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BlackOp 05-13-2019 09:30 AM


Originally Posted by Amnorix (Post 14265485)
Yes. Especially that ONLY Euron arrives on that particular shore at just the right time to fight Jaime. One more Ironborn shows up and it's not much of a fight.

Meh, whatever. Wasnt' a bad fight. It's a TV show. Lots more that's stupider to bitch about.

Maybe someone raised this earlier, but WHERE THE ACTUAL **** did all those Dothraki and Unsullied come from?! Was there another set of armies that weren't at Winterfell that we were ever mentioned?

I would've thought a more logical explanation would be that the men of the North that were south of Winterfell had been heading south to get away from the Army of the Dead and they formed up with men from the Riverlands, the Vale, Dorne, the Reach and maybe even Highgarden to form a new army. Instead, it appears to be the same freaking army that I thought had been wiped out at Wintefell.

Did I miss something somewhere along the way explaining this?

With another couple of episodes...the could have explained these things in greater detail.

One twist they could have developed was Varys covert plot to poison her...and would have explained her growing paranoia. She could have started to distrust Jon and her inner circle in a realistic way...and used her dragon to try to "accidentally" burn him in the streets.

Why did the Hound want to "kill" his brother...who was already dead? Letting Cersei just waltz by...when she is the very reason there is even still a war? Could have been written different...just that 10 second scene. Just have her walk the other way?

Could have had the Dragon burn Arya in the streets...would have given Jon justification for turning on dragon mother. Should have just had Arya walk alone through the need for a "girl and her pony" ending...should have just put a unicorn horn on it.

A LOT of the bad writing could have fixed...and rather cheaply too.

BucEyedPea 05-13-2019 09:30 AM


Originally Posted by Chiefspants (Post 14265535)

However, I truly wish they used what little of the time code they had at the end of a truncated Season 7 to giving Dany more development in this regard if this was her outcome.

Then it would not be a surprise and there'd be no drama. It would be too expected. This series has been full of such twists and surprises.
There were always some seeds. I saw them more becoming more obvious at the start of this season and I wondered that she just might burn the place down but was never certain. That uncertainty created the tension of would she, or won't she for me. This hasn't been one of those happily ever after fairy tales.

Jerm 05-13-2019 09:34 AM


Originally Posted by FAX (Post 14265706)
My advice is that you read a book about WW2 and not derive your knowledge of history from social media.


Again, I think you get what I mean.

I'm not saying they're 1:1 or anything and I understand what happened in Japan...Jesus I shouldn't have even included it lol.

Chiefspants 05-13-2019 09:35 AM


Originally Posted by BucEyedPea (Post 14265724)
Then it would not be a surprise and there'd be no drama. It would be too expected. This series has been full of such twists and surprises.
There were always some seeds. I saw them more becoming more obvious at the start of this season and I wondered that she just might burn the place down but was never certain. That uncertainty created the tension of would she, or won't she for me. This hasn't been one of those happily ever after fairy tales.

Totally fair take.

BucEyedPea 05-13-2019 09:36 AM


Originally Posted by Jerm (Post 14265659)
I read somewhere else last night that it was the fictional equivalent of Hiroshima being nuked and then the Allied powers being like nahhhh do it again...

I said while watching it that it was like a nuclear holocaust or bombing and total war we had in WWII. Not surprised others took that view as well.

Sassy Squatch 05-13-2019 09:37 AM


Originally Posted by DJ's left nut (Post 14265718)
That I completely agree with.

B&W tried to ramp up the threat of the scorpions to heighten the impact of 'Shock and Awe Drogon' and in so doing they overplayed their hand something awful. I think they were also trying to have a more visceral death play out in front of Dany to give her all the more reason to flip shit.

Just another sacrifice at the alter of making Dany's heel turn more understandable - none of which would've been necessary had we been able to see in her own head.

But like you, I think this is just becoming an unnecessary pile-on born of being unwilling to view episodes for their own merit. We have people doubling back on decisions they hated and citing them as reasons not to do things in the story that, on their face, should be LIKED.

Guilty as charged. In a vacuum, episode 5 was pretty damn awesome. Unfortunately, they completely botched the full heel turn so it was just watching Daenerys burn people for an hour and characters meeting up for fayed duels to the death. Still entertaining, but it could've been better.

listopencil 05-13-2019 09:41 AM

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BucEyedPea 05-13-2019 09:41 AM

When the second dragon was killed, it was largely due to surprise as it was unknown that Euron's fleet was there behind that rock formation. ( I thought it was dumb Dany didn't know that and questioned the lack of reconnaissance ? If that was her doing reconnaissance, why her?) So Dany was unable to maneuver her dragons well enough. I don't remember if anyone was riding the other dragon that got shot. I don't seem to recall that.

It looked to me that Dany figured out how to maneuver her last dragon around the fleet in the final battle. So when she turned her dragon up and around, it took Euron's men too long to maneuver their large bows into position to get a fair shot at it. That was one thing those huge bows could not do quickly enough.

Sassy Squatch 05-13-2019 09:45 AM


Originally Posted by BucEyedPea (Post 14265750)
When the second dragon was killed, it was largely due to surprise as it was unknown that Euron's fleet was there behind that rock formation. ( I thought it was dumb Dany didn't know that and questioned the lack of reconnaissance ? If that was her doing reconnaissance, why her?) So Dany was unable to maneuver her dragons well enough. I don't remember if anyone was riding the other dragon that got shot. I don't seem to recall that.

It looked to me that Dany figured out how to maneuver her last dragon around the fleet in the final battle. So when she turned her dragon up and around, it took Euron's men too long to maneuver their large bows into position to get a fair shot at it. That was one thing those huge bows could not do quickly enough.

Yes. We all know that Euron took Daenerys by surprise by hiding behind some giant rocks. The problem comes from that being completely ****ing ridiculous for multiple reasons.

Jerm 05-13-2019 09:46 AM

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Well... That escalated quickly!<a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#GameofThrones</a> <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#Daenerys</a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Sara �� (@LordMaesserys) <a href="">May 13, 2019</a></blockquote>
<script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Yup it was totally foreshadowed....

BucEyedPea 05-13-2019 09:46 AM


Originally Posted by listopencil (Post 14265749)
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Good grief—that ring in Nathalie's nose. :cuss:

Ruins her cute face.

BucEyedPea 05-13-2019 09:48 AM


Originally Posted by Superturtle (Post 14265757)
Yes. We all know that Euron took Daenerys by surprise by hiding behind some giant rocks. The problem comes from that being completely ****ing ridiculous for multiple reasons.

I know you all knew that from earlier posts, but no one had commented, unless I missed it, on how Dany flew her dragon a second time. In fact, what I saw posted was that it seemed impossible that her last dragon wasn't shot at all. I didn't see it that way. In fact I was worried before hand that Dany and her last dragon just might be shot down, with Cersei winning possibly—or at least for another day.

