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Eleazar 11-16-2004 01:35 PM


Originally Posted by BIG_DADDY
Which is what it was all about. Don't start pounding your chest and start saying you will take on anyone then respond by threats of going to the cops & moderators as soon as someone posts something you don't like. This thread really shows how stupid Flunkie is. Even when people describe in detail why he is having such a hard time he fails to comprehend, unbelievable. Oh yea and the victim card is getting a little old Flunkie.

Really, if you think about any detail you know about Crankie, he's played the victim card on all of it.

I wonder what it's like to go through life thinking the world is out to get you and that you have no control over anything.

Brock 11-16-2004 01:35 PM


Originally Posted by Taco John
You are the worst moderator in the history of message board moderators.

You are a puss who doesn't stand behind what she says.

BIG_DADDY 11-16-2004 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by Taco John
You are the worst moderator in the history of message board moderators.

Anybody else see the irony of this being posted by a moderator who describes himself as being someone who likes to stir the pot and runs his own BB that way. This could have gone 3 ways easily, just because it didn't go the way you thought it should Russ is the worst moderator in the history of message board moderators. Yea OK Taco :rolleyes:

Frankie 11-16-2004 01:57 PM


Originally Posted by Cochise
Here you are in this thread, talking about how big and bad you are, and then going crying to the mods. MO was mean to me! BD was mean to me!

Now see what I mean? If you want to insist on acting stupid, like the others you named actually are, its your right. But let me switch your brain on about something. Being "big and bad" in terms of a fistfight is only what the neanderthals here can't get past. That said, it is stupid, is it not, to invite someone to a fistfight when you don't even know about his physical attributes or wether he's had any training that might help him beat the shit out of you. Not that I'm saying that's the case with me. But you have to admit that it was a stupid invitation on the part of the neanderthal in question. I love the American saying, "It's not the size of the dog in the fight that matters. It's the size of the fight in the dog." That said too, those of us who no longer drag our knuckles on the ground when we walk think beyond the concept of a fistfight in a confrontation. Namely the very modern concept of the law. When some self described skinhead wanna be threatens physical harm to me and my family I think I have to take it seriously enough to study my legal options fo fighting back. That's not only being big and bad but smart too. Something that's a foreign concept tho the neanderthals.


Originally Posted by Cochise
Did you grow up your whole life tattling on anyone who was mean to you?

I grew up in a society in which "tattling" was considered the lowest of the low. Both due to societal and political reasons. You don't have to worry about me. I do live in a society that claims to be based on the rule of law though and I do believe in nipping a threat in the bud within the parameters of the law so it has no chance to progress to a stage not allowed by law.


Originally Posted by Cochise
Have you always brought in someone else to fight your fights for you, instead of doing it yourself or walking away? Either path would be honorable, to handle things yourself or walk away from them. But rather, you exhibit your colors once again.

If you mean taking this matter to the Mods, I already said that it's not for me but for the integrity of the CP and this forum. I have not asked the Mods to do anything about this guy, just that this kind of stuff drags CP into the depth of a sewer. I think some semblance of civility needs to be practiced among people who are not close enough to get that personal. Some jerks here can't think beyond the thread at hand. I on the other hand would like to keep things as civil as possible with you because I know we are bound to exchange opinions on the Chiefs, electronics, movies and a host of other subjects. Deleting you from the list of folks I can otherwise have good exchanges on other subjects woul be counterproductive and thoughtless. Do you think this crosses the primitive minds of the neanderthals here? If not, I submit I AM a little more intelligent than they are. A fact, that combined with my birthplace, makes it painfully impossible for them to stomach.


Originally Posted by Cochise
You are not taking abuse over here because of some great injustice or because the people who don't like you are stupid, you're always taking abuse over here because you're the biggest friggin' baby in the western hemisphere.

See the last couple of sentences in my reple above.

Frankie 11-16-2004 02:04 PM


Originally Posted by Bwana
Oh gawd :shake: and I thought Taco was a Drama Queen.

Truth has a way of being merely drama to those who have no means or experience of relating to it. A cat who's never seen a Lion thinks one described to him is merely mythology.

Frankie 11-16-2004 02:08 PM


Originally Posted by Cochise
Really, if you think about any detail you know about Crankie, he's played the victim card on all of it.

I wonder what it's like to go through life thinking the world is out to get you and that you have no control over anything.

Reminding someone that he is a clueless and classless bigot is not playing the victim card. What else would you like to accuse me of for your own satisfaction?

Bwana 11-16-2004 02:15 PM


Originally Posted by Frankie
Truth has a way of being merely drama to those who have no means or experience of relating to it. A cat who's never seen a Lion thinks one described to him is merely mythology.

