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Chiefspants 12-20-2019 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by Superturtle (Post 14667748)
Also, was talking more about how Rian ignored the intentions JJ had for the plot of Episode 8 in favor of his own ideas. Not just tweaking, outright ignored. It makes it pretty hard for Episode 9. Granted, that's at the feet of Kennedy and Iger for not organizing this trilogy at all and letting it mutate into this garbled disaster.

JJ wanted to make Empire Strikes Back. I do not blame Rian for not wanting to make a diet Empire.

DJ's left nut 12-20-2019 03:04 PM


Originally Posted by Superturtle (Post 14667608)
No, blatantly ignoring plot threads set during the first movie of the trilogy and making decisions solely to "SuBvErT eXpEcTaTiOnS" is not good filmmaking. Its actually trash, ESPECIALLY when you're making the middle movie in a trilogy.

Welcome to entertainment in the 'Game of Thrones' era.

Suddenly people get credit just for doing something weird.

Look - if the audience wanted Star Wars to turn into some moral quagmire full of shades of gray, the reaction to TLJ wouldn't have been nearly so fierce.

People watched this trilogy because they watched the first trilogy and they wanted to see what happened to THOSE characters. They didn't want to see them become back-benchers in the name of trying to prop up 3 objectively shitty characters who were simply never fleshed out at all. And they CERTAINLY didn't want to see them all relegated to washed out husks of themselves who had drifted aimlessly through the recent decades.


Ugh....every chance they had to develop a character, they missed. Every chance they had to provide a satisfying conclusion to the characters that formed the backbone of the franchise, they missed.

They just...missed. It was a shitty movie.

Hammock Parties 12-20-2019 03:11 PM

I can't speak to that as I have no idea what JJ was intending to do.

But if JJ didn't want Rian ****ing with his ideas, the Lucasfilm story group should have exercised a lot more control.

All I know is I watched TLJ, and found that it moved the plot forward in an intriguing and fresh way. I was eager to see what was next.

As soon as they brought JJ back in I feared for the worst. And he didn't disappoint.

I actually think there was a good story inside all of these three films trying hard to get out. Kylo Ren is interesting. The other characters work as a foil for him, even if they aren't particularly interesting. The original characters satisfied me, for the most part. They weren't going to carry a movie all by themselves anymore so I don't have an issue taking a back seat.

But a lot of hamfisted execution and the inclusion of Palpatine ruined everything. Absolutely everything.

JJ Abrams should be writing comic books or something. He's that bad. His ideas ****ing suck.

Rian Johnson actually tried to make this trilogy interesting, and then Abrams came along and and hit CTRL-V and ruined any chance of it being memorable.

Lazy ****.

DJ's left nut 12-20-2019 03:16 PM

How can you fail to make Poe Dameron an interesting character?

Oscar Isaac was great casting and he's a friggen hotshot X-Wing pilot! How do you manage to make him dull?

Oh that's right, make him a semi-antogonist to a dumb and pointless 'Girl PWR!' quasi-protagonist because...reasons.

Chiefspants 12-20-2019 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by DJ's left nut (Post 14667784)
How can you fail to make Poe Dameron an interesting character?

Oscar Isaac was great casting and he's a friggen hotshot X-Wing pilot! How do you manage to make him dull?

Oh that's right, make him a semi-antogonist to a dumb and pointless 'Girl PWR!' quasi-protagonist because...reasons.

Again - I digress, but still.

In the original script for TLJ, we were going to go into Poe's rather shady past in Canto Blight as he wheeled and dealed his way to find DJ.

This plot point got destroyed when Rose (for some reason) got added to the mix (which left Poe with nothing to do and no natural way to develop his backstory).

Not only that, KK did intervene at the entire design of Canto Bight saying it "didn't feel Star Wars" and instead had them re-design it off of early models of Jabba's palace. Whatever.

Hammock Parties 12-20-2019 05:39 PM


Originally Posted by Chiefspants (Post 14667896)
This plot point got destroyed when Rose (for some reason) got added to the mix.

BigRichard 12-21-2019 07:36 AM


Originally Posted by ScareCrowe (Post 14667687)
Granted it's early, but the audience rating on RT is actually pretty good for IX. Way better than VIII FWIW.

Part of the problem is the only ones seeing it are the fan boys who thought the second part was any good.

BigRichard 12-23-2019 06:37 AM

It looks like it took in about $175 million domestically and $375 globally the first weekend. Lower than expected but they are saying due to the holiday that will probably be a little deceiving as people might be planning on seeing when they have time off.

ScareCrowe 12-23-2019 09:57 AM

Yeah admittedly scores from opening night can be skewed as mainly the biggest fans are fighting the crowds on opening night. As more of the general audience sees it there will probably be some changes.

I don't buy the Christmas excuse regarding the numbers (I heard they were expecting $450 million opening weekend) TFA came out Dec 18th Christmas didn't hurt it's opening weekend. There is going to be blowback from the reception of TLJ. The fact that this thread even exists shows that a certain percentage of people that saw VIII weren't going to see IX, especially opening weekend.

DJ's left nut 12-23-2019 10:39 AM

This is hilariously terrifying and awesome:

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Dude made a ****ing white-hot lightsaber.

The amount of power these dudes are working with would scare the holy shit out of me. Cross a couple of wires or don't ground something correctly and you mostly just blow your arms off...

The first 14 minutes or so is the build and explanation of the science/problems behind it. But if you want to just see them light up a big ass tungsten rod and burn shit, about 14:22 is where you'll start.

Just Passin' By 12-23-2019 01:12 PM


Originally Posted by BigRichard (Post 14674056)
It looks like it took in about $175 million domestically and $375 globally the first weekend. Lower than expected but they are saying due to the holiday that will probably be a little deceiving as people might be planning on seeing when they have time off.

The opens in the trilogy are


and the reviews aren't going to help drive fence sitters to the theaters. So they'd better hope that the timing was the only reason for all that decline, or this is going to be a (relatively speaking) bomb.

JD10367 12-24-2019 01:06 PM

Saw TFA once in theaters. Didn’t like it.

Saw TLJ once in theaters. REALLY didn’t like it.

Rewatched both this weekend. Didn’t hate them as much as I remembered.

Just saw ROS. Was pretty decent. Not sure why people have a problem with it. Definitely better than TLJ. Considering how many fingers were in this pie—and having to rewrite around Carrie Fisher’s death—it was way better than my admittedly low expectations.

And I only saw ONE really annoying “Abrams lens flare”!

MarkDavis'Haircut 04-19-2020 09:53 PM


Originally Posted by Frazod (Post 14666044)
Yeah, you missed out. See that ending scene with Vader in the theater was nearly as awesome as seeing the beginning of the original in the theater back in '77. The silence, the terror in the eyes of the doomed soldiers, the breathing, the lightsaber igniting in the darkness, ****. It was perfect.

I saw Rogue One twice merely because of that scene.

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