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Lonewolf Ed 04-17-2015 02:06 PM

I got a new side effect, sort of. It migrated. My feet had been getting very red and sore making it hard to walk for a couple of days. Now it hit my hands. My palms are red and hurt like I have some thorns in them and my fingertips are red and swollen so much that I can't see the fingerprint ridges. I can't close my hands into fists. I did manage to mow about 5 of the 10 acres today with the riding mower. I had a bit of trouble turning the steering wheel at times, but I got it done. I think I prefer my hands getting the side effect since I walk more than I use my hands to move things or whatever else. Both suck, but the hands suck a bit less. I've been using lotion on them like I do for my feet, so time will tell if this is also a two-day pain in the ass like it is when it gets my feet. Oh, the tongue ulcers are calming down and getting better, so things are looking up.

One more treatment until my trip. I think I can survive it!

DaNewGuy 04-17-2015 02:16 PM

Have fun on your trip Ed

Lonewolf Ed 04-17-2015 04:22 PM


Originally Posted by DaNewGuy (Post 11442092)
Have fun on your trip Ed

I fully intend to! When I reach Aalborg, I will stop in the Duus Vinkjaelder and have my favorite of all beers, the glorious Jacobsen Brown Ale. I will breathe deep of its wondrous aroma for ten seconds before my first sip to welcome myself back.

Lonewolf Ed 04-20-2015 09:49 AM

I feel good this morning. Aside from an alarming 4 massive shites from 10 am to 10:30 am, I am feeling better than I have in a long time and rested, too. I only had to get up once last night to go. I slept well from 3 am to 10 am. Now, if the colon keeps ejecting like I did this morning, I may move into the barn and into one of the old horse stalls! I got a letter from SSI and now I know how much my disability payments will be. It's more than I expected, so that is good, but I won't have to pay taxes on it since it's not going to get over 25 grand a year. Three back payments have been (supposedly) deposited into my checking account, so I will go to the bank today to confirm it. That money will be far more than I need for Denmark as I have already saved a good amount. Things are looking up for Lonewolf Ed! If I take more money to Denmark to exchange than I planned, I can live like a viscount for a while!

Meatloaf 04-20-2015 11:51 AM

Great news, Ed!

Buehler445 04-20-2015 12:38 PM


Glad things are going well Ed.

Fritz88 04-20-2015 12:48 PM

Happy for you.
Posted via Mobile Device

Sweet Daddy Hate 04-20-2015 05:11 PM

Good deal, man!

58-4ever 04-20-2015 05:37 PM

Sounds like the body is getting rid of some shit. Do you feel lighter on your feet?

Lonewolf Ed 04-20-2015 05:44 PM

Let's just say I am afraid to step on the scale now!

Lonewolf Ed 04-21-2015 09:16 PM

Okay, I am a bit worried now. I hope it isn't the chemo that did it to me, but this evening, I had 10 bouts of the runs and 2 weeks from now, I will be on a plane for 8 hours from Chicago to Copenhagen. I guess I will have to inform the flight attendant that colon cancer is not forgiving and even if the fasten seatbelts sign is on or there is turbulence, if I have to go, I HAVE TO GO. I may have to bring some Immodium along to be safe. I have to take 3 pills along, 2 for blood pressure and 1 blood thinner, so what is a couple more?

I took an Immodium earlier and I feel better inside, so hopefully the storm has passed. I've had about two pints of water, too. I need a good night's sleep so I hope that I am done with that mess.

BigOlChiefsfan 04-21-2015 10:28 PM

Good vibes headed your way. Get on an exercise cycle if you can before your trip - riding a bike is great in Denmark if that works out for you.

Eleazar 04-21-2015 10:34 PM

Ah, they know that stuff Ed. People get on planes every day with all kinds of issues, irritable bowel, crohn's, colitis, and everything else. I am sure they will understand. Have a great trip back to the motherland!

