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MAHOMO 4 LIFE! 05-29-2020 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by sedated (Post 14993835)
This idea was floated when Rodgers was negotiating his most recent deal with GB. IIRC it was not allowed under the CBA. I'm not sure if they changed that in the new CBA, but I cannot imagine that would be 1) wanted by the owners or 2) a big sticking point with a majority of the players.

It was also rumored that he would have an opt-out after every year. That also did not happen.

Louis Riddick who is very connected said Mahomes may have a percentage tied to the cap or the ability to renegotiate his deal anytime he wants

DJ's left nut 05-29-2020 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by MAHOMO 4 LIFE! (Post 14993839)
Louis Riddick who is very connected said Mahomes may have a percentage tied to the cap or the ability to renegotiate his deal anytime he wants

I'd blow the salary scale out of the water before I did that.

You just cannot build a team when you're worried about your quarterback opting out at any time. It's an impossible ask and it's why so many of those NBA contracts that are 1 year deals with subsequent option years will hamstring teams. Because you can NEVER take a step back and in a league with a hard cap, you have maybe 3-4 years before that catches up with you and blows the whole roster apart.

Every few years has to be a 'placeholder' season where you clear the books a bit, re-set and re-load the following season. And if you worry about your QB getting frustrated and walking away (or you can't ever know what his demands will be so you can't budget around them) you can't ever make truly responsible long-term decisions.

I'd rather overpay him and KNOW I'm doing so and in what amounts for a set period of time.

Chief Northman 05-29-2020 03:54 PM

Disappointing to hear this news. Chiefs have not been forthright regarding these negotiations.

OKchiefs 05-29-2020 04:22 PM

Jesus Christ. They had better get a deal done, otherwise they should have traded him before the draft. Otherwise he walks next year for a measly 3rd round compensatory, probably to a division rival? **** that.

dlphg9 05-29-2020 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by DJ's left nut (Post 14993849)
I'd blow the salary scale out of the water before I did that.

You just cannot build a team when you're worried about your quarterback opting out at any time. It's an impossible ask and it's why so many of those NBA contracts that are 1 year deals with subsequent option years will hamstring teams. Because you can NEVER take a step back and in a league with a hard cap, you have maybe 3-4 years before that catches up with you and blows the whole roster apart.

Every few years has to be a 'placeholder' season where you clear the books a bit, re-set and re-load the following season. And if you worry about your QB getting frustrated and walking away (or you can't ever know what his demands will be so you can't budget around them) you can't ever make truly responsible long-term decisions.

I'd rather overpay him and KNOW I'm doing so and in what amounts for a set period of time.

I've never been mad at Mahomes and don't care how much they pay him, but if he made the Chiefs add in an opt out clause he would lose a ton of my support/admiration/love/lust for him. Id still want him, but id be pissed.

RunKC 05-29-2020 06:09 PM

This has been in the works for over a year, so I’m not worried about not talking. I’ll get worried if it’s July 15th and this isn’t done.

These things always get done at the last minute. But I will say that if it doesn’t, we’re looking at a hold out, and I wouldn’t blame Chris one damn bit for that.

MAHOMO 4 LIFE! 05-29-2020 06:48 PM


Originally Posted by RunKC (Post 14994030)
This has been in the works for over a year, so I’m not worried about not talking. I’ll get worried if it’s July 15th and this isn’t done.

These things always get done at the last minute. But I will say that if it doesn’t, we’re looking at a hold out, and I wouldn’t blame Chris one damn bit for that.

Veach says a deal will get done. I have no reason to question him otherwise. Like you said these things don’t usually happen until a week or so before the deadline

BigRedChief 06-01-2020 08:08 AM

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smithandrew051 06-01-2020 08:27 AM

Nice message from Jones. Very well worded.

Also, I haven’t seen this thread in awhile. The initial reactions to picking him are hilarious.

KChiefs1 06-07-2020 08:57 AM


Originally Posted by smithandrew051 (Post 14998383)
Nice message from Jones. Very well worded.

