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falstaff 08-01-2001 04:06 PM

Chiefs are racist
How can you guys be fans of a clearly racist team? Teams like the 'Redskins' and the 'Chiefs' are clearly depicting American Indians in an inappropriate manner. As if the white man has not done enough damage to the Indian culture and heritage, football teams like the Chiefs must portray Indians and their mascot and portray American Indians in a demoralizing manner.

The US would never stand for team names like the 'Honkies', 'Spooks', 'RagHeads', 'WOPs', or 'Slants'. Why then should we be subjected to the desecration of the American Indian?

By simply supporting this, what I consider to be a criminal organization, you are backing the negative portrayal of the American Indian. Therefore, I consider you not Chiefs fans, but racists. The path to Arrowhead Stadium is truly a Trail of Tears.

HC_Chief 08-01-2001 04:11 PM

Who cares?

The team was named after John Bartel. His nickname 'Chief'

Go cry somewhere else.

ExtremeChief 08-01-2001 04:17 PM

What would you suggest??? By the way, are you Native American yourself, or are you someone who knows what everyone else is offended by. Did you ever consider that Native Americans might be proud to have a professional team use Chiefs as their name??? Lets get rid of all of the names that are considered by some offensive and just call them "The Kansas City Football Team"

why aren't tall people complaining about the Giants???

Do you think African Americans are offended by the Browns???

Should PETA have a problem with the Dolphins, Bears, Lions, etc...

Are thieves pissed cause there is a team named The Steelers (sorry) ;)

FWIW, If you would take the time to look it up, you would know that the Chiefs were named because of a business man that helped bring football to KC, not Native Americans

continuing to be politically incorrect...

BIG_DADDY 08-01-2001 04:18 PM

I'll bet your not even an Indian.

TexN 08-01-2001 04:22 PM

The CP community is also prejudiced against whiners!

"Chiefs" is a title of stature and is in no way derogatory. Are we no longer allowed to use words that were created by minorities or oppressed people. You are clearly the racist, falstaff!

BTW, I kind of like the sound of the Kansas City Honkies. Maybe we could start a petition.

Go MT!

Multi1 08-01-2001 04:23 PM

If you want to be offended, you can be. There are too many people in the world just looking for something to cause them an offense. You can put yourself in that category if you want to, I choose not.

If you want a good cause to get involved with, look at the crap that is being taught to our kids in schools. History is being rewritten to be politically correct. (i.e. The attack on Pearl Harbor is now called a surprise attack instead of a sneak attack as it was. Surprise is more PC than sneak.)

Look at the freedoms that have been taken away from us because someone thinks they are more important than the rest of us. I don't have to point out any specific items, there are so many that each person that can think knows several of them.

BTW I am a Chief, I am not offended by the Kansas City team calling themselves Chiefs. I am of indian blood, however, I am an American more than an indian. I am of the human race, therefore I fit into every category, you see there is only one race on this planet.

Time to get your head out and find someting good to do for mankind.

KS Smitty 08-01-2001 04:23 PM

I believe that Chief is an English word for leaders of Native Americans. I don't think they called themselves Chief whatever. It is also used in the Armed Forces ie Chief Petty Officer. Not to mention that is the nickname of one of the men responsible for bringing pro football to KC. How is that racist?

falstaff 08-01-2001 04:25 PM

If the Chiefs are named after a business man, then where did they get Arrowhead stadium? I suppose maybe he called his car Arrowhead?? Additionally, the Chiefs merchandise clearly displays American Indian artifacts. The name 'Chiefs' is CLEARLY and UNDENIABLY assoicated with American Indians.

Additionally, other names in the NFL do not offend entire cultures by sterotyping them. The Browns are named after DOGS - not African Americans - yet this is another clear example of the racist attitude of a typical Chiefs fan.

My post is not intended to stir up trouble or slander the your team in anyway. I only hope to get the fans to realize that the team they support is racist. In order to live in a more accepting society, I would hope that the members of this board petition to bring their team into the new millenium by changing the name to a more pollitically acceptable mascot. Good luck to you all.