Miles 04-21-2015 10:42 PM

Like Cochise said, don't worry too much about that. Either just give a flight attendant a heads up it might happen before but but just ignore the fasten seat belt and do what you need to. Have a great trip!

Lonewolf Ed 04-22-2015 01:23 AM

Thanks, guys! I woke up at 2 am after sleeping roughly four hours, but not due to colonic chaos. My skin itches on my feet and legs. I currently have no pain or pressure in my guts. Maybe it was the Immodium or maybe after 10 times going, it was just gone from my system. I will still take the Immodium along to be safe. Maybe a pair of clean drawers in my carry on are in order, too! I hope my next treatment is easier on me than this last one has been.

srvy 04-22-2015 08:55 AM

Ed I wouldn't worry about it they will understand. If it makes you feel better give the FA a heads up. I had a Doc tell me once that itchy bottom feet and palms of hand can be a sign of an allergic reaction. I know this is a personal deal and dont take wrong but if your symptoms continue and it bothers you maybe check into the adult diapers for the flight.

Lonewolf Ed 04-22-2015 09:50 AM


Originally Posted by srvy (Post 11452031)
Ed I wouldn't worry about it they will understand. If it makes you feel better give the FA a heads up. I had a Doc tell me once that itchy bottom feet and palms of hand can be a sign of an allergic reaction. I know this is a personal deal and dont take wrong but if your symptoms continue and it bothers you maybe check into the adult diapers for the flight.

The itchy skin I something I get every year as winter drags on and once the humidity comes back, I am fine. If the adult diapers have a gateway to hell where I could send that stuff back from where it came, I'd do it! But, I am thinking that I will just be fine for my flights instead. I deserve a break!

Dave Lane 04-22-2015 11:36 AM


Originally Posted by Lonewolf Ed (Post 11452141)
The itchy skin I something I get every year as winter drags on and once the humidity comes back, I am fine. If the adult diapers have a gateway to hell where I could send that stuff back from where it came, I'd do it! But, I am thinking that I will just be fine for my flights instead. I deserve a break!

Have a great time. Enjoy every moment. Soak it in!

Lonewolf Ed 04-23-2015 11:16 AM

Hey, guys, don't tell my doctor, but I used the chainsaw today. I had to saw up branches to burn, some huge logs that didn't get cut through but need splitting into 4 or 5 pieces, and a few that I could cut into fireplace size. I didn't get hurt, either! I am worn out and sweating profusely, but it feels good to break a sweat and do my work for a change. Black cherry lemonade is making me feel great right now. Mmmmm. I am glad I got all the brush burned before my trip, too.

Sweet Daddy Hate 04-23-2015 05:58 PM


Originally Posted by Lonewolf Ed (Post 11454133)
Hey, guys, don't tell my doctor, but I used the chainsaw today. I had to saw up branches to burn, some huge logs that didn't get cut through but need splitting into 4 or 5 pieces, and a few that I could cut into fireplace size. I didn't get hurt, either! I am worn out and sweating profusely, but it feels good to break a sweat and do my work for a change. Black cherry lemonade is making me feel great right now. Mmmmm. I am glad I got all the brush burned before my trip, too.

That's good, man! You can't rest all the time. I'd go nuts having to "take it easy" all the time. Do your thing!

DaNewGuy 04-23-2015 06:01 PM

I'm on the phone with him right now Ed, he's not happy

Sweet Daddy Hate 04-23-2015 06:07 PM


Originally Posted by DaNewGuy (Post 11454713)
I'm on the phone with him right now Ed, he's not happy


BigOlChiefsfan 04-23-2015 11:37 PM

Re: bicycles in Denmark - more than you may want to know:

Likewise Amsterdam:

Lonewolf Ed 04-24-2015 09:45 PM


Originally Posted by DaNewGuy (Post 11454713)
I'm on the phone with him right now Ed, he's not happy

HAH! My doctor is a she not a he, so I know you're funning me! :)

