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Ming the Merciless 11-06-2015 09:16 AM


Originally Posted by Dave Lane (Post 11866300)
Actually 2 of them, or at least they think so. I'm dying to see what maybe sealed in there. Its amazing the guy discovered it without being in the tomb. I was in Tuts tomb and stood and looked at the frescos. It could have been me if I had Xray eyes.

The fact that there are royal seals on the the doorways means at worst more burial goods and at best another burial of Nefertiti or some other unknown royal.

That's really cool...

I'm married to an Archaeologist actually. My wife is in a very rare minority of archaeologists.....employed....actually employed as an archeologist...She will be jealous when I tell her of your Egypt journeys.

Dave Lane 11-06-2015 09:30 AM


Originally Posted by Pawnmower (Post 11866470)
That's really cool...

I'm married to an Archaeologist actually. My wife is in a very rare minority of archaeologists.....employed....actually employed as an archeologist...She will be jealous when I tell her of your Egypt journeys.

You hit on exactly why I am not one, didn't want to be sacking groceries congrats to her and you.

Oh btw have you let her read this thread. I did with my dad and he laughed till I was afraid he might die.

Dave Lane 11-06-2015 09:32 AM


Originally Posted by Aries Walker (Post 11866456)
They had the temperament of a bunch of drunk, rowdy bikers telling stories around a campfire. I wouldn't call them 'sexy' as much as I'd say they really liked to talk about bangin' chicks.

But the Egyptians? Hoo boy.

Link me up on the Egyptians I've honestly never heard of this .

Fish 11-06-2015 09:40 AM


Dave Lane 11-06-2015 09:54 AM

Reddit needs to go on a run here

Loneiguana 11-06-2015 10:02 AM


Daniel Weber, a spokesman for the Seventh-day Adventist Church, said Carson's belief about the pyramids are "his own interpretation."

Fish 11-06-2015 10:18 AM

Ben's campaign reachin out to the urban youth.... LMAO....

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Dave Lane 11-06-2015 10:24 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Lex Luthor 11-06-2015 10:28 AM

I still say Donald Trump is paying Ben Carson to be such a ridiculous wacko candidate that he makes Trump look good by comparison.

Andoverer 11-06-2015 10:42 AM


Originally Posted by Dave Lane (Post 11866576)

I'm not much of a Hieroglyphic reader and this image is pretty small on my computer, but does that say "Who took the grain and replaced it with all of these damn Pharaohs?!"

BigRedChief 11-06-2015 11:08 AM


Originally Posted by Pawnmower (Post 11866470)
That's really cool...

I'm married to an Archaeologist actually. My wife is in a very rare minority of archaeologists.....employed....actually employed as an archeologist...She will be jealous when I tell her of your Egypt journeys.

I've been on at least 6 archaeology digs in Egypt and Israel. On one I was cleaning out a side room and discovered a mosaic floor that turned out to be another room. I was the first person to see this in 2000 years. Really cool.

srvy 11-06-2015 11:10 AM


Originally Posted by Dave Lane (Post 11866493)
You hit on exactly why I am not one, didn't want to be sacking groceries congrats to her and you.

Oh btw have you let her read this thread. I did with my dad and he laughed till I was afraid he might die.

And who is he so we may be impressed by his laughter. Indian arrowhead collector from the Flint Hills of Kansas?

srvy 11-06-2015 11:19 AM


Originally Posted by Aries Walker (Post 11866460)
Your first mistake is relying on PBS and Discovery for accurate historical perspective.

Actually they used to be pretty good resources in the day along with History Channel whey they actually televised history. I have seen world renowned Egyptologists and Archaeologists discuss why they think the pyrimids were buit and how they think they were built and who they think built them. They have one thing in common none agree on anything.

What a valuable resource we have Dave Lane, Fish, Cosmo etc to solve the unknown right here in CP .

Dave Lane 11-06-2015 11:22 AM


Originally Posted by srvy (Post 11866672)
And who is he so we may be impressed by his laughter. Indian arrowhead collector from the Flint Hills of Kansas?

Well he is a retired doctor, but like one that believes in, well, science.

Dave Lane 11-06-2015 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by BigRedChief (Post 11866667)
I've been on at least 6 archaeology digs in Egypt and Israel. On one I was cleaning out a side room and discovered a mosaic floor that turned out to be another room. I was the first person to see this in 2000 years. Really cool.


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