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|Zach| 10-18-2011 09:53 PM

I bet the Big 12 added TCU because of their basketball program.

Frazod 10-18-2011 09:54 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Wickedson (Post 8005450)
It's a fun trip.

I hope you get to experience it one day.

That's okay. I preferred this.

Bambi 10-18-2011 09:55 PM


Originally Posted by Spott (Post 8005457)
12 bowl games in 120 seasons is a joke. Radio is a joke. Going 0-9 in conference this year on top of losing 14 of the last 15 will be a better joke.

you got it!

and yet we sit separated in all time wins by all these powerhouses...

Boston College

Bambi 10-18-2011 09:57 PM


Originally Posted by frazod (Post 8005461)
That's okay. I preferred this.

sure you did.

KcMizzou 10-18-2011 09:59 PM

All kidding aside, Mizzou has GOT to make this move if it's there.

These "handcuffs" (seriously? that's how they want to put it?) only last 6 years. After that, the big boys could go anywhere, and leave the rest of us in the wind. Texas could afford to do it even within that time if the mood struck them.

Nobody wants out of the SEC.

Frazod 10-18-2011 10:02 PM


Originally Posted by Wickedson (Post 8005469)
sure you did.

Yes, actually, I did. I hate Kansas. I don't give a **** about Virginia Tech.

And I was there. It was wonderful.

Bambi 10-18-2011 10:06 PM


Originally Posted by frazod (Post 8005482)
Yes, actually, I did. I hate Kansas. I don't give a **** about Virginia Tech.

And I was there. It was wonderful.

The following year was pretty good too.

KcMizzou 10-18-2011 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by frazod (Post 8005482)
Yes, actually, I did. I hate Kansas. I don't give a **** about Virginia Tech.

And I was there. It was wonderful.

EPIC game. Probably my favorite game I've ever attended in any sport. It was just electric.

But that was a once in a lifetime kinda game between these two teams.

kcfan82 10-18-2011 10:13 PM


Originally Posted by KcMizzou (Post 8005479)
All kidding aside, Mizzou has GOT to make this move if it's there.

These "handcuffs" (seriously? that's how they want to put it?) only last 6 years. After that, the big boys could go anywhere, and leave the rest of us in the wind. Texas could afford to do it even within that time if the mood struck them.

Nobody wants out of the SEC.

Like I said earlier, I don't think Missouri has any reason to panic if it all came down nor does Kansas or KSU.

I could see them all ending up somewhere.

ISU and Baylor are the two in the Big 12 that should be worried, but the Big East will take anyone.

My old HS (Olathe North) would get accepted.

Frazod 10-18-2011 10:16 PM


Originally Posted by KcMizzou (Post 8005496)
EPIC game. Probably my favorite game I've ever attended in any sport. It was just electric.

But that was a once in a lifetime kinda game between these two teams.

Oh, without a doubt. Being there just made it so much better. :)

KChiefs1 10-18-2011 10:25 PM


Originally Posted by KcMizzou (Post 8005479)
Nobody wants out of the SEC.

KK says Arkansas has been a nobody since they joined the SEC. Why wouldn't they like to join an easier conference like the Big 12?

mnchiefsguy 10-18-2011 11:16 PM


Originally Posted by Wickedson (Post 8005395)

MU had 2 losses. KU had 1. KU has a bigger brand. I really don't get what all the anger is about.

If KU would have lost I'd say you were right. But they didn't so I dunno man.

I'm already losing interest in what MU does.

KU did not have a bigger brand dumbass. Outside of basketball, KU has no brand. KU does have a fantastic set of kneepads though.

Mizzou was higher rated in the polls, the BCS standings, and had a better record in addition to beating KU. The "MU had two losses" argument holds no water.

mnchiefsguy 10-18-2011 11:21 PM


Originally Posted by KcMizzou (Post 8005479)
All kidding aside, Mizzou has GOT to make this move if it's there.

These "handcuffs" (seriously? that's how they want to put it?) only last 6 years. After that, the big boys could go anywhere, and leave the rest of us in the wind. Texas could afford to do it even within that time if the mood struck them.

Nobody wants out of the SEC.

But Wickedson and KK insist that Texas truly cares and would never, never, leave us!

MoreLemonPledge 10-19-2011 01:48 AM


Originally Posted by mnchiefsguy (Post 8005610)
KU did not have a bigger brand dumbass. Outside of basketball, KU has no brand. KU does have a fantastic set of kneepads though.

Mizzou was higher rated in the polls, the BCS standings, and had a better record in addition to beating KU. The "MU had two losses" argument holds no water.

Pissed me off to no end. Mizzou was punished for playing in the Conference Championship. They won the Big 12 North, beat KU head to head on a neutral site, and KU got the bowl.

**** the Big 12. Good riddance.

mnchiefsguy 10-19-2011 02:38 AM


Originally Posted by MoreLemonPledge (Post 8005711)
Pissed me off to no end. Mizzou was punished for playing in the Conference Championship. They won the Big 12 North, beat KU head to head on a neutral site, and KU got the bowl.

**** the Big 12. Good riddance.

That is another benefit to being in the SEC. Their bowl slotting structure is locked into the final if MU finished ahead of Tennessee or Florida, then they get the better bowl, regardless of the national "brand" of the schools they finished ahead of.

eazyb81 10-19-2011 05:53 AM

Dammit, I hate waking up to see that I missed an epic wickeddumb temper tantrum.

eazyb81 10-19-2011 06:06 AM

Greg Hall offering some nice rational thoughts on Mizzou to SEC commentary. Great stuff.


