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Buehler445 08-03-2015 09:53 PM


Originally Posted by Lonewolf Ed (Post 11636105)
As much as I have been going prior to today, I am baffled as to how I could be constipated, but like I said, it sure felt like I ate a brick whole and didn't chew.

I know less than nothing about what your body is doing but I'd run that by the doctor first thing. Sudden significant physiological changes would worry me.

Lonewolf Ed 08-03-2015 11:31 PM

I have had that weird excruciating situation before many many years ago and I didn't have cancer then. I have just suffered it twice now this summer. Hopefully, the colon surgeon will fix that right up. 9 more days before they go rooting around in my guts.

Lonewolf Ed 08-06-2015 01:18 PM

One of my friends from way back in the school days came by to visit me today. He's a man of amazing faith and he leads youth groups, and has taken them to Panama many times to seek out remote villages and distribute Bibles, build schools, homes, and so forth. He prayed over me and praised me for how I have been handling my ordeal. I've never really thought about it like he said, that I am touching people with my faith and trust in God through this mess. But, he is on the outside looking in, so I don't have that perspective since it is happening to me personally.

I am not expecting anything going wrong with my surgery, but I wanted to cover my bases beforehand, so I asked that if I don't make it, would he deliver my eulogy and he said he would be honored. That was one loose end I didn't want to have to think about going into surgery so I am very happy that he came by to see me today.

BigMeatballDave 08-06-2015 01:54 PM


Originally Posted by Lonewolf Ed (Post 11642180)

I am not expecting anything going wrong with my surgery, but I wanted to cover my bases beforehand, so I asked that if I don't make it, would he deliver my eulogy and he said he would be honored. That was one loose end I didn't want to have to think about going into surgery so I am very happy that he came by to see me today.

When is surgery?

Lonewolf Ed 08-06-2015 02:18 PM


Originally Posted by BigMeatballDave (Post 11642243)
When is surgery?

August 12th.

BigMeatballDave 08-06-2015 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by Lonewolf Ed (Post 11642343)
August 12th.

No shit? So is mine.

Ohio State University Wexner Med center this time. I had all the pre-op stuff yesterday. EKG, bloodwork, ultrasound on my legs to check for clots.

Lonewolf Ed 08-06-2015 02:38 PM


Originally Posted by BigMeatballDave (Post 11642387)
:eek:No shit? So is mine.

Ohio State University Wexner Med center this time. I had all the pre-op stuff yesterday. EKG, bloodwork, ultrasound on my legs to check for clots.

My prep work will consist of magnesium citrate, a big ass bottle of Miralax, and 4 dulcolax tablets. Yay.

I wish you all the best and that this time, that nasty invader stays GONE!

BigMeatballDave 08-06-2015 02:56 PM


Originally Posted by Lonewolf Ed (Post 11642474)
My prep work will consist of magnesium citrate, a big ass bottle of Miralax, and 4 dulcolax tablets. Yay.

I wish you all the best and that this time, that nasty invader stays GONE!

Yuck. I don't think I could get that down. And thank you, you too!

I don't know about you, but I'm so sick of hospitals and I know way more about medications and cancer treatment than the average person should know. :)

Lonewolf Ed 08-06-2015 03:06 PM


Originally Posted by BigMeatballDave (Post 11642532)
Yuck. I don't think I could get that down. And thank you, you too!

I don't know about you, but I'm so sick of hospitals and I know way more about medications and cancer treatment than the average person should know. :)

Ditto, man, ditto.

srvy 08-06-2015 04:30 PM

Good luck both of you on the upcoming surgery we will be waiting to hear from your when up and around and feeling better. You both will be in my prayers for successful surgery and speedy recovery.

BigMeatballDave 08-06-2015 06:02 PM


Originally Posted by srvy (Post 11642810)
Good luck both of you on the upcoming surgery we will be waiting to hear from your when up and around and feeling better. You both will be in my prayers for successful surgery and speedy recovery.

Thank you

Sweet Daddy Hate 08-06-2015 06:16 PM

Big Meatball and Ed;

I give a lot of shit on this board for a lot of things that piss me off, but I want you two healthy and around for my special, tender, brand of abuse for a long time.