Also, I haven’t seen this thread in awhile. The initial reactions to picking him are hilarious.

Dante provides quite a service to us. Thanks Dante!

Tribal Warfare 07-26-2020 06:09 PM

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Best pass-rush win rate on 3rd down last season:<br><br>1. Chris Jones - 29.8%<br>2. J.J.Watt - 29.4%<br>3. Joey Bosa - 29.3% <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; PFF (@PFF) <a href="">July 26, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

BossChief 07-26-2020 08:24 PM

The more he gets premier coaching from Daly, the more he will reach his potential. I don’t think we’ve seen anything close to his ceiling.

Tribal Warfare 09-07-2020 11:21 PM

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Highest WIN% among interior DL in 2019:<br><br>1. Aaron Donald - 21.9%<br>2. Calais Campbell - 17.9%<br>3. Chris Jones - 17.6%<br>4. Javon Hargrave - 17.1%<br>5. Kenny Clark - 15.8% <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; PFF (@PFF) <a href="">September 8, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

KChiefs1 09-08-2020 03:56 PM

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

DJ's left nut 09-08-2020 04:34 PM

Man, Staylor - how'd I become the "Hates Chris Jones" guy in your world?

I mean this is my first post in the official Chris Jones thread!

I mean yeah, I undersold him (most notably w/r/t his first step), but he did need to be coached out of the pad-level thing and he's largely done that. And the off/on effort thing was a problem even coming into the 2019 season, when I think he largely fixed it.

For a guy who has no qualms saying I flat out loathe a player ({cough} Breeland Speaks {coughcough}) I think that's a pretty measured criticism of a player who I flat said I didn't mind, even if I didn't like their approach in getting him.

Ultimately my concerns over the 5th year option may/may not have amounted to anything though. Bottom line was that the guy became TOO good for the 5th year option to matter much (guys at his level don't play on that 5th year tag) and then he took such an incredibly team friendly deal that we probably weren't going to be able to leverage that deal any further than we leveraged overall good will.

Did he end up being a better player than I thought he'd be? No question - but I hardly said "**** this scrub - he blows...". I saw some areas of concern, laid out some real strengths and said - "this is fine player but an awfully odd way to go about getting him..."

EDIT: The real 'win' in the trade down, though, ended up being Charvarius Ward. Man, what a friggen rehab job that was. Turning a pretty cruddy trade-down and pick (Ehinger) into a legitimate starting CB on a peanuts contract was just a masterstroke from Veach. Full marks for that one, Bert.

staylor26 09-08-2020 04:38 PM

This is why I’ve said that in the past DJ:


Originally Posted by DJ's left nut (Post 12171336)
That would be a TERRIBLE pick.

Too early at a position that's way too deep. Even if you think Jones is a 1st round talent (he isnt), there will be a player almost exactly like him available at the back of the second and I wouldn't be surprised to see a similar player still there in the third.

That would be a truly awful selection.

DJ's left nut 09-08-2020 04:43 PM


Originally Posted by staylor26 (Post 15154339)
This is why I’ve said that in the past DJ:

But when we actually made the pick and I had a chance to sit down and look at how the draft went, I think I provided a pretty damn measured take on it. Even if it ultimately ended up being wrong (and I have conceded that fact), I damn sure didn't 'hate on Chris Jones...'

Hard to look at my analysis of the player before the pick and my analysis of the pick shortly after it and say I shit all over the dude. Especially when put in the context of my...uh...semi-aggressive approach to criticism. I'll lead with my chin, to be sure, but I was hardly having a full-on Dexter McCluster meltdown over him.

staylor26 09-08-2020 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by DJ's left nut (Post 15154350)
But when we actually made the pick and I had a chance to sit down and look at how the draft went, I think I provided a pretty damn measured take on it. Even if it ultimately ended up being wrong (and I have conceded that fact), I damn sure didn't 'hate on Chris Jones...'

