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kpic 04-18-2023 09:19 AM

Heavy Metal & Hard Rock thread
Reading the 'Old People thread' and the posts by Stryker & Dark Horse got me thinking that we need an official Heavy Metal thread (we can also add in 'Hard Rock' in here as there may be some crossing-over) - Depending on your age, I suppose some Punk cross-over would apply and though it's not really my thing, the Metal variations like Death\Black Metal and Glam if you like...

My introduction to Heavy Metal was through my older sister who took me to my first concert at some point around 1976 (Alice Cooper), I have no memory of the actual music other than being on peoples shoulders so I could watch (I would have been about 8) but I definitely remember the 'show'!

I got more into the music by 1982\1983 when I discovered Manowar, Judas Priest & Iron Maiden, thinking back I suppose that year (1982-1983) was a huge push for Metal with pivotal albums (yes I had the albums) by those bands, throw in Venom that had some wild Punk-Metal cross-over thing happening called 'Black Metal' and some 'new' sound from a band called Metallica.

Thanks to my sister and her friends I had a wide exposure to concert going, later on I had friends more around my age and more importantly driving age so we were able to hit numerous concerts.

I suppose it was helpful that we were in the central NJ area with so many venues around us...

We had NYC for a long haul if needed; L'Amour, Ritz\Studio54 & MSG (I went to CBGB but not for a concert), but Philly & NJ was our main-stay.

In Philly you had the Spectrum for the big shows, the Tower Theater for the mid-range shows\bands and then clubs like The Empire, Theater of the Living Arts (TLA) on South Street (still open!) and some others that I can't recall.

In NJ it was all clubs; the Satellite club was near us so that was our regular spot, City Gardens was in Trenton so not too far away, it was mostly a Punk club but had Metal there at times as well and though at that time there was a clear spilt from Punk to Metal music I had friends in both camps so I didn't care who I went with and who we saw (though oddly the only real Punk band I can recall seeing live was the Cro-Mags) I can't remember any of the others. The thing about City Gardens is that it was smack deep in an African-American neighborhood, the Metal crowd was a bit more subdued but when going with the Punk crowd, they were definitely more confrontational and I can remember several big fights in the parking lot with the locals, after it was over everyone would just go back to what they were doing and we'd head into the club! Oh yeah there was a club in Asbury Park as well but I can't remember what it was called.

Thinking back when I thought about writing this I went through my head thinking about the shows I've seen and yeah, it's a lot but here are some of my favorite memories;

These would be in no particular order but I suppose these first three are my favorite bands given I've seen them most often;

#1 is Manowar - I saw them for the Fighting the World tour, twice for the Kings of Metal tour and twice for the Triumph of Steel tour, but my best memory is during the KOM tour and in Philly (I think it was the Empire club), me and my friends got there early and on the billboard was 'Man-O-War', we saw a guy outside and told him about how it should just be one word and he thanks us and tells us the band is inside rehearsing why don't you just go in early and hang a bit - didn't have to tell us again - we head in and sure enough they are up on stage rehearsing and just some people milling around, afterwards it was very casual and so we went up and talked to Scott & Ross, they were way cool! Joey and Eric were doing their own thing so I never got to meet them but I was a member of their fan-club and on night Joey and Eric called me out of the blue just to say 'hey' and we talked for about 15 minutes, I told them about that story, they thought it was funny but they said they were more interested if I had any pictures of my girlfriend naked that I could mail them. So that connection there will always keep them #1 to me - As far as them being the 'loudest band in the world', yeah they definitely were in my book, I mean we're talking about 2-3 days after the concerts of just hearing a low hum. Now days when my wife when she tells me that my hearing is going bad, I just remind her how many Metal shows I've been to and five of those were Manowar, so yeah, of course it's bad!

#2 is Iron Maiden - Hearing Number of the Beast & Piece of Mind albums back to back (1982\1983), I mean they were just on another level! I saw them first for Piece of Mind tour, then again for Powerslave (this tour became the Live After Death album), Somewhere in Time, No Prayer for Dying and then there were a few co-headlining tours. These were all at the Spectum as expected for a band of their stature except for the last time I saw them in 2005 (maybe 2006?) was in Camden NJ at the Camden Waterfront.

#3 is Judas Priest - British Steel\POE was ok to me (I didn't like any of their earlier rock stuff) but Screaming for Vengeance was like a hit to the head! I wasn't able to see them on that tour but I did see them for Defenders of the Faith, Turbo (and yes I absolutely loved this album I don't care what anyone said at the time), Ram it Down & Painkiller twice + a later tour they were co-headlining with Alice Cooper. As with Maiden these were all at the Spectrum\NYC (MSG) as expected of a band their stature.

The rest of the bands I've seen & enjoyed (there are some I like and I am probably forgetting a lot I saw and not mentioning as I wasn't really there to see them but they were 'there')

Helloween, Armored Saint, Megadeth, Doro, WASP, Metal Church, King Diamond, The Mentors (uh, absolutely hilarious and totally offensive!), oh yeah GWAR too, though I remember more of the show than of the music

Motorhead - Oddly I likely have seen them a lot as they opened for a lot of the bands I listed.

