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DenverChief 05-16-2007 02:19 AM


Originally Posted by Guru
Man, I'm tellin' ya. You need to turn the mancard in too if you don't know what movie he is quoting that from.

I give :shrug:

luv 05-16-2007 02:19 AM


Originally Posted by Guru
Nah. You just suck. :)

Not in awhile.

007 05-16-2007 02:19 AM

What's the matter, Colonel Sandurz...CHICKEN?!

007 05-16-2007 02:20 AM


Originally Posted by DenverChief
I give :shrug:

Blazing Saddles. One of the funniest lines in the movie.

007 05-16-2007 02:20 AM


Originally Posted by luv
Not in awhile.

so you don't use long thin polyestrene tubes?

ChiefJustice 05-16-2007 02:21 AM

and now "the larch"

007 05-16-2007 02:22 AM


Originally Posted by luv
Not in awhile.

It's Mega Maid. She gone from suck to blow.

DenverChief 05-16-2007 02:23 AM

I'm sorry. But how often do girls just blow their heads off in this shithole town?

DenverChief 05-16-2007 02:24 AM


Originally Posted by Guru
Blazing Saddles. One of the funniest lines in the movie.

i need to re-rent that movie or just buy has been at least 10 years since I have seen it

007 05-16-2007 02:24 AM


Originally Posted by DenverChief
i need to re-rent that movie or just buy has been at least 10 years since I have seen it

That movie is worth owning.

DenverChief 05-16-2007 02:27 AM


Originally Posted by Guru
That movie is worth owning.

Agreed....I am just now starting to rebuild my DVD collection...I had to get some quick cash and sold em now I am at about 15 counting Seinfeld and Battlestar Galactica

acesn8s 05-16-2007 02:27 AM


Originally Posted by Guru
That movie is worth owning.

They have a 25th anniversary edition with alot of special features including both endings to the movie

007 05-16-2007 02:28 AM

I need to get the entire Everybody Loves Raymond on DVD. Just haven't found the bargains yet.

acesn8s 05-16-2007 02:28 AM


Originally Posted by DenverChief
Agreed....I am just now starting to rebuild my DVD collection...I had to get some quick cash and sold em now I am at about 15 counting Seinfeld and Battlestar Galactica

no soup for you!!

007 05-16-2007 02:29 AM


Originally Posted by acesn8s
no soup for you!!

Can you spare a square?

luv 05-16-2007 02:29 AM

I'm still wondering about the hot dog in the bun thing, BTW.

007 05-16-2007 02:29 AM


Originally Posted by acesn8s
no soup for you!!

Funniest line in the entire series run.....

I"M OUT!!!!

luv 05-16-2007 02:29 AM


Originally Posted by Guru
Can you spare a square?

My favorite is "Sponge Worthy"

DenverChief 05-16-2007 02:30 AM

Hey you're looking at the guy that beleived in the comercials, you know "be all that you can be"... I made coffe through desert storm.

acesn8s 05-16-2007 02:31 AM


Originally Posted by Guru
Can you spare a square?

I don't have square to spare.

DenverChief 05-16-2007 02:31 AM


Originally Posted by Guru
I need to get the entire Everybody Loves Raymond on DVD. Just haven't found the bargains yet.

Good show...I saw them for $20 at target for the first 4 seasons IIRC

007 05-16-2007 02:32 AM


Originally Posted by DenverChief
Hey you're looking at the guy that beleived in the comercials, you know "be all that you can be"... I made coffe through desert storm.

So you are Crazycoffee's dad?

DenverChief 05-16-2007 02:33 AM


Originally Posted by acesn8s
no soup for you!!

George: You have no idea of the magnitude of this thing. If she is allowed to infiltrate this world then George Costanza as you know him ceases to exist. You see, right now I have Relationship George. But there is also Independent George. That's the George you know, the George you grew up with... Movie George, Coffee Shop George, Liar George, Bawdy George.
Jerry: I love that George.
George: Me too, and he's dying. If Relationship George walks through this door, he will kill Independent George. A George divided against itself cannot stand!

acesn8s 05-16-2007 02:33 AM


Originally Posted by DenverChief
Hey you're looking at the guy that beleived in the comercials, you know "be all that you can be"... I made coffe through desert storm.

I bet the coffee stayed hot

acesn8s 05-16-2007 02:34 AM


Originally Posted by DenverChief
George: You have no idea of the magnitude of this thing. If she is allowed to infiltrate this world then George Costanza as you know him ceases to exist. You see, right now I have Relationship George. But there is also Independent George. That's the George you know, the George you grew up with... Movie George, Coffee Shop George, Liar George, Bawdy George.
Jerry: I love that George.
George: Me too, and he's dying. If Relationship George walks through this door, he will kill Independent George. A George divided against itself cannot stand!

