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Old 05-30-2019, 02:49 AM   #409
CoMoChief CoMoChief is offline
Mahomes Dynasty
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Parts Unknown
1. They nerfed the hell out of Hulk. The Professor Hulk character arc was just really unecessary and pretty much ruined the entire movie. The ppl deserved at bare minimum a 2012 Avengers Hulk, but what we really shouldve seen is a more powerful version, like a "World Breaker Hulk". Keep in mind in Ragnarok, Hulk was evolving and had ability to channel his anger. For example, once he found out that Black Widow died, wouldn't you have liked to see a pissed off Hulk+gamma energy from Stark gauntlet+the power stone = ultimate showdown with Thanos. EPIC. Wasnt Black Widow his love interest? Whatever happened with that? Would that not send him over the edge? Its not hard to write storylines for a comic flick like this when you have so much material to work with. Instead MCU mailed it in, lazy writing. Everyone wanted to see a Hulk/Thanos: Round2. Instead we got a jokingly, goofy nerf-Hulk, no smash, no fighting, nothing. Wow he threw a bench across a small lake...big deal. Didnt even get to see him fight in the final battle gotta be shitting me. Lazy writing. The only thing that was truly Hulk in this movie was that he was green...that's it.

2. Thor Lebowski...much like Hulk, MCU shit all over his character arc too. May have been funny at first, but was unecessary and it was a sad joke throughout the entire film. What should've happened was once he and Rocket went to Asgard in the past, and once he talked with his mother and weilded Moljnir again, that shouldve transformed him back into his former normal self. Stark shouldve made him his "magic belt" (Megingjord is its name in comics) thats referred to in Spiderman Homecoming. Wouldve made him even more powerful. And since we're kinda on that subject, what about Steve Rogers new shield that Stark supposedly made, referenced in Spiderman Homecoming? That would've also been really cool to see. Wouldve been really easy to write in. But hey at least we got to see Thor playing Fornite! ��

3. Captain Marvel saves Tony Stark. Again...more lazy writing. Just happens to run into him and find in space. What should've happened: Rocket on earth is able to locate/contact the Benetar. Stark picks up and comes online and sees a talking raccoon on the other side. Would've made for some funny dialogue. Rocket helps Stark troubleshoot the Benetar but needs parts off of Nebula in order to Macgyver his way back to Earth, just as he did when he almost died in that cave in 1st Iron Man movie. Wouldve been a good tribute to that since afterall this is a wrap up movie. Nebula agrees/complies..Could've been funny too, Stark couldve turned her into a Mrs Potato Head temporarily til they got back to Earth. Stark then upgrades Nebula after they land when Stark gets healthy. Instead Captain Marvel magically appears in space out of nowhere and Supermans the Benetar all the way to Earth. Yes shes powerful but cmon...that's really lazy writing.

4. Stark should've traveled to Wakanda and him and Shuri (and Rocket possibly) shouldve made some badass weapons, including a Vibranium Iron Man suit. We dont know Shuri is dusted til Endgame movie shows us she didnt make it, this could've easily been done. Black Panther and Wakanda barely in this movie. No scene of aftermath in Wakanda after the biggest war on Earth just went down? Movie could and should have been at least 30min longer, plus there was a lot of unecessary scenes. They didnt need to do the 5yrs later angle where everyone's depressed, they should've just had the movie continue on right after Thanos was killed in present time and continued on from there. No Thor New Asgard Fortnite scene, no Russo claiming hes gay in that after-snap support group scene. No rats walking over switches accidently turning on Ant Man's time machine van, more lazy writing. No Ronan angle either, as soon as his family is dusted he goes to Avengers facility...everything else was unecessary. Again you can cut some of these scenes out and make room for better stuff (and more), and it wouldnt be hard to do, like more interactions with their past former selves. The Cap vs Cap was cool. Wouldve liked to see more of Hulk vs Hulk

5. More interactions of current vs former past selves. Cap vs Cap was cool to see. So was Stark meeting his younger father. Wouldve liked to see more of that. Hulk vs Hulk wouldve been cool too.

6. In addition, movie needed more fight scenes. Too much sad mopey scenes in this movie, couldve been replaced with more action, something better. Even the final fight scene shouldve been at least twice as long. This is what made Infinity War such a kickass movie..and it was 1000x better than this movie.

7. There were a handful or so ways movie couldve been much better, and not a whole lot wouldve changed either. Could still have Stark die at the end, Cap goes back in time at the end to live his life with Agent Tits Carter. Women power thing was just stupid. Theres already more than enough character development with the women MCU characters that they have a great fan base and following. That was forced in to the movie and cheesily done, was not genuine whatsoever. They solely did it for agenda reasons, nothing more. Stupid.
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