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Phobia 10-16-2001 04:49 AM

Tickets for sale by ChiefsPlanet members:
Post your ticket needs in this thread that stays on the top until the tix are sold:

dtebbes tix are sold.

Anyone interested e-mail me!

2 tickets. They are Sec 317, Row 40, but there isn't a bad seat at Arrowhead, right?

Face value plus postage and handling only; not looking to make money...

WackyRuss 10-16-2001 06:44 AM

$51 for a chiefs ticket? how about $10? do u think ppl will pay $51 for a college division ii football team? i don't think so

dtebbe 10-16-2001 09:17 AM

My tickets from above are on ebay and currently below face value:
Check them out!


Yosef_Malkovitch 10-16-2001 09:44 AM

I agree with Russ, although my reply is minus the venom. I think you guys are going to have a hard time moving those things. People are just not too happy with the Chiefs right now. I don't think I'd go to the game even if someone gave me tix for free, because I wouldn't want to drive 4 hours one way just to watch my fellas lose. Of course if I actually lived in KC it'd be a different story.

Packfan 10-16-2001 04:01 PM

Amazing what a 1-4 start will do to the "nfl's greatest fans"

I suspect if the Chiefs were 4-1, there wouldnt be any tickets for sale on this board.

Lets face it, there will be people giving away tickets for the rest of the season. Just like it was back in the 80s.

Phobia 10-16-2001 04:03 PM

Thanks for your opinion, Ken. These tix are for sale because the game was moved to a thursday night and the ticket holders are from out of town. Interesting that I could deduce that fact, yet you failed to.

Packfan 10-16-2001 04:10 PM


Look at other posts, look on EBAY. Your tickets arent the only ones for sale. Like I said, if the Chiefs were 4-1 instead of 1-4, you wouldnt be selling your tickets on this board or asking for face value for them.

Interesting I could deduce that fact and you couldnt.

KC Chief fans" "The NFL's Greatest Fans!"

Phobia 10-16-2001 04:17 PM

I don't have any tickets for sale. I merely consolidated 4 sale thread to clean up the board.

93 matches

63 matches 32 of them are for the rescheduled Colts game.

Thanks for recommending the ebay site. Looks like Packers fans are more eager to sell their tickets than Chiefs fans.

Interesting I could deduce that fact and you couldnt.

Yosef_Malkovitch 10-16-2001 04:27 PM

Ken I think any team that is 1-4 will have a harder time moving its tickets. It's not just a Chiefs thing. I'm pretty sure if you look at Dallas tickets you'll see the same thing.

What exactly did CP do to you anyway?

Mi_chief_fan 10-16-2001 07:35 PM

Classic Packfool dribble. Good to see you backing yourself up with facts again, lil' kenny.

Nice job, KPhobia.

Phobia 10-16-2001 09:41 PM

Yeah, he got punked again. :D I'm sure he'll be back for more.

In fact, I have his next line already in my mind. I don't think he'll let me down....

King_Chief_Fan 10-17-2001 06:32 AM

This is very entertaining. Ken, your response is:................?

Packfan 10-17-2001 07:20 AM

Chief fans,

I think you get the jist of what I am saying.

The Chiefs start off 1-4 and the "NFL's Greatest Fans" begin to abandon them. Just like they did during the 1980's.

Lets not kid ourselves here. Chief tickets are on sale to get rid of them. Most Chief fans wouldnt give a squirt of piss to get a ticket. Packer tickets are on sale to the highest bidder. There hasnt been, and wont be, any open seats to any future Packer games. Its a seller market for Packer tickets, and a buyers market for Chiefs tickets.

To help prove my point, I am going to show up at Arrowhead next Thursday night and will be GIVEN two tickets to the game.

Bwana 10-17-2001 09:59 AM

Ken: I was at the game last Sunday and the house was full. I bought airline tickets, rented a town car stayed in a hotel for 4 days, ate lots of great KC food, got to see old friends and meet new ones and noticed that some where along the way that the Chiefs lost as well. To be honset, in the big picture of life, it's not that big of a deal. My wife and I still had a fantastic time and got a lot more pleasure out of spending time with friends at the game than any Chief win.

Phobia 10-17-2001 11:00 AM


Originally posted by Packfan
Chief fans,

To help prove my point, I am going to show up at Arrowhead next Thursday night and will be GIVEN two tickets to the game.

I'm sure this arrangement has already been brokered. It's not like a complete stranger will give them to you....

