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Sweet Daddy Hate 01-17-2019 02:36 PM

And now Disney thinks the way to go is to keep Kennedy for the next 3 years and just "slow down" on the output.


Just further proof that these people have not one ****ing clue about SW and its fans.

Let me reiterate that:

"We're going to continue to pay this dumb bitch and failure of a Producer to sit on her ass and twiddle her thumbs while we purposefully deny fans new content until her contract runs out".

Great business model!

Discuss Thrower 01-17-2019 04:00 PM

The Mouse favors new consumers more than they favor new content for existing consumers.

MarkDavis'Haircut 01-19-2019 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by Discuss Thrower (Post 14048096)
The Mouse favors new consumers more than they favor new content for existing consumers.

That is how most businesses operate. Especially franchises. They treat the die-hards as guaranteed income because usually the die-hards spend it regardless of the product.

Pokemon is a prime example.

Sweet Daddy Hate 01-19-2019 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by Carr4MVP (Post 14052668)
That is how most businesses operate. Especially franchises. They treat the die-hards as guaranteed income because usually the die-hards spend it regardless of the product.

Pokemon is a prime example.

And that's why it's not going to work; SW is nothing BUT die-hards.

MarkDavis'Haircut 01-20-2019 10:44 AM


Originally Posted by Sweet Daddy Hate (Post 14052756)
And that's why it's not going to work; SW is nothing BUT die-hards.

Oh, I agree. I can't stand that business model. Stick with the ones that made you successful. But we all know that Kennedy isn't interested in stories. Just agendas.

Sweet Daddy Hate 01-20-2019 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by Carr4MVP (Post 14053883)
Oh, I agree. I can't stand that business model. Stick with the ones that made you successful. But we all know that Kennedy isn't interested in stories. Just agendas.

Can't stand that twat.:#

Bowser 01-20-2019 11:43 AM

Is there any, ANY hope that JJ pulls a miracle out and delivers an Episode IX worthy of this franchise? Really, it was only TLJ that was a clunker of a turd. Can he redeem it in one movie?

Sweet Daddy Hate 01-20-2019 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 14054066)
Is there any, ANY hope that JJ pulls a miracle out and delivers an Episode IX worthy of this franchise? Really, it was only TLJ that was a clunker of a turd. Can he redeem it in one movie?

**** no. Look where we started from. If there was any hope, JJ's first outing wouldn't have been an unimaginative, ball-licker of a movie.

I have, from time to time, clicked on some of the "nerd watch" channels at YT just trying to get any kind of a feel as to where they might be taking things. And thus far, EVERY SINGLE SPECULATION has been pure shit, whether founded in degrees of truth or not.

MarkDavis'Haircut 01-20-2019 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 14054066)
Is there any, ANY hope that JJ pulls a miracle out and delivers an Episode IX worthy of this franchise? Really, it was only TLJ that was a clunker of a turd. Can he redeem it in one movie?

I am not sure how he does it by staying faithful to the established plotlines. The Resistance is down to 15 people and a ship. Ren is a terrible villain. There aren't any henchmen to get excited about unless they introduce someone new. Hux is a joke. Phasma was hyped up and wasted. Finn is just a repeating arc. Poe is humbled. Rey is a Mary Sue. Rose is a t-shirt slogan. Chewie can't carry a movie. The droids are just running jokes. Luke is dead.

There is nothing there. JJ has to ignore VIII if he wants to save IX.

Hammock Parties 01-22-2019 01:24 AM

Kylo isn't terrible. He's the most interesting Star Wars character ever.

They have him set up for a redemption arc. There is your drama.

Hammock Parties 01-22-2019 01:36 AM


In one of the new cannon books, Palpatine has an underground base on Jakku #fact. If you watch TLJ with the idea in mind that Rey is a genetic experiment created from Luke's missing hand on Bespin, it's EVERYWHERE. The movie has closeup after closeup of Rey's right hand in key moments. Enough so that they'll look like easter eggs (to enjoy after the big reveal in Episode IX).

