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Dave Lane 11-05-2015 12:28 PM

Ben Carson: Egyptian pyramids were used to store grain, not Pharaohs' tombs

Egypt’s pyramids were built by the biblical Joseph to store grain and were not, as archaeologists believe, tombs for pharaohs, Republican presidential hopeful Ben Carson has said.

The retired neurosurgeon, who is seeking his party’s nomination for the White House, made these remarks in a 1998 address at Andrews University, a Michigan school associated with the Seventh-day Adventist Church, to which he belongs, in a video posted on Buzzfeed on Wednesday.

The church is a conservative evangelical Christian one.

“My own personal theory is that Joseph built the pyramids to store grain,” Carson – who last week overtook Republican rival Donald Trump for the first time in a national poll – told graduates in his address.

“Now all the archeologists think that they were made for the pharaohs’ graves. But, you know, it would have to be something awfully big if you stop and think about it.

“And I don’t think it’d just disappear over the course of time to store that much grain.”

Asked on Wednesday if he still held these views, Carson told CBS News: “It’s still my belief, yes.”

Speaking to MSNBC’s Morning Joe on Thursday, rival Republican Trump said: “He’s informed me about the pyramids. I think I’ll have to put that in my repertoire about Ben. That was a strange deal.”

In his 1998 address, Carson said: “And when you look at the way that the pyramids are made, with many chambers that are hermetically sealed, they’d have to be that way for various reasons.

“And various of scientists have said, ‘Well, you know there were alien beings that came down and they have special knowledge and that’s how, you know, it doesn’t require an alien being when God is with you’.”

In the old testament book of Genesis, Joseph, one of the 12 sons of Jacob, was said to have “stored up grain in great abundance like the sand of the sea, until he stopped measuring it, for it was beyond measure”.

After seven years of plenty, the story in Genesis says, Egypt suffered seven years of famine, during which Joseph was able to feed the people with the grain he had stored.

Carson has spoken often about his faith, saying recently of his critics: “They say, ‘Carson, you know, how can you be a surgeon, a neurosurgeon, and believe that God created the Earth, and not believe in evolution, which is the basis of all knowledge and all science?’ …

“But I do believe God created us, and I did just fine … And in fact, the more you know about God, and the deeper your relationship with God, I think the more intricate becomes your knowledge of the way things work, including the human body.”

cosmo20002 11-05-2015 12:33 PM


Originally Posted by Dave Lane (Post 11865269)
Speaking to MSNBC’s Morning Joe on Thursday, rival Republican Trump said: “He’s informed me about the pyramids. I think I’ll have to put that in my repertoire about Ben. That was a strange deal.”

If Trump is going to start directly cracking on people's whacky religious beliefs, I really may have to consider supporting him.

NinerDoug 11-05-2015 12:34 PM

So he's established that, in all things not relating to being a neurosurgeon, he is a complete and utter dunce. And his supporters seem to like that about him. It's surreal.

NinerDoug 11-05-2015 12:35 PM

I wonder if he is a young earther. Maybe he attributes the Grand Canyon to the Great Flood.

cosmo20002 11-05-2015 12:36 PM

My "own personal theory" is that the brain is full of gooey caramel and candy goodness. He would have to respect that because it is my own personal theory.

alpha_omega 11-05-2015 12:37 PM

Well, at least we know where he stands. The mystery of the Pyramids was high on my list of election issues.

Side note....did anyone have the Pyraminx back in the day?

NinerDoug 11-05-2015 12:39 PM


Originally Posted by alpha_omega (Post 11865302)
Well, at least we know where he stands. The mystery of the Pyramids was high on my list of election issues.

Side note....did anyone have the Pyraminx back in the day?

I think the more important point is that he is a nut or a moron or both.

cosmo20002 11-05-2015 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by alpha_omega (Post 11865302)
Well, at least we know where he stands. The mystery of the Pyramids was high on my list of election issues.

Side note....did anyone have the Pyraminx back in the day?