Mizzou to SEC 'imminent'

Posted 10-18-11

“I would expect the conditional withdrawal (of Missouri from the Big 12) in probably a similar time frame to Texas A&M, about 17 days. Probably later this week.”
Gabe DeArmond
, of, dating the start of this process back to Brady Deaton’s announcement two weeks ago that Mizzou would explore other conference options, 810 AM

GH: Gabe defined a “conditional withdrawal” as one where Mizzou will depart for the SEC as long as they have an invitation to join another conference. The New York Times called their move to the SEC as “inevitable” and “imminent.” This appears to be simply a move to make sure the SEC isn’t seen as poaching a team from another conference and to avoid legal action from the Big 12 or its member schools. It appears Mizzou is gone. But this is Mizzou – so nothing is over in Columbia until 'dem crackers who be shakin' say it's over.
“As a Kansas Citian, I’m conflicted. I understand how this hurts Kansas City. And that sucks! I don’t like that! You can be conflicted! Don’t let anybody else tell you how to feel! I think it’s great for Missouri that they’re moving on to the SEC. If I lived in St. Louis I wouldn’t give a damn about what was good for Kansas City. But I don’t. I live in Kansas City.”
Steven St. John, 810 AM

GH: SSJ’s point is exactly why the Big 12 is dysfunctional and much of our government doesn’t work – everybody is in it for what is best for them. It is not about what is best for me and my city. It should be what is best for my state, my country, my world – all the while understanding that sometimes my loss is our gain. Attend a school board meeting where they discuss re-districting if you want a firsthand view of this kind of small-minded me-first attitude.

“The University is in Columbia. And let me tell you for homecoming, when Georgia brings 15,000 fans to Columbia instead of Iowa State bringing 1,500, Columbia is going to be much better off.”
Gabe DeArmond, on the complaint that Kansas City will lose revenue if MU heads to the SEC, 810 AM

“Hope Missouri enjoys forming rivalries with division members Kentucky (7 hrs away) and Tennessee (10 hrs).”
Brady McCollough, KC Star KU beat writer, Twitter

GH: I was surprised to see McCollough so negative and opinionated about MU’s move to the SEC. He appears to be coming at this more like a fan than a beat writer. Maybe he too, like Kevin Kietzman and Bob Fescoe, is thinking of his own job and personal interests rather than looking at the story from an objective viewpoint. I don’t know how anyone looking at this decision with any objectivity doesn’t understand what a tremendous opportunity this is for Missouri. I would say the same thing if Kansas or Kansas State had Mizzou's options.

“In what way are they holding you hostage? It’s much better to be a second-class citizen in the SEC? You’ll never get to the Big 10 (if you go to the SEC)!”
Kevin Kietzman
, to a caller who stated Mizzou is sick of being held
hostage by Texas and Texas-lite, 810 AM

“To think that Missouri is going to go down there (to the SEC) and be 3-9 or 2-10 every year is just ridiculous.”
Kirk Herbstreit, ESPN college football analyst, 810 AM

“I agree with people who say a stable Big 12 is the best conference for Missouri. The difference between them and me is that I don’t think that is a possibility. Missouri is simply in a situation now (with the SEC) that is more stable and a better situation. The Big 12 – nobody trusts them. If Texas and Oklahoma find a better situation, it seems likely to me they will take them.”
Gabe DeArmond, of, 810 AM

GH: Mizzou has been offered a life raft off a fishing boat that keeps springing leaks. And that life raft is not coming from another fishing boat but from a luxury cruise ship with 17 swimming pools and 47 gourmet restaurants. This is not a tough decision.

“MU fans keep hanging their hats on the ‘more secure option’ The Big 12 will be fine and secure.”
Bob Fescoe, Twitter

GH: The Big 12 is simply no longer the Big 12. MU is not leaving the conference they joined in 1995. They are leaving an old neighborhood that will never be the same. They’re movin’ on up. Hate ‘em if you have to, but understand that it looks a lot like pure jealousy.

“To local fans mad about Mizzou leaving... None of us want Mizzou to leave the Big 12, but stop tweeting like the pathetic ex-girlfriend...”
Nick Wright, Twitter

“(Mizzou) can stay and pray that Texas and OU are there forever. That might be more foolish. Actually, it would be.”
Tom Shatel
, Omaha World Herald columnist and Mizzou alum, Twitter

“Strap that helmet on real tight, because you’re going into the deep end of the pool here in the SEC. … You’re playing the best of the best. You’re playing in the elite football conference which requires a hardcore football coach – which I think Gary Pinkel is.”
Kirk Herbstreit, 810 AM

GH: Herbstreit mentioned he is curious to see if Pinkel will attempt to keep his spread offense in a physical league like the SEC. Let’s hope Pinks finds something else to run inside the five-yard line – no matter what league his Tigers join.

“I think the one thing Missouri fans are going to recognize right away is that in the Big 12, you might have a few more weeks that are considered ‘off weeks.’ In the SEC, because of the consistency of the defense every week, every single team plays great defense. That’ll be the challenge for the players and that program to realize you are going to be challenged every single week – more so than you are in the Big 12.”
Kirk Herbstreit, 810 AM

“If they continue to play that (MU/KU) game, it’s going to have a lot less implications. It’s not going to be that big a deal.”
Jake Gutierrez, 810 AM

GH: I don’t agree with Jake on this one. I cannot think of a circumstance where any KU/MU game would not be a “big deal.” BTW, get your tickets to the November 26th MU/KU game at Arrowhead today. I have a feeling there is going to be quite a run on tickets to that one sometime around Thursday afternoon

“Let’s be honest. Missouri is not competing with Kansas in basketball and Kansas isn’t competing with Missouri in football.”
Steven St. John, discussing the lack of competitiveness in the border war rivalry that might end if MU bolts, 810 AM

“If the shoe was on the other foot, wouldn’t you be beating your chest as a Kansas fan? Didn’t we all bitch about how Texas ran this league? … Just think if the shoe was on the other foot for Kansas and Kansas State fans. That’s all I’m asking.”
Aaron Swarts, 810 AM

“I don’t really think this is big news. The SEC thing is happening and Missouri is going to move forward with the SEC. I don’t know what to do with this report (from the NY Times) other than it is being reported in New York.”
Soren Petro
, 810 AM

GH: This is big news. Yes, we have been aware that this MIGHT happen for some time. But it still has not actually occurred. When it does, it will change the Big 12 and the Kansas City sports landscape in ways we cannot yet comprehend. This is very big news.

