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BigRedChief 10-28-2009 09:49 AM

Planet members and their kids serving in Iraq and Afghanistan need our support.
I know of one member of Chiefs Planet getting ready to go to Afghaniastan. I know
another that has a son getting ready to deploy. Another that has a son already there. I propose that we raise money and ship some "goddies" over to the units where Chiefs Planet members or their kids are serving our country. To let them know they are not alone, that some of us back here in the USA appreciate their sacrifice and service.
I will personally pay all the shipping costs and coordinate the project.

I will pay all the paypal fees of the members who donate. If you donate $20 to buy goodies for the troops, $20 goes to the troops.

If you want to send a check, or some goodies yourself, donated items, PM me for a mailing address.

If you have a store that has items that would go in the care package and would sell those at cost and or donate, PM me.

100% of the money raised will go to purchase items for the troops. I will update this thread with the progress and post pictures of the "goodies" and items that will be shipped to the troops.

This is not a political thread or idea. The point is to support the Planet members or their kids on a personal level while they are voluntarily putting themselfs in harms way for us.

PM me for the paypal address. If you know of someone serving overseas, PM me and we will put them on the list to recieve a care package


Originally Posted by BigRedChief (Post 8342058)


Originally Posted by Jethopper (Post 8550574)
I just wanted to send a shout out to BigRedChief. Most of you don't know, but I am a grunt in the 82nd airborne and I am currently in Afghanistan. Yesterday, after a long week of field work, I came back to the FOB to recharge and what do I see? 2 care packages from BRC. Well me and my boys enjoyed the snacks and we thank you, bud. HOOAH

Hey BRC,

A few days after my wife checked with her brother's wife about this package, he was injured in an IED attack and sent home for medical treatment. Today we learned that his driver and the guy who took his place were both killed by an IED. It's a tough job these guys have (both in terms of personal risk and also in terms of dealing with the loss of close friends).

Thanks again for all the support you facilitate!



Originally Posted by Barney Stinson (Post 9107242)
That's awesome news. Thanks to the new and continuing supporters that keeps this going. As a solider on the receiving side; it means so much to have complete strangers contribute to these packages. Its a moral victory, makes you feel noticed, affirmation. In some of the worst times I've ever experienced, a small note or package surprising me made the difference between being depressed and feeling validated. Agree or not for the reasons we're there, coming together and supporting the troops with their boots on the ground is a profound statement, and it does not go un-noticed by the troops receiving the packages. Don't make fun of what I'm saying, never in my life has a simple gesture made me feel so good and happy to be an american. Keep donating if you feel inclined, it matters more than you know to the troops receiving it.

Dartgod 10-28-2009 10:24 AM


Originally Posted by BigRedChief (Post 6214362)
Surely we all have some items that would be useful to the troops out in the sandbox to remind them of...the Chiefs?

Why in God's name would we want to do that? Don't they have enough to worry about with bullets flying over their heads all day?

J/K BRC. It's a good thing you are doing. My wife's nephew is over there and we are getting ready to send a huge care package to him with lots of stuff he can share with other soldiers.

I know Iowanian has done this before when his brother was over there. He may have some ideas for you.

Inspector 10-28-2009 10:55 AM

Great idea. This will prompt me into being more savvy about the internet.

We have sent stuff over in the past (Our kid is on his 3rd deployment) but we always sent it to our kid for him to share with his guys. I'll tell her about this when I get home.

Thanks for caring and for your support of our troops!

Iowanian 10-28-2009 11:03 AM

Flat rate boxes are your best bet for shipping.

I'm told you can fit 13 beers, a bag of jerky and a smut book in one if you wanted to, but it would have to be sent to a non-fun hater.

CP members came up with a great package for my brother's unit a few years happend quickly and quietly, but these guys came through. Computer games and stuff were a hit as well. Most have laptops.

Send the stuff to other units....we're taking pretty good care of my brother this time.

BigRedChief 10-28-2009 11:10 AM


Originally Posted by Iowanian (Post 6214538)
Flat rate boxes are your best bet for shipping.

I'm told you can fit 13 beers, a bag of jerky and a smut book in one if you wanted to, but it would have to be sent to a non-fun hater.

CP members came up with a great package for my brother's unit a few years happend quickly and quietly, but these guys came through. Computer games and stuff were a hit as well. Most have laptops.

Send the stuff to other units....we're taking pretty good care of my brother this time.

Thanks for the input. Your experience and Inspectors will make it go a lot smoother. There has to be some "stuff" they can't get there, that they would like to have that they enjoyed back in the USA.

Right now those Planeteers who have publically said they or their son's are going to Iraq/Afghanistan are Crazy Coffey, Inspector and KCWolfman.

Anything can be given annoumusly. I will keep your generosity between myself and your maker.

Iowanian 10-28-2009 11:17 AM

beer, liquor, porn.....thats what they want and can't have.

Jerky, dehydrated fruit and things like that have been wildly popular and you can't send enough. It's bow season, so we'll be sending fresh deer jerky again soon. Candles have been good too(not foofy ones)....but men who live together and are out on long missions tend to stink and so does their stuff

I've sent a blow up 6' swimming pool, leaving it to their creativity...I try to find something once in a while that might be fun.
As I've said before, I sent probably 20-30 computer games from members here before, and they went quickly.