Additionally, you've stated that GB fans do not sell their tickets. It's impossible to get tickets for GB games, yet there's a helluva lot more Pack tix that Chiefs tix on ebay. Don't make me have Titus bring those words back..... :D

Dartgod 10-17-2001 11:31 AM

I was surprised at how many people stayed until the end of the Steeler game. Sure, there were a few that left before the end, but there is always that element who want to "beat the traffic".

Packfan 10-17-2001 02:31 PM


Its "impossible" to buy Packer tickets from the box office. They are sold out, have been sold, and will continue to be sold out (50,000 person waiting lists that turns 10 people each year on average).

Whats not impossible is buying tickets from a ticket broker for ANY entertainment event in America.

By the way, I have been offered FREE tickets to the Colts game and Broncos game on Dec 16.

Gotta love those Chief fans. The "NFL's Greatest!"

Mark M 10-17-2001 02:36 PM

Someone better warn Carl Peterson that his stalker will be at the game.

~~Hopes they've upped the security at Arrowhead.

seclark 10-17-2001 02:37 PM

packs momma's giving him tickets to get him out of the house

Phobia 10-17-2001 02:41 PM


Originally posted by Packfan

Its "impossible" to buy Packer tickets from the box office. They are sold out, have been sold, and will continue to be sold out (50,000 person waiting lists that turns 10 people each year on average).

It's 56,000, but who's counting. You can get single game tickets through Packer Fan Tours. I have no idea what their affiliation with the Packers is.

Whats not impossible is buying tickets from a ticket broker for ANY entertainment event in America.
We've been discussing ebay tickets from individuals. How a broker fits in, I'm not certain.


By the way, I have been offered FREE tickets to the Colts game and Broncos game on Dec 16.

I've been offered free tickets to countless Houston sporting events, even when they've been in the playoffs & finals. It's often a business perk. I'm not sure what your point is. Do you think that individuals don't attend packer games every sunday without opening their wallet?

Packfan 10-17-2001 02:50 PM


My point is that unless the Chiefs are winning, the fan base could give two shts about the NFL. Most, not all, of the fan base. Just look at our fellow posters here. Most reak of NFL ignorance, not having a clue about any other NFL team or the Chiefs in the dog days (1980s). Most of the guys on here are bandwagon fans. It wont be long before there are only a few of us left on this board. Same for the stadium. It wont be long before they embarrass Hunt and Peterson by not showing up in droves.

The Packers and Chiefs have very similar history.
But as far as the fans go, Packer fans have ALWAYS supported their team, win or lose. The opposite is true of the Chiefs fans (dont make me pull out my media guide and give attendance stats).

You dont go up to Green Bay and get tickets for free from total strangers or have the ablitiy to buy tickets from the box office and have an entire section to yourself. Ever, win or lose. Its has been that way before in KC and is going to get that way again real soon if they continue their patheticness.

Mi_chief_fan 10-17-2001 02:54 PM

What is Ken's point?
You can (and people are) buy Chief tickets on ebay. Some people are given free tickets, even though somewhere along the line, somebody paid for them. So what? The games are still capacity crowds, the tickets are all officially sold out, right?

What does it matter if you buy them from ebay, a broker, or the stadium box office?

A sellout is a sellout is a sellout.....................

Mi_chief_fan 10-17-2001 03:15 PM


Originally posted by Packfan

My point is that unless the Chiefs are winning, the fan base could give two shts about the NFL. Most, not all, of the fan base. Just look at our fellow posters here. Most reak of NFL ignorance, not having a clue about any other NFL team or the Chiefs in the dog days (1980s). Most of the guys on here are bandwagon fans. It wont be long before there are only a few of us left on this board. Same for the stadium. It wont be long before they embarrass Hunt and Peterson by not showing up in droves.

What an absolutely ignorant post. 2 out of the last 3 seasons have below .500, and are well on their way this year, yet, the stadium is still full, and plenty of posters(959 registered, to date) post here. Why would anyone be jumping on a Chiefs bandwagon? That makes absolutely no sense at all. I'm gonna guess that the Packer, Bronco & Raider bandwagons are all much more crowded these days. But wait until they come back down to earth.
If there's a better Packers board, why aren't you there? Why waste your time with all of us 'bandwagon' fans? Here in Detroit Lions country, I see alot more packer puke & gold hats, shirts & jackets than normal. Why? Because the Lions suck, and Green Bay is the official bandwagon of the NFL. When they finish the year 9-7 again, they'll be back to wearing their Lions blue; happens every few years.