BroncoFan 08-01-2001 04:27 PM

Broncos... now there is a name!!

falstaff, you can't possibly be a heterosexual, football appreciating male to post this type of crap. Which would make you an indian woman. May I suggest you change your username to squaw and save your namesake (a truly wonderful beer) some embarrassment.

And clean up your tepee!!

KS Smitty 08-01-2001 04:28 PM

I don't think that native americans were the only people that used stone arrows.

keg in kc 08-01-2001 04:29 PM

Like HC stated, the name "Chief" is taken from John Bartel, it's not a reference to American Indian chiefs. While the early logo of the franchise did depict an American Indian, all references have long since been removed from both the team and Arrowhead stadium, with the exception of the actual arrowhead itself, and I think it's a stretch at best to call the symbol of an arrowhead detrimental in any way, shape or form toward the heritage of the American Indian. There's no so-called "war chants" in Arrowhead stadium, like you'd hear in Atlanta or Tallahassee. There's no American Indian mascot - the mascot is a wolf, of all things, not the idiotic (and IMO insulting) grinning Cleveland Indian logo, nor the logo on the helmet of the Redskins. Problems with those I might better understand, but complaining about the Kansas City Chiefs is completely pointless unless you really just like the sound of your own voice.

BroncoFan 08-01-2001 04:29 PM


your not helping

TexN 08-01-2001 04:30 PM

I think we should call them the "Injuns".

ExtremeChief 08-01-2001 04:31 PM


Originally posted by falstaff

The Browns are named after DOGS - not African Americans
uhhhh....wrong they are not named after DOGS, and I know there not named after African Americans, its called a joke


My post is not intended to stir up trouble or slander the your team in anyway.
The hell your not, and I'll ask again...are you Native American, or just trying to speak for someone else????

KS Smitty 08-01-2001 04:31 PM

Thank you BroncoFan!

keg in kc 08-01-2001 04:32 PM

By the way, as if it mattered, I have Cherokee blood flowing through my veins, as does my soon-to-be wife.

Neither one of us is offended by the team, nor do we see the Chiefs as racist in any way.

HC_Chief 08-01-2001 04:32 PM

<i>My post is not intended to stir up trouble or slander the your team in anyway. I only hope to get the fans to realize that the team they support is racist</i>

Oh really? Is THAT why you came on here and labled an entire fan base racist?

piss-off troll

bishop_74 08-01-2001 04:33 PM

Well I hate to do this, but I am getting tired of hearing the same stupid comment over and over again. First and foremost, I must say that...


Since when has the word "Chief" been used as a derogatory term. How offended would an American Indian be if you called him something that he should be proud of, as opposed to a slang term that would insult a person from a particular race??? Why don't you THINK for more than 3 seconds before spouting of your unreasearched political garbage and offend people with your ignorance.

Thanks for completely wasting my time by actually having me read this rediculous post, and know now that everyone is actually DUMBER from haven taken your view point in to consideration.

falstaff 08-01-2001 04:34 PM


The mere fact that you do not associate CHIEFS, ARROWHEAD, ETC with AMERICAN INDIANS is silly. Wake up to the racism, you breed! You cannot make this world a better place by supporting racism.

And to anwser many of your questions, NO, I am NOT and American Indian. But, as a member of the human race, I feel it is my duty to SUPPORT my fellow man, be he white, black, brown or blue! You 'fans' however tear down the walls of harmony by sterotyping an enitre race.

I would not be suprised to see the KC helmet replace with a white hood!!

Warrior5 08-01-2001 04:35 PM

Just for the sake of free speech in an open forum, clarify how the Chiefs "...portray American Indians in a demoralizing manner." Please be specific.

The mascot is a wolf.
The Arrowhead is <B>proudly</B> emblazoned on the helmets.

In a genuine attempt to remain objective, I could understand how some people <I>may</I> be sensitive to the term "Redskins", but again I don't see Marty Schottenheimer doing anything desecrating American Indians concerning his team.