I'm sure some of the outposts of Afganistan have different needs than those in Iraq based out of the major bases.

seclark 10-28-2009 11:18 AM

my son's over there now for his second time. we're taking pretty good care of him, sending packages, so stuff from the planet isn't needed.

it is nice that stuff can get sent to anonymous troops.

good thoughts, brc.

joesomebody 10-28-2009 11:23 AM

Careful Iowanian. Not positive, but I'm betting jerkey is supposed to be stamped by the USDA. I'm sure it will get through, but fresh deer jerkey may be a problem.

Usually (as was the case in all of the bases I was at overseas) customs only approves meat and food products that are inspected by the USDA. Just a heads up.

And great idea BRC, I'll try and see what I can come up with to help out your goal.

BigRedChief 10-28-2009 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by Iowanian (Post 6214564)
beer, liquor, porn.....thats what they want and can't have.

Jerky, dehydrated fruit and things like that have been wildly popular and you can't send enough. It's bow season, so we'll be sending fresh deer jerky again soon. Candles have been good too(not foofy ones)....but men who live together and are out on long missions tend to stink and so does their stuff

I've sent a blow up 6' swimming pool, leaving it to their creativity...I try to find something once in a while that might be fun.
As I've said before, I sent probably 20-30 computer games from members here before, and they went quickly.

I'm sure some of the outposts of Afganistan have different needs than those in Iraq based out of the major bases.

Once we decide who gets the first package, my plan is to email the troops there and ask them what they need or want? And then make it happen.

BigRedChief 10-28-2009 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by joesomebody (Post 6214574)
Careful Iowanian. Not positive, but I'm betting jerkey is supposed to be stamped by the USDA. I'm sure it will get through, but fresh deer jerkey may be a problem.

Usually (as was the case in all of the bases I was at overseas) customs only approves meat and food products that are inspected by the USDA. Just a heads up.

And great idea BRC, I'll try and see what I can come up with to help out your goal.

yeah, I don't want to get caught skirting the rules and then the care package ends up in some dumpster and doesn't make it to the troops. Maybe ship a smaller one that has porn etc. in it in a seperate package? But, jjjeeezzzz a man risking his life, thousands of miles away should at least have a hustler or something on base, regardless of the social norm of the country. It's our friggin norm, its on a military installation. Screw um

seclark 10-28-2009 11:31 AM


Originally Posted by BigRedChief (Post 6214586)
yeah, I don't want to get caught skirting the rules and then the care package ends up in some dumpster and doesn't make it to the troops. Maybe ship a smaller one that has porn etc. in it in a seperate package?

be careful w/the porn...

BigRedChief 10-28-2009 11:37 AM

2 hours after the initial post....first donation is in the kitty.

JohninGpt 10-28-2009 12:18 PM


Originally Posted by BigRedChief (Post 6214586)
yeah, I don't want to get caught skirting the rules and then the care package ends up in some dumpster and doesn't make it to the troops. Maybe ship a smaller one that has porn etc. in it in a seperate package? But, jjjeeezzzz a man risking his life, thousands of miles away should at least have a hustler or something on base, regardless of the social norm of the country. It's our friggin norm, its on a military installation. Screw um

I wouldn't worry too much about sending porn. There are enough xxx rated dvd's in circulation at any of those bases to make Marilyn Chambers blush.

Booze on the other hand.....

Iowanian 10-28-2009 12:39 PM


Originally Posted by joesomebody (Post 6214574)
Careful Iowanian. Not positive, but I'm betting jerkey is supposed to be stamped by the USDA. I'm sure it will get through, but fresh deer jerkey may be a problem.

Usually (as was the case in all of the bases I was at overseas) customs only approves meat and food products that are inspected by the USDA. Just a heads up.

And great idea BRC, I'll try and see what I can come up with to help out your goal.

Duh...thats why you write "shampoo and toiletries" on the customs form.

I care more about getting the people I want things that they want while they're in those shitholes than I care about a USDA requirement. What is deer jerky going to do, spread germs to the sewage filled streets of APO shithole, Iraq?

If you're sending anything that isn't up and up, be sure it is only going to that individual to sort through and deal with.

I've sent many packages to several soldiers over the years and haven't had anything busted/removed by customs yet that I know of.

Iowanian 10-28-2009 12:42 PM

One thing I've sent to Korea, Afganistan and Iraq that has been popular this time of year......I make Christmas lights out of shotgun shells. The rednecks love them, and they're cool year 'round. They become "man cave decore" when Christmas is over.

I also sent a couple of guys "garden boxes"....ziplock with potting soil, sunflower and grass seed. Then they can fill a boot, pan, spent mortar round...whatever to make their own garden and conversation piece. no, I don't really give a shit if I'm potentially contaminating some Afgan poppie field with American Sunflower or Sun & Shade Bluegrass.

BigRedChief 10-28-2009 12:51 PM

Dunkin Donuts donates the coffee
Passed on by supporter Kelly Bishop on 4 Mar 05:
Dunkin Donuts will send a case (24 one pound bags) to service members serving in Iraq. Dunkin Donuts donates the coffee and pays all the shipping costs.
Go to
Fill out the form.
Put the soldiers name and APO address.
Click on "submit"
They are getting a lot of requests so it may take a little time.
You can also write with the same info to:
Dunkin Brands
130 Royall Street
Canton, MA 02121
Or call customer relations at 781-737-3000 (they are very friendly and helpful)
From Dunkin' Donuts:
Dunkin' Brands, Inc. supports the brave men and woman of the United States military.
We are honored to send a taste of home to our troops overseas. We will hold a monthly lottery to randomly select 50 military members among those requests submitted. Each will receive a case of Dunkin' Donuts coffee. We will limit the offer to those who have not previously received any coffee. Please understand that because of the volume of requests, only recipients will be notified

JohninGpt 10-28-2009 12:51 PM

In my experience, no one was very particular about what got mailed to us, but they watched what we mailed home like a hawk.

