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DaFace 04-23-2019 08:09 PM

Avengers (4) Endgame - Spoilers Welcome Thread
Since Endgame is probably one of the most anticipated films we've had here in a while, let's quarantine all discussion from those who have seen the film (or who have otherwise read spoilers). If you don't want to see stuff get spoiled, stay out!

(And this will likely be the last time I view this thread until Friday, so if you need me to put something in the OP or similar, shoot me a PM. I won't read posts in here.)

Bowser 04-23-2019 08:42 PM

(until Saturday evening, anyway :) )

Halfcan 04-23-2019 08:50 PM

Just watched a bootleg copy- I can't believe the Ron Perlman looking guy with the glove beats the Avengers ass again.

Just kidding...the Avengers seem focused this time and they have the hot ass Captain Marvel now. I like their chances.

Nickhead 04-24-2019 04:26 AM

i just watched it tonight... was release today....

it was tough watching tony die in peppers arms....

at least there will be a junior iman. :thumb:

Nickhead 04-24-2019 04:28 AM

oh and daface "luvs the cock" ;)

JD10367 04-25-2019 05:02 AM

No real spoilers here, but I figured I'd put it here because I'm sure a lot of people don't want to know a single damn fact about the film. This is a FB post by a friend of mine (who also happens to be the theater manager who ran the film for us last night) who really should be doing professional film reviews, followed by my comment on his post. One thing I'll add here: there are no post-credit scenes, but there IS a post-credit sound that I've asked him about.



So hard to review this without spoilers, but here goes.

It was pretty good, but not amazing. Certainly, a long way from bad, just not quite as good as "Infinity War".

There are amazing, classic, moments and scenes that will have audiences cheering, but it also spreads itself very thin and there are very long and very slow stretches throughout.

You would also think that with that hefty 3 hour runtime, all your favorite characters would get their due. Most of the original Avengers team at least get a brief side plot, but this is definitely the Tony Stark show, with Cap coming in a close second. Characters like Black Panther and Spider-Man get barely a cameo (or dialogue for that matter), and poor Captain Marvel ends up as nothing more than a deus ex machina.

The plot device (which I will not reveal except to say it is a heavily overused sci-fi trope) by which our heroes regain hope and embark on their journey to resolve their conundrum is also a bit too convenient, and arrived at far too easily. By the very nature of said device, myriad plot holes are created and many unanswerable questions are raised. In addition, it has given Marvel a way out of anything that they've done in this film. You'll see.

Despite my criticisms, I actually really enjoyed the experience. The scale of the climactic battle is epic and intense. There are some truly touching human moments. There are laugh out loud bursts of humor. Honestly, any time spent with these characters, as portrayed by these actors, is a good time.

As expected, this would seem to be the final film for certain members of the cast, and their characters are given fitting, respectful, and satisfying send-offs.

It will be very interesting to see where they go from here, and you can bet I'll be along for the ride!

Lastly, a public service announcement: There is NOT a post credits scene, so save yourself some time and get out so the ushers can clean up!!!

I agree with this review but I’d add that I’m not sure how the film—and end of this story arc—could’ve finished much differently, as they’d painted themselves into a corner with the direction of previous films. Certainly, when taken in totality with the other films, I think “Endgame” was a necessary evil. They’d already done “Beat the Bad Guy” over and over so, short of making “Infinity War” less of a film by beating Thanos in that one, they basically robbed Peter to pay Paul. “IW” was their “Empire Strikes Back”, thus I forgive some Ewoks and a second Death Star. Since I’m not as familiar with the comics, I’d be interested in your thoughts as to what the Russo’s could’ve done differently here to raise your rating without lowering “IW”.

Jamie 04-25-2019 12:15 PM

I watched the camrip because I'm stupid. I liked it, but it's a weird movie. It's constantly paying off bits and threads from the previous movies, so much that it seems like it should feel masturbatory, but it doesn't somehow.

Also I'm not clear on the time travel logic. It seemed like it was alternate universes, but if that's the case then how did Cap show up in the end? Speaking of which, I guess that Bucky & Falcon show is now a Captain America show. Also 2, the 5 year jump is sort of weird going forward. Like when Peter hugged Ned at the end, it seemed like a "you're back" thing, but Ned must have gotten snapped too, otherwise he'd be in his 20s and not in high school.

Hammock Parties 04-25-2019 08:36 PM

Fat Thor!!!!!!

What a conclusion. So perfect.