Packfan 10-17-2001 04:18 PM

Mi Chief,

The stadium is "full" during the 7-9 and 9-7 years??? I guess you werent at the Broncos/Chiefs game last year when there were 20,000 no shows. Late in the season, Chief fans have better things to do than cheer on their mediocre football team.

Do yourself a favor. Dont comment on things you dont know about.

KC Chief fans: "The NFL's GREATEST Fans!"

Skip Towne 10-17-2001 07:49 PM

Will somebody please buy these tickets so we can get this thread un-stuck from the top?

mcan 10-18-2001 12:25 AM

not that I want to use this space to argue, but I thought we covered this topic of "no shows" during the offseason. Remember, people on this board were able to find several articles and stats about the RATIO of no shows from a Chiefs and Packers perspective, and the RATIO was smaller for Chiefs fans on a game by game basis. I don't mean to say that Chiefs fans aren't slacking, I think I have made myself clear in the past that I don't leave games early, and go to all games I have tickets for no matter record or temperature. Regardless, I do believe that in times of crisis (such as it may be) the fans need to step it up if they really want to be considered the "12th man on the field." Last season during the Carolina or Buffalo game, I felt that the 12th man really let the team down. :(

Mi_chief_fan 10-18-2001 05:14 AM


Originally posted by Packfan
Mi Chief,

The stadium is "full" during the 7-9 and 9-7 years??? I guess you werent at the Broncos/Chiefs game last year when there were 20,000 no shows. Late in the season, Chief fans have better things to do than cheer on their mediocre football team.

That's not my point: my point is, the tickets were sold; thus a sellout. If I remember, the weather had a lot to do with the no-shows. Are you gonna say the Packers were at full capacity eveery game during their losing years? Doubt it, Kenny.

Mark M 10-18-2001 05:59 AM


You dont go up to Green Bay and get tickets for free from total strangers or have the ablitiy to buy tickets from the box office and have an entire section to yourself. Ever, win or lose.
Gee ... that's funny. When I was up there in 1989 there were plenty of tickets available (we paid $40 for the pair) and penty of empty "seats" (in quotes because there are nothing but bleachers in Lambeau). So, it appears that, once again, it is you who doesn't know what he's talking about.

The thing that amazes me about you, Ken, is that you rip on us for supporting a team led by Carl Peterson who is only out to make money (even though the NFL is a business and, last I checked, that's what businesses do) and keep the stadium full, yet you rip on us if 5 people don't show up because it's -20 outside or because a few people are disgruntled. It's a no-win situation ...

~~Nothing that happens is ever right with Packfuck

Packfan 10-18-2001 06:28 AM


Your full of sht once again. Packer tickets didnt cost $40 in 1989. In fact, they were as low as $35 two years ago. I doubt the team has LOWERED their prices since you allegedly went to the game.
I would like to show you a media guide so you can see how insane that comment is.

We both know you werent there.

Were not talking about "5 people" not showing up. Were talking about 20,000.

What a pathetic post by a pathetic man.

Packfan 10-18-2001 06:31 AM


Chief fans "step up" and support a loser??

C'mon, get real! The last time the Chiefs were this bad, 18,000 fans "stepped up" for a game against Oakland.

stevieray 10-18-2001 06:52 AM

Ken, does being an ******* come naturally for you, or have you had to work at it?

Dartgod 10-18-2001 08:15 AM

Ken it is you that are the blithering idiot here. Mark M. clearly stated the he paid $40 for the (now read closely here) PAIR of tickets. You can take all your media guides and shove them up you’re a$$ for all I care.

You post ad nauseum about how the Chiefs fans will be “abandoning the team in droves” since they can no longer put a winning product on the field. Yet, you fail to address my earlier post about how many fans stuck around until the end of the Pittsburgh game…for a 1-4 team! Your only support of this “abandonment” is one game last year on a bitter cold day, and what happened nearly 15 years ago.

I have yet to use the ignore feature here, but your blatent lies have me so #@$%$#@% p!ssed off, I’m considering it now. I probably will. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: !!!!!

Mark M 10-18-2001 08:37 AM


Your full of sht once again. Packer tickets didnt cost $40 in 1989. In fact, they were as low as $35 two years ago. I doubt the team has LOWERED their prices since you allegedly went to the game.
I paid $40 for the PAIR of tickets, you ignorant, can't read-worth-a-shit fuckstick.