Bwana 08-06-2015 06:21 PM

Indeed best of luck to both of you guys! :thumb:

Lonewolf Ed 08-09-2015 12:53 AM


Originally Posted by Sweet Daddy Williams (Post 11642959)
Big Meatball and Ed;

I give a lot of shit on this board for a lot of things that piss me off, but I want you two healthy and around for my special, tender, brand of abuse for a long time.

I've got to hang on to see a playoff win, right? Well, not if that means I'd be 135. Screw that. I hope that when I am maybe 82 that I blow out the candles on my birthday cake and face plant right in the cake, dead as a doornail. No getting senile and decrepit for me, thanks!

go bo 08-09-2015 01:25 AM

best wishes you guys!!

expect to see you both posting for another 25 years (damn, i'll be 92)...

Lonewolf Ed 08-09-2015 04:15 AM


Originally Posted by go bowe (Post 11647940)
best wishes you guys!!

expect to see you both posting for another 25 years (damn, i'll be 92)...

I would be 72 then, so that is acceptable, thanks!

Lonewolf Ed 08-10-2015 11:40 PM

It was one year ago today that I got some of the very worst news of my life. I was told that my colon cancer had infected my liver and it was at stage IV, I would be dead in 10 weeks without treatment, and with chemo, I might live for 3 more years. What a devastating day that was and the whirlwind that followed was a strain unlike anything I had ever known. With my prayers and the prayers and support of so many others, many of whom are on this site, I found peace and a determination to fight. I came to the realization that surviving was not my primary battle. My real battle was keeping my faith and trust in God that if I live or die, it was in His hands and I needed strength to be okay with either outcome. Once again, much of that strength came from so many of you here. Tears and dread soon faded from my days and the whirlwind slowed down and a day began to feel like a day again and not like three or four packed into one.

The chemo was frightening since I had no idea what to expect, but the side effects didn't kick me as hard as so many are kicked by it. As I got reports from my doctor and nurses that the chemo was affecting the cancer and I was responding so well that they were hardly able to believe it, I concentrated on the inner battle, setting my mind to imagining a Viking warrior within me, raining blow after blow with his axe on the foul invader within me. He never stopped, never rested, just fought and fought and fought. I did take some heavy shots myself in the battle, once landing in the hospital for 5 days with an infected port which if the infection had settled on my heart valves, I'd have died back in early November. The blood clots in March were another near-miss with Death. I can hardly believe how large the main clot was, starting near the top of my right thigh and extending past my navel to just under my breastbone. I still do not know which lung a smaller clot had settled into. The doctors and nurses couldn't understand how I was able to walk, let alone work in the field and do my pretty much normal routine.

I face a new hurdle tomorrow with colon surgery. Maybe the worst of it will be today when I have to do the dreaded colon prep... a bottle of magnesium citrate, 4 dulcolax tablets, then 255 grams of Miralax. Yum. I bought baby wipes and have 3 full rolls of toilet paper in the bathroom, and the worst may be how my 'roids react to the storm that approacheth... I do not look forward to being stuck in the hospital for 5 to 7 days and hope I get to go home after 3 days if not sooner. I really don't like it there. They come and check vitals at midnight and 4 am and in between those times, some other folks come in to check my bed, check equipment and ask me if I need anything. I doubt it would do any good for me to hang a sign on the door reading: F*** OFF UNTIL THE SUN IS UP! I hope the nurses are hotties, too. I would like to catch a break!

RobBlake 08-11-2015 12:00 AM

you are a beast and keep up the fight, valiant viking warrior!

DaNewGuy 08-11-2015 03:09 AM

Ed you got this buddy

EPodolak 08-11-2015 03:20 AM

Inspired by your story over the last year Ed and impressed as hell by your grit through it all. Looking forward to seeing your first post after surgery. Best of luck man.

Sweet Daddy Hate 08-11-2015 05:58 AM

Keep fighting, ol' boy; you're going to win.

Marcellus 08-11-2015 05:59 AM

Continue swinging that axe Ed.

GloryDayz 08-11-2015 06:13 AM

Fight like a son of a bitch my friend... You're doing well, and you have cancer scared...

Dave Lane 08-11-2015 06:56 AM

Never give up, do not go easy into that good night...