Hard to look at my analysis of the player before the pick and my analysis of the pick shortly after it and say I shit all over the dude. Especially when put in the context of my...uh...semi-aggressive approach to criticism. I'll lead with my chin, to be sure, but I was hardly having a full-on Dexter McCluster meltdown over him.

That’s fair and I agree, just saying that’s where I got it from.

DJ's left nut 09-08-2020 04:56 PM


Originally Posted by staylor26 (Post 15154356)
That’s fair and I agree, just saying that’s where I got it from.

And ultimately, in the post you quoted, at that time I was still weighing need too heavily.

It's really just been in the last 3 years I've decided that EVERY position is a position of need in the NFL over the length of a rookie contract. So with Poe and Howard there, I understated the utility of another DT, especially while we were running a 3-4 (though I did get his potential as a 5-tech right; but that came after the post in question). I wouldn't have taken that hard-line of a stance w/r/t positional value today.

The decline of Howard and Poe, and the fairly rapid ascension of Jones, probably had something to do with that re-calibration. 1 year later we'd have been proper ****ed without Jones. And ultimately it was my one-man bandwagon for Hockenson when we had Kelce in his prime that ultimately led to me talking myself into that stance pretty firmly.

Need just means so little on days 1 and 2. Those guys, if they hit, will FIND their way into the starting lineup. So just draft for ability. In that regard Terez (pretty sure he wrote the article in question) had it absolutely right.

Tribal Warfare 09-08-2020 06:56 PM

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

RealSNR 09-08-2020 08:25 PM


Originally Posted by DJ's left nut (Post 15154375)
And ultimately, in the post you quoted, at that time I was still weighing need too heavily.

It's really just been in the last 3 years I've decided that EVERY position is a position of need in the NFL over the length of a rookie contract. So with Poe and Howard there, I understated the utility of another DT, especially while we were running a 3-4 (though I did get his potential as a 5-tech right; but that came after the post in question). I wouldn't have taken that hard-line of a stance w/r/t positional value today.

The decline of Howard and Poe, and the fairly rapid ascension of Jones, probably had something to do with that re-calibration. 1 year later we'd have been proper ****ed without Jones. And ultimately it was my one-man bandwagon for Hockenson when we had Kelce in his prime that ultimately led to me talking myself into that stance pretty firmly.

Need just means so little on days 1 and 2. Those guys, if they hit, will FIND their way into the starting lineup. So just draft for ability. In that regard Terez (pretty sure he wrote the article in question) had it absolutely right.

So in other words you didn't go full kccrow on Willie Gay?

We haven't even seem him play a lousy preseason down of football. Just saying. Kccrow roasted Veach over that pick. Did not like it at all.

BossChief 09-08-2020 09:43 PM


Originally Posted by Tribal Warfare (Post 15154581)
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Man. I hope nobody on this team ever gets coronavirus. If one gets it, they’re all getting it.

DJ's left nut 09-09-2020 08:25 AM


Originally Posted by RealSNR (Post 15154671)
So in other words you didn't go full kccrow on Willie Gay?

We haven't even seem him play a lousy preseason down of football. Just saying. Kccrow roasted Veach over that pick. Did not like it at all.

Yeah, that was one of the more virulent outbursts on a pick that was otherwise pretty well received I've seen in a bit.

I think he did what all of us draft nerds do on occasion - he went over the top in his criticism of the pick not because of who was picked specifically, but because of who WASN'T picked.

My memory is that he really liked Logan Wilson and thought he should've been the guy. I understand his affinity for Wilson but I really think you're trading a lot of ceiling for floor in that exchange. Wilson's maybe a safer bet with a shallower learning curve, but I don't think he has nearly Gay's ceiling and 3-down potential.

I did it with the Poe pick years ago - I really liked DeCastro and Brockers so I hated the Poe pick. As violently as any pick the Chiefs have made in 20 years. And it was to the point where I didn't even necessarily analyze the player much - I just hated who he wasn't (with bonus points for the fact that Fat Scott made it and I was firmly in the '**** fat scott' camp).

Otherwise I don't understand how one can be so loudly anti-Willie Gay. That's a whole shitload of talent in the late 2nd. Even if the pick doesn't work out, the reasons for making it are just incredibly clear.