I would like to show you a media guide so you can see how insane that comment is.
Is that your only source of information? Sure, the game may have been sold out, but there were a ton of empty "seats", just like Arrowhead


We both know you werent there.
Yes I was, dipshit. Why in the hell would I lie about it? If I still had the stub I'd scan it in and shove it your cyber fucking ***. Were you there? Did you scan the crowd and fail to see me? Did your precious media guide not show me as being in attendance? I've been to Arrowhead, Lambeau, Soldier Field, TWA Dome and the Metrodome. Would've been to the old RFK Stadium in DC had I been able to get tickets. You have no fucking idea what I've done or where I've been.

You know, I've put up with a lot of your bullshit, but this is the FINAL straw. The fact that you are trying to call me a liar is un-fucking acceptable and I demand an apology from you for accusing me of lying. Otherwise, I'll do what I can to get your troll a$$ banned from this site.

~~Insulted beyone belief.

Dartgod 10-18-2001 08:48 AM

Rave on brother, rave on!

Mark M 10-18-2001 09:09 AM

Nothing pisses me off more than when someone unjustly calls me a liar, especially when I haven't lied about anything. If I was just pulling stuff out of my a$$, then I wouldn't even respond.

I was there ... don't remember much of the game due to the amount of beer I drank (having a fake ID at 18 was sweet ... too bad the cop I was pulled over by at 19 didn't feel that way. :( At least I didn't go to jail!). But here is what I do remember:

It was cold ... real cold. The game was in November (don't remember who they were playing, but I want to say it was an AFC Central team. I could be wrong—I was more interested in not passing out than watching the game!) The stadium is kinda cool—it's all one level. We sat in section 30 something ... it was in the endzone is all I remember. We left in the fourth quarter because the guy I was with started to puke up the peppermint schnapps that was being passed around.

My big comlaint would be the seats ... metal bleachers ... and when you're as thin as I am, your a$$ gets real, real cold real, real quick on those things!

I really wish I still had the stub and guide I got. I could rub Ken's nose in it.

~~Doesn't lie

Dartgod 10-18-2001 09:28 AM

I hear ya Mark. Lying sucks! :D

The thing that kills me about PackBOT is that he keeps saying that the Chiefs fans are abandoning the team in droves and his only proof to that is ONE game last year when it was damn cold out. That and the support the team got during the ugly 80’s. I was surprised by the number of fans in the stands at the end of the Steeler game. It seems to me if he were right, those fans wouldn’t have stuck around for a 1-3 (going on 1-4) team. He will either ignore this or tell us how stupid we are for supporting them in the first place.

I was wondering, since you live here in KC, do you ever made it out to any games?

Mark M 10-18-2001 09:41 AM

I go to some. The parentals pay for the tickets, so I just get the ones that they can't go to. Went to the Raiders game (duh ... you knew that! ;) ), and the Giants so far this year. Not sure which others I'll be attending, but I've got a feeling I'll get a call from my dad asking me to go to the rescheduled Colts game.

Where are your seats? Ours are in 118. We need to hook up sometime and tailgate (even though my dad's not big into tailgating, I can con him into it!).

~~Loves going to Arrowhead ... win or lose

Dartgod 10-18-2001 09:54 AM

We're in section 104. Tailgating is a ritual for us. Let me know next time you are going and maybe you can at least come by for a beer, before or after the game.

Mark M 10-18-2001 10:10 AM

You can count on it!! I think I got your number somewhere in all of the 37 Forever stuff.

~~Looking forward to that beer

Mi_chief_fan 10-18-2001 11:45 AM

Hey Packfool,

You still haven't explained:

1) Why a team on it's second straight losing season is collecting a "bandwagon", and:

2) If we're all unknowledgable, bandwagon fans, why are you here?

Can't wait to see you dance around this one..........

Hoover 10-18-2001 12:19 PM

Up! :D

Warrior5 10-18-2001 12:59 PM

Hey Hoover...
Did you read what Dartgod said?

"Lyin' sucks".

Hoover 10-18-2001 01:15 PM


Everything Sucks

Packfan 10-19-2001 02:23 PM


Boy, get me banned from the site, that will teach me not to call out someone when they blatantly lie!

Calm down you fcking idiot! You claim you were at the game, but were two drunk to remember anything. Somehow, I can see that (based the maturity you show on this board). You remember virtually nothing about the game except metal benches and empty seats. Dont remember who the Packers were playing, who won, any players, any details. Nope. Only metal benches and no shows and being drunk.

