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Bowser 05-24-2009 11:34 AM

Half Life 2, Episode 3
I'm starting this thread now for no other reason than I'm like a crack addict in a crack house with no lighter in regards to waiting for this game. I may just go play through the Orange Box, yet again, to get my fix.

We can use this thread for updates, leaks, all that stuff until it gets here.

Bowser 05-24-2009 11:49 AM

Half-Life 2: Episode 3

Half-Life 2: Episode Three is the third and final instalment in a series of episodes following Half-Life 2. It is currently in development and Valve have said we may see something from it at the end of this year. The project has been labelled 'highly ambitious' by Doug Lombardi, and release is still a while off. We are most likely to see something from Valve at next years E3 conference.

What we know, and what to expect?

We know the episode is going to be set in the northern reaches of the world of Half-Life, these will be cold places filled with ice and snow, oh and a Borealis.

The Borealis is that great ship that disappeared during some experimentation by the same sort of scientists that caused the Resonance Cascade from the original Half-Life. From what we have seen from Portal and the previous Episodes the Borealis is a scientific ship that was involved in teleportation tests at the Aperture Science labs. Something went wrong which led to the ship disappearing completely from its original location. It is only during the events of Episode 2 that we find out that it has returned, this time in the coldest reaches of the world.


The question that will be answered (we hope) in Episode 3 is what happened to the ship, did it appear instantly after the experiment in the north? If that is so then why haven’t we heard about it until now? Is it simply down to the fact that the resistance couldn’t detect it?

We also know the scientists on the Borealis performed their experiments and the ship got sent somewhere, maybe Xen? Or maybe it just disappeared out of the time loop? We know that during the course of Half-Life 2 Gordon takes seven days to travel from Nova Prospekt back to City 17, a 'slow teleport' according to Dr Kleiner.

The Borealis contains something that Eli wishes Gordon to destroy for fear of a repeat of the events at Black Mesa, Dr Kleiner feels it is destined to be a useful asset in the future. The differing views between these two eminent scientists is intriguing. Is caution the best bet, or should Gordon use whatever he can find on the ship to aid in the destruction of the Combine once and for all?

Flora, Fauna and Everything Else

Enough of this speculation, Episode 3 will be set in an area of snow and ice, this is going to pose some new gameplay challenges and maybe even some new aliens. Who knows whether Ant-lions can survive in the cold? Headcrabs and Zombies are a given, but many other creatures may be different.

How will the death of such a key character as Eli impact on the story, and more importantly for some, on the relationship between Gordon and Alyx. What role is the G-Man going to play, he seems to be getting a bit impatient with things not progressing as he wants them to. His message he gives to Alyx, the same message he gave to Eli back in Black Mesa may be a sign that he foresees grave peril in the future, or maybe he is just toying with Alyx.

How things are likely to develop...

When we find out about the Borealis in Episode 2 this is from the transmission Alyx intercepted from the Combine. Therefore we know the Combine have located the vessel. They were extremely aggressive and put a lot of resources into attempting to prevent this transmission getting back to the resistance and have hunted Alyx desperately since the interception. We can assume the combine want to use the Borealis and Aperture Science's possible developments in teleportation / portal technology to bring extra troops to Earth to recapture it or evacuate. The latter...seems unlikely!

We have been promised the first concrete details on Episode 3 sometime towards the end of the year, however we have already seen some early concept art for the game. The image from the ‘Into The Pixel’ exhibition shows Gordon challenging a Combine Advisor in a heavily industrialised environment and earlier concept art from PC Gamer US shows further Advisors around the Borealis. So expect a hugely exciting episode 3 with the same fantastic Half-life formula with a mighty cold twist.

Hammock Parties 05-24-2009 12:36 PM

It's gonna be ****ing awesome.

The nice thing is that I love the HL2 engine. There's zero need to update the technology. To me it has everything needed for great gameplay. **** Crysis.

Also, the setting lends itself to a "The Thing" type atmosphere. I want to be stumbling through frozen industrial complexes with headcrab zombies popping out of the woodwork.

Hammock Parties 05-24-2009 12:50 PM

BTW, final episode of Full-Life Consequences is out!

<object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"></embed></object>

Bowser 05-24-2009 01:48 PM


Originally Posted by Claythan (Post 5789483)
It's gonna be ****ing awesome.

The nice thing is that I love the HL2 engine. There's zero need to update the technology. To me it has everything needed for great gameplay. **** Crysis.

Also, the setting lends itself to a "The Thing" type atmosphere. I want to be stumbling through frozen industrial complexes with headcrab zombies popping out of the woodwork.