Chris Meck 09-09-2020 08:51 AM


Originally Posted by DJ's left nut (Post 15155205)
Yeah, that was one of the more virulent outbursts on a pick that was otherwise pretty well received I've seen in a bit.

I think he did what all of us draft nerds do on occasion - he went over the top in his criticism of the pick not because of who was picked specifically, but because of who WASN'T picked.

My memory is that he really liked Logan Wilson and thought he should've been the guy. I understand his affinity for Wilson but I really think you're trading a lot of ceiling for floor in that exchange. Wilson's maybe a safer bet with a shallower learning curve, but I don't think he has nearly Gay's ceiling and 3-down potential.

I did it with the Poe pick years ago - I really liked DeCastro and Brockers so I hated the Poe pick. As violently as any pick the Chiefs have made in 20 years. And it was to the point where I didn't even necessarily analyze the player much - I just hated who he wasn't (with bonus points for the fact that Fat Scott made it and I was firmly in the '**** fat scott' camp).

Otherwise I don't understand how one can be so loudly anti-Willie Gay. That's a whole shitload of talent in the late 2nd. Even if the pick doesn't work out, the reasons for making it are just incredibly clear.

So you're saying people have a tendency to overreact due to their own personal biases and emotional attachments on Chiefsplanet? No way. I don't see it.

ThaVirus 09-14-2020 03:17 PM

Does anyone else get the vibe like he's about to go off again for 15+ sacks?

They showed him a couple times during the anthem and dude was bouncing around impatiently like a caged tiger. He's got this look in his eye.

RealSNR 09-14-2020 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by Chris Meck (Post 15155256)
So you're saying people have a tendency to overreact due to their own personal biases and emotional attachments on Chiefsplanet? No way. I don't see it.

**** you!!!!!!!111

Chiefspants 09-14-2020 03:31 PM

Only thing I was bummed about concerning all of the NFL Films stuff that just released was the complete lack of attention they paid to Chris’ deflections in the SB. It figures, deflections aren’t sexy, but we likely don’t win without them.

MAHOMO 4 LIFE! 09-14-2020 03:35 PM

Jones said he wants to break the sack record. He is literally the second best DT in the NFL and the difference between #2 and #3 Fletcher Cox is a big difference

dlphg9 09-14-2020 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by DJ's left nut (Post 15155205)
Yeah, that was one of the more virulent outbursts on a pick that was otherwise pretty well received I've seen in a bit.

I think he did what all of us draft nerds do on occasion - he went over the top in his criticism of the pick not because of who was picked specifically, but because of who WASN'T picked.

My memory is that he really liked Logan Wilson and thought he should've been the guy. I understand his affinity for Wilson but I really think you're trading a lot of ceiling for floor in that exchange. Wilson's maybe a safer bet with a shallower learning curve, but I don't think he has nearly Gay's ceiling and 3-down potential.

I did it with the Poe pick years ago - I really liked DeCastro and Brockers so I hated the Poe pick. As violently as any pick the Chiefs have made in 20 years. And it was to the point where I didn't even necessarily analyze the player much - I just hated who he wasn't (with bonus points for the fact that Fat Scott made it and I was firmly in the '**** fat scott' camp).

Otherwise I don't understand how one can be so loudly anti-Willie Gay. That's a whole shitload of talent in the late 2nd. Even if the pick doesn't work out, the reasons for making it are just incredibly clear.

I was 100% sure that we would be drafting Poe and I was 100% pissed by it. I didn't want him. I was just absolutely sure he was gonna be a bust. I told my brother in law "Were gonna pick Poe and when we do this remote is going through the TV screen", I didnt do it, but god damn I was pissed. I was completely wrong about him too.