Sassy Squatch 05-13-2019 09:56 AM

Would've been much better off if Scorpions were never introduced.

Have Cersei acknowledge that she's well and truly ****ed if Daenerys comes with her dragons, so she plans to hide amongst the innocent.

Have undead Viserion kill Rhaegal so that the Night King killed 2 dragons, establishing him as the greatest threat.

Have Daenerys get butthurt because she lost 2 children fighting a war that wasn't hers to start with and everyone still loves Jon more.

Have Daenerys destroy Kings Landing and kill hundreds of thousands of Innocents trying to take out Cersei, despite everything begging her not to.

Now Varys and friends have a damn good reason for wanting to betray her, and she well and truly snaps when she finds out.

chiefzilla1501 05-13-2019 09:58 AM


Originally Posted by Superturtle (Post 14265744)
Guilty as charged. In a vacuum, episode 5 was pretty damn awesome. Unfortunately, they completely botched the full heel turn so it was just watching Daenerys burn people for an hour and characters meeting up for fayed duels to the death. Still entertaining, but it could've been better.

If they sold in the madness really well, the last half of the episode would've been outstanding. The slow burning deserved the attention it got. It wasn't just one choice to make people burn. It was a deliberate maniacal choice. The side to side destruction of the city. Even with an insanely easy opportunity to destroy the red keep. When the books come out and GRRM better lays out the path to madness, I bet we'll really appreciate that the visual TV media chose to go all out on this. It was unsettling and just as powerful to see good characters... including Davos and obviously Tyrion and Jon Snow... go in total shock that this could have happened. In fact, once GRRM ties up loose ends, we may appreciate that the show chose to focus less on the politicking (which they're unequipped to handle) and focused squarely on creating visual entertainment and completing the difficult task at marching us to a clean ending.

ChiefBlueCFC 05-13-2019 09:58 AM


Originally Posted by Superturtle (Post 14265757)
Yes. We all know that Euron took Daenerys by surprise by hiding behind some giant rocks. The problem comes from that being completely ****ing ridiculous for multiple reasons.

Everyone knows that shooting dragons out of the air with giant arrows attached to ships on water are easy as **** to shoot down as well. It was clear that Euron was rebelling against Cersei for not shooting down the 3rd and final dragon which he could've easily done 62 billion times but chose not too

ChiefBlueCFC 05-13-2019 10:00 AM


Originally Posted by Superturtle (Post 14265775)
Would've been much better off if Scorpions were never introduced.

Have Cersei acknowledge that she's well and truly ****ed if Daenerys comes with her dragons, so she plans to hide amongst the innocent.

Have undead Viserion kill Rhaegal so that the Night King killed 2 dragons, establishing him as the greatest threat.

Have Daenerys get butthurt because she lost 2 children fighting a war that wasn't hers to start with and everyone still loves Jon more.

Have Daenerys destroy Kings Landing and kill hundreds of thousands of Innocents trying to take out Cersei, despite everything begging her not to.

Now Varys and friends have a damn good reason for wanting to betray her, and she well and truly snaps when she finds out.

This season is very lazily and poorly written. Makes me wish that they would've waited for George RR to finish the damn books

Chiefspants 05-13-2019 10:00 AM


Originally Posted by Superturtle (Post 14265775)
Would've been much better off if Scorpions were never introduced.

Have Cersei acknowledge that she's well and truly ****ed if Daenerys comes with her dragons, so she plans to hide amongst the innocent.

Have undead Viserion kill Rhaegal so that the Night King killed 2 dragons, establishing him as the greatest threat.

Have Daenerys get butthurt because she lost 2 children fighting a war that wasn't hers to start with and everyone still loves Jon more.

Have Daenerys destroy Kings Landing and kill hundreds of thousands of Innocents trying to take out Cersei, despite everything begging her not to.

Now Varys and friends have a damn good reason for wanting to betray her, and she well and truly snaps when she finds out.

Also, have Cersei pay Bronn to capture Missandei. No Euron Ex Machina. Instead it's a paid cutthroat doing what he does best.

BucEyedPea 05-13-2019 10:07 AM


Originally Posted by ChiefBlueCFC (Post 14265784)
Everyone knows that shooting dragons out of the air with giant arrows attached to ships on water are easy as **** to shoot down as well. It was clear that Euron was rebelling against Cersei for not shooting down the 3rd and final dragon which he could've easily done 62 billion times but chose not too

It was? WTF?

Sassy Squatch 05-13-2019 10:09 AM


Originally Posted by BucEyedPea (Post 14265817)
It was? WTF?


BucEyedPea 05-13-2019 10:10 AM


Originally Posted by chiefzilla1501 (Post 14265783)
If they sold in the madness really well, the last half of the episode would've been outstanding. The slow burning deserved the attention it got. It wasn't just one choice to make people burn. It was a deliberate maniacal choice. The side to side destruction of the city. Even with an insanely easy opportunity to destroy the red keep. When the books come out and GRRM better lays out the path to madness, I bet we'll really appreciate that the visual TV media chose to go all out on this. It was unsettling and just as powerful to see good characters... including Davos and obviously Tyrion and Jon Snow... go in total shock that this could have happened. In fact, once GRRM ties up loose ends, we may appreciate that the show chose to focus less on the politicking (which they're unequipped to handle) and focused squarely on creating visual entertainment and completing the difficult task at marching us to a clean ending.

A book will always lay out a better path or can because it's a different medium than a visual medium. For one it can show inner thinking of a character. There are limitations with film in more ways than this one.

Even if a few more episodes revealed her madness sooner, the sudden shock and awe of her madness I think is more dramatic they way it was done. You see her sitting on that wall, contemplating what she is about to do, leaving us all thinking if it would likely be directed at Cersei—but it's not. When she goes rogue, her army as seen through Gray Worm throwing his spear at the surrendered troops takes it as a reason to abandon any morality.

mlyonsd 05-13-2019 10:12 AM

New editing blunder. Jamie's hand grew back for one scene.

kcpasco 05-13-2019 10:17 AM

“Fire and Blood”
Robert was an awful king but he was right about exterminating that family.

DaFace 05-13-2019 10:19 AM

Alternate script (stolen from reddit):
  1. Completely wipe out the scene from the last episode where Euron takes down Rhaegal.
  2. In the assault on King's Landing, Jon and Dany take everyone out on dragonback, making the rout even more believable.
  3. While the bells ring to signal surrender, a scorpion they had missed takes Rhaegal out. Much more believable that they could hit a stationary target.
  4. Dany flips out.

When people are complaining about the writing, it's little things like that that could have gone a HUGE distance toward making it better.

ToxSocks 05-13-2019 10:20 AM

I ****ing loved the episode. Some of these complaints in here are just LMAO LMAO get over yourselves. Bitching about too much/too little fire from a Dragon? My god dudes it's getting out of hand.

