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BigBeauford 03-22-2023 07:19 PM

Wow, Carl Weathers just directed the best episode.

Fish 03-22-2023 07:36 PM

That was way too short. Really good, but too short. 32min episode. Last episode was 58min.

Tribal Warfare 03-22-2023 09:01 PM

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mr. tegu 03-22-2023 09:21 PM

Dragon/bird thing was dumb. Really dumb. Didn’t make sense at all why the dragon would wait forever to feed the babies and never even actually pre digest.

Hammock Parties 03-22-2023 09:24 PM


even the disappointing episodes are amazing


loved the armor stuff

Buehler445 03-22-2023 09:39 PM


Originally Posted by DJ's left nut (Post 16868979)
Did they manage to woke themselves into a pit as well?

I hadn't heard that.

I mean just a quick google search suggests they're still north of 160 million subscribers and that's a fairly small drop from their peak of about 164 million.

And 160 million subscribers is almost certainly more than they had in spring of 2021 and 2022 when Mando seasons 1 and 2 were killing these numbers.

I don't think this is a subscriber loss thing - that math just doesn't check out.

It's not that. It's that it can't subsidize it anymore.

Like all things Venture Capital, the streaming wars are ending in catastrophe. VC backed Netflix, and since VC does VC things, Netflix cared exclusively about growth, and not at all about profitability, even after they reached a critical mass of subscribers. It was always intergalactically stupid to not think they'd ever hit saturation of subscribers.

And since Netflix was doing it, EVERYBODY focused on dumping money in and figuring out profit later. HBOMax, Hulu, Amazon, Apple, and Disney all ****ing did it, because stupid.

Now, Netflix stock price is in the toilet, but they seem to be turning shit around. HBO had to merge with Discovery, and that thing is a total tire fire. I think their plan is to pull off a bunch of preimium content and use it to drive traffic to their ad supported...thing...I guess... For reasons? Hulu is just waiting to get bought. Amazon talked about dumping video ALL TOGETHER if the LOTR thing didn't work out. Nobody knows WTF Apple is doing.

Disney writ large is a hot mess. Star Wars and Marvel are still insanely profitable, but the rest of the company is a mess. Bob Iger hand picked his successor, and 18 months later, fired that **** and stepped back in the driver seat, except with no real vision or apparently plan... for anything. Stock price is in the shitter. Politics douches will point to wokeness, but my wife (who pays attention to what the kids watch more than I do) says Disney is probably better than the rest in terms of working woke shit in there. Fact is there has been some horrendous management throughout Disney, and all divisions have to pay. Including the ones that make money, unfortunately for us.

All because VC's have to do VC things. And to be fair it isn't ENTIRELY their fault, a fair bit of blame falls with everybody else for being too stupid to not see the stupid through the...stupid.



tl;dl We are entering the 1949 Europe portion of the Streaming Wars. And Disney is ****ing up so bad, they're ****ing with Disney +.

The Franchise 03-23-2023 08:41 AM

Just seemed like a filler episode. Still good but really didn't add but maybe one or two small things to the story.

BigBeauford 03-23-2023 08:45 AM


Originally Posted by The Franchise (Post 16870886)
Just seemed like a filler episode. Still good but really didn't add but maybe one or two small things to the story.

An issue I have with his show, is almost every episode feels like filler. Each episode is basically "The Adventures of Mando and Grogu". I have no idea what the hell it's all building to, and it feels like the creators don't either. It's fine, passable entertainment that I can watch with my kids, but nothing more.

Frazod 03-23-2023 09:04 AM

It's funny how it's Star Trek Picard that I really look forward to now, and not this. It's still a decent show, but the substance has been lacking this season.

Graystoke 03-23-2023 09:44 AM

I am enjoying this.
Bo-Katan is drinking the kool-aid full stop now. This is the way.
And who the hell has the darksaber right now?

Hammock Parties 03-23-2023 09:44 AM


Originally Posted by Frazod (Post 16870950)
It's funny how it's Star Trek Picard that I really look forward to now, and not this. It's still a decent show, but the substance has been lacking this season.

the bad batch has a better plot this season

it's empty calories, but man is it delicious LMAO

BigBeauford 03-23-2023 09:53 AM


Originally Posted by Graystoke (Post 16871056)
I am enjoying this.
Bo-Katan is drinking the kool-aid full stop now. This is the way.
And who the hell has the darksaber right now?

God, Katee Sackoff still looks incredible almost 20 years post BSG.