Agree with the engine. The gameplay it provides is perfect for the Half Life storyline. With the third episode being arctic bound, maybe they had to make adjustments here and there to compensate. And I know nothing of what this game is going to be, but I'm willing to bet that the Combine have taken that Portal gun and expanded it, thus ensuring Gordon is going to end up in different locales, if not planets. It's gonna be great.

Hell, for as long as it has taken them to get this thing out, it BETTER be great.

TrickyNicky 05-24-2009 02:20 PM

Trust in Valve. I don't know if there is a more reliable developer/publisher for PC.

Bowser 05-25-2009 01:13 PM


Originally Posted by Claythan (Post 5789507)
BTW, final episode of Full-Life Consequences is out!

<object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"></embed></object>


ZootedGranny 03-02-2010 07:07 AM

Wasn't sure exactly which HL2/Portal thread to put this in, but this is as good as any.


You might have noticed Steam downloading an update for Portal and HL2 Episode 2 earlier. Just a routine patch, you probably thought. You’re wrong, stupid! Learn to be more paranoid, why don’t you? Important secrets are being revealed…

The update details said, simply, “Changed radio transmission frequency to comply with federal and state spectrum management regulations”, which sounded like some obscure audio fix to kowtow to some obscure health and safety law. It’s not. In fact, it’s a series of secret messages, which are activated by carrying an in-game radio to several in-game locations. Which is in itself a compelling and playful mystery, especially as the sounds played at those locations wibbled on about transmissions and data dumps – y’know, computery talk. Like, say, from a murderous AI that’s awakening again. Maybe. That’s only the half of it, though.

Terrifyingly industrious members of the Steam forum have ascertained that some of the sound files contain hidden images, visible when run through a Slow Scan Television (SSTV) application. There’s a growing list of links to the revealed images here – but all they serve to do is further the mystery. Equations, skulls, keyboard buttons – and, most tellingly, the Aperture Science logo. Expect further developments as this ingenious ARG continues to run its strange course, which is being documented in realtime here. Oh, that Valve lot really are clever bastards.
And a general summary of what has been found:


So let me see if I have this straight:

Valve does a stealth update to portal with patch notes mentioning something about transmissions. There are now radios throughout the game that, when taken past certain points, send out a transmission containing morse code messages, which appear to involve usernames and passwords etc.

In addition, the sound files contain embedded images including numbers that make up an md5 sum, which resolves to a phone number that connects to a "GlaDOS" BBS which asks for a username and password. when you put in "backup" for both, the thing goes crazy with garbled text from "C. Johnson" from aperture science and some old school ANSI images of portal and possibly half-life related business.

Is that about right?

Oh and the GlaDOS version from the BBS is 3.11 which possibly corresponds to announcement Valve could make at GDC on March 11. Anything else?

HC_Chief 03-02-2010 10:00 AM


Originally Posted by ZootedGranny (Post 6569243)

Heh, very well done. :thumb:

Pants 03-02-2010 10:05 AM

Valve FTMFW.


HC_Chief 03-02-2010 10:06 AM

Valve, BioWare, Blizzard... all paragons of brilliant game development. Too bad the former and the latter take for #&%@ing EVAR to develop a new title!

Pants 03-02-2010 10:09 AM


Originally Posted by HC_Chief (Post 6569502)
Valve, BioWare, Blizzard... all paragons of brilliant game development. Too bad the former and the latter take for #&%@ing EVAR to develop a new title!

They all do. And they're never pressured by the publishers because the publishers know that you don't **** with the golden goose about to lay a golden egg, even if takes 8 ****ing years to lay it.

HC_Chief 03-02-2010 10:11 AM


Originally Posted by Metrolike (Post 6569506)
They all do. And they're never pressured by the publishers because the publishers know that you don't **** with the golden goose about to lay a golden egg, even if takes 8 ****ing years to lay it.

that may change now that "we suck all that is good out of everything we touch" EA bought BioWare. :(

Pants 03-02-2010 10:15 AM


Originally Posted by HC_Chief (Post 6569512)
that may change now that "we suck all that is good out of everything we touch" EA bought BioWare. :(

Activision and EA will not **** with Blizzard and BioWare respectively. Pretty sure those 2 studios can still do whatever they deem is necessary and the umbrellas are there just to give them funds and market the product.

Valve can live off their golden egg (STEAM) without ever worrying about anything ever again, I imagine.

007 03-02-2010 02:57 PM

Just give me a damn date of release.

QuikSsurfer 03-02-2010 03:00 PM

huge thread on neogaf about this yesterday. anyone surprised? this is Valve.

Hammock Parties 03-02-2010 11:13 PM

Valve be crazy.

But I love them.

