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backinblack 07-03-2020 12:59 AM

Dan Snyder is never gonna change the name, y'all are fooling yourselves. This is nothing but posturing, you are just gonna have to keep living with it.

Scooter LaCanforno 07-03-2020 04:30 AM


Originally Posted by Hydrae (Post 15049157)
How much money will Nike make on the newly branded merchandise? :hmmm:

Do the Redskins have a contract with Nike ? Does this mean that the Redskins can now make and sell their own merchandise? Does this open the door for other teams to make and sell their own merchandise? Does this open the door for Jerry Jones to own and sell their own merchandise? Jones has been trying to get out of the NFL contract for years.

OrtonsPiercedTaint 07-03-2020 05:16 AM

Benjamin Frankenstein: we tried, really we did. The dismissed consciences were inevitable, it seems.

Jewish Rabbi 07-03-2020 05:24 AM


Originally Posted by |Zach| (Post 15049250)
That is fine. It is honestly a dumb name and a dumb brand. Not really offensive does not feel the same as Washington but if we thought up of something new and different that would be great.

“|Pussy| has joined the thread”

Direckshun 07-03-2020 05:44 AM


Originally Posted by Easy 6 (Post 15048931)
It’s ****ing garbage, why don’t you google Red Mesa Arizona Navajo high school football team for just one example

There is no consensus among native Americans about this shit at all, it’s just a bunch of ****ing GARBAGE... we’re becoming a nation of SPOILED PUSSIES


Never underestimate a grown man’s commitment to a corporate mascot.

displacedinMN 07-03-2020 06:48 AM

Everything's offensive.

Dayze 07-03-2020 06:59 AM

I’ll save the woke mob some time. Well just rename each nfl team where each team will be a number between 123 and 173
Kansas City 145s sounds good.

There. Now no one is offended.

displacedinMN 07-03-2020 07:04 AM


Originally Posted by Dayze (Post 15049682)
I’ll save the woke mob some time. Well just rename each nfl team where each team will be a number between 123 and 173
Kansas City 145s sounds good.

There. Now no one is offended.

Everything's offensive. Give it time.

I believe Schefter is missing the mark here.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Just saying.... <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Adam Schefter (@AdamSchefter) <a href="">July 3, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Oilers to Titans has nothing to do with being offended. Nashville has very little to do with oil.

Devil Rays are real things.

Ducks-well appearently Mighty was to masculine????

DaFace 07-03-2020 07:07 AM


Originally Posted by displacedinMN (Post 15049688)
Everything's offensive. Give it time.

I believe Schefter is missing the mark here.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Just saying.... <a href=""></a></p>— Adam Schefter (@AdamSchefter) <a href="">July 3, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Oilers to Titans has nothing to do with being offended. Nashville has very little to do with oil.

Devil Rays are real things.

Ducks-well appearently Mighty was to masculine????

I take his point just to be that it's really not the end of the world to change a name. People eventually get used to it and move on.

Sorce 07-03-2020 07:12 AM

displacedinMN 07-03-2020 07:18 AM

Nike pulls Redskins merchandise--But yet today this email

Fresh Chiefs Looks By Nike + 30% OFF!

lcarus 07-03-2020 07:26 AM


Originally Posted by displacedinMN (Post 15049699)
Nike pulls Redskins merchandise--But yet today this email

Fresh Chiefs Looks By Nike + 30% OFF!

The Chiefs name isn't the trendy social media fake outrage of the day. I hope the Redskins never change their name. They're like a barrier for us. They have to get them before they'll come for us.

OrtonsPiercedTaint 07-03-2020 07:34 AM

If one changes they all will. Kansas City or KC would work because people use it anyway.

