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keg in kc 02-20-2015 05:22 PM

Not exactly the subject of this thread, but should be interesting, running Sunday on HBO:

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Easy 6 02-20-2015 05:23 PM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 11338935)
Greer is either an absolute nutjob or the new PT Barnum, with this space brother messiah/prophet bullshit. Either way he's making some serious cash off the rubes. He's also, unfortunately, one of the personalities that makes it hard for people outside the paranormal bubble to take any of the rest of us seriously.

You are underestimating that guy by a country ****ing mile, IMO.

Most of those incredibly revealing NPA conferences wouldnt have taken place without him, and they are all damn good... FAA heads, retired high ranking officers, civilian pilots, military pilots, astronauts, police officers blah blah blah.

Never before have such concentrations of extremely high ranking and credible people been brought together before in front of international media... ever.

Outside of Dr. Lynn Ketai (sp?) he was the man most responsible for bringing real heat and light to the Phoenix Lights... unfortunately, he has went the route of black magic and demonology, his official logo confirms it.

But make no mistake, he was instrumental in bringing together all of the very best truth sayers to address the international media... c'mon now, dont be a Stanton Friedman and categorically reject others that have brought real heat to the subject.

keg in kc 02-20-2015 05:26 PM

That was true a decade ago. He's unfortunately taken a gigantic turn since the early days of The Disclosure Project. He's a sideshow act now.

And I respect Stanton Friedman as much as anybody in the field, even if I don't necessarily agree with his hardened ETH belief, so if that's supposed to be some kind of perjorative, it's not, for me.

Easy 6 02-20-2015 05:39 PM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 11338967)
That was true a decade ago. He's unfortunately taken a gigantic turn since the early days of The Disclosure Project. He's a sideshow act now.

And I respect Stanton Friedman as much as anybody in the field, even if I don't necessarily agree with his hardened ETH belief, so if that's supposed to be some kind of perjorative, it's not, for me.

I agree 100% that Greer has become a parody, he went from highly respected to huckster in about 5 years... but my research indicates these expensive little field trips of his often get results in various forms, when they do, I believe it to be the result of overactive thought projection imaginings, and probably once in a while... the result of his Crowley inspired black magic.

Perjorative for you? of course not dude... like Eastwood told the Schofield Kid "I aint gonna kill you, you're the only friend I got".

I have just always felt that Stanton is a hired man to some degree. Admit the truth of this, strenuously deny that, muddy the waters... even when the denial makes no sense in the bigger picture, like his obstinate refutation of Bob Lazar

keg in kc 02-20-2015 05:51 PM

I don't think Friedman's ever been a disinfo guy. He's just very opinionated. And I've never seen him deny anything without giving detailed reasoning why. Or support for that matter.

As far as cseti goes, I just can't take them seriously. One too many videos with them rejoicing over lights in the sky that are obviously flares. And Greer has to know what he's seeing, which is what makes me lean toward huxter over flake.

I think the eCeti Ranch at mount adams is much cooler. Although I'm not sure what to think of James Gilliland.

stevieray 02-20-2015 06:17 PM


Originally Posted by Simply Red (Post 11322416)
I've always had a thing w/ Native Americans. I like just about everything about them. They're very trustworthy people and pure - yes the debacle regarding the Redskins and all of that was ridiculous - aside from that - they're very neat.

If I was ever terminal - I'd go to a reservation and seek healing - they've really healed and free'd folks from even cancer. My cousin passed away today - so I'm on a kick; researching all of this stuff and rather emotional. But this Larry Cesspooch is a smart dude - don't let the slow delivery fool you - anyways - I wanted to share this - I hope you guys find it interesting!..


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going to a reservation would be extremely dangerous. don't kid yourself.

Easy 6 02-20-2015 06:40 PM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 11339031)
I don't think Friedman's ever been a disinfo guy. He's just very opinionated. And I've never seen him deny anything without giving detailed reasoning why. Or support for that matter.

As far as cseti goes, I just can't take them seriously. One too many videos with them rejoicing over lights in the sky that are obviously flares. And Greer has to know what he's seeing, which is what makes me lean toward huxter over flake.

I think the eCeti Ranch at mount adams is much cooler. Although I'm not sure what to think of James Gilliland.

He always goes after Lazars school records, which is one of the easiest things for national government to BS in the name of "national security", he should know that yet acts like he doesnt.

Lazar has done soo much that proves he isnt a liar, the man turns down paid speaking gigs left and right just so he can lead a nice quiet life selling state of the art science equipment. He's just one of those guys that I will go down swinging believing in, there isnt a single thing he's said or done that makes me think "what a fake".

He cant fake the pay stubs he has from Los Alamos, yet no one including Friedman ever wants to talk about those except to say "well yeah maybe he was a janitor out there or something". The problem is that janitors dont have the words and understanding of physics that Lazar does.