007 03-03-2010 12:08 AM

Too bad my computer won't support this game.

Hammock Parties 03-03-2010 12:24 AM


Originally Posted by Guru (Post 6571807)
Too bad my computer won't support this game.

Christ, if you can't run a five-year old engine you may want to consider upgrading.

007 03-03-2010 12:47 AM


Originally Posted by GoChiefs (Post 6571835)
Christ, if you can't run a five-year old engine you may want to consider upgrading.

Oh I can run it but it looks very dumbed down. I don't use my computer for gaming anyway.

Being a console guy, I can say that the half life series should never have been a console game at all. The FPS controls for that particular game did not translate well.

I refuse to use my laptop for gaming either.

QuikSsurfer 03-03-2010 01:46 AM

from gaf

Okay, let’s try this again.

Thread music (Open in new tab, CTRL+CLICK THESE)
If you’re in the portal mood
If you’re in the Half Life mood

Greetings, all test subjects.

As of March 1st, 2010, Portal got a surprise update, one that we will all remember as the Portal Frequency (Yeah that's something even I wouldn't use or remember, so if anyone can come up with something better for this date, feel free )

The update

Portal Update Released
Product Update - Jason Ruymen
Updates to Portal have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted.

Changed radio transmission frequency to comply with federal and state spectrum management regulations

What did this do?

For starters, it added a new achievement to Portal.


“Transmission Received” “..?”

Suddenly people wondered, “What is this update? What’s it for?”
When you get in-game, you will notice the radio in your relaxation vault looks different. There’s a red light on it. By grabbing the radio and going through the door, you will soon find out that at the right spot, the radio will find a different frequency and spout morse at you. You will find there are other radios, spouting all kinds of sounds at you. The sound the radios make when they desintegrate through the emancipation grid is also different.

That’s what the update did. Radios all throughout the Test Chambers have been placed. By whom? Or what? What do they tell us? (Well yeah, it was Valve, but play along please!)

What do I do?
There are a total of 26 radios, each with a different message.
Here’s where you can find each one of them(YES THIS IS A GUIDE)
Some of them are morse, some of them are garbled messages. The morse messages translated to this:
interior transmission active external data line active message digest active

2-4 are different


6-11 are different

system data dump active user backup active password backup active

13-16 are different

beep beeeep beep beep beeeep beeeep beeeep beep beeeep beep beep

18-26 are different
Others, as crazy as it might seem, were garbage. But! The garbage in turn, turned out to be encoded images. These could be accessed with SSTV These were the following images:

Thread containing images

What does this mean!?
That's what this thread is for. Speculate all you want. So far, the signs point towards Portal specifically, but since the universes of both Half Life and Portal are one and the same, we never know what may happen. GDC will probably be our best bet.
Really good theory IMO
My take on this, I'm pretty disappointed it's not directly related to Episode 3, but Portal 2 is ****awesome as well, ofcourse.

What do we have so far!?

Morse Translations
Picture containing all BBS pictures so far
SSTV Images
New desintegration sound; voices can be heard

So, a short timeline:

* New achievement in update.
* Radios discovered all over the game. What do they do?
* Some radios sent out morse code.
* Morse code gets translated; See above.
* Other radios send out garbage – turns out to be images!
* On the images there are letters and numbers; they were an md5 for a BBS number; a number for a BBS (Bulletin Board System).
* When dialed correctly, a login screen appeared. Proper credentials have been found, and pictures have been received from the BBS. This is the most up to date image as of now:

One final note; this thread is far from complete. There's all kinds of modem sounds and facts (The phone number originates from Kirkland, Valve's original studio location.)
And no, it has not been confirmed to be 2 games in one. Stop pestering people Twiggy! :p

QuikSsurfer 03-03-2010 01:48 AM

morse translations thread

Bowser 03-03-2010 12:50 PM

Freaking sweet!

I read in a magazine that Valve was planning on not only not releasing this game this year, but not even speculating on the relese date. The optimist in me thought that it was all BS, as I'm hoping this "announcement" might finally give something solid on the final Half Life chapter.....

Props and thanks, Zooted!

ZootedGranny 03-05-2010 12:19 PM

HC_Chief 03-05-2010 12:50 PM

They need to release Half Life 3 already. Jeez.

007 03-05-2010 05:56 PM


Originally Posted by HC_Chief (Post 6578836)
They need to release Half Life 3 already. Jeez.

No doubt. The whole episodic content analogy was that we wouldn't have to wait as long for the game. this is ridiculous.

Hammock Parties 06-05-2010 02:55 PM

Apparently this is fake, but still cool.

007 06-05-2010 02:58 PM

damn tease

Bowser 05-24-2011 11:00 PM

Hammock Parties 05-24-2011 11:02 PM

The new Duke.