First, **** King's Landing. I loved seeing it burn to the ground. **** Varys, **** Jon Snow, **** 'em all.

Jon Snow told his sisters when he shouldn't have. Sansa betrayed her and never liked her to begin with. Arya doesn't like her. Varys betrayed her and tried to poison her. Tyrion betrayed her and gave her nothing but bad advice that ended up damn near costing her everything. The families of Westeros murdered her family and sent her into exile and stole her home, and they sent someone to try and poison her FFS!

All anyone ever did was betray Danny. Bad advice or straight up betrayal. And what did she ever do to any of them? only save them from the ****ing Undead, that's all. Instead she got completely shit on by all of them. They all deserve to ****ing burn and rot in hell.

None of them, ever, could ever be trusted. She gave them a chance and they failed. They proved their incompetence, proved that they cannot ever be trusted and proved that their advice sucks shit.

The only way she could ever rule was to cleanse the city. Cleanse it and start fresh with HER people. The Dothraki, Unsullied and the slaves she freed.

Burn it! MWAHAHAHA Burn it all down! Destroy those ****s! I was so happy to see King's Landing burn. I found it gratifying.

Sassy Squatch 05-13-2019 10:20 AM


Originally Posted by listopencil (Post 14265749)
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>


BucEyedPea 05-13-2019 10:20 AM


Originally Posted by mlyonsd (Post 14265837)
New editing blunder. Jamie's hand grew back for one scene.

It's very subtle if judging by the picture in that link alone. It almost looks like dirty metal—'cept for the fingernail.

chiefzilla1501 05-13-2019 10:22 AM


Originally Posted by BucEyedPea (Post 14265829)
A book will always lay out a better path or can because it's a different medium than a visual medium. For one it can show inner thinking of a character. There are limitations with film in more ways than this one.

Agreed. Especially when you're sprinting to wrap up a hugely complicated story like this in two seasons. Once the books come out, we'll be glad they saved a lot of the setup and politicking for the books. We will also see that it will take at least 5 more seasons to wrap the show up the way grrm would've wanted it. The showrunners made a conscious decision to create showstopping big events and to sprint to an end, and even if that compromised some of the story's integrity, those things also outweigh the bad in many ways.

ToxSocks 05-13-2019 10:22 AM

Loved the action sequences. I enjoyed watching the Dragon ****ing ripping down the walls with his fire-breath nukes. Excellent CGI there. I loved all the graphic imagery, people getting their head split etc. LMAO @ you adult males complaing about action sequences. You serious right now?

How about Gray Worm going ****ing savage? AWESOME! They beheaded his only love, ever. You're goddamn right he should be going savage and putting a spear up every one of their asses.

And **** Jon Snow for being such a pussy. I just wish Gray Worm woulda put a spear up his ass after seeing him betray Danny YET AGAIN.

ToxSocks 05-13-2019 10:26 AM


Originally Posted by DJ's left nut (Post 14265595)
Man - episode 3 really soured some folks.

And to be fair, I hated episode 3 as well - hated it more and more as I thought on it. But episode 1 was fine. Episodes 2 and 4 I thought were quite good and this episode was the best of the season so far, IMO.

The Dany thing has been a long-time coming. And yeah, maybe that's more 'book insight' bleeding into show viewing, but Dany has always been an entitled, impulsive, violent trainwreck and a wholly unfit leader. I've said this for literally years - she's a spoiled tween with an air force when nobody else has one. She's narrow-minded and overly emotional. Her losing her shit and burning a bunch of stuff to the ground is easy to call and surely nobody would've argued with it had she torched the massed Lannister army and then burned down the red keep.

The only real curious event here is that she torched everything. But there are several historical analogues for it. And frankly, for all the shit B&W have (justifiably) taken for making character motivations non-existent, they did give you some insight here when they mentioned the contrast between Kings Landing and Mereen. When she was upset that they didn't rise up in support of her, she clearly put 'torch 'em all' on the table. The historical example that springs immediately to mind for me is the Armenian Genocide. The Ottomans decided that the Armenians didn't do enough to defend the region from the Christian invaders and if they weren't going to rise up against the enemy, then clearly they're no better than the enemy. The Turks then went on to effectively wholesale slaughter people who were ostensibly part of their own empire.

In the end I'm not sure Dany actively hoped to slaughter innocents - I think she simply didn't care much if she did, especially as she saw them as quasi-enemies anyway.

Apart from that, the Jaime/Tyrion meeting was fantastic. Euron v. Jaime was unnecessary but entertaining. Cleganebowl was everything we could've hoped it to be.

And in the end I think so much of this show has been demonstrating how little the rank and file care or benefit from these power struggles. They'll take peace under a bad ruler over a war to install a good ruler every time. Because in the end, the definition of a 'good' ruler is pretty damn fluid. I mean heck, in the recent history of Westoros it appears Robert Baratheon was actually pretty damn good at it by simply staying out of the way. And from a commoners perspective, Dany and her army is simply a foreign invasion. Which again makes what happened more 'to type'. Dany has no ties to King's Landing - she never knew the place. The Unsullied just see it as someplace else to conquer and the Dothraki just do what they do. Even the northmen are historically antagonistic towards anything south of the Riverlands (if they'll even tolerate that far).

I just don't understand the rage here. The soldiers acted as damn near every invading force in the history of warfare has acted (look at what the Germans did in Leningrad and the staggering barbarism from the Russians in Berlin that came about as a result). Most of the characters acted as you'd expect them to - even Jaime the Cersei Junkie.

This all comes down to just how much of Kings Landing Dany would've reasonably set ablaze. And I think the writers, over the course of several seasons and in her final conversation with Tyrion specifically, gave ample indication that she may just snap. When the Bells were ringing, it wasn't the bells that set her off. It was sitting there having wrecked creation but lost every person close to her on account of Cersei simply not capitulating when it was clearly the smart decision the first time they met, and thinking "wait...NOW you surrender? Get ****ed with that shit!" It was petulant, frustrated rage from a person who'd demonstrated a pretty decent track record of being petulant and wrathful.

I just don't see the problem here. I thought the episode was very good :shrug:

You're goddamn right the episode was very good. Have you seen the complaints in this thread? A lot of them are ****ing ridiculous.

BucEyedPea 05-13-2019 10:28 AM


Originally Posted by chiefzilla1501 (Post 14265861)
Agreed. Especially when you're sprinting to wrap up a hugely complicated story like this in two seasons. Once the books come out, we'll be glad they saved a lot of the setup and politicking for the books. We will also see that it will take at least 5 more seasons to wrap the show up the way grrm would've wanted it. The showrunners made a conscious decision to create showstopping big events and to sprint to an end, and even if that compromised some of the story's integrity, those things also outweigh the bad in many ways.