SuperBowl4 07-03-2020 08:18 AM

The new name has been released
The Washington Foreskins
Boyz with the hoods was also considered but Foreskins won out

SuperBowl4 07-03-2020 08:32 AM


Originally Posted by Kiimosabi (Post 15049097)
Here come two of the biggest dumbshits to grace the pages of this forum. **** off vailpass and eat shit foreverchiefs you two racist chuckle****s can go suck each others' cocks in DC


Mosbonian 07-03-2020 08:59 AM


Originally Posted by Scooter LaCanforno (Post 15049624)
Do the Redskins have a contract with Nike ? Does this mean that the Redskins can now make and sell their own merchandise? Does this open the door for other teams to make and sell their own merchandise? Does this open the door for Jerry Jones to own and sell their own merchandise? Jones has been trying to get out of the NFL contract for years.

This is an interesting concept....would be funny if the side effect of all of this is the NFL getting out of a contract with Nike.

Could you imagine the free-for-all this would create with companies scrambling to sign with each individual team?

ChiefsCountry 07-03-2020 09:00 AM


Originally Posted by Mosbonian (Post 15049769)
Could you imagine the free-for-all this would create with companies scrambling to sign with each individual team?

You mean like it used to be.

ClevelandBronco 07-03-2020 09:07 AM

Cleveland Browns ...

I could argue it both ways.

Gravedigger 07-03-2020 09:08 AM

Let's be honest, Chiefs is not even remotely offensive compared to Redskins. Chiefs pays homage to actual leaders of Native American tribes, actual positions of power and leadership that exist throughout many different groups. We don't have a picture of a Native American as our logo, we have a wolf as our mascot, and we have an arrowhead as our brand, the deadly part of all arrows that exist throughout archery, hunting, etc. You can say the tomahawk chop is offensive, but good luck getting a stadium of 75000 to stop that regardless if you don't play the music to it.

IMO the Redskins and Indians can go through the name and mascot changes, the Braves and Chiefs shouldn't be forced to make any changes.

NWTF 07-03-2020 09:25 AM


Originally Posted by lcarus (Post 15049702)
The Chiefs name isn't the trendy social media fake outrage of the day. I hope the Redskins never change their name. They're like a barrier for us. They have to get them before they'll come for us.

This is correct.

ClevelandBronco 07-03-2020 09:27 AM

If you find yourself constructing a reasoned argument against the name change (a change that is inevitable, IMHO), you’ve already misunderstood the situation. Reason will be a weak and ineffective tool in this situation. Money is your only real lever—if you can find the will to push your collective weight against it. Even then, your opponents probably outweigh all of you.

Deberg_1990 07-03-2020 09:28 AM

Looks like Snyder’s finally going to do it.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">And here it is: the Redskins are undergoing a thorough review of the team’s name.<br><br>And let’s be clear: There’s no review if there’s no change coming.<br><br>Redskins on way out. <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Adam Schefter (@AdamSchefter) <a href="">July 3, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Hammock Parties 07-03-2020 09:31 AM

this statement is signed REDSKINS LMAO

they're not changing shit - this statement is a low key **** you

ClevelandBronco 07-03-2020 09:35 AM

Braves, Indians, Chiefs—They’ll all be history quickly. There’s simply no consequence to getting rid of the names and imagery

Hammock Parties 07-03-2020 09:37 AM


Originally Posted by ClevelandBronco (Post 15049812)
Braves, Indians, Chiefs—They’ll all be history quickly. There’s simply no consequence to getting rid of the names and imagery

No. The Chiefs fan base is strong enough they don't care about this shit.

Cancel culture ain't coming here.

Deberg_1990 07-03-2020 09:40 AM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 15049807)
this statement is signed REDSKINS LMAO

they're not changing shit - this statement is a low key **** you

They wouldn’t have even put this out if they had no intention of changing

Granted, their hand is being forced financially from Fedex, Nike, etc....

RealSNR 07-03-2020 09:44 AM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 15049815)
No. The Chiefs fan base is strong enough they don't care about this shit.

Cancel culture ain't coming here.

Dude, I don't want the Chiefs name to change, but the fans have very little power in deciding this shit.

Snyder and the fans thought they were in charge with Redskins. And then the money arrived at the party, and then they had nothing.

Hammock Parties 07-03-2020 09:46 AM


Originally Posted by RealSNR (Post 15049824)
Dude, I don't want the Chiefs name to change, but the fans have very little power in deciding this shit.

