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ROYC75 12-11-2001 04:53 PM

Kphobia,The Ladies Man ?
With a ppputter like this,every woman should be aware !

Phobia 12-11-2001 05:56 PM

For those interested, from left to right:
KPhobia (fatass), old_geezer (young'un), MarkM (stickboy), Dartgod (GolfJesus), and Mrs. Dartgod (YOU LEFT THE LID UP AGAIN, Bob)

This picture was taken at the 1st Annual 37 Forever Golf Classic in September. The coordinator of the event was Roy (thanks, Roy).

Notable attendees included not only Bob Dole, but also Art Still. He found me to be annoyingly obnoxious and I doubt he'll be at the 2002 event, but it was fun while it lasted. He's in tremendous shape and appears as though he could still strap 'em on and go 60 minutes. He reminds me a lot of Jason Taylor.

Also, you can see that Roy was kind enough to edit the picture in order to remove the pink hue from my shirt and socks. Thanks again, Roy.

Bob Dole 12-11-2001 06:02 PM

Bob Dole can only spot 4 people in the picture.

Are you saying that the sapling between old_geezer and Dartgod is really a person?

Phobia 12-11-2001 06:06 PM

At first I thought it was an extremely long golf club, but if you squint just right, you can vaguely make out some glasses and facial hair on the head of the club.

Mark M 12-12-2001 08:33 AM

A sapling? A golf club?

I think you're just jealous that I've managed to stay at my playing weight while you two have become tubs of goo.

:p :D

~~Has MACH 5 metabolism

Bob Dole 12-12-2001 08:55 AM


Originally posted by Mark M
A sapling? A golf club?

I think you're just jealous that I've managed to stay at my playing weight while you two have become tubs of goo.

Bob Dole is still at Bob Dole's playing weight. Bob Dole is just playing a different game.

What's your game? Checkers?

keg in kc 12-12-2001 09:06 AM

My guess is lawn darts.

He's the dart, of course...


Bob Dole 12-12-2001 09:31 AM

That would certainly explain his pointed head.

Thanks for the clarification, keg.

Mark M 12-12-2001 09:35 AM


Originally posted by Robert_Dole
Bob Dole is still at Bob Dole's playing weight. Bob Dole is just playing a different game.

What's your game? Checkers?

LOL!! No, I do not play checkers (nor lawn darts, keg. :p ). I play Scrabble ... and the occassional naked twister with raiderhader's mother. :D

I'm guessing Bob Dole's game is Hungry Hungry Hippos?

~~Also likes Axis and Allies

Phobia 12-12-2001 12:01 PM

Hungry, Hungry Hippos


Mark, you are a funny sob.

Bronco John 12-12-2001 12:53 PM

That's some funny stuff...

Phil, you look about the same size/height as me. And we apparently share the same nickname for ourselves (fatass)... ;)

*shakes head* I could take ya...:D

Alton deFlat 12-12-2001 01:11 PM

Hey Mark,
Looks like it's time for you open up that can of whoopass. We svelte guys have to stick together against the over-indulgers. At least Dartgod is making an atempt with the Miller Lite.


Bob Dole 12-12-2001 01:14 PM

Unlike Mark's cute little mug filled with his half-caf latte.

Mark M 12-12-2001 01:30 PM

I'll do what I can, although "whoop-ass" isn't exactly what I'd call it ... more like "Hope-their-asses-don't-land-on-me-and-squish-me." :D

BTW, Senator, I don't drink latte ... I'm so thin that half of one of those things keeps me up for about a week and a half. Besides, if I were drinking a latte would I have looked so comfy here?


~~Eats lots, gains little

ROYC75 12-12-2001 01:49 PM

That putter almost looks like a stiff **** coming out of his pants. Bad head day Phil ?:D

Phobia 12-12-2001 01:59 PM


Originally posted by ROYC75
That putter almost looks like a stiff **** coming out of his pants. Bad head day Phil ?:D
I think I've discovered the problem with your inability to get off the tee-box, Roy. You may not recall this far back, but your "putter" is actually erect whilst playing your favorite hole. I'd recommend either moving on to the next hole or partaking of a chemical assist if your plans include playing the same hole for an extended period.... ;)

ROYC75 12-12-2001 02:10 PM

lol...yeah right. At least my putter doesn't flutter when called upon !;)

Phobia 12-12-2001 02:15 PM

Notice the grass clippings and assorted debris around Mark. A lawn mower had just passed over him it was miraculous that he was unscathed. That could have been a major catastrophy, Mark and I'm glad you're ok.