Again, I think needing 5 more seasons is a bit much. Two more or possibly 3, would be enough for me. If anything some previous season situations could have gone faster. I got bored with Ayra's time in the House of Black in White in Braavos as one example.

Chiefspants 05-13-2019 10:29 AM


Originally Posted by DaFace (Post 14265850)
Alternate script (stolen from reddit):
  1. Completely wipe out the scene from the last episode where Euron takes down Rhaegal.
  2. In the assault on King's Landing, Jon and Dany take everyone out, making the rout even more believable.
  3. While the bells ring to signal surrender, a scorpion they had missed takes Rhaegal out. Much more believable that they could hit a stationary target.
  4. Dany flips out.

When people are complaining about the writing, it's little things like that that could have gone a HUGE distance toward making it better.

Yeah, it's stuff like this that makes me think this could have been wrapped up in a satisfactory way in 75 hours. I understand the thought D&D had, but it just felt like Season 7 and Season 8 were ultimately rough drafts to an incredible idea still in the broad strokes of development.

In a vacuum - last night's episode impacted me more than an episode of thrones has since The Red Wedding and I have to acknowledge D&D for that. Not many shows can do that. Even Breaking Bad pulled its punches when giving deaths to the main characters, opting not to kill Skyler despite planning to do it on multiple occasions.

BucEyedPea 05-13-2019 10:30 AM


Originally Posted by Chiefspants (Post 14265875)

In a vacuum - last night's episode impacted me more than an episode of thrones has since The Red Wedding and I have to acknowledge D&D for that. Not many shows can do that.

Me too.

Sassy Squatch 05-13-2019 10:33 AM

They couldn't have done the heartfelt moments much better. Tyrion/Jaime and Sandor/Arya were excellent goodbyes.

ToxSocks 05-13-2019 10:35 AM


Originally Posted by Jerm (Post 14265659)
The biggest problem with the Dany turn for me was that they totally contradicted themselves in the episode itself.

She talks about "fear it is" or whatever....SHE HAD IT. The citizens of King's Landing were scurrying and scared shitless at the sight of Drogon.

The Lannister Army, who has fought no matter the circumstances, laid down their weapons because they were scared hearing the dragon and seeing the opposition. (We won't bring up the fact that they fought against the same army and dragon in Season 7, another contradiction but eh I'll let it go).

Dany had won...there was ZERO reason to go batshit insane and raze KL and kill all the innocents...totally goes against the character they had been building with her. But eh that's their MO for this season so I'm not shocked.

I read somewhere else last night that it was the fictional equivalent of Hiroshima being nuked and then the Allied powers being like nahhhh do it again...

Zero reason to burn them? PFFFFF


She had EVERY reason to destroy that city.

Chiefspants 05-13-2019 10:38 AM


Originally Posted by Superturtle (Post 14265883)
They couldn't have done the heartfelt moments much better. Tyrion/Jaime and Sandor/Arya were excellent goodbyes.

Yep. To nitpick pacing, I'd have loved for Jaime/Cersei to learn Jon's parentage in a previous episode. Buuuuuuut it's fine I guessssss.

Loved Jaime/Cersei's goodbye too, and the complete understanding both characters had in Tyrion/Varys' goodbye.

Jerm 05-13-2019 10:39 AM


Originally Posted by Detoxing (Post 14265886)
Zero reason to burn them? PFFFFF


She had EVERY reason to destroy that city.

You're right...she totally had every reason to burn the innocent men, women, and children who DID NOTHING WRONG..........even though that 100% goes against the character they built with her.

DJ's left nut 05-13-2019 10:43 AM


Originally Posted by Detoxing (Post 14265862)
Loved the action sequences. I enjoyed watching the Dragon ****ing ripping down the walls with his fire-breath nukes. Excellent CGI there. I loved all the graphic imagery, people getting their head split etc. LMAO @ you adult males complaing about action sequences. You serious right now?

How about Gray Worm going ****ing savage? AWESOME! They beheaded his only love, ever. You're goddamn right he should be going savage and putting a spear up every one of their asses.

And **** Jon Snow for being such a pussy. I just wish Gray Worm woulda put a spear up his ass after seeing him betray Danny YET AGAIN.

Grey Worm FINALLY showing an Unsullied kick some ass was a welcome change from watching them stand there in formation and get mowed down.

And seriously - the Jaime/Tyrion conversation was as moving a moment as the show has had to date. We knew that Jaime and Tyrion were close but I think that was a perfectly crisp, succinct and poignant demonstration of just HOW close. And it also helped provide another data point on the 'Lannister's are just lunatics about their family and legacy' ledger right before the final moments with Jaime and Cersei.

It was a very good episode in a ton of ways. I'm hopeful more people will step back from the shock and review it on its own merits.

Sassy Squatch 05-13-2019 10:45 AM


Originally Posted by Chiefspants (Post 14265890)
Yep. To nitpick pacing, I'd have loved for Jaime/Cersei to learn Jon's parentage in a previous episode. Buuuuuuut it's fine I guessssss.

Loved Jaime/Cersei's goodbye too, and the complete understanding both characters had in Tyrion/Varys' goodbye.

Those were fine. Tyrion and Varys kind of seemed to be playing the role meant for the other, in a way. Shouldn't Varys have been the one concerned about the innocents in Kings Landing being victimized? He's the one always going on about that. Tyrion outright stated he despises the people there, and yet he's the one begging Daenerys to show mercy and Varys is the one trying to poison her? I know Varys has been foreshadowed, but just a bit odd to me.

ToxSocks 05-13-2019 10:46 AM


Originally Posted by Jerm (Post 14265898)
You're right...she totally had every reason to burn the innocent men, women, and children who DID NOTHING WRONG..........even though that 100% goes against the character they built with her.

You're not looking at it from her perspective. And no, it does not go against her character at all. Me thinks you simply thought of her as "Dragon Queen". DJ already hit on that though.

Skyy God 05-13-2019 10:48 AM

Way better route to where the showrunners went.

GloucesterChief 05-13-2019 10:48 AM


Originally Posted by Superturtle (Post 14265910)
Those were fine. Tyrion and Varys kind of seemed to be playing the role meant for the other, in a way. Shouldn't Varys have been the one concerned about the innocents in Kings Landing being victimized? He's the one always going on about that. Tyrion outright stated he despises the people there, and yet he's the one begging Daenerys to show mercy and Varys is the one trying to poison her? I know Varys has been foreshadowed, but just a bit odd to me.

I am pretty sure that Tyrion was talking about the assembled nobles in his trial since it was a complete sham after he had saved their asses in the Blackwater.

DJ's left nut 05-13-2019 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by Detoxing (Post 14265886)
Zero reason to burn them? PFFFFF


She had EVERY reason to destroy that city.