I did, although I didn't know that's what they were called. I also had one of those things that was kind of like a Rubik's snake.

But back to Carson...he be crazy.

KC native 11-05-2015 12:52 PM

****ing awesome.

Carson is such a super-awesome candidate.

petegz28 11-05-2015 12:53 PM

Sully 11-05-2015 12:55 PM


Why would he think this? i don't know much about 7th day adv., but is that part of their theology?

alpha_omega 11-05-2015 12:56 PM


Originally Posted by NinerDoug (Post 11865304)
I think the more important point is that he is a nut or a moron or both.

I would say that you have answered your own question in post #3. Being a neurosurgeon, he is certainly not a moron.

RealSNR 11-05-2015 12:56 PM

petegz28 11-05-2015 12:58 PM

In a recently discovered clip of an address given at Andrews University in Michigan in 1998, retired neurosurgeon and Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson claims that the Egyptian pyramids were constructed by the biblical Joseph to store huge quantities of grain and were not, as is commonly believed, tombs for the pharaohs.

Carson’s claims seem to be drawn in part from Egyptologist Dr Wyatt Thom’s 1984 book Egypt Egypt Egypt. According to Thom, the pyramids were built to house grain, and mummified bodies were placed inside as scarecrows to keep birds away. If you’re wondering how that makes sense given that the pyramids are enclosed structures, Thom claims this is because you’re “hamstrung by a very modern conception of birds”.

Verdict: fact

Sully 11-05-2015 12:59 PM

hamstrung by a very modern conception of birds?

petegz28 11-05-2015 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by Sully (Post 11865336)
hamstrung by a very modern conception of birds?

Well he probably isn't wrong about that statement in and of itself given the general ignorance to any and almost everything by our American Idol society,

Sully 11-05-2015 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by petegz28 (Post 11865339)
Well he probably isn't wrong about that statement in and of itself given the general ignorance to any and almost everything by our American Idol society,

What are you talking about?

NinerDoug 11-05-2015 01:02 PM


Originally Posted by alpha_omega (Post 11865330)
I would say that you have answered your own question in post #3. Being a neurosurgeon, he is certainly not a moron.

Neither was William Jennings Bryan. But he still took the stand in the Scopes Monkey Trial and testified that the Earth is only 6,000 years old.

So what did that make him? A nut, I guess? So Carson is a nut. Either way, utterly unqualified for the office to which he aspires.

petegz28 11-05-2015 01:03 PM


Originally Posted by Sully (Post 11865340)
What are you talking about?

That people are hamstrung specifically about their understanding of birds in the modern day compared to 1,000's of years ago. Whether that is actually applicable to the Carson statement is highly debatable.

Andoverer 11-05-2015 01:09 PM

Yeah it's a shame Ben Carson doesn't say more stuff like this that would increase our admiration and would make us want to look up to him....

“I had learned not to care. I blew a few smoke rings, remembering those years. Pot had helped, and booze; maybe a little blow when you could afford it. Not smack, though. …” — Barack Obama

“Junkie. Pothead. That’s where I’d been headed: the final, fatal role of the young would-be black man. Except the highs hadn’t been about that, me trying to prove what a down brother I was. Not by then, anyway. I got high for just the opposite effect, something that could push questions of who I was out of my mind, something that could flatten out the landscape of my heart, blur the edges of my memory. I had discovered that it didn’t make any difference whether you smoked reefer in the white classmate’s sparkling new van, or in the dorm room of some brother you’d met down at the gym, or on the beach with a couple of Hawaiian kids who had dropped out of school and now spent most of their time looking for an excuse to brawl. …You might just be bored, or alone. Everybody was welcome into the club of disaffection.” — Barack Obama

“…I inhaled frequently. That was the point.” — Barack Obama

Sully 11-05-2015 01:23 PM


Originally Posted by Andoverer (Post 11865360)
Yeah it's a shame Ben Carson doesn't say more stuff like this that would increase our admiration and would make us want to look up to him....

