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Old 07-01-2013, 06:39 PM   #1039
Originally Posted by patteeu View Post
It's perplexing the way you seem to be using the reporting system. You're effectively encouraging people to run to the mods with complaints rather than using ignore or thick skin. You're also unnecessarily making the rules less clear because posters will read something like Frazod's hispanic references all day without seeing him banned but then when they use the same, seemingly acceptable reference a month from now and get reported (perhaps because they've got a different, more thin skinned target than Frazod), the hammer comes down. The incentive system is screwed up.

Have you ever banned someone for filing a report when they should have used ignore instead? Maybe you should consider something like that.

I understand the value of the reporting system when moderators aren't around to see a real problem, but the way it's being used at the moment creates as many problems as it solves, IMO.
We frequently disable user's ability to report when they threaten to report until something is done about a non-moderator action required situation or if they just don't understand what should be reported. I don't read every post and neither does any other mod. I'm not freaking out about a landscaper joke here or there. But if it's reported, we have a discussion if necessary. It's really not as hard as you're making it.
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