Snyder and the fans thought they were in charge with Redskins. And then the money to the party, and they had nothing.

DC is different. Period.

redfriday 07-03-2020 09:46 AM

Latest news from the Redskins.

Shag 07-03-2020 09:47 AM


Originally Posted by Deberg_1990 (Post 15049817)
They wouldn’t have even put this out if they had no intention of changing

Granted, their hand is being forced financially from Fedex, Nike, etc....

I don't think that's true at all. They can't say nothing in this day and age - they have to give the appearance that they're taking it seriously. I wouldn't be surprised if this ends in the standard "We talked, they're cool with it, and we gave them a bunch of money."

ToxSocks 07-03-2020 09:50 AM


Originally Posted by ClevelandBronco (Post 15049812)
Braves, Indians, Chiefs—They’ll all be history quickly. There’s simply no consequence to getting rid of the names and imagery

Braves, Indians and Chiefs don't directly refer to someone's skin color, nor were they used as a slur in the 1800's-1900's to summarize a type of people.

It's a pretty damn important nuance.

It's very simple to me: Society wouldn't tolerate a "Blackskins" team. Most of us would agree it's in poor taste.

Society would go ape shit over a "Whiteskins" team.

Why is Redskins any different?

vonBobo 07-03-2020 09:56 AM

Texas Rangers: brutal racists, the klan of the border.

WhawhaWhat 07-03-2020 09:59 AM

Washington Sentinels please.

Rain Man 07-03-2020 10:21 AM


Originally Posted by Detoxing (Post 15049833)
Braves, Indians and Chiefs don't directly refer to someone's skin color, nor were they used as a slur in the 1800's-1900's to summarize a type of people.

It's a pretty damn important nuance.

It's very simple to me: Society wouldn't tolerate a "Blackskins" team. Most of us would agree it's in poor taste.

Society would go ape shit over a "Whiteskins" team.

Why is Redskins any different?

Yeah, the interesting part of this is that people on all sides become so entrenched that there's no reasonable discussion. I have misgivings about replacing names like Braves and Chiefs. I don't think they're inherently disparaging terms, and I view with skepticism the notion of "embracing diversity" by deleting public references to a culture. I think people view the Redskins name as the opening salvo of a larger war and they want to hold the line, but defending the name "Redskins" is a folly.

It would appear to me that the line of reasonableness falls somewhere between Redskins and Braves. Redskins is clearly over the line. Maybe Indians is as well, though I find it hard to view it as a racial thing when we've also got the Vikings and patriots that are the same concept. I think Braves is under the line because it's not about Indians, it's about warriors and it's clearly honorific. Braves is equivalent to Cowboys and Oilers and Packers.
It's not racially motivated, but rather is vocationally oriented. Chiefs is closer to the line than Braves, but still under it for the same reason. As others have noted, I think the issue lies with the tertiary activities like the chop and the horse and that sort of thing.

Others may have different opinions about where the line is, of course, but our challenge is that we don't know what the rule is for changing. Does it change if more than 50 percent are offended? Or do we change if one person out of our 300 million is offended?

Or are the only opinions that count those of the population being portrayed? I'd be fine with that as a decision rule, but if that's the case then I don't want to hear the opinions of the non-portrayed population. We put the question to our population of Native Americans and let them decide. And then we go to our Scandinavian population about Vikings and our tiger population about Bengals.

tk13 07-03-2020 10:34 AM

Stephen A. Smith says live on ESPN that a source tells him the name is going to be changed.

GloucesterChief 07-03-2020 10:35 AM

If they change the name then Synder will lose any respect he had among the Skins fans. They will be flying banners calling for him to sell the team. Defending the name is the only thing they praised him for and the only thing keeping from a full out fan revolt.

I am betting the fanbase doubles and triples down on the Indian iconography.

dj56dt58 07-03-2020 10:37 AM


Originally Posted by scho63 (Post 15049510)
This is gonna get real ugly. I mean real ugly and it could cascade across every league and every name someone is offended by.

I knew this was coming......