I did get several bottles in the mail.

BigRedChief 10-28-2009 12:54 PM


Originally Posted by Iowanian (Post 6214760)
Duh...thats why you write "shampoo and toiletries" on the customs form.

Okay, initial research says I'm going to have to sign my name to something that says whats in the package. If I lie of the form I could get in trouble with my employer and lose my job. so the packages will have to be on the up and up when I send them.

Iowanian 10-28-2009 12:56 PM

I wasn't suggesting you do anything other than that.

I just know what others, may choose to do as individuals.
Every situation is different, if your soldier lives with a dingleberry 1Sgt that hates fun, you obviously have to moderate what they receive.

BigRedChief 10-28-2009 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by JohninGpt (Post 6214799)
In my experience, no one was very particular about what got mailed to us, but they watched what we mailed home like a hawk.

I did get several bottles in the mail.

How does this list look? Whats not on there there the troops appreciated?


Beef Jerky
/ Slim Jims
(Ground or whole; instant or drip), Hot Chocolate packets, Herbal teas

Instant Drink Mixes
(Gatorade, KoolAid, Crystal Light)

Pumpkin Seeds
/ Sunflower Seeds (salted)

Tuna in foil pouches
(no cans)

Protein Powders
/ Protein Bars / Cliff Bars
*NO CHOCOLATE PRODUCTS accepted from MARCH to OCTOBER (it will melt in high temperatures!)
Hard Pretzels / Cheetos / Fritos / Chex Mix / Wheat Thins
Gum and Hard Candy (must be individually wrapped)
Granola Bars / Power Bars / Cereal Bars
Small Packs of Fig Newtons, Oreos, Cheese
Trail Mix, Dried Fruit, Granola, Fruit Roll
Ups / Fruit By The Foot / Fruit Gummies
DRY SOUP: (Ramen Noodles / Cup
OSoup: just add water)
NUTS: Peanuts, Mixed Nuts (salted)
BoyRDee, Mac'n'Cheese...)
COOKIES / Girl Scout Cookies (with chocolate: Oct.
Feb. only!)
Cheese & Cracker packs
Condiments, Spices; Sugar; Salad Dressing (no glass jars)
Oatmeal Packs (Instant: just add water)
Cereal (Small, individual boxes)
Rice Krispie Treats (Store
bought only)
Caffeinated gum or candy (to stay alert)


Baby wipes
(travel size)

Liquid Hand Sanitizer
(travel size)

Body Wash
, Liquid Soap, Facial Cleanser
Shampoo /Conditioner (travel size)
Hair Gel (for female troops to pull hair back)
Combs / Brushes, Bobby Pins
Eye Drops (i.e. Visine)

Nasal Spray

seclark 10-28-2009 01:04 PM


BigRedChief 10-28-2009 01:06 PM


Originally Posted by BigRedChief (Post 6214825)
How does this list look? Whats not on there there the troops appreciated?

Beef Jerky

/ Slim Jims

(Ground or whole; instant or drip), Hot Chocolate packets, Herbal teas
Instant Drink Mixes

(Gatorade, KoolAid, Crystal Light)
Pumpkin Seeds

/ Sunflower Seeds (salted)
Tuna in foil pouches

(no cans)
Protein Powders

/ Protein Bars / Cliff Bars
*NO CHOCOLATE PRODUCTS accepted from MARCH to OCTOBER (it will melt in high temperatures!)
Hard Pretzels / Cheetos / Fritos / Chex Mix / Wheat Thins
Gum and Hard Candy (must be individually wrapped)
Granola Bars / Power Bars / Cereal Bars
Small Packs of Fig Newtons, Oreos, Cheese

Trail Mix, Dried Fruit, Granola, Fruit Roll

Ups / Fruit By The Foot / Fruit Gummies
DRY SOUP: (Ramen Noodles / Cup

OSoup: just add water)
NUTS: Peanuts, Mixed Nuts (salted)

BoyRDee, Mac'n'Cheese...)
COOKIES / Girl Scout Cookies (with chocolate: Oct.

Feb. only!)
Cheese & Cracker packs
Condiments, Spices; Sugar; Salad Dressing (no glass jars)
Oatmeal Packs (Instant: just add water)
Cereal (Small, individual boxes)
Rice Krispie Treats (Store

bought only)
Caffeinated gum or candy (to stay alert)


Baby wipes

(travel size)
Liquid Hand Sanitizer

(travel size)
Body Wash

, Liquid Soap, Facial Cleanser
Shampoo /Conditioner (travel size)
Hair Gel (for female troops to pull hair back)
Combs / Brushes, Bobby Pins
Eye Drops (i.e. Visine)
Nasal Spray