I will agree with you that for the last three years the path to <B>and from</B> Arrowhead has been a Trail of Tears.

...hoping the Tomahawk Chop returns to Arrowhead in full force this year...

hawaiianboy 08-01-2001 04:36 PM

Every single year someone complains. Just watch, some PETA hump will eventually get on you guys for all that damn BBQ you put away.

Change the name to the KC Hawaiians in my honor, my people won't complain....

HC_Chief 08-01-2001 04:36 PM


This as been a public service announcement.

Thanks. :)

bishop_74 08-01-2001 04:36 PM

He not a troll, he is an ignorant fool

bishop_74 08-01-2001 04:37 PM

We never said we didn't associate Indians with the Chiefs, we just said that the word "Chiefs" is not derogatory. Go home dummy...

keg in kc 08-01-2001 04:38 PM

Uhm, Falstaff, even if the terms are associated with American Indians, how are they racist? What's deragatory about any of the terms you mentioned?

Weak argument with weak logic by a weak-minded troll.

Go try this on a Redskins board, or a Braves board, or maybe even an Indians board. You clearly don't know enough about this franchise or its history to waste any more of our time.

ExtremeChief 08-01-2001 04:40 PM


Originally posted by falstaff
But, as a member of the human race, I feel it is my duty to SUPPORT my fellow man, be he white, black, brown or blue!

So this is "supporting your fellow man"???

Donate to charity, mentor a child, help the homeless...

Why dont you worry about your own ethinicity, I'm sure there are many underpriveliged trolls looking for help...

HC_Chief 08-01-2001 04:42 PM

Think I'm gonna go whine on a Notre Dame bulletin board. How <i>dare</i> they depict Irishmen as little, orange-bearded, green-Leprechaun suit wearing, bar-fighting buffoons!

It's an OUTRAGE I tell you! An outrage!

boo hoo

boo hoo hoo hoo

Oh, how cruel the world is...

boo hoo hoo


keg in kc 08-01-2001 04:45 PM

There's this garage down the street that depicts a big fat guy in a plaid kilt playing bagpipes.


falstaff 08-01-2001 04:46 PM

I suppose my goal of enlightning the Chiefs 'fans' to the racism they breed and spread has failed. The only response I recieve is either rejecting the FACT that the Cheifs are assoicated with American Indians, or being labeled a 'troll'.

This is not surprising. Apperently, it is not enough that the Chiefs fans sterotype and labe an entire race, they must sterotype and label anyone who is not in complete agreement with their views. Call me crazy, but I would call the above a clear definition of racism. I can hear the goosestepping toward Arrowhead as we speak.

splatbass 08-01-2001 04:47 PM

I am partly of Cherokee/Choctaw ancestry, and I don't find the name "Chiefs" to be derogatory at all. I do find the name "Redskins" offensive. The dictionary defines it as "offensive slang", the same term it uses to describe the "N" word. Not all Indians agree, though. The Redskins have a lot of fans in the Eastern Band of Cherokee in North Carolina. In the end it is not something that I spend much time worrying about. It would be nice if the Redskins changed their name, but it's not going to happen, so lets move on.

bishop_74 08-01-2001 04:47 PM

Oooh Ooooh! I shutter to think how offended I would be if they called a team the Rabbi's....

Man that smarts.

ExtremeChief 08-01-2001 04:48 PM

Arrowhead stadium is in honor of Steve Martin's "arrow-thru-the-head" standup routine...don't you do any research????

going to far...

Chiefs Pantalones 08-01-2001 04:49 PM

Chiefs are racists?



bishop_74 08-01-2001 04:49 PM

In order to "enlighten", shouldn't you have some ACCURATE information to offer to another party first???

BroncoFan 08-01-2001 04:51 PM


I think your aurgument might be more embarrassing for native americans than the way the chiefs play football. Although your intellectual prowess is giving the chiefs inability to win football games a run for its money.