This is what happens when you allow things that will start a slippery slope

Kman34 07-03-2020 10:40 AM

Would the name “Allskins” be offensive?? You know they are coming for the Chiefs next.. Hopefully having the new face of the NFL keeps them at bay for awhile..

Chieftain 07-03-2020 10:40 AM

Renaming the team to Washington Generals would make the most sense but then I see there is a basketball team with the same name who exists only to play exhibition games against the Harlem Globetrotters.

Chieftain 07-03-2020 10:43 AM

I was talking to a friend of mine who is very knowledgeable about the history of the NFL and who is no liberal by any means. He said that the term Redskin was used back in the day as a slur to refer to Indians similar to how the use of the N word refers to Blacks.

RedandGold 07-03-2020 10:45 AM


Originally Posted by WhawhaWhat (Post 15049844)
Washington Sentinels please.

This! :thumb:

The Franchise 07-03-2020 11:04 AM


Originally Posted by Chieftain (Post 15049915)
I was talking to a friend of mine who is very knowledgeable about the history of the NFL and who is no liberal by any means. He said that the term Redskin was used back in the day as a slur to refer to Indians similar to how the use of the N word refers to Blacks.

You don’t say!?

OrtonsPiercedTaint 07-03-2020 11:10 AM


Originally Posted by Mosbonian (Post 15049769)
This is an interesting concept....would be funny if the side effect of all of this is the NFL getting out of a contract with Nike.

Could you imagine the free-for-all this would create with companies scrambling to sign with each individual team?

So if they change the name. Anybody can make Redskins apparel, which fans will want.. Talk about lost revenue.

ToxSocks 07-03-2020 11:13 AM


Originally Posted by GloucesterChief (Post 15049897)
If they change the name then Synder will lose any respect he had among the Skins fans. They will be flying banners calling for him to sell the team. Defending the name is the only thing they praised him for and the only thing keeping from a full out fan revolt.

I am betting the fanbase doubles and triples down on the Indian iconography.

The fans will get over it. Whether or not fans respect Snyder won't change his bottom line. At the end of the day it's about the team. Fans care much more about the team than the team's owner. If Snyder can figure out how to build a winning team the fans won't give a shit about Snyder or the name of the team.

JD10367 07-03-2020 11:14 AM

I'm not sure why anyone has an issue with this (although it's humorous watching white people try to defend it). This isn't a flattering name, like "braves". It doesn't denote leadership, like "chiefs". It doesn't denote a group nationality, like "indians" (which, sure, is technically incorrect, but it's not our fault the dumbasses who first landed here thought they'd made it to India... so, "Indians" it is, for Native Americans, like it or not). The word "redskins" is literally nothing but a derogatory term for their skin color. Why don't we have a southern team called the Blackskins or Darkies, doesn't that sound good? Hey, San Fran has a huge Asian population, how about we change their name to the Yellows or Chinks? There is not one good brain cell of a reason to defend the name "Redskins". Change it back to Braves, change it to Nationals, whatever. ****ing team's only been around since 1937 and some of you act like they want to tear down Confederate war statues...

Zebedee DuBois 07-03-2020 11:18 AM

They should change it to the most powerful group in America: the Washington Lobbyists.

ToxSocks 07-03-2020 11:20 AM


Originally Posted by JD10367 (Post 15049954)
I'm not sure why anyone has an issue with this (although it's humorous watching white people try to defend it). This isn't a flattering name, like "braves". It doesn't denote leadership, like "chiefs". It doesn't denote a group nationality, like "indians" (which, sure, is technically incorrect, but it's not our fault the dumbasses who first landed here thought they'd made it to India... so, "Indians" it is, for Native Americans, like it or not). The word "redskins" is literally nothing but a derogatory term for their skin color. Why don't we have a southern team called the Blackskins or Darkies, doesn't that sound good? Hey, San Fran has a huge Asian population, how about we change their name to the Yellows or Chinks? There is not one good brain cell of a reason to defend the name "Redskins". Change it back to Braves, change it to Nationals, whatever. ****ing team's only been around since 1937 and some of you act like they want to tear down Confederate war statues...