Another one:
Baby Wipes - packets are better than tubs. Much better than baby wipes, per se, are the "Hoo Ahhs" brand of pre-moistened, alcohol-free, unscented Field Towels
Beef Jerky/Slim Jims
Energy Bars (Power Bar, etc. - Unless a specific brand is requested, much better than standard civilian energy bars are the "HOOAH!" brand energy bar based on the U.S. military's own specially formulated bar that better meets the soliers' needs)
Hot Sauce (Tabasco, Red Devil, etc.) - wrap glass bottle in duct tape and place in doubled zip-lock bags
Sunflower seeds
Seasoning Salt (Lawry's, etc.)
Atomic Fireballs / Jolly Rancher hard candy (for service member use)
Smarties or SweetTart candies (for local children who prefer sour style candy to build relationships with community)
Powdered Energy/Electrolyte Replacement Drink Mix (Gatorade, etc.)
Chewing Gum
Avon Skin So Soft - great for removing face paint and also reputed to be an effective bug repellant (the latter seems variable based on personal experience and reports)
AA-cell Alkaline Batteries
Personal Hygiene Gear: Disposable Razors, Toothbrush and Tooth Paste
Eye Wash / Drops (Visine, etc.) for flushing dust and sand out of the eyes
Zip-Lock style Plastic Storage Bags - assorted sizes, heavier freezer style are better
Copenhagen Snuff in a tin ("Even if the service member doesn't dip snuff, they will be a hero and have more power than the Commanding Officer if they have a 'log' (10 cans) of 'Hagen.' A large percentage of infantry use this stuff and it is hard to get. The stuff they do get comes in a plastic can and tastes terrible. The 'Stateside Hagen' is the most powerful bargaining tool in a field environment!")
Pre-paid Phone Card so service member can call home

seclark 10-28-2009 01:10 PM


JohninGpt 10-28-2009 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by BigRedChief (Post 6214825)
How does this list look? Whats not on there there the troops appreciated?


Beef Jerky
/ Slim Jims
(Ground or whole; instant or drip), Hot Chocolate packets, Herbal teas

Instant Drink Mixes
(Gatorade, KoolAid, Crystal Light)

Pumpkin Seeds
/ Sunflower Seeds (salted)

Tuna in foil pouches
(no cans)

Protein Powders
/ Protein Bars / Cliff Bars
*NO CHOCOLATE PRODUCTS accepted from MARCH to OCTOBER (it will melt in high temperatures!)
Hard Pretzels / Cheetos / Fritos / Chex Mix / Wheat Thins
Gum and Hard Candy (must be individually wrapped)
Granola Bars / Power Bars / Cereal Bars
Small Packs of Fig Newtons, Oreos, Cheese
Trail Mix, Dried Fruit, Granola, Fruit Roll
Ups / Fruit By The Foot / Fruit Gummies
DRY SOUP: (Ramen Noodles / Cup
OSoup: just add water)
NUTS: Peanuts, Mixed Nuts (salted)
BoyRDee, Mac'n'Cheese...)
COOKIES / Girl Scout Cookies (with chocolate: Oct.
Feb. only!)
Cheese & Cracker packs
Condiments, Spices; Sugar; Salad Dressing (no glass jars)
Oatmeal Packs (Instant: just add water)
Cereal (Small, individual boxes)
Rice Krispie Treats (Store
bought only)
Caffeinated gum or candy (to stay alert)


Baby wipes
(travel size)

Liquid Hand Sanitizer
(travel size)

Body Wash
, Liquid Soap, Facial Cleanser
Shampoo /Conditioner (travel size)
Hair Gel (for female troops to pull hair back)
Combs / Brushes, Bobby Pins
Eye Drops (i.e. Visine)

Nasal Spray

All of the munchies, coffee, and drink mixes are great. Baby wipes are also a great item (unscented please).
A lot of the other toiletries ended up being donated to the Chaplains office for use by anyone that wanted them.

Frazod 10-28-2009 01:18 PM

When my best friend was in Iraq (at the time a captain) he asked for twin sheet sets for his troops. Apparently sheets aren't standard issue, or at least they weren't three years ago. Probably a good thing to add to the list.

JohninGpt 10-28-2009 01:21 PM


Originally Posted by frazod (Post 6214887)
When my best friend was in Iraq (at the time a captain) he asked for twin sheet sets for his troops. Apparently sheets aren't standard issue, or at least they weren't three years ago. Probably a good thing to add to the list.

Good call, I had my wife mail me some. Using a sleeping bag wears pretty thin after the first couple weeks.

Jenson71 10-28-2009 01:44 PM

Porn makes the soldiers soft! Send a rubix cube instead. Soldiers love those.

Jenson71 10-28-2009 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by Jenson71 (Post 6214943)
Porn makes the soldiers soft! Send a rubix cube instead. Soldiers love those.

I don't know if that's actually true. Any of it.

Good idea, BRC. It's getting bad out there.

Iowanian 10-28-2009 01:47 PM

My brother has said both times that he ends up with big piles of un-used candy. I know he never felt the need to give it to kids that were throwing rocks at him either. He's been on both ends of the spectrum...having nothing, sleeping a little bit beside a jeep in the desert, and in a bed most nights. The needs are different depending where they are. On the big bases, they can get most of the every-day stuff they want. It's the tastes of home that my people have said they miss....

We also had the local weekly rag subscription purchased and sent to the APO.

Homeade cookies I've been told are appreciated, the store brands, not as much.

For those on a base with internet, we've been using Skype and can have face-face conversations with our soldiers on occasion. I was able to get a hookup at an odd location by the local telco and webcam my brother into a wedding he was missing and he was able to talk to quite a few family/friends until his link went out.

BigRedChief 10-28-2009 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by Jenson71 (Post 6214947)
I don't know if that's actually true. Any of it.

Good idea, BRC. It's getting bad out there.

Nothing to do with politics but these are going to be our fellow citizens, fellow Chief fans in harms way while we sat in our barcoloungers drinking cold ones and watching our Chiefs get smoked. It's the least we can do. Makes it more personal. A fellow citizen and Chiefs fan showing some support and appreciation to another for their sacrifice. Also lets the families that post on here know their sons, daughters, brothers and even in-laws are not fogotten.