I just watched that one the other day

DenverChief 05-16-2007 02:35 AM


Originally Posted by Guru
So you are Crazycoffee's dad?

HA! I'm not that old fact you should make a Bday thread for me in oh about 2 weeks

luv 05-16-2007 02:35 AM


acesn8s 05-16-2007 02:37 AM


Originally Posted by luv

no but sedated might be

007 05-16-2007 02:37 AM


Originally Posted by luv

Bout time you rejoined us post whores.

DenverChief 05-16-2007 02:37 AM


Originally Posted by acesn8s
I bet the coffee stayed hot

You def lose your man card if you don't know that movie...and I did fall for the "Be all you can be" slogan, which is why I liked that quote

acesn8s 05-16-2007 02:37 AM

good night all

i'm out

luv 05-16-2007 02:37 AM


Originally Posted by Guru
Bout time you rejoined us post whores.

I've been here.

007 05-16-2007 02:38 AM


Originally Posted by DenverChief
HA! I'm not that old fact you should make a Bday thread for me in oh about 2 weeks

In that case, Happy Birthday. Better early than late.

SPchief 05-16-2007 02:38 AM


Originally Posted by luv

luv is feeling unluved.

DenverChief 05-16-2007 02:38 AM


Originally Posted by acesn8s
good night all

i'm out


DenverChief 05-16-2007 02:39 AM


Originally Posted by Guru
In that case, Happy Birthday. Better early than late.

Thanks :)

007 05-16-2007 02:39 AM


Originally Posted by DenverChief
You def lose your man card if you don't know that movie...and I did fall for the "Be all you can be" slogan, which is why I liked that quote

Thank you Mr. Ramis.

007 05-16-2007 02:39 AM


Originally Posted by DenverChief

Damnit!!! In this thread it is PUSSY!!! :harumph:

luv 05-16-2007 02:40 AM


Originally Posted by SPchief
luv is feeling unluved.

No one is answering my damn hot dog in a bun question!

luv 05-16-2007 02:40 AM


Originally Posted by Guru
Damnit!!! In this thread it is PUSSY!!! :harumph:

I like chicken ****er better.

SPchief 05-16-2007 02:40 AM


Originally Posted by DenverChief

I'm gonna start using this, pussy is outdated.

DenverChief 05-16-2007 02:41 AM


Originally Posted by Guru
Thank you Mr. Ramis.

:spock: Grimes

SPchief 05-16-2007 02:41 AM


Originally Posted by Guru
Damnit!!! In this thread it is PUSSY!!! :harumph:

new rule, pussy has been changed to "CHICKEN****ER

007 05-16-2007 02:41 AM


Originally Posted by luv
No one is answering my damn hot dog in a bun question!

The real question is.... why are you so concerned about his hot dog and buns?

DenverChief 05-16-2007 02:42 AM


Originally Posted by luv
No one is answering my damn hot dog in a bun question!

I missed it?

luv 05-16-2007 02:42 AM


Originally Posted by Guru
The real question is.... why are you so concerned about his hot dog and buns?

I'm more concerned about my buns.

DenverChief 05-16-2007 02:42 AM


Originally Posted by SPchief
new rule, pussy has been changed to "CHICKEN****ER

Shat up Farva!

SPchief 05-16-2007 02:43 AM


Originally Posted by luv
No one is answering my damn hot dog in a bun question!

Sorry, but I don't have any experience in that. DenverChief will have to answer that for you

007 05-16-2007 02:43 AM


Originally Posted by DenverChief
:spock: Grimes

Damnit. I should have said Mr. Reitman. I was referring to the director. Brain fart.

007 05-16-2007 02:44 AM


Originally Posted by SPchief
new rule, pussy has been changed to "CHICKEN****ER

But.... all the blowfish entries on here won't work with that new password now.

DenverChief 05-16-2007 02:45 AM


Originally Posted by Guru
Damnit. I should have said Mr. Reitman. I was referring to the director. Brain fart.

Ridley Scott? I'm so confused on this one

007 05-16-2007 02:47 AM


Originally Posted by DenverChief
Ridley Scott? I'm so confused on this one

WHAT? I was thinking Stripes.

DenverChief 05-16-2007 02:50 AM


Originally Posted by Guru
WHAT? I was thinking Stripes.

