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rico 05-28-2013 11:59 AM


Originally Posted by Backwards Masking (Post 9714156)
can't be, i haven't posted in the Scott Weiland being fired thread. i do thank you for bringing it to my attention though, as I heard Scott's statements on 98.9 the other day and found them extremely entertaining, to say the least.

Stone Temple Pilots was "his band" after all!

I wonder who I have you mixed up with.

There was some dude who is in a band who Dane was ragin' with hard core in that thread. I am a huge STP fan and wanted to comment in the thread, but Dane made his presence known in that one and to be honest, I didn't want to be unexpectedly eaten alive by inadvertently writing something stupid.

I wonder who I have you mixed up with. It was some dude in a band who had some trippy looking shit in his avatar. Thought it was you. Hmm.

threebag 05-28-2013 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by SNR (Post 9714034)
Who the **** is Backwards Masking and why is he posting on the internet forum I love so dearly?

Hootie Feltched him out of his asshole.

rico 05-28-2013 12:17 PM

One of the most humorous moments (for me personally) was something involving Hootie that didn't even seem to be acknowledged or noticed by any of the other posters on here.

There was a thread, can't remember if it was a superthread or not (possibly the official draft thread), but Hootie posted in it and wrote something pertaining to a new poster that said something along the lines of, "holy shit, who is this guy. Look at his post history! He is seriously stalking me! Wtf!"

Evidently this poster had been quoting and replying to everything Hootie wrote and he noticed it, therefore called him out for it. I don't know what struck me as so funny about it...possibly the thought of Hootie being cyber-stalked combined with the fact that when Hootie acknowledged it publicly, no one responded or even seemed to notice. I dunno, it was funny.

I can't even remember the name of the poster. rimbostic, maybe? I don't think that's it....I'll have to search it. However, whether that particular poster belongs in the top 101 or even top 1000, I would love to see that poster make it, just so I can read Hootie's commentary on it.

I'm gonna try to dig this up. It was a month ago or so.

rico 05-28-2013 12:26 PM

That surprisingly didn't take me too long to find on the handy-dandy search function. It was on the "Crazy Sorority Girl" thread.

Poster's name was, "TimBone."

He replied to one of Hootie's posts with one of these, ":loser:"

Hootie quoted his post and responded with,


if anyone is curious

look at this guy's post history

he is literally stalking me"

I made me LMAO If the dude doesn't make the top 101, I at least want to read Hootie "roast" him. It'd be some funny shit.

Easy 6 05-28-2013 12:34 PM


Originally Posted by L.A. Chieffan (Post 9713001)
this might be the dumbest thread off all time. kudos

I disagree, it helps keep all of the dumbassery and blood feuds contained in one place.

patteeu 05-28-2013 12:50 PM


Originally Posted by Phobia (Post 9714110)
To say the least, you would debate the wetness of water.

I've been far from the only person who's disagreed with some of hootie's bans in the thousand post arguments that they've generated.

patteeu 05-28-2013 12:56 PM


Originally Posted by rico (Post 9714196)
I wonder who I have you mixed up with.

There was some dude who is in a band who Dane was ragin' with hard core in that thread. I am a huge STP fan and wanted to comment in the thread, but Dane made his presence known in that one and to be honest, I didn't want to be unexpectedly eaten alive by inadvertently writing something stupid.

I wonder who I have you mixed up with. It was some dude in a band who had some trippy looking shit in his avatar. Thought it was you. Hmm.

His name was Driving Wheel. He's now called rabblerouser.

Hootie 05-28-2013 01:02 PM


Originally Posted by Phobia (Post 9713722)
I never expected them all to be gems. But I did expect one out of four to be worth my time.

Have I accomplished that thus far?

threebag 05-28-2013 01:08 PM


Originally Posted by patteeu (Post 9714300)
I've been far from the only person who's disagreed with some of hootie's bans in the thousand post arguments that they've generated.

Maybe but of the 3,684 post 3,672 post were Hootie

Hootie 05-28-2013 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by threebag02 (Post 9714339)
Maybe but of the 3,684 post 3,672 post were Hootie

The poll made questioning my ban was one of the most overwhelmingly lopsided polls in CP history. No one thought I should have been banned.

Teedubya quit CP for 9 months in protest and we used to feud all the time.

Besides, I'm good for traffic which grows the brand.

Backwards Masking 05-28-2013 01:25 PM


Originally Posted by patteeu (Post 9714300)
I've been far from the only person who's disagreed with some of hootie's bans in the thousand post arguments that they've generated.

A generous understatement to say the least

rico 05-28-2013 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by unnecessary drama (Post 9714359)
The poll made questioning my ban was one of the most overwhelmingly lopsided polls in CP history. No one thought I should have been banned.

Teedubya quit CP for 9 months in protest and we used to feud all the time.

Besides, I'm good for traffic which grows the brand.

True... and Google is pretty selective in terms of SEO and traffic, to my knowledge is influential to a site's traffic via SEO/Google searches.

Backwards Masking 05-28-2013 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by threebag02 (Post 9714209)
Hootie Feltched him out of his asshole.

it's funny how i've never met the guy or even addressed him in this thread and somehow toolbags like you i've never conversed with before assume i'm his mult.

you should get together with frazod, phobia and luv to have a big group cry over the long lost glory days of CP when it was hip to be square. just don't forget the tissues, luv and frazod are missoura and can't afford any, and phobias not sharing.

rico 05-28-2013 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by patteeu (Post 9714313)
His name was Driving Wheel. He's now called rabblerouser.

Yup, that's it!!

KC native 05-28-2013 02:23 PM


Originally Posted by frazod (Post 9713913)
At least I don't have unicorns tattood on them, Nancy.

Frazbob has bitch tits.

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