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ThaVirus 05-05-2019 08:55 AM


Originally Posted by RINGLEADER (Post 14253121)
I’ve watched last weeks episode a couple more times. It is good, but lacks the misdirection and cleverness we’ve come to expect from the show. And ending the Night King storyline the way they did just wasn’t very satisfying in my opinion.

I’d be a lot more interested in the final three episodes if last week had been a head fake with just a small portion of the NK forces occupying the North while the army of the dead was still marching towards Kings Landing. Imagine the intrigue and possibilities if that was the case. Having to marshall what’s left of your forces for a final stand lined up alongside the soldiers you’re sworn to take down would have been epic and tense. Because if the NK managed to get to KL and turn another million souls it would have really been all over.

Alright. You saw the Army of the Dead. You know how hopelessly outmatched the living were. How would you complete the story if what you propose had come to pass?

DaFace 05-05-2019 09:09 AM


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 14253257)
Alright. You saw the Army of the Dead. You know how hopelessly outmatched the living were. How would you complete the story if what you propose had come to pass?

Apparently "Arya sneaks through the army and pounces out of the air somehow" is a viable option.

ThaVirus 05-05-2019 09:29 AM


Originally Posted by DaFace (Post 14253271)
Apparently "Arya sneaks through the army and pounces out of the air somehow" is a viable option.

Assuming we kept that original ending, what do we see in the show for the next three episodes?

A drawn out siege on Winterfell isn't going to be riveting television. Seeing the chaos in the attack on King's Landing would be interesting, but they're even less prepared for the Army of the Dead than the North. That would end quickly. With another million plus undead from King's Landing and however many more they'd pick up on the way, Arya Ex Machina would be even more ridiculous.

Sassy Squatch 05-05-2019 09:50 AM

So some of the episode has leaked.

Sassy Squatch 05-05-2019 11:10 AM

This is from 9 months ago. At least 2 of these happen EXACTLY as the leaks describe it in tonight's episode, so there's probably a lot of truth to it.

Buehler445 05-05-2019 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by DaFace (Post 14253271)
Apparently "Arya sneaks through the army and pounces out of the air somehow" is a viable option.

Im assuming she climbed a tree. She’s a ****ing assassin and knows the place and has probably climbed those trees.

Bowser 05-05-2019 12:10 PM

They built the Arya moment up. Remember when Jon was alone in the Godswood, and then Arya is standing right behind him? "How did you sneak up on me?" They foreshadowed the entire thing.

Gravedigger 05-05-2019 12:35 PM

Leaks sound like throwing a bunch of shit at the wall and seeing what sticks. Like psychics or fans desperate to be connected to the end of one of the most prominent shows in television history as the person who said,"I told you so!" Some of it may happen, the rest is just guesswork like we all are doing. If these leakers were to go to Vegas they'd come out with a fifth of their money.

Dunerdr 05-05-2019 01:09 PM

ill say that this is my first time wandering in here on cp, and you guys are far better versed than i am. i started watching this show at the end of my wifes pregnancy and loved it. we binged watched it (she was to pregnant to do anything else).

last weeks episode was badass as far as action but pretty meh on the story. i expect some details like aryas sudden leap from ****ing nowhere to be explained tonight. theyre once again at a major disadvantage with no one left to ****ing fight and kings landing to take in the next 3 episodes. i fully expect some over seas help to come help dani.

side note i ordered the books i was always a reader vs a watcher up until having kids 6 years ago and this series has inspired me to get back into the books. theres so many obvious holes that i felt i had to get the books and get the real inside.

keg in kc 05-05-2019 01:15 PM

Yeah. Unfortunately the episode itself has leaked, and it's everything I really hoped it was not.

****. Just...****.

As for the previous leaks just 'throwing shit at the wall' the accurate ones are generally from someone tangentially related to production, like a friend of a guy who does subtitles for another language. So they're usually just a few details, not entire episodes.

Chiefspants 05-05-2019 02:11 PM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 14253651)
Yeah. Unfortunately the episode itself has leaked, and it's everything I really hoped it was not.

