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Tribal Warfare 05-05-2024 08:46 PM

Bernard Hill dead at 79 years old
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Megatron96 05-05-2024 08:51 PM

Ah damn. Wasn't that old either. Always liked that guy. RIP, Your Highness, King of the Horse Lords.


Bl00dyBizkitz 05-05-2024 08:58 PM

RIP King Theoden.

Bowser 05-05-2024 08:59 PM

RIP, Theoden King

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Buehler445 05-05-2024 09:05 PM

He was also the captain of the Titanic.


Hell of a performer.

Chief Roundup 05-05-2024 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by Megatron96 (Post 17510625)
Ah damn. Wasn't that old either. Always liked that guy. RIP, Your Highness, King of the Horse Lords.

Pretty damn old. The average life expectancy is 73.

HemiEd 05-06-2024 06:44 AM


Originally Posted by Chief Roundup (Post 17510635)
Pretty damn old. The average life expectancy is 73.

Wow, there is some pretty interesting data out there. I guess eating raw fish and rice instead of ribeye steaks really does lead to a longer life.

FlaChief58 05-06-2024 06:45 AM

Rip me lord

tredadda 05-06-2024 07:32 AM

Dang. It's been so long since I ever watched Titanic that I did not even realize that the captain of that ship was Theoden.

Direckshun 05-06-2024 07:34 AM

This would be a perfect time to suggest that Gondor was unable to help when the Westfold Fell.

It was an invasion at the Fords of Isen when Isengard was attacking, and Gondor was absorbed near-totally in fending off Mordor to the east, particularly at Osgiliath. They may have been able to send auxiliary forces to the Fords to help, but it's unclear if they'd even have time to arrive. The Fords were a distance to the north, and it would require crossing a mountain range to get there. And it's unclear if the auxiliary forces would have even been enough to help Rohan.

Anyway. It's worth exploring that point to LOTR lovers everywhere: what exactly was Gondor supposed to do.

DJ's left nut 05-06-2024 09:14 AM


Originally Posted by Direckshun (Post 17510751)
This would be a perfect time to suggest that Gondor was unable to help when the Westfold Fell.

It was an invasion at the Fords of Isen when Isengard was attacking, and Gondor was absorbed near-totally in fending off Mordor to the east, particularly at Osgiliath. They may have been able to send auxiliary forces to the Fords to help, but it's unclear if they'd even have time to arrive. The Fords were a distance to the north, and it would require crossing a mountain range to get there. And it's unclear if the auxiliary forces would have even been enough to help Rohan.

Anyway. It's worth exploring that point to LOTR lovers everywhere: what exactly was Gondor supposed to do.

That's why I've always had the little 'middle earth map' page at the front of the book paperclipped whenever I read one of the books.

Because yeah - every now and then you'll hear some storyline and go "hey wait just a second - how you gonna pull that off?"

Credit to Tolkien for, by and large, sticking to a fairly well established and realistic universe. But he did the same thing just about every author will do on occasion and play fast/loose with time and distance.

Graystoke 05-06-2024 09:55 AM

Dam good actor.

alanm 05-06-2024 10:03 AM

Damn.. It sucks to hear any actor you respect dies. And he was a damn good actor. RIP Bernard.

IowaHawkeyeChief 05-06-2024 10:10 AM


Originally Posted by HemiEd (Post 17510721)
Wow, there is some pretty interesting data out there. I guess eating raw fish and rice instead of ribeye steaks really does lead to a longer life.

Not as much young criminal gang deaths and overdoses in many of those top countries.

Bl00dyBizkitz 05-06-2024 10:12 AM


Originally Posted by Direckshun (Post 17510751)
This would be a perfect time to suggest that Gondor was unable to help when the Westfold Fell.

It was an invasion at the Fords of Isen when Isengard was attacking, and Gondor was absorbed near-totally in fending off Mordor to the east, particularly at Osgiliath. They may have been able to send auxiliary forces to the Fords to help, but it's unclear if they'd even have time to arrive. The Fords were a distance to the north, and it would require crossing a mountain range to get there. And it's unclear if the auxiliary forces would have even been enough to help Rohan.

Anyway. It's worth exploring that point to LOTR lovers everywhere: what exactly was Gondor supposed to do.

Loved that they showed the fear, insecurity, spite, and all the other poor qualities of Man through Theoden. Might be my favorite part of the universe of Middle Earth, that Man is full of cowards way moreso than heroes, which makes Man's triumph (and of course Theoden's triumph) that much more satisfying towards the end.

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