“I had learned not to care. I blew a few smoke rings, remembering those years. Pot had helped, and booze; maybe a little blow when you could afford it. Not smack, though. …” — Barack Obama

“Junkie. Pothead. That’s where I’d been headed: the final, fatal role of the young would-be black man. Except the highs hadn’t been about that, me trying to prove what a down brother I was. Not by then, anyway. I got high for just the opposite effect, something that could push questions of who I was out of my mind, something that could flatten out the landscape of my heart, blur the edges of my memory. I had discovered that it didn’t make any difference whether you smoked reefer in the white classmate’s sparkling new van, or in the dorm room of some brother you’d met down at the gym, or on the beach with a couple of Hawaiian kids who had dropped out of school and now spent most of their time looking for an excuse to brawl. …You might just be bored, or alone. Everybody was welcome into the club of disaffection.” — Barack Obama

“…I inhaled frequently. That was the point.” — Barack Obama

This is the thing that's going to be most interesting to me over the next year-5 years.

Even though every politician since forever has done it, there has been a wailing from the right during the President Obama years about never taking responsibility, and always pivoting back to "Bush did it..."

My theory is that we will see this just as much or more (since it's simply normal politics) where everything will pivot to Obama (or Hillary) rather than those who have been crying about it, actually taking their own advice.

DaveNull 11-05-2015 01:25 PM

Smoking pot is a lot different than believing that the pyramids are secret grain silos.

alpha_omega 11-05-2015 01:26 PM


Originally Posted by NinerDoug (Post 11865341)
Neither was William Jennings Bryan. But he still took the stand in the Scopes Monkey Trial and testified that the Earth is only 6,000 years old.

So what did that make him? A nut, I guess? So Carson is a nut. Either way, utterly unqualified for the office to which he aspires.

William Jennings Bryan? What the hell are you talking about? Did he have an opinion on the purpose of the Pyramids?

fan4ever 11-05-2015 01:30 PM

What a dumbass. Somebody should as him to name the 53 states.

NinerDoug 11-05-2015 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by alpha_omega (Post 11865391)
William Jennings Bryan? What the hell are you talking about? Did he have an opinion on the purpose of the Pyramids?

Probably. But that's not the point. He publicly exposed himself as a nut, as Carson has done on a number of occasions now. But somehow Carson seems to be immune to the effects of publically exposing oneself as a nut.

Lex Luthor 11-05-2015 01:34 PM


Originally Posted by petegz28 (Post 11865343)
That people are hamstrung specifically about their understanding of birds in the modern day compared to 1,000's of years ago. Whether that is actually applicable to the Carson statement is highly debatable.

Wait. Are you saying the birds EVOLVED? Doesn't that contradict Ben Carson's beliefs?

I can't help but think Ben Carson is on Trump's payroll. He is such a ****ing lunatic that he makes Trump look good by comparison.

NinerDoug 11-05-2015 01:35 PM


Originally Posted by Brainiac (Post 11865407)
Wait. Are you saying the birds EVOLVED? Doesn't that contradict Ben Carson's beliefs?

I can't help but think Ben Carson is on Trump's payroll. He is such a ****ing lunatic that he makes Trump look good by comparison.

Trump's probably going to tap him as his VP candidate.

Dave Lane 11-05-2015 01:38 PM


Originally Posted by petegz28 (Post 11865334)
Mummified bodies were placed inside as scarecrows to keep birds away.

This bears repeating. Insanity...

Lex Luthor 11-05-2015 01:38 PM


Originally Posted by NinerDoug (Post 11865412)
Trump's probably going to tap him as his VP candidate.

That would be the worst ticket in the history of civilization.

alpha_omega 11-05-2015 01:39 PM


Originally Posted by NinerDoug (Post 11865405)
..... But somehow Carson seems to be immune to the effects of publically exposing oneself as a nut.

