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Sweet Daddy Hate 01-20-2019 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by Carr4MVP (Post 14053883)
Oh, I agree. I can't stand that business model. Stick with the ones that made you successful. But we all know that Kennedy isn't interested in stories. Just agendas.

Can't stand that twat.:#

Bowser 01-20-2019 11:43 AM

Is there any, ANY hope that JJ pulls a miracle out and delivers an Episode IX worthy of this franchise? Really, it was only TLJ that was a clunker of a turd. Can he redeem it in one movie?

Sweet Daddy Hate 01-20-2019 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 14054066)
Is there any, ANY hope that JJ pulls a miracle out and delivers an Episode IX worthy of this franchise? Really, it was only TLJ that was a clunker of a turd. Can he redeem it in one movie?

**** no. Look where we started from. If there was any hope, JJ's first outing wouldn't have been an unimaginative, ball-licker of a movie.

I have, from time to time, clicked on some of the "nerd watch" channels at YT just trying to get any kind of a feel as to where they might be taking things. And thus far, EVERY SINGLE SPECULATION has been pure shit, whether founded in degrees of truth or not.

MarkDavis'Haircut 01-20-2019 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 14054066)
Is there any, ANY hope that JJ pulls a miracle out and delivers an Episode IX worthy of this franchise? Really, it was only TLJ that was a clunker of a turd. Can he redeem it in one movie?

I am not sure how he does it by staying faithful to the established plotlines. The Resistance is down to 15 people and a ship. Ren is a terrible villain. There aren't any henchmen to get excited about unless they introduce someone new. Hux is a joke. Phasma was hyped up and wasted. Finn is just a repeating arc. Poe is humbled. Rey is a Mary Sue. Rose is a t-shirt slogan. Chewie can't carry a movie. The droids are just running jokes. Luke is dead.

There is nothing there. JJ has to ignore VIII if he wants to save IX.

Hammock Parties 01-22-2019 01:24 AM

Kylo isn't terrible. He's the most interesting Star Wars character ever.

They have him set up for a redemption arc. There is your drama.

Hammock Parties 01-22-2019 01:36 AM


In one of the new cannon books, Palpatine has an underground base on Jakku #fact. If you watch TLJ with the idea in mind that Rey is a genetic experiment created from Luke's missing hand on Bespin, it's EVERYWHERE. The movie has closeup after closeup of Rey's right hand in key moments. Enough so that they'll look like easter eggs (to enjoy after the big reveal in Episode IX).

The very first moment in TLJ trailer was a clue. I think the entire mirror scene IS her realizing her worst fear, that she IS a clone and has no family. Her "parents" that sold her off for drinking money were indeed just that... scavengers that found Luke's hand and sold it to the Empire.

I'm just as psycho about Star Wars as all of you, and I remember the very first draft leaks and rumored outline of the The Force Awakens (at that time) started with Luke's hand floating through space after the opening crawl. TFA's first draft was going to be about Finn & Rey finding Luke's hand... I just think they switched it up and realized that could be a big reveal. My 2 cents, I think Rey also has Palpatine genes in her DNA milkshake. Because she always fights with anger (among other reasons).

This also "solves the problem" of her being too powerful, too soon. Kylo Ren clearly knows about "A GIRL" in TFA and is upset. He seems to go straight into trying to turn her let her know "she needs a teacher" because he has an idea of who she is and where she comes from. I haven't watched TFA for a long time but I would wonder if her hand is as called out in there as well...




There are about 20 other shots of exclusively her right hand in TLJ, as well as close ups of Luke's right hand and even Kylo Ren's. There's a huge right-hand theme there.


listopencil 01-22-2019 05:31 AM


Originally Posted by Carr4MVP (Post 14054330)
I am not sure how he does it by staying faithful to the established plotlines. The Resistance is down to 15 people and a ship. Ren is a terrible villain. There aren't any henchmen to get excited about unless they introduce someone new. Hux is a joke. Phasma was hyped up and wasted. Finn is just a repeating arc. Poe is humbled. Rey is a Mary Sue. Rose is a t-shirt slogan. Chewie can't carry a movie. The droids are just running jokes. Luke is dead.

There is nothing there. JJ has to ignore VIII if he wants to save IX.

Luke returning as a force ghost to inspire Rey and torment Kylo Ren would be amusing.

Sweet Daddy Hate 01-22-2019 09:34 AM

Not bad, Clay. It's certainly no worse than the rest of the garbage these clowns have cooked up for this trilogy thus far.