Jenson71 10-28-2009 02:28 PM


Originally Posted by BigRedChief (Post 6214969)
Nothing to do with politics but these are going to be our fellow citizens, fellow Chief fans in harms way while we sat in our barcoloungers drinking cold ones and watching our Chiefs get smoked. It's the least we can do. Makes it more personal. A fellow citizen and Chiefs fan showing some support and appreciation to another for their sacrifice. Also lets the families that post on here know their sons, daughters, brothers and even in-laws are not fogotten.

Yeah, no doubt. They work hard out there and need some support to boost morale. I can see the day coming when my brother will be deployed. I used to just skip the headlines relating to the war, because it gets a little repititive. But for people with family over there, I would guess that that's the most important thing all day.

Iowanian 10-28-2009 05:51 PM

I've been chatting with my brother....he says the thing he misses the most right now is hunting.

He says Hunting Videos would be a good thing for any outdoorsmen....I know several of the pros, so I'll see if I can get some videos donated

BigRedChief 10-28-2009 06:06 PM


Originally Posted by Iowanian (Post 6215561)
I've been chatting with my brother....he says the thing he misses the most right now is hunting.

He says Hunting Videos would be a good thing for any outdoorsmen....I know several of the pros, so I'll see if I can get some videos donated


Iowanian 10-28-2009 06:15 PM

I can't guarantee anything, but I'm going to ask.

You might put that down for things to buy though. You can buy them in sets....I saw a collection on craigslist the other day for pretty cheap too.

I hadn't thought of it, but at least my brother is having whitetail withdrawls. I'm sure the other hunters are too.

RJ 10-28-2009 09:02 PM

Which is best, and easiest for you?

I'd be happy to Paypal some $$, send a check or buy some items.

If Paypal is best, PM me and I'll contribute.

chiefbowe82 10-28-2009 10:02 PM

I'll see what I can gather up

BigRedChief 10-29-2009 07:04 AM


Originally Posted by chiefbowe82 (Post 6216223)
I'll see what I can gather up

Any help for the troops is appreciated.

Pink Paradise 2010 10-29-2009 09:21 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I support the troops :)

BigRedChief 10-29-2009 10:12 AM


Originally Posted by Pink Paradise 2010 (Post 6216996)
I support the troops :)

I realize your new here but we don't post "joke" posts in a sticky or a serious thread. Your penalty for this violation is $20 for the troops.:)

joesomebody 10-29-2009 07:14 PM

PM me your paypal and I'll see what I can do.

I just read that the Amazon Kindle now works internationally. I wish there was a way we could afford to buy a couple of those for the troops. Unfortunately they are about $300. I know the prospect of unlimited books would be nice.

As to Iowanian's suggestion of grass seed and dirt. That is popular, at least it was among my friends. Something about having a little piece of America to take care of while in the sand box was a comforting thought.

BigRedChief 10-29-2009 08:27 PM

I wish you guys could hear that stories I'm hearing about this thread. My best friend, my brother, my in-law etc. is heading over there, is already over there. Worried about them etc. Gut wrenching personal stories. And then there is ones like this....

Hey BRC. This is edited name. God bless the troops and thanks for what you are doing. This is the money I was going to use as a reward for my lost puppy dog. The kind woman that found him refused the reward, so I figure this is a good alternative.

Total so far...$85 in hand. More have promised funds in the future.

PastorMikH 10-29-2009 09:11 PM

We did this over the last year at our church for soldiers from the area that were overseas. If you haven't found out already, I can get the list of suggested items we went by.

Also several of the soldiers said coffee was always appreciated. You can get foldgers and maxwell house coffees in tea bag form so that they can make coffee with a cup of hotwater and not have it taste like instant. Another thing that we popular is wet-wipes. Kid out of our church who spent 2 tours in Iraq said, especially on the first tour they could go several weeks without a shower (or running water for that matter) and the wet wipes were the only he could clean up.

BigRedChief 10-30-2009 06:20 AM


Originally Posted by PastorMikH (Post 6218806)
We did this over the last year at our church for soldiers from the area that were overseas. If you haven't found out already, I can get the list of suggested items we went by.

Also several of the soldiers said coffee was always appreciated. You can get foldgers and maxwell house coffees in tea bag form so that they can make coffee with a cup of hotwater and not have it taste like instant. Another thing that we popular is wet-wipes. Kid out of our church who spent 2 tours in Iraq said, especially on the first tour they could go several weeks without a shower (or running water for that matter) and the wet wipes were the only he could clean up.

Yeah, I've started to get feedback from members who have family over there privately and doing some research it looks like Coffee, tea, instant flavored drinks of any kind and those baby wipes are the most popular items. Also not a lot of feedback but those who have offered or experienced it say Iowaian's idea of potting soil and some seeds goes over real big with the troops also. I could use those USPS boxes that doesn't matter about weight but based on size to ship the potting soil.

JohninGpt 10-30-2009 06:28 AM

Decent toiletpaper, Charmin, IIRC, makes a little travel pack that is easy to put in your cargo pocket and keep with you. They don't call the gov't issue stuff "John Wayne" for nothing.

Radar Chief 10-30-2009 08:03 AM


Originally Posted by JohninGpt (Post 6219201)
Decent toiletpaper, Charmin, IIRC, makes a little travel pack that is easy to put in your cargo pocket and keep with you. They don't call the gov't issue stuff "John Wayne" for nothing.

Heh, “rough on your ass and don’t take shit off nobody.” :thumb:

Wet wipes is another prized item.