As RainMan said, for those people defending this it's not really about the name so much as it as about not giving in to what they believe is a slippery slope that could eventually affect teams like the Chiefs.

I understand that concern. I get it. Because their WILL be some bitch from some organization that claims to be offended. And yeah, maybe "they" will try to go after the Chiefs once the Redskins cave.

But my hope is that common sense will prevail for the majority, and the nuance we've pointed out regarding the names would be understood.

Redskins SHOULD be changed. But teams like the Braves, Chiefs etc shouldn't. Hopefully society can tell the difference.

OrtonsPiercedTaint 07-03-2020 11:20 AM

You can't take Alex Smith any where without controversy.

ToxSocks 07-03-2020 11:20 AM


Originally Posted by Zebedee DuBois (Post 15049961)
They should change it to the most powerful group in America: the Washington Lobbyists.


I like it.

Buddy Rich 07-03-2020 11:20 AM

Since being gay is cool now how about the dc dicklickers?

Deberg_1990 07-03-2020 11:25 AM


Originally Posted by Detoxing (Post 15049962)
As RainMan said, for those people defending this it's not really about the name so much as it as about not giving in to what they believe is a slippery slope that could eventually affect teams like the Chiefs.

I understand that concern. I get it. Because their WILL be some bitch from some organization that claims to be offended. And yeah, maybe "they" will try to go after the Chiefs once the Redskins cave.

But my hope is that common sense will prevail for the majority, and the nuance we've pointed out regarding the names would be understood.

Redskins SHOULD be changed. But teams like the Braves, Chiefs etc shouldn't. Hopefully society can tell the difference.

Chiefs isn’t a racial slur like Redskins. Chief is a pretty widely used title and term of respect used all over the business and military worlds.

I could however see them go after the Native American imagery associated with Chiefs like the Arrowhead and Drum stuff, etc. I thought the Chiefs organization had attempted to tone this down anyways in recent years?

MAHOMO 4 LIFE! 07-03-2020 11:29 AM

They are now pushing for the Indians, Braces and Chiefs to change their names

ToxSocks 07-03-2020 11:31 AM


Originally Posted by MAHOMO 4 LIFE! (Post 15049972)
They are now pushing for the Indians, Braces and Chiefs to change their names

"They" have been pushing for that for years. Hence the reason why the "slippery slope" people don't want the Redskins name changed. But the Redskins name needs to be changed. But the line needs to be drawn there. The concern is whether or not the line will be drawn there.

I have faith that it will. But i understand those that think it won't.

The Franchise 07-03-2020 11:50 AM


Originally Posted by JD10367 (Post 15049954)
I'm not sure why anyone has an issue with this (although it's humorous watching white people try to defend it). This isn't a flattering name, like "braves". It doesn't denote leadership, like "chiefs". It doesn't denote a group nationality, like "indians" (which, sure, is technically incorrect, but it's not our fault the dumbasses who first landed here thought they'd made it to India... so, "Indians" it is, for Native Americans, like it or not). The word "redskins" is literally nothing but a derogatory term for their skin color. Why don't we have a southern team called the Blackskins or Darkies, doesn't that sound good? Hey, San Fran has a huge Asian population, how about we change their name to the Yellows or Chinks? There is not one good brain cell of a reason to defend the name "Redskins". Change it back to Braves, change it to Nationals, whatever. ****ing team's only been around since 1937 and some of you act like they want to tear down Confederate war statues...

The Nationals would be a good one if the baseball team didn’t exist.

loochy 07-03-2020 11:58 AM

What about the Natives.?

Redbled 07-03-2020 12:01 PM

Washington Bullets seems appropriate.

ptlyon 07-03-2020 12:05 PM

Just change it to the Washington Pelosi's and call it good

ToxSocks 07-03-2020 12:18 PM

The Washington Corruption.

I like the way that sounds.

vailpass 07-03-2020 12:18 PM


Originally Posted by MAHOMO 4 LIFE! (Post 15049972)
They are now pushing for the Indians, Braces and Chiefs to change their names

Cowboys and Patriots likely “offend” the inquisitors as well. Now that they’ve corrected the thinking of the Redskins owner it’s time to see who’s next.