Lonewolf Ed 04-24-2015 09:46 PM


Originally Posted by BigOlChiefsfan (Post 11456183)
Re: bicycles in Denmark - more than you may want to know:

Likewise Amsterdam:

There are bikes for rent in the beach town I will be staying in. You don't pay, per se, but put a coin in the slot which releases the lock, and take the coin back when you return the bike. I like that they often have bicycle paths running along the roads, but a safe distance from traffic. It's a very bike friendly country, Denmark is.

srvy 04-24-2015 10:09 PM

Just don't decide to take up a hobby of juggling daggers on them thinners ok.

Lonewolf Ed 04-24-2015 10:32 PM


Originally Posted by srvy (Post 11458322)
Just don't decide to take up a hobby of juggling daggers on them thinners ok.

Now there is some good advice!

Over-Head 04-25-2015 01:34 PM

Awesome to hear the good news.
Keep fighting :thumb:

Ming the Merciless 04-25-2015 02:29 PM


Originally Posted by Lonewolf Ed (Post 11451821)
Thanks, guys! I woke up at 2 am after sleeping roughly four hours, but not due to colonic chaos. My skin itches on my feet and legs. I currently have no pain or pressure in my guts. Maybe it was the Immodium or maybe after 10 times going, it was just gone from my system. I will still take the Immodium along to be safe. Maybe a pair of clean drawers in my carry on are in order, too! I hope my next treatment is easier on me than this last one has been.

Like others probably mentioned just go to the counter as soon as you get to the gate and wait for someone to ask if you can be seated on the aisle near the bathroom...

Best of luck man, prayers headed your way

Lonewolf Ed 04-26-2015 06:33 AM


Originally Posted by Pawnmower (Post 11459062)
Like others probably mentioned just go to the counter as soon as you get to the gate and wait for someone to ask if you can be seated on the aisle near the bathroom...

Best of luck man, prayers headed your way

I made sure I am near the crapper when I used the choose seats option. For an 8 hour flight, which usually gets 15 to 20 minutes shaved off due to tail winds, I need to be close to the can!

Lonewolf Ed 04-28-2015 07:42 AM

One more treatment awaits me before my trip. I pray the side effects are not bad, or at the very least, not while I am on airplanes Monday and Tuesday! Be merciful, chemo, please?

Meatloaf 04-28-2015 09:22 AM


Originally Posted by Lonewolf Ed (Post 11462968)
One more treatment awaits me before my trip. I pray the side effects are not bad, or at the very least, not while I am on airplanes Monday and Tuesday! Be merciful, chemo, please?

Continued good luck to you, Ed. Hey, there are worse things than spending 6 hours in the bathroom of a commercial plane......but right now, I can't think of one. Anyway, here's hoping your treatment goes smoothly and that you enjoy the hell outa your trip!

Hey, are you gonna be able to post whilst in Europe? Hope to hear from you.

Lonewolf Ed 04-28-2015 09:35 AM


Originally Posted by Meatloaf (Post 11463110)
Continued good luck to you, Ed. Hey, there are worse things than spending 6 hours in the bathroom of a commercial plane......but right now, I can't think of one. Anyway, here's hoping your treatment goes smoothly and that you enjoy the hell outa your trip!

Hey, are you gonna be able to post whilst in Europe? Hope to hear from you.

Thanks! Yes, I will have my ipad along and there is wifi all over the place in Denmark. I'll be checking the Planet for Royals and Chiefs news. Won't see any baseball over there, but lots of futbol!

Lonewolf Ed 04-30-2015 10:41 AM

I am waiting to have my pump removed and then I am done with this chemo jazz for 7 weeks. I feel slightly nauseated, didn't sleep much last night, my nose is stopped up, and my hands and feet are a bit tender. I need to get over these side effects fast since I am leaving on Monday for my trip. I hope I do get over them soon. Being miserbale before you get onto a plane is a bad deal.

go bo 04-30-2015 12:19 PM

you'll be fine, you're a fighter...

enjoy the hell out of denmark!!

wish i could go with you...