BigRedChief 10-30-2009 09:12 PM

okay, who should get the first package? I don't feel comfortable deciding this. I know that scott free, kcwolfman's son's will soon be there. Crazy Coffey will soon be there. The ones that I know are there now from the planet have had the families ask me to select someone else that is worthy. so.....who should get the first shipment?

Dartgod 11-01-2009 10:48 AM


Originally Posted by BigRedChief (Post 6221050)
okay, who should get the first package? I don't feel comfortable deciding this. I know that scott free, kcwolfman's son's will soon be there. Crazy Coffey will soon be there. The ones that I know are there now from the planet have had the families ask me to select someone else that is worthy. so.....who should get the first shipment?

Who has been there the longest? Seems like the most logical way to start to me.

BigRedChief 11-01-2009 10:59 AM


Originally Posted by Dartgod (Post 6224358)
Who has been there the longest? Seems like the most logical way to start to me.

Sounds like a good idea. It would be fair. An arbitary #.

I've had 3 Planeters tell me to choose some one else that was worthy. They are taking care of their families. But, this is not a dictatorship. There have been monetary contributions from Planeteers, we need to decide who gets the first? the next one, and so on. Make a list, whatever. I'm willing to organize it all, pay all the fees and postage, but I'm not willing to be the sole decider on what unit, what posters family recieves a package.

joesomebody 11-01-2009 06:35 PM

Looks like an awesome spread BRC. Great job. As to who receives the care packages, I feel they are all great men and women and equally deserving. Possibly try to send them to units/service members that are from the Chief's kingdom. Missouri is obviously my preference, but I suppose those Kansas boys and girls probably fight just as hard and are equally deserving. A jayhawk in a military uniform is an acceptable jayhawk in my book. I wish there was a way to get a feel for who needs the items the most, but obviously we have no way of knowing without people stepping forward and telling us.

Can we maybe ask some of our guys over there to find us some names of some young folks that need these goodies to cheer them up?

Iowanian 11-01-2009 07:35 PM

I think if you can't find a local unit, maybe try to find the planet connection in the most remote location.

Some young man on a FOB in Afganistan isn't going to have the access to luxuries that someone in a big base in Baghdad.

JohninGpt 11-01-2009 08:35 PM


Originally Posted by Iowanian (Post 6225971)
I think if you can't find a local unit, maybe try to find the planet connection in the most remote location.

Some young man on a FOB in Afganistan isn't going to have the access to luxuries that someone in a big base in Baghdad.

I don't know alot about Afganistan, but the guys at Ramadi, Hitt, Haditha, KV, and Husayba in Iraq don't get squat as far as a BX (Ramadi has a small one, but the selection sucks).

BigRedChief 11-02-2009 07:51 AM

We have collected $125 in cash contributions for the troops so far. What you see in those first two pictures cost $123.18 to purchase.

I'm going to use the "large" flat rate USPS mailing boxes to mail the goodies to the troops. They are the cheapest way to mail at about $11.00-$12.00 a box. Whatever it costs, that cost is on me. Not one penny of the money the Planet posters contribute will go towards shipping costs. So, give out your duffs and make a contrubution.

I've got 1 school and 2 youth church groups having the kids write letters to the troops. and a couple of more are checking to see if its possible.

Working on several places for discounts/giving the troops some stuff. But, nothing solid yet.

Inspector 11-02-2009 08:21 AM

Thanks again BRC. This is really a great thing.

No need to send anything to our kid. We have a large family and he is very well taken care of along these lines. Also, this time he is actually spending more time at a desk than in the dirt - although he does still have to go out on patrols, just not like he did in his past deployments in Iraq. We prefer any funds go to the other ChiefsPlanet family members or to anyone who has the need for whatever reason.

OK, I hate to admit this but I'm not really up with sending dough for something like this. I'm one of those guys who never uses any cards or anything - I always use cash. Last time I sent money in for ChiefsPlanet, I sent a personal check - but that was quite awhile back.

So, let me know how this works. Is paypal a credit card thing?

Thanks again and thanks for the paypal lesson.

BigRedChief 11-02-2009 08:36 AM


Originally Posted by Inspector (Post 6226870)
Thanks again BRC. This is really a great thing.

No need to send anything to our kid. We have a large family and he is very well taken care of along these lines. Also, this time he is actually spending more time at a desk than in the dirt - although he does still have to go out on patrols, just not like he did in his past deployments in Iraq. We prefer any funds go to the other ChiefsPlanet family members or to anyone who has the need for whatever reason.

OK, I hate to admit this but I'm not really up with sending dough for something like this. I'm one of those guys who never uses any cards or anything - I always use cash. Last time I sent money in for ChiefsPlanet, I sent a personal check - but that was quite awhile back.

So, let me know how this works. Is paypal a credit card thing?

Thanks again and thanks for the paypal lesson.

All the money recieved so far has been through Paypal. But, if you or anyone else wants to write a check or mail some cash to me, just pm me for a mailing address. If you are in the KC area, we can meet in person. I get around to all the KC metro area.

I'm keeping an Excel spreadsheet of who and what was contributed, what the money was spent on, and who recieved the packages. But, only I will know "real life" names on that list. Privacy will be respected.

patteeu 11-02-2009 08:53 AM


Originally Posted by Inspector (Post 6226870)
Thanks again BRC. This is really a great thing.

No need to send anything to our kid. We have a large family and he is very well taken care of along these lines. Also, this time he is actually spending more time at a desk than in the dirt - although he does still have to go out on patrols, just not like he did in his past deployments in Iraq. We prefer any funds go to the other ChiefsPlanet family members or to anyone who has the need for whatever reason.