Bowser 05-24-2011 11:02 PM

This sums up the above link - :facepalm:

Bowser 05-24-2011 11:03 PM


Originally Posted by Red 5 (Post 7661496)
The new Duke.

Foreal. Crock o' shit.

Bowser 06-25-2011 03:27 PM

Just to keep the frustration alive and well...

Valve boss Gabe Newell delivered a keynote earlier today at the Games for Change festival at New York University. As a part of the Games for Learning Day event, he focused largely on the educational benefits of games, although that didn't stop a question about Half-Life 2: Episode 3 from being asked.
It's a subject that comes up seemingly any time that a Valve employee is interviewed, and rightfully so; the episodic Half-Life games were intended to decrease the amount of time in between releases, not increase it. There was a six year gap after Half-Life was released before we saw Half-Life 2, and this October will mark four years since Episode 2. It seems like it must be coming sooner or later, but Valve is always coy about addressing the subject.

When asked when Episode 3 is coming out, Newell replied, "If you know enough to ask the question, you know enough what the answer is," Kotaku reports. So much for that "Christmas 2007" thing.

Newell also spent some time talking about Portal 2, casually mentioning that it's already sold three million units since launch. He didn't specify, but that presumably includes all platforms. It's a solid figure for a game that's only been available for two months.

notorious 06-25-2011 06:16 PM

Half Life series is the ultimate.

This will be a homerun.

007 12-17-2011 02:07 AM

Here is all the info you could possibly want to know about the latest rumors on this seemingly non-existent episode.

The following is just the last entry into the log linked above.

A T-shirt, worn by a Valve employee, that led to rumors concerning Half-Life 3's announcement
On Thursday, December 1st, Chandana Ekanayake, part of Seattle-based game developer Uber Entertainment, saw a Valve employee wishing to remain anonymous, wearing a t-shirt saying "Half-Life 3", with an icon similar to the Half-Life 2 logo. The employee apparently "knew as much about Half-Life 3 as we do, which is absolutely nothing." [33]. Marc Laidlaw confirmed that "the T-shirt was real", but refused to comment further. [34]
On December 9th, an anonymous US-based voice actor revealed thay had recorded lines for "Half Life: Episode 3" (sic). This, combined with the then-recent previous event, leads to rumors that the next Half-Life game will be revealed at the 2011 Spike Video Game Awards on December 10th. [35] However, this did not occur.

Buck 12-17-2011 02:08 AM

They are just trolling. There will never be any more.

007 12-17-2011 02:09 AM


Originally Posted by Buck (Post 8210492)
They are just trolling. There will never be any more.

I get a kick on how Valve won't just say that though.

Buck 12-17-2011 02:15 AM


Originally Posted by Guru (Post 8210494)
I get a kick on how Valve won't just say that though.

This is going to be the new Duke Nukem

Hammock Parties 12-17-2011 02:19 AM


Originally Posted by Buck (Post 8210510)
This is going to be the new Duke Nukem

Can't possibly be, because they're using an old engine.

Half Life is all about story.

Buck 12-17-2011 02:21 AM


Originally Posted by Omega (Post 8210518)
Can't possibly be, because they're using an old engine.

Half Life is all about story.

I just meant that it's not coming out for another 10 years.

Bowser 12-17-2011 01:22 PM


Originally Posted by Buck (Post 8210520)
I just meant that it's not coming out for another 10 years.

Your whore mouth. Staple it shut.

QuikSsurfer 12-17-2011 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 8211110)
Your whore mouth. Staple it shut.


beach tribe 12-19-2011 05:22 AM

I haven't been able to play a game longer than a Madden ranked match in a looong time.
Started playing Deus Ex Human Revolution, and absolutely could not stop.
Checking out the Half-Lifes next. Never tried em'. Heard they're epic. Oh, I got Portal 2 as well. Pretty cool shit.

loochy 12-19-2011 08:34 AM


Originally Posted by beach tribe (Post 8218498)
I haven't been able to play a game longer than a Madden ranked match in a looong time.
Started playing Deus Ex Human Revolution, and absolutely could not stop.
Checking out the Half-Lifes next. Never tried em'. Heard they're epic. Oh, I got Portal 2 as well. Pretty cool shit.

Dude you've never played the half life games? Make sure to play through half life's awesome!

Buck 12-20-2011 01:47 AM

I've got a free copy of plain ole Half Life 2 if anyone wants it.

