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Mi_chief_fan 12-18-2000 05:03 PM

Packfool named me to his "All Idiot Team", along with KC Wolfman, Titus, JOhn and Luzap. I should feel bad, but I actually feel honored that Packfool thinks i'm not "in his class" of

Anyone else care to join?

Bwana 12-18-2000 05:05 PM

He also put Dartgod on the list after he requested it, but would not add me! I must work on my skills so I may have the honor of joining the club........any ideas?

Mi_chief_fan 12-18-2000 05:06 PM

Not to worry, my good man.
Congratulations! You made the team!

Bwana 12-18-2000 05:09 PM

Mi: Thanks, but it's not the same as hearing it from my hero Packer. :( *GRIN*

Tribal Warfare 12-18-2000 05:11 PM

Sign me up!

JOhn 12-18-2000 05:12 PM

I'm so overwelmed by this :)

Well at least I know I'm not in Packmans class

Mi_chief_fan 12-18-2000 05:14 PM

That's the beauty of it.

HC_Chief 12-18-2000 05:15 PM

I want to be a starter on that squad!

KCWolfman 12-18-2000 05:15 PM

Joe - Packfan still posts???? I just pass over. Reading his tripe is like reading 'Dick and Jane', I finished those books in the early 70's and have no desire to lower myself to reading them again.

Mile High Mania 12-18-2000 05:18 PM


I can't make the roster???? Not even second team or even special teams?

[This message has been edited by Mile High Mania (edited 12-18-2000).]

KCWolfman 12-18-2000 05:19 PM

Brad - It is an exclusive club of the Chiefs.... But seeing what a good guy you are , we will gladly make you an honorary member. Just dont spread the word or we will have to let everyone in.....

Mile High Mania 12-18-2000 05:21 PM

Dammit! I just assumed he placed people on the team who had views that are contrary to his. I'll be the emergency backup then.

WisChief 12-18-2000 05:21 PM

Damn, MI, since you and I are the two resident blue collars, I really want to join! :D Please???

KCWolfman 12-18-2000 05:22 PM

Nah , Brad you are definitely first string material.

WisChief - Just sign on the dotted line.

morphius 12-18-2000 05:23 PM

WOuld someone explain to me why we have Ugly Duck and MHM on this BB showing class and civility to the fans of their rival team. The packfan, who is fan of a team we play once ever 3 years, is on here and is more idiotic then the fans of our rivals?

Mi_chief_fan 12-18-2000 05:24 PM

I'm sure you will be made team captain, WisChief.

Blue collar guys lead by example, right?

WisChief 12-18-2000 05:24 PM


There you go!!!

Bwana 12-18-2000 05:24 PM

As they say in the car business: "sign here, press hard, three copies."

DiscoJones 12-18-2000 05:25 PM

Wonder if I'll get the nod from Crackfan after my replies to his thread....

Maybe I can hang out with you guys even if he doesn't approve. :cool:

Bwana - thanks for the affirmation on the other thread!

[This message has been edited by DiscoJones (edited 12-18-2000).]

Mi_chief_fan 12-18-2000 05:25 PM

We could always use someone who can get us diet pills!

WisChief 12-18-2000 05:26 PM

I may be mistaken, but wasn't it Burt Reynolds in The Longest Yard that threw the ball as hard as possible at that dude's nuts?

Can I be Burt and Ken be the guard?

Mile High Mania 12-18-2000 05:27 PM

Morph... if we're nice to you, it's easier to be accepted among the group. Once we get past the security and then the guards are dropped, we attack. :D

Plus, being a complete dick 24x7 gets old fast... for most of us. :P<P>

Mile High Mania 12-18-2000 05:28 PM

MI ... just let me know what you need. I have connections and my wife is willing to take the fall, but I again have connections and we can get out of it.

It pays to know people...

Bwana 12-18-2000 05:29 PM

Morph: RE: #14.......WTFK? Perhaps Ken is the product of a wild one night roll in the hay involving his mother and Carl Peterson. It would explain SEVERAL things...........just a theory, but........