Metallica - I saw them open - yes open - for Raven on the "Kill Em' All for One" tour in 1983 (I was there to see Raven LOL!) but yeah Metallica were noticeably on another level. Never saw them live again (though I did end up seeing Raven again as an opener at a later concert!), I liked RTL and MOP a lot but the next one (And Justice??) I thought lost a lot of the sound I liked on the earlier stuff.

Slayer - Saw them a few times as opener\mid-cards and though I can't say it's really my taste, I do like a few early songs, I will say the crowd was wild for them and they shred for sure!

Venom - I liked their raw cross-over sound (though probably the least talented group on this list) they were outstanding live though, saw them twice in NYC (the Ritz\Studio 54) and once again later in 1990 in Philly with the revamped band line-up.

Hellion - Regrettably I only saw them once, I suppose as they were more an LA band - but my goodness, not only did I like them musically but Ann Boleyn was a total smoke-show, I'll never forget being right up against the stage looking up at her the whole time as she's singing, that's literally the only thing I remember about that night, I was completely ga-ga over her.

A couple I never saw but really wished I had; Exciter (sad, sad face on this one, though shockingly they still tour occasionally so who knows) & Accept\UDO!

AdolfOliverBush 04-18-2023 09:37 AM

Damn, you've seen a lot of kick-ass shows.

Back in 1986, some of my friends were going on and on about seeing Metallica live. They had opened for Ozzy Osborne.

I decided to go to a local record store and pick out 3 random heavy metal albums (cassettes), just to see what the fuss was about. Prior to that, that hardest music I listened to was AC/DC.

One of my choices had to be Metallica, so I picked "Master of Puppets" because it was their newest release. Right next to that was another metal album with cool cover art from a band with an awesome name. It turned out to be "Peace Sells" by Megadeth. Sticking with the 'M' section, I grabbed "The Dark" by Metal Church, again based solely on the cover art and band name. I still enjoy those albums to this day.

Those choices were pure ****ing luck, but I was hooked after that. A couple weeks later, i bought "Reign In Blood" by Slayer.

Cheater5 04-18-2023 09:43 AM

About 11 years ago The Poz started a Stoner / Doom Metal thread that was imo, excellent, and people posted up a lot of awesome music over the years -- and then it just stopped.

Hope this thread kicks off another good run.

kpic 04-18-2023 09:47 AM


Originally Posted by AdolfOliverBush (Post 16906651)
I grabbed "The Dark" by Metal Church, again based solely on the cover art and band name.

I have no idea how they didn't make it bigger, they were great live and the songs were outstanding. Maybe not to the Metallica level but they definitely should have been about the Megadeth level for sure. Must have been some band shake-ups or something like that derailed them?

Also Armored Saint after seeing them and hearing them I would have sworn would have hit it big - Funny thing, I saw Helloween open (who did make it big but in Europe) for Armored Saint and they both opened for Grim Reaper! I remember thinking that shouldn't Grim Reaper be opening for those two bands instead!?

kpic 04-18-2023 09:55 AM


Originally Posted by Cheater5 (Post 16906668)
About 11 years ago The Poz started a Stoner / Doom Metal thread that was imo, excellent

Admittedly, my tastes are pretty limited to what I posted but there's always room for everything under the umbrella.

One of my friends at the time started getting more into Death Metal (late 80's or so), he'd play it for me and I'd tell him that I couldn't understand a word he was saying! Now days my daughter when hearing any of my more tame Metal playing tells me she can't understand a word they are saying! So it's all perspective I suppose!

kpic 04-18-2023 10:00 AM

Oh, I forgot 'Thor', that was in a small club that I remember seemed smaller than the usual, seemed like a large bar. Anyway it was pretty good, he bent a sword in his mouth!

And another regret not seeing; Running Wild - though I'm not sure if they ever even did tour here in the states? I mean it wasn't like going to the internet to see upcoming tours, you either heard it through word-of-mouth, in the newspaper or through the radio for the bigger bands.

AdolfOliverBush 04-18-2023 10:06 AM


Originally Posted by kpic (Post 16906684)
I have no idea how they didn't make it bigger, they were great live and the songs were outstanding. Maybe not to the Metallica level but they definitely should have been about the Megadeth level for sure. Must have been some band shake-ups or something like that derailed them?

Their first two albums are classics imo. When the original lead singer left, they kinda went downhill. What a shame.

InChiefsHeaven 04-18-2023 10:32 AM

My Metal journey started with Iron Maiden when I was about 11 years old. A friend of mine had the Killers album and the new Number of the Beast album had just come out. We lived in Spain at the time. I saved my 1 dollar a week allowance (100 pesetas more or less) and after 4 weeks bought Number of the Beast on mom freaked out when she saw the album cover, but somehow, my folks never really stopped me from listening.