Saulbadguy 10-19-2011 06:42 AM


Originally Posted by eazyb81 (Post 8005747)
Dammit, I hate waking up to see that I missed an epic wickeddumb temper tantrum.

I don't know, he's kinda grown on me.

track 10-19-2011 07:09 AM


Originally Posted by eazyb81 (Post 8005752)
......I would say the same thing if Kansas or Kansas State had Mizzou's options.... .

I don't believe most KU or KSU fans would feel the same. Kansas is a plain's state....never has had any connection to the deep south like Missouri has. A move to the SEC makes sense for MU....but not for Kansas or KSU if the tables were turned...unless the Big 12 was on the verge of collapse and there was no place else to go....which is not the case now or for the next 5 years.

I could see KU or KSU WANTING to be in the pac 12 or the big 10 or to a lessor extent the big east or the ACC if the big 12 was collapsing...but the SEC would be the absolute last place I would think their fans would want to go. On the other hand it seems to be a high priority for MU fans based on reports I have heard about the fan base's desire to go to the SEC.

eazyb81 10-19-2011 07:22 AM


Originally Posted by track (Post 8005794)
I don't believe most KU or KSU fans would feel the same. Kansas is a plain's state....never has had any connection to the deep south like Missouri has. A move to the SEC makes sense for MU....but not for Kansas or KSU if the tables were turned...unless the Big 12 was on the verge of collapse and there was no place else to go....which is not the case now or for the next 5 years.

I could see KU or KSU WANTING to be in the pac 12 or the big 10 or to a lessor extent the big east or the ACC if the big 12 was collapsing...but the SEC would be the absolute last place I would think their fans would want to go. On the other hand it seems to be a high priority for MU fans based on reports I have heard about the fan base's desire to go to the SEC.

I took that comment as referring to KU or KSU moving to a better and more stable conference, not only the SEC. If Big Ten or PAC came calling during this recent realignment craze, KU or KSU would not turn it down.

Saulbadguy 10-19-2011 07:27 AM


Originally Posted by eazyb81 (Post 8005806)
I took that comment as referring to KU or KSU moving to a better and more stable conference, not only the SEC. If Big Ten or PAC came calling during this recent realignment craze, KU or KSU would not turn it down.

That's true, but it's easy for me to envision each scenario, and i'd hate either the Pac-12 or the Big 10.

I'd rather the Big XII remain viable and for K-State to stay in it.

track 10-19-2011 07:32 AM


Originally Posted by eazyb81 (Post 8005806)
I took that comment as referring to KU or KSU moving to a better and more stable conference, not only the SEC. If Big Ten or PAC came calling during this recent realignment craze, KU or KSU would not turn it down.

If the big 10 or PAC came calling TODAY I believe they would turn it down...but there are those no doubt who might see it differently. Kansas ties to the old big six,eight and twelve run deep. If they had called last year or two months ago they would not have turned them down...they would have jumped at the opportunity...but the point is... times have changed fast in the conference realignment saga...most KSU and KU fans would view the SEC as a very last resort in my opinion. It's not that the SEC is a bad's a great's just historically and culturally a bad fit for Kansans...not as much so for missourians. JMO of course.

NewChief 10-19-2011 07:33 AM


Originally Posted by KChiefs1 (Post 8005520)
KK says Arkansas has been a nobody since they joined the SEC. Why wouldn't they like to join an easier conference like the Big 12?


Did he really say that?


Admittedly, we're just now experiencing, somewhat, consistent success in football (which I think we'll continue to experience as long as we have Petrino, love him or hate him). But we did, you know, win a national title in basketball while a member of the SEC. And won the SEC Championship another year. Of course, we've been down in basketball for a good long while now (which allowed our football to ascend), but I think b-ball is on the rebound here.

track 10-19-2011 07:35 AM


Originally Posted by Saulbadguy (Post 8005809)
That's true, but it's easy for me to envision each scenario, and i'd hate either the Pac-12 or the Big 10.

I'd rather the Big XII remain viable and for K-State to stay in it.

That's the way I would expect most KSU and KU fans to feel.

Saul Good 10-19-2011 07:45 AM

Kansas and KSU would be gone so fast it would make your head spin if the B1G, PAC, SEC, or ACC offered.

Saul Good 10-19-2011 07:49 AM


Originally Posted by NewChief (Post 8005817)

Did he really say that?


Admittedly, we're just now experiencing, somewhat, consistent success in football (which I think we'll continue to experience as long as we have Petrino, love him or hate him). But we did, you know, win a national title in basketball while a member of the SEC. And won the SEC Championship another year. Of course, we've been down in basketball for a good long while now (which allowed our football to ascend), but I think b-ball is on the rebound here.

I'm worried that, in the next hundred years, Mizzou will have more winless seasons than bowl game victories. That could never happen to a team in the Big XII except for when it happened to Kietzman's Wildcats over the last century which was just a century long fluke.