An ostrich with his head buried in the sand will never see the light of day and has a strong probability of being consumed.

Frankie 11-16-2004 02:22 PM


Originally Posted by Saulbadguy
So we are treating this crap as Hall of Classics material rather than Romper Room?


Well Saul, I for one am totally bored with this thread. It's taking too much of my time. It's not adding anything to my intelligence and I've said all I had to say. So I'm checking out of it. I'm working for a project for a client and need my time. You and the other CP humans who have chipped in here can come back to this zoo and watch the the apes j-off, beat their chests and howl in some IMAGINARY triumph. It's free entertainment. :)

BIG_DADDY 11-16-2004 02:38 PM


Originally Posted by Frankie
Truth has a way of being merely drama to those who have no means or experience of relating to it. A cat who's never seen a Lion thinks one described to him is merely mythology.

Boy those bumps on the head in your mothers womb really did some damage.


Originally Posted by Frankie

If you mean taking this matter to the Mods, I already said that it's not for me but for the integrity of the CP and this forum.

Naturally your just concerned about others. :rolleyes:


Originally Posted by Frankie
I submit I AM a little more intelligent than they are. A fact, that combined with my birthplace, makes it painfully impossible for them to stomach.

You know just because you keep saying over and over and over that your more intelligent isn't going to make it so. The very fact that you can't understand how you brought all this on yourself even when it's spelled out for you speaks volumes about your intellect. I can't speak for all the neaderthals but his one would appreciate it you would just go get a job since your so smart instead of posting here all day living off the public nipple you lazy POS.


Originally Posted by Frankie
I do live in a society that claims to be based on the rule of law though and I do believe in nipping a threat in the bud within the parameters of the law so it has no chance to progress to a stage not allowed by law.


Please tell me what I have to do to get you do anything but post stupid chicken shit posts Mr. Lion.

munkey 11-16-2004 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by Frankie
Namely the very modern concept of the law. When some self described skinhead wanna be threatens physical harm to me and my family I think I have to take it seriously enough to study my legal options fo fighting back. That's not only being big and bad but smart too. Something that's a foreign concept tho the neanderthals.


Who's the skinhead wanna be?

AND physical harm? I have never seen any evidence of that from anyone on this BB.

~I guess I could be wrong but don't think so~

Bwana 11-16-2004 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by BIG_DADDY

I didn't even have the heart to go into that with him. The boy is confused beyond words. :thailor:

Bwana 11-16-2004 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by munkey

Who's the skinhead wanna be?

AND physical harm? I have never seen any evidence of that from anyone on this BB.

~I guess I could be wrong but don't think so~

He thinks someone is "OUT TO GET HIM" on the board I guess. :shake: I would also hazard a guess that he hears voices as well. :hmmm:

KCWolfman 11-16-2004 02:52 PM


Originally Posted by Taco John
You are the worst moderator in the history of message board moderators.

Really? Cool, I have achieved a lofty goal.

KCWolfman 11-16-2004 02:52 PM


Originally Posted by Bwana
Oh gawd :shake: and I thought Taco was a Drama Queen.

He is

stevieray 11-16-2004 03:01 PM

I wonder if Frankie had to leave Iran because he's gay.

Eleazar 11-16-2004 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by Frankie
Now see what I mean? If you want to insist on acting stupid, like the others you named actually are, its your right.

This from the person claiming he treats everyone with respect and cries about other people being insulting


But let me switch your brain on about something. Being "big and bad" in terms of a fistfight is only what the neanderthals here can't get past. That said, it is stupid, is it not, to invite someone to a fistfight when you don't even know about his physical attributes or wether he's had any training that might help him beat the shit out of you. Not that I'm saying that's the case with me. But you have to admit that it was a stupid invitation on the part of the neanderthal in question. I love the American saying, "It's not the size of the dog in the fight that matters. It's the size of the fight in the dog." That said too, those of us who no longer drag our knuckles on the ground when we walk think beyond the concept of a fistfight in a confrontation.
Blah, blah. More deflection from the fact that you ran and tattled on someone for being mean to you on the internet.


Namely the very modern concept of the law. When some self described skinhead wanna be threatens physical harm to me and my family I think I have to take it seriously enough to study my legal options fo fighting back.
What was the exact threat? Or are you just trying to get the big meaniehead to stop owning you all over the board?


That's not only being big and bad but smart too. Something that's a foreign concept tho the neanderthals.
No, that's being a tattling pansy and a crybaby.


