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Ubeja Vontell 09-24-2019 07:41 PM

Check out where all the greats/legends with just two seasons of NFL football were at.

He's doing fine.

T-post Tom 09-24-2019 07:46 PM


Originally Posted by Munson (Post 14476207)
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Megatron96 09-24-2019 07:48 PM

Considering he's only got 12 games or something like that under his belt, he's doing fine.

htismaqe 09-24-2019 08:36 PM

If the guy has even decent accuracy, the Chiefs would have had their hands full. The dude's intermediate accuracy is awful. Horrible.

BigCatDaddy 09-24-2019 09:17 PM

He is never going to be an accurate passer and eventually he will lose that quickness. 3 or 4 years and the Ravens move on.

jjjayb 09-24-2019 09:25 PM

It's amusing when people try to compare him to Mahomes. There's such a huge gap it's not even worthy of discussion. In the game against us you could see him TRYING to be like Mahomes. Running one way and throwing it the other. He got away with a couple of those that in all reality should have been picked. They were rainbows that the defenders had better chances of catching than the receivers. Fortunately for him, his guys came down with the ball. Unfortunately for him, that's going to give him more confidence in trying it. He's going to try that against a team with descent defenders and pay the price.

Now compare that to when Mahomes throws on the run or across his body. He still throws darts. The velocity and accuracy looks the same as when most QBs are throwing with perfect form.

Ubeja Vontell 09-24-2019 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by BigCatDaddy (Post 14476382)
He is never going to be an accurate passer and eventually he will lose that quickness. 3 or 4 years and the Ravens move on.

Vick was averaging over 8 yards a carry at 33. The current World Champion 100m champ Justin Gatlin was 34.

BigCatDaddy 09-24-2019 09:29 PM


Originally Posted by Ubeja Vontell (Post 14476402)
Vick was averaging over 8 yards a carry at 33. The current World Champion 100m champ Justin Gatlin was 34.

How old is Colin Kaepernick? Cam Newton? Name me all the run 1st QBs over 30 playing today and after that eat a dick.

Ubeja Vontell 09-24-2019 09:57 PM


Originally Posted by BigCatDaddy (Post 14476413)
How old is Colin Kaepernick? Cam Newton? Name me all the run 1st QBs over 30 playing today and after that eat a dick.

Newton averaged over 7 yards a carry at 29.

The speed/quicks don't erode at 26ish, like you mentioned. Try 30ish.

I prefer the facts.

lcarus 09-24-2019 10:07 PM


Originally Posted by htismaqe (Post 14476310)
If the guy has even decent accuracy, the Chiefs would have had their hands full. The dude's intermediate accuracy is awful. Horrible.

That's why when they were behind in the 4th and HAD to score, they went back to what they are. A wildcat/run first team. It's just what they are and what he is. He can throw well enough to keep defenses guessing but on the 3rd/4th down plays where you know they're gonna throw, I like our chances. He got bailed out a few times in that game. Like...really really lucky. One of those plays looked like an obvious OPI but the refs didn't want it to be a blowout.

BigCatDaddy 09-24-2019 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by Ubeja Vontell (Post 14476462)
Newton averaged over 7 yards a carry at 29.

The speed/quicks don't erode at 26ish, like you mentioned. Try 30ish.

I prefer the facts.

I said 3 or 4 years and they move on. Stick to that fact. Nobody sticks with running QBs that can't throw for too long.

Ubeja Vontell 09-24-2019 10:30 PM


Originally Posted by BigCatDaddy (Post 14476505)
I said 3 or 4 years and they move on. Stick to that fact. Nobody sticks with running QBs that can't throw for too long.

Jackson is 22 in 3/4 years...25/26. Most world class sprinters are just entering their prime at that age. Great Britians Linford Christie was 32 when he won the Olympic 100m in 1992.

Why try and compare any of these cats today to back in day? Who was Patrick Mahomes once upon a time? Jackson is obviously a different breed of cat.

BigCatDaddy 09-24-2019 10:49 PM


Originally Posted by Ubeja Vontell (Post 14476509)
Jackson is 22 in 3/4 years...25/26. Most world class sprinters are just entering their prime at that age. Great Britians Linford Christie was 32 when he won the Olympic 100m in 1992.

Why try and compare any of these cats today to back in day? Who was Patrick Mahomes once upon a time? Jackson is obviously a different breed of cat.

JFC you're an idiot. LJ is what everyone thought he was when drafted. A gifted athlete trying to play QB but can't pass for shit.

Ubeja Vontell 09-24-2019 10:53 PM


Originally Posted by BigCatDaddy (Post 14476518)
JFC you're an idiot.

I'm not the one talking about a 25/26 year old mobile QB losing his jets, that woud be you. Sorry if the facts bother you man, but you obviously don't get how any of this woks.

Tribal Warfare 09-24-2019 11:04 PM


Originally Posted by BigCatDaddy (Post 14476518)
JFC you're an idiot. LJ is what everyone thought he was when drafted. A gifted athlete trying to play QB but can't pass for shit.

Kordell Stewart part 2

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