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unlurking 02-21-2005 02:30 AM


Originally Posted by Chico Diablo
That's my definition based on facts and experience. You have your own experience going for you, so you have your own definition to work with.

BTW, FWIW, I find this defensiveness rather interesting...

Ahh yes, your VAST experience of EIGHT relationships in what, 3 years? Sounds like a very successful track record to me.

And I guess my "defensiveness" can be interesting to somebody that has just insulted me.

Next I guess I'll ask my 8 month old nephew on the strategies of aiming for the toilet when you're drunk.

Slayer Diablo 02-21-2005 02:35 AM


Originally Posted by badgirl
Yep I agree again there are no perfect relationships, If your trying to make it a perfect one there will be a lot of lying and deceit going on and no conversation about shit that really does bother you.

Does this make any sense

In today's world? Yes, it makes perfect sense...a lot of lies and deceit would have to go into it. When two people figure out that it's about making one another happy without condition, then they'll be somewhat closer.

unlurking 02-21-2005 02:36 AM

OK, I have to go have "foolish relations" with the woman I don't love now.

I'll check in later to see if there is any more wisdom from the teenage love doctor.

Slayer Diablo 02-21-2005 02:39 AM


Originally Posted by tk13
Okay, I was bored so I read a couple posts... 78%? 49%? WTF is this? Where in the hell are we getting random percentages from? Rain Man should have your genitals cut off for blantant abuse of statistics.

If it's a high chance, I give it a high percentile. If it's a moderate, I give it a moderate percentile. Think of it as a rough estimate.... :) :p

tk13 02-21-2005 02:42 AM


Originally Posted by Chico Diablo
If it's a high chance, I give it a high percentile. If it's a moderate, I give it a moderate percentile. Think of it as a rough estimate.... :) :p

Don't worry, I think there's a 100% chance you're way over your head here. Think of it as a rough estimate.

Slayer Diablo 02-21-2005 02:52 AM


Originally Posted by unlurking
Do you even see how reeruned you are sounding?!

By YOUR definition, I do not love my wife and am in a "foolish relationship".

Get back to me in a decade with your successful relationship and then we'll talk.

Do you even realize how childish you're sounding?

I'm just offering a simple definition of how I see love. Just because my definition clashes with yours is no reason to do, well this whole converstaion. I have my opinions, and you have yours. I can respect that, but please keep in mind that I'm still going to mention my view as well as I know you'll mention yours right after.

Now as for my experience, it's a long story that I'm not going to go over, but it's basically that I had to open my eyes after 9 girls to see who had been there for over a decade.

Slayer Diablo 02-21-2005 02:54 AM


Originally Posted by tk13
Don't worry, I think there's a 100% chance you're way over your head here. Think of it as a rough estimate.

Perhaps, but I guess we'll find out in two years...and I'll be sure to find a way to remember to bring this thread back up so we can find out for certain if need be.

KcMizzou 02-21-2005 02:59 AM


Originally Posted by Chico Diablo
Perhaps, but I guess we'll find out in two years...and I'll be sure to find a way to remember to bring this thread back up so we can find out for certain if need be.

You're getting married too?

Congrats! :toast:

tk13 02-21-2005 03:04 AM


Originally Posted by Chico Diablo
Perhaps, but I guess we'll find out in two years...and I'll be sure to find a way to remember to bring this thread back up so we can find out for certain if need be.

Most women don't care about numbers or none of this junk.... they either like you or they don't, looking for rhyme, reason, or explaination often times will cause you enough brain damage that your head will explode.

Over-Head 02-21-2005 03:37 AM

My better half told me to tell you about
SHE LOVES IT, and say's your significant other will too.
They send out emails saying stuff like "This is week 28 you should be doing such and such, or planning so and so."
You can
-compare wedding gowns, tux's
-prepare your budget
-manage guest list
-and more stuff than you can put in a few lines.

And trust me, our is comming up in Nov, i'm all too well fermiler with planing a wedding, this is my second time. :banghead:

BIG_DADDY 02-21-2005 03:59 AM

1. Do act like a man. A hard core testosterone attitude will help you in selecting Mrs. right. The cream of the crop do not want some pussified guy who is just nice to them irregardless of what your mom might have told you. Women want a challenge which often times leads them to the bad boys.

2. Be different, telling her how much you want her like every other penis chasing her at the beginning only makes you like every one else. I got news for you, she already knows you want her just like every other guy with an once of testosterone if she is worth having. Be the guy she has to go after, be a challenge. I could spend a whole day on this subject but you get my drift.

3. Sex has got to be off the scale or forget going any further. Make sure a majority of the things that turn you on she likes too or you will wander later on.

4. Make sure you have a lot in common. Sex is very powerful but it will only take you so far.

5. Don't listen to what she says it doesn't mean shit. Watch what she does, that will tell you everything about who she is and how she will treat you.

6. Once you have found the special one get a preup. From a legal standpoint marriage is a contract. You would not enter into any other contract in life without having a written agreement, why should this be any different? The pain of being left with 33% of everything you ever worked for in your life (33% you, 33% her and 33% attorneys fees) along with paying a good chunk of everthing you earn for a long time to come and still having to chase the opportunity to know your own children should be an eye opener. If she really loves you having an mutual understanding of what your going into starting a family and living your life's together will not be an issue. If the prenup is an issue run for the hills unless she is totally rich and you are a bum.

7. Continue to be a challenge even after being married. Don't let her wear the pants and dictate the relationship or she will grow bored with you moving forward. Love her with all you have but still be the man and keep your sex life interesting. Women are very sexual, embrace that instead of being insecure and scolding her for revealing her naughty side. This will keep the sexual fire burning, trust me.

8. Last but certainly not least don't take a good woman's love for granted if you find it. Definitely let her know that how you feel about her and better yet show her. Don't change being what you are though, a man. This is a tricky one because many guys think they should turn over the reins and hand over the family jewels in an effort to show their undying love. I got news for ya pal, they don't want you to turn woosyfied and become their puppet. All this will do is cause them to lose interest and start looking for a real man somewhere else.

You can pay me later. This is the best advise anyone can ever give you take it to the bank. Better yet, notice how your buddies blow it by not following these basic things and make sure you do. Good luck.

ROYC75 02-21-2005 07:47 AM


Originally Posted by royr17
Ok lets start here.

I need some help with some things i need to know on gettin married, the do's, the dont's, the things you need to know about that.

I see you guys here some are married some arent so the ones that know stuff i need to know let me know about it.

So what are the things i should know about it, cause i dont wanna wait my whole life to get married, i actually wanna be married before i turn 26 which is 6 years from now.

But I wanna get started early in startin a family, so what are the do's and dont's in marriage ???

OMG :eek: :shake: :rolleyes:

This should be interesting to read today when I get bored at work !

teedubya 02-21-2005 07:54 AM


Originally Posted by Over-Head
fermiler :banghead:

Wow. I have to call the spelling police on that one.

Iowanian 02-21-2005 08:01 AM

you fuggers took a perfectly good Dog Pile and turned it into something serious.

.....Right after Skinbra appeared.

Damn you...........Damn you all.

ROYC75 02-21-2005 08:44 AM

WOW...... I took 40 minuteswhile at work this morning to read this ?

Dammit III ..........

You basically got the same damn advise from the planeteers as you got from me. ( outside of the pun ) Most of these guys had a good laugh at your expense. Some of them gave some very good advise to you , which sounds all to familiar. :harumph:

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