And I was hooked. Moved on to ACDC, Alice Cooper (my ****ing hero that guy) Judas Priest, Megadeth (oddly before Metallica) then on to the likes of Anthrax, Helloween and Armored Saint. Later came Testament and such...I never really liked Slayer, but my buddies did. Of course the metal train came to a stop for me after Pantera Vulgar Display of Power. God married, had kids at a very young age, and new music ceased to be a huge import to my life. I was (and still am) in a band, but I don't really know much new music at all...I guess I'm stuck in the 80's...which ain't a bad place to be...

alpha_omega 04-18-2023 10:40 AM

On AM 1030 locally back in the day!

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WhawhaWhat 04-18-2023 10:52 AM

Have you guys seen these videos with Metallica songs remixed with proper bass levels? I love them.

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KCUnited 04-18-2023 11:20 AM

I feel I was a few years too young to have much exposure to early 80s heavy metal. I was more introduced to mid/late 80s punk and thrash then the evolution of both into 90s death metal.

I think I've shared this story before but as some of you may have also experienced back in day, a lot of the decision making process into picking out an album was the artwork, at least for me anyway.

I was blown away by Grim Reapers artwork and picked up a copy of something, probably Rock You To Hell, thinking it was going to be the heaviest shit ever recorded and then being so disappointed when I heard how tame it was. Same with Helloween but I actually learned to appreciate them and jammed a couple of their albums quite a bit.

That's not a knock on them by any means just a humorous, to me, look back at the strategy of buying albums before the internet and how awesome metal album artwork was and still is.

Surely there's a museum out there, in like a Toledo OH or someplace similar, with a metal album artwork exhibit.

AdolfOliverBush 04-18-2023 02:02 PM

Are any of you old metalheads into newer stuff? For me Gojira, Lamb of God, and Meshuggah are go-tos.

InChiefsHeaven 04-18-2023 02:15 PM


Originally Posted by WhawhaWhat (Post 16906784)
Have you guys seen these videos with Metallica songs remixed with proper bass levels? I love them.

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Why oh why was Metallica so shitty about their bass mixes? I mean, on AJFA there might as well have not been a bass player at all...

That Master of Puppets remix is ****ing awesome...

InChiefsHeaven 04-18-2023 02:22 PM


Originally Posted by AdolfOliverBush (Post 16907182)
Are any of you old metalheads into newer stuff? For me Gojira, Lamb of God, and Meshuggah are go-tos.

My son is, so I've heard some stuff. I don't hate it but I don't really pursue it.

lawrenceRaider 04-18-2023 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by AdolfOliverBush (Post 16907182)
Are any of you old metalheads into newer stuff? For me Gojira, Lamb of God, and Meshuggah are go-tos.

Gojira is probably the best "modern" metal band from a purely talent stand point. They put on an absolutely amazing show at The Cotillion recently. Their stuff runs from death metal to progressive metal. Just an amazing band. Love how they continually evolve their sound, but you know it is Gojira regardless of album/song when you hear it.

I've never been able to get into Lamb of God or Meshuggah. Both are talented bands, just something misses for me.

AdolfOliverBush 04-18-2023 02:37 PM


Originally Posted by InChiefsHeaven (Post 16907242)
My son is, so I've heard some stuff. I don't hate it but I don't really pursue it.

The vocals can be hard to get used to. Yelling is one thing (Slayer, Pantera), but I tend to tune out the moment I hear some guy growling like an animal, or like he's about to vomit (Cannibal Corpse).

lawrenceRaider 04-18-2023 02:44 PM

I love Melodic Death Metal.

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lawrenceRaider 04-18-2023 02:44 PM

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lawrenceRaider 04-18-2023 02:47 PM

Some modernish Thrash.

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lawrenceRaider 04-18-2023 02:47 PM

Crazy Finnish Space Metal.

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WhawhaWhat 04-18-2023 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by lawrenceRaider (Post 16907278)
Gojira is probably the best "modern" metal band from a purely talent stand point. They put on an absolutely amazing show at The Cotillion recently. Their stuff runs from death metal to progressive metal. Just an amazing band. Love how they continually evolve their sound, but you know it is Gojira regardless of album/song when you hear it.

I've never been able to get into Lamb of God or Meshuggah. Both are talented bands, just something misses for me.

I saw Gojira a few years ago at a Deftones show and had heard of them but never really listened before. The show was fine but I wasn't super into it until they closed the show with The Gift of Guilt. For whatever reason, that song resonates with me, both the music and the lyrics, so much that it almost gets me emotional.

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kpic 04-18-2023 03:29 PM

I was looking up what happened to a few of these places we used to go to and as I figured most are closed now or have been demolished.

The place in Asbury Park I couldn't remember was the Stone Pony and looks like that's still around. I forgot about the Trocadero in Philly (closed just a few years ago) that was a pretty good place to go and interestingly City Gardens (closed) had Jon Stewart as bartender from 1984-1987, that was right in my time-frame so he probably poured me a beer or two at some point.