If Lazar was a whore that flat out wouldnt be the case.

Wish to God there was some kind of CIA body language analyist here to study his interviews... because I'd bet my life, honest to God, that there isnt anything about him thats lying.

But of course, I am a believer, I've seen the craft doing impossible things, I've seen them literally right in front of my eyes, so maybe I'm biased.

I just wouldnt be so sure that Greer is shooting off flares, IMO he is often times tapping into other dimensional things that have more to do with black magic than aliens.

And the two might not be any different at all.

keg in kc 02-20-2015 08:07 PM

One theory about Lazar is that he was set up, and has himself been an unwitting disinformation agent the entire time. Let him in, show him something, maybe to test his reliability with secrets, maybe to draw out other intelligence assets working around the periphery, maybe to set up a screen story to hide whatever real work is going on not just at area 51 but elsewhere, maybe to set up area 51 as a screen for other locations, to draw eyes away.

You can drive yourself crazy coming up with possible scenarios. It's kind of hard to ascertain what the reality really is.

FWIW I have never thought Lazar lied about anything. But I also think the scenarios I just outlined are completely feasible. Our intelligence community is capable of a lot.

As far as demonic influence and greer goes, as I've mentioned before I have very little interest in that aspect of esoterica. I was not, however, saying he shoots off flares. Only that he should and I assume would recognize flares for what they are. I'd have to dig to find the video in question, although it's fairly recent. And obvious.

I'm a believer, too. A believer in the phenomena. Just not a believer in any particular explanation for it or them. As I've said before, we don't know enough, not yet. Which makes me a skeptic, I suppose, in the true, untainted meaning of the word.

Although I do tend to lean more toward logical explanations than metaphysical ones. Which doesn't mean that metaphysical ideas may not eventually bear some fruit.

And I think it's important to question EVERYTHING. Not to debunk everything. But I think it's key to look for conventional explanations first, rather than simply believe anything and everything. To rule out the everyday first, before looking for the fantastic, if that makes any sense. Something I think the entire field of the paranormal struggles with at times.

Rausch 02-22-2015 08:02 AM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 11339328)
One theory about Lazar is that he was set up, and has himself been an unwitting disinformation agent the entire time. Let him in, show him something, maybe to test his reliability with secrets, maybe to draw out other intelligence assets working around the periphery, maybe to set up a screen story to hide whatever real work is going on not just at area 51 but elsewhere, maybe to set up area 51 as a screen for other locations, to draw eyes away.

You can drive yourself crazy coming up with possible scenarios. It's kind of hard to ascertain what the reality really is.

FWIW I have never thought Lazar lied about anything. But I also think the scenarios I just outlined are completely feasible. Our intelligence community is capable of a lot.

As far as demonic influence and greer goes, as I've mentioned before I have very little interest in that aspect of esoterica. I was not, however, saying he shoots off flares. Only that he should and I assume would recognize flares for what they are. I'd have to dig to find the video in question, although it's fairly recent. And obvious.

I'm a believer, too. A believer in the phenomena. Just not a believer in any particular explanation for it or them. As I've said before, we don't know enough, not yet. Which makes me a skeptic, I suppose, in the true, untainted meaning of the word.

Although I do tend to lean more toward logical explanations than metaphysical ones. Which doesn't mean that metaphysical ideas may not eventually bear some fruit.

And I think it's important to question EVERYTHING. Not to debunk everything. But I think it's key to look for conventional explanations first, rather than simply believe anything and everything. To rule out the everyday first, before looking for the fantastic, if that makes any sense. Something I think the entire field of the paranormal struggles with at times.

If you haven't yet you need to read Keel's "Mothman Prophecies" book.

He's pretty much the king of your take on the phenomenon...

frankotank 02-23-2015 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by Easy 6 (Post 11325610)
So frankotank, you got the info and I assume you've watched that show on Bentwaters by now... what are your thoughts?

For me, everyone involved is incredibly credible, but its the man that was in charge of the airstrip control tower -not just some private- but the guy in charge of it coming right out and saying... "yes, this huge craft came and hovered right in front of the windows of the control tower", that really gets me.

I dont know how anyone could laugh that off, thats a guy used to seeing all manner of flying objects in his work area... he didnt mistake a damn thing, IMO.

Just curious what you thought about it.

this incident is something I've read and seen a lot about. IMO it's probably the best modern case to point to as far as trying to argue that we just may not be alone. once I started watching I realized I'd seen it before....but I watched again anyways.

the guy who drew the symbols came pretty damned close to crying when describing his experience. I believe him. I believe that he believes exactly what he is saying......that he stood in front of and walked around a ship that was unlike anything he'd ever known or imagined to that point in his life......and very possibly that it came from somewhere other than earth.

Coochie liquor 02-24-2015 06:47 AM

This is pretty crazy!