"How did you get that"?

"That's a story for another time".

I expect Maz/Yoda would probably have to fill Rey in on some of the blanks.

bowener 01-22-2019 10:18 AM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 14062803)

In one of the new cannon books, Palpatine has an underground base on Jakku #fact. If you watch TLJ with the idea in mind that Rey is a genetic experiment created from Luke's missing hand on Bespin, it's EVERYWHERE. The movie has closeup after closeup of Rey's right hand in key moments. Enough so that they'll look like easter eggs (to enjoy after the big reveal in Episode IX).

The very first moment in TLJ trailer was a clue. I think the entire mirror scene IS her realizing her worst fear, that she IS a clone and has no family. Her "parents" that sold her off for drinking money were indeed just that... scavengers that found Luke's hand and sold it to the Empire.

I'm just as psycho about Star Wars as all of you, and I remember the very first draft leaks and rumored outline of the The Force Awakens (at that time) started with Luke's hand floating through space after the opening crawl. TFA's first draft was going to be about Finn & Rey finding Luke's hand... I just think they switched it up and realized that could be a big reveal. My 2 cents, I think Rey also has Palpatine genes in her DNA milkshake. Because she always fights with anger (among other reasons).

This also "solves the problem" of her being too powerful, too soon. Kylo Ren clearly knows about "A GIRL" in TFA and is upset. He seems to go straight into trying to turn her let her know "she needs a teacher" because he has an idea of who she is and where she comes from. I haven't watched TFA for a long time but I would wonder if her hand is as called out in there as well...



****. You're right.

lawrenceRaider 01-22-2019 11:03 AM


Originally Posted by Frazod (Post 14027033)
Haven't bothered with the animated series - frankly knew nothing about it before I saw a few mentions of it here. Sounds like I haven't missed much.

And I'm right there with you regarding IX. I'd love to see another Solo movie. But they've destroyed the main story line.

I finally got around to seeing Solo, and it was an OK movie. I see potential there for another movie as it did get better as it went along.

lawrenceRaider 01-22-2019 11:06 AM


Originally Posted by InChiefsHell (Post 14031565)
I'll watch this thing just to finish this trilogy. After that, I'm officially done with Star Wars...a film series that had it's last good episode in 1983. **** the prequels, and **** all the shit since. TLJ tore it for me.

Rogue One is maybe the best Star Wars movie. It is totally faithful to the Star Wars ethos. If you haven't seen it, you owe it to yourself to do so.

Bowser 01-22-2019 11:10 AM

DJ's left nut 01-22-2019 11:13 AM


Originally Posted by lawrenceRaider (Post 14063533)
I finally got around to seeing Solo, and it was an OK movie. I see potential there for another movie as it did get better as it went along.

Saw Solo last Friday and yeah, solid flick.

I mean it still sucks that I know he'll spend the vast majority of his life as a miserable husk after his family falls to shit around him and he just goes back to being a smuggler who's then murdered by his own son, but hey - life's hard and then you die, right?


Frazod 01-22-2019 11:31 AM


Originally Posted by bowener (Post 14063385)
****. You're right.

It's a nice theory. Too bad they've totally sucked out my desire to see if it's true.

These people have butchered Star Wars the same way Lynch butchered Dune.

Bowser 01-22-2019 12:05 PM


Originally Posted by DJ's left nut (Post 14063575)
Saw Solo last Friday and yeah, solid flick.

I mean it still sucks that I know he'll spend the vast majority of his life as a miserable husk after his family falls to shit around him and he just goes back to being a smuggler who's then murdered by his own son, but hey - life's hard and then you die, right?


Yes. A thousand times yes. My question is why? Why do this to not just him, but ALL the main characters, then have them die irrelevant deaths (Carrie notwithstanding, of course)? Someone asked earlier how you don't set this up that Han, Leia, and Luke are all reunited at the end of IX smiling at the peace they FINALLY managed to achieve for the galaxy? A ****ing pox on KK.


Originally Posted by Frazod (Post 14063641)
It's a nice theory. Too bad they've totally sucked out my desire to see if it's true.

These people have butchered Star Wars the same way Lynch butchered Dune.

It's amazing to me. Star Wars wrote its own ticket. It was absolutely a no lose entity, and they found a way to **** it up ROYALLY. The only thing I hope is that JJ somehow gets autonomy from KK and her "vision" and does IX justice. Considering Rogue One was what it turned out to be, there's a glimmer of hope. But just a glimmer.

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