Stryker 04-18-2023 07:48 PM

OK, Dark Horse look what we have done! Let's do this!

Stryker 04-18-2023 08:21 PM

Judas Priest - Painkiller

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RAMMSTEIN - Armee der Tristen

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STRYPER - Murder By Pride

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LOUDNESS - Jealousy

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QUEENSRYCHE - Take Hold of the Flame

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Iron Maiden - Fear of the Dark

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AIRBOURNE - Too Much, Too Young, Too Fast

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VOLBEAT - Shotgun Blues

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RAVEN - Mind Over Metal

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DIO - The Last in Line

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ACCEPT - Balls to the Wall

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GloucesterChief 04-18-2023 08:23 PM

Heavy Metal and Hard Rock bands I have seen live: Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Slayer, Alter Bridge, Band-Maid, Alice in Chains, Ministry, The Cult, Alice Cooper, Dream Theater, Lamb of God, Trivium, Megadeth, Epica, Sabaton, Ghost, Hatebreed

Stryker 04-18-2023 08:44 PM

My first concert was in 1977 - KISS Alive II tour. with AC/DC - Let There Be Rock - Bon Scott

Saw Iron Maiden w/ Paul Di'Anno KILLERS tour with Judas Priest - Point of Entry

Iron Maiden - Killers, Number of the Beast, Piece of Mind and Powerslave

AC/DC - For Those About to Rock w/ Back in Black - Nashville both tours together because BIB was canceled because of weather that year.

I have way too many to list because the list is long.
Def Leppard - 1983 Pyromania 1987 Hysteria

Van Halen - Van Halen II, Women and Children First, Fair Warning, Diver Down.

Krokus - Headhunter, Warrant, Skid Row, Quiet Riot - enough

Stryker 04-18-2023 09:01 PM

METALLICA - Fade to Black

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PANTERA - Cowboys from Hell

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MALICE - Rockin' With You

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LOUDNESS - Crazy Nights

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Stryker 04-18-2023 09:05 PM

Rammstein - Angst

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Stryker 04-18-2023 09:12 PM

Your gonna love this..

Rammstein - Dicke Titten

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Chief Pagan 04-18-2023 09:33 PM

In junior high school and high school I was listening to psychedelic and prog rock and a little bit of punk.

I ignored metal in high school and ignored pop music, although some party music was better than other.

But I started listening to metal about five years ago and have gotten into Mettallica.

Like a lot of music I listen to, it was mostly people doing covers that got me into metal. Some of which I've posted on other threads.

Metal covers of songs from back in the day.

Like I had heard this song on the radio too many times to count. But I never really thought that much about the song. Just another okay pop song. Until I put headphones on and really listen to the emotion in this version cranked up to eleven...

[IMG]<iframe width="966" height="543" src="" title="In The Air Tonight (metal cover by Leo Moracchioli)" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>[/IMG]

kpic 04-19-2023 05:33 AM

Now I know why Stryker was posting in the 'Old People' thread, that tour with Priest & Maiden together would have been 1981\1982!

I wasn't really fair in my original post regarding the band Hellion & its lead singer Ann Boleyn, I made it sound like she was just some hot female singer (I mean she was) but in reality she started her own band label (New Renaissance Records) when they couldn't get a major label deal (this at that time don't forget was in a heavy male dominated field) but vocally she was also right up there with the best of them.

Prior to seeing them live, this was one of the times I figured there was no way she could match belting out the songs live compared to what was on tape but she way exceeded that by a large margin. Its not even fair to label her 'for a woman singer' I'd put her right on top along with the other all-time outstanding singers from my live list; Eric Adams (Manowar), Bruce, Rob & King Diamond.

The only other time I was unexpectedly surprised like that was with Bobby Blitz (Overkill) another time I thought no way he could match singing live to what was on tape but was proven wrong.

Fishpicker 04-19-2023 06:39 AM

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anybody remember this super group? former Black Sabbath members Ray Gillen and Eric Singer with Ozzys axe man, Jake E. Lee

rocknrolla 04-19-2023 07:50 AM


Originally Posted by GloucesterChief (Post 16907675)
Heavy Metal and Hard Rock bands I have seen live: Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Slayer, Alter Bridge, Band-Maid, Alice in Chains, Ministry, The Cult, Alice Cooper, Dream Theater, Lamb of God, Trivium, Megadeth, Epica, Sabaton, Ghost, Hatebreed

Alter Bridge??? go **** your self. Thats not hard rock or heavy metal, bubble gum bullshit!

InChiefsHeaven 04-19-2023 07:55 AM


Originally Posted by AdolfOliverBush (Post 16907284)
The vocals can be hard to get used to. Yelling is one thing (Slayer, Pantera), but I tend to tune out the moment I hear some guy growling like an animal, or like he's about to vomit (Cannibal Corpse).

What kills me is, I honestly feel like the vocals could be sung by a really talented vocalist for most of this stuff and it would make it better. Cannibal Corpse is a great example of "What the **** is he grumbling about?"