I would hypothesize that what you are talking about really has more to do with the complete dissatisfaction with the current administration/establishment than it does with Carson's nuttiness.

alnorth 11-05-2015 01:43 PM


Originally Posted by petegz28 (Post 11865334)
In a recently discovered clip of an address given at Andrews University in Michigan in 1998, retired neurosurgeon and Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson claims that the Egyptian pyramids were constructed by the biblical Joseph to store huge quantities of grain and were not, as is commonly believed, tombs for the pharaohs.

Carson’s claims seem to be drawn in part from Egyptologist Dr Wyatt Thom’s 1984 book Egypt Egypt Egypt. According to Thom, the pyramids were built to house grain, and mummified bodies were placed inside as scarecrows to keep birds away. If you’re wondering how that makes sense given that the pyramids are enclosed structures, Thom claims this is because you’re “hamstrung by a very modern conception of birds”.

Verdict: fact

Read the entire article, pete. It was clearly written to mock Carson.

Andoverer 11-05-2015 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by DaveNull (Post 11865388)
Smoking pot is a lot different than believing that the pyramids are secret grain silos.

True. One is/was illegal

Dave Lane 11-05-2015 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by Brainiac (Post 11865417)
That would be the worst ticket in the history of civilization.

Palin as SoS?

alnorth 11-05-2015 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by petegz28 (Post 11865343)
That people are hamstrung specifically about their understanding of birds in the modern day compared to 1,000's of years ago. Whether that is actually applicable to the Carson statement is highly debatable.

That thing you quoted is not actually true.

Dr. Carson is like an idiot savant: brilliant neurosurgeon, but functionally reeruned outside of his field.

BucEyedPea 11-05-2015 01:47 PM

I just received a recorded call from Caron's campaign. Now I don't mind a short message. I'll listen. But it was so long and slow paced I had to hang up. Much too long for a tele-message.

Andoverer 11-05-2015 01:52 PM


Originally Posted by BucEyedPea (Post 11865438)
I just received a recorded call from Caron's campaign. Now I don't mind a short message. I'll listen. But it was so long and slow paced I had to hang up. Much too long for a tele-message.

maybe he was talking slow for the Democrats who might be listening...

it's a JOKE!!!! get over it :D

petegz28 11-05-2015 01:59 PM


Originally Posted by alnorth (Post 11865428)
Read the entire article, pete. It was clearly written to mock Carson.

I know...sheesh dude .....really??? come on already

petegz28 11-05-2015 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by Dave Lane (Post 11865416)
This bears repeating. Insanity...

I don't know, man...those would make for some good scarecrows

alnorth 11-05-2015 02:07 PM


Originally Posted by petegz28 (Post 11865455)
I know...sheesh dude .....really??? come on already

hah, yeah right. I don't buy it.

NinerDoug 11-05-2015 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by alpha_omega (Post 11865419)
I would hypothesize that what you are talking about really has more to do with the complete dissatisfaction with the current administration/establishment than it does with Carson's nuttiness.

His supporters seem to ignore his nuttiness. That was my point. And that's quite a way to express dissatisfaction.

I haven't been able to get a decent beer at this restaurant for the last seven years. So, instead of looking for a restaurant that has decent beer, I'm going across the street where they serve LSD.

Not the most rational move in the world.

petegz28 11-05-2015 02:18 PM


Originally Posted by alnorth (Post 11865435)
That thing you quoted is not actually true.

Dr. Carson is like an idiot savant: brilliant neurosurgeon, but functionally reeruned outside of his field.

Dude is your sarcasm meter still on Royals hangover?

cosmo20002 11-05-2015 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by Dave Lane (Post 11865416)
This bears repeating. Insanity...

Maybe birds didn't fly in those days. That's how Noah was able to gather them all to take on the ark.

alpha_omega 11-05-2015 02:48 PM

Hey is a grain pyramid....

Brock 11-05-2015 02:52 PM


Originally Posted by Andoverer (Post 11865360)
Yeah it's a shame Ben Carson doesn't say more stuff like this that would increase our admiration and would make us want to look up to him....