George Liquor 07-03-2020 12:26 PM


Originally Posted by MAHOMO 4 LIFE! (Post 15049972)
They are now pushing for the Indians, Braces and Chiefs to change their names

The mob stops for nobody. I'm surprised people are shocked by this.

George Liquor 07-03-2020 12:28 PM


But my hope is that common sense will prevail for the majority, and the nuance we've pointed out regarding the names would be understood.

Redskins SHOULD be changed. But teams like the Braves, Chiefs etc shouldn't. Hopefully society can tell the difference.
It's cute that you believe this

CarlosCarson27 07-03-2020 12:47 PM

total propaganda created bullshit from the very beginning.

CarlosCarson27 07-03-2020 12:52 PM


Originally Posted by Redbled (Post 15050020)
Washington Bullets seems appropriate.

another mockery move by the govt..

Bullets is offensive to the black community and conotates death and crime/racism.
hey, heres an idea. Change the name to a upper management leader of the KKK..

The national leader of the Ku Klux Klan is called either a Grand Wizard or an Imperial Wizard, depending on which KKK organization is being described.

ptlyon 07-03-2020 12:54 PM

Gimme back my bullets. Put em back where they belong...

Pasta Little Brioni 07-03-2020 12:57 PM

Washington Crackers

MAHOMO 4 LIFE! 07-03-2020 12:58 PM

Washington generals

ThaVirus 07-03-2020 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by GloucesterChief (Post 15049897)
If they change the name then Synder will lose any respect he had among the Skins fans.

No one respects Snyder

Mosbonian 07-03-2020 01:07 PM


Originally Posted by ChiefsCountry (Post 15049771)
You mean like it used to be.

Yep...but that was before anyone realized how lucrative licensing would really turn out to be.

Pasta Little Brioni 07-03-2020 01:08 PM


Originally Posted by MAHOMO 4 LIFE! (Post 15050097)
Washington generals

Washington Mahomo

Kman34 07-03-2020 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by ptlyon (Post 15050092)
Gimme back my bullets. Put em back where they belong...

Love the Lynyrd Skynyrd reference...

Monticore 07-03-2020 01:31 PM

To piss people off he will just call them the Washington Chiefs, Natives, Braves etc.

Willie Lanier 07-03-2020 01:58 PM


Originally Posted by Detoxing (Post 15050042)
The Washington Corruption.

I like the way that sounds.

I chuckled at this, and then sadly agreed.

The devolution of the United States of America is terrifying to watch...

Scooter LaCanforno 07-03-2020 02:17 PM


Originally Posted by Zebedee DuBois (Post 15049961)
They should change it to the most powerful group in America: the Washington Lobbyists.

"The Washington Lampreys" for all the blood suckers in Washington.

Kiimo 07-03-2020 02:47 PM

To the right wing familiars from DC invading this thread: maybe take a moment and think do I really want to defend an actual racial slur to own the libs

DaFace 07-03-2020 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by Kiimosabi (Post 15050287)
To the right wing familiars from DC invading this thread: maybe take a moment and think do I really want to defend an actual racial slur to own the libs

Nah, we're not doing that.

George Liquor 07-03-2020 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by Kiimosabi (Post 15050287)
To the right wing familiars from DC invading this thread: maybe take a moment and think do I really want to defend an actual racial slur to own the libs


vailpass 07-03-2020 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by Kiimosabi (Post 15050287)
To the right wing familiars from DC invading this thread: maybe take a moment and think do I really want to defend an actual racial slur to own the libs

Shut the **** up and keep your politics out of the lounge.

DaFace 07-03-2020 03:14 PM


Originally Posted by vailpass (Post 15050319)
Shut the **** up and keep your politics out of the lounge.

He can't see this FWIW.

booger 07-03-2020 03:21 PM

Washington wire taps

vailpass 07-03-2020 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by DaFace (Post 15050329)
He can't see this FWIW.

Thanks for the heads up. Am I on zir iggy list?

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