The very first moment in TLJ trailer was a clue. I think the entire mirror scene IS her realizing her worst fear, that she IS a clone and has no family. Her "parents" that sold her off for drinking money were indeed just that... scavengers that found Luke's hand and sold it to the Empire.

I'm just as psycho about Star Wars as all of you, and I remember the very first draft leaks and rumored outline of the The Force Awakens (at that time) started with Luke's hand floating through space after the opening crawl. TFA's first draft was going to be about Finn & Rey finding Luke's hand... I just think they switched it up and realized that could be a big reveal. My 2 cents, I think Rey also has Palpatine genes in her DNA milkshake. Because she always fights with anger (among other reasons).

This also "solves the problem" of her being too powerful, too soon. Kylo Ren clearly knows about "A GIRL" in TFA and is upset. He seems to go straight into trying to turn her let her know "she needs a teacher" because he has an idea of who she is and where she comes from. I haven't watched TFA for a long time but I would wonder if her hand is as called out in there as well...




There are about 20 other shots of exclusively her right hand in TLJ, as well as close ups of Luke's right hand and even Kylo Ren's. There's a huge right-hand theme there.


listopencil 01-22-2019 05:31 AM


Originally Posted by Carr4MVP (Post 14054330)
I am not sure how he does it by staying faithful to the established plotlines. The Resistance is down to 15 people and a ship. Ren is a terrible villain. There aren't any henchmen to get excited about unless they introduce someone new. Hux is a joke. Phasma was hyped up and wasted. Finn is just a repeating arc. Poe is humbled. Rey is a Mary Sue. Rose is a t-shirt slogan. Chewie can't carry a movie. The droids are just running jokes. Luke is dead.

There is nothing there. JJ has to ignore VIII if he wants to save IX.

Luke returning as a force ghost to inspire Rey and torment Kylo Ren would be amusing.

Sweet Daddy Hate 01-22-2019 09:34 AM

Not bad, Clay. It's certainly no worse than the rest of the garbage these clowns have cooked up for this trilogy thus far.

"How did you get that"?

"That's a story for another time".

I expect Maz/Yoda would probably have to fill Rey in on some of the blanks.

bowener 01-22-2019 10:18 AM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 14062803)

In one of the new cannon books, Palpatine has an underground base on Jakku #fact. If you watch TLJ with the idea in mind that Rey is a genetic experiment created from Luke's missing hand on Bespin, it's EVERYWHERE. The movie has closeup after closeup of Rey's right hand in key moments. Enough so that they'll look like easter eggs (to enjoy after the big reveal in Episode IX).

The very first moment in TLJ trailer was a clue. I think the entire mirror scene IS her realizing her worst fear, that she IS a clone and has no family. Her "parents" that sold her off for drinking money were indeed just that... scavengers that found Luke's hand and sold it to the Empire.

I'm just as psycho about Star Wars as all of you, and I remember the very first draft leaks and rumored outline of the The Force Awakens (at that time) started with Luke's hand floating through space after the opening crawl. TFA's first draft was going to be about Finn & Rey finding Luke's hand... I just think they switched it up and realized that could be a big reveal. My 2 cents, I think Rey also has Palpatine genes in her DNA milkshake. Because she always fights with anger (among other reasons).

This also "solves the problem" of her being too powerful, too soon. Kylo Ren clearly knows about "A GIRL" in TFA and is upset. He seems to go straight into trying to turn her let her know "she needs a teacher" because he has an idea of who she is and where she comes from. I haven't watched TFA for a long time but I would wonder if her hand is as called out in there as well...



****. You're right.

lawrenceRaider 01-22-2019 11:03 AM


Originally Posted by Frazod (Post 14027033)
Haven't bothered with the animated series - frankly knew nothing about it before I saw a few mentions of it here. Sounds like I haven't missed much.

And I'm right there with you regarding IX. I'd love to see another Solo movie. But they've destroyed the main story line.