And we continue to overlook the fact that it's just another speck on a map for her. It's another dominion to be conquered.

It has NEVER been home. As far as she's concerned it's her birthright to rule it, but beyond that it's little more than an ant farm where the ants keep being unruly and biting her ankles.

I don't know when that point really hit home yesterday. I think it was when the Lannister soldiers dropped their arms and the citizens started calling for the bells. They were the people truly vested in the long-term survival of Kings Landing.

Nobody on the other side, OTOH, can claim much of a tie to Westeros, let alone Kings Landing. Like I said, even the northerners consider themselves Westerosi by little more than executive fiat. This particular lot has been succeeding and naming their own northern king for, what, 5 years?

Kings landing carries more weight with us, the viewers, than it does to anyone on the opposing force. And when we view it through their lens, the decision to just raze it starts to make narrative sense. They blasted it down because they had nothing to do with it and are more than content blowing it apart and re-building it as they see fit.

Is that wise? History says absolutely not - nation building from the ground up absent a grass-roots, organic uprising has failed pretty much every time it's been tried. But these aren't exactly history scholars we're dealing with here. These are conquerors with their own vision and Kings Landing was getting in the way of that vision.

Sassy Squatch 05-13-2019 10:50 AM


Originally Posted by GloucesterChief (Post 14265919)
I am pretty sure that Tyrion was talking about the assembled nobles in his trial since it was a complete sham after he had saved their asses in the Blackwater.

Probably was. He seemed to be speaking in a general sense about the people but he was seething about Shae at that point.

Sassy Squatch 05-13-2019 10:52 AM


Originally Posted by DJ's left nut (Post 14265922)
And we continue to overlook the fact that it's just another speck on a map for her. It's another dominion to be conquered.

It has NEVER been home. As far as she's concerned it's her birthright to rule it, but beyond that it's little more than an ant farm where the ants keep being unruly and biting her ankles.

I don't know when that point really hit home yesterday. I think it was when the Lannister soldiers dropped their arms and the citizens started calling for the bells. They were the people truly vested in the long-term survival of Kings Landing.

Nobody on the other side, OTOH, can claim much of a tie to Westeros, let alone Kings Landing. Like I said, even the northerners consider themselves Westerosi by little more than executive fiat. This particular lot has been succeeding and naming their own northern king for, what, 5 years?

Kings landing carries more weight with us, the viewers, than it does to anyone on the opposing force. And when we view it through their lens, the decision to just raze it starts to make narrative sense. They blasted it down because they had nothing to do with it and are more than content blowing it apart and re-building it as they see fit.

Is that wise? History says absolutely not - nation building from the ground up absent a grass-roots, organic uprising has failed pretty much every time it's been tried. But these aren't exactly history scholars we're dealing with here. These are conquerors with their own vision and Kings Landing was getting in the way of that vision.

At least for the 3 armies under Daenerys, it makes more sense to me that they would raze it instead of stopping.

Dothraki don't give a shit.

Unsullied follow Grey Worm and he's ****ing furious about Missandei.

Northerners have to have centuries of bad blood for the Lannisters.

GloucesterChief 05-13-2019 10:55 AM


Originally Posted by Superturtle (Post 14265928)
At least for the 3 armies under Daenerys, it makes more sense to me that they would raze it instead of stopping.

Dothraki don't give a shit.

Unsullied follow Grey Worm and he's ****ing furious about Missandei.

Northerners have to have centuries of bad blood for the Lannisters.

The northman pretty much keep to themselves. Their feuds tend to be with the Riverlands, you know the kingdom on their border. Also the Ironborn due to raiding.

DJ's left nut 05-13-2019 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by Jerm (Post 14265898)
You're right...she totally had every reason to burn the innocent men, women, and children who DID NOTHING WRONG..........even though that 100% goes against the character they built with her.

It really doesn't.

She was demure when she had no power. And she was a 'breaker of chains' when Mereen rose up WITH her. But anyone that hasn't been with her (or hell, anyone who's simply been indifferent towards her), has been against her for the entirety of her rise.

This decision is completely within character for her and she NOTED that in her conversation with Tyrion. The showrunners did an excellent job of hitting that note but not hitting it so hard that it was a fait accompli as she sat there on the edge of the sitting with Drogon pegged against the rev-limiter. By doing what they did, there was genuine suspense building up. Is she gonna drop that clutch and tear shit up or is she gonna come off the gas and cool down.

We didn't know. We couldn't have known because for everything B&W did poorly - they did her character extremely well in that regard. That could've gone either direction and we could've pointed at reasoning for it.

She has NEVER been the benevolent wallflower so many people are now portraying her as. Left to her own devices, she'd destroy anyone that stood in her path. And when she drew a line between the citizens of Kings Landing who were going to Cersei and seeking shelter rather than rising up to help her (again, a line drawn by dozens of real-life despots), the die had been cast. As noted - when a Targaryen is born, the Gods flip a coin...

And now we see how it landed. But everything that happened there works if considered fairly, IMO.

raybec 4 05-13-2019 10:58 AM

I don't have a problem with Dany carpet bombing Kings Landing. As she said herself all she had was fear, why not play into that and give them an example of what to be afraid of.

ThaVirus 05-13-2019 10:58 AM


Originally Posted by Amnorix (Post 14265493)
What irks me somewhat more (though not TOO much) is the PERFECT control over Drogon's attacks that Dany has. Unless she has a Vulcan mind-meld with the thing, I just can't understand it.

Earlier this season Jon mentioned how “it was like Rhaegal knew where he wanted to go”.

In one of the earlier seasons, Tyrion mentioned that some people believed Dragons were as intelligent as or even more intelligent than men.

You may not like it but there is precedence.

BlackOp 05-13-2019 10:58 AM


Originally Posted by Detoxing (Post 14265872)
You're goddamn right the episode was very good. Have you seen the complaints in this thread? A lot of them are ****ing ridiculous. was better than the previous two but was still extremely flawed from a writing/directorial standpoint.

I used to study direction/directors...and the masters of the art usual dont have a lot of wasted steps. They get to the vital elements with adequate explanation/set-up....the "why". They had time to address Varys poisoning...just cut back on the 40 minutes of continuous dragon fire...hell, just cut out the beach fight. The "why" was crucial in killing off a very influential character..and explaining/believing her character shift....probably THE most important element of that episode...and it was terribly under developed.

There is also the element of "suspension of disbelief"...where the character, no matter the scenario, reacts is a realistic manner...Cersie telling the Mountain to stand by her side to protect her from the Hound...and after he disobeys....what does she do? Walks right past her "protection" into certain death...and the Hound does nothing. Did anyone believe it would have happened that way? Nope...and it brings the viewer back to the detached fact they are watching a show (disbelief)...instead of being engaged.

