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Mr. Flopnuts 07-02-2013 10:53 PM


Originally Posted by Direckshun (Post 9789895)
You know what I hate?

I hate it when characters on TV or in movies say the same thing twice for cheap emotional effect.

"I believe so, lad.


I believe so."

I know, D. I know.

Hammock Parties 07-02-2013 10:54 PM


Originally Posted by Phobia (Post 9789890)
It is not. Are you denying virtual pets exist in your web-world?

Yeah. I'm just chilling, bro. I don't even play FPS games.

Mr. Flopnuts 07-02-2013 10:55 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 9789896)

For the record, I think that the roast idea is brilliant, but believe it or not, I'm not a fan of hurting someone's feelings during the roast.

All this "He's fat, they're fat", blah, blah, blah is cheap. Cheap laughs. Not funny.

It's like saying "You're bald, it's so funny". Well, it's not.

This is guaranteed to bite me in the ass later. The fat jokes directed at me don't bother me nearly as much, not nearly as much (haha, couldn't help it, D) as the threads about fat people in general. They used to really bug the shit out of me. Not so much anymore, because I have grown old enough to realize that everyone is ****ed up in their own way, mine is just much easier to spot. :D

Simply Red 07-02-2013 10:57 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Flopnuts (Post 9789891)
Oh, Clay is definitely ranked higher than me. Love him or hate him, there isn't a single member here who provides more enjoyable Chiefs material than he does. The videos, the gif threads, the incredible trolling of rival fans. He's top 3. Maybe tops period. I know people will gnash their teeth over this post, but it's the honest to God's truth.

Oh yeah - the thread lost it's true ranking practically a week ago. That's kind of why it's dope again, now.

Hammock Parties 07-02-2013 10:58 PM

Simply Red and I have been hitting the clubs lately, btw.

Phobia 07-02-2013 10:58 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Flopnuts (Post 9789903)
This is guaranteed to bite me in the ass later. The fat jokes directed at me don't bother me nearly as much, not nearly as much (haha, couldn't help it, D) as the threads about fat people in general. They used to really bug the shit out of me. Not so much anymore, because I have grown old enough to realize that everyone is ****ed up in their own way, mine is just much easier to spot. :D

I've had a couple of spectacular zingers on you between here and FB the past few days.

Simply Red 07-02-2013 11:01 PM


Originally Posted by Alex Smith HATER (Post 9789907)
Simply Red and I have been hitting the clubs lately, btw.

God Dammit.

DaneMcCloud 07-02-2013 11:10 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Flopnuts (Post 9789903)
This is guaranteed to bite me in the ass later. The fat jokes directed at me don't bother me nearly as much, not nearly as much (haha, couldn't help it, D) as the threads about fat people in general. They used to really bug the shit out of me. Not so much anymore, because I have grown old enough to realize that everyone is ****ed up in their own way, mine is just much easier to spot. :D

Here's what's really uncool and somewhat weird about that: We're on an internet forum. We're faceless, unless we decide to share a picture. Someone that would use a picture shared in this forum against someone as punchline, is uncool.

IMO, there are qualifiers as well. Some people in this forum are 20 years old. Some are 40 years old. Some are 60 years. Weight often has more to do with age, metabolism, time, work and family needs that it does with vanity, but genetics also play a large role.

I'm 47 years old. When I was 30, I could eat four double cheeseburgers a day, eat a bag of Lay's, drink 12 beers, work out 2 hours a week and have a 31 inch waist. At age 35, I started to notice that my waist varied between 32-34, so I started working out more and watching what I eat. By 40, I had to work out even more and really watch what I eat. Today, I eat next to nothing, have NO time to work out and just barely maintain my weight and can't wait until the day comes that I can spend 6 hours a week in the gym/walking/hiking/biking again.

Most people work their asses off, spend as much time as they can with their children and families and don't have time to think about diet and exercise. They're more concerned with providing for their families. And when they do, they'll eat healthy for as long as they can, until some obstacle inevitably comes along to prohibit them from doing so. As so many know, one day can mess you up, big time.

It's not a character flaw. It's not something that should be chastised. And it's certainly not funny.

Mr. Flopnuts 07-02-2013 11:12 PM


Originally Posted by Phobia (Post 9789908)
I've had a couple of spectacular zingers on you between here and FB the past few days.