I finally got around to seeing Solo, and it was an OK movie. I see potential there for another movie as it did get better as it went along.

lawrenceRaider 01-22-2019 11:06 AM


Originally Posted by InChiefsHell (Post 14031565)
I'll watch this thing just to finish this trilogy. After that, I'm officially done with Star Wars...a film series that had it's last good episode in 1983. **** the prequels, and **** all the shit since. TLJ tore it for me.

Rogue One is maybe the best Star Wars movie. It is totally faithful to the Star Wars ethos. If you haven't seen it, you owe it to yourself to do so.

Bowser 01-22-2019 11:10 AM

DJ's left nut 01-22-2019 11:13 AM


Originally Posted by lawrenceRaider (Post 14063533)
I finally got around to seeing Solo, and it was an OK movie. I see potential there for another movie as it did get better as it went along.

Saw Solo last Friday and yeah, solid flick.

I mean it still sucks that I know he'll spend the vast majority of his life as a miserable husk after his family falls to shit around him and he just goes back to being a smuggler who's then murdered by his own son, but hey - life's hard and then you die, right?


Frazod 01-22-2019 11:31 AM


Originally Posted by bowener (Post 14063385)
****. You're right.

It's a nice theory. Too bad they've totally sucked out my desire to see if it's true.

These people have butchered Star Wars the same way Lynch butchered Dune.

Bowser 01-22-2019 12:05 PM


Originally Posted by DJ's left nut (Post 14063575)
Saw Solo last Friday and yeah, solid flick.

I mean it still sucks that I know he'll spend the vast majority of his life as a miserable husk after his family falls to shit around him and he just goes back to being a smuggler who's then murdered by his own son, but hey - life's hard and then you die, right?


Yes. A thousand times yes. My question is why? Why do this to not just him, but ALL the main characters, then have them die irrelevant deaths (Carrie notwithstanding, of course)? Someone asked earlier how you don't set this up that Han, Leia, and Luke are all reunited at the end of IX smiling at the peace they FINALLY managed to achieve for the galaxy? A ****ing pox on KK.


Originally Posted by Frazod (Post 14063641)
It's a nice theory. Too bad they've totally sucked out my desire to see if it's true.

These people have butchered Star Wars the same way Lynch butchered Dune.

It's amazing to me. Star Wars wrote its own ticket. It was absolutely a no lose entity, and they found a way to **** it up ROYALLY. The only thing I hope is that JJ somehow gets autonomy from KK and her "vision" and does IX justice. Considering Rogue One was what it turned out to be, there's a glimmer of hope. But just a glimmer.

Bowser 01-22-2019 12:15 PM

Your theory sounds about as good as anything I've read on Rey, Clay. I never quite understood her "dark side" encounter with her looking at an infinity mirror; maybe the Force is trying to tell her she's an anomaly? But then, why didn't Luke immediately "feel" her as a part of himself and/or Palpatine when he turned the Force back on (gag)? Eh, whatever.

But good job catching the right hand references. No doubt that means "something"....

Sweet Daddy Hate 01-22-2019 12:25 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 14062800)
Kylo isn't terrible.

This is correct. He is not terrible. In fact, he is not anything. He's neither good nor evil, exciting nor dull, COMPLETELY ambiguous.

If Kylo Ren were an action figure from the 70's, he would be..."Snaggletooth". Or perhaps "Hammerhead"; the action figures you buy to round out your collection, but which never see any real play time.

Kylo Ren: The PERFECT antagonist for the Disney/KK/JJ pile of shit known as the post-Jedi Trilogy.


He's the most interesting Star Wars character ever.
I am the most interesting person ever.( See, I can play make-believe too! )


They have him set up for a redemption arc. There is your drama.
Hardly. First, NO ONE wants to see him redeemed. #fact. Secondly, what in God's name makes you think that a series of movies that can't even conjure up a genuine, emotional response from the fan base( ASIDE from nostalgia, please ), is going to suddenly learn how to impart "drama" in to it's soulless, lifeless, and pointless characters?