Lonewolf Ed 04-30-2015 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by go bowe (Post 11468532)
you'll be fine, you're a fighter...

enjoy the hell out of denmark!!

wish i could go with you...

If only I could sleep on a plane for more than 15 or 20 minutes...

I'd be a good tour guide for you since I know lots of places to go see!

Meatloaf 04-30-2015 02:55 PM


Originally Posted by Lonewolf Ed (Post 11468794)
If only I could sleep on a plane for more than 15 or 20 minutes...

I'd be a good tour guide for you since I know lots of places to go see!

Ed, take a book on Chemical Engineering (my daughter has several). Put you to sleep in no time!

Heck, once you see who the Chiefs draft, you'll be on Cloud 9 by Monday! Super Bowl City, here we come!!!

Anyway, rest easy and as others have said, enjoy the hell outa your trip!!!

Lonewolf Ed 04-30-2015 03:00 PM


Originally Posted by Meatloaf (Post 11468804)
Ed, take a book on Chemical Engineering (my daughter has several). Put you to sleep in no time!

Heck, once you see who the Chiefs draft, you'll be on Cloud 9 by Monday! Super Bowl City, here we come!!!

Anyway, rest easy and as others have said, enjoy the hell outa your trip!!!

Thank you very much! I am very interested in the draft, going to see the Avengers tomorrow, and of course, leave for Denmark on Monday, so my spirits are high despite some sore spots in my throat, feeling drained (chemo tends to wear a guy out), assorted body aches, neuropathy in my feet and fingers, and feeling a bit nauseated. If not for the draft, movie, and my trip, I'd be way down in the dumps!

Meatloaf 04-30-2015 03:04 PM

I expect a little Scarlett Johansson will pick your spirits right up......just what the doctor ordered!!!

Lonewolf Ed 04-30-2015 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by Meatloaf (Post 11468821)
I expect a little Scarlett Johansson will pick your spirits right up......just what the doctor ordered!!!

That woman would do wonders for me! She's half Danish like me, so I must stand a chance, right? LMAO

Meatloaf 04-30-2015 03:13 PM


Originally Posted by Lonewolf Ed (Post 11468826)
That woman would do wonders for me! She's half Danish like me, so I must stand a chance, right? LMAO

That got me to wondering which half is Danish? Top or bottom. Hmmmm, I need to reflect on that for a few hours.

And as per "having a chance"........hey, who knows, every male in the entire world except you could suddenly vanish. So, yeah, I guess there's a chance!!!

Lonewolf Ed 04-30-2015 03:17 PM


Originally Posted by Meatloaf (Post 11468840)
That got me to wondering which half is Danish? Top or bottom. Hmmmm, I need to reflect on that for a few hours.

And as per "having a chance"........hey, who knows, every male in the entire world except you could suddenly vanish. So, yeah, I guess there's a chance!!!

I think the top half. Love those Danish dairy products!

Meatloaf 04-30-2015 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by Lonewolf Ed (Post 11468851)
I think the top half. Love those Danish dairy products!

It appears the libido is working just fine. A bit more reflection on Ms Johansson and your entire body is gonna feel GREAT! Down boy, down.

raybec 4 04-30-2015 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by Lonewolf Ed (Post 11468851)
I think the top half. Love those Danish dairy products!

Keep it up Ed and it won't just be your throat that's sore.

Lonewolf Ed 04-30-2015 06:46 PM


Originally Posted by Meatloaf (Post 11468856)
It appears the libido is working just fine. A bit more reflection on Ms Johansson and your entire body is gonna feel GREAT! Down boy, down.

I get to see her in action tomorrow at noon at the theater! Avengers assemble!