OK, I hate to admit this but I'm not really up with sending dough for something like this. I'm one of those guys who never uses any cards or anything - I always use cash. Last time I sent money in for ChiefsPlanet, I sent a personal check - but that was quite awhile back.

So, let me know how this works. Is paypal a credit card thing?

Thanks again and thanks for the paypal lesson.

Yes, it's a credit card thing. You create an account with your email address and then you can use a credit card to send money to another account based on their email address.

Inspector 11-02-2009 09:47 AM

OK, good info, thanks guys.

I'm going to create the paypal account and then get BRC some more funds. It's on my weekly to-do list. (I live my life by lists..)

Good people here, no doubt!

BigRedChief 11-03-2009 08:12 AM

Comment from the people and their families we are trying to support. It does make a difference with people so far from home.....

appreciate the thread, thank you for doing this - letters/boxes from home are always a big hit. If I get anything I will be sure to share with everyone I can. I'll know more mid december. Right now in NJ, pretty locked down but still in US anyway

You're doing a great thing BRC, a package from home makes a lot of things better when you are in one of those shitholes.


BigRedChief 11-04-2009 01:47 PM

Still looking for worthy units to recive the packages. You don't want to suggest some units publically, PM me.

crazycoffey 11-04-2009 01:59 PM

A unit that has been in Iraq for 8-9 months now is the 810th MP co out of Florida.

I could probaby say Hi to them and provide feedback to the Planet in, oh let's say about 4-8 weeks....
Posted via Mobile Device

crazycoffey 11-05-2009 08:43 AM

Another thought (no I'm not too proud to mention it) many soliders, myself included, are buying their own equipment if/as they can. Lights, lazers for mounting on our M-4's, better mags (and a double mag clip for speedy re-loads), better holisters for 9's (we are getting issued the old widow makers with the flap over the 9), gloves, 550 cord, 100 mile an hour tape. A very select few are even buying a kevlar face mask from it's expensive so a truck of three soliders are trying buy extra mounts and sharing the mask for whoever goes in the turret that day. These would obviously take some extra. corrispondence with the donatee, for sizes and needs but is another option if anyone was so inclined.
Posted via Mobile Device

BigRedChief 11-05-2009 10:19 AM


Originally Posted by CrazyCoffey (Post 6234953)
Another thought (no I'm not too proud to mention it) many soliders, myself included, are buying their own equipment if/as they can. Lights, lazers for mounting on our M-4's, better mags (and a double mag clip for speedy re-loads), better holisters for 9's (we are getting issued the old widow makers with the flap over the 9), gloves, 550 cord, 100 mile an hour tape. A very select few are even buying a kevlar face mask from it's expensive so a truck of three soliders are trying buy extra mounts and sharing the mask for whoever goes in the turret that day. These would obviously take some extra. corrispondence with the donatee, for sizes and needs but is another option if anyone was so inclined.
Posted via Mobile Device

The problem with that idea is funds. That stuff you listed in expensive. We are going to have to have a lot more planeteers step up to pull that idea off. As of right now we have had $225.00 contributed and $123 spent on goodies.

BigRedChief 11-05-2009 10:23 AM

Some of you had privately suggested RedneckRaider son's unit over in the sandbox was worthy of a package of goodies. I've communicated with RedneckRaiderr and the good news is that his son is on his way home soon.

crazycoffey 11-05-2009 10:37 AM

I realize that, and have no expectations. A box with some cigs and a "hey how are you", is absolutely a great feeling. And I am greatly honored to be mentioned in this thread. I am absolutely not trying to convay innappreciation or show a lack of gratitude.

I am buying holesters for myself and my team, I've bought them compasses and lights already, other leaders have bought me some things too, and all of this is just mostly for informational purposes. But these are out of pocket expenses for us. I merely wanted to share it with those with interests or means.

We've got a pretty smart group of posters that come up with ingenious ways to internet roast someone, they could also come up with ways to get funds if they were motivated to do so.

Hell, people working for a business that can do it could sponser a unit, there's car washes, golf/ texas hold'em tourney were some of the winnings are donated to buy things. There are other possibilities than just reaching in their own pockets.
Posted via Mobile Device

BigRedChief 11-05-2009 10:42 AM


Originally Posted by CrazyCoffey (Post 6235167)
I realize that, and have no expectations. A box with some cigs and a "hey how are you", is absolutely a great feeling. And I am greatly honored to be mentioned in this thread. I am absolutely not trying to convay innappreciation or show a lack of gratitude.

I am buying holesters for myself and my team, I've bought them compasses and lights already, other leaders have bought me some things too, and all of this is just mostly for informational purposes. But these are out of pocket expenses for us. I merely wanted to share it with those with interests or means.

We've got a pretty smart group of posters that come up with ingenious ways to internet roast someone, they could also come up with ways to get funds if they were motivated to do so.

Hell, people working for a business that can do it could sponser a unit, there's car washes, golf/ texas hold'em tourney were some of the winnings are donated to buy things. There are other possibilities than just reaching in their own pockets.
Posted via Mobile Device

I agree. I would be happy to contribute, organize and or participate in these fundraisers. Any Planeters interested but don't want to be "public" about their actions...PM me.

crazycoffey 11-05-2009 11:04 AM

Have I confessed my love for you yet BRC? Because I do love you man....