Face it home-run; the trilogy aspect of the SW universe is dead, dead, dead. All that remains is whatever Dave Filoni can get tagged for, and hopefully a good stand-a-lone movie or three.

bowener 01-22-2019 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 14063557)

What is this from?

Bowser 01-22-2019 02:45 PM

Just fan concept art, I believe. That's been around since before TFA, iirc.

Hammock Parties 01-22-2019 05:09 PM

Yeah that's from the ILM art challenge.

Chiefspants 01-22-2019 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 14063788)
Your theory sounds about as good as anything I've read on Rey, Clay. I never quite understood her "dark side" encounter with her looking at an infinity mirror; maybe the Force is trying to tell her she's an anomaly? But then, why didn't Luke immediately "feel" her as a part of himself and/or Palpatine when he turned the Force back on (gag)? Eh, whatever.

But good job catching the right hand references. No doubt that means "something"....

I mean, you hope it does.

I also hope the Knights of Ren sole purpose wasn't a throwaway line in the first movie. That's a problem you run into when you don't plan out all 3 movies in advance. I love Clay's theory - and would be ALL about it. It'd be a great way to continue and honor the Skywalker legacy, one that's taken a hit since the reboot.

Bowser 01-22-2019 05:40 PM


Originally Posted by Chiefspants (Post 14065087)
I mean, you hope it does.

I also hope the Knights of Ren sole purpose wasn't a throwaway line in the first movie. That's a problem you run into when you don't plan out all 3 movies in advance. I love Clay's theory - and would be ALL about it. It'd be a great way to continue and honor the Skywalker legacy, one that's taken a hit since the reboot.

Yeah, agreed with all of that.

Wasn't there a rumor floated that Snoke's Praetorian Guard were the Knights of Ren? Would make sense, considering how Rey and Kylo wiped them out (legitimately one of the best scenes in TLJ, but it would just fit the narrative if that was them).

Sweet Daddy Hate 01-25-2019 01:02 AM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 14062803)

In one of the new cannon books, Palpatine has an underground base on Jakku #fact. If you watch TLJ with the idea in mind that Rey is a genetic experiment created from Luke's missing hand on Bespin, it's EVERYWHERE. The movie has closeup after closeup of Rey's right hand in key moments. Enough so that they'll look like easter eggs (to enjoy after the big reveal in Episode IX).

The very first moment in TLJ trailer was a clue. I think the entire mirror scene IS her realizing her worst fear, that she IS a clone and has no family. Her "parents" that sold her off for drinking money were indeed just that... scavengers that found Luke's hand and sold it to the Empire.

I'm just as psycho about Star Wars as all of you, and I remember the very first draft leaks and rumored outline of the The Force Awakens (at that time) started with Luke's hand floating through space after the opening crawl. TFA's first draft was going to be about Finn & Rey finding Luke's hand... I just think they switched it up and realized that could be a big reveal. My 2 cents, I think Rey also has Palpatine genes in her DNA milkshake. Because she always fights with anger (among other reasons).

This also "solves the problem" of her being too powerful, too soon. Kylo Ren clearly knows about "A GIRL" in TFA and is upset. He seems to go straight into trying to turn her let her know "she needs a teacher" because he has an idea of who she is and where she comes from. I haven't watched TFA for a long time but I would wonder if her hand is as called out in there as well...

There are about 20 other shots of exclusively her right hand in TLJ, as well as close ups of Luke's right hand and even Kylo Ren's. There's a huge right-hand theme there.

You need to work up a quick presentation and post this theory up on You Tube. I did a search there and at Google; NOTHING on a SW EPI 9 Hand Theory.

Let 'er rip; this could be your chance to shock the world!

Hammock Parties 01-25-2019 08:44 AM

There's a guy out there editing The Last Jedi in it's entirety.

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

There are two big surprises in this trailer.

bowener 01-25-2019 09:23 AM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 14071475)
There's a guy out there editing The Last Jedi in it's entirety.