Hammock Parties 03-23-2023 09:55 AM

oh, one thing i kinda liked


BigBeauford 03-23-2023 10:01 AM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 16871083)
oh, one thing i kinda liked


He absolutely killed it.

trndobrd 03-23-2023 10:19 PM


Originally Posted by BigBeauford (Post 16871092)
He absolutely killed it.


Chiefspants 03-24-2023 01:13 AM


listopencil 03-24-2023 03:41 AM


Originally Posted by Chiefspants (Post 16873089)

Finally got to watch the episode.


Gravedigger 03-24-2023 07:57 AM

Meh, with only four episodes left they need to get to the point. I'm not sure who the villain of the season is yet, not sure what last episode was setting up with Dr. Pershing, not sure what this episode is setting up other than Vizla's kid is shit and the baby dragons survived, yay... I guess. Definitely taken steps back the last two weeks from the intrigue of seeing Mandalore and the dangers within to now slowing down to a crawl.

lawrenceRaider 03-27-2023 08:43 AM


Originally Posted by Gravedigger (Post 16873293)
Meh, with only four episodes left they need to get to the point. I'm not sure who the villain of the season is yet, not sure what last episode was setting up with Dr. Pershing, not sure what this episode is setting up other than Vizla's kid is shit and the baby dragons survived, yay... I guess. Definitely taken steps back the last two weeks from the intrigue of seeing Mandalore and the dangers within to now slowing down to a crawl.

The Dr Pershing thing seemed like they tried to pull in some Andor flavor.

Buehler445 03-27-2023 12:00 PM


Originally Posted by lawrenceRaider (Post 16877338)
The Dr Pershing thing seemed like they tried to pull in some Andor flavor.

They’re trying to underpin the palatine clone thing from the sequel trilogy. IMO.

Not sure how I feel about it. I’ve always been whatever, just tell a good story - and that’s probably where I will stay.

But goddamn I love mando and if they botch it, I’ll be unreasonably upset.

Bowser 03-27-2023 12:04 PM

They need to move AWAY from the mess that is the Disney Sequels, not explain and justify them.

Indian Chief 03-29-2023 09:50 AM


Originally Posted by Buehler445 (Post 16877713)
They’re trying to underpin the palatine clone thing from the sequel trilogy. IMO.

Not sure how I feel about it. I’ve always been whatever, just tell a good story - and that’s probably where I will stay.

But goddamn I love mando and if they botch it, I’ll be unreasonably upset.

That was my instant reaction. And if that's where they are going I'll be incredibly disappointed. It was a shit story line to begin with. Don't double down on it.

Hammock Parties 03-29-2023 09:54 AM

tonight is star wars tonight

tomorrow is star trek night


007 03-29-2023 11:43 AM

Well that's an interesting twist.

Buehler445 03-29-2023 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 16849020)
here's a terrifying potential spoiler for bad batch


<iframe width="1280" height="720" src="" title="This scene is more terrifying than you thought" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Not to derail or anything, and I haven't watched the attached video, but this season of Bad Batch was really good. I'm not the biggest animated guy. I did Clone Wars and Rebels and I obviously enjoyed them because that's a commitment, but I'm not a diehard guy. Some of those episodes were shit.

Bad Batch was good. There was some fluff in there, but it wasn't out of line. And I cared about all the characters far, far, far more than I anticipated. And they're doing some really interesting things. Especially the Empire phasing out clones had me far more interested than it had any business doing. The cloning/Palpatine stuff I'm on record not being thrilled about, but they're doing it in a nuanced, natural way, not the hamfisted dogshit Episode 9 was.

It also doesn't get too big for it's britches. It's pretty small scale and feels pretty small scale, because that's what fits the story. They're tangent to some big shit, but like I said, nuance, natural, good.

If you haven't, and you dig Star Wars, Bad Batch is worth the watch.

Skyy God 03-29-2023 03:23 PM

Putting plot armor on that kid was pretty ****ing stupid.

Tribal Warfare 03-29-2023 05:38 PM


Fish 03-29-2023 05:44 PM


Originally Posted by Tribal Warfare (Post 16881224)

That was pretty bad ass.

Indian Chief 03-29-2023 06:28 PM


staylor26 03-29-2023 06:52 PM


Originally Posted by Indian Chief (Post 16881286)


Stryker 03-29-2023 07:29 PM

After seeing reviews, YAAAAWWWWWWNNNN! Not interested. Stopped watching "The Book of Boba Fett" after episode 3.

Stryker 03-29-2023 07:31 PM

Reviews on this season have been not very favorable. :doh!:

loochy 03-29-2023 08:35 PM


Originally Posted by Stryker (Post 16881345)
Reviews on this season have been not very favorable. :doh!:

how about you just decide for yourself?