Valiant 04-25-2019 08:41 PM

It was a great end. Could have easily been 2 hours or two and half.

I can cosplay Thor again.

Figured those two would be the ones. Natasha going threw me. But with her having a series, I guess she is coming back like gamorra.

Lots of crying. Shocked no end credits. Just googled the audio clip. Could have had the snap accidentally bring in the xmen and other parallel universes. Guess that is on strange.

Hammock Parties 04-25-2019 09:12 PM

Tony meeting his dad was ****ing amazing.

I've always wanted that scene because I love both actors.

Also the CGI on the faces, making people look younger, is really getting good.

For a second I thought they were going to go overboard with making Captain Marvel a Deus Ex Machina, but then they reversed course and did it right.

Well executed film with amazing action, great character moments, funny ass humor (THAT'S AMERICA'S ASS) and tear jerker moments that didn't feel cheesy or forced.

Hammock Parties 04-25-2019 09:14 PM

Also if you stayed until the FINAL end of the credits, you hear what I assume was Tony Stark hammering away on the original Iron Man suit.

arrowheadnation 04-25-2019 09:18 PM

I had tears of joy. I had tears of sadness. A fitting end to an epic 10 year saga. And everything is set up for the future. There is a new Cap. There is a new Iron Man. Did you see him at the funeral? It was the kid from Iron Man 3, a little more grown up. (at least I'm pretty sure it was)

keg in kc 04-25-2019 09:37 PM

It was but I don't think he'll be a new Iron Man. I think it's just a nice easter egg for closure of Tony's story.

But who knows.

Jewish Rabbi 04-25-2019 09:58 PM


Originally Posted by arrowheadnation (Post 14230916)
I had tears of joy. I had tears of sadness. A fitting end to an epic 10 year saga. And everything is set up for the future. There is a new Cap. There is a new Iron Man. Did you see him at the funeral? It was the kid from Iron Man 3, a little more grown up. (at least I'm pretty sure it was)

I couldn’t figure out who that was, thanks.

keg in kc 04-25-2019 10:02 PM

Gonna be interesting to see what the next iteration of the Avengers will be, how they get there and who the villains are. I think everyone with a signature in the credits is done with the series.

Tony, Widow and Steve obviously...

Hawkeye retired, Thor finding himself

Maybe Professor Hulk stays around, or takes up a mentor role

No Vision, so not sure how the Vision/Scarlet witch tv show will work

Guess the falcon/winter soldier series is now Captain America/winter soldier

Black Widow will be in the past

Hawkeye could be past or training the daughter in the future

Hammock Parties 04-25-2019 10:15 PM

There is, and will only ever be, one Iron Man.

"I am Iron Man."

What a perfect ending to a great character.

I'd like to see a couple of Guardians movies with Thor as part of the team, though.

arrowheadnation 04-25-2019 10:27 PM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 14231242)
Gonna be interesting to see what the next iteration of the Avengers will be, how they get there and who the villains are. I think everyone with a signature in the credits is done with the series.

Tony, Widow and Steve obviously...

Hawkeye retired, Thor finding himself

Maybe Professor Hulk stays around, or takes up a mentor role

No Vision, so not sure how the Vision/Scarlet witch tv show will work

Guess the falcon/winter soldier series is now Captain America/winter soldier

Black Widow will be in the past

Hawkeye could be past or training the daughter in the future

I bet Thor will be the only one of the OG 6 who hangs around. At least for another couple appearances. You have to remember....this 10 years was literally the Marvel C team (until spidey) and the journey was freaking epic. They now have access to Deadpool, the Fantastic 4, and Xmen. The future is bright.

Hammock Parties 04-25-2019 10:34 PM

A Deadpool/Thor/Guardians movie would be off the charts hilarious.

keg in kc 04-25-2019 10:55 PM

It may be as late as 2024 before we see x-men or fantastic 4.

Gamora is going to be fun now, her and Quill. Def like Thor with that group.

Although that part of their time travel rule set was a little iffy.

The stones had to be returned. So what about Gamora. Or Mjolnir. They're gone now, from 2015 to 2024.

And if Thanos and everyone with him were wiped from the timeline, then his original snap never happened, since the version of him they defeated predated Infinity War. So there was no reason to go back in time to collect the stones. But then the don't defeat him before the snap.

Quite the bizarre loop if you try to follow it.

Hammock Parties 04-25-2019 11:07 PM

That was another thing that was funny...all the time travel jokes.