I hate that shit. There's a place for emotion and screaming, but when it's all garbled shit, it's...well...shit.

KCUnited 04-19-2023 08:11 AM


Originally Posted by InChiefsHeaven (Post 16907972)
What kills me is, I honestly feel like the vocals could be sung by a really talented vocalist for most of this stuff and it would make it better. Cannibal Corpse is a great example of "What the **** is he grumbling about?"

I hate that shit. There's a place for emotion and screaming, but when it's all garbled shit, it's...well...shit.

I can understand different tastes in vocal styles but the bands name is Cannibal Corpse.

Are you really expecting a song called Stripped, Raped and Strangled to be sang with a Meat Loaf vocal style?

Think of death metal vocals as an additional instrument. Nobody gives a single **** about the lyrics.

AdolfOliverBush 04-19-2023 08:18 AM


Originally Posted by KCUnited (Post 16907992)
I can understand different tastes in vocal styles but the bands name is Cannibal Corpse.

Are you really expecting a song called Stripped, Raped and Strangled to be sang with a Meat Loaf vocal style?

Think of death metal vocals as an additional instrument. Nobody gives a single **** about the lyrics.

"Don't touch that radio dial! Up next is 'I cum blood' by Michael Bublé."

InChiefsHeaven 04-19-2023 08:22 AM


Originally Posted by KCUnited (Post 16907992)
I can understand different tastes in vocal styles but the bands name is Cannibal Corpse.

Are you really expecting a song called Stripped, Raped and Strangled to be sang with a Meat Loaf vocal style?

Think of death metal vocals as an additional instrument. Nobody gives a single **** about the lyrics.

Indeed. I mean, how could they?

Thing is, I'm a vocalist, and so I pay very close attention to and give heavy weight to a band's vocals. It baffles me that you could have a band full of really damn good musicians only to have it ruined by the same flat, phlegmy growling vocals...I mean seriously, it does take some work to do that shit to your voice, but I'd hardly call it singing...

/old man Maiden fan out...

lawrenceRaider 04-19-2023 08:26 AM

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KCUnited 04-19-2023 09:01 AM


Originally Posted by AdolfOliverBush (Post 16908000)
"Don't touch that radio dial! Up next is 'I cum blood' by Michael Bublé."

The falsetto after the guitar solo in “****ed, Stabbed, and Eaten” moved me to tears

htismaqe 04-19-2023 09:57 AM


Originally Posted by InChiefsHeaven (Post 16908008)
Indeed. I mean, how could they?

Thing is, I'm a vocalist, and so I pay very close attention to and give heavy weight to a band's vocals. It baffles me that you could have a band full of really damn good musicians only to have it ruined by the same flat, phlegmy growling vocals...I mean seriously, it does take some work to do that shit to your voice, but I'd hardly call it singing...

/old man Maiden fan out...

You need to give extreme metal more of a chance, man. It might shock you to know that a lot of those growlers and squealers can actually SING. Some of the best hardcore and extreme bands have VERY versatile singers, which creates a sort of tension in the songwriting that can be really emotionally impactful.

Buddy Rich 04-19-2023 10:00 AM


Originally Posted by lawrenceRaider (Post 16908011)
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Dear God almighty, that's so terrible. It's like bad 80's Heart with more tattoos.

htismaqe 04-19-2023 10:02 AM

Most of the metalheads here know I'm a massive stoner/doom fan.

My absolute favorite bands are Black Sabbath, Judas Priest, and Dio.

After that, it's stuff like Kyuss/QOTSA, Orange Goblin, Mastodon, The Sword, and High on Fire that gets me going. I love Motorhead. I love Ozzy's solo stuff. I also like a bit of metalcore/deathcore - bands like Phinehas and Impending Doom.

As far as controversial or disputable takes:

Megadeth > Metallica
Sabbath Dio > Sabbath Ozzy

alpha_omega 04-19-2023 10:04 AM


Originally Posted by Fishpicker (Post 16907893)
....anybody remember this super group? former Black Sabbath members Ray Gillen and Eric Singer with Ozzys axe man, Jake E. Lee

Absolutely. Solid hard rock.
Still in semi-regular rotation here.

htismaqe 04-19-2023 10:08 AM

Jake E. Lee is way underrated IMO. His work with Ozzy is brilliant and he's done some great stuff recently as well. Too bad so much of his career was consumed by the fallout from Sharon being a raging bitch.

htismaqe 04-19-2023 10:10 AM


Originally Posted by Stryker (Post 16907696)
Judas Priest - Point of Entry

An often-overlooked but legit great album.

Buddy Rich 04-19-2023 10:14 AM


Originally Posted by htismaqe (Post 16908191)
An often-overlooked but legit great album.

Awesome album

AdolfOliverBush 04-19-2023 11:37 AM

Devin Townsend is another guy who is crazy talented. His music is hit-and-miss with me, but his ability is off the charts.

lawrenceRaider 04-19-2023 12:16 PM


Originally Posted by AdolfOliverBush (Post 16908407)
Devin Townsend is another guy who is crazy talented. His music is hit-and-miss with me, but his ability is off the charts.