HC_Chief 08-01-2001 04:52 PM

Considering they're based out of D.C., they should change the name to Lying, Whoring, Thieving Bastages (LeWTBees) ;)

Mascot could be a depiction of a drunkin Ted Kennedy shoving a young woman's head under water while Clinton, Carter, Reagan and Nixon cheer him on (dollar bills over-flowing from out of their jackets)

Of course, some damn whiner would take offense and start some idiotic campaign... probably a few class action lawsuits... you KNOW there would be litigation. :rolleyes:

splatbass 08-01-2001 04:52 PM

By the way Falstaff, do you have any Native American blood? If not then I find your use of the term "Trail of Tears to Arrowhead" to be offensive. Some of my ancestors died on the Trail of Tears, and trivializing it for your own political purposes is offensive. If you want to really help Native Americans, maybe you should start protesting the BIA and it's policies, instead of a fine organization like the Kansas City Chiefs.

ExtremeChief 08-01-2001 04:52 PM

If you would take the time to actually read the posts you would see that most of us agree that the term "Chief" is associated with the American Indian...again, for the third or fourth is this term derogatory??????

FWIW disagreeing with us does not make you a troll, being $hit stirring, non-listening, team bashing, non-researching, idiot does :D

keg in kc 08-01-2001 04:53 PM


Apperently, it is not enough that the Chiefs fans sterotype and labe an entire race, they must sterotype and label anyone who is not in complete agreement with their views. Call me crazy, but I would call the above a clear definition of racism.
That, my Chiefs brethren, is called "irony". He stereotypes all of us and then condemns us out of hand for steroetyping others.


aturnis 08-01-2001 04:54 PM

He's right........
Native Americans are an endangered species, we are trying to save the rain forest and all that jazz, but I see trees everyday. Now Native Americans......have you ever seen two at the same time? NO! It don't happen! Cuz they are endangered. Welp.......I think that settles it, we are a racist bunch, and I can no longer be a Chiefs fan. Well, I'm out of here I guess...and off to find a new team.:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :D :p

bishop_74 08-01-2001 04:55 PM

*In the voice of Arnold Schwarzenegger*


Mi_chief_fan 08-01-2001 04:56 PM


Originally posted by HC_Chief
Think I'm gonna go whine on a Notre Dame bulletin board. How <i>dare</i> they depict Irishmen as little, orange-bearded, green-Leprechaun suit wearing, bar-fighting buffoons!

It's an OUTRAGE I tell you! An outrage!

boo hoo

boo hoo hoo hoo

Oh, how cruel the world is...

boo hoo hoo


Actually HC,

Their mascot is a short, bearded black man/leprechaun, those racist bastiges!!!!!!!

BTW, it's the funniest mascot out there, IMO.

splatbass 08-01-2001 04:56 PM

". Now Native Americans......have you ever seen two at the same time? NO! It don't happen! Cuz they are endangered. "

This is just ridiculous Aturnis. I see more than two Indians together all the time (my wife and I).

HC_Chief 08-01-2001 04:57 PM

Mi - he's a fine young Irishman ;)

Warrior5 08-01-2001 04:58 PM

Stop dodging the issue and answer the questions.
You're the one who started this post. Instead of "engaging" us with rationale discussion, you squiggle and start labelling us as foolish, insensitive racists. That's why you've been branded a troll.

You're accusing us of stereotyping and labeling "anyone who is not in complete agreement with their views", but that's exactly what you're doing. Instead of the kettle calling pot black, the Indian is calling the Chiefs fan red.

For the last time, clarify how specifically the Chiefs portray American Indians in a demoralizing manner. Otherwise, expect the recipes to start flying.

You wouldn't happen to have your own website, would you?

Chiefs Pantalones 08-01-2001 05:00 PM

In defense of falstaff...

I loved Dances With Wolves...

great movie.

:D ;)

bishop_74 08-01-2001 05:01 PM

That guy is loooooong gone. He didn't have any facts to back up his argument, so he turned off his computer in frustration.

