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Planetman 08-16-2012 01:47 AM


Originally Posted by Dr. Johnny Fever (Post 8821630)
posting with one arm.... i'm not dead yet. Damn that's a grip....

Note to self: Fever's girlfriend gives a dangerous hand job.

Dr. Johnny Fever 08-16-2012 01:58 AM


Originally Posted by Planetman (Post 8821633)
Note to self: Fever's girlfriend gives a dangerous hand job.

That ain't no shit.... sheesh.

JD10367 08-16-2012 05:45 AM


Originally Posted by Dr. Johnny Fever (Post 8821570)
My new gf likes rough sex. She wants to be tied, choked and beaten. Damn she's cute but I'm not really into all that. I'm not sure what to do here.

Give her my number. :D

Sofa King 08-16-2012 07:20 AM


Originally Posted by Dr. Johnny Fever (Post 8821613)
I'm about 220 and she's 96 and I'm pretty sure she can kick my ass. She's all muscles and hair. I'm goin in.... wish me luck.


JD10367 08-16-2012 07:30 AM


Originally Posted by Hulk Hogan (Post 8821787)

I know. He makes her sound like the killer Zuni fetish doll from "Trilogy of Terror".


In58men 08-16-2012 08:59 AM


Originally Posted by JD10367 (Post 8821688)
Give her my number. :D

I don't mind sloppy thirds.

JD10367 08-16-2012 09:06 AM


Originally Posted by Inmem58 (Post 8822020)
I don't mind sloppy thirds.

I'm a sharer. We'll flip and the winner gets to pick which end he wants to start on. :D

In58men 08-16-2012 09:09 AM


Originally Posted by JD10367 (Post 8822033)
I'm a sharer. We'll flip and the winner gets to pick which end he wants to start on. :D

I'm in, tails never fails.

I'm going straight to the ass

rico 08-18-2012 08:39 AM

I just saw this guy that I wrote about in my blog.... just saw him at a flea market (probably looking for Rude Dog shirts). Seeing him, obviously made me think of writing the story about him, so here it is:

My Name Raymin
by Rico Swaff on March 11, 2011

I know this little feller who refers to himself as “Raymin.”

Raymin wasn’t his real name. His real name was “Raymond.” However, when he told me his name (which ended up being a billion times), he pronounced his name as “Raymin.” He’d say, “my name Raymin.”

You are probably wondering why this little feller told me that his name was Raymin a billion times. Well, I can explain.

I have always gotten a kick out of peoples’ reactions to absurdity. Even if I am the one who has to play the role of the “absurdity” that people are faced with. On many occasions throughout my life, I have purposely set up my surroundings in a manner that would provoke funny reactions from people. One of my many methods of accomplishing this was by purposely referring to someone as the wrong name multiple times and acting as if I didn’t have a clue that I was constantly referring to them as the wrong name. Sometimes (definitely in Raymin's case) I would act like I was confusing their name with one of their brothers. I wouldn’t be finished after referring to them by the wrong name once. Sometimes I would purposely refer to them as an incorrect name almost 100 times. No joke. Sometimes I would refer to them as the incorrect name just a few seconds after they clarified that their actual name was something different than what I had just called them. For example, I approached Kent and said, “hey Jerome, how ya doin, buddy?” Kent replied with, “you got it wrong again for the 10th day in a row. My name is Kent, my brother’s name is Jerome.” I would apologize by saying, “ah shoot, I’m sorry about that, Jerome. I won’t make that mistake again.” Kent would roll his eyes and I could see him thinking to himself, “wow that Swafford guy is stupid.” Although I wanted to burst out with laughter, I would maintain a very serious expression on my face while performing this routine. Most of the people who I would do this to would look at me as if I am the epitome of world’s dumbest person. I loved it. It sounds weird, but my intentions were not making fun of these people. I was basically trying to provoke an amusing reaction from them. If someone caught on to the fact that I wasn’t being serious, I would stop. However, in most cases, in their heads, they thought I was stupid as hell, so my own jokes were at least partially on me.

Raymin had one of the funniest reactions.