Was the attempted rape scene necessary?...seemed like the last thing a soldier would be doing in the heat of battle...maybe after but not then. It was out of character for her soldiers...she may have been losing her mind but ..raping an innocent woman in the streets? Nope..not buying it.

Was Crazy boatman's timing of being washed the very spot where Jamie is entering the bowels of the castle, believable? takes the viewer completely out of the scene.

The #1 responsibility of a the the ability to step back and assess "Do I believe this is really happening"'s all that matters in the end.

DJ's left nut 05-13-2019 10:59 AM


Originally Posted by Superturtle (Post 14265928)
At least for the 3 armies under Daenerys, it makes more sense to me that they would raze it instead of stopping.

Dothraki don't give a shit.

Unsullied follow Grey Worm and he's ****ing furious about Missandei.

Northerners have to have centuries of bad blood for the Lannisters.


Which is why I say that ALL of the hand-wringing comes over one critical question - would Dany have burned it all? Everything else that happened is supported by show canon and historical precedent.

And because of how B&W have handled Dany over the decade or show this has been around, I think there are plenty of arguments in FAVOR of her going ham and just torching the place. But because it's a show built on suspense, there always had to be a 'will she or won't she' element to it. They couldn't have put it too on the nose.

I really think they walked that line exceptionally well but you have to take a beat and really think about it to get to that point. That's a mark of good writing, not the example of laziness that people are claiming, IMO.

Bowser 05-13-2019 10:59 AM

The actors this season have just nailed it, every single one of them. We can all agree that this thing has rushed this season, but they've all given fantastic performances with the limited script they've had to work with. The acting, the visuals, the battle sequences - all top freaking notch. The story....well....they just ran out of time, really.

GloucesterChief 05-13-2019 11:00 AM


Originally Posted by raybec 4 (Post 14265937)
I don't have a problem with Dany carpet bombing Kings Landing. As she said herself all she had was fear, why not play into that and give them an example of what to be afraid of.

Because she removed the option of submission. She has guaranteed that everyone will fight her to the death because she has proven to not accept surrender.

She us impulsive and stupid so at least her character stayed that way.

Chiefspants 05-13-2019 11:03 AM


Originally Posted by BlackOp (Post 14265939)

Was the attempted rape scene necessary?...seemed like the last thing a soldier would be doing in the heat of battle...maybe after but not then.

There were multiple accounts of women getting raped by over 30 different Soviet soldiers during the Battle for Berlin in WW2. When all hell breaks loose and the rule of law is gone, we really see the depravity that humanity is capable of. Rape is something that's unfortunately and quite tragically embedded in our histories during the sacks of cities.

Sassy Squatch 05-13-2019 11:03 AM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 14265941)
The actors this season have just nailed it, every single one of them. We can all agree that this thing has rushed this season, but they've all given fantastic performances with the limited script they've had to work with. The acting, the visuals, the battle sequences - all top freaking notch. The story....well....they just ran out of time, really.

Yes. Emilia in particular

DJ's left nut 05-13-2019 11:06 AM


Originally Posted by BlackOp (Post 14265939)
Was the attempted rape scene necessary?...seemed like the last thing a soldier would be doing in the heat of battle...maybe after but not then.

Was Crazy boatman's timing of being washed the very spot where Jamie is entering the bowels of the castle, believable? takes the viewer completely out of the scene.

Well for the invading forces, the battle effectively WAS over. They were in the rout at that point. And the concept of 'blood lust' has been well documented. Yeah, soldiers have historically done heinous things to women in places they've conquered, even as the defeated soldiers were still bleeding out. For their part, that battle was all but done.

Euron...[sigh]...yeah, everything Euron has had a hand in has been silly. And because of how poorly his character has been used, we're all just annoyed anytime he shows up. Yeah, him just happening to be on the right beach at the right time with nobody else from his entire armada floating up with him was annoying as hell. I that there was little use in that apart from strictly a plot device designed to get Jaime a W via 1 on 1 combat without his hand. We haven't seen a real W with him since Vargo took his hand so maybe that was why they did it.

But sure - better avenue would've been to just have Drogon roast his ass and Jaime get to the maproom otherwise healthy. From a purely entertainment standpoint, I didn't mind Jaime getting a final fight for his sister's honor in there. But from a storytelling perspective that was admittedly ham-fisted.

chiefzilla1501 05-13-2019 11:10 AM


Originally Posted by DJ's left nut (Post 14265933)
It really doesn't.

She was demure when she had no power. And she was a 'breaker of chains' when Mereen rose up WITH her. But anyone that hasn't been with her (or hell, anyone who's simply been indifferent towards her), has been against her for the entirety of her rise.

This decision is completely within character for her and she NOTED that in her conversation with Tyrion. The showrunners did an excellent job of hitting that note but not hitting it so hard that it was a fait accompli as she sat there on the edge of the sitting with Drogon pegged against the rev-limiter. By doing what they did, there was genuine suspense building up. Is she gonna drop that clutch and tear shit up or is she gonna come off the gas and cool down.

We didn't know. We couldn't have known because for everything B&W did poorly - they did her character extremely well in that regard. That could've gone either direction and we could've pointed at reasoning for it.

She has NEVER been the benevolent wallflower so many people are now portraying her as. Left to her own devices, she'd destroy anyone that stood in her path. And when she drew a line between the citizens of Kings Landing who were going to Cersei and seeking shelter rather than rising up to help her (again, a line drawn by dozens of real-life despots), the die had been cast. As noted - when a Targaryen is born, the Gods flip a coin...

And now we see how it landed. But everything that happened there works if considered fairly, IMO.

Yup. She would have taken an even more brutal stance against the masters and khals if she wasn't talked down. She toasted the tarleys against tyrions advice. She's already questioning the advice she's getting, now she has the olenna "be the dragon" seed planted in her brain to ignore the clever ones and just attack.

But because she was doing it for a just cause... Because it was working in helping her grow her army... Because it was all to earn loyalty... It was easy to apologize for her actions. And even still... Its not just pure madness, there are still enough reasons to justify what she did. It reminds me of how hard it was for people to hate Walter white even despite the terrible things he does late in the series. Breaking bad never made that hard pivot on ww the way GoT is now doing with daenerys so that makes this all the more interesting.

The setup was rushed. But Im shocked people think this was an absolute 180. Very interesting point that this didn't seem to surprise those who hated or were neutral about Dany.

ToxSocks 05-13-2019 11:15 AM


Originally Posted by BlackOp (Post 14265939)

There is also the element of "suspension of disbelief"...where the character, no matter the scenario, reacts is a realistic manner...Cersie telling the Mountain to stand by her side to protect her from the Hound...and after he disobeys....what does she do? Walks right past her "protection" into certain death...and the Hound does nothing.

