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Eleazar 01-30-2024 09:25 AM

Explorer believes he found Amelia Earhart's lost plane in the Pacific
Is this Amelia Earhart’s long-lost plane? Explorer believes he’s solved the great mystery with sonar

“There’s no other known crashes in the area, and certainly not of that era in that kind of design with the tail that you see clearly in the image,” said Tony Romeo, CEO of Deep Sea Vision.

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A pilot and explorer who embarked on an $11 million expedition at sea believes he has solved one of the world’s greatest mysteries: the final resting place of Amelia Earhart’s plane that vanished in 1937.

Tony Romeo, a former Air Force intelligence officer and the CEO of Deep Sea Vision, sold commercial real estate to fund his deep-sea exploration of the Pacific Ocean last year, when he combed the ocean floor with sonar technology in the suspected area of Earhart's crash.

His team reviewed sonar data in December caught by an underwater drone from his research voyage and found a startling image: a blurry, plane-like shape Romeo believes is Earhart's twin engine Lockheed 10-E Electra.

The image was taken about 100 miles from Howland Island, halfway between Australia and Hawaii.

Earhart and her navigator, Fred Noonan, were expected to land there in July 1937 for a refueling stop in her bid to be the first female pilot to circumnavigate the globe — but they never made it.

She was declared dead two years later, after the U.S. concluded she had crashed somewhere in the Pacific Ocean, and her remains were never found.

While the image is blurry, Romeo believes it is Earhart's aircraft, given its unique shape.

“Well, you’d be hard-pressed to convince me that’s anything but an aircraft, for one, and two, that it’s not Amelia’s aircraft,” he told NBC's "TODAY" show in an interview that aired Monday.

“There’s no other known crashes in the area, and certainly not of that era in that kind of design with the tail that you see clearly in the image,” he added.

While it's too soon to determine whether it is indeed the long-lost aircraft, it's an exciting prospect.

Romeo's team plans to return to the site this year or early next year with a camera and a remotely operated vehicle to snap better images of the site.

“The next step is confirmation, and there’s a lot we need to know about it. And it looks like there’s some damage. I mean, it's been sitting there for 87 years at this point,” he said.

And returning is no easy, or cheap, feat, as the voyage requires expensive high-tech gear. Romeo's voyage used an underwater Hugin drone manufactured by the Norwegian company Kongsberg, The Wall Street Journal reported.

In his last voyage, the expedition used an uncrewed submersible to scan 5,200 square miles of ocean floor. The image of the suspected plane was found resting 5,000 meters underwater, the Journal reported.

“I think myself that it is the great mystery of all time," Romeo said. "Certainly the most enduring aviation mystery of all time."

Third Eye 01-30-2024 09:28 AM

I used to like Tony Romeo, but I feel like he’s been phoning it in the last few years.

LoneWolf 01-30-2024 09:31 AM

Some moron should take a small group in a sub made out of carbon fiber and manuevered by a Nintendo 64 controller down to the crash site. What could go wrong?

kepp 01-30-2024 09:41 AM

IDK, the wings don't look like it's a Lockheed 10-E Electra. They're more swept back...could be damage, I suppose.

Lzen 01-30-2024 09:41 AM

That would be pretty amazing if they are somehow able to confirm it was Amelia Earhart.

Rainbarrel 01-30-2024 09:42 AM

How did it remain somewhat intact

Straight, No Chaser 01-30-2024 09:44 AM

Many people have said the same thing over the years. Good Luck Millionaire.

Eleazar 01-30-2024 09:44 AM


Originally Posted by Rainbarrel (Post 17376342)
How did it remain somewhat intact

Water landing and sinking I suppose?


Originally Posted by kepp (Post 17376336)
IDK, the wings don't look like it's a Lockheed 10-E Electra. They're more swept back...could be damage, I suppose.

That Romeo fellow says the unique tail design means it could be no other type of plane.

Someone else threw some cold water on him in the Telegraph:


Another claim, supported by a 2018 forensic analysis of bones found on the remote Pacific island of Nikumaroro, suggests Earhart could have died there.

The bones were discovered in 1940 and initially thought to be male. But a reinspection six years ago pointed to their measurements being female and similar to Earhart’s body shape.

The International Group for Historic Aircraft Recovery has previously suggested Earhart died of starvation as a castaway on Nikumaroro, which lies to the east of the sonar image.

The US-based group has raised doubts about Mr Romeo’s supposed discovery.

“For the wings of an Electra to fold rearward as shown in the sonar image, the entire centre section would have to fail at the wing/fuselage junctions,” it said. “That’s just not possible.”

DJ's left nut 01-30-2024 09:46 AM


Originally Posted by Straight, No Chaser (Post 17376348)
Many people have said the same thing over the years. Good Luck Millionaire.


I mean I think it would be cool as hell if the guy found it, but we've had a LOT of false positives over the years.

I just don't expect anything at this point.

DJ's left nut 01-30-2024 09:51 AM

And there area a TON of undocumented wrecks out there.

Flight 19 is a pretty well known 'lost' wing, right? And awhile ago some folks were dead certain they found a couple of the missing Avengers on the sea floor. They get out there and confirm they found Avengers.

Turns out it was an undocumented training crash of a couple Avengers. They found the ID numbers on the tail, I believe, tracked them to a couple of unaccounted for aircraft losses and realized it wasn't Flight 19.

Now a plane with the Electra's tail going down around where EA was supposed to have landed is a different creature than an Avenger going down off the coast of Florida. But I'd hesitate to say "well there were no other crashes out here..."

The odds are there were several. Planes went down a lot back then and the records just weren't great.

Frazod 01-30-2024 10:03 AM

Hope this works out better than that History Channel debacle. They did an entire show based on some photo they were sure was Earhart that was instantly debunked as bullshit.

Chiefs4TheWin 01-30-2024 10:05 AM

Certainly looks like an aircraft, I guess we'll find out when they get something down there.

Good news is you can narrow down plane types fairly easily even by looking at something simple as a bar on the landing gear. Chances of them not identifying the model is extremely low.

If it's the same model then we're talkin!

Zebedee DuBois 01-30-2024 10:09 AM

A lot of planes ended up in the ocean during WWII. Probability might say this is one of them.

Kman34 01-30-2024 10:09 AM

Hope they find Hillary Swank..

MIAdragon 01-30-2024 10:14 AM


Originally Posted by Eleazar (Post 17376352)
That Romeo fellow says the unique tail design means it could be no other type of plane.

Well that’s silly.

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