Frazod 10-19-2011 08:00 AM


Originally Posted by Saulbadguy (Post 8005768)
I don't know, he's kinda grown on me.

Hopefully you can find some sort of ointment for that.

Reaper16 10-19-2011 08:03 AM


Originally Posted by eazyb81 (Post 8005752)
“As a Kansas Citian, I’m conflicted. I understand how this hurts Kansas City. And that sucks! I don’t like that! You can be conflicted! Don’t let anybody else tell you how to feel! I think it’s great for Missouri that they’re moving on to the SEC. If I lived in St. Louis I wouldn’t give a damn about what was good for Kansas City. But I don’t. I live in Kansas City.”
Steven St. John, 810 AM

GH: SSJ’s point is exactly why the Big 12 is dysfunctional and much of our government doesn’t work – everybody is in it for what is best for them. It is not about what is best for me and my city. It should be what is best for my state, my country, my world – all the while understanding that sometimes my loss is our gain. Attend a school board meeting where they discuss re-districting if you want a firsthand view of this kind of small-minded me-first attitude.

lol wut

Saul Good 10-19-2011 08:09 AM


Originally Posted by ArrowheadHawk (Post 8005293)
If the longhorn network is such a big deal. Why isn't Florida's 100 million dollar deal with sun sports to broadcast their football games a big deal?

For starters, Sun Sports is not the Gator network. In addition to broadcasting professional sports, the network also partners with FSU and UCF. It also shows no live Gator football games.

In other words, its more bullshit journalism courtesy of Kevin Kietzman. Nothing new here.

Saul Good 10-19-2011 08:15 AM


Originally Posted by Reaper16 (Post 8005856)
lol wut

Yeah, he kind of lost me there, too.

duncan_idaho 10-19-2011 08:16 AM


Originally Posted by NewChief (Post 8005817)

Did he really say that?


Admittedly, we're just now experiencing, somewhat, consistent success in football (which I think we'll continue to experience as long as we have Petrino, love him or hate him). But we did, you know, win a national title in basketball while a member of the SEC. And won the SEC Championship another year. Of course, we've been down in basketball for a good long while now (which allowed our football to ascend), but I think b-ball is on the rebound here.

Yeah, he keeps pointing to Arkansas's losing record in SEC conference play since joining the SEC, but I think you guys are only like six or seven games under. And those include the disastrous attempts to find a coach between Hatfield and Houston Nutt.

Coaches are a critical factor in the SEC. You need a strong guy who recruits well and runs a consistent program. I think Pinkel resembles those remarks.

The key for Missouri over the next ten years is going to be hiring a equal or better football coach when Pinkel retires. Being in the SEC helps with prestige and it helps with having the money to spend on a high-profile guy.

The Tigers will have plenty to sell a big-time coach when the time comes (fourth-biggest state in the SEC, good local recruiting base, tradition of success recruiting Texas, $$$), and I'm confident the AD will continue to make the necessary commitment to its football coach.

In the Big 12, you're probably looking at bringing in someone like Dave Christensen. A head coach at a non-BCS league school.

In the SEC, you can still do that (for, say, Chris Peterson-level non-BCS coaches), or you can poach from other schools in BCS leagues. And if there's a hot assistant (ala Dan Mullen), you're a leading candidate there, too.

Pants 10-19-2011 08:20 AM


Originally Posted by MoreLemonPledge (Post 8005711)
Pissed me off to no end. Mizzou was punished for playing in the Conference Championship. They won the Big 12 North, beat KU head to head on a neutral site, and KU got the bowl.

**** the Big 12. Good riddance.

MU fans are not butthurt.

Saul Good 10-19-2011 08:29 AM


Originally Posted by Pants (Post 8005886)
MU fans are not butthurt.

It's called getting the last laugh.

Your coach? Fired in disgrace.
Your AD? Resigned in disgrace.
Your team? Is a disgrace.
Your conference? Crumbling.

Congratulations on that Orange Bowl, though. I'm sure your MWC will be impressed.

Pants 10-19-2011 08:37 AM


Originally Posted by Saul Good (Post 8005908)
It's called getting the last laugh.

Your coach? Fired in disgrace.
Your AD? Resigned in disgrace.
Your team? Is a disgrace.
Your conference? Crumbling.

Congratulations on that Orange Bowl, though. I'm sure your MWC will be impressed.

What's called getting the last laugh? Acting butthurt?

Coach fired in disgrace.
AD resigned in disgrace.
Our trophy display is not a barren wasteland.
Team is a disgrace. A coaching hire away from being fixed.
Crumbling Conference? Not as long as UT and OU are here. :D

Thanks for the congratulations. No amount of your butthurt will ever take that trophy away from KU. MWC? Maybe and maybe not. I guess we'll see, but I'm not too worried about it right now.

Bambi 10-19-2011 08:38 AM


Originally Posted by Saul Good (Post 8005908)
It's called getting the last laugh.

Your coach? Fired in disgrace.
Your AD? Resigned in disgrace.
Your team? Is a disgrace.
Your conference? Crumbling.

Congratulations on that Orange Bowl, though. I'm sure your MWC will be impressed.

oh man, I sucks to be a Kansas fan!

You've shown me the light.

Bambi 10-19-2011 08:41 AM


Originally Posted by Pants (Post 8005927)
What's called getting the last laugh? Acting butthurt?

Coach fired in disgrace.
AD resigned in disgrace.
Our trophy display is not a barren wasteland.
Team is a disgrace. A coaching hire away from being fixed.
Crumbling Conference? Not as long as UT and OU are here. :D

Thanks for the congratulations. No amount of your butthurt will ever take that trophy away from KU. MWC? Maybe and maybe not. I guess we'll see, but I'm not too worried about it right now.