You're freakin' way off here. The Hound made the trip to King's Landing for one sole purpose, and that was to fight his brother. He was not there for Cersi. He could give a damn about Cersi. His story has nothing to do with Cersi. Cersi continued past The Mountain when it became apparent that he was no longer offering protection and a willingness to obey, but instead intended on fighting the Hound. Cersi had no control there. He was not there to defend her any longer.

That's a piss ass example.


Originally Posted by BlackOp (Post 14265939)
Was the attempted rape scene necessary?...seemed like the last thing a soldier would be doing in the heat of battle...maybe after but not then.

Uhhm, it's totally necessary and has always been part of GoT. Do you not remember all the stories of rape when the Mad King was overthrown? Oberyn's sister getting raped? Hello? On top of that, it was a scene designed to demonstrate the chaos and anarchy. It totally fit. WTF are you talking about.


Originally Posted by BlackOp (Post 14265939)
Was Crazy boatman's timing of being washed the very spot where Jamie is entering the bowels of the castle, believable? takes the viewer completely out of the scene.

Yeah that i agree with. Your other two complaints seem like a personal issue on your part as you seem to lack an understanding of the show and its characters, rather than being poorly done by the show. That's why i find some of these complaints ridiculous.

God of Thunder 05-13-2019 11:17 AM

Also - bear in mind - in the house of the undead in Season 2/3/whatever - she goes into the house of the undead to rescue the dragons. She sees the thrown room with what looked like snow - then she meets Drogo and the baby.

We now know this is Ash and a foreshowing of Dany's impending doom.

ToxSocks 05-13-2019 11:18 AM


Originally Posted by DJ's left nut (Post 14265954)
Well for the invading forces, the battle effectively WAS over. They were in the rout at that point. And the concept of 'blood lust' has been well documented. Yeah, soldiers have historically done heinous things to women in places they've conquered, even as the defeated soldiers were still bleeding out. For their part, that battle was all but done.

Euron...[sigh]...yeah, everything Euron has had a hand in has been silly. And because of how poorly his character has been used, we're all just annoyed anytime he shows up. Yeah, him just happening to be on the right beach at the right time with nobody else from his entire armada floating up with him was annoying as hell. I that there was little use in that apart from strictly a plot device designed to get Jaime a W via 1 on 1 combat without his hand. We haven't seen a real W with him since Vargo took his hand so maybe that was why they did it.

But sure - better avenue would've been to just have Drogon roast his ass and Jaime get to the maproom otherwise healthy. From a purely entertainment standpoint, I didn't mind Jaime getting a final fight for his sister's honor in there. But from a storytelling perspective that was admittedly ham-fisted.

The whole Jaime thing in this episode was a miss. Everything from Euron's timing to Jaime's inability to die from what looked like critical wounds.

That and the Scorpion's complete inability to hit a dragon after having pinpoint accuracy last episode.

Those would be my only two complaints of episode 5. And they're fairly minor points.

Sassy Squatch 05-13-2019 11:20 AM


Originally Posted by DJ's left nut (Post 14265954)
Well for the invading forces, the battle effectively WAS over. They were in the rout at that point. And the concept of 'blood lust' has been well documented. Yeah, soldiers have historically done heinous things to women in places they've conquered, even as the defeated soldiers were still bleeding out. For their part, that battle was all but done.

Euron...[sigh]...yeah, everything Euron has had a hand in has been silly. And because of how poorly his character has been used, we're all just annoyed anytime he shows up. Yeah, him just happening to be on the right beach at the right time with nobody else from his entire armada floating up with him was annoying as hell. I that there was little use in that apart from strictly a plot device designed to get Jaime a W via 1 on 1 combat without his hand. We haven't seen a real W with him since Vargo took his hand so maybe that was why they did it.

But sure - better avenue would've been to just have Drogon roast his ass and Jaime get to the maproom otherwise healthy. From a purely entertainment standpoint, I didn't mind Jaime getting a final fight for his sister's honor in there. But from a storytelling perspective that was admittedly ham-fisted.

TV Euron has to be one of the worst main antagonists of all time.

God of Thunder 05-13-2019 11:22 AM


Originally Posted by God of Thunder (Post 14265979)
Also - bear in mind - in the house of the undead in Season 2/3/whatever - she goes into the house of the undead to rescue the dragons. She sees the thrown room with what looked like snow - then she meets Drogo and the baby.

We now know this is Ash and a foreshowing of Dany's impending doom.

And even furthermore - Jason Momoa visited the set of GoT while shooting, there was pictures he posted online. Therefore its likely they were filming a death scene for her and him.

ChiefBlueCFC 05-13-2019 11:22 AM


Originally Posted by Superturtle (Post 14265828)


Chiefspants 05-13-2019 11:25 AM


Originally Posted by God of Thunder (Post 14265990)
And even furthermore - Jason Momoa visited the set of GoT while shooting, there was pictures he posted online. Therefore its likely they were filming a death scene for her and him.

I'm thinking that was probably for the documentary that's airing after Episode 6 - but we'll see.

Pogue 05-13-2019 11:28 AM


Originally Posted by Chiefspants (Post 14265949)
There were multiple accounts of women getting raped by over 30 different Soviet soldiers during the Battle for Berlin in WW2. When all hell breaks loose and the rule of law is gone, we really see the depravity that humanity is capable of. Rape is something that's unfortunately and quite tragically embedded in our histories during the sacks of cities.

Right. The raping of Nanking was gruesome, probably the most gruesome battle in history. The Japanese were vicious, and the word vicious probably doesn’t describe what they did properly.

Watch the movie “Flowers of war” starring Christian Bale.

DJ's left nut 05-13-2019 11:29 AM


Originally Posted by God of Thunder (Post 14265990)
And even furthermore - Jason Mamoa visited the set of GoT while shooting, there was pictures he posted online. Therefore its likely they were filming a death scene for her and him.

Yeah, Dany is dunzo.

The denouement is the only question left at this point. I'd be surprised if Dany survives the first 40 minutes of this last episode.

Someone referred to Jon's "Ned Honor" and yeah, that's gonna be the big plot driver for the final conflict there. As Jon's standing amidst the flames in Kings Landing with Aerys stockpiles of wildfyre hidden beneath the city going off all around him, I feel like the final piece was set into motion.

Jon's gonna kill her or go down trying. And with King's Landing in ruins, we KNOW he's not gonna stick around for that shitshow.

If Tyrion survives this shit somehow, I think he's the one that ends up tasked with the rebuilding. Will that mean bringing the 7 Kingdoms back together? I suspect not - that ship has sailed. But with his temperament and his affinity for southern Westeros, he's the last man standing with the chops/desire for the job.

And ultimately I think we see the whole continent simply splinter. Dany broke the wheel, just not as she intended.

chiefzilla1501 05-13-2019 11:31 AM


Originally Posted by DaFace (Post 14265850)
Alternate script (stolen from reddit):
  1. Completely wipe out the scene from the last episode where Euron takes down Rhaegal.
  2. In the assault on King's Landing, Jon and Dany take everyone out on dragonback, making the rout even more believable.
  3. While the bells ring to signal surrender, a scorpion they had missed takes Rhaegal out. Much more believable that they could hit a stationary target.
  4. Dany flips out.

