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Anyong Bluth 01-07-2016 12:08 AM


Originally Posted by Cave Johnson (Post 12003817)
So no S3 in 2016. Probably for the best.

If they have any hope for redeeming the show.

At the very least, don't we get the new season of Twin Peaks sometime this year?

DaneMcCloud 01-07-2016 12:59 AM


Originally Posted by Anyong Bluth (Post 12004672)
If they have any hope for redeeming the show.

At the very least, don't we get the new season of Twin Peaks sometime this year?

Last I heard, 2017 on TP

Miles 01-07-2016 02:04 AM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 12004700)
Last I heard, 2017 on TP

I'm good if they take their time so long as its all Lynch and Frost which it sounds like it will be.

vailpass 01-07-2016 10:42 AM

I'd like to be proven wrong but right now season 1 was so good I think I'll view any following seasons through that lens and inevitably be disappointed.

Season 2 reinforced that feeling in spades.

Discuss Thrower 01-07-2016 11:27 AM

S2 should be judged on its own merits. They ****ed up by having four protagonists. It should have been Woodrugh and Bezzerides as the detective pairing from the outset. And yes, I say this even though Velcoro had a plot line that had the better payoff in the end. Semyon should have been a background character that only had appearances to make you think he was the perp but only to be let off as a red herring at the end. Kill him off in the same way at the end.

With Bezzerides and Woodrugh as the team, you can still put him as the new guy in the corrupt Vinci Pd. He's still the former soldier / merc with repressed gay tendencies that likes motorcycles. Instead of knocking up the Latina he ****s Bezzerides and knocks her up instead. Instead of Velcoro and Semyon killing ossip, it's Woodrugh and Semyon and both are killed while Bezzerides escapes. The attack on the cabin makes more sense with a former soldier handling automatic weapons rather than Velcoro.

Anyong Bluth 01-07-2016 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by Discuss Thrower (Post 12005033)
S2 should be judged on its own merits. They ****ed up by having four protagonists. It should have been Woodrugh and Bezzerides as the detective pairing from the outset. And yes, I say this even though Velcoro had a plot line that had the better payoff in the end. Semyon should have been a background character that only had appearances to make you think he was the perp but only to be let off as a red herring at the end. Kill him off in the same way at the end.

With Bezzerides and Woodrugh as the team, you can still put him as the new guy in the corrupt Vinci Pd. He's still the former soldier / merc with repressed gay tendencies that likes motorcycles. Instead of knocking up the Latina he ****s Bezzerides and knocks her up instead. Instead of Velcoro and Semyon killing ossip, it's Woodrugh and Semyon and both are killed while Bezzerides escapes. The attack on the cabin makes more sense with a former soldier handling automatic weapons rather than Velcoro.

I think kowtowing to criticism about a lack of dominant female leads only muddied the waters further. Not that Adams' character in and of itself was the issue, but indicative of the show reading too many press clippings.

Most definitely rushing the second season resulted in the season deserved.

The land deal / casino business was really a fruitless plot point to spend so much time on. Greater focus on Bohemian Grove and the connection between there and the bird masked assailant would have made for a much better plot focus. Vaughan's character should have been a periphery character at the most, and you could get rid of the PCH bikecop and his mother completely. Farrell and Adams as the primary leads and the focus on their pasts and her father's connection or association with the current case, such as the psychiatrist, would have been a lot more compelling.

Buehler445 01-07-2016 02:25 PM

I finally watched season 2 a couple weeks ago. I thought it was decent. Not in the same universe as Season 1, but I didn't think it deserves to be panned on here like it was.

Have they done any casting for Season 3?

DaneMcCloud 01-07-2016 03:53 PM


Originally Posted by Buehler445 (Post 12005405)
I finally watched season 2 a couple weeks ago. I thought it was decent. Not in the same universe as Season 1, but I didn't think it deserves to be panned on here like it was.

Have they done any casting for Season 3?

I'd be surprised if we see a Season 3 before 2018

NewChief 01-07-2016 04:04 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 12005568)
I'd be surprised if we see a Season 3 before 2018

Are they going to continue to let him write solo, or are they going to force a team on him?

DaneMcCloud 01-07-2016 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by NewChief (Post 12005593)
Are they going to continue to let him write solo, or are they going to force a team on him?

From my understanding, they're going to let him write solo. His deal with HBO ends in 2018 and they'd like to have a new season on the air before it expires but they're also giving him his space and as much time necessary to write the season.

I still believe that the most interesting idea would be to bring back Season One's lead actors but with an entirely different story. But scheduling, especially when the source material hasn't even been written, is always an issue.

NewChief 01-07-2016 04:11 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 12005601)
From my understanding, they're going to let him write solo. His deal with HBO ends in 2018 and they'd like to have a new season on the air before it expires but they're also giving him his space and as much time necessary to write the season.

I still believe that the most interesting idea would be to bring back Season One's lead actors but with an entirely different story. But scheduling, especially when the source material hasn't even been written, is always an issue.

It's weird to me that he's so insistent on writing solo, especially if he wants to continue to work in the business. Knowing how to work with a team in the writing room is pretty essential, I'd think. S2 sure as hell could have benefited from a team and storyboarding and such.

Oh, and a reminder for people who like this type of show: my friend's show Quarry will be airing soon on Cinemax.

DaneMcCloud 01-07-2016 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by NewChief (Post 12005604)
It's weird to me that he's so insistent on writing solo, especially if he wants to continue to work in the business. Knowing how to work with a team in the writing room is pretty essential, I'd think. S2 sure as hell could have benefited from a team and storyboarding and such.

It's an interesting tack, especially considering how incredibly bland (IMO) was the final episode of Season 1. The setup through Episode 7 was incredible and it just kind of fell flat in 8.


Originally Posted by NewChief (Post 12005604)
Oh, and a reminder for people who like this type of show: my friend's show Quarry will be airing soon on Cinemax.

Is this by your friend that does Rectify? I've never seen that show (there are just too many shows these days!) but I've heard nothing but good things.

NewChief 01-07-2016 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 12005621)
It's an interesting tack, especially considering how incredibly bland (IMO) was the final episode of Season 1. The setup through Episode 7 was incredible and it just kind of fell flat in 8.

Is this by your friend that does Rectify? I've never seen that show (there are just too many shows these days!) but I've heard nothing but good things.

He was on the writing team for first season of Rectify, yes. Then he pitched and got Quarry going.

Quarry should, obviously be a little more energetic than Rectify. It's a beautiful, artistic work, but it's a little heavy for widespread commercial appeal, IMO.

DaneMcCloud 01-07-2016 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by NewChief (Post 12005945)
He was on the writing team for first season of Rectify, yes. Then he pitched and got Quarry going.

I noticed on IMDB that Quarry doesn't have a composer yet.

Hook a Brotha up! :D

Anyong Bluth 01-07-2016 10:26 PM


Originally Posted by NewChief (Post 12005593)
Are they going to continue to let him write solo, or are they going to force a team on him?

I'll put my money on them bringing in some writers to punch up the scripts and make it tighter. Even if they say he's solo, it's in both sides interest.

HBO can't take it on the chin for a high profile show no less - the landscape is even more competitive! Of the top 10 highest rated tv shows on rotten tomatoes for this last year, 7 of them were Netflix or Amazon originals out of every channel in the country.

Nic obviously has an incentive unless he wants to fade away from working in Hollywood.

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