Boy, what compelling evidence! I am sold now. I am sure you were at the game!

Does anyone else think this guy is a moron?

Iowanian 10-19-2001 02:28 PM

"does anyone else think this guy is a moron?"

If you are pointing at yourself in the mirror.....YES.

Phobia 10-19-2001 02:32 PM

I've been to scores of Orioles, Cardinals, and Royals games 10+ years ago. I can provide details of the stadium, the weather, who I was with, but since I wasn't an intimate fan of either baseball team, I couldn't tell you who they played or who won.

I've been to countless Rockets and Astros games in the past 7 years. I can describe the arena & stadium, tell you about the cheerleaders, what I ate, and describe all the hotties walking around. Don't ask me who the teams played or what the score was.

I attended a closed circuit boxing bout at the Compaq Center about 4 years ago. I know one of the fighters was DelaHoya. I don't remember who the other guy was. I don't remember who won.

I may have been drunk at 10% of these sporting events I attended.

I remember the score, opponent, place of nearly every Chiefs game I've attended.....

Phobia 10-19-2001 02:35 PM


Otherwise, I'll do what I can to get your troll a$$ banned from this site.
Yeah, he's an idiot for making that statement, but it's clear he made it while emotional. He can't make that happen. I could probably make it happen, but it would be temporary. I'd get my *** chewed and probably lose my "job".

Packfan 10-19-2001 02:50 PM


Me too. I been to countless Brewers, Royals and Cardinal games. I dont remember all the details. I have been to one Yankee game. They played the Blue Jays and won 7-6.

Football and baseball are two totally different sports. Baseball has 162 games and football 16. I would like to BELIEVE that someone going to Lambeau Field, one time, would know a little more than "metal seats, drunk, no shows, and cold."

I can believe just about everything he writes until he talks about scores of empty seats and having a section to himself. He has lost all credibility with that one. ANY packer fan would back me up on this and IF Mark could think of the team they played, I could verify the attendance versus capacity.

The more I read from Mark, the more I understand how thick he is upstairs (see Denise comments abot telling him numerous times that she likes Trent Green. It just sunk in today for Mark. He FINALLY gets it!).

I dont know what is more disturbing: Mark and his Lambeau field fairy tale or you buying into it.

If I told you I was at Arrowhead for a game, couldnt produce anything other than red seats, drunk, empty sections, and $20 per ticket, there is no way in hell you would believe me. Especially if Arrowhead sold out every game for 41 years.

Finally, who cares if I think Mark is a liar or not? I have other choice words that describe him based on the way he posts. As far as Mark DEMANDING an apology, there a better chance that the Chiefs will win the super bowl this year than me apologizing to that guy!

Phobia 10-19-2001 02:57 PM


I don't really care what you think of Mark. I'm not piling on for that purpose. I'm just reporting facts. I agree that it appears odd that he wouldn't remember more details. But, under the circumstances (so long ago, alcohol), it's not out of the question.

I'm done with this discussion.

Packfan 10-19-2001 07:51 PM

The reason I called Mark a "liar" was because he said that he went to the game and there were many, many no shows. He implied that he had a section to himself. So, knowing the Packers and their attendance history, I called him on it. Either he wasnt at the game, or he was and isnt telling the truth about the attendance. He said the game was in November of 1989.

Here are the home games in November, the score, and actual attendance:

Nov 5, Chicago Bears, 14-13 win for the Packers in the controversial "instant replay game" attendance: 55,556

Nov 26, Minnesota Vikings, 20-19 win for the Packers. Attendance wass 55,592.

There are a couple of holes in Mark's Lambeau field tale: Number 1, the Bears game was decided on the last play of the game, a Don Majkowski touchdown pass to Sterling Sharpe. Majkowski was called for an illegal pass over the line of scrimmage. The Packers challenged and it was overturned.

No matter how drunk this idiot was, he would have remembered this.

Problem number 2: The other November home game was in Milwaukee.

See why I call this guy a liar?

Spott 10-19-2001 08:10 PM

I remember that Bears-Packers game. I still think Majkowski went over the line of scrimmage.

Packfan 10-19-2001 08:13 PM


So do I.

Maybe Mark has an opinion on it since he was there.

Spott 10-19-2001 08:17 PM

I remember the game, but I wasn't there. Only time I saw the Pack live was in 96 in KC, although I am going to the Monday nighter in Jacksonville.

Packfan 10-19-2001 08:30 PM

I was at the 96 game in KC. Totally dominated by the Chiefs. But fortunately, the Packers went on to the super bowl.