Fish 03-29-2023 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by Stryker (Post 16881345)
Reviews on this season have been not very favorable. :doh!:

That's silly, this has been some very high quality Star Wars material. Some of the best they've produced in my opinion. Not sure where you're getting the reviews, but they're wrong.

Frazod 03-29-2023 11:17 PM

Great episode. Lots of action. :thumb:

Hammock Parties 03-29-2023 11:34 PM


Hammock Parties 03-29-2023 11:39 PM

I just love the Pirates.


Hammock Parties 03-30-2023 01:05 AM

I don't see how The Bad Batch doesn't end up as an absolute tragedy now.

Heartbreaking. Some of the best storytelling Lucasfilm has done.

lawrenceRaider 03-30-2023 04:25 AM


Originally Posted by Frazod (Post 16881541)
Great episode. Lots of action. :thumb:

I found it dull and forced.

This whole season is a wash so far.

Buehler445 03-30-2023 07:01 AM

I guarantee I'm going to yell


In some setting presuming everyone in the room will have seen the show, and I'll be the only one.

Man, I dug the shit out of that episode.

And yeah


luv 03-30-2023 07:12 AM


Originally Posted by Stryker (Post 16881342)
After seeing reviews, YAAAAWWWWWWNNNN! Not interested. Stopped watching "The Book of Boba Fett" after episode 3.

Okay. So, why post here when you have no interest in it?

loochy 03-30-2023 08:28 AM


Originally Posted by luv (Post 16881653)
Okay. So, why post here when you have no interest in it?

It's very much like going into a soccer thread just to say that "soccer is gay"

Hammock Parties 03-30-2023 08:36 AM


Originally Posted by Buehler445 (Post 16881642)
And yeah




BigRedChief 03-30-2023 09:04 AM

Great action scenes tonight. This season seems to be getting all the factions, players and motives in place before the upcoming war that results in what we saw take place in the movies.

WhawhaWhat 03-30-2023 10:54 AM

Hammock Parties 03-30-2023 11:06 AM


Originally Posted by WhawhaWhat (Post 16882155)


Perfect smarmy no ****s given actor to portray a worthless New Republic bureaucrat.

WhawhaWhat 03-30-2023 11:07 AM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 16881783)



Graystoke 03-30-2023 01:49 PM


Hammock Parties 03-30-2023 02:19 PM


this was all to cheesy for me

Jamie 03-30-2023 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by Stryker (Post 16881345)
Reviews on this season have been not very favorable. :doh!:

I fell out of it after the first episode this season. It's not that it was bad, but after everything the show had built to in the previous seasons, going back to Star Wars: Fetch Quest really sapped my enthusiasm for it.

Fish 03-30-2023 05:04 PM

All these damn pirates, and still no

Buehler445 03-31-2023 08:38 AM


Originally Posted by WhawhaWhat (Post 16882155)


I tried pretty hard to figure out where I knew the guy from and I couldn't figure it out.

Thanks for posting.

DJ's left nut 03-31-2023 02:52 PM


Originally Posted by Stryker (Post 16881345)
Reviews on this season have been not very favorable. :doh!:

It's not as good as the first 2 seasons, no.

It's not actively bad, but they set a bar that they haven't reached. I thought the first 2 episodes were awfully good and they sucked me in, but apart from a couple of cool (and extremely well done) aerial fight sequences and some interesting call backs, the show has meandered quite a bit through the middle.

We'll see if they pull it back together but you consider the middle episodes of last season had Bill Burr and the helmet remove and all that - it's a definite step down.

DJ's left nut 03-31-2023 02:56 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 16881551)
I just love the Pirates.



**** 'they' - evidently you could've just gone up there with Din and had him take out entire squadrons.

Though as I think about it, while I never got far into the animated stuff, don't the early episodes of Clone Wars have Anakin out there in a yellow version of that thing doing pretty much the same stuff? He has some crazy fast/maneuverable thing that just destroys as many ships as are necessary to advance the plot...

Hammock Parties 03-31-2023 03:02 PM


Originally Posted by DJ's left nut (Post 16884520)

**** 'they' - evidently you could've just gone up there with Din and had him take out entire squadrons.

Though as I think about it, while I never got far into the animated stuff, don't the early episodes of Clone Wars have Anakin out there in a yellow version of that thing doing pretty much the same stuff? He has some crazy fast/maneuverable thing that just destroys as many ships as are necessary to advance the plot...

That was a Jedi starfighter, and Anakin ****ing Skywalker.

I can somewhat handwave this away in a similar manner I suppose. Din being an epic pilot and Discount Ellen Ripley being a hell of a mechanic.