ROYC75 12-12-2001 02:20 PM

Without a doubt......Stickboy is in the middle!

Hey Mark.........Do you have to jump around in the shower to get wet ?:D

keg in kc 12-12-2001 02:20 PM

It looks to me like Bob Dole farted and the wicked breeze blew Mark over.

Mark M 12-12-2001 02:20 PM


Originally posted by KPhobia

Notice the grass clippings and assorted debris around Mark. A lawn mower had just passed over him it was miraculous that he was unscathed. That could have been a major catastrophy, Mark and I'm glad you're ok.


I sure was glad I didn't have a woody ... ;)


~~Has low gound clearance

Phobia 12-12-2001 02:22 PM


Originally posted by ROYC75
Do you have to jump around in the shower to get wet ?:D
Why, do you need a visualization aid to bring the 'ol putter around?

ROYC75 12-12-2001 02:22 PM


Originally posted by Mark M


I sure was glad I didn't have a woody ... ;)


~~Has low gound clearance

Wouldn't that be better stated as a " Splinter " there stickboy ?;)

Mark M 12-12-2001 02:22 PM

LOL!!! No ... but we did have to put a cover over the drain so I wouldn't be washed away.

Bob Dole's fumes could flatten Arrowhead. Knocking me over would be no challenge.

~~Today's target

keg in kc 12-12-2001 02:23 PM

Mark, Mark, Mark...

You shoulda said you did have a woody -- that's what the bulge around your left knee was...

Do I have to diagram these out for you, man?!


Mark M 12-12-2001 02:23 PM


Originally posted by ROYC75
Wouldn't that be better stated as a " Splinter " there stickboy ?;)
Ask raiderhader's mother.


~~Built like a twig, hung like a redwood

Phobia 12-12-2001 02:24 PM


Originally posted by Mark M
I sure was glad I didn't have a woody ... ;)

Unfortunately for Mrs. Dye, you did.... no wait.... yup, no doubt about it, Mark Gore.

ROYC75 12-12-2001 02:24 PM


Originally posted by KPhobia

Why, do you need a visualization aid to bring the 'ol putter around?

Naw,notta.......... remember,I'm the one leaving our meetings early to have the fun !;)

Mark M 12-12-2001 02:28 PM


Originally posted by keg in kc
Mark, Mark, Mark...

You shoulda said you did have a woody -- that's what the bulge around your left knee was...

Do I have to diagram these out for you, man?!


What makes you think that's my knee?


~~Just trying to keep up at this point

Logical 12-12-2001 02:37 PM

The picture explains two things..........
The incident I heard about where a former Senator lodged a golf implement in a very unfortunate place for some guy named Phil after some untoward exchange about pink socks and viagra :p

The claim from Phil of having 7 pounds hanging between his legs, my first instinct was to believe he had not taken care of the hemorrhoids, but now I can see he has a golf club impairment.

ROYC75 12-12-2001 02:40 PM

Pink got mad and shoved it up his a$$,tried to push it out the other side...I think she did it!:D

AustinChief 12-12-2001 04:40 PM

1 Attachment(s)

I noticed that this pic had been modified in more ways than just "color correction"... here is the pic with just the color correction done and no "other" modifications.... :cool:

ExtremeChief 12-12-2001 05:41 PM


The claim from Phil of having 7 pounds hanging between his legs,

The only way Phil could have 7 pounds between his legs would be if MarkM was giving him a piggy back ride...

equal opportunity shit-giver...

ROYC75 12-12-2001 05:46 PM

Phil was telling them about his long shaft that he had a smooth stroke with ! Then he showed them !:D

But really Phil......that head ! Guess we can start calling you Mallet head . :eek:

Dartgod 12-12-2001 07:00 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Kyle - your photo isn't entirely correct either. It seems as if someone has doctored my photo to make me look like a "fat bastard". Here's a pic, untouched, as I usually appear.

AustinChief 12-12-2001 07:03 PM


I din't know if you wanted that part "returned to normal".... I figured you were too modest... :rolleyes:


ROYC75 12-13-2001 01:25 PM

:o Geee...Phil has a boner for Dartgod ?


Rausch 12-13-2001 01:43 PM

I see four men on a golf course and one man drinking a beer.

Methinks 3 of 4 are ""

Mark M 12-13-2001 01:48 PM


Originally posted by BRAD_CAUDLE
I see four men on a golf course and one man drinking a beer.

Methinks 3 of 4 are ""

Some of us: 1. Don't play golf; 2. don't drink before 2pm; and 3. had to drive home.