Lonewolf Ed 08-11-2015 07:40 AM

As I said earlier, I have to start the colon prep today so I can't eat anything and the "food" on the list I can "eat" is all basically water. I stuffed myself last night but I am hungry this morning and want egg and cheese sammiches! :banghead:

Lonewolf Ed 08-11-2015 09:36 PM

I think the storm is just about over with the colon prep. It didn't savage my internal 'roids this time, so that is a big plus. The first colon prep I had to go through had me so irritated, the softest toilet paper felt like low-grade sand paper. My check in time at the hospital is at 5:30 am ( :cuss: ) and I have to stay up until 11 pm to take the last of the antibiotics, otherwise I'd be snoozing away now.

I have no idea when the surgery will take place or how long I won't be able to eat real food. Maybe they could puree a filet mignon for me, medium rare?

IA_Chiefs_fan 08-11-2015 09:49 PM

I hope things go very well tomorrow, brother.

srvy 08-11-2015 10:01 PM

Ed and Dave your in my prayers for your big day tomorrow you got this. Look forward to you guys up around and posting.

ThaVirus 08-11-2015 10:06 PM

Today's the day.

Good luck, guys.

Bwana 08-11-2015 10:10 PM

Best of luck fellas I'm thinking about you.

Lonewolf Ed 08-11-2015 10:44 PM

I am heading to bed now, but I am so blasted weak and even shaking a bit from lack of food. Best of luck and prayers sent to my fellow warrior Big Meatball Dave. I hope this is your last battle with the cancer and you are healthy from here on out!

Sweet Daddy Hate 08-12-2015 05:16 AM

Praying for you, friend.

Eleazar 08-12-2015 05:53 AM

God speed Ed!

Lonewolf Ed 08-12-2015 05:19 PM

I am in my hospital room now in a lot of pain. They had to open me up for the resect. I was in surgery for 4 hours. When they put me into my bed by picking me up by lifting the sheet under me, I cried out in agony. It hurt so badly! I get twinges and when they uncover me to check my gut, the muscles tighten up and it feels like it is tearing me apart. My body shivers for several minutes afterwards as if I am cold, which doesn't help. The pain medication is delievered by IV and I press a button to send a dose. It does not kill the pain, just lessens it some. I can see myself in the reflection of my i-pad screen and I am very pale and look exhausted, which I am. Thankfully, they ran a catheter in me so I don't have to get out of bed to go to the bathroom. I don't think I can stand on my own now, anyway.

Sweet Daddy Hate 08-12-2015 05:39 PM

Nurse, get Ed some goddamned heroin! Stat!

That situation of yours sounds ****ing awful, man. But I'm glad you made it out of surgery in one piece. I know this completely sucks but just dig down, ask the Master for some help, and try to let the shock fade out.

58-4ever 08-12-2015 05:40 PM

Ed, when you want visitors, I'll come by. If you want me to sneak you in some treats, I can do that too! Just let me know about anything you need.


58-4ever 08-12-2015 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by 58-4ever (Post 11656161)
Ed, when you want visitors, I'll come by. If you want me to sneak you in some treats, I can do that too! Just let me know about anything you need.


You have my phone number, email, and FB

Meatloaf 08-12-2015 05:45 PM

Glad you made it through your surgery albeit with a tad less intestine....heck, who needs all that intestine?!?!? Sorry to hear about the pain, but as you know, with time it will lessen. Just crap that you have to go through it, but hey, no pain, no gain. AND, if that's correct, you're obviously in for a ginormous GAIN!!!

Take care buddy, and keep us posted on your progress.

PS. You and Meatball Dave are both in my prayers. Powerful stuff too!

patteeu 08-12-2015 05:59 PM

I hope everything went spectacularly well for both of you today. Don't try to be a tough guy... keep pushing that button.

Easy 6 08-12-2015 06:04 PM

Mighty Ed will be golden soon... all that man needs is a buxom wench, strong grog, and the wind at his sails.

Heart of a Viking, c'mon man.

Sweet Daddy Hate 08-12-2015 06:06 PM


Originally Posted by Easy 6 (Post 11656228)
Mighty Ed will be golden soon... all that man needs is a buxom wench, strong grog, and the wind at his sails.

Heart of a Viking, c'mon man.



...or whatever Vikings yell, amirite?!

Easy 6 08-12-2015 06:14 PM

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Dante84 08-12-2015 06:46 PM

Stay focused, Stay strong, Ed!

You were made for this shit!