When I was a junior in high school, I would lift weights during my open campus hour. At my high school, the weight room and wrestling room were connected to each other. In order for someone to get to the wrestling room, they had to walk through the weight room first. When I would lift weights, a class full of kids who were roughly 4-5 years younger than me would walk through the weight room to do exercises in the wrestling room for P.E. class. In this class, there was a kid who stuck out to me. It was Raymin. I knew who he was because he had a brother in my grade. Let’s just pretend his brother’s name was “Adam.” His bro’s name wasn’t Adam, I just don’t want to publicly and completely give this poor guy’s identity away in case he had an issue with me writing about him in my blog. Raymin stuck out in the crowd to me because he often wore a Rude Dog t-shirt. Seeing Rude Dog when I was 17 years old made me smile inside because 10 years earlier, I was a 7 year old boy who sported Rude Dog shirts on an almost daily basis. I always felt like a total badass when I wore those shirts. Wearing Rude Dog shirts as a 7 year old subconsciously made me feel like I was 5 inches taller, 50 pounds heavier and able to beat up anyone between the ages of 0 and 13. By the time I was a junior in high school, it was an extremely rare occasion to spot someone wearing a Rude Dog shirt, but when these sightings occurred, it was inevitable to be the highlight of my day.

One day when Raymin and his classmates were walking through the weight room on their way to the wrestling room, I decided to confuse Raymin with his brother. I was like, “hey Adam! How ya doin, homeslice?” He looked at me and was like, “huh?” I repeated myself, “hey Adam! How ya doin, homeslice?” As he stared at me with a confused expression on his face, he responded, “my name not Adam, my name Raymin!” The confusion in his eyes as he was staring at me appeared as if he were watching a bunch of tiny grasshoppers do rope climbs on my eye lashes. I acted shocked and was like, “your name Raymin?” He responded, “yeah! My name Raymin!” I asked one more time just to clarify, “so…your name, Raymin?” He insisted, “yeah! My name Raymin!”

For the next half-hour, I lifted weights and Raymin’s class did whatever it was they did in the wrestling room. When Raymin’s class finished and walked back through the weight room, I decided to push things a step further. When I saw Raymin walk by sportin his bodacious Rude Dog shirt, I shouted, “hey Raymin! Come here real quick!” Raymin would walk over to me and be like, “yeah?” I asked again, “your name Raymin?” He replied calmly, “yeah, my name Raymin.” Then I was like, “your name Raymin?! Whoa! MY NAME Raymin! MY NAME…Raymin!!!” (Just to clarify, my name isn’t actually Raymin. I was just being a jackass.) The expression on his face showed even more confusion, as if the tiny grasshoppers that were doing rope climbs on my eye lashes were being simultaneously humped in the ass by even tinier grizzly bears. It made me wonder if he had ever met another Raymin in his life. He replied innocently, “your name Raymin?! My name Raymin……..OUR name Raymin!!!” It was as if I could literally see him calculating the possessive pronoun equation in his head; “your name + my name = our name.” The conversation concluded by me saying, “yeah that’s right Raymin! Our name Raymin… our name Raymin, Raymin.”

For the remainder of the semester, at least 2 times per week, this exact conversation would occur almost word for word. Each “your name Raymin?” conversation seemed like a carbon copy of the original. I always got such a kick out of it because he never seemed to remember that we had the conversations to begin with. Again, it seriously wasn’t my intention to make fun of the kid or make him look or feel stupid. If anything, I was just trying to get a reaction from him. A reaction to my own purposely performed stupidity.

The following year I saw Raymin walking through the hallway at school. I was excited to see him even though he wasn’t sporting the Rude Dog shirt anymore. This year, he was all about wearing FUBU clothes. When I saw him, I enthusiastically shouted at him, “hey Adam! How’d your summer go, homeslice?” He responded angrily with, “MY NAME RAYMIN, MOTHER****ER!” I was momentarily shocked by his hostility, but took it all in stride. I just said, “oh I’m sorry about that Raymin, my bad.” He was like, “that’s aight, dawg.” I remember thinking to myself, “wow, Raymin became an angry kid over the summer. What is it about that FUBU brand that gives kids such an attitude? Raymin – Rude Dog shirt + FUBU shirt = angry Raymin.”

I ran into Raymin a few years later. It was the day after I was beaten to a bloody pulp by 3 guys, one who was wearing brass knuckles and a pair of steel toed boots.

The day after I was beaten by three guys, one who had brass knuckles and steel-toed boots.