Of course, I only fall under categories 1 and 3 ...


~~Believes that "beer-thirty" happens 24 times a day

Phobia 12-13-2001 01:49 PM

Trust me. My beer was sitting on the putting green. There are other pictures that can verify that, I'm sure.

Raiderhater 12-13-2001 01:52 PM

OK, I just got caught up on this thread, therefore not knowing about the previous remarks about my mother.

Where in the he!! did this come from? Have I been giving Mark crap lately (well, starting last night, but this happened before that)?

wondering what brought all this on

Phobia 12-13-2001 01:57 PM


He doesn't really mean it. Mark's mother was unable to have sex or procreate. He's jealous.

Raiderhater 12-13-2001 02:01 PM

LOL Phil!

Of course that begs the question, how did Mark come to be?

Not sure he wants to know the answer

Mark M 12-13-2001 02:03 PM

Actually, I've been making fun of your mom ever since that time in the 37Forever chat room with you, me and ExtremeChief (okay ... take "37Forever chat" out of that sentence and that sounds really bad! :D ) when you said you were a momma's boy.

PLEASE do not take it personally ... it is meant merely as harmless fun.

BTW, I "came to be" through the wonders of modern chemistry: it took several scientists years to come up with a person who could eat as much as he wants without gaining a pound, someone with marvelous good looks, well-hung and an intellect unlike any seen before.

Looks like they batted .500 ... :D

~~Just trying to lighten things up

Raiderhater 12-13-2001 02:08 PM

take anything YOU say personally? Please! :rolleyes: :D

I guess I don't remember that time. Anyway, I was just curious as it seemed to pop up out of nowhere, for no apparant reason.

Raiderhater 12-13-2001 02:09 PM


BTW, I "came to be" through the wonders of modern chemistry: it took several scientists years to come up with a person who could eat as much as he wants without gaining a pound, someone with marvelous good looks, well-hung and an intellect unlike any seen before.

Yeah, we all know about me, I was wondering about you. :p

Mr. Christopher 12-13-2001 02:10 PM


Originally posted by raiderhader
I guess I don't remember that time. Anyway, I was just curious as it seemed to pop up out of nowhere, for no apparant reason.
Oh, there's always a reason, Steel Skull.


Raiderhater 12-13-2001 02:13 PM

This is true IA. The reason just wasn't apparant to me. Not that it really matters.

Mr. Christopher 12-13-2001 02:17 PM


Originally posted by raiderhader
This is true IA. The reason just wasn't apparant to me. Not that it really matters.
The reason, apparently, is that you are a glutton for punishment as the BB whipping boy. I don't know how you got that prestigious honor, but you are stuck with it for the time being until someone else comes along just begging to take the "whipping boy" niche.

pink 12-14-2001 11:17 AM


Originally posted by ROYC75
Pink got mad and shoved it up his a$$,tried to push it out the other side...I think she did it!:D
pink would just run his a$$ over with her SUV. the other requires too much precision. thanks for playin'. :p

pink 12-14-2001 11:21 AM


Originally posted by raiderhader
Anyway, I was just curious as it seemed to pop up out of nowhere, for no apparant reason.
pink is also curious about this statement? :confused:

ROYC75 12-14-2001 11:28 AM


Originally posted by pink

pink would just run his a$$ over with her SUV. the other requires too much precision. thanks for playin'. :p

Glad to help......He is always say'n he can handle you easily...just wanted to give ya some help !;)

Phobia 12-14-2001 11:31 AM

Roy, I was saying that she can and does handle me. She has great hands.

California Injun 12-14-2001 11:35 AM

With each 37 Forever picture that gets posted and abused, I'm quite thankful I slept in that fateful Saturday morning.

This allows me to confidently boast about my 5 handicap and 280 yard drives down the middle of the fairway...:p

pink 12-14-2001 11:44 AM


Originally posted by KPhobia
She has great hands.
on the field, she has great hands ... ;)

Chief Henry 12-14-2001 12:00 PM


Black socks with black shoes and shorts......GQ type stuff!!!

You guys looked like you had a GREAT time. Wish I could have made it. Did they serve anything other than Miller Light???

Phobia 12-14-2001 12:06 PM

Well, I dunno 'bout GQ, Henry but it ain't pink. ;)

Doesn't look like that guy ever ran half way 'round a track in 22 seconds, does it?

Of course they had other beverages, but I wasn't pleased with the selection. They had nothing except piss water. I think we'll be investigating having it at other courses next year.....

Chief Henry 12-14-2001 12:10 PM

How about the golf scores ??? Who's got game?