The two back to the future lines were awesome.

Hammock Parties 04-25-2019 11:10 PM

Oh, and Cap wielding the hammer?

My nerd boner has never been stronger.

I wish I had seen it with a larger crowd because I bet the cheers were amazing.

My crowd was rather subdued.

Stan Lee's cameo was gold, too.

Hammock Parties 04-25-2019 11:18 PM

The fact that this made it into a superhero movie is so grand.

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Hammock Parties 04-25-2019 11:58 PM

oh shit

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

CoMoChief 04-26-2019 02:16 AM

I was somewhat disappointed on a few things.

- HATED Hulk's story arc, Professor Hulk etc. Just absolutely hated everything about it. I kinda had a feeling it would be this way...but I wanted Hulk destroying shit, fighting, rematch w/ Thanos etc. Didn't expect Russo's to make him into some clownish bumbling idiot though. He practically stood around, cracked jokes acted goofy and pulled levers and switches. Wow...way to completely ruin Hulk, Russo bros. And I dont give a shit what Prof Hulk's personality was like in the comics...nobody wanted to really see this shit.

Movie needed more fighting and action, less sobby dialogue and hanging heads feeling sorry...that was a good 1/3rd of the movie. The last fight scene was pretty damn cool, wouldve been better had more of the movie been that way.

Movie should've had more fighting w/ past selves. Capt vs Capt was petty cool...needed to see more of that.

Overall I give a 7/10, would've been lower if not for the end fight scene. Really disappointed about Hulk.

Tribal Warfare 04-26-2019 02:57 AM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 14231296)
There is, and will only ever be, one Iron Man.

"I am Iron Man."

What a perfect ending to a great character.

I'd like to see a couple of Guardians movies with Thor as part of the team, though.


Danguardace 04-26-2019 07:55 AM


I really enjoyed Nebula's character arc, find her very interesting and oddly attractive for a Bold blue Cyborg

Hawkeye and Black Widow really add that humanist element to the film again great characters who you can relate to.

The Middle section "Time Heist" is expertly done. Enhancing the story and taking a trip down memory lane. at the same time.


The color pallet for the final battle was brown and ugly, actually looked like something DC would do.

I found the "here come the girls" bit cringey especially compared with the somewhat subtle way they did it in Infinity War.

Fat Thor/Professor Hulk I think where unnecessary and not that FUNNY(apart from the Lebowski Nods)

Jerm 04-26-2019 08:19 AM

What a ****ing amazing movie....the perfect culmination of this phase of the MCU.

Man I knew it would be an emotional watch, didn't know how emotional it would be...esp. parts I didn't expect to get me.

Rudy tossed tigger's salad 04-26-2019 08:44 AM

Nerd shit

**** this country

Valiant 04-26-2019 09:10 AM


Originally Posted by arrowheadnation (Post 14230916)
I had tears of joy. I had tears of sadness. A fitting end to an epic 10 year saga. And everything is set up for the future. There is a new Cap. There is a new Iron Man. Did you see him at the funeral? It was the kid from Iron Man 3, a little more grown up. (at least I'm pretty sure it was)

Who was the brunette lady by herself near then end?

arrowheadnation 04-26-2019 09:11 AM

Are you talking about Maria Hill? (Cobie Smulders)

Valiant 04-26-2019 09:12 AM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 14231242)
Gonna be interesting to see what the next iteration of the Avengers will be, how they get there and who the villains are. I think everyone with a signature in the credits is done with the series.

Tony, Widow and Steve obviously...

Hawkeye retired, Thor finding himself

Maybe Professor Hulk stays around, or takes up a mentor role

No Vision, so not sure how the Vision/Scarlet witch tv show will work

Guess the falcon/winter soldier series is now Captain America/winter soldier

Black Widow will be in the past

Hawkeye could be past or training the daughter in the future

Why not go get her like they did gamorra? Gomorra died to the soul Stone and got her with time travel. You can do the same for her and vision.

Valiant 04-26-2019 09:13 AM


Originally Posted by arrowheadnation (Post 14232452)
Are you talking about Maria Hill? (Cobie Smulders)

No idea, I believe she was after the kid. I will need to rewatch.

Valiant 04-26-2019 09:18 AM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 14231497)
It may be as late as 2024 before we see x-men or fantastic 4.

Gamora is going to be fun now, her and Quill. Def like Thor with that group.

Although that part of their time travel rule set was a little iffy.