I was gonna go for:

"120 years of an athletic department in disgrace"

But yours works too.

Saul Good 10-19-2011 08:48 AM

History...err...the PAC 10 plane awaits!

Pants 10-19-2011 08:49 AM


Originally Posted by Saul Good (Post 8005958)
History...err...the PAC 10 plane awaits!

I don't understand how MU fans can throw the PAC-10 thing around. We're not the school that was all "See ya pillowbiters!" only to find out they had been played.

eazyb81 10-19-2011 08:53 AM

Tom Shatel kills it in this article. Believe it or not, he actually uses logic instead of womanly emotion to make his point. CRAZY!


M-I-Z, S-E-C, Y-E-S

BY Tom Shatel | 10:43 pm, Tuesday, Oct. 18

Mizzou to the SEC? Yes, if possible. Absolutely. Tomorrow. Whenever.

I’ve had some requests to comment on this story, since I may have spent some time in Missouri, or so the rumor goes.

I hesitate to jump on this for one simple reason: it’s not a done deal yet.
Lots of folks are talking and writing like this is going to happen by Friday. But nothing is over until the fat lady sings. Or leaves Shakespeare’s.

So let’s go with a small disclaimer: IF the SEC is offering…

Then this is a no-brainer. And I don’t say that lightly.

I’m a son of the Big Eight Conference. Grew up in KC. I was raised on the Big Eight Holiday tournament, then post-season shindig starting in 1977. I saw Kim Anderson and Jim Kennedy fly over the press table against KU, saw Stan Ray take down K-State, Derrick Chievous and Lee Coward take on everyone. That tournament, in that town, is one of the great events in college sports. I’ve never been to the Big East shindig at MSG, but I can’t see how it could be better, more passionate, more electric than when the sparks that fly when MU-KSU-KU get together.

Mizzou heads south and that tourney changes, even if it stays. All of MU’s old Big Eight rivalries/series are gone. Probably even with Kansas, the border war that goes back to the Civil War. All that history is history. I don’t take it lightly. I understand the significance.

But I think a move south is a natural move, and I’ll go over a few points and then we can get back to watching Minnesota film.

1. If you turn it down, you’re betting your future that the Big 12 stays together. What has recent history taught us? Texas and Oklahoma hold the league together. Texas will do whatever is best for Texas. So will OU. You can’t trust Texas. And now you can’t trust Oklahoma. Just last month, OU was gone. Leaving. If the Pac-12 had bit its lip on the Longhorn Network, there would be no Big 12 today. The Pac-12′s last-minute stonewall doesn’t change that. Things could change in a year, three years. It happens. OU could leave again. So could Texas.

Yes, the TV tier one and two rights have been promised, and Texas can’t leave as long as the LHN is tethered to Bevo’s tail like an anchor. But how long will the LHN last? Who’s going to watch it, who’s going to distribute it nationally? I could be wrong on this. But I don’t see a long future for the LHN. And when UT and ESPN settle the money and say it was a nice try, then Bevo is free to entertain all offers.

Why would Texas leave the Big 12? Why did Texas want out of the SWC? At some point, Bevo gets tired of carrying the water for TCU, Baylor and the rest, and now ISU, KSU and KU are along for the ride. Moreover, Texas lives on the cutting edge, always pushing the envelope. Texas will eventually get bored in the Big 12.

That’s my opinion. But if you’re Missouri, do you really trust your future on Texas and Oklahoma saying they’re staying put?

Answer: If KU, K-State or Iowa State could leave, they’d do it.

2. Okay, so the Big 12 breaks up one day. What happens to Mizzou?

This notion that the Big Ten is going to be there to scoop up Ol’ Mizzou is a reach, and possibly a catastrophic miscalculation, in my opinion. Look, Jim Delany isn’t going to pick up teams like scraps to fill out a 16-hole scorecard. He may have to go 16 if the Pac-16 does, but would you bet on it? The Big Ten marches to its own drummer. Delany is very particular about who gets invited to The Club.

If the Big Ten does go to 16, I’d be willing to bet a $70 parking space across from Camp Randall Stadium that Delany already has a plan on paper somewhere in his desk. And if that plan included Missouri, why weren’t the Tigers taken last year?

If Mizzou is part of the Big Ten’s plan, why wouldn’t you step in now and take MU before the SEC does?

More than likely, because MU is not part of the Big Ten’s plan. Now. Or ever.

Maybe the Tigers would get saved by Delany. But if you’re MU, would you bet the future on that? And, wouldn’t you already have done some research with the folks in Chicago to see if that was the case?

3. This notion that Missouri football is going to get buried in the SEC is ridiculous. And short-sighted.

Historically, Missouri football can compete with anyone. It just does it in doses. Alabama? The Tigers went to Dixie and beat Bear Bryant in the opener in 1975. In 1978, Mizzou led ‘Bama — a Bryant team that would win the national championship that year — at the half before succumbing in the second half. MU seemed to win everywhere back then — USC, Ohio State, Notre Dame, Nebraska, then come home and lose to Kansas.

Mizzou football at its best, historically, has beaten the best. The problem
has always been consistency. And mismanagement. Coaches like John Cooper, LaVell Edwards and Joe Gibbs were passed over early in their careers for Warren Powers and Woody Widenhofer.

There’s absolutely no reason — none — that Mizzou can’t compete and beat Arkansas, Ole Miss, Mississippi State, Texas A&M, Tennessee, Vanderbilt and Kentucky — and I’ll throw in Georgia and South Carolina at the moment. LSU? ‘Bama? These things go in cycles. Back in the 1990′s, ‘Bama and LSU weren’t doing much. The power was Florida and Tennessee. Who’s to say Missouri couldn’t have its run?