I do not understand how anyone can be so completely against Gay though. He was our 2nd round pick, filled a position of need, and has extreme potential.

htismaqe 09-14-2020 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by dlphg9 (Post 15168089)
I was 100% sure that we would be drafting Poe and I was 100% pissed by it. I didn't want him. I was just absolutely sure he was gonna be a bust. I told my brother in law "Were gonna pick Poe and when we do this remote is going through the TV screen", I didnt do it, but god damn I was pissed. I was completely wrong about him too.

I do not understand how anyone can be so completely against Gay though. He was our 2nd round pick, filled a position of need, and has extreme potential.

I understand how people can be against Gay. They wanted a LB that could contribute right away. Gay was never going to be that guy.

And after seeing the LB's play the other night, all it did was kind of bolster that argument.

dlphg9 09-14-2020 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by MAHOMO 4 LIFE! (Post 15168072)
Jones said he wants to break the sack record. He is literally the second best DT in the NFL and the difference between #2 and #3 Fletcher Cox is a big difference

Our D line played like absolute monsters against the Texans. If (we will) we play like that in every game there's a damn good chance Chris Jones is getting 16+ sacks. Im so excited to watch him the rest of the year. So far this year and last year are the only times I can remember being excited about watching both Offense and Defense

Pitt Gorilla 09-14-2020 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by htismaqe (Post 15168092)
I understand how people can be against Gay. They wanted a LB that could contribute right away. Gay was never going to be that guy.

And after seeing the LB's play the other night, all it did was kind of bolster that argument.

I don't think Chief Fan has any idea how difficult it is to play linebacker in the NFL.

htismaqe 09-14-2020 05:21 PM


Originally Posted by Pitt Gorilla (Post 15168288)
I don't think Chief Fan has any idea how difficult it is to play linebacker in the NFL.

Most fans don't. Especially when it comes to the guys that call the plays. For all of his faults, Hitchens is the guy out there getting everybody else organized.

R Clark 09-14-2020 05:26 PM

Yeah I don’t think he’s as bad as some think

JimNasium 09-14-2020 05:46 PM

When did the Jones thread become Gay?

Tribal Warfare 09-14-2020 07:44 PM


Originally Posted by JimNasium (Post 15168368)
When did the Jones thread become Gay?

Is there are link to Wille Jr

htismaqe 09-14-2020 08:06 PM

If you really want to talk about Jones' Willie, go watch his 40 at the combine.

dlphg9 09-15-2020 07:30 AM


Originally Posted by htismaqe (Post 15168690)
If you really want to talk about Jones' Willie, go watch his 40 at the combine.

You trying to get people killed!? Something that large, moving that fast could kill a grown man. Especially after it broke out of its container.

Megatron96 09-15-2020 11:33 AM


Originally Posted by htismaqe (Post 15168301)
Most fans don't. Especially when it comes to the guys that call the plays. For all of his faults, Hitchens is the guy out there getting everybody else organized.

Hitchens has led the team in tackles for at least the last two seasons.

Plus, he gets the front lined up properly much more consistently than any other LB we have. So even if he wasn't making all those tackles he's still the QB of the defensive front.

dlphg9 09-15-2020 11:36 AM


Originally Posted by Megatron96 (Post 15170014)
Hitchens has led the team in tackles for at least the last two seasons.

Plus, he gets the front lined up properly much more consistently than any other LB we have. So even if he wasn't making all those tackles he's still the QB of the defensive front.

Yeah and Matt Cassell was QB of the offense and had the most passing yards. Hes better than Cassell's LB equivalent, but you get the point.

Megatron96 09-15-2020 11:54 AM


Originally Posted by dlphg9 (Post 15170016)
Yeah and Matt Cassell was QB of the offense and had the most passing yards. Hes better than Cassell's LB equivalent, but you get the point.

Would it be nice to have Mike Singletary/Brian Urlacher/Mike Ditka? Of course. Unfortunately those don't grow on trees. What we have is more of a Chris Spielman without Spielman's instincts and intelligence.

But there's no question that without Hitchens on the field our front isn't nearly as effective, so all things being equal, I'd rather have Hitchens on the field doing the things he does well.