The stones had to be returned. So what about Gamora. Or Mjolnir. They're gone now, from 2015 to 2024.

And if Thanos and everyone with him were wiped from the timeline, then his original snap never happened, since the version of him they defeated predated Infinity War. So there was no reason to go back in time to collect the stones. But then the don't defeat him before the snap.

Quite the bizarre loop if you try to follow it.

I think he snapped the villains and their shops. But no idea how gamorra disappeared, quill was searching for her. But she also ditched her sister.

Also, they brought everyone back from the snap. But 5 years in the future. So Peter is still in the same grade. How is his buddy still there? I guess he could of been snapped also. Guess we will find out in other movies.

Gravedigger 04-26-2019 10:40 AM

It was great but I kept watching the movie thinking they were trying too hard to be funny. America's ass, Tony saying shit to his five year old multiple times, once is fine, but if the joke doesn't land the first time, the second time it's just overkill. Also the last scene with Thor joining the Guardians on their ship should've been a way funnier moment of Starlord and Thor fighting over power, it was funny when Mantis asks that they use knives, but everything else was just awkward staring and smiling. Thor's scene with his mother was one of the best scene's of the movie and that's what I've always liked about the Thor movies is their ability to introduce a weak side to him, a mortal side if you will.

I also wished they would've spent less time with the one on one human elements of the movie in the beginning and more on the final battle, giving characters their just do. Some of the characters come back, and they get nothing besides a few action shots. Then the most annoying thing that got carried over from Iron Man 3 was Pepper being such a pro in the Iron Man suit. Back then she was able to all of a sudden kick an explosive into the air, roundhouse kick it towards the bad guy, then use the iron man blaster arm to shoot it deadeye. In this movie, her inclusion in the final battle was annoying to me how her and Tony are just flying around in unison destroying faces together and then the women against Thanos scene. Maybe she's been practicing in the Rescue armor the last five years, after she was absolutely pissed about Tony continuously being Iron Man against her wishes.

Getting all the women together, like literally every single one, marching towards Thanos... I guess every man on Team Avengers just took those scenes off or under the extreme coincidence actually fighting in other places when the bulk of the fight, Thanos and the Black Order were all charging that particular point of women. I don't have any problems with women kicking ass, but when you openly pander to it and throw all men out, it's like the new Ghostbusters. Men and women can fight together, if you think you're being sexist one way by only showing men being the asskickers, you're being sexist the opposite way as well by actively excluding male participation. If they would've had Iron Man carrying the gauntlet to try to get to the van and then Captain America says "He's not alone!" Then all the men gather together and start charging the lines while the women are completely left out of the shot... tell me that's not pandering to men in that scenario. If you want to be equal then start being equal to both instead of trying to draw out applause from one half of the theater, and eye rolls from the other half. When they did it in Infinity War you could reason that there's a good chance there were no men around what so ever and it just ended up being four women in an area fighting. When they did it in Endgame, there's just no damn way.

I also have some gripes with Cap using Mjolnir. Picking it up, fine, calling it back to him when everyone shows back up, okay I'll bite... but how the hell is he channeling lightning into that thing? Odin even says it in Ragnarok, "Are you Thor, the God of Hammers?" Lightning always came from within Thor, not the Hammer. The Hammer can be lifted and wielded by those who are worthy, but my inner nerd was thinking during the awesomeness that was Cap during that sequence, that it was kinda bullshit.

keg in kc 04-26-2019 10:54 AM

I thought it was a little cringy, but I'm a dude, so they didn't do it for me. Which is why I don't have a problem with women getting a 10-second group-up in a 3 hour movie. Especially after they killed-off Nat, literally the only female OG Avenger (I thought Clint should have been the one to die there, but it's not a big thing).

I think every woman and girl in the theater cheered when that scene happened. Loudest moment for the crowd that didn't involve Cap and Mjolnir.

Jamie 04-26-2019 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by Gravedigger (Post 14232746)
I also have some gripes with Cap using Mjolnir. Picking it up, fine, calling it back to him when everyone shows back up, okay I'll bite... but how the hell is he channeling lightning into that thing? Odin even says it in Ragnarok, "Are you Thor, the God of Hammers?" Lightning always came from within Thor, not the Hammer. The Hammer can be lifted and wielded by those who are worthy, but my inner nerd was thinking during the awesomeness that was Cap during that sequence, that it was kinda bullshit.

If you lift the hammer you posess the power of Thor, all-inclusive. The point was Thor doesn't need the hammer to have his own powers.