BTW Cody... that was classic ;)

Logical 08-01-2001 05:02 PM


Originally posted by falstaff
I suppose my goal of enlightning the Chiefs 'fans' to the racism they breed and spread has failed. The only response I recieve is either rejecting the FACT that the Cheifs are assoicated with American Indians, or being labeled a 'troll'.

This is not surprising. Apperently, it is not enough that the Chiefs fans sterotype and labe an entire race, they must sterotype and label anyone who is not in complete agreement with their views. Call me crazy, but I would call the above a clear definition of racism. I can hear the goosestepping toward Arrowhead as we speak.

I am amazed at your ignorance, cleary no one has said the Chiefs is not associated with Indians. They have stated it is a proud association not a negative slang. Arrowheads have no negativity, at least no more than Bullets, Cyclones, Hurricanes, or other damage inflicting items.

Your objection is based on a stultefied desire to placate a group that (at least by anything approaching a majority of its members) has not asked to be placated in regards to the term Chiefs or the name Arrowhead.

I suggest you grow up and take your rant elsewhere. Perhaps you will have more success with the Redskins which as has already been pointed out is defined as a negative slang.

falstaff 08-01-2001 05:03 PM

"Native Americans are an endangered species, we are trying to save the rain forest and all that jazz, but I see trees everyday. Now Native Americans......have you ever seen two at the same time? NO! It don't happen! Cuz they are endangered. Welp.......I think that settles it, we are a racist bunch, and I can no longer be a Chiefs fan. Well, I'm out of here I guess...and off to find a new team"

This is my point exactly. The Cheifs fans are racists. I am NOT sterotyping the Cheifs fan base. But I am saying that supporting a racist organazation makes you a racist. If you support David Duke - you are a racist. If you support the Chiefs - YOU ARE A RACIST.

Take for example, the picture of 'Bishop' in the Photo Album - I am calling Bishop a racist due to the fact that he supports the Cheifs. The fact that he appears to be a neo-nazi is just coincidence.


Warrior5 08-01-2001 05:03 PM

You're probably right, but was hoping he'd post URL to his personal website...figure GannonStalker might be bored lately.

bishop_74 08-01-2001 05:04 PM


HC_Chief 08-01-2001 05:05 PM


Oohhhh, the hoarrrr ahhh!

The hoarrrrr ahhhhhhhh!


Down troll... sit... roll over... good troll.

Chiefs Pantalones 08-01-2001 05:07 PM

And the home...of the........CHIEFS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



old_geezer 08-01-2001 05:07 PM


bishop_74 08-01-2001 05:08 PM

Oh good lord, did he say I appeared to reflect neo-nazi tendencies? How by any definition do I fit that category? Geez, must be the tatoo. Man, this guy is about as hypocritical as he is ignorant.

Your right, I am racist, I HATE STUPID PEOPLE!!! :P

Mi_chief_fan 08-01-2001 05:10 PM


Take for example, the picture of 'Bishop' in the Photo Album - I am calling Bishop a racist due to the fact that he supports the Cheifs. The fact that he appears to be a neo-nazi is just coincidence.

Congratulations, you just became the first post i've ever reported to a moderator! Don't let the door hit ya on the way out!

falstaff 08-01-2001 05:12 PM


The negative connotation of the Chiefs is that the 'Cheifs' are CLEARLY assoicated with American Indians.

If you saw 60,000 people dress up in black face and afro wigs prancing around the football field, would it be considered honoring the black community?? No, it would be considered racist.

Additionally, the Chiefs are assoicted as 'tribe' of violent players coming to Arrowhead Stadium to 'do battle'. Clearly, the Chiefs mascot is a negative association with the American Indian.

