie 01-08-2003 02:33 AM


Originally posted by Above_Average

Confirm or deny = single.

And the handle I use isn't just a coincidence. :) :Pinky:

So whats up Chiefsgurl? :dom:

NEVER! :shake:

Ebolapox 01-08-2003 02:34 AM


Originally posted by Above_Average

Confirm or deny = single.

And the handle I use isn't just a coincidence. :) :Pinky:

So whats up Chiefsgurl? :dom:


uhh, yeah, I'm sure you're such an expert on the subject...

-EBOLA-...could go on and on with the subject, but it's not worth it really... like I said, stupidity happens all the time... especially among bronkey fans

KCChiefsMan 01-08-2003 03:11 AM


Originally posted by stanleychief

Heh heh.. that was pretty funny. But to turn this around a bit on you too....

If you prejudge these people and offer poor service to these types consistently, then you are participating in a self-fulfilling prophecy. Maybe those type of people are tipping you poorly because they consistently receive poor service all of the time. :)

see thats where you are wrong, 10 out of 10 people with those characteristics tip bad or not at all, I don't work at a bad place, Applebee's isn't that bad, it's not like I'm serving at Perkins. People just do not tip and that is how I make my money, the owner's of the restaraunt don't pay me but $2 per hour, I have to rely on tips to make any money at all and that is why people with like the one's I've mentioned will never get good service from me. I could give them good service but I still won't get a tip, I'd rather give them bad service and feel better about it, but most of the customers are alright but when I do get customers when I know they won't tip me, you think I'm gonna give them great service? come on now. And if somebody wants to tell the manager, well, the managers do the same exact thing when they serve, believe that.

KCChiefsMan 01-08-2003 03:17 AM


Originally posted by pastormikh
I'll be honest with you KCCHiefsman, if I come in and get bad service, their won't be any tip left.:)

Furthermore, if the service is bad enough, the manager usually finds out.

Paying customers are just that. And they should be treated decently regardless of how much loot is being left on the table, how they look, what kind of car they drive up in, ETC.

I only care about how much is left on the table, but 10 out of 10 cowboys (forgot to put that on the list) leave NO MORE than a dollar, guarunteed every time, and after 10 times of giving those people good service and getting NOTHING I just say **** it. I get paid $2 per hour, I have to rely on tips, everybody knows that you are expected to tip at restaraunts if you get solid service and that servers don't get much of a wage, so I betcha that there is a special place in hell for those people that leave no tip regardless of the service, I could give those people good service but I know I still won't get a tip, I'd rather give them bad service and feel better about it, or at least know why I got a bad tip. In this business paying customers are not just that, I'm not stupid, I can learn trends and predict accurately what kind of tip I'll probably get. There are few exceptions, maybe 1 out of 1000 cowboys would leave a good tip, but only under exceptional circumstances. And they can tell the manager and the manager will give me a pat on the back.

KCChiefsMan 01-08-2003 03:19 AM


Originally posted by Skip Towne
KCChiefsman - Once you have made enough customers "reluctant to come back", you can then amuse yourself by looking for another job.
thats my goal to make them never come back. but I won't need to look for another job. I dont know if you know this, but I only get paid $2 per hour, I have to rely on tips, I hope that the people that stiff me even tho I gave them good service, I hope they all rot in hell.

Rausch 01-08-2003 03:22 AM


Originally posted by KCChiefsMan

thats my goal to make them never come back. but I won't need to look for another job. I dont know if you know this, but I only get paid $2 per hour, I have to rely on tips, I hope that the people that stiff me even tho I gave them good service, I hope they all rot in hell.

Why the hell WOULD THEY tip you since you judge them the second they walk in the door, then provide them with $#it service?

Makes no sense...No wonder you make squat...

stanleychief 01-08-2003 03:24 AM


I have to rely on tips, everybody knows that you are expected to tip at restaraunts if you get solid service and that servers don't get much of a wage, so I betcha that there is a special place in hell for those people that leave no tip regardless of the service, I could give those people good service but I know I still won't get a tip, I'd rather give them bad service and feel better about it, or at least know why I got a bad tip.

I think the bad tippers get placed right next to the bad waiters.. I mean it is HELL after all isn't it? :D

KCChiefsMan 01-08-2003 03:27 AM


Originally posted by pHoBiA
I can't believe Paul's attitude. I don't fit into any of those "criteria", but I find it shocking that you would be so petty. Methinks you should prolly find a different line of work. Some of the most wealthy people aren't materialistic and walk around in jeans and a t-shirt all day....

I think it's important to compliment great service at least 5x for every complaint and I go out of my way to do so (if earned).

its not that petty, I don't just look at their clothes, It's not like that, but working there as long as I have, you can tell by the way they look, I mean I get great tippers that wear jeans and what not. you dont have to wear a suit and tie to get good service from me, but about 2 of every 10 customers I have this problem with and I know I won't get a good tip if any regardless of the service. My wage is $2 per hour, but overall I make very good money there, but it still pisses me off when I get stiffed when I provided good service, wouldn't that piss you off when you rely on tips? anybody who's ever served knows what I'm talking about. just think about providing great service to someone and they stiff you, how would you feel about that? and when the people with the criteria I mentioned do it consistently (99 out of 100), you wouldn't give them good service either. Most of my customers get good service from me and I make good money, but about 2 of every 10 tables will not tip me regardless of the service and thats just ridiculous. If people can't afford to leave 15% at least for good service then they shouldn't go out.

heapshake 01-08-2003 03:27 AM


Originally posted by KCChiefsMan

I don't work at a bad place, Applebee's isn't that bad, it's not like I'm serving at Perkins.

Man, you're one judgemental guy.

KCChiefsMan 01-08-2003 03:30 AM


Originally posted by BRAD_CAUDLE

Why the hell WOULD THEY tip you since you judge them the second they walk in the door, then provide them with $#it service?

Makes no sense...No wonder you make squat...

I dont think you understand, I do make good money, BUT working at a restaraunt as long as I have, you realize these trends of who will tip you and who won't. You'd just have to wait tables I guess to understand where I'm coming from. about 2 of every 10 tables won't leave a very good tip and I can tell which ones that is ahead of time. For about 9 months I gave EVERYBODY good service and the people with the criteria I mentioned did not leave tips (less than 5%) and I talked to other servers that I work with and they all agreed with me and they do the same thing, you'd just have to work as a server to understand I guess.

KCChiefsMan 01-08-2003 03:31 AM


Originally posted by heapshake

Man, you're one judgemental guy.

ya, I am

RNR 01-08-2003 03:32 AM

I wear jeans, t-shirt, flanel shirt, I wear roper type work boots or cowboy boots, and I always tip at least 15%. I will tell you another thing you act like you are to good for me cause you don't like the way dress, you will not get a penny, and you might get your ass kicked.

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