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seclark 06-23-2023 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by DJ's left nut (Post 16992231)
Yeah, he was the pick of his litter. Breeder was going to show him or his yellow sister in the original post. If she wanted a male I was SOL. She decided to keep a female so I got him. Which is why I was willing to haul my ass to Wisconsin to pick him up.

We hit the jackpot with this one. Gonna be a looker and he's just a REALLY good dog. Hit every sweet spot on temperament. Couldn't have asked for any more out of him.

They’re a great breed, but when you hit the jackpot, it’s special.
Blessings !

GeorgeZimZam 06-23-2023 05:49 PM

Luna and Checo

Luna is a year-and-a-half old Australian Cattle Dog-Catahoula Leopard Dog-Labrador mix. Born in South Texas, rescued in Austin, and now in the Rio Grande Valley.

Checo cat is probably about one year old, and is a neighborhood cat who received his name during halftime of the Super Bowl; short for "Pacheco". (Isaih Pacheco then promptly kicked off 2nd half scoring with a touchdown run.)
He says, "You're welcome for that comeback!"

Otter 06-23-2023 06:16 PM


Originally Posted by GloryDayz (Post 16725897)
From rescue to being a queen... LMAO, this little girl is awesome.

That's a good lookin' pooch. :thumb:

Bump 06-23-2023 06:21 PM


Originally Posted by Bump (Post 8982183)

I posted this in 2012. She died last year around November at 12 years old from cancer, still miss her :(

GloryDayz 06-25-2023 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by Otter (Post 16992461)
That's a good lookin' pooch. :thumb:

Thank you, she's awesome. We're making up for the love her original family couldn't/didn't provide.

deegs 07-23-2023 07:34 PM


Originally Posted by Bump (Post 16992468)
I posted this in 2012. She died last year around November at 12 years old from cancer, still miss her :(

I had to euthanize my American Bulldog mix a few weeks ago. He went into liver failure back in February but bounced back with some antibiotics and liver meds. His liver failed again a few weeks ago and , apparently, he was too far gone before he became symptomatic. He likely also had hemangiosarcoma based on a tumor they found on his spleen. It’s definitely the hardest part of having pets. My sincerest condolences, brother.

ETA- ‘Deegs’ was his nickname. His name was Diego because I was born in San Diego

DaFace 11-21-2023 11:26 AM

Put our cat down today. He made it to 18, so it's hard to feel anything but incredibly fortunate, but the house sure feels empty.

Jewish Rabbi 11-21-2023 11:28 AM


Originally Posted by DaFace (Post 17236970)
Put our cat down today. He made it to 18, so it's hard to feel anything but incredibly fortunate, but the house sure feels empty.

Sorry to hear, DaFace. Our dog is getting older and I already know it will be the worst day of my life when the time comes.

GloryDayz 11-21-2023 11:50 AM


Originally Posted by DaFace (Post 17236970)
Put our cat down today. He made it to 18, so it's hard to feel anything but incredibly fortunate, but the house sure feels empty.

Sorry to hear that. Give it a bit, then get back in the saddle.

raybec 4 11-21-2023 12:23 PM


Originally Posted by DaFace (Post 17236970)
Put our cat down today. He made it to 18, so it's hard to feel anything but incredibly fortunate, but the house sure feels empty.

Damn man, so sorry to hear that. We had 2 kitties from the same litter that lived to be 18 and they died within 2 weeks of each other.

Fish 11-21-2023 12:49 PM


Originally Posted by DaFace (Post 17236970)
Put our cat down today. He made it to 18, so it's hard to feel anything but incredibly fortunate, but the house sure feels empty.

18 is a nice long life for a cat. They don't make it that long without being very happy and well cared for. RIP.

DanT 11-21-2023 01:20 PM


Originally Posted by DaFace (Post 17236970)
Put our cat down today. He made it to 18, so it's hard to feel anything but incredibly fortunate, but the house sure feels empty.

Sorry for the loss of your beautiful cat, DaFace.

DaFace 11-21-2023 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by raybec 4 (Post 17237062)
Damn man, so sorry to hear that. We had 2 kitties from the same litter that lived to be 18 and they died within 2 weeks of each other.

That's crazy and must have been incredibly hard. Our siamese cat lived until 16 or so but passed back in 2020, so we were just happy that our old man held on for a few more years. We still have our young (5 year old) cat at least, so that helps a little, and we'll probably think about adopting another soon.

It's just crazy how, even though they have relatively short life spans, our pets can be present for such major periods of our lives. We adopted Cid (the one in the photo) in 2007 when he was about 1.5 years old. I was barely out of college at the time, and now I'm fully in the peak of my career and starting to creep up on middle age. We damn near had the guy for longer than I lived with my parents growing up.

Time heals and all that, and I'm happy we got all the time we did. It's definitely a tough day though.

Hammock Parties 12-18-2023 01:22 PM

Wow, just read on FB a guy lost his 6-year old dog due to an embolism after a leg amputation surgery.

Take care of your pups and get them quality medical care.

Mr. Copper turned 2 this weekend. :)

Hammock Parties 04-03-2024 10:22 AM

a serenade!

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