Bowser 06-23-2013 04:02 PM

◾On January 9, several references to the Half-Life series are found in the Counter-Strike: Global Offensive beta files, namely being several whiteboard texture files for the map "Office", containing the names of several Half-Life 2 main characters, among other things.[53]

◾On January 5, "Operation Crowbar" is launched on the Steam Users' Forums, as another form of protest against Valve's silence on the future of the Half-Life franchise (the operation also has its dedicated Steam group). It involves buying crowbars and mailing them to Valve, or, as a cheaper alternative, spam Valve's e-mail accounts and Facebook page with pictures of crowbars or crowbar-related puns.[3]

◾On January 10, IGN's editor Charles Onyett speculates that, based on industry trends, 2012 will be the year Valve finally starts talking about Half-Life 3, and believes Valve might be waiting for details from Sony and Microsoft on their next-generation consoles before announcing anything.[54]

◾On January 13, Marc Laidlaw confirms the rumor that a fourth and canceled Half-Life 2 Episode, Return to Ravenholm, was developed by Arkane Studios from 2006 to 2009.[55]

◾Following Ekanayake's information about the Half-Life 3 T-shirt, Garry Newman, creator of Garry's Mod, trolls the community on January 12 by showing a fake Half-Life 3 T-shirt on his Twitter, claiming it was sent by Valve.[56]

◾As of January 19, the Steam group "A Call for Communication (Half-Life)" has been covered by over 27 gaming publications.[57][58]

◾On February 4, the Steam group "A Call for Communication" organizes "A Red Letter Day", a group event which involves playing Half-Life 2, aimed at putting the franchise back in the spotlight, drawing more people to their cause and simply "be a huge group of Half-Life fans playing one of the best games ever made". Though hopes also are that Half-Life 2 would reach the top ten games played for that day, it only reaches #11, with a maximum of 13,216 concurrent players.[58][58][59] A website is also launched the previous day to mark the event and coordinate the future ones.

◾In April, Gabe Newell is interviewed by the Seven Day Cooldown podcast. His interviewer asked, "My final question and the question in the back of all your fans' minds and everyone has been waiting to ask you for a long time: When can we expect the release of Ricochet 2?" An audibly amused Newell responded, "In terms of Ricochet 2, we always have this problem that when we talk about things too far in advance, we end up changing our minds as we're going through and developing stuff, so as we're thinking through the giant story arc which is Ricochet 2, you might get to a point where you're saying something is surprising us in a positive way and something is surprising us in a negative way, and, you know, we'd like to be super-transparent about the future of Ricochet 2. The problem is, we think that the twists and turns that we're going through would probably drive people more crazy than just being silent about it, until we can be very crisp about what's happening next." It seems more than likely that the term "Ricochet 2" is a code-name for "Half-Life 3" as Ricochet itself was a multiplayer mod for the original Half-Life that is considered one of the worst games Valve has released (and more importantly, does not even have a plot). When asked if those working on the project have moved on to other games, he responds, "No, everybody who has worked on Ricochet 2 continues to work on Ricochet 2."[60]

◾On June 27, a handful of concept art is leaked. While Valve has not commented on this, several forum moderators confirmed the art.[61]

◾A PDF file listing game announcements for Gamescom 2012 has been found to highlight the game Half-Life 3, however, Gamescom reps later reported that it was "a mistake". Valve have confirmed its falseness with stating "We're not showing any games in Cologne this year."[62] The list have later been updated and Half-Life 3 removed.[63]

◾In August 2012, Spike TV had interviewed Gabe Newell about Counter Strike: Global Offensive. When Gabe was asked about Half-Life 3, He replied "I hate sharks". He added "You'll never get Half-Life 3 if you eat me" in reference to a joke that sharks are fans of the series, too. This implies that the game, if it were to ever be released, would be called "Half-Life 3".[64]

◾The Mad Catz S.T.R.I.K.E Keyboard Trailer has a Half-Life 3 icon visible on the desktop, likely a joke thrown in by the creators of the trailer.[65]

◾On September 17, while not official, a French website reported that they have gotten some information regarding Half-Life 3 from an anonymous source stating that the game will be featuring RPG elements. It also stated that the development for the game has been very chaotic, stating further that the project was revived several times and that its release date will be sometime after 2013.[66]

◾On September 27, Ashley Johnson, better known as the voice of Ellie on the video game "The Last of Us", tweeted a photo of Merle Dandridge (the voice of Alyx Vance) in a motion capture suit, and accompanied the photo with the words ""Alyx Vance" #HL3 #insidescoop", which caused a stir amongst Half-Life fans. Johnson later admitted she was trolling the community, saying, "Yes. I'm a jerk. But God I wish it were true. #makeitsovalve #yesimatroll". [67]