Lonewolf Ed 05-02-2015 11:46 AM

I have packed most of my things for my trip and am very anxious to get going. My friend Jerome from Ireland runs the Irish House, my favorite pub anywhere, in Aalborg and in true Irish fashion, we take the piss out of each other. I have a joke that ought to rattle his Irish cage and can't wait to tell it to him. Here it is:

An Englishman, Scotsman, and Irishman are traveling together in the USA and stop at a pub. The bartender serves each a pint.
Englishman: You have a fine establishment here, but at my local in London, after the fourth pint, the fifth is on the house!
Bartender: That's not bad.
Scotsman: Och! 'Tis nothing! At me favorrrite pub, after the third pint, the fourth is on the hoose!
Bartender: Wow, even better!
Irishman: At me favorite pub, the forst point is on the house, the second, the t'ird, the fourth, and even the fifth! And if ye want t'get laid, they'll take ye roight upstairs and get the job done!
Bartender: Seriously?! That's happened to you?
Irishman: Welllll, not to me, but everytoime me sister goes, it happens to her!

Hog's Gone Fishin 05-02-2015 11:55 AM


Originally Posted by Lonewolf Ed (Post 11475413)
I have packed most of my things for my trip and am very anxious to get going. My friend Jerome from Ireland runs the Irish House, my favorite pub anywhere, in Aalborg and in true Irish fashion, we take the piss out of each other. I have a joke that ought to rattle his Irish cage and can't wait to tell it to him. Here it is:

An Englishman, Scotsman, and Irishman are traveling together in the USA and stop at a pub. The bartender serves each a pint.
Englishman: You have a fine establishment here, but at my local in London, after the fourth pint, the fifth is on the house!
Bartender: That's not bad.
Scotsman: Och! 'Tis nothing! At me favorrrite pub, after the third pint, the fourth is on the hoose!
Bartender: Wow, even better!
Irishman: At me favorite pub, the forst point is on the house, the second, the t'ird, the fourth, and even the fifth! And if ye want t'get laid, they'll take ye roight upstairs and get the job done!
Bartender: Seriously?! That's happened to you?
Irishman: Welllll, not to me, but everytoime me sister goes, it happens to her!


Lonewolf Ed 05-03-2015 06:29 PM

I have most of my things packed for the trip save for last minute items to put away like my razor. I want a fresh shave before I go! This will be the last night in my own bed for over 6 weeks, but I can hardly wait! The apartment I rent in Løkken feels like a second home and the bed there is so nice compared to the tiny one in the hotel in Aalborg. It's not uncomfortable, just small, so when I roll over, I often wake up having thumped the wall with my elbow. Aalborg is a great city, but it is a city and noisy. Some middle eastern dude in the building right next to the hotel loves to play his damned music at 2 am. I'd love to set a speaker against his wall in the morning and set Inagaddadavida to play all day on YouTube to fix his red wagon.

And every year, at least two nights I am there, in the building across the tiny parking lot for 6 cars, around 1 am or later, some guy gets his gf to moaning like a banshee. I feel like yelling out the window, "Get her! Get her!" but from the sound of things, he's doing exactly that. My first night in the beach apartment with the only sound being the surf and the gentle ticking of my alarm clock, I just melt into that bed like butter and am out within a minute after saying my prayers.

I need this trip and badly. I am tired of feeling like my life is just one treatment to the next. No Ed the Cancer Patient over in Denmark, I will live again!

SAUTO 05-03-2015 06:45 PM

That's the spirit, Ed. Have an awesome time man

Lonewolf Ed 05-03-2015 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by JASONSAUTO (Post 11478381)
That's the spirit, Ed. Have an awesome time man

Thanks, and I fully intend to enjoy myself immensely. Once the chemo gets out of my system and the side effects fade, I might be doing a happy dance.

Al Czervik 05-03-2015 06:50 PM

Have a great time Ed!!!!

srvy 05-03-2015 07:06 PM

Its going to be wonderful! Have a great time will look forward to reports when you can check in with us saps. Oh and a pic or 2 of that bar and a big buxom babe if its not to much trouble.