Gravedigger 04-26-2019 11:31 AM


Originally Posted by Jamie (Post 14232888)
If you lift the hammer you posess the power of Thor, all-inclusive. The point was Thor doesn't need the hammer to have his own powers.

I just always took it that was just used by Anthony Hopkins in Thor 1 so that his powers would be stripped until he became a man again. I didn't think of it as carrying on as if someone is worthy to lift Mjolnir they get Thor's lightning ability too.

Gravedigger 04-26-2019 11:31 AM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 14232795)
I thought it was a little cringy, but I'm a dude, so they didn't do it for me. Which is why I don't have a problem with women getting a 10-second group-up in a 3 hour movie. Especially after they killed-off Nat, literally the only female OG Avenger (I thought Clint should have been the one to die there, but it's not a big thing).

I think every woman and girl in the theater cheered when that scene happened. Loudest moment for the crowd that didn't involve Cap and Mjolnir.

Yeah, minor gripes from me though it was a great movie. In fact it was alot, my sister wants to go see it on Sunday and I'm almost like, gimme a week to digest it then I'll go see it again.

Pushead2 04-26-2019 11:42 AM

I'd give it 3.5/5.

There's a lot of points that people made that I agree with.

I feel the Infinity War was better.

RunKC 04-26-2019 12:30 PM

Fat Thor was so hilarious.

I was really hoping they’d make a joke from Starlord to follow up him being called fat when he met Thor in Infinity War.

Tribal Warfare 04-26-2019 12:49 PM

BTW, did anyone else question how future Nebula killed her past self and still lived

Jamie 04-26-2019 01:30 PM

Well, the fact that Thanos and his whole crew died before Infinity War is probably a bigger problem. To me everything points to the past timelines actually being alternate universes except old Cap showing up at the end.

On the other hand this could be early setup for the next thing. Something like Infinity/Secret Wars arc, where time travel paradoxes are causing the multiverse to collapse in on itself. Also the whole thing the Ancient Ones goes into about how removing one Infinity Stone ****s up the timeline, and they now live in a universe with zero Infinity stones.

RunKC 04-26-2019 03:25 PM

Few things:

-why didn’t they use the time stone to bring Tony back to life? Thanos did that with Vision in IW
-Tony gets a big funeral but Natasha doesn’t? Damn
-is Loki still alive in an alternate timeline?

listopencil 04-26-2019 03:29 PM


Originally Posted by Tribal Warfare (Post 14233112)
BTW, did anyone else question how future Nebula killed her past self and still lived

They explained that, indirectly, with the mocking of previous time travel movies and other conversational tidbits. They (the characters) followed the standard in-universe space/time laws right up until they reversed the original snap of Thanos. Reversing the snap caused Time to manifest as a universal force that attempted to invalidate the snap reversal. From the snap reversal on forward chronologically in the movie the time stream had been reset, and everything after it became new fixed points in time, with some critical events from before the snap reversal possibly entangled into the new time stream. It is certainly possible though that Nebula is now a combination of the new "good" and old "evil" Nebula as they shared minds.

Clyde Frog 04-26-2019 03:41 PM

The SJW shit was so cringe worthy and obvious. Thor was the best. Made the whole movie. Everything else went exactly as the majority thought it would. Deaths and Staying in the past. Solid ending to an epic phase of a monstrous franchise. IDK if I care enough to watch anything after GotG and Spidey in the future.

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Clyde Frog 04-26-2019 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 14231242)
Gonna be interesting to see what the next iteration of the Avengers will be, how they get there and who the villains are. I think everyone with a signature in the credits is done with the series.

Tony, Widow and Steve obviously...

Hawkeye retired, Thor finding himself

Maybe Professor Hulk stays around, or takes up a mentor role

No Vision, so not sure how the Vision/Scarlet witch tv show will work

Guess the falcon/winter soldier series is now Captain America/winter soldier

Black Widow will be in the past

Hawkeye could be past or training the daughter in the future

Hawkeye isn’t Hawkeye anymore. He’s Ronin now. I think he passed Hawkeye on to his daughter when she hit the bullseye.

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cabletech94 04-26-2019 03:52 PM

it was only briefly mentioned above, but the one question i have is where did loki end up? loved the interaction with the past and all of the cameos.

proud of myself for not having to get up during the movie after drinking a big gulp. :)

MarkDavis'Haircut 04-26-2019 04:09 PM

How does the old Cap stuff work in the timeline?

