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duncan_idaho 09-14-2021 04:30 PM

***Official 2021 Royals Season Repository Thread***
Calm down, guys.

You think Billy Beane or Farhan Zaidi don’t have final say on big moves in Oakland and San Francisco?

This is the exact same structure those teams are using.

He gets right of refusal on budget and big moves. That’s standard for this type of role in the business world, too.

If piccolo puts together a move that he and the other members of his team love, Moore is going to listen to his people.

Coach 09-14-2021 05:18 PM


Originally Posted by duncan_idaho (Post 15833807)
Calm down, guys.

You think Billy Beane or Farhan Zaidi don’t have final say on big moves in Oakland and San Francisco?

This is the exact same structure those teams are using.

He gets right of refusal on budget and big moves. That’s standard for this type of role in the business world, too.

If piccolo puts together a move that he and the other members of his team love, Moore is going to listen to his people.

Eh, I'll have to respectfully disagree. At this point, Dayton shouldn't be involved in the roster construction anymore because he just doesn't have an clue on that.

This guy signed Greg Holland and Wade Davis, who both were CLEARLY done, as all the normal statistics and advanced stats showed that they were declining in a very rapid rate. Surely they couldn't find someone else who is at least slightly better than that?

This guy also has a bad track record of hiring managers. Trey Hillman and Mike Matheny to name a few. Ned Yost was more or less of a lucky hire and some luck involved. Still, all these managers are not stat driven or use advanced metrics. They all are what old managers are, "gut driven".

And don't get me started on him doling out that contract to Hunter Dozier, who haven't done shit.

BeMyValentine 09-14-2021 05:36 PM


Originally Posted by Coach (Post 15833872)
Eh, I'll have to respectfully disagree. At this point, Dayton shouldn't be involved in the roster construction anymore because he just doesn't have an clue on that.

This guy signed Greg Holland and Wade Davis, who both were CLEARLY done, as all the normal statistics and advanced stats showed that they were declining in a very rapid rate. Surely they couldn't find someone else who is at least slightly better than that?

This guy also has a bad track record of hiring managers. Trey Hillman and Mike Matheny to name a few. Ned Yost was more or less of a lucky hire and some luck involved. Still, all these managers are not stat driven or use advanced metrics. They all are what old managers are, "gut driven".

And don't get me started on him doling out that contract to Hunter Dozier, who haven't done shit.

Did you like the Gil Meche, Ian Kennedy or Omar Infante contracts?

dlphg9 09-14-2021 05:49 PM


Originally Posted by duncan_idaho (Post 15833807)
Calm down, guys.

You think Billy Beane or Farhan Zaidi don’t have final say on big moves in Oakland and San Francisco?

This is the exact same structure those teams are using.

He gets right of refusal on budget and big moves. That’s standard for this type of role in the business world, too.

If piccolo puts together a move that he and the other members of his team love, Moore is going to listen to his people.

Dayton will veto any mention of shit canning Matheny for another couple of seasons. If Picollo were the GM this year when a team was calling about Santana and Picollo wanted to do the deal, Dayton would have 100% vetoed that deal. This move changes nothing and Picollo was given a fake GM job.

Coach 09-14-2021 06:19 PM


Originally Posted by BeMyValentine (Post 15833891)
Did you like the Gil Meche, Ian Kennedy or Omar Infante contracts?

Meche was fine, I had no issues about that, and Meche wasn't awful by any imagination. What's even more awesome on Meche was that he walked away and spurned that guaranteed $12 million returning that money back after his injury.

Omar Outfante and Ian Kennedy was an disaster.

PunkinDrublic 09-14-2021 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by ChiefsCountry (Post 15833264)
I've gotten out of the parking garages quicker at Busch Stadium than I have had at the Sports Complex.

Yeah but you don’t have to worry about getting carjacked at the Sports Complex.

ChiefsCountry 09-14-2021 07:05 PM


Originally Posted by srvy (Post 15833500)
Parking isn't a problem if they need the property for parking KCMo is a known abuser of Eminent domain. The mafia-owned parking in the area will protest but they are mostly gone now. Most of the properties around the city are owned by realty companies that would surprise many who they are.

I think a lot of the land around where the stadium is being tossed around at 12th & Cherry is owned by Cecil Van Tuyl's companies. Ole Cecil used to own a marina at the Lake along with a billion dollar car dealership lol.

PHOG 09-14-2021 07:09 PM


Originally Posted by PHOG (Post 15832728)
Kowar gets the start tonight vs. Oakland A's. See if he can lower his 9.53 :eek: ERA.

Guess not. :doh!:

Why Not? 09-14-2021 08:06 PM


Originally Posted by PHOG (Post 15833976)
Guess not. :doh!:

He should not pitch in the majors again this year. May crush him psychologically. He is not able to get hitters out at this level as of now.

Prison Bitch 09-14-2021 08:08 PM


Originally Posted by gblowfish (Post 15833494)
On parking, the difference is you have 70,000 for a Chiefs game and maybe 15,000 for a Royals game -except for opening day. I could see the Royals building out by the NASCAR track, but I doubt they build it downtown near Sprint Center. Not sure if a big enough plot of available land is downtown anymore.

Excellent analysis!

Except, JE Dunn. So we will dismiss your analysis.

kstater 09-14-2021 09:04 PM


Sent from my Pixel 4 using Tapatalk

tk13 09-14-2021 09:04 PM

43! A huge comeback against the A's and Salvy puts us ahead. Feels familiar.

ChiefsCountry 09-14-2021 09:04 PM

SALVY DONG!!!!!!!!!!!

smithandrew051 09-14-2021 09:28 PM


Originally Posted by ChiefsCountry (Post 15834088)
SALVY DONG!!!!!!!!!!!


Valiant 09-14-2021 09:33 PM


Originally Posted by dlphg9 (Post 15833142)
If a downtown stadium can bring more attendence, which means more revenue, then I'm all for it. If it helps bring more money to local businesses then I'm all for it. I don't see any downside, really.

Revenue? Winning teams bring revenue.

Visitors will hate downtown once they realize there is no parking, the public transit is full of homeless people.

The city will be blackmailed into 100% building cost. Je Dunn will own the parking lots close to the building. Parking fees to them. With high fees and full transit people will park all over for free parking and walk in. Problem is they will fill spots in river market and such and people wanting to shop or eat at the same time will go elsewhere since they cant park. Area around the stadium will suffer during games.

That is how Kansas citians are. Most millennials do not even like baseball. Stadium will be a boon for the owners, but a bust for the city.

Going to happen though. Profit over practicality.

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