This will put extreme heat on Gary Pinkel. He’s built a nice program, but he’s done it in the Big 12 North. He’ll have to upgrade the run game and defense or else. But imagine Pinkel’s offensive imagination with a reliable run game and defense.

Missouri has long been considered a sleeping giant, an underachiever, much like Texas A&M. Pinkel has done a better job at in-state recruiting. The facilities are there. Imagine what MU could do with the SEC brand, and later an SEC Network, and so many games on ESPN and CBS. Instead of Fx.

Meanwhile, Missouri hoops would do very well in the SEC. It would be one of the big dogs right away. The other sports? Challenges, sure. But the SEC isn’t really an upgrade from the Big 12 across the board of Olympic sports. In fact, you could argue that, this season, Big 12 football is deeper in quality.

Sure, going to the SEC is a risk, an all-in gamble, but life in the fast lane could be just what the program needs to get to the next level. I’m sure the good folks down south don’t fear either MU or A&M. But what if those two realize their potential in the fast lane? Could be a scary thought.

Here’s a scarier thought and a bigger gamble: staying put, then watching Texas fly the coop in six years. And watching Delany turn to the east coast, or, scoop up Texas and Notre Dame and call it good.

If those things don’t happen, and the Big 12 lives, then historians will say Missouri blew it. Except that Missouri will still be in the SEC, an equal partner in a national power, rather than waiting to see if Texas wants 10 teams or 12 teams or all home games.

The only gamble here is not taking the gamble. Pass the grits.

Frazod 10-19-2011 08:56 AM

I'm not sure what's funnier - Raiders trolls trying desperately to defend Carson Palmer or KU trolls and their love/hate/love/**** you/don't leave me/we backed into a BCS bowl once endless loop of fail.

It's nearly a toss up at this point.

Pants 10-19-2011 08:58 AM


Originally Posted by frazod (Post 8005980)
I'm not sure what's funnier - Raiders trolls trying desperately to defend Carson Palmer or KU trolls and their love/hate/love/**** you/don't leave me/we backed into a BCS bowl once endless loop of fail.

It's nearly a toss up at this point.

Once again, different KU fans think differently. We're not a hive mind, frazod. I'm pretty sure we all have our minds made up. There is no loop that is not propagated by both parties.

Frazod 10-19-2011 09:04 AM


Originally Posted by Pants (Post 8005982)
Once again, different KU fans think differently. We're not a hive mind, frazod.

Looks like you and Wickedson are making up your own hive.

Pants 10-19-2011 09:06 AM


Originally Posted by frazod (Post 8005996)
Looks like you and Wickedson are making up your own hive.

Uhh, no. I've been saying since day one, that if you guys have an offer from the SEC and it involves your school making a crapton more money, you would be fools not to leave the B12.

Sometimes Wickedson posts facts along with his opinions. Just because I post the same facts, doesn't mean I agree with all of his opinions. I'm sorry that those facts sting you, but they are what they are.

But you can go ahead and think whatever it is you want to think. :thumb:

Saul Good 10-19-2011 09:10 AM


Originally Posted by Pants (Post 8005965)
I don't understand how MU fans can throw the PAC-10 thing around. We're not the school that was all "See ya pillowbiters!" only to find out they had been played.

KU is as loyal as its options. If you could get the **** out of town, you would. If

Pants 10-19-2011 09:14 AM


Originally Posted by Saul Good (Post 8006017)
KU is as loyal as its options. If you could get the **** out of town, you would. If

We already covered this. But since you like these "endless loops" so much, I'll say it again... yes, if B12 was crumbling like it looked to be a couple months ago, I would want KU to GTFO if any sort of possibility presented itself. Now? Not so much.

And it has nothing to do with loyalty. I'm a pragmatist. I don't like to delve into the ****ing drama of loyalties and scorned wives, that shit you guys do is ridiculous. I want KU to stay in the B12 because it's the best fit geographically and culturally for our fans.

Saul Good 10-19-2011 09:22 AM

If the Big XII-2-1-1 were crumbling?

The BYU, Texas, and West Virginia culture is the best fit for Kansas?

Just wow

Pants 10-19-2011 09:27 AM


Originally Posted by Saul Good (Post 8006035)
If the Big XII-2-1-1 were crumbling?

The BYU, Texas, and West Virginia culture is the best fit for Kansas?

Just wow

I'm sorry, did I not say that as long as UT and OU are in the B12, it will remain viable? Is that not the opposite of crumbling?

I don't know about BYU, but West Virginia is culturally a Missourah clone with a better athletic program, so yeah, I'm down with them. And yeah, I think KU is a better fit with other Midwestern schools than the white-hood-wearing deep South.

Frazod 10-19-2011 09:30 AM


Originally Posted by Pants (Post 8006048)
I'm sorry, did I not say that as long as UT and OU are in the B12, it will remain viable? Is that not the opposite of crumbling?

I don't know about BYU, but West Virginia is culturally a Missourah clone with a better athletic program, so yeah, I'm down with them. And yeah, I think KU is a better fit with other Midwestern schools than the white-hood-wearing deep South.


Yeah, no butthurt here. None at all.

Pants 10-19-2011 09:31 AM


Originally Posted by frazod (Post 8006051)

Yeah, no butthurt here. None at all.

There really isn't.

eazyb81 10-19-2011 09:32 AM


Originally Posted by Pants (Post 8006048)
I'm sorry, did I not say that as long as UT and OU are in the B12, it will remain viable? Is that not the opposite of crumbling?

