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BIG_DADDY 11-10-2003 01:22 PM


Originally Posted by Mark M
You know, all I was trying to do in the thread was say that it's sad when racism is tolerated, no matter whom it's directed towards.

Instead, I basically get flamed, essentially told that the white man is being oppressed and given meaningless stats (um, having 12% of coaches in the NFL means nothing when there are only 32 teams, Simplex3. If you think that's truly representative, then I feel for you).

But I've learned a lot about some of the people on this BBs. Thanks for the insight.
<DIV class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt">

Nobody was flaming you dude. BTW, wou don't want see stats that's just logic plain and simple? I don't see you complaining about there not being enough BB players that are white of FB players. Why do you only defend coaching, shouldn't you be fair and evaluate everything?

Affirmative action is nothing more than legal discrimination. Discrimination will always be here as long as people are different, that is my only point. As far as toleration goes I'm not really sure what Otter said so I am not really in a position to discuss whether it was out of line. To say you gained insight is the most ridiculous thing I have ever scene you post at the planet. My girl is half filipino. My girlfreind before her was all mexican. Neither of them was racially sensitive. I just think people like playing the victim too much. JMO

Talking Can,

I listed some of the things I went through. If you want to say that is absurd you can but it doesn't change the facts.

redbrian 11-10-2003 01:22 PM


Originally Posted by memyselfi
Thanks for the clarification. Besides having a few Imperial Wizards here we also have a few homophobes. We don't want you to be avoided like the plague. ;)

So in this statement you are not calling anyone on this board an Imperial Wizard? Sure looks like your using an offensive racial stereo type to me.

Rausch 11-10-2003 01:23 PM


Originally Posted by Phobia
Have you ever tried to moderate a site which has 2500+ posts per day? I'm not searching for infractions. Sorry, I don't have time to babysit. If there is a problem with a post appearing on this site, every single one of them have a convenient "report this post to a moderator" button. USE IT.

I post a lot on here, and wouldn't want to do anthing to make this BB less enjoyable. If I, warn me like you would anyone, and be sure and point out what it was I said that was unacceptable. I might protest, but until there is some finality to the decision I won't repeat it.

memyselfI 11-10-2003 01:24 PM


Originally Posted by Phobia
Have you ever tried to moderate a site which has 2500+ posts per day? I'm not searching for infractions. Sorry, I don't have time to babysit. If there is a problem with a post appearing on this site, every single one of them have a convenient "report this post to a moderator" button. USE IT.

You do a good job and the observation was not meant as an insult. It was rather a point reflecting the permissive nature of certain words or attitudes on the board being allowed here.

memyselfI 11-10-2003 01:25 PM


Originally Posted by redbrian
So in this statement you are not calling anyone on this board an Imperial Wizard? Sure looks like your using an offensive racial stereo type to me.

Check the was in reference to Vapor's remark about a white convention. Not a direct label of any particular person.

Phobia 11-10-2003 01:28 PM


Originally Posted by memyselfi
You do a good job and the observation was not meant as an insult. It was rather a point reflecting the permissive nature of certain words or attitudes on the board being allowed here.

This site is 100% community driven. If the community doesn't voice any displeasure, we can't make a judgement if we don't see the post. In this case, "fat mexican whore" was used. I'm sorry, but I can't possibly know Otter's intent with that phrase regardless of history, so I'm leaving it alone because it's not blatantly racist in nature. "person of Hispanic heritage" was also used during this controversy and the individual using that word was immediately slammed and warned that the next infraction would result in banishment.

See y'all later tonight.

Raiderhater 11-10-2003 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by Phobia
Have you ever tried to moderate a site which has 2500+ posts per day? I'm not searching for infractions. Sorry, I don't have time to babysit. If there is a problem with a post appearing on this site, every single one of them have a convenient "report this post to a moderator" button. USE IT.


ROYC75 11-10-2003 01:29 PM

Hey now, If ya ask me, I would tell you all are NUCKING FUTS ! :D

redbrian 11-10-2003 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by memyselfi
Check the was in reference to Vapor's remark about a white convention. Not a direct label of any particular person.

:spock: Nice try no ones buying it.
You used derisive language on the board and are being called on it.
Either you use it and don’t protest its use or you don’t use it at all and are free to protest, this is pure black and white and can’t have it both ways.

Rausch 11-10-2003 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by memyselfi
Check the was in reference to Vapor's remark about a white convention. Not a direct label of any particular person.

I did not call names in my post directed towards you, and would appreciate a response as soon as convenient.....

memyselfI 11-10-2003 01:39 PM


Originally Posted by Rausch
I did not call names in my post directed towards you, and would appreciate a response as soon as convenient.....

What do you want me to say. You expressed your opinion. I read it. You said that my observations about conservatives are similiar in nature. You said that my remarks about the government and military are as well. I'll grant you the remarks about the government and the military as they are entities for which I do speak using a singular voice as an institution.