Clyde Frog 04-26-2019 04:16 PM


Originally Posted by Carr4MVP (Post 14233762)
How does the old Cap stuff work in the timeline?

You mean like him being an old man or the older cap movies?

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keg in kc 04-26-2019 04:26 PM


Originally Posted by Carr4MVP (Post 14233762)
How does the old Cap stuff work in the timeline?

Him living in the universe's past is his present/future. Younger him still did everything he did in his past. So nothing is changed that way.

What may be changed is Peggy Carter's present. They may have retconned her entire origin with SHIELD. Or not, because maybe she still does the exact same thing

And who knows, he may have done some heroic things on his own between the 50s and his reappearance. Just...hidden.

I'm not gonna spend too much time thinking about it. It was a nice coda after the sadness of the funeral.

MarkDavis'Haircut 04-26-2019 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by Clyde Frog (Post 14233807)
You mean like him being an old man or the older cap movies?

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A combination of both. How did the revelation fit him being in the Avengers and the timeline?

MarkDavis'Haircut 04-26-2019 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 14233848)
Him living in the universe's past is his present/future. Younger him still did everything he did in his past. So nothing is changed that way.

What may be changed is Peggy Carter's present. They may have retconned her entire origin with SHIELD. Or not, because maybe she still does the exact same thing

And who knows, he may have done some heroic things on his own between the 50s and his reappearance. Just...hidden.

I'm not gonna spend too much time thinking about it. It was a nice, happy coda after the sadness of the future.

What about his actions with the Avengers? If he was never frozen, then how does that work?

BigRedChief 04-26-2019 04:35 PM

Was a fantastic movie on so many levels but was still disappointed. Quick thoughts.........

Putting aside all the time machine holes in the plot, it’s a superhero movie for crissakes, not expecting the laws of physics to be followed. .............

Spent the first hour watching them mope around depressed. We get it. But we didn’t need a whole ****ing hour of them moping around. Especially......

When they finally get everyone back together, most get one line, one scene etc. they should have allowed the Avengers they just saved more screen time in the movie.

Should have expanded the battle sequence to allow them to participate more.

That said, the final battle sequence was way better than LOTR final battle. One of the best ever put on film.

keg in kc 04-26-2019 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by Carr4MVP (Post 14233899)
What about his actions with the Avengers? If he was never frozen, then how does that work?

He was frozen. Everything that we've seen in the movies happened. Younger him is still frozen in the ice.

Sassy Squatch 04-26-2019 05:04 PM

First part was a slog. After they get back with the stones and Thanos wrecks their shit it goes to a 15/10

sully1983 04-26-2019 06:24 PM

Meh , it was okay I guess but a little disappointing overall . And I can't get over how the Russo bros okayed Thor being a fat ass whiny/crybaby little bitch in this smh. Seriously, that was such a stupid move just to get some cheap laughs but thats been one of my main gripes with the MCU . Always relying on cheap/stupid jokes to break the tension in key moments. Ugh.

I will say that when Cap summoned fat Thor's hammer , my audience lost it. Tons of cheering so that was hands down the high light for me at least.

FAX 04-26-2019 10:00 PM

I rate this movie a solid 5 out of 5 Pym Particles.

I'll probably see this about 3 more times in the theater and time the pee break during the sad parts. IMAX is up next (this time was 3D).

They wrapped everything up nicely. Very impressive effort by the Marvel Group.


DaFace 04-26-2019 10:03 PM

Loved it. Had some minor qualms, but overall I thought it was great.

I'll always think you guys griping about the girl power stuff must be sad, lonely men or something. A bunch of girls in my theater started cheering at that part. Why's that a bad thing?

Hammock Parties 04-26-2019 10:07 PM


Originally Posted by DaFace (Post 14235652)
Loved it. Had some minor qualms, but overall I thought it was great.

I'll always think you guys griping about the girl power stuff must be sad, lonely men or something. A bunch of girls in my theater started cheering at that part. Why's that a bad thing?

It's cringeworthy and takes you out of the movie.

What's next?

We going to have separate parts in each Marvel movie to appreciate how awesome gay superheroes, black superheroes, trans superheroes, asian superheroes, old superheroes, fat superheroes and disabled superheroes are?

It's just mindless pandering.

It doesn't add anything to the movie.

The Ghostbusters movie was unnecessary, shit like that, even for 10 seconds, is unnecessary.