“I had learned not to care. I blew a few smoke rings, remembering those years. Pot had helped, and booze; maybe a little blow when you could afford it. Not smack, though. …” — Barack Obama

“Junkie. Pothead. That’s where I’d been headed: the final, fatal role of the young would-be black man. Except the highs hadn’t been about that, me trying to prove what a down brother I was. Not by then, anyway. I got high for just the opposite effect, something that could push questions of who I was out of my mind, something that could flatten out the landscape of my heart, blur the edges of my memory. I had discovered that it didn’t make any difference whether you smoked reefer in the white classmate’s sparkling new van, or in the dorm room of some brother you’d met down at the gym, or on the beach with a couple of Hawaiian kids who had dropped out of school and now spent most of their time looking for an excuse to brawl. …You might just be bored, or alone. Everybody was welcome into the club of disaffection.” — Barack Obama

“…I inhaled frequently. That was the point.” — Barack Obama

Right up there with admitting to illegal parking

Andoverer 11-05-2015 02:56 PM


Originally Posted by Brock (Post 11865544)
Right up there with admitting to illegal parking

Yeah right up there

Pitt Gorilla 11-05-2015 03:08 PM


Dave Lane 11-05-2015 03:27 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Pitt Gorilla (Post 11865566)


eDave 11-05-2015 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by Andoverer (Post 11865556)
Yeah right up there

Speeding ticket then. Didn't Bush like the nose candy?

Dave Lane 11-05-2015 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by eDave (Post 11865614)
Speeding ticket then. Didn't Bush like the nose candy?

And booze

cosmo20002 11-05-2015 04:53 PM


Originally Posted by fan4ever (Post 11865401)
What a dumbass. Somebody should as him to name the 53 states.

First, it is 57 states.
Second, you're going to compare an obvious goof with a thought-out and carefully articulated expression of belief? ok

BigRedChief 11-05-2015 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by NinerDoug (Post 11865405)
Probably. But that's not the point. He publicly exposed himself as a nut, as Carson has done on a number of occasions now. But somehow Carson seems to be immune to the effects of publically exposing oneself as a nut.

Not really. He is still campaigning where the Evangelical RWNJ's live. He still has not proven that independents will just let his strange views slide.

eDave 11-05-2015 04:58 PM


Originally Posted by Brock (Post 11865544)
Right up there with admitting to illegal parking

Unless you are black.

ILChief 11-05-2015 06:10 PM

How bad is it when Trump isn't even close to the biggest kook running for his party's nomination?

Fish 11-05-2015 06:36 PM

Archaeologists To Ben Carson: Ancient Egyptians Wrote Down Why The Pyramids Were Built


We know what the pyramids were built for because the ancient Egyptians tell us what they were built for (see, for example, the Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts). Denying ancient people the capability of building monumental structures is not new, though, and not confined to Egypt — plenty of people over the years have denied that Native Americans could have built the massive earthwork mounds across the U.S. and that the Mayas could have built their pyramids without help from aliens, Europeans, or a higher religious power.

It might be nice to think that Carson has learned since his talk, nearly two decades ago, more about the ancient Egyptian civilization. But no; Carson affirmed this belief in Joseph and his amazing technicolor grain silo to CBS News last night, doubling down on a profound, willful ignorance of science.

In the end, does it really matter what Carson thinks about the Egyptian pyramids? There will always be science deniers, there will always be people swayed by pseudoarchaeology, and there will always be people who believe what they want no matter the facts. It does matter, though, because Carson is vying for the job of representing the United States. So it matters that Carson casually rejects hundreds of years’ worth of research because in denying science, he throws the U.S. back into the past. It matters that he brazenly denies the Egyptian people their rightful history because this marginalizes an entire culture and makes the U.S. look like an ignorant bully.

cosmo20002 11-05-2015 06:56 PM

Pffft...I guess archaeologists and the ancient Egyptians don't care that Dr. Carson has his own personal theory.