I love the planet too... Lots of awesome people post here, keep on keeping on CP!
Posted via Mobile Device

RNR 11-05-2009 05:35 PM

I would like to thank BRC for asking about my son and to those who he said had told him about my son. He is being processed back to the states and has completed his LAST tour. His fighting days are over and he will soon enter civilian life. He is my son and I could not be prouder!

joesomebody 11-05-2009 06:12 PM


Originally Posted by RedNeckRaider (Post 6236572)
I would like to thank BRC for asking about my son and to those who he said had told him about my son. He is being processed back to the states and has completed his LAST tour. His fighting days are over and he will soon enter civilian life. He is my son and I could not be prouder!

Congrats and god bless. We are all proud of him.

BigRedChief 11-05-2009 06:39 PM


Originally Posted by RedNeckRaider (Post 6236572)
I would like to thank BRC for asking about my son and to those who he said had told him about my son. He is being processed back to the states and has completed his LAST tour. His fighting days are over and he will soon enter civilian life. He is my son and I could not be prouder!

No need to thank me. The whole point is that we need to thank your son and his family for their service. It is we that owe your son and everyone else's sons/duaghter/brothers/sister's etc that are putting themselfs in harms way.

BigRedChief 11-05-2009 06:40 PM


Originally Posted by CrazyCoffey (Post 6235259)
Have I confessed my love for you yet BRC? Because I do love you man....

I love the planet too... Lots of awesome people post here, keep on keeping on CP!
Posted via Mobile Device

I'm a happily married guy, but thanks for the thoughts.:rolleyes:

BigRedChief 11-09-2009 05:22 PM

Veterans Day appreciation thread:

BigRedChief 11-11-2009 12:57 PM

2 Attachment(s)
The first package is going out tommorrow to seclark's son and his unit who are flying missions in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Since he's also a Cardinals and Chiefs fan, I've also thrown in a Cardinals book and a Chiefs button that flashes and plays the "charge" music.

seclark 11-11-2009 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by BigRedChief (Post 6253730)
The first package is going out tommorrow to seclark's son and his unit who are flying missions in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Since he's also a Cardinals and Chiefs fan, I've also thrown in a Cardinals book and a Chiefs button that flashes and plays the "charge" music.

you guys and gals are something else.
thanks to all.
i'll keep you posted, when he gets the package.
again...thank you.

kcchuck 11-12-2009 11:24 AM

Just saw this BRC, count me in for a paypal donation. From past experience, I can tell you that a couple of big bottles of KC BBQ sauce(plastic bottles) and dry rub are big hits with the troops, nothing like a little taste of home cookin, and have no problems getting thru customs.

Send me the info for paypal, the planet has sent/helped send two different care packages to my brother's units serving in Iraq the past few years, and it's time for a little payback, I will get the Col to chip in also!

patteeu 11-12-2009 11:42 AM


Originally Posted by kcchuck (Post 6255827)
Just saw this BRC, count me in for a paypal donation. From past experience, I can tell you that a couple of big bottles of KC BBQ sauce(plastic bottles) and dry rub are big hits with the troops, nothing like a little taste of home cookin, and have no problems getting thru customs.

Send me the info for paypal, the planet has sent/helped send two different care packages to my brother's units serving in Iraq the past few years, and it's time for a little payback, I will get the Col to chip in also!

Does Gates taste good on goat meat?

kcchuck 11-12-2009 11:52 AM


Originally Posted by patteeu (Post 6255876)
Does Gates taste good on goat meat?

Gates makes all meat taste better!

patteeu 11-12-2009 12:17 PM


Originally Posted by kcchuck (Post 6255891)
Gates makes all meat taste better!

LMAO Good point.

BigRedChief 11-12-2009 12:26 PM


Originally Posted by kcchuck (Post 6255827)
Just saw this BRC, count me in for a paypal donation. From past experience, I can tell you that a couple of big bottles of KC BBQ sauce(plastic bottles) and dry rub are big hits with the troops, nothing like a little taste of home cookin, and have no problems getting thru customs.

Send me the info for paypal, the planet has sent/helped send two different care packages to my brother's units serving in Iraq the past few years, and it's time for a little payback, I will get the Col to chip in also!

You don't have private messaging turned on? No way to send you the paypal addy. We are friends on facebook, right? Ping me on there.

BigRedChief 11-12-2009 12:32 PM


Originally Posted by kcchuck (Post 6255827)
Just saw this BRC, count me in for a paypal donation. From past experience, I can tell you that a couple of big bottles of KC BBQ sauce(plastic bottles) and dry rub are big hits with the troops, nothing like a little taste of home cookin, and have no problems getting thru customs.

Send me the info for paypal, the planet has sent/helped send two different care packages to my brother's units serving in Iraq the past few years, and it's time for a little payback, I will get the Col to chip in also!

Yeah, good idea. I can find some plastic bottles. I'm shipping some spices(Lowery's season salt etc) with the packages. Got that tip from Iowaian. Still working on Hy-Vee to give me a discount but because we are not a 501.c its an uphill battle.

kcchuck 11-12-2009 01:52 PM

You can now buy Gates and Jackstack sauce in big plastic bottles at Cosco, if not your local Hyvee.

Thanks for doing this!

Will send you a message on FB for paypal info.

BigRedChief 11-12-2009 02:17 PM


Originally Posted by kcchuck (Post 6256152)
You can now buy Gates and Jackstack sauce in big plastic bottles at Cosco, if not your local Hyvee.

Thanks for doing this!

Will send you a message on FB for paypal info.

jeeezzz how much do one of those Costco suckers weigh? You trying to kill me on shipping cost?ROFL

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