◾Half-Life 3 was awarded "Most Notably Absent" by Ben of TheGamerDrive. In his explanation paragraph, the writer simply wrote, "Screw you, Valve." [1]

◾J.J. Abrams (of Bad Robot Productions) and Gabe Newell were part of a keynote presentation at the DICE summit on February 6, titled "Storytelling Across Platforms: Who Benefits Most, the Audience or the Player?" At the end of the presentation, Abrams said "There's an idea we have for a game that we'd like to work with Valve on." Newell then countered, "We're going to figure out if we can make a 'Portal' movie or 'Half-Life' movie together. But it's really time for us and for industries to stop talking about potentials and try to execute on them." (possibly referring to Half-Life 3's long development time) The two then proceeded to exit the stage.[68] This was the first official announcement from Valve related to the Half-Life series since 2011.

◾Gabe Newell won the Academy Fellowship at the BAFTA Awards on March 5, 2013. Jonathan Ross asked him if he had any news about Half-Life 3, to which Newell said, "We don't have anything to say about it."[69]

◾Gabe Newell talks the non-existent contradiction of Half-Life 3 (March 21, 2013).[70]

◾On March 28, 2013, David Goldfarb, a video game designer, tweeted "Saw Valve today. They have very nice things." Markus Persson (the creator of Minecraft) asked in another tweet "hl3 confirmed?" to which Goldfarb said "my silence must be interpreted as silence." Persson then said, "Reply to this tweet if hl3 is confirmed." Goldfarb responded with, "I will show my answer with some interpretative dance. Look closely."[71]

◾On April 1, 2013, Half-Life 2: Episode Three was available on Steam, but when you tried to pre-order the game, it turns out to be Petz® Catz® 2. It turned out to be an April Fool's prank from CheapShark [72]

◾Doug Lombardi confirmed in an email to Valve Time that Valve was not showing any games at E3 in 2013.[73]

◾On May 22, 2013, Marc Laidlaw admits that the "BreenGrub" account on Twitter is him "writing Dr. Breen fanfic." He explained in another tweet, "I personally cannot give the world a Half-Life game. All I can personally do, at least for now, is stuff like this."[74]

◾Valve's project tracker is leaked to the public in June and includes mailing lists such as "Half-Life 3", "Left 4 Dead 3" and "Source 2." Valve Time notes that the lists appear to be legitimate given the employee names on the lists.[75]

Bowser 06-23-2013 04:03 PM

I think it is now obvious Valve was waiting to see what Microsoft and Sony were going with the new platforms before they were going to get into HL3. Maybe, hopefully.

007 06-23-2013 04:13 PM

so they are doing HL3 and not just HL2 Ep3 now?

Bowser 06-23-2013 04:23 PM


Originally Posted by Guru (Post 9771081)
so they are doing HL3 and not just HL2 Ep3 now?

Who knows. I suppose they could just go to Half Life 3 after the way Episode 2 ended.

I'm just cautiously optimistic that maybe THIS time this is a show of forward progress, even if it is just small stuff. It would be nice to have this game before I'm laid up in the nursing home with Alzheimer's.

Hammock Parties 06-23-2013 04:31 PM

**** Valve.

Bowser 06-23-2013 04:39 PM

Just for Clay...

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Hammock Parties 06-23-2013 04:45 PM


jiveturkey 10-02-2013 08:57 AM

Valve files trademark for Half-Life 3 in Europe

As much as I don't want to cover Valve's trademark for Half-Life 3 in Europe, there's no getting around it. I'm physically incapable of getting my hopes up any more and would rather wait in silence for the day when the company speaks up about the game, should such a time ever arrive. The pressure, at this point, must be absurd.

So, what's the deal here? Valve's trademark application, which was filed on September 29, 2013 through the Office of Harmonization for the Internal Market, is for "computer game software; electronic game software, downloadable game software via a global computer network and wireless devices; and video game software." Good? Good.

You may now go back to whatever it is you were doing before thinking about Half-Life 3.

KC_Lee 10-02-2013 09:42 AM


Originally Posted by jiveturkey (Post 10040330)

Valve files trademark for Half-Life 3 in Europe

As much as I don't want to cover Valve's trademark for Half-Life 3 in Europe, there's no getting around it. I'm physically incapable of getting my hopes up any more and would rather wait in silence for the day when the company speaks up about the game, should such a time ever arrive. The pressure, at this point, must be absurd.

So, what's the deal here? Valve's trademark application, which was filed on September 29, 2013 through the Office of Harmonization for the Internal Market, is for "computer game software; electronic game software, downloadable game software via a global computer network and wireless devices; and video game software." Good? Good.

You may now go back to whatever it is you were doing before thinking about Half-Life 3.