I was walking down the street by the park in my hometown and Raymin walked up to me and was like, “whoa, what the **** happened to your face, Raymin?!” It was eye-opening to me, although my eyes wouldn’t open due to being swollen shut. Not only did Raymin recognize me with my face beat to shit, but he also remembered me from our conversations in the weight room a few years earlier and truly believed that my name was Raymin. And I thought he had forgotten me every time we had the “your name Raymin?” conversation. I was dead wrong.

I explained to him what happened to my face and he asked what I was going to do in retaliation against the people who had done it to me. I told him I didn’t know yet, but was thinking about it, which basically meant that I hadn’t planned on doing anything. He informed me that he would have my back if he ever ran into these people. I was like, “oh thanks Raymin.” He also said that if it had happened to him, he would find each one of them on a blisteringly hot, sunny day, tie them to a tree, whip them with horse whips, throw salt on their backs and let them fry in the sun for a few hours. I nodded my head while he told me this and simultaneously thought to myself, “note to self: Stay on Raymin’s good side. Don’t piss him off or your back will resemble a giant piece of fried chicken. His method of retaliation sounds pretty painful.”

That was 8 years ago and I haven’t seen or heard from Raymin since. I hope Rude Dog has led him in the right path in life.

UPDATE 8/18/2012: Apparently, Rude Dog has led him to a flea market, where he is presumably browsing for Rude Dog shirts. Not a bad path, I guess.

rico 08-18-2012 10:46 AM

Sometimes people try so hard looking for "the perfect" parking spot that they end up spending so much more time driving around and looking for "the perfect" parking spot than they would walking the extra distance between the first noticed available parking spot and the perfect parking spot. Ironically, the people who I notice doing this the most are people who could probably benefit from walking the extra distance. I usually take the closest available parking spot that I see unless it's cold...because screw......cold.

In58men 08-18-2012 11:49 AM

Off to see Kevin Hart perform tonight.

Looking forward to some good times and good laughs.

Bump 08-19-2012 07:28 PM

almost to the last round in a fantasy league that starts 2 QB's each week and Cassel is still there, lol.

lewdog 08-19-2012 07:32 PM


Originally Posted by Bump (Post 8833758)
almost to the last round in a fantasy league that starts 2 QB's each week and Cassel is still there, lol.

Dude, grab him. Can't believe a Probowl QB fell that low!!!!

Direckshun 08-20-2012 12:39 AM

She is so beautiful.

I wish I was better to her.

I still can be.

But that's such a mountain to climb.

booger 08-20-2012 12:41 AM

climb on that mountain until it bucks you off...pussy

Hammock Parties 08-20-2012 12:42 AM

Just bought this.

And this.


booger 08-20-2012 12:46 AM


Originally Posted by Cassel's Reckoning (Post 8834608)

for old time's sake

Hammock Parties 08-20-2012 12:48 AM

I bought those so I could have some fun with my virgin cousin. LMAO

booger 08-20-2012 12:49 AM


Originally Posted by Cassel's Reckoning (Post 8834616)
I bought those so I could have some fun with my virgin cousin. LMAO

i didn't know you were from arkansas

booger 08-20-2012 12:51 AM

i think it's ok there if you bring a Dr.'s note

Direckshun 08-20-2012 01:17 AM

45 minutes.

Allow your life to change.

45 minutes.

Luke Warm 08-20-2012 05:53 AM

This is long do I have to go before I can change this ****ing avatar?

And it beings CHIEFSplanet, why is there no default CHIEFS avatars?

JD10367 08-20-2012 06:04 AM


Originally Posted by Direckshun (Post 8834604)
She is so beautiful.

I wish I was better to her.

I still can be.

But that's such a mountain to climb.

Useless without pics. We'll judge if you need to be better to her or not.