****. Just...****.

As for the previous leaks just 'throwing shit at the wall' the accurate ones are generally from someone tangentially related to production, like a friend of a guy who does subtitles for another language. So they're usually just a few details, not entire episodes.


DrRyan 05-05-2019 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 14253651)
Yeah. Unfortunately the episode itself has leaked, and it's everything I really hoped it was not.

****. Just...****.

As for the previous leaks just 'throwing shit at the wall' the accurate ones are generally from someone tangentially related to production, like a friend of a guy who does subtitles for another language. So they're usually just a few details, not entire episodes.

Ugh.... Haven't read the leaks. Really hope we don't get some awful dwelling on fake drama based on Messandei's listening to Tyrion and Sansa's conversation last week. Hope I'm wrong but I expect a mediocre episode where D&D try to make up for the lack story last week. We have already established story telling and continued character development isn't their strong suit.

Setsuna 05-05-2019 03:36 PM

ROFL ROFL ROFL and yall held out hope for D&D's writing. They have no source material. They stink.

keg in kc 05-05-2019 03:37 PM


Originally Posted by Chiefspants (Post 14253719)


keg in kc 05-05-2019 03:38 PM

At least it's gonna look and sound great.

And there'll be lots of things to discuss.

keg in kc 05-05-2019 04:17 PM

<iframe width="320" height="180" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Frazod 05-05-2019 05:58 PM

Just think - in two weeks and two hours, it'll all be over.

Sassy Squatch 05-05-2019 07:38 PM

So have those 2 dumb mother****ers never heard of marriage?

Jesus Christ, they're ****ing already anyway.

keg in kc 05-05-2019 07:48 PM

Yeah, would have been so easy to not completely **** up the storyline.

Even if what it looks like is going to happen is what GRRM told them, it will have a completely different meaning in the books.

They have completely destroyed Dany's development to give us bullshit drama and shock factor. And they've completely castrated Jon.

Sassy Squatch 05-05-2019 07:56 PM


Originally Posted by Superturtle (Post 14254106)
So have those 2 dumb mother****ers never heard of marriage?

Jesus Christ, they're ****ing already anyway.

Oh hey. Tyrion figured it out. He's the smartest character in the show again. But wait, Daenerys won't go for that because reasons.

Sassy Squatch 05-05-2019 08:03 PM

Daenerys heel turn confirmed.

Sassy Squatch 05-05-2019 08:11 PM

Jaime heel turn confirmed.

keg in kc 05-05-2019 08:21 PM

Watching this episode's last half hour is like that time right before an accident. I see what's coming, I know it's going to suck and I can't do anything about it.

Fish 05-05-2019 08:23 PM

"I've never slept with a knight before." LMAO...

keg in kc 05-05-2019 08:23 PM


Originally Posted by Superturtle (Post 14254152)
Jaime heel turn confirmed.

That I think is a swerve. We'll see.

Frazod 05-05-2019 08:23 PM


Originally Posted by Superturtle (Post 14254106)
So have those 2 dumb mother****ers never heard of marriage?

Jesus Christ, they're ****ing already anyway.

That throne doesn't seat two.

GloucesterChief 05-05-2019 08:24 PM


Originally Posted by Superturtle (Post 14254130)
Oh hey. Tyrion figured it out. He's the smartest character in the show again. But wait, Daenerys won't go for that because reasons.

No. Dany is dumb as hell. She just basically came out on top of all her problems by sheer dumb luck.

Sassy Squatch 05-05-2019 08:25 PM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 14254170)
That I think is a swerve. We'll see.

So Jaime is the Westeros Big Show?

The Franchise 05-05-2019 08:26 PM

I can’t believe they’re going to **** up something that was set up to succeed easily.

Frazod 05-05-2019 08:27 PM

Oh, and that spoiler was dead on, so if you don't want to know, don't click on it.

KCUnited 05-05-2019 08:27 PM

Was she not able to come up from behind those ships and light them up?

Kman34 05-05-2019 08:28 PM

Dany, "Don't tell anybody"
Jon... " Hey Sansa and Arya... Guess what?? "
Then Sansa tells the worst person to tell and so on and so on.....