I don't know about BYU, but West Virginia is culturally a Missourah clone with a better athletic program, so yeah, I'm down with them. And yeah, I think KU is a better fit with other Midwestern schools than the white-hood-wearing deep South.

And dumbass posts like this is why you constantly get lumped in with Wickeddumb.

Pants 10-19-2011 09:34 AM


Originally Posted by eazyb81 (Post 8006053)
And dumbass posts like this is why you constantly get lumped in with Wickeddumb.

Which part do you disagree with?

P.S. I like Wicked. I like how he completely makes you guys lose your shit.

Frazod 10-19-2011 09:36 AM


Originally Posted by Pants (Post 8006056)
Which part do you disagree with?

P.S. I like Wicked. I like how he completely makes you guys lose your shit.

And he reduces every KU fan that posts in this thread to a window-licking reerun.

But hey, if you guys need a figurehead, that's your business.

Bambi 10-19-2011 09:37 AM


Originally Posted by eazyb81 (Post 8006053)
And dumbass posts like this is why you constantly get lumped in with Wickeddumb.

heh, I'm so hurt.

Wouldn't trade places with you for anything.

Well, maybe some national titles, conference titles and BCS...

But except for those things I would trade places with you.

Come join the lump!

Pants 10-19-2011 09:37 AM


Originally Posted by frazod (Post 8006061)
And he reduces every KU fan to a window-licking reerun.

But hey, if you guys need a figurehead, that's your business.

I can't speak for other fans, but he's not my figurehead.

evenfall 10-19-2011 09:38 AM


Originally Posted by Pants (Post 8006048)
I'm sorry, did I not say that as long as UT and OU are in the B12, it will remain viable? Is that not the opposite of crumbling?

I don't know about BYU, but West Virginia is culturally a Missourah clone with a better athletic program, so yeah, I'm down with them. And yeah, I think KU is a better fit with other Midwestern schools than the white-hood-wearing deep South.

You guys aren't going to understand until Texas and Oklahoma leave you in a mid major conference, which they would do tomorrow if they could.

Pants 10-19-2011 09:38 AM


Originally Posted by evenfall (Post 8006065)
You guys aren't going to understand until Texas and Oklahoma leave you in a mid major conference, which they would do tomorrow if they could.

Where are they going to go?

Bambi 10-19-2011 09:38 AM


Originally Posted by frazod (Post 8006061)
And he reduces every KU fan that posts in this thread to a window-licking reerun.

But hey, if you guys need a figurehead, that's your business.

Please .

I've got 3,000 posts and make you lay awake at night fuming.

It's almost too much for. Makes me feel guilty.

Bambi 10-19-2011 09:40 AM


Originally Posted by evenfall (Post 8006065)
You guys aren't going to understand until Texas and Oklahoma leave you in a mid major conference, which they would do tomorrow if they could.

Oklahoma is sending the volleyball team to Pullman?

Frazod 10-19-2011 09:40 AM


Originally Posted by Pants (Post 8006063)
I can't speak for other fans, but he's not my figurehead.

Oh he most definitely is.

Thank God there is no MU equivalent. But if there was, you can rest assured that I wouldn't find his antics cute just because his rampant level of idiocy annoyed other posters.

eazyb81 10-19-2011 09:41 AM


Originally Posted by evenfall (Post 8006065)
You guys aren't going to understand until Texas and Oklahoma leave you in a mid major conference, which they would do tomorrow if they could.

But ku is a mid-major school and their fans own it. They don't fear ending up in an actual mid-major conference. They love having a shit football program if they can excel in one secondary sport, and frankly they fit in with commuter schools like Memphis, Louisville, and Cincinnati more than large land-grant universities.

It is for the best that this is all happening.

Pants 10-19-2011 09:41 AM


Originally Posted by frazod (Post 8006070)
Oh he most definitely is.

Not really.

Saul Good 10-19-2011 09:42 AM


Originally Posted by Pants (Post 8006048)
I'm sorry, did I not say that as long as UT and OU are in the B12, it will remain viable? Is that not the opposite of crumbling?

I don't know about BYU, but West Virginia is culturally a Missourah clone with a better athletic program, so yeah, I'm down with them. And yeah, I think KU is a better fit with other Midwestern schools than the white-hood-wearing deep South.

So you're not a fit with the deep South, so you're hitching your wagon to Texas and Oklahoma. That makes sense.

Bambi 10-19-2011 09:43 AM


Originally Posted by Pants (Post 8006073)
Not really.

I never speak for any other KU fan.

Making that assumption just shows how shortsighted a person really is.

Either that or simple blinding anger.

eazyb81 10-19-2011 09:43 AM


Originally Posted by Saul Good (Post 8006074)
So you're not a fit with the deep South, so you're hitching your wagon to Texas and Oklahoma. That makes sense.

They have ties going back to the mid 90's, they wouldn't dream of breaking that tradition to join a major conference.

Pants 10-19-2011 09:44 AM


Originally Posted by eazyb81 (Post 8006071)
But ku is a mid-major school and their fans own it. They don't fear ending up in an actual mid-major conference. They love having a shit football program if they can excel in one secondary sport, and frankly they fit in with commuter schools like Memphis, Louisville, and Cincinnati more than large land-grant universities.

It is for the best that this is all happening.

See, frazod, this is what butthurt looks like.

eazyb81 10-19-2011 09:44 AM


Originally Posted by Pants (Post 8006080)
See, frazod, this is what butthurt looks like.

What do I have to be butthurt about? Just explaining the ku mindset.

BigCatDaddy 10-19-2011 09:45 AM


Originally Posted by eazyb81 (Post 8006071)
But ku is a mid-major school and their fans own it. They don't fear ending up in an actual mid-major conference. They love having a shit football program if they can excel in one secondary sport, and frankly they fit in with commuter schools like Memphis, Louisville, and Cincinnati more than large land-grant universities.