Lucky you for the game in Jax. It will be a tough one for the Packers to win.

Spott 10-19-2001 08:33 PM

They shouldn't have much of a problem with Jacksonville. Favre will tear up their secondary.

Mark M 10-22-2001 07:53 AM

As far as it taking me forever to understand that Denise supports Trent, I read a whole two posts on that subject from her. So to say that it took her forever to get that through my skull shows that you are a liar and an idiot.

The thing is, Kenny, your opinion doesn't mean much around here. People know about you, know what you're about and know that you don't know your a$$ from a hole in the ground. Why do you think so many people have you on ignore? You contribute little, if nothing, to the discussion other than "The Chiefs haven't won a playoff game in 8 years" or "Carl Peterson is to blame for everything that's wrong" or "(Insert Chiefs QB name here) isn't worth anything."

I knew you wouldn't apologize ... you're not man enough to admit you made a mistake.

~~Doesn't tell lies

Mark M 10-22-2001 08:06 AM

You know, I was just thinking about it, and I just realized how much time I've wasted arguing with you over this, Pack.

And you know what? You're not worth it. While I won't add you to my ignore list, don't expect me to ever respond to you again. Hopefully, others will follow suit. You are obviously someone who loves the negative attention you get here. Why else would you post in the inflamatory and sometimes just plain idiotic way that you do? Maybe if we all ignore you'll either change your posting style or just go away.


I have other choice words that describe him based on the way he posts.
And you wonder why we all call you and idiot? Read your own posts sometimes and you'll see why.

~~Washing his hands of this fool

Packfan 10-23-2001 12:14 PM


Thats the response I expected once you realized that you have been busted. You have no come back except the "everybody hates you and I will never talk to you again" routine.

You sound like a little girl.

Packfan 10-23-2001 12:16 PM


One other thing: Denise has made it perfectly clear how she feels about Trent Green many, many times. You even apologized to her for your thickness upstairs.

Please, get your stories straight!

Mark M 10-23-2001 12:45 PM

I really didn't want to respond, but since you won't let this die, I'm hoping this will put an end to this. I will post this in two places to make sure your dumb a$$ reads it:

I WAS there. And let me explain something to you:

1. I was piss drunk. Now, you say that's not excuse. However, let me point something out to you: I'm 6' tall and weigh 140 lbs. If I drink 6 beers I can barely remember my freaking name, let alone who in the hell played whom. I had over 6 the day of the game (among other things ... ) I've been going to Chiefs games for 20 years and can't recite every game I've been to. They could've played the Vikings. Hell, they could've played the freaking Badgers and I wouldn't have remembered. I was bent over most of the game trying not to puke. Also, we left midway in the third quarter.

2. We didn't walk up to the box office and get tickets. My best friend from high school's mom lived in Green Bay and gave us the tickets for under face value (she also got us tickets for a Chicago preseason game in 1992 for cheap from her cousin. Of course, you'd probably call me a liar for that as well. )BTW, we paid $40 for two tickets, not a piece.

3. While I may have posted that I had an entire section to myself, it's something called hyperbole, or, in your terms, a way to make a point by exagerating the facts/numbers/information to make said point. But I will guarantee you this: There were at least 5,000-10,000 no shows when the national anthem was being sung--why I don't know, but a lot of people weren't there yet. Maqybe they showed up late. Of course, since it was chilly maybe they were all on each others laps.

The thing is this: I wasn't as into football then as I am now. If I were to go now, I would have a better appreciation of the history of Lambeau and the Packers and wouldn't pound 6+ beers in two hours. But then I was 18, cocky (or at least more so than I am now) and while I loved football, I loved a good buzz even more so I really didn't care.

If you don't want to believe me, fine.

As far as Denise goes, I had her on ignore for a long time so I never had a chance to read her support of Trent. Once I did, I was man enough to apologize for my error. You should try it sometime.

~~Knows who acts like a child ... and her name is Packfan

Phobia 10-23-2001 12:58 PM


Originally posted by Mark M
I was bent over most of the game (by) My best friend from high school for cheap ($40).

I will guarantee you this: I would have a better appreciation of cock (or at least more so than now) and while I loved Denise, I had her for a long time so I never had a chance to support a man. You should try it sometime.

Actual words from Mark M. I always knew.....

Mark M 10-23-2001 01:09 PM

LMAO PK Prez!!!

~~Should've known better. :)

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