You've been on your A game for sure. A couple of those, I was actually proud of you. :D

Hammock Parties 07-02-2013 11:13 PM

We should all follow Dane's example, and be super nice to people.

Simply Red 07-02-2013 11:14 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 9789896)
believe it or not, I'm not a fan of hurting someone's feelings during the roast.

All this "He's fat, they're fat", blah, blah, blah is cheap. Cheap laughs. Not funny.

It's like saying "You're bald, it's so funny". Well, it's not.

for those of us who actually made an effort to get to know you over the years, know this about you. :)

Mr. Flopnuts 07-02-2013 11:14 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 9789919)
Here's what's really uncool and somewhat weird about that: We're on an internet forum. We're faceless, unless we decide to share a picture. Someone that would use a picture shared in this forum against someone as punchline, is uncool.

IMO, there are qualifiers as well. Some people in this forum are 20 years old. Some are 40 years old. Some are 60 years. Weight often has more to do with age, metabolism, time, work and family needs that it does with vanity, but genetics also play a large role.

I'm 47 years old. When I was 30, I could eat four double cheeseburgers a day, eat a bag of Lay's, drink 12 beers, work out 2 hours a week and have a 31 inch waist. At age 35, I started to notice that my waist varied between 32-34, so I started working out more and watching what I eat. By 40, I had to work out even more and really watch what I eat. Today, I eat next to nothing, have NO time to work out and just barely maintain my weight and can't wait until the day comes that I can spend 6 hours a week in the gym/walking/hiking/biking again.

Most people work their asses off, spend as much time as they can with their children and families and don't have time to think about diet and exercise. They're more concerned with providing for their families. And when they do, they'll eat healthy for as long as they can, until some obstacle inevitably comes along to prohibit them from doing so. As so many know, one day can mess you up, big time.

It's not a character flaw. It's not something that should be chastised. And it's certainly not funny.

I love you, dude.

Mr. Flopnuts 07-02-2013 11:16 PM

I mean, ****, I lost a shit ton of weight, and made a ton of horrible decisions to put all of it back on. Started drinking way too much, all sorts of shit. And it really doesn't bug me at all like it used too, because I did it this time. It wasn't something that had just always been there as long as I could remember. It used to really bug the shit out of me.

The one thing this place has done for me that has been the most beneficial is it's thickened my skin. Not enough, but I'm working on that.

Simply Red 07-02-2013 11:32 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 9789919)
Here's what's really uncool and somewhat weird about that: We're on an internet forum. We're faceless, unless we decide to share a picture. Someone that would use a picture shared in this forum against someone as punchline, is uncool.

IMO, there are qualifiers as well. Some people in this forum are 20 years old. Some are 40 years old. Some are 60 years. Weight often has more to do with age, metabolism, time, work and family needs that it does with vanity, but genetics also play a large role.

I'm 47 years old. When I was 30, I could eat four double cheeseburgers a day, eat a bag of Lay's, drink 12 beers, work out 2 hours a week and have a 31 inch waist. At age 35, I started to notice that my waist varied between 32-34, so I started working out more and watching what I eat. By 40, I had to work out even more and really watch what I eat. Today, I eat next to nothing, have NO time to work out and just barely maintain my weight and can't wait until the day comes that I can spend 6 hours a week in the gym/walking/hiking/biking again.

Most people work their asses off, spend as much time as they can with their children and families and don't have time to think about diet and exercise. They're more concerned with providing for their families. And when they do, they'll eat healthy for as long as they can, until some obstacle inevitably comes along to prohibit them from doing so. As so many know, one day can mess you up, big time.

It's not a character flaw. It's not something that should be chastised. And it's certainly not funny.

Somewhat moving off topic - but - I've been eating veggies and chicken, protein shakes laced w/ chia/hemp/natural GROUND peanut butter, raw cocoa, also drink a lot of vegetable protein. I've not cheated once in almost a month. I even reduced my red meat intake to once per week. I juice once or twice a week and have worked out at least a little bit, almost every day of the week. It's been a great lifestyle change. I even dookie now, until the cows come home.

Processed foods are the real root behind health issues, i'm finding. I TOO realize it's much harder w/ kids and or living w/ someone who doesn't share the same eating habits or goals.

Phobia 07-02-2013 11:41 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Flopnuts (Post 9789921)
You've been on your A game for sure. A couple of those, I was actually proud of you. :D

The buffet line was first rate. I expected to get chastized by people for that.

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