~Twilight Zone Music In Background~

JOhn 12-18-2000 05:31 PM

I nominate Luz for the H back postion. Of Course someone will still have to explain to Packie what it exactly is :D


Mi_chief_fan 12-18-2000 05:32 PM

Who's gonna be QB?

I hear Russ has never won a playoff game.

Raiderhater 12-18-2000 05:34 PM

MI, it's funny you asked. I was just going to offer my unique QB capabilities.

corn balls 28

JOhn 12-18-2000 05:35 PM

I know were Russ can get some film of a QB to study.... No I won't go there :D<P>

KCWolfman 12-18-2000 05:36 PM

Joe - LMAO!!!!

Being that I was the first to get under Ken's thinnest of skin, I would relish the opportunity to fumble, be injury prone, not be a leader, cannot scramble, make stupid decisions, and then blame the rest of you in the following fashion

"I can't write and read ALL the comments for you BB'ers."

Mi_chief_fan 12-18-2000 05:36 PM

We need a winner! Have YOU ever won a playoff game?

It's the most important position on the field. The team lives & dies by the QB.

Did I mention it's a team game?

Tribal Warfare 12-18-2000 05:37 PM

I want to be starting MLB

KCWolfman 12-18-2000 05:37 PM

JOhn - Now I have to decide if you or Morph would make a better LaChappelle... hmmm, *pulls out media guide and starts reading*

KCWolfman 12-18-2000 05:38 PM

Joe - I can honestly say that due to poor picks that Carl has surrounded me with, I have never won a playoff game.

Bwana 12-18-2000 05:41 PM

Russ: Less we not forget all the no show fans that will make short work of your so called home field advantage!

JOhn 12-18-2000 05:42 PM


Hey I wanna be the kicker.....

Only have to go out and play 5-10 plays a game, then I get to go back and sit with the cheer leaders :D

(but I insist on a REAL helmet)

But if you insist I get out there and play, pencil me in at WR, I like going Long

KCWolfman 12-18-2000 05:43 PM

Bwana - True, damn fairweathers!!!

JOhn - Have you ever heard Sandler's 'Lonely Kicker' song? God, it is hilarious.

JOhn 12-18-2000 05:45 PM

ROFLMAO yea I got it off napter :D

Are you trying to say something ??

Raiderhater 12-18-2000 05:46 PM

OK, since Wolfman is going to be QB, and I am after all pretty young, I can be the QBOTF.

corn balls 28

Mi_chief_fan 12-18-2000 05:50 PM

I'd like to be the punter. It's the most critical position on the team.

KCWolfman 12-18-2000 05:50 PM

Hader - Follow me and I will show you how to play without 'intangibles'.

JOhn - Who me???

Raiderhater 12-18-2000 05:52 PM

Wolfman, come to think of it, do I really want to learn from a guy who has never won a playoff game?

corn balls 28

KCWolfman 12-18-2000 05:56 PM

Hader - Ouch, If I had feelings.....

Raiderhater 12-18-2000 06:02 PM

Sorry, I couldn't resist :)

corn balls 28

[This message has been edited by raiderhader (edited 12-18-2000).]

Mi_chief_fan 12-18-2000 06:03 PM

What should we call our team?

Mosbonian 12-18-2000 06:06 PM


Most kickers play like they have been playing w/o a helmet.


KCWolfman 12-18-2000 06:06 PM

Joe - The CP Media Guides.

Mi_chief_fan 12-18-2000 06:07 PM

How about the "Man's Men"?

WisChief 12-18-2000 06:11 PM

How about "Ken's Kids"? Maybe would could start a telethon and raise money for all us simpletons. Hmmmm thinking I may be on to something prosperous

Mosbonian 12-18-2000 06:16 PM

With this team and all the comments made on the other post there are 2 positions I would not want to apply for on this team of blue collar men:

1)Wide receiver

2)Tight End

trying to take this to it's furthest depths

KCWolfman 12-18-2000 06:17 PM

WisChief - While the name is kinda catchy in a perverted way, it makes me think of the possibility of ken procreating - That is not a world I want to be a part of.