Frazod 05-05-2019 08:28 PM


Originally Posted by Kman34 (Post 14254182)
Dany, "Don't tell anybody"
Jon... " Hey Sansa and Arya... Guess what?? "
Then Sansa tells the worst person to tell and so on and so on.....

No shit.

GoT: High school girl edition LMAO

Frazod 05-05-2019 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by KCUnited (Post 14254180)
Was she not able to come up from behind those ships and light them up?

I'm thinking it might be a better idea to attack AT NIGHT with your last remaining dragon.

Call me crazy.

GloucesterChief 05-05-2019 08:30 PM


Originally Posted by Kman34 (Post 14254182)
Dany, "Don't tell anybody"
Jon... " Hey Sansa and Arya... Guess what?? "
Then Sansa tells the worst person to tell and so on and so on.....

Sansa did that because she doesn't want to bend the knee to anybody except Jon. She is playing Littlefinger games now.

Sassy Squatch 05-05-2019 08:30 PM

Undead Mountain chopped the shit out of Missandei.

Kman34 05-05-2019 08:31 PM


Originally Posted by KCUnited (Post 14254180)
Was she not able to come up from behind those ships and light them up?

No shit... I was yelling at the tv to do that...and by the way Cersei's hand should have been gutted as soon as the hot chicks head came off..

KCUnited 05-05-2019 08:31 PM


Originally Posted by Frazod (Post 14254186)
I'm thinking it might be a better idea to attack AT NIGHT with your last remaining dragon.

Call me crazy.

It looked like she flew past Euron's ships and could've circled back around on them, but maybe I didn't catch their formations.

ChiefsCountry 05-05-2019 08:32 PM


Originally Posted by Superturtle (Post 14254106)
So have those 2 dumb mother****ers never heard of marriage?

Jesus Christ, they're ****ing already anyway.

They explained it. The North isn't into inbreeding like the rest of them are.

GloucesterChief 05-05-2019 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by KCUnited (Post 14254192)
It look like she flew past Euron's ships and could've circled back around on them, but maybe I didn't catch their formations.

Could of used Dragonstone as cover to do so. Isn't this twice her fleet has been ambushed in the same place though?

Frazod 05-05-2019 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by GloucesterChief (Post 14254187)
Sansa did that because she doesn't want to bend the knee to anybody except Jon. She is playing Littlefinger games now.

I don't even know if she wants to bend the knee to him.

Sassy Squatch 05-05-2019 08:34 PM


Originally Posted by Frazod (Post 14254199)
I don't even know if she wants to bend the knee to him.

She already has, ifyaknowhatimean.

dirk digler 05-05-2019 08:34 PM

By far the worst episode of the season.

keg in kc 05-05-2019 08:34 PM


Originally Posted by The Franchise (Post 14254176)
I can’t believe they’re going to **** up something that was set up to succeed easily.

They're going to take a beating in the public, too. They're setting themselves up for a disaster on social media.


Buck 05-05-2019 08:34 PM

That was the worst episode of the series.

Sassy Squatch 05-05-2019 08:36 PM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 14254205)
They're going to take a beating in the public, too. They're setting themselves up for a disaster on social media.


They'll make up for it in Star Wars.

dirk digler 05-05-2019 08:36 PM


Originally Posted by Frazod (Post 14254186)
I'm thinking it might be a better idea to attack AT NIGHT with your last remaining dragon.

Call me crazy.

Is Dany smart enough to think of that because that is a no brainer

keg in kc 05-05-2019 08:37 PM


Originally Posted by Buck (Post 14254206)
That was the worst episode of the series.

HBO says 'hold my beer'.

There's still two left.

keg in kc 05-05-2019 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by Superturtle (Post 14254208)
They'll make up for it in Star Wars.

A whole new trilogy, brought to you by the guys behind Troy, and X-Men Origins: Wolverine!

What could possibly go wrong!

Rian Johnson ain't lookin' so bad now.

Sassy Squatch 05-05-2019 08:41 PM

Here's the rest of the series in short if you don't want to waste any more time and just laugh at this disaster like the rest of us.