Agreed on that. Some of his music is phenomenal. Other is WTF.

InChiefsHeaven 04-19-2023 01:52 PM


Originally Posted by htismaqe (Post 16908151)
You need to give extreme metal more of a chance, man. It might shock you to know that a lot of those growlers and squealers can actually SING. Some of the best hardcore and extreme bands have VERY versatile singers, which creates a sort of tension in the songwriting that can be really emotionally impactful.

Look, I appreciate that. I'm just saying, it's not my jam is all. I want to hear real emotion besides ****ing rage. Rage is good, it has it's place, but only every great once in a while...not every song.

And I know, I'm probably not hearing enough of it I guess.

Seriously, I appreciate the music, but the vocalizing is just awful in my ears is all. The screamiest I ever got was Pantera, and that shit got screamy, but I an appropriate way. And was hardly ever unintelligible growling.

htismaqe 04-19-2023 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by InChiefsHeaven (Post 16908683)
Look, I appreciate that. I'm just saying, it's not my jam is all. I want to hear real emotion besides ****ing rage. Rage is good, it has it's place, but only every great once in a while...not every song.

And I know, I'm probably not hearing enough of it I guess.

Seriously, I appreciate the music, but the vocalizing is just awful in my ears is all. The screamiest I ever got was Pantera, and that shit got screamy, but I an appropriate way. And was hardly ever unintelligible growling.

I was much the same way as you even 10 years ago. Then a friend exposed me to some really quality bands. The good ones aren't "all rage". They alternate between heavy and soft, loud and quiet, aggressive and atmospheric. It creates a contrast and tension that isn't found in a lot of other music because the differences are so striking when they go from growing to singing.

Also, the growling isn't unintelligible. In many ways, it's like learning a new language. Once you listen to it enough, you start to understand what they are saying. Also, some of the music is so good that it's worth listening to the growling anyway.

InChiefsHeaven 04-19-2023 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by htismaqe (Post 16908164)
Most of the metalheads here know I'm a massive stoner/doom fan.

My absolute favorite bands are Black Sabbath, Judas Priest, and Dio.

After that, it's stuff like Kyuss/QOTSA, Orange Goblin, Mastodon, The Sword, and High on Fire that gets me going. I love Motorhead. I love Ozzy's solo stuff. I also like a bit of metalcore/deathcore - bands like Phinehas and Impending Doom.

As far as controversial or disputable takes:

Megadeth > Metallica
Sabbath Dio > Sabbath Ozzy

Megadeth was my first thrash metal over Metallica. And over the years, I don't think there should be any dispute that Megadeth is superior to Metallica on just about any level...but I also love me some Metallica.

AdolfOliverBush 04-19-2023 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by InChiefsHeaven (Post 16908716)
Megadeth was my first thrash metal over Metallica. And over the years, I don't think there should be any dispute that Megadeth is superior to Metallica on just about any level...but I also love me some Metallica.

I think "Rust In Peace" is better than any Metallica album, although neither band is exactly getting better with age. Both are nearly unlistenable at this point, imo.

Imon Yourside 04-19-2023 02:33 PM

I went from Led Zeppelin to buying Master of Puppets the day it came out. Wore out the tape completely. I've pretty much gotten away from the Metal thing these days but I occasionally go back and listen. I'm more into the Kyuss stuff now tho tbh.

Imon Yourside 04-19-2023 02:35 PM

Queensryche I still listen to occasionally and that Raven album is HIGHLY underrated amazing to this day still.

Imon Yourside 04-19-2023 02:39 PM

I'm more into this kind of genre now...

<iframe width="640" height="480" src="" title="Neon" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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<iframe width="640" height="480" src="" title="Dragonheart" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>

<iframe width="640" height="480" src="" title="Bizarre Cosmic Industries" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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Imon Yourside 04-19-2023 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by AdolfOliverBush (Post 16908748)
I think "Rust In Peace" is better than any Metallica album, although neither band is exactly getting better with age. Both are nearly unlistenable at this point, imo.

Peace sells is still my favorite album from those guys.

Chiefnj2 04-19-2023 02:44 PM

In 1988 or 1989 I saw Manowar open up for Motorhead at the Ritz.

I would agree that Manowar was the loudest band I've ever seen. Not the best band by far, but the loudest.

AdolfOliverBush 04-19-2023 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by Chiefnj2 (Post 16908852)
In 1988 or 1989 I saw Manowar open up for Motorhead at the Ritz.

I would agree that Manowar was the loudest band I've ever seen. Not the best band by far, but the loudest.

I saw Metallica at Kemper Arena in 1991. We got there way early, so we were sitting out in the parking lot. The drums were being set up, and we knew that because my rearview mirrors were shaking. In the parking lot.

That concert remains the loudest thing I've ever heard. I couldn't hear right for 3 or 4 days after.

