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Buehler445 01-10-2020 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 14708539)

Say what you want about Star Wars.

I'd **** Daisy Ridley like she was the cure.

Hammock Parties 01-10-2020 05:46 PM

way better than rise of skywalker LMAO

Ren should have been a part of the trilogy

Al Bundy 01-10-2020 07:45 PM

I thought it was an ok movie. I saw it a second time and what a jumbled mess.

DaneMcCloud 01-14-2020 03:02 PM

This is a much better version of the Treatment synopsis of the Reddit Leak, which has been confirmed as Original by Trevorrow.

Hindsight is 20/20 and all and I'm not sure if this would have made for a "better" film than JJ's but it definitely would have been much different, if not more cogent and coherent.


Sorry 01-15-2020 05:32 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 14724015)
You guys may or may not have seen this but supposedly, the Colin Trevorrow and Derek Connelly's early draft of their Episode IX script was leaked on Reddit. It sounds legit and would have been very, very different from the movie that was eventually made and released.

I'll put it in Spoiler Tags to make it easier to read:


Not terribly better than JJs but better than just killing off Ben. I still would’ve like to see Rey embrace the dark side and Ben end up saving the day

Sassy Squatch 01-15-2020 05:50 PM

That would've flowed better as an ending to this trilogy, I guess.


DaneMcCloud 01-15-2020 06:06 PM


Originally Posted by Superturtle (Post 14726225)
That would've flowed better as an ending to this trilogy, I guess.


First off, my apologies for that awful transcription. I've found a much better version and I'll replace that one shortly.

Secondly, it was a Treatment, which is different than a Rough Draft of a Script, which is how it was (incorrectly) described on Reddit.

A Treatment is more than an Outline but far less than a script. It's basically a collection of ideas about how the story *should* unfold, with Capitalized Words in places. It's kind of weird to read at first, especially someone that's new to the business, and whoever transcribed it from Reddit didn't know how to read and transcribe properly.

From my understanding (this what I was told by Disney insiders) is that Trevorrow's script leaned heavily on Luke & Leia, as he felt they were extremely under-utilized in the first two sequels. He wrote the part about Han appearing to Kylo Ren, which is part of the reason why he and Connelly received Story By Credit. Basically, he wanted the OT heroes to be heroes once again.

Also, Lucasfilm (ahem, KK), was pissed that Poe, Finn & Rey weren't as central to the story and that Kylo's end was "too dark". Apparently, they battled and battled and battled until KK just outright fired Trevorrow, without a plan in place.

Hence, Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker.

Sassy Squatch 01-15-2020 06:14 PM

So Trevorrow actually understood what people wanted from the OT characters, then. Also, killed off your Big Bad in the 2nd movie. If you weren't prepared for the consequences that followed, like potentially making Kylo the actual real main antagonist, DONT ****ING DO THAT!!! God, KK needs to go.

Sorry 01-15-2020 09:26 PM

There should be riots lol

Red Dawg 01-16-2020 01:47 AM

Disney ruined everything.

Red Dawg 01-16-2020 01:49 AM

Palpatine being alive is insanely stupid. He blew up on the Death Star in the middle of outter space.

Chiefspants 01-16-2020 12:25 PM


Originally Posted by Sorry (Post 14726183)
Not terribly better than JJs but better than just killing off Ben. I still would’ve like to see Rey embrace the dark side and Ben end up saving the day

This outline reads a lot like The Last Jedi in that there IS a potentially great movie there, but a few details need to be culled (like the 7,000,000,000 year old sith lord, who JJ pretty much just replaced with Palps) to make it successful.

They just replace those moments with Ben having visions of Vader on his own and having these insightful conversations with Luke, that could be awesome.

TROS was always going to be cookie cutter fan-service, which is precisely why JJ was hired on.

DaneMcCloud 01-16-2020 04:19 PM

This is supposedly the Final Draft of Trevorrow's script. It's a bit different than the first draft (or Treatment). I don't know if this would have made for a better movie but it seems like it would have been more of a fitting end to the latest trilogy.

And, most importantly (IMO, anyway), it doesn't mess with Anakin's Story Arc in the slightest.


Chiefspants 01-16-2020 05:39 PM

That third act needs a Rogue One Tony Gilroy style re-write, but I'm more excited about the bones of it than I was about any of TROS' storybeats.

DaneMcCloud 01-16-2020 06:04 PM


Originally Posted by Chiefspants (Post 14728594)
That third act needs a Rogue One Tony Gilroy style re-write, but I'm more excited about the bones of it than I was about any of TROS' storybeats.

KK brought in Jack Thorne to polish the script after firing Trevorrow but dumped that version as well, once JJ agreed to write and direct IX. There's no going back now but at the very least, Colin Trevorrow and Derek Connelly wrote a cohesive story that aligned well with TFA & TLJ. Again, I don't know how well it would have been received but it *seems* like a better story in which to conclude the saga.

Really, the bottom line is this: If KK was hell bent on creating a new trilogy with a new cast of characters, the sequels shouldn't have been sequels at all. They should have been new, standalone movies set in the distant future. That way, "proper" stories about Han, Luke & Leia could have been told by either recasting or creating an entirely new storyline for them.

There's no way to do that now...

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