KC_Connection 03-31-2023 03:19 PM

I would agree that it's missing something this season. There's some good stuff in here (and I really did like the Pershing episode), but I think they're perhaps trying to tell too big of a story now, one that has likely been planned out for several seasons to come, and this show (at least the way it was formed/worked for the first two seasons) is maybe not the best platform for that.

For most of this season, Din Djarin/Grogu have been effectively thrown to the side to advance the arcs of Bo Katan/Mandalore. It is difficult to see how either one really fits into the greater New Republic/Empire Remnants story either. Those are cool things to see on screen but they really have little to do with our main characters.

Hammock Parties 03-31-2023 03:36 PM


Originally Posted by KC_Connection (Post 16884548)
I would agree that it's missing something this season. There's some good stuff in here (and I really did like the Pershing episode), but I think they're perhaps trying to tell too big of a story now, one that has likely been planned out for several seasons to come, and this show (at least the way it was formed/worked for the first two seasons) is maybe not the best platform for that.

For most of this season, Din Djarin/Grogu have been effectively thrown to the side to advance the arcs of Bo Katan/Mandalore. It is difficult to see how either one really fits into the greater New Republic/Empire Remnants story either. Those are cool things to see on screen but they really have little to do with our main characters.

This is Iron man 3.

I think we are treading water waiting for the other shows to advance the main plot before we get to Endgame.

KC_Connection 03-31-2023 03:51 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 16884559)
This is Iron man 3.

I think we are treading water waiting for the other shows to advance the main plot before we get to Endgame.

That's what it seems, yeah. They're building to something quite big (Thrawn?) that may or may not even be revealed this season.

Like with the MCU, it's ultimately the product of Disney using these shows/movies as vehicles to build up their extended universes (which they were obviously not necessarily doing in S1 of the Mandalorian when they had no idea what they had). That can sometimes be at the expense of the individual shows/movies in question.

DJ's left nut 03-31-2023 04:45 PM


Originally Posted by KC_Connection (Post 16884548)
I would agree that it's missing something this season. There's some good stuff in here (and I really did like the Pershing episode), but I think they're perhaps trying to tell too big of a story now, one that has likely been planned out for several seasons to come, and this show (at least the way it was formed/worked for the first two seasons) is maybe not the best platform for that.

For most of this season, Din Djarin/Grogu have been effectively thrown to the side to advance the arcs of Bo Katan/Mandalore. It is difficult to see how either one really fits into the greater New Republic/Empire Remnants story either. Those are cool things to see on screen but they really have little to do with our main characters.

Tell me that bringing Grogu back was about anything more than marketing.

Because you're right - it's been about Bo Katan and Manalore. And I'm 100% fine with taking it that direction because Din has been fleshed out enough as a character now that you need to find a new underlying story.

But man they messed up the story by bringing in back in Boba Fett and it's clear it was a panic response because he hasn't been needed in this season at all. They took the same story, wrote him into it and kept moving forward.

Chiefspants 03-31-2023 05:42 PM

I honestly don't see much difference in quality between this season and the first part of Season 1. If anything, Season 1 started feeling a bit samey at a certain point (Din goes somewhere, Grogu gets captured, Din saves Grogu, everyone flies home happy).

I think Season 2 and the Book of Mando Fett episodes set a really high bar in Mando's storytelling and now that we're back to world building, it feels like a step backwards.

I really have liked it, though. We saw several seeds planted in the first four episodes start to sprout in this one.

Fish 03-31-2023 08:36 PM

Yeah, I'm not really seeing any stark diversion from what they've been doing overall for the past 2 seasons. It's evident that they're trying to tie in the other shows. Which I don't really mind since they're all so interconnected anyway. I've really enjoyed this season, and I really think we're going to have Thrawn make the screen by the end of it.

I appreciate that it's still very unclear as to the direction of the Mandalorians. The potential of uniting them and reclaiming Mandalore. I like the unknowns at this point.

BigRedChief 04-01-2023 08:26 PM


Originally Posted by Fish (Post 16884906)
Yeah, I'm not really seeing any stark diversion from what they've been doing overall for the past 2 seasons. It's evident that they're trying to tie in the other shows. Which I don't really mind since they're all so interconnected anyway. I've really enjoyed this season, and I really think we're going to have Thrawn make the screen by the end of it.