CORRECTION: not Ditka LMAO; Butkus. Somehow got those two confused.:LOL:

Tribal Warfare 10-22-2020 12:34 AM

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Highest pass-rush grades among DL:<br>1. Chris Jones - 91.7<br>2. Aaron Donald - 90.8<br>3. Myles Garrett - 90.6 <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; PFF (@PFF) <a href="">October 22, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Tribal Warfare 10-25-2020 07:41 PM

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Thank you! We’ll be back next week. Hope you enjoyed the show 👏🏾🤟🏾✌🏾 <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Chris Jones (@StoneColdJones) <a href="">October 26, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

KChiefs1 01-30-2021 06:47 PM

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

smithandrew051 01-30-2021 06:57 PM

Man the initial reactions to this pick are really something.

suzzer99 02-01-2021 08:34 AM

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">I was just going through all my pics and videos from the game Sunday. I found this random 5 second video in my gallery and it just so happened to be of the exact moment that Chris Jones threw a punch at Feliciano <a href="">@MongoFeliciano</a> . <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#BillsMafia</a> <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#BuffaloBills</a> <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#chiefs</a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; MC_McD (@MrsTomFoolery) <a href="">January 27, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Check out #76 Jon Feliciano 1) look at the ref, 2) punch Jones in the kidney, 3) flop when Jones punches back, 4) look back at the ref to try to get Jones ejected.

TNTEICHER 02-01-2021 08:44 AM

Jones has demonstrated a very real Brady dislike. I'm expecting great things from him Sunday.

Toad 02-01-2021 10:45 AM


Originally Posted by suzzer99 (Post 15521138)
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">I was just going through all my pics and videos from the game Sunday. I found this random 5 second video in my gallery and it just so happened to be of the exact moment that Chris Jones threw a punch at Feliciano <a href="">@MongoFeliciano</a> . <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#BillsMafia</a> <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#BuffaloBills</a> <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#chiefs</a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; MC_McD (@MrsTomFoolery) <a href="">January 27, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Check out #76 Jon Feliciano 1) look at the ref, 2) punch Jones in the kidney, 3) flop when Jones punches back, 4) look back at the ref to try to get Jones ejected.

Great catch. Had not seen the #76 kidney punch. Wow!

Pitt Gorilla 02-01-2021 02:00 PM

He and Wharton are going to abuse the inside of Tampa's OL.

htismaqe 02-01-2021 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by Toad (Post 15521286)
Great catch. Had not seen the #76 kidney punch. Wow!

Yeah, it was obvious in some of the pics that Feliciano punched him in the back.

staylor26 02-01-2021 02:22 PM

So all the crying about Jones not getting a penalty was horseshit.

Pitt Gorilla 02-01-2021 02:23 PM


Originally Posted by staylor26 (Post 15521727)
So all they crying about Jones not getting a penalty was horseshit.

Feliciano is lucky he didn't get dick-whipped.

morphius 02-01-2021 02:25 PM


Originally Posted by Toad (Post 15521286)
Great catch. Had not seen the #76 kidney punch. Wow!

Yes! I called that from the beginning. Glad there is finally some video of it!

JohnnyV13 02-01-2021 02:28 PM


Originally Posted by oaklandhater (Post 12204690)
Terrible pick.

Almost as good as his political opinions

staylor26 02-01-2021 02:38 PM


Originally Posted by staylor26 (Post 12204725)
Top 15 talent.

1st page...

KChiefs1 02-01-2021 04:07 PM

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Chris Jones is coming old man. <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#RunItBack</a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Hudi Productions (@hudsononeill15) <a href="">February 1, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

KChiefs1 02-01-2021 04:08 PM

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">.<a href="">@Chiefs</a> DL Chris Jones is LIVE for <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#SBOpeningNight</a>! <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#SBLV</a> <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#RunItBack</a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; NFL (@NFL) <a href="">February 1, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Pitt Gorilla 02-01-2021 04:10 PM


Originally Posted by Pitt Gorilla (Post 12204775)
If you like measurables (like Poe), you love this pick.

Wow, great call PG!