KCWolfman 12-18-2000 06:18 PM

Maddogg - That is the funniest comment I have read in weeks.

WisChief 12-18-2000 06:20 PM

Wolf, dang you're right!! That would mean that if we are his kids, then our mother would be his sister. SICK!!! I think I'm gonna puke!!! I'm off to delete, my previous post - I can't bear to look at it. :eek:

Mosbonian 12-18-2000 06:23 PM


Everytime I see an "all-pro" team I think of the Bob Nelson bit where he does the College All American team. That has to be the most hilarious bit about college All-Star teams.


Mi_chief_fan 12-18-2000 06:29 PM

You mean Bob Hope?

Mosbonian 12-18-2000 06:40 PM


No..Bob Nelson the comedian. He was the guy who played the B/F of the girl who was Arnold Schwarzeneggar's sidekick in "Kindergarten Cop". He has a comedy sketch about the "College All-America Team"


KCWolfman 12-18-2000 06:50 PM

Maddogg - Is that the one where he acts like he has been hit one (or 20) too many times.

If it is the one I am thinking of, you are right.

I believe that Snickers commercial where the QB was saying "I'm Batman" was modeled after his character.

Otter 12-18-2000 06:59 PM

If no one has taked the ST coaching position I would be more than happy to volenteer.

Expectations are low and no matter how bad I screw up - I'll never be fired.

mlyonsd 12-18-2000 07:05 PM

Pick me! Pick me!

I can be the punt returner. I'll wear an oversized helmet so the punter will never miss bouncing one off my noggin.

alanm 12-18-2000 07:18 PM

Anyone sign up for the Waterboy yet? Can I be Bobby Boshay?

Bwana 12-18-2000 07:23 PM

In honor of our little yellow and green pal, mark me down for GM.

milkman 12-18-2000 07:26 PM

I've been trying to come up with that name (Bob Nelson) for years. That routine was one of the funniest I've ever seen. It got him invited on the Tonight Show when Carson was still hosting. Johnny was disappointed he didn't do it on the show.
the milkman
another blue collar looking for a spot on the team

Packfan 12-18-2000 07:30 PM

I love it! You guys took it upon yourself and volunteered for my "all idiot team"! Thats great. Although some of you dont belong ie Mile High, Morphius, Hardcore, Bwana, you guys know a thing or two about the game.

JOhn, Luzap, Bliss and Titus belong here. I am glad you guys found a home!

I really wanted to put together an official "all idiot team" last year, but never got around to it.

Was is you JOhn that said going to a Chiefs game when its cold is a serious "health risk"? I just wanted to make sure because that assinine statement is what got you on the team.

That might be my favorite statement by a Chief fan since I joined this forum two years ago:

"We dont go to the game when it so cold because its a serious health risk"

Thank You! I shared it with my office. They loved it! Bliss, Luzap, can you guys do better than that?

Bwana 12-18-2000 07:34 PM

Now Ken! Don't you try to yank me off the GM post for this fine organization.

Packfan 12-18-2000 07:40 PM


My "all idiot team" is very serious. I dont want to put guys on there that dont deserve to be on there. Dont try to get on either. I'll know if you are trying to talk stupid.

I just hope Bliss, Luzap, Titus, and JOhn dont take it personal. These guys might be very intellegient, they just lack details when it comes to the NFL.

Wis Chief and MI Chief, thats a different story. When they have been proven wrong, they resort to name caling, so who knows, they could be seventh graders or they could be garbage men. I do know that neither is very educated based on how they try to prove their point. Either way, they are not very bright when it comes to football and debating.

Bob Dole 12-18-2000 07:41 PM

Bob Dole would like to be the starting halfback. bob dole is about TRich's size, twice as slow, and would love to have only 4 carries a game. (We all know this past Sunday was a fluke...)

Misplaced_Chiefs_Fan 12-18-2000 07:43 PM

Hey, Russ, JOhn, etc.

I want the absolute MOST important position on this team.

I want to be the guy who makes the media guides!