InChiefsHeaven 04-19-2023 03:26 PM


Originally Posted by Imon Yourside (Post 16908841)
Peace sells is still my favorite album from those guys.

Yep, front to back it's pretty awesome. That was my first Megadeth album. We had a guitar player back in the day who could thrash and we did a cover of Holy Wars...I ****ing LOVED Rust in Peace.

I checked out of Metallica after the Black Album. Haven't gotten into any of the new album yet.

They're all getting old. The one that kills me the most is Maiden. Holy shit, they've become pretty unlistenable to me, though I didn't hate "The Writing on the Wall" on their latest album.

InChiefsHeaven 04-19-2023 03:27 PM


Originally Posted by AdolfOliverBush (Post 16908878)
I saw Metallica at Kemper Arena in 1991. We got there way early, so we were sitting out in the parking lot. The drums were being set up, and we knew that because my rearview mirrors were shaking. In the parking lot.

That concert remains the loudest thing I've ever heard. I couldn't hear right for 3 or 4 days after.

Saw that tour in Omaha at the Civic of my favorite concerts ever.

Spott 04-19-2023 05:03 PM


Originally Posted by AdolfOliverBush (Post 16906651)
Damn, you've seen a lot of kick-ass shows.

Back in 1986, some of my friends were going on and on about seeing Metallica live. They had opened for Ozzy Osborne.

I decided to go to a local record store and pick out 3 random heavy metal albums (cassettes), just to see what the fuss was about. Prior to that, that hardest music I listened to was AC/DC.

One of my choices had to be Metallica, so I picked "Master of Puppets" because it was their newest release. Right next to that was another metal album with cool cover art from a band with an awesome name. It turned out to be "Peace Sells" by Megadeth. Sticking with the 'M' section, I grabbed "The Dark" by Metal Church, again based solely on the cover art and band name. I still enjoy those albums to this day.

Those choices were pure ****ing luck, but I was hooked after that. A couple weeks later, i bought "Reign In Blood" by Slayer.

Was 86 the year they also toured with Anthrax? I wasn’t old enough to to drive back then so I couldn’t go, but I ended up seeing them in 88 with Queensryche and in 89 with the Cult at Sandstone, which is still my favorite of all the ones I went to. I also saw them 91 and then again last fall in Pittsburgh.

Back in the day, I saw Anthrax open for Iron Maiden, AIC Slayer Anthrax and Megadeth at Clash of the Titans in 92, Soundgarden with Danzig and again opening for some glam band. Also saw Pantera and White Zombie and a host of punk/metal bands at the old Outhouse in Lawrence.

KCUnited 04-19-2023 05:23 PM


Originally Posted by Cheater5 (Post 16906668)
About 11 years ago The Poz started a Stoner / Doom Metal thread that was imo, excellent, and people posted up a lot of awesome music over the years -- and then it just stopped.

Hope this thread kicks off another good run.

**** that was a great thread

Talk about missing posters, The Poz and Quicksurfer are 2 that jump off the first page immediately

Anyway, within the context of that thread I'm 47 and have been rocking the same Primitive Man shirt all week

No coast, no hope

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Stryker 04-19-2023 07:10 PM


Originally Posted by htismaqe (Post 16908186)
Jake E. Lee is way underrated IMO. His work with Ozzy is brilliant and he's done some great stuff recently as well. Too bad so much of his career was consumed by the fallout from Sharon being a raging bitch.

Ozzy - Bark at the Moon

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Stryker 04-19-2023 07:13 PM


Originally Posted by kpic (Post 16907863)
Now I know why Stryker was posting in the 'Old People' thread, that tour with Priest & Maiden together would have been 1981\1982!

I wasn't really fair in my original post regarding the band Hellion & its lead singer Ann Boleyn, I made it sound like she was just some hot female singer (I mean she was) but in reality she started her own band label (New Renaissance Records) when they couldn't get a major label deal (this at that time don't forget was in a heavy male dominated field) but vocally she was also right up there with the best of them.

Prior to seeing them live, this was one of the times I figured there was no way she could match belting out the songs live compared to what was on tape but she way exceeded that by a large margin. Its not even fair to label her 'for a woman singer' I'd put her right on top along with the other all-time outstanding singers from my live list; Eric Adams (Manowar), Bruce, Rob & King Diamond.

The only other time I was unexpectedly surprised like that was with Bobby Blitz (Overkill) another time I thought no way he could match singing live to what was on tape but was proven wrong.

You are correct! :clap:

Stryker 04-19-2023 07:27 PM


Originally Posted by htismaqe (Post 16908191)
An often-overlooked but legit great album.