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

There are two big surprises in this trailer.

Well shit. That was better than the film. It's amazing what reversing one part of a scene can do. Seeing Luke pass the lightsaber back to Rey would have been an iconic moment, a literal passing of a torch, but instead, they literally chucked that shit off a cliff.

Bowser 01-25-2019 09:57 AM

The green saber is a nice touch

Frazod 01-25-2019 11:07 AM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 14071475)
There's a guy out there editing The Last Jedi in it's entirety.

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

There are two big surprises in this trailer.

Nice. Best part - no Jar Jar Finn or his fugly girlfriend.

DJ's left nut 01-25-2019 11:13 AM


Originally Posted by bowener (Post 14071595)
Well shit. That was better than the film. It's amazing what reversing one part of a scene can do. Seeing Luke pass the lightsaber back to Rey would have been an iconic moment, a literal passing of a torch, but instead, they literally chucked that shit off a cliff.


Ugghhhh......**** that movie, man.

Still just in awe of what a remarkable piece of shit that was.

Frazod 01-25-2019 11:16 AM


Originally Posted by DJ's left nut (Post 14071937)

Ugghhhh......**** that movie, man.

Still just in awe of what a remarkable piece of shit that was.

Yeah, I'm looking forward to Episode IX and the Super Bowl equally.

DJ's left nut 01-25-2019 11:22 AM


Originally Posted by Frazod (Post 14071942)
Yeah, I'm looking forward to Episode IX and the Super Bowl equally.

Just watching that re-cut trailer I was reminded about how many ungodly awful things that movie did.

I'm serious - did anything in that movie not suck? I mean I guess if I had the wherewithal to watch it again I might remember a time or two where I was like "Oh yeah, at least THAT was cool...." but I can't think of many occasions where literally every lasting memory I have of a movie is negative.

Oh wait!!! The silence when purple haired general crashes into an imperial destroyer. That little blip was visually and audibly just cool as hell. So yeah - almost an entire 1/2 minute of that movie didn't actively suck dicks.

Fish 01-25-2019 11:24 AM

The fight in Snoke's chamber was pretty badass. Well, up until they killed off Snoke anyway. Beyond that it was just shattered dreams, shattered dreams...

DJ's left nut 01-25-2019 11:28 AM


Originally Posted by Fish (Post 14071966)
The fight in Snoke's chamber was pretty badass. Well, up until they killed off Snoke anyway. Beyond that it was just shattered dreams, shattered dreams...

And isn't that the shit of it?

"Hey that fight scene was awesome....until they unceremoniously offed one of the few genuinely intriguing possibilities they'd developed to this point."

"But again, that ship crash scene was also pretty awesome...until you realize that they've just turned the ENTIRE star wars universe on its ear by making it possible for you to just hyperspace into pretty much anything and blow it the hell up."

Even the cool moments have some sort of twist or lack of internal logic that make THEM suck as a whole.

What a ridiculous piece of trash. And I'd imagine Clay is still trying to defend it.

Bowser 01-25-2019 12:06 PM


Originally Posted by Fish (Post 14071966)
The fight in Snoke's chamber was pretty badass. Well, up until they killed off Snoke anyway. Beyond that it was just shattered dreams, shattered dreams...

There's a vid out there that points out how Daisey Ridley completely boffed the choreography of that scene. Still a cool scene, I guess. The look of the movie was freaking amazeballs, but everything else was poop.

More food for thought - how do laser blasts bend in space over greater distances?

Discuss Thrower 01-25-2019 02:28 PM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 14072115)
There's a vid out there that points out how Daisey Ridley completely boffed the choreography of that scene. Still a cool scene, I guess. The look of the movie was freaking amazeballs, but everything else was poop.

More food for thought - how do laser blasts bend in space over greater distances?

Because it's super-charged/compact plasma and not a laser beam.

bowener 01-25-2019 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by Discuss Thrower (Post 14072474)
Because it's super-charged/compact plasma and not a laser beam.