When people are complaining about the writing, it's little things like that that could have gone a HUGE distance toward making it better.

But maybe that's why TV needs to be different from the books. The show spoonfed the bell and surrender situation to us like third graders. Then they wrapped up the surrender in a nice bow. That kind of simple spoonfeeding may be an eye roll for the books. But here's what made for good TV... Dany had a clear and obvious choice. It wasn't tactical. It wasn't impulsive emotional revenge. I agree with a lot of ways they should have made the scene more believable. But man, that pause where she decides to go berserk... Couldn't ask for better television.

God of Thunder 05-13-2019 11:32 AM


Originally Posted by DJ's left nut (Post 14266009)
Yeah, Dany is dunzo.

The denouement is the only question left at this point. I'd be surprised if Dany survives the first 40 minutes of this last episode.

Someone referred to Jon's "Ned Honor" and yeah, that's gonna be the big plot driver for the final conflict there. As Jon's standing amidst the flames in Kings Landing with Aerys stockpiles of wildfyre hidden beneath the city going off all around him, I feel like the final piece was set into motion.

Jon's gonna kill her or go down trying. And with King's Landing in ruins, we KNOW he's not gonna stick around for that shitshow.

If Tyrion survives this shit somehow, I think he's the one that ends up tasked with the rebuilding. Will that mean bringing the 7 Kingdoms back together? I suspect not - that ship has sailed. But with his temperament and his affinity for southern Westeros, he's the last man standing with the chops/desire for the job.

And ultimately I think we see the whole continent simply splinter. Dany broke the wheel, just not as she intended.

I actually suspect Dany will 'capture' Jon and sentence him to die. The dragon will unleash fire upon him - but because he is a true Targaryn, he will not die(Fire can't kill them, remember Dany survived this). People will realize what that means and cause them to turn against her.

Sassy Squatch 05-13-2019 11:33 AM


Originally Posted by God of Thunder (Post 14266014)
I actually suspect Dany will 'capture' Jon and sentence him to die. The dragon will unleash fire upon him - but because he is a true Targaryn, he will not die(Fire can't kill them, remember Dany survived this). People will realize what that means and cause them to turn against her.

Shouldn't she know that would be completely ineffective, though?

Gravedigger 05-13-2019 11:33 AM

Sad thing is that if Arya wouldn't have given up so easily after Sandor said some things about her not dying, then she could've just waited in the map room for Cersei to come waltzing past her and did the job easy. I thought Cersei got off way too good with her death, she didn't deserve the poetic nature of it. Jaime did, but if Arya would've killed Cersei, Jaime comes around the corner and sees her do it, goes into a rage, Arya kills him, or leaves him because she sees him dying anyways and Jaime dies next to Cersei's body. That would've been a more fitting end. This entire season has kind of neutered Cersei, outside of decapitating Messandai and putting a bunch of people into a causeway of death, I expected more time with her.

God of Thunder 05-13-2019 11:34 AM


Originally Posted by Superturtle (Post 14266016)
Shouldn't she know that would be completely ineffective, though?

I don't think she believes he's a true Targaryn. (no clue how to spell it)

DaFace 05-13-2019 11:36 AM

On a random note, did Yara and the Ironborn just...disappear?

(That's a forgivable omission I suppose, but odd that they were just completely left out of this.)

Pogue 05-13-2019 11:37 AM


Originally Posted by God of Thunder (Post 14266014)
I actually suspect Dany will 'capture' Jon and sentence him to die. The dragon will unleash fire upon him - but because he is a true Targaryn, he will not die(Fire can't kill them, remember Dany survived this). People will realize what that means and cause them to turn against her.

I was thinking the same thing but with Tyrion.

BlackOp 05-13-2019 11:38 AM

Dany is going to know Tyrion released Jamie...and she already gave him an ultimatum. He betrayed her...will be interesting how that plays out.

Shit..Dany's power resides in her dragon...kill it and it's clear sailing.

BlackOp 05-13-2019 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by DaFace (Post 14266026)
On a random note, did Yara and the Ironborn just...disappear?

(That's a forgivable omission I suppose, but odd that they were just completely left out of this.)

Thats why that beach fight scene was stupid...I guess they didn't have enough screen time to follow up on it.

Sassy Squatch 05-13-2019 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by DaFace (Post 14266026)
On a random note, did Yara and the Ironborn just...disappear?

(That's a forgivable omission I suppose, but odd that they were just completely left out of this.)

Hopefully they triumphantly show up next episode ready to **** shit up only to arrive at the ruins of Kings Landing. There's some serious comedic potential there.

God of Thunder 05-13-2019 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by Pogue (Post 14266028)
I was thinking the same thing but with Tyrion.

Shit - I can see that happening. Lots of rumors about him being a Targ.

Sassy Squatch 05-13-2019 11:44 AM

Too bad we're only going to spend one episode with Darth Khaleesi.

KC_Lee 05-13-2019 11:45 AM


Originally Posted by DaFace (Post 14266026)
On a random note, did Yara and the Ironborn just...disappear?

(That's a forgivable omission I suppose, but odd that they were just completely left out of this.)

Earlier in the season, EP1 or EP2, Theon said that Yara was at the Iron Isle setting up in case everyone and Winterfell had to retreat / evacuate.

BlackOp 05-13-2019 11:45 AM


Originally Posted by Detoxing (Post 14265975)
You're freakin' way off here. The Hound made the trip to King's Landing for one sole purpose, and that was to fight his brother. He was not there for Cersi. He could give a damn about Cersi. His story has nothing to do with Cersi. Cersi continued past The Mountain when it became apparent that he was no longer offering protection and a willingness to obey, but instead intended on fighting the Hound. Cersi had no control there. He was not there to defend her any longer.

That's a piss ass example.

Let's just say we'll have to disagree... It thought the scene was stupid and unbelievable.... Cersi isn't going to know what his agenda is in that moment, she wouldn't have commanded his protection if she knew ....fitting ending with a page out of a 1980's cheesy action-flick directorial playbook of crashing through a brick wall.

Did you like the pony scene...people love ponies...and they especially love riding off into the sunset cliches too. It's like a 14 year old girl wrote that final scene...maybe one did.

The action sequences were top-notch...the same director did episode 3. He's absolutely terrible in creating realistic, interpersonal situations...with any believable plot depth/development.

ToxSocks 05-13-2019 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by Superturtle (Post 14266037)
Too bad we're only going to spend one episode with Darth Khaleesi.

If that...Half an episode most likely. They'll need to kill her relatively quickly so they can wrap up the victor's spoils.

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