Just have your female characters be good characters. Let them stand alone on that merit. Leia did. Ripley did. Sarah Connor did. Trinity did. Wonder Woman did.

They don't have to go LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT ME! at every opportunity.

DaFace 04-26-2019 10:09 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 14235665)
It's cringeworthy and takes you out of the movie.

What's next?

It's cringeworthy because you're a sad, lonely guy. Did you cringe when all the guys were working together against Thanos?

Hammock Parties 04-26-2019 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by DaFace (Post 14235674)
It's cringeworthy because you're a sad, lonely guy. Did you cringe when all the guys were working together against Thanos?

No. Because that was part of the plot of the movie.

And it wasn't all guys. It was EVERYBODY. It wasn't all guys in every other frickin' shot.

They had *gasp* male AND female characters in multiple shots multiple times!

The thought of such a thing!

Cramming "see! women can be superheroes TOO!" down our throats to satisfy political agendas is reeruned because that point was made decades ago.

DaFace 04-26-2019 10:16 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 14235684)
No. Because that was part of the plot of the movie.

And it wasn't all guys. It was EVERYBODY. It wasn't all guys in every other frickin' shot.

They had *gasp* male AND female characters in multiple shots multiple times!

The thought of such a thing!

Cramming "see! women can be superheroes TOO!" down our throats to satisfy political agendas is reeruned because that point was made decades ago.

Meh. It makes my wife and a lot of the other women I know happy. I have trouble seeing something wrong with it. It was literally less than 30 seconds of a three hour film.

Hammock Parties 04-26-2019 10:22 PM


Originally Posted by DaFace (Post 14235687)
Meh. It makes my wife and a lot of the other women I know happy. I have trouble seeing something wrong with it. It was literally less than 30 seconds of a three hour film.

I mean it didn't ruin the movie by any means. Far from it.

It's just stupid, and I see why people don't like it.

Women have their own shit. Romantic comedies, flowery period dramas, tv shows where the cast is ALL WOMEN, an entire ****ing cable channel literally named "television for women."

They don't need to parade into movies that have men as the target demographic and take ****ing group selfies at the climactic moment of the movie. Leave that shit for instagram and facebook.

Besides, Iron Man proved who the weaker sex was. :D

Hammock Parties 04-26-2019 11:38 PM


Fish 04-27-2019 12:08 AM

I thought it was great. Looking back, it certainly had it's flaws. It opened up a bunch of unanswerable questions with the time machine and what that means for the now real present. But this is a comic book scifi movie after all. Thor was great, I thought that character arc worked really well and was pretty funny. I really didn't like what they did with Professor Hulk. That came off as way too dumb and quirky for my liking. Disappointed that we didn't see any Hulk fighting and only goofy Hulk joking. Wanted to see more of Korg too. Wanted to see more Spidey. Can't nail everything.

Nickhead 04-27-2019 12:58 AM

poor spidey... it's like he was held back for five years due to truancy :D

keg in kc 04-27-2019 01:15 AM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 14235684)
No. Because that was part of the plot of the movie.

And it wasn't all guys. It was EVERYBODY. It wasn't all guys in every other frickin' shot.

They had *gasp* male AND female characters in multiple shots multiple times!

The thought of such a thing!

Cramming "see! women can be superheroes TOO!" down our throats to satisfy political agendas is reeruned because that point was made decades ago.

**** that shit. This is 2019. Women can like sci-fi. Men can like flowery period dramas. Hell, the same people can like them both. Organ placement shouldn't determine anyone's taste in fiction.

This is going to become one of the highest grossing movies of all time specifically because they figured out how to get women to see and like comic movies despite centuries of social programming. It's not the phenomenon it is without that.

What you guys who react so poorly to this need to figure out is why you feel so threatened. It's not like they have or will ever stop catering to you as a fan, too. They want your money just as much as they want everybody else's. And if they do continue to develop female characters and even - gasp - focus on some of them or even groups of them, they're gonna try and find ways to get our male asses into seats, too.

And part of the reason there's so much focus on women is because there's been so little in the past. Eventually there will be enough female producers and directors and writers and characters that giving women that kind of responsibility, like we've seen with Wonder Woman and Captain Marvel, won't be new or novel or groundbreaking, and eventually we'll just have writers and directors and actors, without gender tags, and the focus can be on making good movies with the best people. Like it should be.

Rant over.