Saving it for the release of the Steam Box "console".

notorious 10-02-2013 09:46 AM


I had an Instaboner when I saw this thread was bumped.

The Franchise 10-02-2013 09:54 AM

I've never played any of the Half Life games.

KC_Lee 10-02-2013 09:55 AM


Originally Posted by Pestilence (Post 10040471)
I've never played any of the Half Life games.

You should, like right now, go get them and play them.

notorious 10-02-2013 09:55 AM


Originally Posted by Pestilence (Post 10040471)
I've never played any of the Half Life games.

Pretty good.

HL 1 was revolutionary when it came out. Nothing came close to in when it came to graphics, interactive, and player control.

HL 2 was just as groundbreaking graphically, and they introduced the Gravity Gun which really change how you can interact with the environment.

Bowser 10-02-2013 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by Pestilence (Post 10040471)
I've never played any of the Half Life games.

The graphics haven't aged particularly well, but you should go back and play them all. Grab an Orange Box game at Gamestop, and that will give you Half Life 2, plus episodes 1&2. As a bonus, you get the first Portal game as well.

Probably one of the best FPS games ever made; certainly my favorite (I just couldn't get into Borderlands for some reason and never gave the sequel a shot).

loochy 10-02-2013 03:28 PM


Originally Posted by Pestilence (Post 10040471)
I've never played any of the Half Life games.

You're missing out. The story was really interesting and involving, and the graphics were good for time time (both HL1 and HL2), and the AI in HL1 was revolutionary.

They are all really good games.

As stated earlier, go play them now.

KC_Lee 10-02-2013 03:29 PM


Originally Posted by loochy (Post 10041406)
As stated earlier, go play them now.

You must go...NOW!

QuikSsurfer 10-02-2013 06:44 PM

Jesus ****ing christ... love seeing this thread bumped...

one who sucks the penis

Bowser 07-05-2014 12:01 PM

Oh, happy day! Counter-Strike co-creator Minh Le’s apparently confirmed Valve’s working on Half-Life 3. Here’s everything we know so far.

It’s happened. Speaking in an interview with goRGNtv Counter-Strike co-creator Minh Le’s confirmed that Valve is working on Half-Life 3 (at least that’s what he believes). Rumours pertaining to the game have been around forever, but let’s catch up and make sure we all know what’s what. Off we go.

•Half-Life 3 ARG talk emerged around the VGAs in 2011, but Valve quickly shooed it off.
•The biggest supposed leak related to Half-Life 3 took place in June 2012, when ValveTime got hold of what looked very much like legitimate concept art. You can look at the entire set on ValveTime if you haven’t see it already. The images heavily feature Alyx and clearly show Arctic environments and what appears to be a revisit to Xen. The site claimed the images were from Half-Life 2: Episode 3. Steam mods vouched for the art’s validity.

•September 2012 brought with it a rumour that Half-Life 3 had evolved into an open-world game readying to ship after 2013. A source claimed Half-Life 3 features had seen a “total revision” following a “very chaotic” development schedule.

•In June 2013, this image appeared, seemingly showing a list of Half-Life 3-related development files on Jira, Valve’s internal bug-tracking and management platform.

•In August 2013, Valve voice actor John Patrick Lowrie stuck his foot in it when comments surfaced claiming Valve wasn’t working on Half-Life 3. Lowrie quickly retracted the quotes, saying he’d spoken out of turn.

•In October 2013, a security breach showed what appeared to be two Half-Life 3 teams working at Valve. The core team is said to have ten members, while a further group of 46 staffers is working in an extended team.
•In late October 2013, a Half-Life 3 trademark was supposedly filed in Europe, but Valve quickly debunked it. It was a hoax.
•And then today it emerged that Counter-Strike co-creator Minh Le’s had confirmed in an interview that Valve is working on Half-Life 3. So rest easy, space fans.

Note: This is an overview of everything related to Half-Life 3 based on VG247 reporting. If you want an exhaustive collection of absolutely everything ever put on the internet about Half-Life 3, try Wikia.

There are a bunch of links with the original story....

Bowser 07-05-2014 12:04 PM

Can it be real? I've given this up for dead....

007 07-05-2014 12:55 PM

yeah, I'll believe it when I see it.

frankotank 07-11-2014 01:51 PM

anyone know.....any chance in hades this'll be available on PS4? or....too soon to even ask?

notorious 07-11-2014 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by frankotank (Post 10741608)
anyone know.....any chance in hades this'll be available on PS4? or....too soon to even ask?

Maybe they will release it for PS7.

Bowser 03-20-2015 09:14 PM

Here is your bi-annual update on why we're never getting this damned game, and why Gabe Newell is essentially the anti-Christ....