BossChief 02-01-2021 06:03 PM


Originally Posted by BossChief (Post 12207778)
And he was one of the 25 players the NFL invited to Chicago.

Kid has nearly unlimited upside and talks with all the swagger you could want in a player.

When they asked him who he thinks he can be, he immediately and confidently said JJ Watt.

I know that's far fetched, but his kid has a very high ceiling.


Originally Posted by BossChief (Post 12219474)
Let's not set unrealistic expectations for the kid. We're all excited about his potential, but we should be ready for his rookie year to be very underwhelming. Very, very few Dal transition to the NFL and are productive players right away.

I'm kinda expecting him to suck as a rookie.

But 2 years from now....


He has exceeded expectations

crispystl 02-01-2021 06:35 PM


Originally Posted by TNTEICHER (Post 15521142)
Jones has demonstrated a very real Brady dislike. I'm expecting great things from him Sunday.

I think the entire team feels that way.

smithandrew051 02-01-2021 06:43 PM


Originally Posted by carcosa (Post 12204755)

A few more Super Bowls and All Pro seasons and this looks like a solid prediction

Hammock Parties 08-20-2021 11:00 PM

Looking really good on the edge.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Chris Jones is pretty good. <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Eddie High (@EddieHigh) <a href="">August 21, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Nice tackle by Ward <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Eddie High (@EddieHigh) <a href="">August 21, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Chris Meck 08-21-2021 07:31 AM

Worrying about where Jones lines up is dumb, in my opinion. He's a stud, and he came into camp in stellar shape and ready to dominate.

The D-line in general looks really good, as Wharton, Ward, Saunders, and Danna all look like solid pieces too. Reed will be Reed, and Clark will most likely be the same guy from 2020.

What's interesting is with a Mathieu deal, a Brown deal, etc. what they'll do with the line in 2022. I expect Reed is a one year guy, and Clark's gone. Probably restock in the draft and bargain bin. So a lot depends on how the youngsters go this season.

Toad 11-24-2021 09:30 AM

Sack Nation DPOTW
Chris Jones’s monster day against Cowboys earns him DPOW honors for Week 11

arrwheader 11-24-2021 09:34 AM

Fitting we get this news this week, Chris jones with that Turkey between his legs get the award!

Dunerdr 11-24-2021 09:35 AM

It's strange that this thread wasnt bumped until now after he saddled up and rode five cowboys offensive linemen last weekend.

jjchieffan 11-24-2021 09:35 AM

I was expecting to see that. He dominated from start to finish. 11-24-2021 09:36 AM

It wasn't like he was kicking a backup G's ass either. It was Zach Martin.

That's one of the if not the best game Jones has played as a Chief.

Hammock Parties 11-24-2021 09:42 AM

He got sacks at 3 different positions on the DL.

I bet we haven't had someone since DT do that.

ThaVirus 11-24-2021 09:42 AM


Originally Posted by (Post 15974431)
It wasn't like he was kicking a backup G's ass either. It was Zach Martin.

That's one of the if not the best game Jones has played as a Chief.

Right before the game I saw a stat that Martin hadn't allowed a sack in a couple years (I want to say maybe 2019..?) and the last person who beat him for that sack.. Aaron Donald.

dlphg9 11-24-2021 11:37 AM

Chris Jones is a ****ing animal and Wallcrawler is a little bitch

Wallcrawler 11-24-2021 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by dlphg9 (Post 15974664)
Chris Jones is a ****ing animal and Wallcrawler is a little bitch


This is what it's like to live rent free in the shit filled head of dilphag9. Jones FINALLY lives up to his billing, and Lil dilphag9's first thought is of me.

I'm flattered. Truly.

I wonder if you fapped yourself into dehydration to that game. I'll bet you believe that this singular performance vindicates everything you spewed about wanting Jones to be highest paid defender in the league. If we were paying guys based on the results of one game, then you might have a case.

Credit where it's due. Jones wrecked that game with 4 sacks and a tip for a pick. I'd be remiss if I did not add that it's about ****ing time. 11 games in we finally get the Jones we paid for. Let's hope it wasn't a one night only performance.