I grew up in a society in which "tattling" was considered the lowest of the low.
So why do you resort to it so quickly?


If you mean taking this matter to the Mods, I already said that it's not for me but for the integrity of the CP and this forum.
ROFL right. You're not doing it to be a crybaby, you're doing it for the good of everyone, I'm sure everyone buys into that ROFL

None of your novel of a post addresses why you don't ignore someone instead of being such a drama queen.

Mr. Kotter 11-16-2004 11:05 PM


Originally Posted by First Down Elvis
I wonder if Frankie had to leave Iran because he's gay.

Hey, that's my schick...outing folks. :harumph:


BIG_DADDY 11-17-2004 12:24 AM


Originally Posted by SDChiefsfan
Hey, that's my schick...outing folks. :harumph:


The funniest part of this thread is watching Flunkie get hammered and claiming he is a LION in the end. This just might be our most dillusional poster.

Loki 11-17-2004 01:14 AM


Originally Posted by Frankie
... blather...

... blather...

3- Your last sentence on your post really puzzles me. When did I ever call you names? :shrug: If I didn't, then ask yourself why not. The worst I counter-attacked anybody has been pointing out their being classless, and profane. Which I directly connect to lack of wit and intelligence. If one has anything halfway intelligent to say, one does not have to resort to profanity and other neanderthal tactics to stay in the conversation. We all now the words. But so do all middle school kids. Ones intelligence is what regulates when we use them and when they would be inappropriate. Jokes are jokes and I recognize them. I also recognize bigoted hatred and caveman mentality.


does not the wit require intelligence?
does not the profanity need the neanderthal?

David. 11-17-2004 01:37 AM

how is this piece of shit in the classics forum? I read the whole thing looking for the "classic" part. Must have missed it.

BIG_DADDY 11-17-2004 01:57 AM


Originally Posted by David.
how is this piece of shit in the classics forum? I read the whole thing looking for the "classic" part. Must have missed it.


How to not post in any forum 101 comes to mind but what do I know I'm drunk. Life is good as an infidel.

MonroeChief 11-17-2004 11:08 PM


Originally Posted by Frankie

I see you are coming out of your hole again when you think being on ignore protects you from me exposing your low-life level of intelligence to the whole BB. But then again you are doing a great job of that yourself. You are an intellectual insect. Just call me the fly-swatter. But like some flies you can get swatted and still survive to eat more excrement. Enjoy yours. Calling my mother names here is a new low that I didn't think even you are capable to sink to. That I will bring this to the Mods' attention is not for myself, but rather for protecting this forum from dirty, low bottom-feeders like you. As for my mother, let me tell you a thing or two. She is a well respected educator who owned and operated her own elementary school. She herself was a teacher. Today, at age 81, she is still active teaching children. She has the respect of folks far more advanced, accomplished and educated than you. I'm talking about professors and deans of colleges in this country who in large part make up the parents of her current and former students. My mother is also a very accomplished and published poet. She also speaks not only Farsi, but French fluently. She does well enough with English to live her independent life in this country.

Now let's talk about your mother.......

You know what though, I won't disrespect her. For two reasons:

1- The class and upbringing that I have, you cannot even dream about coming close to. Your low IQ won't even allow you to imagine it.

2- I won't disrespect your mother, because she is already not respecting herself for not flushing when she had you.

The writing above seems to be on the same mental level as the terrorists that attacked our country. I think you, if you are an American citizen, should stop your violent rants. If you are not an American citizen, I suggest you leave this country before you piss off the wrong person.

Frankie 11-18-2004 12:47 PM


Originally Posted by MonroeChief
The writing above seems to be on the same mental level as the terrorists that attacked our country. I think you, if you are an American citizen, should stop your violent rants. If you are not an American citizen, I suggest you leave this country before you piss off the wrong person.

So funny to revisit this thread after days and find you posting in disguise. Still scared, little man? :shake:

BIG_DADDY 11-18-2004 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by Frankie
So funny to revisit this thread after days and find you posting in disguise. Still scared, little man? :shake:

Yea don't forget your messing with a self-proclaimed lion here. ROFL

MonroeChief 11-18-2004 11:01 PM


Originally Posted by Frankie
So funny to revisit this thread after days and find you posting in disguise. Still scared, little man? :shake:

I'm curious as to who you think I might be.

I'm a new person here and have only observed a little of what is apparently an ongoing war between you and most everyone else.

I am in Louisiana, there are three Chiefs fans that I know here.

Let's name some names, I'd like to know if I'm being insulted or given a compliment.

MOhillbilly 11-19-2004 03:47 PM

Hey Frankie. When was the last time your dick worked?

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