In a podcast interview with Geoff Keighley, Gabe Newell shared a brief insight into how Valve will be approaching game development in the future.

When asked how Valve intends to tackle the changing ways of storytelling in games, and finding new ways to use their characters and stories, Newell said, "I think, obviously people want to see…you know, if somebody likes Team Fortress, they like to see what we can do with Team Fortress, or Left 4 Dead, or Half Life, or everything. And so, what we are trying to do is come up with ways so that we are both…you know, we love all those games, we love all those characters, and universes, and storylines. And we have no shortage of opportunities, so we try to be a little bit strategic instead of like, okay, this is the piece of the puzzle that we can solve with this set of technologies that we have developed and this is the new piece of technology that we think is going to be generally useful…so this ties up well with this property.

you think of it, each one of our franchises represents our tool, and you just want to pick up the right tool at the right time. So Dota 2 is incredibly character rich, I mean there are like a 110 characters, so if you have problem that involves wanting to work on the aspect of having lots and lots of those strongly realized characteristics, then Dota 2 is the right place to do it.

"So, when we are thinking of the next challenges then we tend to pick the franchises that are most useful in going forward. And if we don’t have one, then obviously we have to create a new one. But you know, I get it, I'm a fan of TV shows, I'm a fan of writers, I'm a fan of movies, I'm a fan of games and I certainly understand why people are like, you know, hey I remember this awesome experience and I'm starting to get worried that I'm never going to have it again. I am fan of Terry Pratchett and he has Alzheimer’s, it’s like, Oh my god, I may never get another great discworld novel.

"So we understand it and we feel that, and we think at the end of the day, customers are going to be really happy with where we spent our time and how we have turned that into entertainment for them.

"But we are also going to build on what we learned, and we have learned a lot. We aren’t going to go all retro because there are too many interesting things that have been learned. The only reason we would go back and do a ‘super classic’ kind of product is if a whole bunch of people internally at Valve said they wanted to do it, and had a reasonable explanation for why it was. But, you know, if you wanted to do another Half Life game and you want to ignore everything we have learned in shipping Portal 2, and in shipping all the updates on the multiplayer side, that seems like a bad choice. So we will keep moving forward but that doesn’t necessarily always mean what people are worried that it mean. "

While Newell doesn't outright say it, it is pretty clear that whatever game Valve makes next, be it Half Life 3 or something else, multiplayer will be a strong aspect of it. Portal 2 had a fully-fledge co-op campaign, and with recent success with Team Fortress 2 and Dota 2, it seems unlikely that Valve will ignore that for a standard experience.

<iframe src="" width="468" height="263" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Bowser 03-20-2015 09:16 PM


Originally Posted by QuikSsurfer (Post 10041793)
Jesus ****ing christ... love seeing this thread bumped...

one who sucks the penis

Bowser 06-19-2015 09:20 PM

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

And then...

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Bowser 06-19-2015 09:21 PM

I'll admit that I hold out hope, just a tiny scrap of hope, that this game will be announced at an E3. The internet would melt.

GloucesterChief 06-19-2015 11:04 PM

It will have a dev lifecycle of Duke Nukem Forever.

notorious 06-19-2015 11:34 PM

Thread bumped.

Disappointment ensues.

Rinse, repeat.

Psyko Tek 06-19-2015 11:34 PM

Valve don't do 3's

007 06-20-2015 12:09 AM

Vuck Falve

Bowser 06-11-2016 04:49 PM

Hey, look! News!

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Basically a bunch of shit regarding HL3 has leaked in the form of code in various DOTA2 updates. At this point, we can only assume that it's nothing more than Gabe being a giant cocktease.

Bowser 06-11-2016 04:49 PM


Originally Posted by notorious (Post 11557720)
Thread bumped.

Disappointment ensues.

Rinse, repeat.


Buck 06-12-2016 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 12270892)
Hey, look! News!

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Basically a bunch of shit regarding HL3 has leaked in the form of code in various DOTA2 updates. At this point, we can only assume that it's nothing more than Gabe being a giant cocktease.


Originally Posted by Buck (Post 8210492)
They are just trolling. There will never be any more.


notorious 06-12-2016 05:06 PM

Bowser 06-12-2016 05:28 PM


Originally Posted by Buck (Post 12272460)

Even now I still hold on to some sliver of hope that HL3 is actually a thing and will be coming out in spite of all evidence pointing to the contrary. Part of me is thinking they just don't want the game to be a complete and utter flop that the Duke Nukem sequel turned out to be, and are working diligently to make sure that doesn't happen. But, really.......


Originally Posted by notorious (Post 12272486)


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