Lonewolf Ed 05-03-2015 07:08 PM


Originally Posted by srvy (Post 11478393)
Its going to be wonderful! Have a great time will look forward to reports when you can check in with us saps. Oh and a pic or 2 of that bar and a big buxom babe if its not to much trouble.

I saw one last year and got her on my video. She worked in a sort of German-style pub. Yes, I will be going back to see if she is still there! I will have my ipad along and make an update here and there.

LoneWolf 05-03-2015 07:16 PM

Have a great time Ed! If anyone deserves a relaxing trip, it is you.

threebag 05-03-2015 07:18 PM

Enjoy the trip Ed.

Dante84 05-03-2015 09:09 PM

Have a blast!!!!!!

cdcox 05-03-2015 11:04 PM

Have a great trip, Ed!

BigMeatballDave 05-04-2015 06:40 AM

Have fun, and a safe trip!

ChiTown 05-04-2015 06:48 AM


Originally Posted by Lonewolf Ed (Post 11478364)
I have most of my things packed for the trip save for last minute items to put away like my razor. I want a fresh shave before I go! This will be the last night in my own bed for over 6 weeks, but I can hardly wait! The apartment I rent in Løkken feels like a second home and the bed there is so nice compared to the tiny one in the hotel in Aalborg. It's not uncomfortable, just small, so when I roll over, I often wake up having thumped the wall with my elbow. Aalborg is a great city, but it is a city and noisy. Some middle eastern dude in the building right next to the hotel loves to play his damned music at 2 am. I'd love to set a speaker against his wall in the morning and set Inagaddadavida to play all day on YouTube to fix his red wagon.

And every year, at least two nights I am there, in the building across the tiny parking lot for 6 cars, around 1 am or later, some guy gets his gf to moaning like a banshee. I feel like yelling out the window, "Get her! Get her!" but from the sound of things, he's doing exactly that. My first night in the beach apartment with the only sound being the surf and the gentle ticking of my alarm clock, I just melt into that bed like butter and am out within a minute after saying my prayers.

I need this trip and badly. I am tired of feeling like my life is just one treatment to the next. No Ed the Cancer Patient over in Denmark, I will live again!

:clap: - Have a great time. You deserve it!

Sweet Daddy Hate 05-04-2015 07:01 AM

Have a great trip, Ed!

Lonewolf Ed 05-04-2015 09:25 AM

Finally! Launch day is here! I'm fighting back tears at the prospect of leaving this afternoon. I am still alive, I feel strong and good, and I am ready to get my adventure underway. My feet feel better today so I won't have trouble walking through O'Hare and Copenhagen International airports. Denmark, I am coming home to you soon!

scho63 05-04-2015 11:03 AM


Originally Posted by Lonewolf Ed (Post 11478941)
Finally! Launch day is here! I'm fighting back tears at the prospect of leaving this afternoon. I am still alive, I feel strong and good, and I am ready to get my adventure underway. My feet feel better today so I won't have trouble walking through O'Hare and Copenhagen International airports. Denmark, I am coming home to you soon!

Bon voyage and have a wonderful trip Ed! :clap:

Lonewolf Ed 05-04-2015 12:04 PM


Originally Posted by scho63 (Post 11479130)
Bon voyage and have a wonderful trip Ed! :clap:

That's a Norweigan flag! Are you taking the piss out of me, mate?? :hmmm:

Lonewolf Ed 05-04-2015 12:06 PM

1 Attachment(s)
THIS is the flag of my people, the Dannebrog. Long may she fly high and proud!

Brock 05-04-2015 12:12 PM

Have fun ed

thabear04 05-04-2015 12:13 PM

Have a safe trip.