Still wouldn't bend in space unless there is a strong enough gravitational pull. The trajectory and momentum are kept in a vacuum.


edit: The stupidity of space bombers reminds me of the third act of the first GI JOE movie. They blow up an artic base or something AND THE ****ING ICE STARTS TO SINK!

Sweet Daddy Hate 01-25-2019 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by bowener (Post 14072745)
Still wouldn't bend in space unless there is a strong enough gravitational pull. The trajectory and momentum are kept in a vacuum.


edit: The stupidity of space bombers reminds me of the third act of the first GI JOE movie. They blow up an artic base or something AND THE ****ING ICE STARTS TO SINK!

ROFL :facepalm:

Sweet Daddy Hate 01-25-2019 04:00 PM

I watched this video where it was astutely pointed out that Jango Fett was blowing the piss out of an asteroid field with "smart" seismic charges 40+ years PRIOR to TLJ, yet the best the resistance can do is load 10 "rowboats"( what happened to the Y-Wings? they were older but clearly superior to the piece of shit bombers in TLJ ) with 200 "bombs" stolen from the set of "Pirates of the Caribbean", in an attempt to blow up a modern warship???

This movie was truly the dumbest and most horribly written thing in the entire franchise. I never thought 'Attack of the Clones' could be unseated for "Biggest Pile of Shit" in the SW Universe, but I'll be damned if Disney didn't succeed.

Bowser 01-25-2019 04:35 PM


Originally Posted by bowener (Post 14072745)
Still wouldn't bend in space unless there is a strong enough gravitational pull. The trajectory and momentum are kept in a vacuum.


edit: The stupidity of space bombers reminds me of the third act of the first GI JOE movie. They blow up an artic base or something AND THE ****ING ICE STARTS TO SINK!


I heard someone way back saying "NO NO NO, they're magnetic bombs shot out magnetically!" Should have known it was going to hell in a handbasket when Poe started making mom jokes.

Hammock Parties 01-25-2019 04:38 PM

Expect physics to make sense in Star Wars is stupid.

It's not Star Trek.

The laws of physics bend in Star Wars to suit the storyline and what looks cool.

Shut the **** up haters.

This nerd loved it all.

(except Rose)

Sweet Daddy Hate 01-25-2019 04:51 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 14072885)
Expect physics to make sense in Star Wars is stupid.

It's not Star Trek.

The laws of physics bend in Star Wars to suit the storyline and what looks cool.

Shut the **** up haters.

This nerd loved it all.

(except Rose)

If the physics were the only thing wrong, we wouldn't even be having this discussion. Every SW fan came to grips with the science being "off" long before JJ, KK, and Rian ever DREAMED of destroying a perfectly good franchise, because the characters were great and the story classic.

You're missing the point(s) entirely.

You yourself, as a fan, have speculated the ONLY plausible outcome for this current mess, the only series of events that could tie everything together and make it work.

And you don't do this for a living. That alone should tell you something about how poorly this entire enterprise has unfolded.

Hammock Parties 01-25-2019 05:17 PM

I haven't speculated for shit. That's not even my theory.

I like TLJ and you crabapples are not ruining it for me.

Bowser 01-25-2019 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 14072976)
I haven't speculated for shit. That's not even my theory.

I like TLJ and you crabapples are not ruining it for me.


Look, I'm on record as saying TLJ "in and of itself" is an ok to good movie. I just think it's a ten pound turd when thrown into the order of the Skywalker saga, that's all.

Not even hating on ya; to each their own.

Sweet Daddy Hate 01-25-2019 05:49 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 14072976)
I haven't speculated for shit. That's not even my theory.

I like TLJ and you crabapples are not ruining it for me.

Whether it was your theory or not, the point still stands.

In any event, I will respect your right to enjoy this funeral as you please.

Sweet Daddy Hate 01-25-2019 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 14072976)
I haven't speculated for shit. That's not even my theory.

I like TLJ and you crabapples are not ruining it for me.