Lonewolf Ed 08-12-2015 08:16 PM


Originally Posted by 58-4ever (Post 11656161)
Ed, when you want visitors, I'll come by. If you want me to sneak you in some treats, I can do that too! Just let me know about anything you need.


Thanks, Josh! I will be here until Monday so if this weekend is good for you, come on by. I am in room 4612 now, but may be moved tomorrow.

Lonewolf Ed 08-12-2015 08:17 PM


Originally Posted by Sweet Daddy Williams (Post 11656234)


...or whatever Vikings yell, amirite?!

We used to yell VALHALLA before engaging the enemy.

Lonewolf Ed 08-12-2015 08:19 PM


Originally Posted by Easy 6 (Post 11656228)
Mighty Ed will be golden soon... all that man needs is a buxom wench, strong grog, and the wind at his sails.

Heart of a Viking, c'mon man.

Thanks, brother! Give me a call in a few days, yeah?

GloryDayz 08-12-2015 08:45 PM

We're proud of you Ed, you're fighting like hell, that's awesome!

Sweet Daddy Hate 08-13-2015 03:56 AM


Originally Posted by Lonewolf Ed (Post 11656650)
We used to yell VALHALLA before engaging the enemy.

I stand corrected. :)

Lonewolf Ed 08-13-2015 06:59 AM

I had a rough night as my pains became more frequent, but thankfully less severe and shorter in duration. It woke me up a lot. They changed my dressings this morning and a crew of docs was in here. So now at least 10 women have seen my junk and not a one of them has so much as kissed me first. My friend Angela came to visit me last night and I really needed it. She held my hand as I cried a little bit. I am fighting as hard as I can and being as strong as I can, but it sure is far from easy.

Sweet Daddy Hate 08-13-2015 07:05 AM


Originally Posted by Lonewolf Ed (Post 11657147)
I had a rough night as my pains became more frequent, but thankfully less severe and shorter in duration. It woke me up a lot. They changed my dressings this morning and a crew of docs was in here. So now at least 10 women have seen my junk and not a one of them has so much as kissed me first. My friend Angela came to visit me last night and I really needed it. She held my hand as I cried a little bit. I am fighting as hard as I can and being as strong as I can, but it sure is far from easy.

Stay strong, Ed! You're alive this morning, man.

ChiTown 08-13-2015 07:08 AM


Originally Posted by Lonewolf Ed (Post 11657147)
I had a rough night as my pains became more frequent, but thankfully less severe and shorter in duration. It woke me up a lot. They changed my dressings this morning and a crew of docs was in here. So now at least 10 women have seen my junk and not a one of them has so much as kissed me first. My friend Angela came to visit me last night and I really needed it. She held my hand as I cried a little bit. I am fighting as hard as I can and being as strong as I can, but it sure is far from easy.

I'm praying for you every night, Ed. We're here for you.

scho63 08-13-2015 07:21 AM

You are one hell of a Viking warrior Ed. God bless you in your fight.

Perineum Ripper 08-13-2015 07:24 AM

Stay strong have been kicking ass so far..been reading as you update but haven't said much..cancer has taken a few of my family and I hate seeing anybody get diagnosed with it..keep kicking ass man and let's hit up a game this fall

Chiefs42 08-13-2015 07:58 AM

Stay strong, Ed. You may not know it, but you are quite an inspiration to many people like me who just lurk here. Keep on kicking cancer's butt and don't be afraid to lean on all your friends here.

Lonewolf Ed 08-13-2015 01:35 PM

John, my nurse for today, made me get out of bed and it was very painful, pulling on my incisions but it was not as bad as when they first put me into the bed. It went in 3 stages: Sitting up and putting my feet on the floor, standing up, then sitting in a chair. I don't have pain attacks across my abdomen in the chair, thankfully. Then he pulled the catheter out and that felt like someone stepped on my pecker. A PT lady came and got me to walk a lap around the hospital floor using a walker, and that went pretty well. I am very tired and sitting in the chair still but I may need to get back in bed and try to nap for a while.

Gonzo 08-13-2015 02:06 PM

Ed, you're starting the preseason opener thread this weekend, (please).

Let me know if you can't.