Frazod 05-05-2019 08:41 PM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 14254205)
They're going to take a beating in the public, too. They're setting themselves up for a disaster on social media.



keg in kc 05-05-2019 08:43 PM

Saw an interview with them last week. They said they'll be off in an undisclosed location drinking wine with their wives during the finale, completely out of reach.

Now we know why.

Sassy Squatch 05-05-2019 08:44 PM

keg in kc 05-05-2019 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by Superturtle (Post 14254219)
Here's the rest of the series in short if you don't want to waste any more time and just laugh at this disaster like the rest of us.

That one seems fake-y to me, particularly who's on the small council. I read another one that seems more likely. Still awful, either way.

keg in kc 05-05-2019 08:48 PM


Originally Posted by Frazod (Post 14254221)

Oh it's gonna be fun to watch for sure.

More fun if I wasn't such a big fan of the books and the first 4 seasons of the show...

mlyonsd 05-05-2019 08:50 PM

Maybe the writers are purposely letting us down knowing this is the last season by making it suck.

Frazod 05-05-2019 08:52 PM


Originally Posted by Superturtle (Post 14254219)
Here's the rest of the series in short if you don't want to waste any more time and just laugh at this disaster like the rest of us.


Sassy Squatch 05-05-2019 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by Frazod (Post 14254241)

It's more of how we're getting there.

keg in kc 05-05-2019 08:58 PM


Originally Posted by Frazod (Post 14254241)


Pogue 05-05-2019 08:59 PM

I can’t pinpoint why exactly but that episode was terrible. The dragon ambush (they didn’t think they would be ambushed going south?), bronn scene, tormund doesn’t get the girl, the gossiping, Jon doesn’t seem like the leader he was, there’s still no plan to get Cersei etc.

Sassy Squatch 05-05-2019 08:59 PM

Pretty hilarious how perverted Jack Sparrow just keeps pwning Daenerys.

Also, shouldn't he figure out something is off? How does Tyrion know about the baby that's supposedly his?

GloucesterChief 05-05-2019 09:01 PM

At least Tormund survived through the series.

GloucesterChief 05-05-2019 09:03 PM


Originally Posted by Superturtle (Post 14254257)
Pretty hilarious how perverted Jack Sparrow just keeps pwning Daenerys.

Also, shouldn't he figure out something is off? How does Tyrion know about the baby that's supposedly his?

I am sure they had a royal announcement.

keg in kc 05-05-2019 09:04 PM


Originally Posted by GloucesterChief (Post 14254262)
At least Tormund survived through the series.

Now that you wrote that, there's gonna be a scene where he trips over a tree branch and impales himself on his ale horn.

Oh, and what the ****ing **** was Jon doing leaving Ghost with him?

That one was production saying 'yeah, we can't afford any more wolf this season'.

Frazod 05-05-2019 09:04 PM


Originally Posted by Superturtle (Post 14254245)
It's more of how we're getting there.

I think they're all kind of staying true to their natures.

Daenerys - I. WANT. IRON. THRONE. Rinse. Repeat.

Tyrion's Achilles heel is his endless quest to bring out the good in his twisted ass evil sister despite a lifetime of abuse. If Qyburn hadn't been out there with him she'd have had her archers turn him into a stupid little pin cushion.

Jamie - hopelessly caught in Cersei's web.

Sansa has basically become a non-evil version of Littlefinger.

Arya just wants to be her nasty little assassin-in-the-name-of-good self.

Jon - great and noble warrior who is too dumb to effectively manage a gas station, with such a hard on for the truth that he'd get burned to a crisp if Dany asked him if her fur cloak made her ass look too fat.

Baby Lee 05-05-2019 09:07 PM

Winterfell catering is a crack unit.

Frazod 05-05-2019 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by Superturtle (Post 14254257)
Pretty hilarious how perverted Jack Sparrow just keeps pwning Daenerys.

That actually makes more sense than anything else they've done. He's a pirate with decades of battle experience. He's owned everybody at sea, as it should be.

Frazod 05-05-2019 09:16 PM

Actually, now that I think about it, the dumbest part of the whole episode is how did ANYBODY survive Euron's ambush? He could have had a dozen archers waiting on the beach to mop up the stragglers and taken Tyrion's head back to Cersei in a box. She would have probably consented to buttsex after that.