Desert Storm hadn't happened yet.....I fast forwarded on everyone a bit...blackhawk down....speaking of which "In the company of heros" by Michael Durant is an excellent book

007 05-16-2007 02:51 AM


Originally Posted by DenverChief
Desert Storm hadn't happened yet.....I fast forwarded on everyone a bit...blackhawk down....speaking of which "In the company of heros" by Michael Durant is an excellent book

Well, that would have been a great line in stripes. Referring to a different war of course.

Guess I didn't expect ya to go from comedy to extreme drama on a dime like that.

DenverChief 05-16-2007 02:52 AM


Originally Posted by Guru
Well, that would have been a great line in stripes. Referring to a different war of course.

Guess I didn't expect ya to go from comedy to extreme drama on a dime like that.

eh like I said I liked the line cause I was suckered into the Army by that "Be all you can be" crap...althought I have many a days I have thought about going back to the "Army of one"

007 05-16-2007 02:54 AM


Originally Posted by DenverChief
eh like I said I liked the line cause I was suckered into the Army by that "Be all you can be" crap...althought I have many a days I have thought about going back to the "Army of one"

Well, we all thank you for your service.

007 05-16-2007 02:55 AM


Originally Posted by SPchief
new rule, pussy has been changed to "CHICKEN****ER

Why do I get the distinct impression that no one will ever announce they are going to bed again?

SPchief 05-16-2007 02:56 AM


Originally Posted by Guru
Why do I get the distinct impression that no one will ever announce they are going to bed again?

I will here in about 20 minutes

DenverChief 05-16-2007 02:57 AM


Originally Posted by Guru
Well, we all thank you for your service.

No problemo, now if I could just get people to feel the same way about my law enforcement career

DenverChief 05-16-2007 02:57 AM


Originally Posted by SPchief
I will here in about 20 minutes

lazy ass

007 05-16-2007 02:57 AM


Originally Posted by DenverChief
No problemo, now if I could just get people to feel the same way about my law enforcement career

Just don't pull me over when I am in the area and I will.

007 05-16-2007 02:58 AM


Originally Posted by SPchief
I will here in about 20 minutes

CHICKEN FU**ER!!! 16 minutes early. :)

DenverChief 05-16-2007 03:03 AM


Originally Posted by Guru
Just don't pull me over when I am in the area and I will.

Eh I'll just give you a hard time ...Walking Tall "tail light is out"

DenverChief 05-16-2007 03:05 AM


Originally Posted by DenverChief
Eh I'll just give you a hard time ...Walking Tall "tail light is out"

Pretty funny bloopers

<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

007 05-16-2007 03:12 AM


Originally Posted by DenverChief
Pretty funny bloopers

<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

Never seen that movie.

SPchief 05-16-2007 03:17 AM

Night all.

I'm a chicken ****er

007 05-16-2007 03:19 AM


Originally Posted by SPchief
Night all.

I'm a chicken ****er

Well gee, that took all the fun out of it.

DenverChief 05-16-2007 03:19 AM


Originally Posted by Guru
Never seen that movie.

It's good...the Rock is a former SF soldier back to his hometown after a war and finds out drugs are a huge problem...then he runs for Sheriff should go rent it

greg63 05-16-2007 03:22 AM

Here (I) come to wreck the day!!!!

DenverChief 05-16-2007 03:26 AM


Originally Posted by greg63
Here (I) come to wreck the day!!!!

Bout time biotch

greg63 05-16-2007 03:29 AM


Originally Posted by DenverChief
Bout time biotch

LOL!!! Tell me about it! I've been tryin to get online for the last hour. Cox sucks!

007 05-16-2007 03:34 AM


Originally Posted by greg63
LOL!!! Tell me about it! I've been tryin to get online for the last hour. Cox sucks!

We have Hooters right next to Cox here.

DenverChief 05-16-2007 03:36 AM


Originally Posted by greg63
LOL!!! Tell me about it! I've been tryin to get online for the last hour. Cox sucks!

time to go with comcast

greg63 05-16-2007 03:37 AM


Originally Posted by Guru
We have Hooters right next to Cox here.

Hehe! Makes sense for so many reasons!

Gotta cut out and go to work; later dudes and dudettes!

DenverChief 05-16-2007 04:17 AM

****in Montezuma just destroyed two of my cities!!!

greg63 05-16-2007 04:34 AM


Originally Posted by DenverChief
time to go with comcast

You might be right.

Joie 05-16-2007 08:27 PM


Originally Posted by greg63
You might be right.

Threadkiller :)

Simply Red 05-16-2007 08:36 PM


Joie 05-16-2007 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by Simply Red


milkman 05-16-2007 08:44 PM


Originally Posted by Simply Red

What the **** do you want?

Spit it out!

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