It is for the best that this is all happening.

Are you seriously trying to lump mens's basketball in with all the other "secondary sports"?

Frazod 10-19-2011 09:45 AM


Originally Posted by Wickedson (Post 8006067)
Please .

I've got 3,000 posts and make you lay awake at night fuming.

It's almost too much for. Makes me feel guilty.

You're the dumbest sonofabitch ever to post here. You make CoMo look like a Rhodes scholar. You make Hootie look dignified and mature. You are the BB laughingstock and viewed as a pariah by nearly all of your fellow KU types, and the only person who tolerates your antics is a guy who just thinks it's funny that your dumbassery annoys other people.

Yeah, you must be really proud. LMAO

Pants 10-19-2011 09:46 AM


Originally Posted by eazyb81 (Post 8006082)
What do I have to be butthurt about? Just explaining the ku mindset.

Well saying something as reeruned as "They love having a shit football program" can only be ascribed to a butthurt ****. I know you're not stupid so that leaves me with only one other possibility, does it not?

eazyb81 10-19-2011 09:47 AM


Originally Posted by BigCatDaddy (Post 8006083)
Are you seriously trying to lump mens's basketball in with all the other "secondary sports"?

Of course. Men's basketball revenue is much closer to men's baseball than football. Football drives the bus and funds the rest of the teams at most schools.

Bambi 10-19-2011 09:48 AM


Originally Posted by frazod (Post 8006084)
You're the dumbest sonofabitch ever to post here. You make CoMo look like a Rhodes scholar. You make Hootie look dignified and mature. You are the BB laughingstock and viewed as a pariah by nearly all of your fellow KU types, and the only person who tolerates your antics is a guy who just thinks it's funny that your dumbassery annoys other people.

Yeah, you must be really proud. LMAO

Maybe its time you rounded up the Wicked 21 again.

Talk about maturity.

Frazod 10-19-2011 09:49 AM


Originally Posted by Pants (Post 8006087)
Well saying something as reeruned as "They love having a shit football program" can only be ascribed to a butthurt ****. I know you're not stupid so that leaves me with only one other possibility, does it not?

Yet accusing an entire conference of being pointy-hat wearing racists and likening Missouri (or, as you put it, "Missourah") to West Virginia was enlightened and well-reasoned, correct?

eazyb81 10-19-2011 09:49 AM


Originally Posted by Pants (Post 8006087)
Well saying something as reeruned as "They love having a shit football program" can only be ascribed to a butthurt ****. I know you're not stupid so that leaves me with only one other possibility, does it not?

The commitment to football from the university and fanbase is the same as the commuter schools I mentioned, if not worse.

Bambi 10-19-2011 09:49 AM


Originally Posted by eazyb81 (Post 8006089)
Of course. Men's basketball revenue is much closer to men's baseball than football. Football drives the bus and funds the rest of the teams at most schools.

And yet your school has less than KU.

I wonder why that is...... hmmmmmmmmm

Frazod 10-19-2011 09:50 AM


Originally Posted by Wickedson (Post 8006093)
Maybe its time you rounded up the Wicked 21 again.

Talk about maturity.

Are those the same 21 guys who'll get your rep back in the green? ROFL

Bambi 10-19-2011 09:53 AM


Originally Posted by Pants (Post 8006087)
Well saying something as reeruned as "They love having a shit football program" can only be ascribed to a butthurt ****. I know you're not stupid so that leaves me with only one other possibility, does it not?

If KU has a "shit program" then what does MU have?

Did MU get good all of a sudden?

What is their record this year?

Pants 10-19-2011 09:54 AM


Originally Posted by Saul Good (Post 8006074)
So you're not a fit with the deep South, so you're hitching your wagon to Texas and Oklahoma. That makes sense.

I'm hitching my wagon to the Midwest (which is admittedly much more barren now, seeing as 90% of the Midwestern teams have left) and to the Southwest.

eazyb81 10-19-2011 09:54 AM


Originally Posted by Wickedson (Post 8006099)
And yet your school has less than KU.

I wonder why that is...... hmmmmmmmmm

I would guess it is because 1) you are thrilled with excelling in a secondary sport and pour everything into it, and 2) Big 12 football TV contracts are very weak. Both points have been discussed constantly in this thread so try to think before posting again in the future.

Kansas football, a program your fanbase couldn't care less about, still brings in more revenue than basketball. Hmmmmm indeed.

Bambi 10-19-2011 09:54 AM


Originally Posted by frazod (Post 8006104)
Are those the same 21 guys who'll get your rep back in the green? ROFL

Get it going.

I want to see if you can find more than 21 this time around.

You put so much time into I'd feel terrible if your efforts weren't rewarded this time.

Mr. Plow 10-19-2011 09:55 AM


Originally Posted by eazyb81 (Post 8006071)
But ku is a mid-major school and their fans own it. They don't fear ending up in an actual mid-major conference. They love having a shit football program if they can excel in one secondary sport, and frankly they fit in with commuter schools like Memphis, Louisville, and Cincinnati more than large land-grant universities.

It is for the best that this is all happening.

Again, we do excel at a secondary sport. And it sucks to constantly be in the National Title talk in that sport nearly every year. I know you aren't used to talking about being in the National Title hunt, but it's fun....even if it is just basketball.

You guys can enjoy....well, whatever the **** a football team that is 1 game ahead of lowly KU in the shitty Big 12 enjoys.

Good luck in the SEC. I'm sure with all the domination of the Big 12 you guys have had, your 1st SEC championship is just right around the corner.

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