See link:

Love ya man. Hope you're feeling better!

srvy 08-13-2015 02:29 PM

Ed a great man told that pain is temporary it only makes you stronger. Fear is only a thought. Your made from warrior stuff go get them you have got this.

srvy 08-13-2015 02:31 PM

Dave if your reading CP that goes for you to. Hope your surgery went well and your recovery is easy as can be. When you can check in with us.

Sweet Daddy Hate 08-13-2015 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by srvy (Post 11657910)
Dave if your reading CP that goes for you to. Hope your surgery went well and your recovery is easy as can be. When you can check in with us.


Let us know what's up, you Big Lil' Chiefy meatball.

Lonewolf Ed 08-13-2015 03:48 PM

I took a nap then had help getting out of bed, but I did it faster and with less pain by far than the first time. I was shaking from the pain for a bit, then got the walker and made another lap and at a faster pace than my first go around. I'm back in my room now sitting in the chair and my abdomen is not as sore as it was earlier. Also, I put in a "dinner" order... chicken broth, red jello, and orange resource breeze. Since I have not eaten for 2 days, I am sure this will be delightful. John, my nurse, said he was amazed at how well I did getting up and walking just one day after surgery.

Lonewolf Ed 08-13-2015 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 11657840)
Ed, you're starting the preseason opener thread this weekend, (please).

Let me know if you can't.

See link:

Love ya man. Hope you're feeling better!

Thank you for the honor! I have not started a thread with my ipad before, but I don't see why I shouldn't be able to. If I can't, I will message you ASAP. And I would like to say once again how much all of the support, love, and prayers from CP means to me. I am humbled.

Easy 6 08-13-2015 05:37 PM


Originally Posted by Lonewolf Ed (Post 11658046)
I took a nap then had help getting out of bed, but I did it faster and with less pain by far than the first time. I was shaking from the pain for a bit, then got the walker and made another lap and at a faster pace than my first go around. I'm back in my room now sitting in the chair and my abdomen is not as sore as it was earlier. Also, I put in a "dinner" order... chicken broth, red jello, and orange resource breeze. Since I have not eaten for 2 days, I am sure this will be delightful. John, my nurse, said he was amazed at how well I did getting up and walking just one day after surgery.

You have enough guts for two sets of teeth.

Suck it up and drive on.

Gonzo 08-13-2015 08:13 PM


Originally Posted by Lonewolf Ed (Post 11658052)
Thank you for the honor! I have not started a thread with my ipad before, but I don't see why I shouldn't be able to. If I can't, I will message you ASAP. And I would like to say once again how much all of the support, love, and prayers from CP means to me. I am humbled.

You will be the good juju this team needs to make it over the hump this year. Win or lose, preseason doesnt matter.

We just wanna make sure you know we're in your corner.

Dante84 08-13-2015 09:13 PM

Hell yes. Get it Ed.

Lonewolf Ed 08-14-2015 06:04 AM

The docs came to change my dressing this morning and the chief assistant to my surgeon said he would see if the surgeon would approve having me eat actual food that I can chew today. Dr. Ashcraft came in a bit later and said he checked on me yesterday but I was snoozing. He said I was doing great and I thanked him for taking such good care of me. He replied that they would keep on doing so and said "Have a good day, brother" as he shook my hand. It really helps knowing that the people here care about me personally and I am not just the patient in room 4612. I may get a new room today, too.

ChiTown 08-14-2015 06:20 AM


Originally Posted by Lonewolf Ed (Post 11659320)
The docs came to change my dressing this morning and the chief assistant to my surgeon said he would see if the surgeon would approve having me eat actual food that I can chew today. Dr. Ashcraft came in a bit later and said he checked on me yesterday but I was snoozing. He said I was doing great and I thanked him for taking such good care of me. He replied that they would keep on doing so and said "Have a good day, brother" as he shook my hand. It really helps knowing that the people here care about me personally and I am not just the patient in room 4612. I may get a new room today, too.

Hey, Ed

How long are you going to be in the hospital? Thinking of you!

Lonewolf Ed 08-14-2015 06:32 AM


Originally Posted by ChiTown (Post 11659324)
Hey, Ed

How long are you going to be in the hospital? Thinking of you!

They have said until Monday but who knows? Thanks!