Whether it was your theory or not, the point still stands.

In any event, I will respect your right to enjoy this funeral as you please.

Hammock Parties 01-25-2019 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by Sweet Daddy Hate (Post 14073052)
Whether it was your theory or not, the point still stands.

In any event, I will respect your right to enjoy this funeral as you please.

The point doesn't really stand.

That's not the only plausible outcome.

Lots of ways they could take it.

Sweet Daddy Hate 01-25-2019 06:15 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 14073077)
The point doesn't really stand.

That's not the only plausible outcome.

Lots of ways they could take it.

Even if they DID use the "Hand Theory" as the basis for story and outcome, something that I could at least BEGIN to halfway respect, it would do nothing to quell the fact that Luke Skywalker was raped by a talentless, metro-sexual gorilla who should have never been given the reigns without a pre-determined direction and story.

As it stands, the trilogy is currently in a state similar to a Kansas City nightclub on Sunday morning:

The special stank of rancid beer, mop water, and the Missouri River hang deeply in the air inviting the poor, unsuspecting soul who opens the door for the AM shift to be greeted by an overpowering sensation of emptiness, and a hangover which can only be cured by slipping quietly to the bar and pouring oneself a tall glass of liquid courage to endure the long day ahead.

Bowser 01-25-2019 09:11 PM

An interlude. Bringing back a vid that absolutely all of us have seen, and all of us want to see translated into the movies -

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

So. ****ing. Good.

Hammock Parties 01-26-2019 03:51 PM

Despite what you crabapples say, your ass will be in the seat to see Billy Dee this December.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Clear Goals, Motivation, No Limits��️*♀️�� <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Billy Dee Williams (@realbdw) <a href="">December 11, 2018</a></blockquote>
<script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Sweet Daddy Hate 01-26-2019 05:42 PM

Lando is next up for butchering? Sounds about right. They're gonna' wash that extroverted, classic male sexuality right out of their hair!


crayzkirk 01-26-2019 06:22 PM

I think the right hand concept is interesting however the new movies are missing something. Perhaps it's just that I'm older and the special effects don't impress me like they used to. The characters are what drove the original Star Wars and the new characters simply are flat and unrealistic. The prequels were not the best, especially the mess that was episode one and Jar Jar Sith Lord Binks, however they attempted to at least give the characters some sort of story. Cardboard cutouts would be more realistic.

I don't know... Han dying wasn't really a shock and I still get a heavy heart watching Spock die in Wrath of Kahn.

Honestly, there aren't any points in the movie that I remember except for the green seamomma milk Luke drank. He was really hamming it up in that scene.

Hammock Parties 01-27-2019 09:21 AM

Speculation going around that Richard Grant is playing Obi-Wan or a young Snoke.

007 01-27-2019 04:16 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 14071475)
There's a guy out there editing The Last Jedi in it's entirety.

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

There are two big surprises in this trailer.

Nicely done. That actually looked good.

bowener 01-28-2019 12:50 PM

What happened to Dane? I can't remember why he is gone. I really miss him shitting all over these and giving us inside scoops.

Sweet Daddy Hate 01-28-2019 08:18 PM


Originally Posted by bowener (Post 14077549)
What happened to Dane? I can't remember why he is gone. I really miss him shitting all over these and giving us inside scoops.

I think Dane did it right; just log-off and disappear.

Miles 01-28-2019 08:55 PM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 14072882)

I heard someone way back saying "NO NO NO, they're magnetic bombs shot out magnetically!" Should have known it was going to hell in a handbasket when Poe started making mom jokes.

Space B-17s were really dumb. Think it was supposed to be some magnetic shit like you mentioned but was too goofy to care. Those Poe jokes were also quite awkward and agreed should have been the tip-off in what we were in for.

notorious 01-28-2019 09:04 PM

The jokes were an abortion. Completely out of character for a Star Wars movie.

SAUTO 01-28-2019 09:26 PM


Originally Posted by Sweet Daddy Hate (Post 14078447)
I think Dane did it right; just log-off and disappear.