Setsuna 08-21-2012 04:02 PM

So there is this chick I met at a house party. Friend of the girl who invited me. So we, I guess, in my opinion, enjoyed each other's company strictly through conversation. So she leaves and gives me a hug and tells me she wants to see me again, or hopes she sees me again. Then friends me on Facebook, either that night or the next day since I only checked it that next day. So anyway, I knew this halfway through that night, she is married. She just invited me to trivia with her husband tonight. But what she did was she made a wall post and tagged my friend who had the house party, another girl who was at the house party as well, me, and my friend who is a guy. So she tagged 2 girls and 2 guys. I'm certain I'd be the only one to go as the 2 girls are doing something else and the other dude has 2 small children and one on the way and doesn't have time. Now unfortunately I am attracted to this woman and I just honestly don't feel comfortable going since I'll know no one but the married chick I just met. Then having to meet the husband would be very uncomfortable for me. I just feel that if I was the husband, and out of the people she invited, I was the only one to show up, that would be weird. I just want to confirm that I am right not to go. Plus I'm black, so...thoughts?

lewdog 08-21-2012 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by Setsuna (Post 8839071)
So there is this chick I met at a house party. Friend of the girl who invited me. So we, I guess, in my opinion, enjoyed each other's company strictly through conversation. So she leaves and gives me a hug and tells me she wants to see me again, or hopes she sees me again. Then friends me on Facebook, either that night or the next day since I only checked it that next day. So anyway, I knew this halfway through that night, she is married. She just invited me to trivia with her husband tonight. But what she did was she made a wall post and tagged my friend who had the house party, another girl who was at the house party as well, me, and my friend who is a guy. So she tagged 2 girls and 2 guys. I'm certain I'd be the only one to go as the 2 girls are doing something else and the other dude has 2 small children and one on the way and doesn't have time. Now unfortunately I am attracted to this woman and I just honestly don't feel comfortable going since I'll know no one but the married chick I just met. Then having to meet the husband would be very uncomfortable for me. I just feel that if I was the husband, and out of the people she invited, I was the only one to show up, that would be weird. I just want to confirm that I am right not to go. Plus I'm black, so...thoughts?

First off, congratulations on being black. Not many can claim that publicly on a board for sports teams in the state of Missouri without being banned immediately.

And yes you are correct, no way in hell would I touch that situation with a 10 ft pole. Doesn't matter how attracted you are to her and given the fact that you aren't showing up with some other friends, would leave the very real possibility of it being just you, her and her husband. Yikes!

Setsuna 08-21-2012 04:39 PM


Originally Posted by lewdog (Post 8839170)
First off, congratulations on being black. Not many can claim that publicly on a board for sports teams in the state of Missouri without being banned immediately.

And yes you are correct, no way in hell would I touch that situation with a 10 ft pole. Doesn't matter how attracted you are to her and given the fact that you aren't showing up with some other friends, would leave the very real possibility of it being just you, her and her husband. Yikes!

EXACTLY! Thanks man. I just needed another confirmation on the situation.

ROFL I WAS banned then I threatened them with the Black Panthers and they lifted it within a half hour.

lewdog 08-21-2012 05:05 PM


Originally Posted by Setsuna (Post 8839195)
EXACTLY! Thanks man. I just needed another confirmation on the situation.

ROFL I WAS banned then I threatened them with the Black Panthers and they lifted it within a half hour.

Good to hear, don't let the man keep you down!

I always wished I had black friends growing up because all the athletes I idolized were black, but there aren't many up in Montana.

Setsuna 08-21-2012 05:56 PM


Originally Posted by lewdog (Post 8839284)
Good to hear, don't let the man keep you down!

I always wished I had black friends growing up because all the athletes I idolized were black, but there aren't many up in Montana.

I don't think there are any in Montana except maybe halfsies.

Dr. Johnny Fever 08-21-2012 08:12 PM

I had a really great ****ing day and I'm really ****ing happy about it.

luv 08-23-2012 02:59 PM

To celebrate Chiefs fans, @Gatorade has released a limited edition Kansas City Chiefs bottle. Check it out!

Mr. Flopnuts 08-23-2012 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by Setsuna (Post 8839458)
I don't think there are any in Montana except maybe halfsies.

They're called Halfricans. You should ****ing know this!

Pasta Little Brioni 08-23-2012 08:47 PM

So long Boogie...

Dr. Johnny Fever 08-23-2012 08:48 PM

I passed 30k posts and didn't even notice. I'm such a loser.

luv 08-24-2012 06:44 AM

So, I'm going to a birthday party at a pretty divy bar Saturday night. It's a themed party, and the theme is "People of Walmart". Theme dressing is mandatory. Ideas?