I appreciate that it's still very unclear as to the direction of the Mandalorians. The potential of uniting them and reclaiming Mandalore. I like the unknowns at this point.

how can a united Mandalore exist? This series and others streaming on Disney+ run up to revenge of the Jedi. There was no Grogu, united Mandalore etc.

loochy 04-01-2023 09:01 PM


Originally Posted by BigRedChief (Post 16885836)
how can a united Mandalore exist? This series and others streaming on Disney+ run up to revenge of the Jedi. There was no Grogu, united Mandalore etc.

This is way after that

Hammock Parties 04-01-2023 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by BigRedChief (Post 16885836)
how can a united Mandalore exist? This series and others streaming on Disney+ run up to revenge of the Jedi. There was no Grogu, united Mandalore etc.

derp. this is set 5 years after

Hammock Parties 04-02-2023 10:32 AM

InChiefsHeaven 04-02-2023 06:23 PM


Originally Posted by DJ's left nut (Post 16884512)
It's not as good as the first 2 seasons, no.

It's not actively bad, but they set a bar that they haven't reached. I thought the first 2 episodes were awfully good and they sucked me in, but apart from a couple of cool (and extremely well done) aerial fight sequences and some interesting call backs, the show has meandered quite a bit through the middle.

We'll see if they pull it back together but you consider the middle episodes of last season had Bill Burr and the helmet remove and all that - it's a definite step down.

Glad I'm not the only one. Granted, I'm not a huge Star Wars "holy shit do you know who that guy is and why it's important?" type of fan. I watched the movies as a kid, watched the shitty prequels and the shitty Disney reboots or whatever...and gave up on Star Wars until the Mandalorian. LOVED season 1 and 2...this boring me to tears. The kick ass space fight in episode 2 (I think it was) was awesome. But the rest of it...I get it is a huge set up but its frankly boring as hell. The dialog is clunky too, and Carl Weathers is...bad...not in a good way.

Anyhoo, I'm sure I'll get flamed for not "getting it" but I just want to be entertained. The first two seasons did that in spades. This last far anyway.

Bowser 04-02-2023 06:43 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 16886173)

This is deeper than my nerdom goes. Please to be having an explanation.

Hammock Parties 04-02-2023 06:48 PM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 16886832)
This is deeper than my nerdom goes. Please to be having an explanation.

This is the official star wars galaxy map. You are looking at the unknown regions.

Exegol is the planet where the Sith Cultists gathered to resurrect Palpatine.

The Chiss Ascendancy is where Grand Admiral Thrawn is from.

Bowser 04-02-2023 06:52 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 16886837)
This is the official star wars galaxy map. You are looking at the unknown regions.

Exegol is the planet where the Sith Cultists gathered to resurrect Palpatine.

The Chiss Ascendancy is where Grand Admiral Thrawn is from.

Ah, thanks. Exegol was the only planet I recognized.

When I saw "Chiss", the first thing that popped to mind was that reptile race that went to war with the Republic after the Thrawn series had come to an end, but I knew that was wrong.

BigRedChief 04-02-2023 08:44 PM

Kathleen Kennedy To Succeed Bob Iger As Disney's CEO

Hammock Parties 04-02-2023 08:45 PM


notorious 04-02-2023 08:53 PM


April Fools.

Bowser 04-02-2023 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by BigRedChief (Post 16887014)
Kathleen Kennedy To Succeed Bob Iger As Disney's CEO

Hammock Parties 04-02-2023 09:05 PM

mother****er posting this on april 2

Sure-Oz 04-02-2023 09:13 PM


Originally Posted by Tribal Warfare (Post 16881224)

Same. Oh man.

Sure-Oz 04-02-2023 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 16881563)
I don't see how The Bad Batch doesn't end up as an absolute tragedy now.

Heartbreaking. Some of the best storytelling Lucasfilm has done.

I'm only episode 5 but man I love SW animation.

listopencil 04-05-2023 11:15 AM

The side quest was a little too neat, although enjoyable. Felt like Star Wars flavored cheese. Other than that it's about time they took care of the detail that was settled at the end of the episode. I have been annoyed by it as it seemed like it could have been easily resolved in several ways before this. Nice dramatic timing in the story arc I guess but this season the show seems to be more Star Wars and less Mandalorian if you know what I mean. I don't want to see a really good show fall away from what made it outstanding.

Bowser 04-05-2023 12:06 PM

I was wondering how that was going to get done. The loophole works I suppose, but they could have used that the minute it happened.

Enjoyed the episode. Bryce Dallas Howard is become a pretty decent director for the SW Universe.

Also, very disappointed we didn't get a The Metal reference. Lol

staylor26 04-05-2023 06:32 PM

This show fell the **** off this season.

Maybe they end on a high note, but very disappointing season thus far.

Tribal Warfare 04-05-2023 10:13 PM

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