BigRedChief 11-05-2015 06:56 PM


Originally Posted by Fish (Post 11865836)
Archaeologists To Ben Carson: Ancient Egyptians Wrote Down Why The Pyramids Were Built


We know what the pyramids were built for because the ancient Egyptians tell us what they were built for (see, for example, the Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts). Denying ancient people the capability of building monumental structures is not new, though, and not confined to Egypt — plenty of people over the years have denied that Native Americans could have built the massive earthwork mounds across the U.S. and that the Mayas could have built their pyramids without help from aliens, Europeans, or a higher religious power.

It might be nice to think that Carson has learned since his talk, nearly two decades ago, more about the ancient Egyptian civilization. But no; Carson affirmed this belief in Joseph and his amazing technicolor grain silo to CBS News last night, doubling down on a profound, willful ignorance of science.

In the end, does it really matter what Carson thinks about the Egyptian pyramids? There will always be science deniers, there will always be people swayed by pseudoarchaeology, and there will always be people who believe what they want no matter the facts. It does matter, though, because Carson is vying for the job of representing the United States. So it matters that Carson casually rejects hundreds of years’ worth of research because in denying science, he throws the U.S. back into the past. It matters that he brazenly denies the Egyptian people their rightful history because this marginalizes an entire culture and makes the U.S. look like an ignorant bully.

Dave Lane 11-05-2015 06:58 PM


Originally Posted by cosmo20002 (Post 11865860)
Pffft...I guess archaeologists and the ancient Egyptians don't care that Dr. Carson has his own personal theory.

It must be respected or blaise will follow you around for weeks calling you a bigot.

NinerDoug 11-05-2015 07:05 PM


Originally Posted by cosmo20002 (Post 11865860)
Pffft...I guess archaeologists and the ancient Egyptians don't care that Dr. Carson has his own personal theory.

Stupid archaeologists are probably the same crackpots who believe the Earth is billions of years old.

Aries Walker 11-05-2015 07:14 PM

Those would be some atrociously designed and incredibly inefficient grain silos.

DaveNull 11-05-2015 07:20 PM

Then there's this shit, but it's not nearly as mind numbing as his pyramid theory..

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">It is important to remember that amateurs built the Ark and it was the professionals that built the Titanic. <a href="">@my_ccu</a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Dr. Ben Carson (@RealBenCarson) <a href="">October 29, 2015</a></blockquote> <script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>

NinerDoug 11-05-2015 07:20 PM


Originally Posted by Aries Walker (Post 11865882)
Those would be some atrociously designed and incredibly inefficient grain silos.

What difference does that make?

The important thing here is to conform fact to one's religious beliefs. Dr. Carson is spot on.

Aries Walker 11-05-2015 07:26 PM

Oh, hey, he also said yesterday that the Founding Fathers had no political experience. How 'bout that!

vailpass 11-05-2015 07:27 PM

The illuminati are not amused...

NinerDoug 11-05-2015 07:29 PM


Originally Posted by Aries Walker (Post 11865896)
Oh, hey, he also said yesterday that the Founding Fathers had no political experience. How 'bout that!


Doesn't this guy have kids? Normally when the senile parent starts wandering around the neighborhood in his underwear, the kids get together and take some action.

How long are they going to let him go on like this?

go bo 11-05-2015 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by cosmo20002 (Post 11865860)
Pffft...I guess archaeologists and the ancient Egyptians don't care that Dr. Carson has his own personal theory.

eh, all the archaeologists and egyptians were democrats...

Hog's Gone Fishin 11-05-2015 08:43 PM

I always suspicioned the pyramids were built for semen collection.

go bo 11-05-2015 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by Hog Farmer (Post 11866013)
I always suspicioned the pyramids were built for semen collection.

man, they must have had some big boars back then...

Rain Man 11-05-2015 09:27 PM

Yesterday he shared his theory that Arizona is west of California because it comes first in the alphabet.

BigRedChief 11-05-2015 09:34 PM


Originally Posted by Rain Man (Post 11866103)
Yesterday he shared his theory that Arizona is west of California because it comes first in the alphabet.


BigRedChief 11-05-2015 09:36 PM

First appearance in human history of the lamestream media.