As well as Iron Maiden - Killers

Stryker 04-19-2023 07:48 PM

FASTWAY - Stand Up

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Volbeat - Mary Ann's Place

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Judas Priest - I'm a Rocker

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Judas Priest - The Sentinel

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Stryker 04-19-2023 07:56 PM

Iron Maiden - Still Life

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Pantera - Domination

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Jackyl - Dirty Little Mind

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Lillian Axe - Show A Little Love

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Stryker 04-19-2023 08:19 PM

Def Leppard - Gods of War

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Motorhead - Orgasmatron

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ICON - Taking My Breath Away

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RUSH - Witch Hunt

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Accept - Metal Heart

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Metallica - Seek & Destroy

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Stryker 04-19-2023 08:37 PM

LOUDNESS - Rock This Way

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Fishpicker 04-20-2023 06:13 AM

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this was my jam BITD. this performance specifically, Kansas City MO. April 28 1986.

nobody played the slow part of I Dont Know like Jake E Lee

Ozzy cracks me up. in '86 he had the same wig and wore the same sequined gowns as Bette Midler.

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I kinda miss Autograph. Ozzy once said that Autograph was his favorite band (out of all his contemporaries)

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true story. Rick James claimed in his autobiography that he sailed his yacht to S. America and back to supply all the biggest rockers with yayo. he also claimed that since his clientele were willing to pay premium prices, he made more money off large coke sales than he did in his entire music career.

lawrenceRaider 04-20-2023 06:45 AM

Can't say I was a huge Jackyl fan, but they put on a hell of a live show. Bruce Dickinson opened and was fantastic as well.

lawrenceRaider 04-20-2023 06:47 AM


Originally Posted by AdolfOliverBush (Post 16908748)
I think "Rust In Peace" is better than any Metallica album, although neither band is exactly getting better with age. Both are nearly unlistenable at this point, imo.

New Megadeth, while not fantastic, is worlds better than anything Metallica has put out in 30ish years.

Fishpicker 04-20-2023 06:52 AM

name the 4 singers you put on the Mt. Rushmore of Rock

Roy Orbison
Freddie Mercury
Glenn Hughes

lawrenceRaider 04-20-2023 07:10 AM


Originally Posted by Fishpicker (Post 16909449)
name the 4 singers you put on the Mt. Rushmore of Rock

Roy Orbison
Freddie Mercury
Glenn Hughes

Dio and Freddie are no brainers.

I'm probably going with Chris Cornell and Mike Patton for the other two spots.

lawrenceRaider 04-20-2023 07:11 AM

Had a long thought about sticking Geoff Tate in place of Cornell or Patton.

lawrenceRaider 04-20-2023 07:16 AM

There are some pretty fantastic singers in modern Powermetal. Atilla Dorn (Powerwolf) and Joakim Brodem (Sabaton) are damn good.

AdolfOliverBush 04-20-2023 07:50 AM

I'd be tempted to put Chris Cornell at #1. IMO he and Mercury are 1A and 1B. I saw CC at the Stiefel in Salina about 6 months before he died. Based on his recent music at the time, I thought his voice was starting to go downhill, but no. He sounded exactly like the 1990s Soundgarden, Temple of the Dog version of himself. Absolutely amazing.

kpic 04-20-2023 08:01 AM

One of my favorite Motorhead songs, and that right there is quintessential heavy metal, if anyone asks 'What is heavy metal?' put this on.

Going back a bit to some controversial takes that were brought up earlier,

- It's interesting that on here so far Megadeth getting more love than Metallica, and I completely agree. In my circles anyway that was an odd take to have back then, and I think generally the consensus was always Metallica was better but I'll just say they were likely more 'popular'. Let's put it this way, I was given the Metallica tapes I had but I bought the Megadeth tapes, I accidentally saw Metallica live before I even knew who they were, I paid to see Megadeth live 3 times.

- Maybe I never heard enough of them but never got into or liked any bit of; AC/DC, Def Leppard or Sabbath.

- Tying a bit into the above; solo Ozzy for me is way, way, way ahead of Sabbath Ozzy.

- I mentioned some of it in the OP but I never got the hate for Turbo by Priest, and it was absolutely hated at the time (I'm not saying all the songs are great on it). I figured it was just because it followed-up Defenders that caused that and maybe because the 'synth' sound to it but it's not like they didn't do POE prior to this so that overall sound they had existed before Screaming & Defenders. Maybe I'm overly-sentimental to it because I had just got my license, I had a really hot GF at the time and seeing them live for this tour - with very few exceptions I'll always take a metal band live over studio sound.

- Ok probably, maybe the most controversial take? The one that almost got me kicked-out of my metal friends circle any time this band was brought up; the first two Motley Crue albums (Too Fast & Shout) are legit headbangin' metal albums! Get past the LA looks, the LA 'sound', the lyrics\song titles & most importantly what they did afterwards (most people default to everything after these two albums) - but there are some genuine heavy hitting and good songs in there.

Buddy Rich 04-20-2023 08:56 AM

While Metallica and Megadeth went limp like rich old men, Slayer kept plowing.

Along with old Sabbath, they're the all-time kings of metal.

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Fishpicker 04-20-2023 09:24 AM

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i listened to this song maybe a dozen times in the 90s. then 20 years later i watched it on youtube. i remembered all the lyrics. it must be the writing, beause my memory isnt that good

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