I'm not sure you've ever been right about anything.

Sweet Daddy Hate 01-28-2019 09:45 PM


Originally Posted by SAUTO (Post 14078550)
I'm not sure you've ever been right about anything.

I'm not sure you have any interests in this forum other than following me about and begging for my attention in your pathetic, and passive-aggressive way.

SAUTO 01-29-2019 07:56 AM


Originally Posted by Sweet Daddy Hate (Post 14078580)
I'm not sure you have any interests in this forum other than following me about and begging for my attention in your pathetic, and passive-aggressive way.

I'm quite sure you are wrong once again

BleedingRed 01-29-2019 08:27 AM

Darth Vader going across galaxie hunting Jedi or Sith War movie please thank you

Hammock Parties 02-02-2019 06:39 AM

You can all admit Disney is doing something right. These shorts are awesome.

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Sweet Daddy Hate 02-02-2019 01:25 PM

"Revisit the iconic Cloud City lightsaber battle between Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader, retold in anime form as Disney would have done it if only MOAR CGI had existed in the late 70's"!



Hammock Parties 02-02-2019 01:40 PM

Dude, it's very well done animation. I love it.

Plus, it'll get kids who haven't seen the OT interested for sure.

Sweet Daddy Hate 02-02-2019 01:42 PM

Kids need to watch the OT and then forget that anything else even exists. It will save them time and shitty movies/influences. Just roll with Luke for a while, then get on with your life.

Hammock Parties 02-02-2019 01:51 PM

Only a Sith deals in absolutes.

Sweet Daddy Hate 02-02-2019 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 14086497)
Only a Sith deals in absolutes.

"A Sith, a true Sith, is a being of supreme courage and conviction, one who has dared to stare unflinchingly in to the void at the end of all light and life in the universe and who has returned intact, destined and duty-bound to guide the galaxy to a better outcome than those who came before him".

So **** Disney. :D

Bowser 02-02-2019 02:20 PM

Cool vid, I liked it. I'd be all for more Star Wars in anime form. Been hoping since to see some more since that anime TIE fighter vid popped up a few years ago.

Setsuna 02-02-2019 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 14073540)
An interlude. Bringing back a vid that absolutely all of us have seen, and all of us want to see translated into the movies -

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

So. ****ing. Good.

Too bad they said they won't touch this era of the lore. Which is why Star Wars will continue to fail.

Bowser 02-02-2019 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by Setsuna (Post 14086527)
Too bad they said they won't touch this era of the lore. Which is why Star Wars will continue to fail.

Agreed. There are so many stories from that era that would make amazing movies/series/anime.

Surely Filoni or Favreau understands this and acts on it.

Sweet Daddy Hate 02-02-2019 02:39 PM

I'm GLAD they won't touch that era. Leave that era the **** alone. It's only good thing left.

Bowser 02-02-2019 03:04 PM


Originally Posted by Sweet Daddy Hate (Post 14086535)
I'm GLAD they won't touch that era. Leave that era the **** alone. It's only good thing left.

...which is why I said Filoni or Favreau. KK can stay the hell away from those stories.

Bowser 02-02-2019 03:04 PM

Tell me you wouldn't want to see Filoni do a Bane story, properly.

Sweet Daddy Hate 02-02-2019 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 14086559)
Tell me you wouldn't want to see Filoni do a Bane story, properly.

It's interesting that you would mention Bane. I would of course love to see such a story, but Filoni would have to visually represent Bane as he was initially going to when the Bane/Revan episode got scrapped.
Meaning, I want my bald-headed, eye-tattooed Sith lord proper, not that goofy thing in the helmet that Yoda encountered.

Bowser 02-02-2019 03:43 PM

Agreed. Don't even know WTF it was Yoda thought he saw, even if it did say he was Darth Bane.

Bowser 02-05-2019 10:14 PM

Here's a guy talking about things and ideas. Don't shoot the messenger.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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