However, I do not believe that bigoted or racists conservative males on the board are in any way representative of the conservative right at a whole. I think they happen to represent some of the worst that the 'right' has to offer but I do not believe the entire movement is nearly that nasty, or bigoted, or despicable at all. And I reject your implication or assertion that my view of that handful of folks is widespread of ALL conservatives.

Mark M 11-10-2003 01:43 PM


Originally Posted by BIG_DADDY
Nobody was flaming you dude. BTW, wou don't want see stats that's just logic plain and simple? I don't see you complaining about there not being enough BB players that are white of FB players. Why do you only defend coaching, shouldn't you be fair and evaluate everything?

Affirmative action is nothing more than legal discrimination. Discrimination will always be here as long as people are different, that is my only point. As far as toleration goes I'm not really sure what Otter said so I am not really in a position to discuss whether it was out of line. To say you gained insight is the most ridiculous thing I have ever scene you post at the planet. My girl is half filipino. My girlfreind before her was all mexican. Neither of them was racially sensitive. I just think people like playing the victim too much. JMO

First of all, the stats are being misused. I could say that my workplace is fair because half of the people are minorities, but if I only work with 5 people that's not saying a whole helluva lot.

Second, no one is stopping a white guy from playing FB or BB. If they're good enough, they get a job. Owners and collegiate ADs, on the other hand, are keeping competent, worthy minorities from coaching jobs. Not because they are necessarily racist, but because there's a "good 'ol boy network" going on. How else does Dennis Erickson get another job in the NFL when he sucked total ass the first time around? How the fucking hell does Schottenheimer still have a job? Why did Detroit make up their minds before even interviewing anyone else? Of course, I'm sure you'll say I've been brainwashed by the media, or that I'm PC, or however else you want to justify it.

Third, I agree that Affirmative Action doesn't work. Read my post a few pages ago and you'd have seen that.

Fourth and last, what I've "scene" on this BBs in this thread is ridiculous. White men crying about how they're soooo mistreated is the most pathetic thing I've ever "scene" in this place, and has shown me a lot about a few of its members.

I already knew that raiderhader was a sexist piece of crap. Hell, he's lucky my wife didn't kick his ass at Gators during the 37 Forever weekend. (BTW, it's called respect, Jamie. It's too bad you have none for women. No wonder you're a virgin--and if you talk to all women the way you did that Friday, you better get used to it.)

I already knew some here think it's okay to throw racial insults around--afterall, people are just "too sensitive" nowadays. I mean, racism is okay as long as it's not the poor, oppressed white man experiencing it.

This thread takes the ****ing cake.

See ya.


redbrian 11-10-2003 01:44 PM

(Squiggle squiggle}
I did not call all of the white conservatives, members of the KKK, only a select unnamed group of this board are Imperial Wizards.
So see that’s ok and if you found this to be an insult, well that’s your problem and not mine.
Signed mememe

conjureman 11-10-2003 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by Phobia
This site is 100% community driven. If the community doesn't voice any displeasure, we can't make a judgement if we don't see the post. In this case, "fat mexican whore" was used. I'm sorry, but I can't possibly know Otter's intent with that phrase regardless of history, so I'm leaving it alone because it's not blatantly racist in nature. "person of Hispanic heritage" was also used during this controversy and the individual using that word was immediately slammed and warned that the next infraction would result in banishment.

See y'all later tonight.

Moi?..."intent", is the key word here! For clarification, I used that term in response to a TJ thread about Elizabeth Smart a few mos. back. My intent, (as was apparent to TJ), was to draw a parallel between the absurdity of his post, and the absurdity of "racist remarks"! He knew the intent-even still I apologised to him in a PM, but instead he chose to play the wounded victim. I've been guilty of being thin-skinned too, but if someone made clear their intent voluntarily...well, let's just say that draws into question his sincerity--- & summed up quite nicely IMO Phil!

Rausch 11-10-2003 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by memyselfi
What do you want me to say. You expressed your opinion. I read it. You said that my observations about conservatives are similiar in nature. You said that my remarks about the government and military are as well. I'll grant you the remarks about the government and the military as they are entities for which I do speak using a singular voice as an institution.

However, I do not believe that bigoted or racists conservative males on the board are in any way representative of the conservative right at a whole. I think they happen to represent some of the worst that the 'right' has to offer but I do not believe the entire movement is nearly that nasty, or bigoted, or despicable at all.

Fair enough...

I'm also curious of your definitions of racism and bigotry.

Websters defines a big as:

One entry found for bigot.

Main Entry: big·ot
Pronunciation: 'bi-g&t
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle French, hypocrite, bigot
Date: 1661
: a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices

Obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his/her own opinions and prejudices. According to websters you, and me, and most on this BB are bigots. Only the degree varies.....

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