Logical 12-14-2001 12:11 PM


Originally posted by KPhobia
Well, I dunno 'bout GQ, Henry but it ain't pink. ;)

Doesn't look like that guy ever ran half way 'round a track in 22 seconds, does it?

Of course they had other beverages, but I wasn't pleased with the selection. They had nothing except piss water. I think we'll be investigating having it at other courses next year.....

My guess would be that track you ran 1/2 way around would have been a 220 meter track, Phil. :p

ROYC75 12-14-2001 12:14 PM

Henry......we played a scramble...over all we did have a few challenges and I was able to evaluate some of there skills.....Some where good far as the best...I couldn't say...maybe Phil or myself...I feel both of us are comparable.

The 4 man score was a tie by 2 groups...-3 or 4 under.

Phobia 12-14-2001 12:29 PM

ExtremeChief was the best overall golfer out there. Roy & I had the long ball. There was this one guy that won the long drive and closest to the pin during regulation play, but I've forgotten his name....

Jim, it's 220 yards and tracks had just converted to meters when I started running track in the early 80's. One of my buddies challenged me to a footrace at a softball game a couple of months ago. He had been running several miles a day for 6 months and was very trim. The "track" was from the fence to home plate. I smoked him so badly, he pulled up by the time we reached 3rd base. If there was ever one thing I was always good at, it's running really damn fast, even as a fat boy. :D

Phobia 05-24-2003 02:31 AM

I was searching for Kyle's explanation for the database limitation and ran across this old thread. I thought it was incredibly funny and .....


tk13 05-24-2003 02:40 AM


I vaguely remember this thread, I hadn't been a member here all that long at the time.... there's some great stuff in here....

tk13 05-24-2003 02:43 AM


Originally posted by Phobia

Notice the grass clippings and assorted debris around Mark. A lawn mower had just passed over him it was miraculous that he was unscathed. That could have been a major catastrophy, Mark and I'm glad you're ok.


They don't make 'em like this anymore....

JOhn 05-24-2003 02:45 AM


Originally posted by Phobia
I was searching for Kyle's explanation for the database limitation and ran across this old thread. I thought it was incredibly funny and .....


Who are they.

To lazy to read.

JOhn 05-24-2003 02:46 AM

Chriat is that Mark in the middle?

Swear he could pass for my brother, Cowgirl said it to :eek:

Bootlegged 05-24-2003 06:49 AM

Ok, who allowed redneck Mark to wear jeans and a t-shirt on the golf course?

KcMizzou 05-24-2003 08:28 AM


Originally posted by jOhN

Swear he could pass for my brother,

that poor bastard. :shake:

Phobia 05-24-2003 08:42 AM


Originally posted by Lattimer
Ok, who allowed redneck Mark to wear jeans and a t-shirt on the golf course?
He wasn't a participant, so it was cool. He wanted to play, but it was a seesaw battle with the clubs themselves.

On another note, Old_Geezer has apparently lost 60 lbs since these pics were taken. Bob and Phil.... have not. I'll leave the Mark joke for somebody else.....

stevieray 05-24-2003 08:44 AM

We'll see who the best golfer is this fall.

Bootlegged 05-24-2003 09:08 AM


Originally posted by Phobia

He wasn't a participant, so it was cool. He wanted to play, but it was a seesaw battle with the clubs themselves.

On another note, Old_Geezer has apparently lost 60 lbs since these pics were taken. Bob and Phil.... have not. I'll leave the Mark joke for somebody else.....

I assume the Mark joke is along the lines of his jeans coming from the boys dept at Sears?

Phobia 05-24-2003 09:13 AM


Originally posted by Lattimer
I assume the Mark joke is along the lines of his jeans coming from the boys dept at Sears?
Well, I was expecting somebody to marry the 60 lbs Old Geezer lost to the whole Mark weight problem, but we can go the "Toughskins" route as well.

KcMizzou 05-24-2003 09:13 AM


Originally posted by ExtremeChief

The only way Phil could have 7 pounds between his legs would be if MarkM was giving him a piggy back ride...

ROFL.... damn, this guy's harsh.

Phobia 05-24-2003 09:15 AM


Originally posted by KcMizzou
ROFL.... damn, this guy's harsh.
Tell me. I have the scars to prove it.

Bootlegged 05-24-2003 09:20 AM

Is Dartgod's beer actually resting on his gut in that photo?

If so, he is truely Homer Simpson.

ROYC75 05-24-2003 06:34 PM


Originally posted by stevieray
We'll see who the best golfer is this fall.

This could interesting !

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