Moreover, American Indian groups have voiced their frustration, understandably, about the Cheifs:

"A Native American Speaker at a recent assembly expressed his feelings on the unfair treatment of Native Americans in the United States. He also declared that teams named after Native Americans, like Florida State Seminoles, Atlanta Braves, The Kansas City Chiefs, and many more were racist. Tuesday (9/ 21/99) "

You can deny these FACTS, but I beg you to consider them before you support the Chiefs any longer. I am not here to be labeled a 'troll' -- I am here to wake you minds to the clear racism associated with the Chiefs!

bishop_74 08-01-2001 05:13 PM


Thanks MI

DaWolf 08-01-2001 05:14 PM

This is a boring, boring discussion. Should the Nords be upset that a team is named Vikings? Should people in the medditeranian be upset that there are the Spartans? Hell, there is a team in Indiana, the Pendelton Heights HS Arabians, and as a person of middle eastern descent (I'm Iranian, not Arabian, but close enough), that certainly doesn't offend me, because when I think of the name, I think of all the good and cool stuff associated with the Arabian culture, not bad things. IMO, if a name is purely offensive, IE Pendelton Heights Camel Jockeys, then it becomes an issue. Everything else is a waste of time with people who are looking for something to gripe about...

5decadechiefsfan 08-01-2001 05:14 PM

you made an *** of yourself several posts ago, and continue to make matters worse with each succesive post. Give it up, already.

HC_Chief 08-01-2001 05:15 PM

Metro Sports is on right now. Jaycee Pearson and Rich Baldinger are the commentators (just an FYI)

Have you guys tried Pizza flavored Pringles chips? OMG, they are addictive! I'm gonna be a fat bastard if I don't quit pouring these things down my throat...

Warrior5 08-01-2001 05:16 PM

Last chance to say something meaningful...

Mi_chief_fan 08-01-2001 05:16 PM


Originally posted by falstaff

The negative connotation of the Chiefs is that the 'Cheifs' are CLEARLY assoicated with American Indians.

Ahhh, so "chiefs" is ok, but "cheifs" is racist. Gotcha.

Remember mo-ron, i before e, except after c.

This is your final English lesson for the day.

keg in kc 08-01-2001 05:17 PM

I'm downing some Lay's KC Masterpiece BBQ chips right now, HC. Damn they're addictive too! I haven't tried those Pringles Pizza chips, but if they're anything like the rest of the Pringles varieties, I'd better stay away because I eat them a can at a time!

DaWolf 08-01-2001 05:17 PM


The negative connotation of the Chiefs is that the 'Cheifs' are CLEARLY assoicated with American Indians.
This statement applies ONLY if you believe that everything associated with Native Americans is negative...

bishop_74 08-01-2001 05:17 PM

The negative connotation of the Chiefs is that the 'Cheifs' are CLEARLY assoicated with American Indians.

-So what???

If you saw 60,000 people dress up in black face and afro wigs prancing around the football field, would it be considered honoring the black community?? No, it would be considered racist.

-The team members don't dress in American Indian attire to play football, what does this mean?

Additionally, the Chiefs are assoicted as 'tribe' of violent players coming to Arrowhead Stadium to 'do battle'. Clearly, the Chiefs mascot is a negative association with the American Indian.

- Since when was this association made. I know I didn't get a program at the last game, was it written in there?

"A Native American Speaker at a recent assembly expressed his feelings on the unfair treatment of Native Americans in the United States. He also declared that teams named after Native Americans, like Florida State Seminoles, Atlanta Braves, The Kansas City Chiefs, and many more were racist. Tuesday (9/ 21/99) "

-Good, if that guy said it... it MUST be true then.

You can deny these FACTS, but I beg you to consider them before you support the Chiefs any longer. I am not here to be labeled a 'troll' -- I am here to wake you minds to the clear racism associated with the Chiefs!

-Are you sure you didn't use to be a Johovas Witness, you should apply if you haven't all ready.

Honestly, if you want a bit of credibility, maybe you should take OUR viewpoint in to consideration before getting angry and calling us all Stereotypical.

Brock 08-01-2001 05:18 PM

Where the hell did this clown come from?