Lonewolf Ed 05-05-2015 07:17 PM

I am in Denmark now. I didn't post earlier since we got caught in a deluge as we exited the bus and trudged along to the hotel. A bolt of lightning struck a mile out and thunder ripped the sky, then it really came down. I had my raincoat on but my jeans got soaked and so did my suitcase and carry-on bag. My socks and underwear are wet and other clothing items, too. After a hot shower, we all went to my second cousin's apartment and had a magnificent feast. They stuffed us to the gills to the point none of knew if we could even eat the ice cream for dessert with a Portugese port wine. We had 3 or 4 types of meat, various salads, potaotes, stuffing, and it was all superbly delicious. And we drank a lot of beer, trying 6 new kinds for me and most were outstanding while one was merely quite a bit above average. After that wonderful feast, I took my group to the Duus (which is in my signature pic) and had a brew, then to the Irish House for another. Why I woke up at 3 am loclal time, I have no idea. Well, I do... damned colon cancer. Aside from that, I feel good iniside and out and very happy to be back!

Easy 6 05-05-2015 07:36 PM


Originally Posted by Lonewolf Ed (Post 11479315)
THIS is the flag of my people, the Dannebrog. Long may she fly high and proud!

Eddie, you magnificent bastard... never say no on this trip, and dont let anyone tell you no, either.

Grab Denmark by its tits and make it yours, love ya man, happy travels.

Buehler445 05-05-2015 07:41 PM

Kick ass man. Travel safe.

Lonewolf Ed 05-09-2015 10:32 AM

I danced with a woman at the Irish House two nights back and she even asked me to dance some more. It's a good thing my feet got a lot better. I was hobbling around like I had glass in them for 2 days, thanks to lingering chemo in my system. I've been flushing my system out with many tasty brews, though.

BoneKrusher 05-09-2015 10:44 AM

Cancer is the scariest word in the dictionary. It's awesome that you're responding well to the Chemo.
God Bless You.

Buehler445 05-09-2015 10:52 AM

Hell yeah man! Glad you're having a good time.

Sweet Daddy Hate 05-09-2015 11:46 AM

Thrilled for you, Ed!

Lonewolf Ed 05-10-2015 11:06 AM

I am in Lokken now and it is cold out there! The blood thinner I am on makes me feel colder outside, and that is so odd to me. I used to love a chill in the air.

Tacoman 05-10-2015 12:03 PM

When in doubt... Have another beer. So awesome to hear that you are having such a good time. Way to kick some ass Ed!

Sweet Daddy Hate 05-10-2015 12:47 PM


Originally Posted by Tacoman (Post 11489983)
When in doubt... Have another beer. So awesome to hear that you are having such a good time. Way to kick some ass Ed!


Europe = Beer, and lots of it.

Lonewolf Ed 05-13-2015 06:15 AM

I've enjoyed many fine brews since my arrival and it pays to have friends that own a bar/cafe. Sascha told me a distributor brought 6 new beers and she wants my friends and me to try them tonight and give her our reviews. Sascha is a sweetheart, cuter than a button, and a hell of a businesswoman!

Sweet Daddy Hate 05-13-2015 06:28 AM


Originally Posted by Lonewolf Ed (Post 11496874)
I've enjoyed many fine brews since my arrival and it pays to have friends that own a bar/cafe. Sascha told me a distributor brought 6 new beers and she wants my friends and me to try them tonight and give her our reviews. Sascha is a sweetheart, cuter than a button, and a hell of a businesswoman!

Takes me back. Man, I need a Europe trip and right soon.

Glad you're having a great time, you've earned it.

ThaVirus 05-13-2015 06:41 AM

Pretty awesome. Hope you're enjoying yourself!

ChiTown 05-13-2015 06:46 AM


Originally Posted by Lonewolf Ed (Post 11496874)
I've enjoyed many fine brews since my arrival and it pays to have friends that own a bar/cafe. Sascha told me a distributor brought 6 new beers and she wants my friends and me to try them tonight and give her our reviews. Sascha is a sweetheart, cuter than a button, and a hell of a businesswoman!


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