Rasputin 08-24-2012 07:16 AM

Am annoyed at my neighbor across the street who yesterday offered me $10.00 a week so he can use my trash bin just so he doesn't have to pay the city the $75.00 deposit for a trash unit.

Is this a normal thing for neighbors to ask of there neighbor? This kind of puts me in an awkwardness towards them. They seem nice people but I don't want to share my trash unit with them or anyone. If I go take my trash out and its full of there trash, then WTF?!? am I to do? :grr:

Mr. Flopnuts 08-24-2012 07:23 AM


Originally Posted by KC Tattoo (Post 8846904)
Am annoyed at my neighbor across the street who yesterday offered me $10.00 a week so he can use my trash bin just so he doesn't have to pay the city the $75.00 deposit for a trash unit.

Is this a normal thing for neighbors to ask of there neighbor? This kind of puts me in an awkwardness towards them. They seem nice people but I don't want to share my trash unit with them or anyone. If I go take my trash out and its full of there trash, then WTF?!? am I to do? :grr:

Just tell them that. If they're assholes about it, **** em. You don't want to associate with them anyway. If they take it too far tell them to keep the money and they can use your trash receptacle as long as the wife will be your sperm receptacle. Barter.

Rasputin 08-24-2012 07:33 AM


Originally Posted by Mr. Flopnuts (Post 8846920)
Just tell them that. If they're assholes about it, **** em. You don't want to associate with them anyway. If they take it too far tell them to keep the money and they can use your trash receptacle as long as the wife will be your sperm receptacle. Barter.

you havn't seen his wife. :Lin:

Not to be mean about it but DAMN

Mr. Flopnuts 08-24-2012 07:35 AM

Oh. Well tell her she won't fit in there then. :D

bevischief 08-24-2012 08:14 AM


Originally Posted by Mr. Flopnuts (Post 8846946)
Oh. Well tell her she won't fit in there then. :D


JD10367 08-28-2012 06:11 PM

I don't think we give enough credit to the old-time hotties. I haven't seen any John Wayne movies, and AMC had a marathon last week so I DVRed a bunch. I'm watching "McLintock!" (1963). A 43-year-old Maureen O'Hara and a 41-year-old Yvonne DeCarlo, and I'd :hump: both of those MILFs. (And a 21-year-old Stefanie Powers, if you're not into the MILFs).

Last week I watched another John Wayne movie, "Rio Bravo" (1959), starring a then 28-year-old Angie Dickinson. Having never known her as anything but the middle-aged "Police Woman", I had no idea she was that attractive when younger (and before they invented plastic surgery).

bevischief 08-28-2012 06:12 PM

Then the midgets

Pasta Little Brioni 08-28-2012 06:27 PM

took a dump

bevischief 08-28-2012 06:54 PM

Then the supergay

Pasta Little Brioni 08-28-2012 07:07 PM

spread like wildfire

pimpchief 08-28-2012 07:19 PM


Originally Posted by Luke Warm (Post 8834702)
This is long do I have to go before I can change this ****ing avatar?

And it beings CHIEFSplanet, why is there no default CHIEFS avatars?

yea I wanted to know about this too

bevischief 08-28-2012 07:19 PM

then the aids

Pasta Little Brioni 08-28-2012 08:16 PM

took over pimpchief

SAUTO 08-28-2012 08:27 PM

He's just a baby
Posted via Mobile Device

HoneyBadger 08-28-2012 08:31 PM


Originally Posted by Luke Warm (Post 8834702)
This is long do I have to go before I can change this ****ing avatar?

And it beings CHIEFSplanet, why is there no default CHIEFS avatars?

Temper, temper little man.

Lumpy 08-30-2012 12:07 PM

So... I'm at the shop by myself today and this grungy trucker walked into the lobby area. I asked him, "may I help you?", and he asked if he could use our phone because he was out of minutes on his cell. I apologized and told him that the only phones that we have are in our production area and I couldn't let him go in that area due to insurance reasons.

He gave me a mean look and started mumbling something about he would need to drive all the way to Council Bluffs, IA, it would only take a second to use our phone, blah, blah, blah...

I apologized again and firmly reiterated our policy. He then started glancing at the door to the production area. At that point, I began prepping myself to kick this guy's ass if he was to try anything stupid.