Warrior5 08-01-2001 05:20 PM

Glad you mentioned BBQ chips...reminds me that I've been wanting to ask Cody if he has a recipe for home-made Jalapeno Cheese Balls.
Do you plan on having these as appetizers at the rehearsal dinner or reception?

bishop_74 08-01-2001 05:20 PM

The little bus, why?

keg in kc 08-01-2001 05:22 PM

Dunno Warrior, the only "food" I have set in stone for that weekend is alcohol.

Lots and lots of alcohol.

Wake me up when it's over! :D

aturnis 08-01-2001 05:24 PM

Alright alright........
I hope you all know I am not racist but you falstaff, have just used my comment against us......

There are two reasons you should not take me seriously......

1) It is an outtake from one of Chris Rocks standup sets and was just said to make you realize how stupid this discussion is......I do believe there are still racist people out there, but most of them are almost dead already, believe me, my grandpa is a little on the bigit side......aside from "new-wave neo-nazis"(who are the most ignorant people in my opinion) and small town rednecks, there aren't too many. Any ways, the main point to that was.......the black community blames the white community of being racist, but as you see here, the black community can be racist too. Now, this is my point ANYONE can be racist, no matter their ethnicity, you too are racist in your ways even if its not too obvious. Maybe its not necasarilly racism, it could be stereotyping, which you have already been accused of and I agree.

2) If you didn't notice......I used :rolleyes: at the end of my post.....this interpretated as SCARCASM!

falstaff 08-01-2001 05:27 PM

I see that instead of opening their eyes to racism, the Chiefs fans rely on petty insults to defend their evil, offensive organazation. It seems that rather than consider my arguments, Chiefs fans would rather point out a spelling mistake.

Ignorance breeds racism, my friends. Please, re-read and try to understand my arguments. Again, I am not insulting you, or your team, I am simply trying to help you to realize that the Chiefs organazation needs to be changed.

I am prepared to lead this BBS in a drive to change the Chiefs name, to a less demeaning moniker. Please join me.

I am mearly trying to promote racial harmony, yet I have been labeled, sterotyped, insulted and threatened. I hope you can all grow up, and heed my advice.

keg in kc 08-01-2001 05:27 PM

You know what else is addictive?

Chex mix!

The home-made kind, I mean. Man, I make a batch of that stuff and it's like breakfast, lunch and dinner. I just love it.

Might have that at the reception.

Cody, what about those cheese balls?

Warrior5 08-01-2001 05:29 PM

What's the best dip for BBQ chips?

DaWolf 08-01-2001 05:30 PM

You stated that the name Chiefs is negative because it is "clearly associated with American Indians."

Do you wish to defend that racist statement or not?

Warrior5 08-01-2001 05:30 PM

You have the floor! Cheeseballs!

falstaff 08-01-2001 05:31 PM

DaWolf -

Please re-read my post in it's entirety. Do not take my comments out of context.

keg in kc 08-01-2001 05:33 PM

Warrior, I've never eaten dip on BBQ chips, so I don't have an answer for that.

No, tortilla chips, that's another story. I love a bunch of different dips on those. Salsa, of course, and queso, but I really like french onion dip on them from time to time, too.

Hmm, I'll have to do some thinking on the BBQ chips, though. Don't know what would work on those.

Mi_chief_fan 08-01-2001 05:34 PM


Originally posted by falstaff

I am mearly trying to promote racial harmony, yet I have been labeled, sterotyped, insulted and threatened. I hope you can all grow up, and heed my advice.

Really? Who said:


Take for example to photo of 'Bishop' in the photo album. I am calling Bishop a racistdue to the fact that he supports the Cheifs. The fact that he appears to be a neo-nazi is just coincidence.
Contradict much? Maybe we should change your name to "Big Chief Stickemfootinmouth", or would that be racist as well?

Warrior5 08-01-2001 05:34 PM

Do you just use Chex? Or do you add stuff in like pretzels and peanuts.
I knew a guy once that put raisins in his Chex mix; after that, everyone brought their own snacks to his parties.

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