Misplaced Chiefs Fan
Red and Gold on the Warpath
Nightwolf Graphics

Raiderhater 12-18-2000 07:45 PM

Packfan, you and I have never had a conversation, so I think we need to have one so as to determine wether or not I can be on the team. Anything you want to talk about, let me know.

corn balls 28

Packfan 12-18-2000 07:47 PM


You are close, one of the last cuts, but sorry, no room for you on this team. Misplaced, you know your stuff, you are not on the team.

Trust me guys, you dont want to be on this team because I have a long memory and will single you out. Talk to Titus. I have embarrassed him numerous times. Ditto for Luzap and Russ.

My "all idiot team" is for idiots. Lets leave it at that.

Packfan 12-18-2000 07:48 PM

I will keep my eye on you. I doubt that you will be on it because I have seen your work and would have jumped it if you were talking out of your crack.

Just ask Bliss. He knows what I mean.

Raiderhater 12-18-2000 07:49 PM

Packfan, does that mean I don't even get a shot? :(

corn balls 28

Bob Dole 12-18-2000 07:55 PM

d@mnit all to h#ll...

milkman 12-18-2000 07:56 PM

I would think your all idiot team would consist of everyone that thinks that you are the idiot, or just simply redundant, or both with never an original thought or idea.
Since that is almost everyone om this BB, that team would be almost all inclusive.
the milkman
haven't seen Titus embarrassed either

[This message has been edited by Lompoc Brave (edited 12-18-2000).]

Misplaced_Chiefs_Fan 12-18-2000 07:56 PM

What's even funnier is that Ken thinks that his labeling anyone anything means something to us.

"Don't get on my bad side or I'll talk bad about you...."

Geez. I've heard worse threats at my daughter's playground.

Thanks, Ken for the best laugh I've had all day. Every day, you restore my confidence in the fact that you're at best a troll and at really believe the crap you spew around here.

Misplaced Chiefs Fan
Red and Gold on the Warpath
Nightwolf Graphics

Otter 12-18-2000 08:08 PM

Once again using the back button.

[This message has been edited by Otter (edited 12-19-2000).]

Mosbonian 12-18-2000 08:11 PM

Russ & LB:

That is the one and the same Bob Nelson..I still remember that one. His "Tight End" & "Wide Receiver" characters were classics!! And the Linebacker, the one who played w/o his helmet(the one you are referring to Russ)sounded like way too many guys I have heard over the years.

Every once and a while you can catch that bit on the Comedy Channel when they have flashback night.


Otter 12-18-2000 08:14 PM

You'll have to remove me kicking and screaming.

I think we need to get an official roster.

Otter - Self Appointed Special Teams Cordinator

Luzap 12-18-2000 08:22 PM

I am greatly honored to be a founding member of this team.

i would always be honored to be thought of as in the same company as Russ, Gregg, Mi Chief Fan, and JOhn...

[This message has been edited by Luzap (edited 12-18-2000).]

KCWolfman 12-18-2000 08:46 PM

Give me people who speak with Heart and Mind (like Luz, Titus, et al) and God save me from the mantra-like daze of zealots whose single chant include Carl Peterson......

I am sure that Ken is a great conversationalist.,... if you like speaking about CP. Otherwise, I havent seen much out of him in 2 years.

Dole, Hader, etc. ANY of you are in welcome company. While we have disagreed, I sincerely doubt that any of you have attacked when we have, or vice-versa. FOr those of you when we have disagreed (Cannibal, etc.), we dont have to be best buds, but I still respect your opinion.

Hmmmm, people with social skills or Ken's 'side'. Even if I were wrong (which I am not), I would much rather speak with people who understand the basics of conversational abilities.

Misplaced_Chiefs_Fan 12-18-2000 08:49 PM


Hmm, delusional ranting or polite conversation....

Mark me down for your side. :D

Misplaced Chiefs Fan
Red and Gold on the Warpath
Nightwolf Graphics

Raiderhater 12-18-2000 08:50 PM

Wolfman, would calling fans shameless and just plain chewing them out for thier "lose out" stance be considered attacking? If so, I am guilty. Not that it bothers me a whole lot.

corn balls 28

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