Fish 11-05-2015 10:18 PM


Originally Posted by BigRedChief (Post 11866120)
First appearance in human history of the lamestream media.

Damn Liberal Lamestream Hieroglyphics!

Aries Walker 11-05-2015 10:37 PM


Originally Posted by Hog Farmer (Post 11866013)
I always suspicioned the pyramids were built for semen collection.

Actually, if any ancient civilization were to have done that, it would have been the Egyptians. Their mythology was nothing but sex, and all kinds of sex, and all the time. Moreso even than the Vikings, and that's saying something.

BucEyedPea 11-05-2015 11:17 PM

Vikings were sexy? I never knew that!

Dave Lane 11-05-2015 11:22 PM


Originally Posted by Aries Walker (Post 11866184)
Actually, if any ancient civilization were to have done that, it would have been the Egyptians. Their mythology was nothing but sex, and all kinds of sex, and all the time. Moreso even than the Vikings, and that's saying something.

I thought that was Listo, but maybe I'm wrong...

srvy 11-06-2015 12:15 AM


Originally Posted by Fish (Post 11865836)
Archaeologists To Ben Carson: Ancient Egyptians Wrote Down Why The Pyramids Were Built


We know what the pyramids were built for because the ancient Egyptians tell us what they were built for (see, for example, the Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts). Denying ancient people the capability of building monumental structures is not new, though, and not confined to Egypt — plenty of people over the years have denied that Native Americans could have built the massive earthwork mounds across the U.S. and that the Mayas could have built their pyramids without help from aliens, Europeans, or a higher religious power.

It might be nice to think that Carson has learned since his talk, nearly two decades ago, more about the ancient Egyptian civilization. But no; Carson affirmed this belief in Joseph and his amazing technicolor grain silo to CBS News last night, doubling down on a profound, willful ignorance of science.

In the end, does it really matter what Carson thinks about the Egyptian pyramids? There will always be science deniers, there will always be people swayed by pseudoarchaeology, and there will always be people who believe what they want no matter the facts. It does matter, though, because Carson is vying for the job of representing the United States. So it matters that Carson casually rejects hundreds of years’ worth of research because in denying science, he throws the U.S. back into the past. It matters that he brazenly denies the Egyptian people their rightful history because this marginalizes an entire culture and makes the U.S. look like an ignorant bully.

Hahahahaha right you cant find Archaeologists who agree on any of the Hieroglyphics and what they mean. Has no one watched PBS and Discovery. Hell these guys nearly come to fisticuffs disagreeing on meaning of Egyptian Hieroglyphics. Hell for all we know some Pharaoh was making a monument in the sand of some hotties boobs.

They wrote it down makes it sound like Lewis and Clark mapping the west or the original surveys of the 7 ranges. Those guys are making as big an educated guess as Ben Carson. Get out of here with that shit.

Dave Lane 11-06-2015 12:19 AM


Originally Posted by srvy (Post 11866250)
Hahahahaha right you cant find Archaeologists who agree on any of the Hieroglyphics and what they mean. Has no one watched PBS and Discovery. Hell these guys nearly come to fisticuffs disagreeing on meaning of Egyptian Hieroglyphics. Hell for all we know some Pharaoh was making a monument in the sand of some hotties boobs.

They wrote it down makes it sound like Lewis and Clark mapping the west or the original surveys of the 7 ranges. Those guys are making as big an educated guess as Ben Carson. Get out of here with that shit.

go bo 11-06-2015 12:20 AM


Originally Posted by Dave Lane (Post 11866255)


Fish 11-06-2015 12:24 AM


Originally Posted by srvy (Post 11866250)
Hahahahaha right you cant find Archaeologists who agree on any of the Hieroglyphics and what they mean.


go bo 11-06-2015 12:25 AM


Dave Lane 11-06-2015 12:27 AM


Originally Posted by Fish (Post 11866262)

Maybe he got the hieroglyphics mixed up with his religion. I mean that statement if applied to the bible would make perfect sense.

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