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Brock 03-03-2003 05:25 PM


Originally posted by papasmurf
I consider this a black day in chiefplanet history.


humorisnotdead 03-03-2003 05:25 PM


Originally posted by pHoBiA

I think everybody deserves a second chance.

I don't know if I can agree with that comment.

Fat Elvis 03-03-2003 05:28 PM


Originally posted by Baby Lee

Is that the old one, or the new one?

The dangler....

Baby Lee 03-03-2003 05:30 PM


Originally posted by Fat Elvis

The dangler....

That's really helpful. My previous sig had the 'mad dangler' in front of a bull in bullfighter gear, using the baby as a cape.

Mr. Kotter 03-03-2003 05:52 PM


Originally posted by papasmurf
I don't know what this guy said and don't really care. This is a place to come to have fun with other chief and football fans. Messing with a man job is taboo. I consider this a black day in chiefplanet history.
I agree messing with sending his boss an e-mail was going too far....:huh: :eek:

However, the dude wasn't the brightest bulb in the gallery---coming on here and "leaving a business card" as TJ said...


DenverChief 03-03-2003 05:52 PM

I'm Curious, how did his boss know it was him?...I mean couldn't someone as easily copy and pasted an Ernie Conwell or Recount post and sent it to him?:spock:

jAZ 03-03-2003 06:08 PM

i completely agree...

DenverChief 03-03-2003 06:08 PM


Originally posted by Go_Bo_Go
hadn't really thought about it til i read this thread,
I think this just about sums it up


Originally posted by MrBlond
I say fug this guy. He didnt come here running rival smack. He came here trolling. Calling names, insulting the city and team. And he got busted down by the same group of idiots he tried to roll. Then he whines: "I thought it was in good fun" Bullshit. He never gave and took. He posted his crap and then moved on starting another thread of crap. This guy is the very definition of troll and I have no sympathy for him.

Was emailing his boss too far? Maybe, but I really don't give a fug.

Was it the reaction he expected? Probably not, but he had to expect a reaction. And if he is too stupid to poke a bear and not cover his ass then shame on him for getting bit.

Brock 03-03-2003 06:11 PM

The a-hole got what he deserved.

DenverChief 03-03-2003 06:11 PM

On another note when you get busted by the cops by making an ass of yourself, these things tend to get back to your boss esp. if you are an attorney...he should have known better IMO....that still doesn't excuse the email...but still....

whoman69 03-03-2003 06:24 PM

I think this problem clearly shows that e-mail addresses and other such pertinent info should be taken off as an option. Only the mods should be able to e-mail to other members. The smoke signal option is good for short messages. If two planet members wish to exchange e-mail addresses they can do so thru a smoke signal. Too many times we have had idiots abusing e-mail and spamming members. The information highway is a place people can get hit in a hurry.

DenverChief 03-03-2003 06:29 PM


Originally posted by whoman69
I think this problem clearly shows that e-mail addresses and other such pertinent info should be taken off as an option. Only the mods should be able to e-mail to other members. The smoke signal option is good for short messages. If two planet members wish to exchange e-mail addresses they can do so thru a smoke signal. Too many times we have had idiots abusing e-mail and spamming members. The information highway is a place people can get hit in a hurry.
The email was collected from his jobs webpage...not Chiefsplanet....just to clarify

JimNasium 03-03-2003 07:16 PM

What it all boils down to is that some idiot (namely me) went to the Iggles BB and lured this poor, hapless, brainless sap over here so he could get rolled by a bunch of meanie Chiefs fans. Ultimately I am responsible for this tragedy and I believe I should be banned. Who's with me?:D

JOhn 03-03-2003 07:18 PM


Originally posted by JimNasium
What it all boils down to is that some idiot (namely me) went to the Iggles BB and lured this poor, hapless, brainless sap over here so he could get rolled by a bunch of meanie Chiefs fans. Ultimately I am responsible for this tragedy and I believe I should be banned. Who's with me?:D

Oh and here have a beer

JimNasium 03-03-2003 07:22 PM


Originally posted by JOhn


Oh and here have a beer


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