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Al Bundy 02-16-2019 09:41 AM

The prequels made me not ever want to watch Star Wars again. I tend to like all of the new ones. I simply didn't like anything about the prequels.

Sweet Daddy Hate 02-16-2019 09:49 AM


Originally Posted by Carr4MVP (Post 14109548)
Hell, the original Star Wars story and characters were cookie cutter but they worked well. It was a tale of good and evil. Now they are trying this gray Jedi baloney. Keep Star Wars simple. The mythology is built upon that. It is not Shakespeare.

I don't even have a problem with Gray Jedi. If done properly, it's a VERY intriguing aspect of the SW culture that would be worth exploring. But if that was their intent, then they've done ZERO research on the matter because this nonsense with Kylo Ren has nothing to do with that.


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 14109589)
You can't just tell the same story again.

That's why a lot of us loved TLJ. It took the OT and turned it on it's ear.

Now we are answering the question: what if Vader had overthrown the Emperor?

After IX I'm pretty sure we are going to be answering the question: what if Vader wasn't the bad guy?

Apparently, you CAN tell the same story again. I assume you watched "The Force Awakens"?

No we aren't! Jesus, I could sit here and write a 1000 word essay on how wrong that is, Clay.

Kylo Ren doesn't work as a character in SW because there is NO FOUNDATION. None of these characters have a foundation of any kind or compelling motivation sans Leia, and she's DEAD. Same with Luke. Same with Han. This whole thing was done in such a horrible, rushed, and unimaginative way when it didn't have to be.
In an attempt to be "edgy", Rian Johnson straight-up killed this thing with his short-sightedness and arrogance, and JJ Abrams is in no way talented enough as a writer to fix the damage. If those storyboard leaks are even 50% correct, this movie has already lost. It's a HUGE bag of dicks before it even hits the theaters.

Hammock Parties 02-16-2019 09:53 AM


Kylo Ren doesn't work as a character in SW because there is NO FOUNDATION.
They are building the foundation, honey.


When all is said and done, the ST will come to be known as a coming of age for Kylo and Rey, how they found themselves, and eventually allied together to fight a common enemy...which will be the conflict going forward in X.

It's going to be WIZARD!

MarkDavis'Haircut 02-16-2019 10:00 AM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 14109589)
You can't just tell the same story again.

That's why a lot of us loved TLJ. It took the OT and turned it on it's ear.

Now we are answering the question: what if Vader had overthrown the Emperor?

After IX I'm pretty sure we are going to be answering the question: what if Vader wasn't the bad guy?

Fine. That is a salient point.

But the Last Jedi didn't give us a better story. All that movie had were lame twists for the sake of twists. It is a film that a pretentious film major would shoot. Oh look, I am defying convention. Too bad, it ruined the story and characters. All the villains are either dead or buffoons. Ren is a mess. Rey isn't much better. Finn's arc is on repeat. Poe is disgraced. Rose is a joke. The Resistance is down to one ship.

There is nothing there to get excited about.

Hammock Parties 02-16-2019 10:05 AM

The Resistance is down to one ship and you aren't excited to see what happens next?

I'm pretty stoked to be honest.

They made the odds even worse. So much potential now. Any number of paths they could go on.

They really get to make this their own story now, instead of just a rehash of the OT, which was the path they were on after TFA.

TLJ breathed a lot of life into the franchise for some of us.

I won't deny that Finn and Rose are terrible characters, but it's not like the OT and PT didn't have their share of that.

007 02-16-2019 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 14109688)
The Resistance is down to one ship and you aren't excited to see what happens next?

I'm pretty stoked to be honest.

They made the odds even worse. So much potential now. Any number of paths they could go on.

They really get to make this their own story now, instead of just a rehash of the OT, which was the path they were on after TFA.

TLJ breathed a lot of life into the franchise for some of us.

I won't deny that Finn and Rose are terrible characters, but it's not like the OT and PT didn't have their share of that.

It didn't breathe life into it. It split the fan base.

I'm happy you are happy but they are hurting the franchise with these decisions. Not helping it.

Hammock Parties 02-16-2019 03:42 PM

It was a bold move that will pay off in the long run because now they have so many more directions to take the story.

Now they can truly tell an original story.

Hammock Parties 02-16-2019 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 14108750)



Rey’s hair is in the style above because it has to mach older footage of Rey that was shot with Carrie for The Force Awakens. The details of the sequence are not being talked about at this time, however.
Spoilery stuff here:

There is still a threat from The Beyond, however.

Bowser 02-17-2019 05:56 PM

What is the consensus on Mike Zeroh and his reporting? I see his stuff pop up all the time, but never watch it with any regularity. He dropped a vid today talking about what JJ is supposedly going to do with Kylo in IX, but didn't want to get boo'd out of the thread for posting Mike Zeroh stuff, lol.

Chiefspants 02-17-2019 05:58 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 14110050)
It was a bold move that will pay off in the long run because now they have so many more directions to take the story.

Now they can truly tell an original story.

Conspiracy time.

I vastly, vastly prefer the original script for TLJ. There was no Rose. Poe went off with Finn (meaning that their bromance could continue to develop and no pink haired or Rose plot) and the deleted scenes with Luke and Rey would have never been deleted. So, did someone interfere high up at Disney to make add unnecessary "female empowerment" characters (rather than, I don't know, adding more for Leia and having Leia be the one who sacrifices herself for the rebels). It's just odd. Rian still clearly has a lot of sway at Disney, and it makes me wonder what went on behind the scenes between the first draft of the script to what ended up playing at the theaters.

With that said, I still prefer TLJ to TFA because TFA did nothing but set up the same exact trilogy that we saw with the originals.

Hammock Parties 02-17-2019 06:01 PM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 14111616)
What is the consensus on Mike Zeroh and his reporting? I see his stuff pop up all the time, but never watch it with any regularity. He dropped a vid today talking about what JJ is supposedly going to do with Kylo in IX, but didn't want to get boo'd out of the thread for posting Mike Zeroh stuff, lol.

let your freak flag fly imo

Bowser 02-17-2019 06:09 PM

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Bowser 02-17-2019 06:09 PM

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Sweet Daddy Hate 02-17-2019 06:10 PM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 14111616)
What is the consensus on Mike Zeroh and his reporting? I see his stuff pop up all the time, but never watch it with any regularity. He dropped a vid today talking about what JJ is supposedly going to do with Kylo in IX, but didn't want to get boo'd out of the thread for posting Mike Zeroh stuff, lol.

95% complete fanboi horseshit. Along with being practically unwatchable, his sources are so ****ing sad and pathetic, that he's been beating the "Anakin force ghost"-bullshit theory like a dead horse for four ****ing years now with ZEROH accuracy( get it? ha-ha....:rolleyes:).

The only thing he's ever posted worth a **** are those storyboard spoilers that come from a single source. And that source was maybe 50% or less correct when the final product was released. I initially rated that spoiler at 75% but after re-watching it, it was much less accurate.

At least Mike Zeroh cut his hair though. Prior to the trip to the barbershop, it was like watching a roadie for Anthrax talk about Star Wars. Stupidly, of course.

Bowser 02-17-2019 07:11 PM

FYI - The Force Awakens is being played on ABC right now

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