Let's see more, and more importantly, Let's see it in the postseason. We made him an 80 million dollar dt to get more championships, and unless I missed it, there was no Lombardi trophy presented after beating an overreated, shitty ****ing Dallas Cowboys team.

Put another performance like that up on Teddy Businessdecision, and carry game wrecking performances like this into the post season and I may have to reevaluate my view of overpaying for Jones.

dlphg9 11-25-2021 11:37 AM


Originally Posted by Wallcrawler (Post 15974990)

This is what it's like to live rent free in the shit filled head of dilphag9. Jones FINALLY lives up to his billing, and Lil dilphag9's first thought is of me.

I'm flattered. Truly.

I wonder if you fapped yourself into dehydration to that game. I'll bet you believe that this singular performance vindicates everything you spewed about wanting Jones to be highest paid defender in the league. If we were paying guys based on the results of one game, then you might have a case.

Credit where it's due. Jones wrecked that game with 4 sacks and a tip for a pick. I'd be remiss if I did not add that it's about ****ing time. 11 games in we finally get the Jones we paid for. Let's hope it wasn't a one night only performance.

Let's see more, and more importantly, Let's see it in the postseason. We made him an 80 million dollar dt to get more championships, and unless I missed it, there was no Lombardi trophy presented after beating an overreated, shitty ****ing Dallas Cowboys team.

Put another performance like that up on Teddy Businessdecision, and carry game wrecking performances like this into the post season and I may have to reevaluate my view of overpaying for Jones.

Dip shit acting like he hasn't lived up to his contract based on a few game stretch this year while he was injured. You're such a pillowbiter

RunKC 11-25-2021 11:57 AM

Chris is elite when he’s on but his motor runs so hot and cold. There was a month there where I barely saw him do anything.

He’s gotta be more consistent.

Chiefspants 11-25-2021 12:06 PM

It’s pretty incredible to see the amount of hate both Jones and our selection of him in the second round had on the front page of this thread. I think Jones is an example of when a “toolsy” guy hits his ceiling in absolutely every way. What a dominant player.

Halfcan 11-25-2021 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 15974441)
He got sacks at 3 different positions on the DL.

I bet we haven't had someone since DT do that.

Jones had a top 10 defensive performance in Chiefs history against the Cow Girls.

Even on plays that did not register a stat, he was still being disruptive and opening up holes for other players.

Ingram and Jones are game wreckers.

Halfcan 11-25-2021 12:12 PM


Originally Posted by RunKC (Post 15975683)
Chris is elite when he’s on but his motor runs so hot and cold. There was a month there where I barely saw him do anything.

He’s gotta be more consistent.

It is called playing through an injury.

Wallcrawler 11-25-2021 12:52 PM


Originally Posted by dlphg9 (Post 15975665)
Dip shit acting like he hasn't lived up to his contract based on a few game stretch this year while he was injured. You're such a bundle of sticks

Dumb cock smoker acting like one game justifies 80 million. You're such an ass ramming uncle raper.

But let's look at last year too shall we dilphag9?

You're right. He sacked the shit out of Tom Brady in both of those big Tampa Bay games last year. Especially that Superbowl performance!!!

Oh wait...

Never laid a finger on the oldest, slowest qb in the league? On the absolute biggest stage there is? Lombardi on the line?

Whaaat? Nooooo.

Money well spent eh, dilphag9?

Let me guess, he was hurt then too eh?


The Franchise 11-25-2021 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by Chiefspants (Post 15975691)
It’s pretty incredible to see the amount of hate both Jones and our selection of him in the third round had on the front page of this thread. I think Jones is an example of when a “toolsy” guy hits his ceiling in absolutely every way. What a dominant player.

He wasn’t drafted in the third round.

Chiefspants 11-25-2021 12:58 PM


Originally Posted by The Franchise (Post 15975741)
He wasn’t drafted in the third round.

2nd round - my bad. Baby brain has been jumbling me up lately.

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