UFO Crash-Lands in Canada: Government Cover-Up As We Speak
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A flying saucer [update: the UFO is apparently shaped like a stepped pyramid, without its apex - image below] has allegedly crash-landed through the ice of Lake Winnipeg, in Manitoba, about 72 hours ago. The Canadian government is covering everything up.

The military is involved in the recovery of the alleged UFO and witnesses have been detained.

A complete blackout has been ordered by the government and some of the courageous people have been posting pictures and info online, but with their names blurred. Phone lines are also down.

I will continue to update you, as soon as new information emerges. This is the story as presented by Third Phase of the Moon and Before it's News:

In Manitboa, Canada on the Jackhead Reservation reports have been surfacing of a UFO crash landing into Lake Winnipeg.

Recently a call came into Thrid Phase of the Moon reporting this. The man went by the name of Mark. Here is part of the dialogue:
“Apparently a disc shaped craft was seen crashing through the ice on the lake, at least one person got photographic evidence but has since been detained by the Canadian military. UFO crash in rural Manitoba Canada: A UFO crash landed into a frozen lake within the last 24 hours on a Indian reservation in rural Manitoba. I have contact with a former resident of the reservation and their family still lives on the reservation and informed them about the situation this evening.

I have also been informed that nobody is allowed to leave or enter the reservation at this time and that the military has been going door to door talking with residents. They are telling the residents that they are conducting emergency training exercises, but there has been an extreme cold front in Manitoba over the last 2 days and it is extremely dangerous to spend time outdoors for any period.

The military has moved in all their equipment effectively blocking any view of what may have crashed into the water or what they are doing there, but I’m sure they are recovering the evidence.

I will get back in touch with in a few hours, I was told the name of the reservation but it was very long and hard to pronounce, I will get the exact spelling of the reservation in a few hours when I meet with my contact and I will forward any new information over.” Mark
Here is the full video dialogue between Third Phase and Mark (the aircraft in the video is not the aircraft they are talking about, it’s just pictured during conversation):

But that’s not all! Reports were also coming in on Facebook, a man by the name of Brent Mancheese linked CNN stating:
“UFO crash reported on the Jackhead reserve in Manitoba, Canada apparently the Canadian Military have vehicles lined up on north Shore... they are threatening anybody who tries to take pics… lots of eye witnesses… Thur is round object being hauled across the lake being pulled by snow mobiles and bombardier.”

Furthermore, many on Twitter and Facebook were posting pictures like these:

Trucks and police vehicles arriving at site of crash. Image source.

Evacuating the area around the alleged UFO crash site - Image source

The alleged Lake Winnipeg crash site. The uncapped pyramidal object is apparently not piled up snow, as I previously thought, but the UFO itself! - image source

Here's a zoomed in version of the same picture, for better reference:

Despite the outcry from citizens in the area about the crashed UFO and reports of military forces using snowmobiles to drag away a large disc, the Canadian Forces are claiming this is all just one big military training exercise training search and rescue how to deal with a plan crash in the Arctic.

According to Lt.-Col. Paul Davies, commanding officer of 38 Territorial Battalion Group in Canada, who was reportedly involved in the Arctic Response Company Group training exercise on Lake Winnipeg, stated this to CBC News:
“There’s no aliens, just my friends in the air force who are out there helping us on this exercise…I have the commander of that air force contingent sitting right beside me and, you know, he assures us that that was not a UFO, but that was him.”
The trouble with this statement is the Canadian Forces are refusing to show the supposed “Military craft” to the public. If this is a training exercise why not display the craft to stop the talk about it being a UFO?

Third Phase of the Moon is also reporting that they have an image of this craft sent in by viewers, however no photographs have surfaced as of yet. Here is that breaking report:

Update: Third Phase of the Moon released a new interview:

Update: A video has been uploaded on YouTube, which claims to show the Manitoba UFO, moments before crashing:

The video is not very convincing and should be taken with a grain of salt.

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keg in kc 02-24-2015 10:29 AM

Just saw Clyde Lewis (entertaining wacko radio host...) did a show on this last night. Curious to see what he says.

I will say this: if they're using video from Third Phase of Moon to justify this, then I doubt there's anything to it. That place is a hoax factory. Hence my posting about ball kicking anyone who mentions them in the thread header.

ToxSocks 02-24-2015 11:16 AM

Well, one thing we know for sure....Aliens are lousy drivers.

I mean, you travel from a Million light years away, finally get to your destination and then crash?

Pfffff......worse than Asian women.

Coochie liquor 02-24-2015 11:25 AM

And was reading about the Black Knight Satellite. You'd think someone would have taken the satellite and seen what it's made of.

Jerm 02-24-2015 02:02 PM

I saw a story on the supposed alien crash on Facebook and thought it was a joke lol...

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