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CoMoChief 10-04-2012 09:09 PM


Originally Posted by pr_capone (Post 8977826)
my reply:

Ok... so here I am. Eric. The STH Chiefs fan that makes 8hr long round trips to Arrowhead Stadium and has his heart ripped out almost every Sunday. I don't know why my last name matters to you Deb, or how it relates to the contents of my man bag, but, here it is.

Now what?

First... *I* am not disrespecting the entire organization nor the fan base. This is something that members of one of the largest Chiefs message boards had been kicking around for a while. I just happen to be the one who made the phone call. There have been nearly 100 donators to the cause and I have received hundreds of emails & messages and only a handful of detractors, such as yourself. Honestly, I expected more of a backlash from the fan base but the actual response has been overwhelmingly positive.

Second... I am not attention seeking which is why I did not want my last name released. That and I wanted to keep my personal life out of the matter. We did this, not for personal glory, but because we are a group of die hard fans. We live and die with the Chiefs every Sunday. We are passionate about this team. Being a passionate fan does not mean that one has to sit quietly and cheer on every decision made by the team. The same passion that inspired us to fly the banner is the same passion shown by the fans at Arrowhead Stadium when the booos rain down on Cassel after a turnover, not being aware and taking a sac, and his constant throwing short of the 1st down marker on a 3rd and long in hopes that his receiver can convert it for him.

Arrowhead stadium was once lauded as the loudest stadium in the NFL. We have been reduced to half empty stands, fans making 3rd quarter exits, and a crowd with the cheering power of the parents section in a pee-wee football game. No more. We intend to use that same voice that made offenses false start, opposing QBs call time outs because they could not communicate, and caused Ryan Leaf to have an epic meltdown. We will use this voice to say that we are sick and tired of being taken for granted. We are tired of seeing other teams claim the trophy that bears our founder’s name.

I applaud you for taking up donations to help the sick and poor. I wish you the same success we at had when just last week we raised $1,650 and donated it to the Arthritis Community Services.

I hope that having my last name makes you feel better somehow. Really... it isn't like I would have been that difficult to find. All you had to do was go to as shown in the news article, look at the post and find my user name.

That's what you call brainwashed. She's the kind that thinks going to a Chiefs game is some kind of social status thing. She doesn't care about the games nor does she understand one bit of it because let's face it, she's a woman. Otherwise she'd care about the team getting their asses kicked and would care that the team is still trotting out Matt Cassel to fail all over this talent filled roster.

and LMAO at the fact that she threw the charity bit in there like to put some sort of guilt trip on you. Hey you dumb woman!!! How about taking some of the money you blow on watching the Chiefs, and give that to a charity? Firing back with the arthritis community services was awesome...forgot about that What was it she spent, $500 per game? My god....I'd never spend that kind of coin on a franchise that repeatedly bent me over Sunday after Sunday.

Kyle DeLexus 10-04-2012 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by pr_capone (Post 8977937)
Dunno... browsing her FB page, one of her friends suggested I needed the shit kicked out of me though. lol

Her FB comments can be found at Arrowhead Asylum.

I just don't get how people can misconstrue this as being fair weather? If we were fair weather fans, we would have jumped ship a long time ago. We are simply calling for change so that our team can return to glory.

BigMeatballDave 10-04-2012 09:12 PM


Originally Posted by pr_capone (Post 8977937)
Dunno... browsing her FB page, one of her friends suggested I needed the shit kicked out of me though. lol

Her FB comments can be found at Arrowhead Asylum.


These people make my blood boil.

Hammock Parties 10-04-2012 09:12 PM

If you don't support the Chiefs ONE HUNDRED PERCENT ALL OF THE TIME you are a fair weather fan to these mouth breathers.

Titty Meat 10-04-2012 09:12 PM

For 5 bucks you'll be able to do shots off of Debs gunt in lot A.

BossChief 10-04-2012 09:17 PM

What do these quarterbacks all have in common?


hometeam 10-04-2012 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by BossChief (Post 8977974)
What do these quarterbacks all have in common?


Something to do with playoff victorys~?

CoMoChief 10-04-2012 09:19 PM


Originally Posted by Bo's Pelini (Post 8977957)
For 5 bucks you'll be able to do shots off of Debs gunt in lot A.


Hammock Parties 10-04-2012 09:19 PM

Playoff wins.

BossChief 10-04-2012 09:22 PM

Deb is a huge hypocrite.

She is all high and mighty and has some serious issues going on... because of the way she choses treat other fans of the same team because of how they chose to root for the Chiefs and thinks anyone who doesn't do things exactly like her is a "bad fan".


This woman obviously has no clue.

FAX 10-04-2012 09:23 PM

These True-Fan-People can't seem to grasp the concept that a person can support the Chiefs and not support some of their employees, players, and decisions.

This isn't an all-or-nothing kind of deal.

If that were the case, every armed bank robber in the country who just happens to wear a Chiefs jersey should go free and receive complimentary ammunition for life.


Easy 6 10-04-2012 09:23 PM

Uh yeah, i humbly take back any old lady umbrella i tried to offer ALL CAPS DEB.

She's gone full Palin, trying to punch above her weight... GIT'R!

BossChief 10-04-2012 09:24 PM


Originally Posted by hometeam (Post 8977978)
Something to do with playoff victorys~?


Originally Posted by Cassel's Reckoning (Post 8977980)
Playoff wins.

You're getting warmer.

CoMoChief 10-04-2012 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by pr_capone (Post 8977937)
Dunno... browsing her FB page, one of her friends suggested I needed the shit kicked out of me though. lol

Her FB comments can be found at Arrowhead Asylum.

copy the link to her facebook page

CoMoChief 10-04-2012 09:26 PM


Originally Posted by BossChief (Post 8977993)
You're getting warmer.

come from behind playoff wins.

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