Nickhead 04-27-2019 01:32 AM

fyi: the kid in the back right during the wake, was the boy from iron man 3... i didn't know this. :thumb:

as well, why the ****, if in infinity war, thor and thanos could only go to the dwarf star, to harness the stones, were they able to simply make a robotic mitten to do the same? ROFL

BigRedChief 04-27-2019 03:49 AM


Originally Posted by Fish (Post 14235862)
I thought it was great. Looking back, it certainly had it's flaws. It opened up a bunch of unanswerable questions with the time machine and what that means for the now real present. But this is a comic book scifi movie after all. Thor was great, I thought that character arc worked really well and was pretty funny. I really didn't like what they did with Professor Hulk. That came off as way too dumb and quirky for my liking. Disappointed that we didn't see any Hulk fighting and only goofy Hulk joking. Wanted to see more of Korg too. Wanted to see more Spidey. Can't nail everything.

they could have shown more of those things instead of forcing us to watch them moping around depressed for 1/3 or more of the movie.

Nickhead 04-27-2019 05:23 AM

for the record, fat thor was terrible. lack of commitment. professor hulk can go **** himself. :thumb:

BigRedChief 04-27-2019 05:29 AM


Originally Posted by Nickhead (Post 14235940)
for the record, fat thor was terrible. lack of commitment. professor hulk can go **** himself. :thumb:

Agree. There was no need for a fat Thor other than for comic relief. Thor is not a comic relief bit in a MCU movie. Hulk is the ****ing Hulk, not a professor of physics that happens to be a large man.

Russo brothers made a great movie. But, they should be called out for their bad decisions too.

Tribal Warfare 04-27-2019 05:46 AM


Originally Posted by BigRedChief (Post 14235942)
Agree. There was no need for a fat Thor other than for comic relief. Thor is not a comic relief bit in a MCU movie. Hulk is the ****ing Hulk, not a professor of physics that happens to be a large man.

Russo brothers made a great movie. But, they should be called out for their bad decisions too.

He was in the comics, and I owned the issue of his 1st appearance

MarkDavis'Haircut 04-27-2019 06:04 AM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 14235684)
No. Because that was part of the plot of the movie.

And it wasn't all guys. It was EVERYBODY. It wasn't all guys in every other frickin' shot.

They had *gasp* male AND female characters in multiple shots multiple times!

The thought of such a thing!

Cramming "see! women can be superheroes TOO!" down our throats to satisfy political agendas is reeruned because that point was made decades ago.

Beyond that, it was just cringe how all the women superheroes happened to line up in the same location. So darn corny and obvious.

MarkDavis'Haircut 04-27-2019 06:05 AM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 14233914)
He was frozen. Everything that we've seen in the movies happened. Younger him is still frozen in the ice.

OK. Thanks.

Sassy Squatch 04-27-2019 06:06 AM

Who gives a shit? It was corny and shoehorned in and lasted for less than 30 seconds. Same thing happened in Wakanda in Avengers Infinity War.

MarkDavis'Haircut 04-27-2019 06:08 AM


Originally Posted by Superturtle (Post 14235967)
Who gives a shit? It was corny and shoehorned in and lasted for less than 30 seconds. Same thing happened in Wakanda in Avengers Infinity War.

It felt more organic in Infinity War. But whatever. Gotta keep pander to keep SJWs happy.

Sassy Squatch 04-27-2019 06:12 AM

Biggest thing that annoyed me was Thor chopping present Thanos left arm off to get the gauntlet off. Why didn't you do that again in this movie during the final battle during all the hullabaloo? Why didn't you do that LAST movie when you were flying in with a giant battle ax? You can just throw the damn thing where you want it to go.

BigRedChief 04-27-2019 06:29 AM


Originally Posted by Tribal Warfare (Post 14235954)

He was in the comics, and I owned the issue of his 1st appearance

I don't read and have never read the comics.

BigRedChief 04-27-2019 06:31 AM


Originally Posted by Superturtle (Post 14235970)
Biggest thing that annoyed me was Thor chopping present Thanos left arm off to get the gauntlet off. Why didn't you do that again in this movie during the final battle during all the hullabaloo? Why didn't you do that LAST movie when you were flying in with a giant battle ax? You can just throw the damn thing where you want it to go.

If they did that in the last movie, they dont make another $2 BILLION with the new movie.

Sassy Squatch 04-27-2019 06:32 AM

Fat Viking Thor was cringey at times but also pretty funny and it was a setup fir that conversation with his mom in the past.

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