DaFace 05-05-2019 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by GloucesterChief (Post 14254262)
At least Tormund survived through the series.

Tormund deserves a spinoff where we see him going on adventures and getting into shenanigans.

Hammock Parties 05-05-2019 09:21 PM

Holy ****. Was not expecting the dragon to get taken out so suddenly. Or Jamie to drop that dick off and just peace out. LMAO

****. What a great episode. On edge the whole time. Thought Bronn was about to kill them both.


Sassy Squatch 05-05-2019 09:21 PM


Originally Posted by Frazod (Post 14254290)
Actually, now that I think about it, the dumbest part of the whole episode is how did ANYBODY survive Euron's ambush? He could have had a dozen archers waiting on the beach to mop up the stragglers and taken Tyrion's head back to Cersei in a box. She would have probably consented to buttsex after that.

Or Bronn finding where Jaime and Tyrion were up north when they happened to be alone for plot reasons.

Hammock Parties 05-05-2019 09:22 PM

SHIT. I have no idea how Drogon is even worth shit now. They have that place covered with dragon cannons. LMAO

This is going to be epic.

Frazod 05-05-2019 09:24 PM

However, the most infuriating part was not getting to see the reactions of Sansa and Arya when Bran dropped the cousin bomb on them. ****ers! :#

I haven't cussed that loud at the TV since the last time I saw Sutton's defense on the field.

Fish 05-05-2019 09:26 PM

Well that was.... weird..

Chiefspants 05-05-2019 09:27 PM

Dragonglass armor for Drogon. Euron sees this. Shits.

Dany Dracarys’ all of King’s Landing.

Sassy Squatch 05-05-2019 09:29 PM


Originally Posted by Chiefspants (Post 14254320)
Dragonglass armor for Drogon. Euron sees this. Shits.

Dany Dracarys’ all of King’s Landing.

Hell, it's the same goddamn projectile that killed Viserion. Stupid bitch needs for it to happen TWICE to get the message?

Frazod 05-05-2019 09:31 PM


Originally Posted by Superturtle (Post 14254306)
Or Bronn finding where Jaime and Tyrion were up north when they happened to be alone for plot reasons.

Yeah, that was more than a little convenient.

ThaVirus 05-05-2019 09:31 PM

Such an unceremonious end for Ghost and Rhaegal. I'm not one to complain about tactics in television, but setting up shop on Dragonstone just makes no ****ing sense. You literally have to sail by Dragonstone to get to King's Landing. It's like a stone's throw from King's Landing and Cersei's got the greatest fleet on Planetos. idk, I think I just really want Cersei to die now and I'm starting to get agitated that it isn't happening.

I will say they're doing a good job with Daenerys' descent into madness. Losing two of her dragons, most of her Dothraki and Unsullied, Jorah, Missandei, getting absolutely no love from Westeros, finding out Jon's got a stronger claim to the throne. Everywhere she's gone she's basically been able to wrest power- but not in the only place that she's ever truly desired it.

GloucesterChief 05-05-2019 09:32 PM


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 14254328)
Such an unceremonious end for Ghost and Rhaegal. I'm not one to complain about tactics in television, but setting up shop on Dragonstone just makes no ****ing sense. It's like a stone's throw from King's Landing and Cersei's got the greatest fleet on Planetos.. idk, I think I just really want Cersei to die now and I'm starting to get agitated that it isn't happening.

I will say they're doing a good job with Daenerys' descent into madness. Losing two of her dragons, most of her Dothraki and Unsullied, Jorah, Missandei, getting absolutely no love from Westeros, finding out Jon's got a stronger claim to the throne. Everywhere she's gone she's basically been able to wrest power- but not in the only place that she's ever truly desired it.

Didn't Tyrion council her to stay in Essos? Seems like it would of been the smart thing to do....

Sassy Squatch 05-05-2019 09:36 PM

This entire season and the end of last season is the protagonists succumbing to plot induced stupidity over and over and over until Cersei has a level playing field.

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