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Chief Pagan 03-23-2024 08:55 PM


Originally Posted by bdj23 (Post 17456190)
Ncaa tournament isn't a "crapshoot". A good team will almost certainly win it every year.


Maybe if each round was best of seven.

Almost certainly?

Most years the best team has, what, maybe a one in four of winning according to Vegas betting odds at the start of the tournament?

Mr_Tomahawk 03-23-2024 09:10 PM

What does next year’s team look like?

smithandrew051 03-23-2024 09:17 PM


Originally Posted by Mr_Tomahawk (Post 17456291)
What does next year’s team look like?

With the transfer portal, it’s anyone’s guess.

If Dickinson and Furphy come back and we sign McNeeley, then I’ll have very high hopes.

If Dickinson leaves, then we’ll be looking at starting Adams and Bidunga together. If you didn’t like the spacing this year, then you really won’t like that.

Imon Yourside 03-23-2024 09:26 PM


Originally Posted by KC_Connection (Post 17455977)
Yeah, no. Everyone involved with this program should very much be hoping he does. Easily one of the best players in NCAA and would be even better on a team with actual shooting.

Ya despite him being a Bills fan I do want him back lolz

Buehler445 03-23-2024 10:18 PM


Originally Posted by BigRedChief (Post 17456256)
I put this season on Self. He should have recruited better shooters.

He has two spots tied up with sub par talent. KJ should be the 6th man off the bench on a potential Tournament winner team. Harris has fallen off a cliff.

So why didn’t recruit more shooters? Is there a consensus opinion?

I think part of it is KJ didn't develop. Early they tried to play him a bit outside, which he was awful at, so they went back to him as a slasher role.

Some of it is Elmarko didn't develop and in fact, got worse.

Furphy regressing hurt.

We were close. The team that beat UConn and UK was a goddamn good team that had a shot to win it all. As it ended up that team didn't make it to the end.

Buehler445 03-23-2024 10:25 PM


Originally Posted by smithandrew051 (Post 17456276)
2022 is basically my ideal college basketball roster construction.

4 guys who can handle the ball in the starting lineup with a center who can dominate down low. 3 of the guards are big wings who can defend multiple positions. 2-3 dangerous 3-point shooters on the court at all times. Experienced bench with at least one major scoring option.

That wasn’t the best team we’ve had, but that construction is what I like in college basketball.

Self had A LOT of shitty luck this year though.

He took a chance on Arterio (who absolutely would’ve helped), which failed spectacularly.

Elmarko never looked like a McDonald’s AA. He really needed to be what Sherron was as a freshman (which isn’t unreasonable given his recruit ranking). That just didn’t happen.

Timberlake was one of those shooters we needed, but his game just didn’t translate to real college basketball.

McCullar injury was a killer. Furphy hitting the wall was a killer.

We were also down scholarships which hurt bad.

I don't know WTF they were doing with McCullar early. I'm guessing They were trying to make him appealing to an NBA team. But he wore down last year, and then they upped his usage. I made posts in this thread about it. You could see it coming from a mile away. He wasn't going to make it.

It's frustrating Timberlake finally played well. If he'd have played like he did in the tournament, he could have spelled some of our guys through the year.

KC_Connection 03-24-2024 12:49 AM


Originally Posted by bdj23 (Post 17456214)
Lol no it doesn't. Luck is a KU fan cope.

Nah, it's just the truth. There have been plenty of better Self KU teams than 2022 but they didn't have the good fortune of having the draw around them completely crash.


How does uconn keep winning it, are they the luckiest team of the 21st century?
Yes, absolutely.

KC_Connection 03-24-2024 12:51 AM


Originally Posted by DJay23 (Post 17456237)
What is luck?

Luck is getting a really mediocre UNC team in the NCAA final rather than an Anthony Davis-led Kentucky team.

Is anybody really taking the 2022 KU team straight up against the 2012 KU team if they played a series of games?

Ceej 03-24-2024 06:11 AM

Imagine if this team had Arterio Morris and Harrison Ingram.

farmerchief 03-24-2024 07:52 AM


Originally Posted by Buehler445 (Post 17456326)
I think part of it is KJ didn't develop. Early they tried to play him a bit outside, which he was awful at, so they went back to him as a slasher role.

KJ really needs to be the 6th man coming off the bench, as a lot of others have mentioned. If he or Coach Self doesnt want him to be, he possibly could be more valuable to the football team. Add some pounds, he could be a great T.E. :-)

DJay23 03-24-2024 08:20 AM


Originally Posted by KC_Connection (Post 17456353)
Luck is getting a really mediocre UNC team in the NCAA final rather than an Anthony Davis-led Kentucky team.

Is anybody really taking the 2022 KU team straight up against the 2012 KU team if they played a series of games?

I questioned the use of the word luck because it means one of two things to me:

- Either luck is the word used to describe the outcome of a series of events, that are either unfortunate or fortunate, brought about by chance.

- Or it's a mystical element that you either have or you don't, that guides the outcome of events to be fortunate or unfortunate.

It sounds like you are using it in the former. It's pretty cringey when people use it in the latter.

Buehler445 03-24-2024 08:30 AM


Originally Posted by farmerchief (Post 17456409)
KJ really needs to be the 6th man coming off the bench, as a lot of others have mentioned. If he or Coach Self doesnt want him to be, he possibly could be more valuable to the football team. Add some pounds, he could be a great T.E. :-)

I'm honestly hoping the chiefs get him to camp as a UDFA.

And he doesn't need to add too many pounds

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rfaulk34 03-24-2024 08:49 AM


Originally Posted by KC_Connection (Post 17456015)
They always conveniently forget the 2020 title.

Because it's super easy to forget something that didn't happen.

Bearcat 03-24-2024 08:58 AM


Originally Posted by rfaulk34 (Post 17456432)
Because it's super easy to forget something that didn't happen.

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smithandrew051 03-24-2024 09:24 AM

The team that really got ****ed in 2020 was Dayton.

How often are they going to have the best player in the country?

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