Anyway, I suggested that he could go across the parking lot to the mechanic shop, (the guy over there annoys me, so why not send the guy over there to bug him? lol). He says, "okay, I'll see if they'll let me use their phone", and walks out the door.

The freaky part is that he went straight for his truck, hopped in, and took off down the road. I couldn't see his plates very well and it was an unmarked truck.

Before anyone asks... yes, the door is now locked and I have a billy-club next to my desk.

Rasputin 08-31-2012 08:43 AM

By chance?!?!? Any one out there have a vehicle they don't have a need of but runs with out any problems that they would be happy to give me er trade for a POS that IS POS blazer with transmission issues? I'd be willing to throw in some serious CC monies on top of it. TIA :thumb:

Just thought I'd ask.

bevischief 09-02-2012 05:42 AM


Pasta Little Brioni 09-02-2012 05:49 AM

It's raining midgets

bevischief 09-02-2012 05:59 AM

More rain!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pasta Little Brioni 09-02-2012 06:00 AM

Oh the hugemanatee

bevischief 09-02-2012 06:02 AM


Pasta Little Brioni 09-02-2012 06:13 AM

shot own rain

bevischief 09-02-2012 06:14 AM

then the aids

Pasta Little Brioni 09-02-2012 06:16 AM

headed for PileHigh

bevischief 09-02-2012 06:18 AM

and killed everyone

Setsuna 09-02-2012 10:31 AM


Originally Posted by Mr. Flopnuts (Post 8844987)
They're called Halfricans. You should ****ing know this!


I didn't know that. Tom's have limited knowledge on such things. :(

Pasta Little Brioni 09-02-2012 12:21 PM

then that Setsuna

bevischief 09-02-2012 12:32 PM

and the rabbits

threebag 09-02-2012 12:37 PM

Cauterized their Assholes

bevischief 09-02-2012 12:39 PM

to prevent the

In58men 09-02-2012 01:17 PM

wrong thread queers

bevischief 09-02-2012 01:59 PM

Inmem58 is a

douche bag commie

In58men 09-02-2012 02:02 PM


Originally Posted by bevischief (Post 8872827)
Inmem58 is a

badass mother****er homie

Gonzo 09-02-2012 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by Lumpy (Post 8864777)
So... I'm at the shop by myself today and this grungy trucker walked into the lobby area. I asked him, "may I help you?", and he asked if he could use our phone because he was out of minutes on his cell. I apologized and told him that the only phones that we have are in our production area and I couldn't let him go in that area due to insurance reasons.

He gave me a mean look and started mumbling something about he would need to drive all the way to Council Bluffs, IA, it would only take a second to use our phone, blah, blah, blah...

I apologized again and firmly reiterated our policy. He then started glancing at the door to the production area. At that point, I began prepping myself to kick this guy's ass if he was to try anything stupid.

Anyway, I suggested that he could go across the parking lot to the mechanic shop, (the guy over there annoys me, so why not send the guy over there to bug him? lol). He says, "okay, I'll see if they'll let me use their phone", and walks out the door.

The freaky part is that he went straight for his truck, hopped in, and took off down the road. I couldn't see his plates very well and it was an unmarked truck.

Before anyone asks... yes, the door is now locked and I have a billy-club next to my desk.

Bag of rape...

threebag 09-02-2012 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by Inmem58 (Post 8872832)
badass mother****er homie

When Riding Baloney

Setsuna 09-02-2012 08:40 PM

**** yall bitches

JD10367 09-02-2012 08:54 PM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 8872846)
Bag of rape...

Admit it, she didn't recognize you, and you had been hoping to fulfill your lifelong "grungy trucker forces himself on desk clerk" fantasy scenario, but she killed your stiffie by not letting you use the phone so you had to drive away and beat off in the next parking lot. :D

bevischief 09-03-2012 06:00 AM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 8872846)
Bag of rape...

She lucked out on so many levels.

Pasta Little Brioni 09-03-2012 06:22 AM

midgets raped inmem58

bevischief 09-03-2012 06:25 AM

then came the

Pasta Little Brioni 09-03-2012 06:26 AM

dwarfs as well

bevischief 09-03-2012 06:35 AM

said what the

threebag 09-03-2012 07:07 AM

**** is happening

bevischief 09-03-2012 07:12 AM

the midgets have

threebag 09-03-2012 07:19 AM

Left The Building

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