Sweet Daddy Hate 08-14-2015 07:17 AM


Originally Posted by Lonewolf Ed (Post 11659320)
The docs came to change my dressing this morning and the chief assistant to my surgeon said he would see if the surgeon would approve having me eat actual food that I can chew today. Dr. Ashcraft came in a bit later and said he checked on me yesterday but I was snoozing. He said I was doing great and I thanked him for taking such good care of me. He replied that they would keep on doing so and said "Have a good day, brother" as he shook my hand. It really helps knowing that the people here care about me personally and I am not just the patient in room 4612. I may get a new room today, too.

Praying for you and Dave every day.

GloryDayz 08-14-2015 08:32 AM


Originally Posted by Lonewolf Ed (Post 11659320)
The docs came to change my dressing this morning and the chief assistant to my surgeon said he would see if the surgeon would approve having me eat actual food that I can chew today. Dr. Ashcraft came in a bit later and said he checked on me yesterday but I was snoozing. He said I was doing great and I thanked him for taking such good care of me. He replied that they would keep on doing so and said "Have a good day, brother" as he shook my hand. It really helps knowing that the people here care about me personally and I am not just the patient in room 4612. I may get a new room today, too.

Great news... GREAT news. Fight on brother!

Meatloaf 08-14-2015 05:59 PM

Ed, how's it going, my man? Glad to hear that they're taking good care of you!

Hope the pain is easing up and that you're starting to feel a bit better. Anyway, just wanted you to know we're thinking of you. Take care and keep us posted on stuffs.

PS. Good luck with the game thread tomorrow. In other words, DON'T BOTCH IT!! :thumb:

DaNewGuy 08-14-2015 08:20 PM

Hopefully you get outta there Monday, keep us updated as usual and I'm thinking about you man, as everyone else said your a Viking you got this:thumb:

Lonewolf Ed 08-14-2015 11:17 PM

I started the gameday thread at midnight and hope it is a good one. I walked around the hospital wing 4 times today and it was rough the first 3 since I was able to use the toilet today and it hurt my abdomen to sit on it and also getting up. I had shooting, searing pains across my abdomen several times as I slowly plodded forward using a walker. I never came close to falling, but my knees did buckle a bit with the pain. The last walk I took went much more smoothly and I only had a few twinges, not very severe. Getting in and out of the bed is still a harsh ordeal but I am sleepy now so after one more trip to the can, I will go to bed.

patteeu 08-15-2015 07:51 AM

Have you been able to pass gas yet? I think that's the worst part of the recovery from abdominal surgery.

Lonewolf Ed 08-15-2015 07:55 AM


Originally Posted by patteeu (Post 11660958)
Have you been able to pass gas yet? I think that's the worst part of the recovery from abdominal surgery.

I knew someone would ask that! I started yesterday a bit after 6 am, but the second one was more than I bargained for. I got a fresh gown and beddding afterwards, though. It hurt sitting down and getting off the can until I discovered if I leaned forward so my knees were past my feet, it hurt less getting up.

The doc came in this morning to check me out and said he would consult with the surgeon doctor who is the head of my team about releasing me today. I'm surprised at that since they were just hacking and slicing on me 3 days ago.

BigMeatballDave 08-15-2015 07:59 AM

Hope you're doing well, Ed!

Wait a second. Of course you're well. You're a ****ing Viking! :D

One day we'll be cured of this junk! I will drive my fat ass to Kansas and have a drink with you!

Sweet Daddy Hate 08-15-2015 08:02 AM

Keep fighting, gents!

Lonewolf Ed 08-15-2015 08:18 AM


Originally Posted by BigMeatballDave (Post 11660965)
Hope you're doing well, Ed!

Wait a second. Of course you're well. You're a ****ing Viking! :D

One day we'll be cured of this junk! I will drive my fat ass to Kansas and have a drink with you!

That sounds terrific!

GloryDayz 08-15-2015 09:46 PM


Originally Posted by Sweet Daddy Williams (Post 11660969)
Keep fighting, gents!

This. Tag team cancer guys!

Lonewolf Ed 08-16-2015 10:15 AM

I am being released today, but don't know when yet, though. I ordered a late breakfast since I know it won't be in the next hour or two. Experience has shown me that.

Bwana 08-16-2015 10:19 AM


Originally Posted by Lonewolf Ed (Post 11663302)
I am being released today, but don't know when yet, though. I ordered a late breakfast since I know it won't be in the next hour or two. Experience has shown me that.

Good news Ed and thanks for the game mojo last night. :thumb:

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